Spiritual Theology Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
The prayer of a Christian is the subject of his daily care in the process of spiritual development. We can say that without it and its dynamic development it is not possible for the spiritual progress of the Christian and the Church in... more
The prayer of a Christian is the subject of his daily care in the process of spiritual development. We can say that without it and its dynamic development it is not possible for the spiritual progress of the Christian and the Church in which he or she lives. It is also a very extensive subject of research and scientific work in the field of theology and especially the theology of spirituality. Hence, it must be treated in a multi-faceted and multi-directional way. Among all the different categories of prayer, community prayer and common prayer are very important. This distinction is necessary because it reveals to us the truth that every prayer has a communal character, but it is not always common. However, prayer celebrated together is the source of Christian life and the Church, and it is the clearest and most readable testimony of faith.
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- Theology, Liturgy, Spirituality, Prayer
Il presente studio si propone di sottolineare la necessità che la teologia spirituale – anche sull’impulso dato da papa Francesco in Evangelii gaudium –, oltre che sui percorsi proposti dai grandi mistici, dia grande valore ai principi... more
Il presente studio si propone di sottolineare la necessità che la teologia spirituale – anche sull’impulso dato da papa Francesco in Evangelii gaudium –, oltre che sui percorsi proposti dai grandi mistici, dia grande valore ai principi evangelici come tali. Se, infatti, si vuole che la chiamata universale alla santità, cioè la possibilità di poter arrivare a sperimentare, con Paolo e tutti i santi, che una vera vita di fede è una vita in Cristo, non solo questa (la santità) deve poter realizzarsi nei «distinti generi di vita» (LG 41), ma anche in ogni semplice esistenza, fatta di gioie e sofferenza, e non unicamente nelle grandi esperienze di fede o di grandi “notti oscure”, come nella vita di alcuni santi eccezionali. In altre parole, anche le santificazioni “feriali” (vedi alcuni santi semplici o semplicemente santi) devono essere prese in seria considerazione, oltre che dalla predicazione, anche dalla teologia della vita spirituale che – sempre più – dovrà divenire semplicemente teologia della vita cristiana. In pienezza, certo!, come auspicava Giovanni Paolo II nella Novo millennio ineunte, ma anche “semplicemente” cristiana. In concreto, ci sembra che la santità come vocazione di tutti non sia ancora stata studiata guardando alla santità anonima (§ 3) o valorizzando il comune denominatore (§ 4)
The following are Chapters and side-bars I have contributed to compilations: “The Study of Spirituality,” Orlando O. Espín, ed., The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Latino/a Theology, Oxford, UK: Wiley Blackwell, 2015, 421-438. “La... more
SCARAMELLI, Giovanni Battista. Discernimento dos Espíritos: para a correta condução de nossas ações e das ações dos nossos semelhantes. Trad. Leonardo Serafini Penitente. Campinas: Ecclesiae, 2015, 222p. ISBN: 978-85-8491-003-8. A obra... more
SCARAMELLI, Giovanni Battista. Discernimento dos Espíritos: para a correta condução de nossas ações e das ações dos nossos semelhantes. Trad. Leonardo Serafini Penitente. Campinas: Ecclesiae, 2015, 222p. ISBN: 978-85-8491-003-8. A obra póstuma do ilustre sacerdote jesuíta (†1752) vem a lume em português, após mais de dois séculos e meio da publicação original em italiano (Veneza, Appresso Simone Acchi, 1764). A tradução foi baseada na versão espanhola (Madrid, 1859), com cotejos na edição de origem e na versão francesa (Paris, 1893).
