Sri Lanka Research Papers - (original) (raw)

This work is a beguiling prospect for anyone who has been involved in South Asia or has an interest in the region. The idea of analysing so many distinct insurgencies and counter-insurgency (COIN) campaigns within the covers of a single... more

This work is a beguiling prospect for anyone who has been involved in South Asia or has an interest in the region. The idea of analysing so many distinct insurgencies and counter-insurgency (COIN) campaigns within the covers of a single book is both ambitious and tantalising. Unfortunately, and in spite of occasional good moments, this book provides few of the answers. It has a clunky structure, is peppered with editorial and factual errors and unsupported statements. The British General Templer in Malaya argued that COIN should only be 25% shooting. The remainder should be winning "hearts and minds". Sadly this has all too rarely been the case in South Asia where many of the COIN campaigns have been heavy-handed and brutal. Partly this is a function of capability; effective COIN needs excellent intelligence and highly trained and equipped Special Forces. Yet it is interesting to reflect that two "successful" COIN operations of recent years; the Indian defeat of the Khalistan movement and President Rajapaksa's suppression of the Tamil Tigers owed little to Templer or the proponents of minimum force

CITATION: Peiris, D. L. I. H. K. & Jayantha, K. (2014). Pilikuththuwa cave forest: a case study in the use of the water and land recreation opportunity spectrum (WALROS) inventorying framework in a near urban forest. ABSTRACT The... more

CITATION: Peiris, D. L. I. H. K. & Jayantha, K. (2014). Pilikuththuwa cave forest: a case study in the use of the water and land recreation opportunity spectrum (WALROS) inventorying framework in a near urban forest. ABSTRACT The Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) that considers the diversity of recreation experience (Brown 1978, Buist 1982, Clark 1979, Driver 1978) will help to improve the satisfaction of recreationists. This case study is a report of clarifying the present situation of the Pilikuththuwa Cave Forest (PCF) using the WALROS approach as an attempt to identify diversified recreation destination surrounding to capital of Sri Lanka. The study was conducted leading to key objective and three specific objectives respectively, to develop the map of the current WALROS with regard to PCF, to identify the existing recreation activities in PCF, to pick out recreation experiences that can be gained by PCF recreationists, and to categorize WALROS classes within the PCF. As the...

Khaya senegalensis (Desr.) A. Juss. (African mahogany or dry-zone mahogany) has long been an important multipurpose tree in its natural range in Africa. It is valued for a wide range of non-timber traditional use products. It also... more

Khaya senegalensis (Desr.) A. Juss. (African mahogany or dry-zone mahogany) has long been an important multipurpose tree in its natural range in Africa. It is valued for a wide range of non-timber traditional use products. It also provides a high quality timber and over the ...

The study focuses on 75 diagnosed CKDu patients in the NCP of Sri Lanka who have been visiting a selected Ayurveda clinic in Kebithigollewa. Biochemical parameters such as serum creatinine and micro-albumin were analyzed over a period of... more

The study focuses on 75 diagnosed CKDu patients in the NCP of Sri Lanka who have been visiting a selected Ayurveda clinic in Kebithigollewa. Biochemical parameters such as serum creatinine and micro-albumin were analyzed over a period of six months among patients undergoing Sri Lanka traditional medicine treatment. Methods: The patients undergoing Sri Lankan traditional medication for a period of one year were selected for the study. Descriptive data analysis was carried out for a further six-month period on samples of 75 patients diagnosed with CKDu. The patients age, gender, serum creatinine, micro-albumin, blood pressure and ankle edema were taken into consideration. Pearson correlation test was carried out on all patient data to assess patient prognosis. Results: A sample of 75 (n=75) patients were selected for the study of which 52 were males and 23 were females in the age range 40-60. The average e-GFR for the first month (m=1) follow up was 35.44 and sixth month (m=6) was 40.16. The average serum creatinine level declined from 2.59 to 2.48 over the six-month study period, accounting to a 5% reduction. The average blood pressure for the six-month period was 123/77. The average ACR measured for a four-month period was 304.85 mg/g and had a correlation value of 0.328 at 95% confidence and a p value of 0.04 was obtained when correlated with e-GFR. Conclusion: A significant improvement in both biochemical and quality of life parameters were observed among the selected patient population who underwent Sri Lankan traditional medicine treatment.

Although plastics have made the workings of our lives easier, it has created many different environmental and social problems due to poor management practices. The problem of plastic waste has been exacerbated due to various regulations... more

Although plastics have made the workings of our lives easier, it has created many different environmental and social problems due to poor management practices. The problem of plastic waste has been exacerbated due to various regulations that have been introduced from time to time for the sustainable management of plastic waste. However, those are not properly implemented. The main objective of this study is to examine the best practices in Sri Lanka for the management of plastic waste, including shopping bags and lunch sheets (PBLS). Further, the study illustrated the prevailing and possible alternatives for polythene products in Sri Lanka and weaknesses in the identification of alternatives. The study was conducted in the Western Province covering three districts: Colombo, Gampaha and Kalutara. Data collection was conducted through different structured questionnaire surveys, key informant interviews and a major workshop from a sample of 1314 respondents. Results revealed that 59% o...

Dietary diversification has been identified as a sustainable intervention method in developing countries where subclinical vitamin A deficiency exists. Nutrition education is central to all methods of nutrition intervention including... more

Dietary diversification has been identified as a sustainable intervention method in developing countries where subclinical vitamin A deficiency exists. Nutrition education is central to all methods of nutrition intervention including dietary diversification. The paucity of available data currently limits the effective use of nutrition education in national programs in Sri Lanka. We assessed the effect of nutrition education on nutrition related knowledge, food consumption patterns and serum retinol concentrations among 229 adolescent school girls, aged between 15-19 years. Knowledge on nutrition, food consumption patterns and serum retinol concentration was assessed at baseline. Intervention included nutrition education as lecture discussions, interactive group discussions and four different methods of reinforcement. Knowledge, food consumption patterns and serum retinol concentrations were reassessed after a ten week period of intervention. Educational intervention resulted in a si...

Poisoning in children is a common accident and poison information services should be aware of the toxic agents responsible for poisoning in the community. A retrospective hospital based study was performed, before-the establishment of the... more

Poisoning in children is a common accident and poison information services should be aware of the toxic agents responsible for poisoning in the community. A retrospective hospital based study was performed, before-the establishment of the National Poisons Information Centre in Sri Lanka. There were 4,556 admissions of poisoning to the selected hospitals in the Western Province in 1986 and of this, 540 (11.4%) were below 15 years. Males accounted for 66%. Kerosene oil was responsible for 47% of the poisoning cases in less than 5 years age group, while kerosene oil, pesticides and plants/mushrooms were the commonest toxic agents in the 5 to 14 years age group. The case fatality rate was 3.2%.

The article details the development and uses of the water poverty index (WPI). The index was developed as a holistic tool to measure water stress at the household and community levels, designed to aid national decision makers, at... more

The article details the development and uses of the water poverty index (WPI). The index was developed as a holistic tool to measure water stress at the household and community levels, designed to aid national decision makers, at community and central government level, as ...

States play the lead role in implementing the norms of the international system. They interpret norms through the lens of their sovereignty, refining and revising them until they are suitable to local interests and context. The complex... more

States play the lead role in implementing the norms of the international system. They interpret norms through the lens of their sovereignty, refining and revising them until they are suitable to local interests and context. The complex nature of sovereignty and its diverse manifestations across states means that norms will be interpreted and implemented in different ways. This article argues that R2P and counter