The article affirms that spiritual theology works best when its source, centre and goal is the risen Christ. It examines the NT emphasis on Jesus’ resurrection as an event, and sees his rising as final revelation of God and source of... more
The article affirms that spiritual theology works best when its source, centre and goal is the risen Christ. It examines the NT emphasis on Jesus’ resurrection as an event, and sees his rising as final revelation of God and source of transformation for humanity. Christ’s resurrection brings his earthly life into the now of God’s eternity (saint Teresa of Avila found in this a key to her life of prayer). Jesus rises towards the Father, and the effect of his rising is to open to humanity that Trinitarian life. The article concludes by considering how this perspective might affect the mood of theology and direct our spirituality
This essay is a reflection on "personality" - as unique, as holy, as natural - and suggests that the duty of religious faith is to "humanise" our world or to "personalise" our world: to overcome the world of "It" and welcome the presence... more
This essay is a reflection on "personality" - as unique, as holy, as natural - and suggests that the duty of religious faith is to "humanise" our world or to "personalise" our world: to overcome the world of "It" and welcome the presence of "Thou." This is also what it means to "divinise" our world - hallowing each other and each created life as holy.
A look at Saint Athanasius' work from the perspective of Spiritual Theology.
A portrait of don Primo Mazzolari.
In questo contributo si presta attenzione alle sfumature relazionali del simbolo della mano. In Edith Stein, la mano simbolizza spesso la persona dal punto di vista della sua libertà, e più particolarmente la libertà di impegnarsi in una... more
In questo contributo si presta attenzione alle sfumature relazionali del simbolo della mano. In Edith Stein, la mano simbolizza spesso la persona dal punto di vista della sua libertà, e più particolarmente la libertà di impegnarsi in una relazione. La riflessione si dispiega in due parti collegate da un intermezzo teresiano-sanjuanista. La prima parte tematizza il simbolo nella sua complessità; una particolare attenzione sarà rivolta alla relazione tra «tenersi in mano», cioè avere la padronanza sulla propria vita, e «consegnarsi nelle mani di Dio». Un intermezzo sarà dedicato alle fonti carmelitane di Stein, cioè in particolare Teresa di Gesù e Giovanni della Croce, sull’idea dell’essere guidati per mano da Dio. La seconda parte consentirà, con Stein, di sviluppare le intuizioni teresiano-sanjuaniste rispetto alla guida umana e divina e rispetto a ciò che diventa un leitmotiv nelle sue opere: camminare mano nella mano con Dio, an Gottes Hand gehen.
Modern Christians often polarize the otherwise inseparable realities of academic reading and personal reading of Scripture. While generally not declared outright, many Christians consider the two methods discontinuous. This article deems... more
Modern Christians often polarize the otherwise inseparable realities of academic reading and personal reading of Scripture. While generally not declared outright, many Christians consider the two methods discontinuous. This article deems this bifurcation unnecessary and dangerous to the spiritual formation of individuals and the spiritual health of the church. It examines Bonaventure’s insightful use of the quadriga in order to contribute to today’s discussion of spiritual reading of Scripture. The article shall argue that (at least a variation of) Bonaventure’s quadrigal method ought to be retrieved today for the spiritual health of scholarship and the church. This thesis will be attained organically. It will first survey his proposed method of interpretation in his Breviloquium and Commentary on the Gospel of Luke; then, it will appeal to scriptural and pastoral support to show that his method is a helpful route for retrieval.
An analysis of the work in the light of Spiritual Theology.
"Who turned off the light?" and "Where's the switch? "These are two questions we've almost all asked when we've been left somewhere in the dark. dark. However, they are questions that demand an urgent answer, for we could not stay in that... more
Juan Pablo Rubio, OSB, ha realizado la traducción del griego de cuatro de las principales obras de Evagrio Póntico (ca.345-ca.399): el "Tratado práctico", "A los monjes", "Exhortación a una virgen" y "Sobre la oración". Se trata de una... more
Juan Pablo Rubio, OSB, ha realizado la traducción del griego de cuatro de las principales obras de Evagrio Póntico (ca.345-ca.399): el "Tratado práctico", "A los monjes", "Exhortación a una virgen" y "Sobre la oración".
Se trata de una personalidad sobresaliente en la espiritualidad cristiana. Sus obras han sido siempre leídas y han ejercido una influencia decisiva a través de los siglos. Quasten lo presenta como "el fundador del misticismo monástico y el autor más fecundo e interesante del desierto egipcio. Los monjes de Oriente y Occidente estudiaron sus escritos como documentos clásicos y como manuales de valor incalculable". La doctrina de los siete pecados capitales, tan conocida en la ascética tradicional de Occidente, tiene su origen en la explicación evagriana de los "ocho (malos) pensamientos". Evagrio fue el primero que los sistematizó, como compendio y germen de todos los demás.
Modern Christians often polarize the otherwise inseparable realities of academic reading and personal reading of Scripture. While generally not declared outright, many Christians consider the two methods discontinuous. This paper... more
Modern Christians often polarize the otherwise inseparable realities of academic reading and personal reading of Scripture. While generally not declared outright, many Christians consider the two methods discontinuous. This paper considers this bifurcation unnecessary and dangerous to the spiritual formation of individuals and the spiritual health of the church. It examines Bonaventure’s insightful use of the sensus plenior in order to contribute to today’s discussion of spiritual reading of Scripture.
The paper will argue that Bonaventure’s reading of Scripture can and ought to be retrieved by Christians today. The paper will argue this in three stages. First, the paper will explore and summarize Bonaventure’s spiritual hermeneutic as found in his Commentary on Luke and his theological primer, Breviloquium. The paper will pay special attention to his understanding of Scripture’s fourfold sense: Literal, tropological, allegorical, and anagogical senses. The paper will then contribute to the discussions today by suggesting how Christians can incorporate Bonaventure’s method of spiritual reading, offering three concrete examples of the spiritual reading of Luke 4:18, 24: 44-45, and 9:28-31. The paper will finally conclude with an engaging discussion on why spiritual reading like Bonaventure’s is not only helpful but necessary for the spiritual health of the church. While this paper seeks to engage Bonaventure on a scholarly level, it also seeks to speak winsomely and pastorally about the importance of a properly spiritual reading of Scripture.
L’article a pour sujet la personnalité extraordinaire du kabbaliste le Rabbin Levi Isaac Krakovsky (1891–1966), un des étudiants oubliés du Rabbin Yehuda Leib Ashlag (1885–1955). Krakovsky diffusait l’enseignement de son maître en... more
L’article a pour sujet la personnalité extraordinaire du kabbaliste le Rabbin Levi Isaac Krakovsky (1891–1966), un des étudiants oubliés du Rabbin Yehuda Leib Ashlag (1885–1955). Krakovsky diffusait l’enseignement de son maître en Amérique en anglais, écrivait des douzaines de livres et essayait d’établir des yeshivot de Kabbalistes. Contrairement à son maître, il présentait un enseignement exotérique et une vision de diffusion de la Kabbale dans le monde entier. Son influence était minime, mais un de ses élèves était Shraga Philip Berg qui continuait son chemin et le complétait de plusieurs points de vue. L’article se base sur de riches matières archivales, parmi lesquelles de longues essays de l’auteur en manuscrit qui sont décrits ici pour la premiere fois. D’une telle façon, nous décrivons le dévelopment de la Kabbale en Amérique du début du vingtième siècle jusqu’ aujourd’hui.
This is a presentation I have offered to Deacons in formation, Catechists and interested lay people in the Diocese of Yakima (WA). Feedback for improvement would be appreciated!
Curriculum Vitae and list of publications
This research compares some aspects of the spiritual teachings of Ignatius of Loyola and John of the Cross. The motivations are as follows: Firstly, there are some apparent contradictions in their major teachings. It would be problematic... more
This research compares some aspects of the spiritual teachings of Ignatius of Loyola and John of the Cross. The motivations are as follows:
Firstly, there are some apparent contradictions in their major teachings. It would be problematic from the perspective of spiritual theology if the two of the greatest spiritual masters who are from the same era with the same cultural background were to contradict each other.
Secondly, the apparent contradictions pose a particular challenge to spiritual directors because different responses to consolation and desolation have different consequences. A wrong response would be detrimental to spiritual growth.
Thirdly, the role of the laity in the life of the Church has been gaining prominence in the twentieth century, and the Church has continuously highlighted the importance of spiritual direction and accompaniment for the laity, especially with regard to discernment.
I will provide a comparison of the two spiritual masters as follows. In the first part, I will present the apparent contradictions, and in the second part, I will seek convergences. Finally, in the third part, I will analyze the studies of other authors in reference to our topic. The main source materials are the Spiritual Exercises for Ignatius and the Ascent of Mount Carmel and the Dark Night for John.
Retracing the first Constitutions, writings of the Founders and other early documents, this book presents the close relationship between the life of the Congregation and the Vincentian spirituality.
La concezione dell’empatia sviluppata da Edith Stein consente di avvicinarsi alla questione dell’empatia di Cristo nel duplice senso della nostra empatia di Cristo e della sua empatia rispetto a noi. Come esempio guida della nostra... more
La concezione dell’empatia sviluppata da Edith Stein consente di avvicinarsi alla questione dell’empatia di Cristo nel duplice senso della nostra empatia di Cristo e della sua empatia rispetto a noi. Come esempio guida della nostra empatia necessariamente limitata si propone la mitezza e l’umiltà di Gesù (cfr.Mt 9,28-30) in quanto manifesta insieme il mistero di Dio e dell’uomo. Rivolgendoci poi a Cristo come modello di empatia senza illusione, in particolare a causa della sua proesistenza, si accenna all’amore come condizione di un’empatia compiuta.
In his commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, Thomas Aquinas states that “at last our soul is united to God, by ascending through negations.” The reason we must use negations in order to be united to God is because, as he adds in... more
In his commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard, Thomas Aquinas states that “at last our soul is united to God, by ascending through negations.” The reason we must use negations in order to be united to God is because, as he adds in the Summa Contra Gentiles, “the divine substance exceeds by its immensity every form that our intellect attains. And thus we are not able to apprehend Him by knowing what he is.” In this paper I try to unpack these statements and seek to understand why it is necessary, if we are to attain to God and be united with him, that we do so through negations. In order to see this, first I examine how it is that God exceeds all created being and thus all created knowledge. Then I try to see how negating all things of God nevertheless allows us to know something about him. Finally, I examine how negating all things of God actually helps us to be united to him in love. In my exposition I rely on various texts from throughout the corpus of Aquinas, most notably the Commentary on the Divine Names, the Commentary on the Sentences, the Summa Theologiae, and the Summa Contra Gentiles, among others.
Accanto agli studi storici e pedagogici su san Giovanni Bosco e sulla sua opera si auspica anche un più attento accostamento di tipo teologico-spirituale. La riflessione teologica sulla spiritualità di don Bosco, tuttavia, non è mancata... more
Accanto agli studi storici e pedagogici su san Giovanni Bosco e sulla sua opera si auspica anche un più attento accostamento di tipo teologico-spirituale. La riflessione teologica sulla spiritualità di don Bosco, tuttavia, non è mancata in passato. L’autore prende in esame i vari approcci, a cominciare da quelli contemporanei al Santo fino agli studi apparsi negli anni Cinquanta del ‘900, ne presenta le caratteristiche, l’angolo di visuale e i risultati.
O presente artigo estabelece um paralelo entre a vida de Cristo e a vida de São Francisco de Assis, no contexto da imitatio Christi, ou seja, na mútua conformidade entre eles, sob o prisma da interpretação espiritual e alegórica das... more
O presente artigo estabelece um paralelo entre a vida de Cristo e a vida de São Francisco de Assis, no contexto da imitatio Christi, ou seja, na mútua conformidade entre eles, sob o prisma da interpretação espiritual e alegórica das Sagradas Escrituras, a exemplo do Poverello de Assis. Para tanto, serão examinadas suas fontes biográficas primitivas, nas quais os hagiógrafos utilizavam com frequência passagens bíblicas numa clave espiritual e alegórica, aplicando-as à vida de seu Fundador. /// This article establishes a parallel between the life of Christ and the life of St. Francis of Assisi, in the context of imitatio Christi, namely in their mutual conformity, from the perspective of the spiritual and allegorical interpretation of Sacred Scripture, after the example of the Poverello of Assisi. To this purpose his primitive biographical sources will be examined, in which the hagiographers made frequent use of biblical passages on a spiritual and allegorical plane, applying them to the life of their Founder.
A brief exploration of Salesian spirituality, largely based on Wendy Wright's study in the Classics of Western Spirituality series.
This essay explores the antecedent mystical tradition of the Church in the era of the Fathers regarding divine darkness, not to be confused with the dark night of the soul. In particular, the rich mystical theology of Maximus the... more
This essay explores the antecedent mystical tradition of the Church in the era of the Fathers regarding divine darkness, not to be confused with the dark night of the soul. In particular, the rich mystical theology of Maximus the Confessor helps to illumine the darkness experienced by many believers. The first section of the essay will broadly survey the influences upon Maximus who helped him develop his theology of darkness and mystical ascent but will focus primarily on the thought of Gregory of Nyssa and Dionysius the Areopagite. The second section will briefly explicate Maximus's understanding of progress in the knowledge of God by means of God's condescension and through natural and spiritual contemplation. The mystic thus ascends from the visible, through the invisible, to the divine as a movement toward the deification (θεώσις) of the soul in a sort of luminous darkness. Finally, the third section will locate Maximus's thought within the spiritual theology of the Church as lived by contemporary saints like St. Teresa of Calcutta, questioning whether what some people consider a " crisis of faith " might better be described as the " gift of darkness " in light of the theology of spiritual ascent.
Sugerente, estimulante, fresco, positivo, a veces divertido, y siempre interesante, es este último libro que nos ofrece Mariano Fazio en el nonagésimo aniversario de la fundación del Opus Dei. Sacerdote, historiador y filósofo argentino,... more
Sugerente, estimulante, fresco, positivo, a veces divertido, y siempre interesante, es este último libro que nos ofrece Mariano Fazio en el nonagésimo aniversario de la fundación del Opus Dei. Sacerdote, historiador y filósofo argentino, afincado en Roma, antiguo rector de la Pontificia Universidad de la Santa Cruz y actual vicario general del Opus Dei, Fazio, un comunicador de ralea, nos presenta la figura de san Josemaría como un gran defensor de la libertad humana, como el último romántico, usando la conocida expresión de Escrivá. La razón que daba el fundador del Opus Dei es tan sencilla como insondable: sin libertad no se puede amar a Dios. La libertad humana, bien ejercida, al cooperar decididamente con la acción del Espíritu Santo, nos ata a Dios, nos abraza al Amor con mayúsculas. La libertad es la puerta que nos abre paso a la comunión con Dios y, a través de Él, a todos los hombres.
The goal of this work is to show how Teresa of Avila’s Interior Castle, generally considered to be a work which focuses on the luminosity of spiritual experience, also includes elements of the so-called dark night. Teresa explicitly... more
The goal of this work is to show how Teresa of Avila’s Interior Castle, generally considered to be a work which focuses on the luminosity of spiritual experience, also includes elements of the so-called dark night. Teresa explicitly treats these obscure aspects in 6M 1 and 11, enabling her to bring some necessary qualification to the luminous experience she has been describing. It is also often through reference to the gospel accounts that Teresa is able to qualify the light which comes from experience, thus showing that experience as such is not absolutely luminous. Moments of light in the Mansions are very often followed by zones of shadow. From this perspective and from a detailed analysis of each Mansion and its mystical and theological dynamic the The Interior Castle can be said to present an experience of clarity that involves shadow.
El presente texto contiene los materiales para las discusiones del seminario sobre la Vida en el Espíritu, de acuerdo con las enseñanzas de santo Tomás. Tras una introducción se abordan los temas de los dones del Espíritu Santo, la... more
El presente texto contiene los materiales para las discusiones del seminario sobre la Vida en el Espíritu, de acuerdo con las enseñanzas de santo Tomás. Tras una introducción se abordan los temas de los dones del Espíritu Santo, la oración, los carismas y otras alternativas al pensamiento de santo Tomás.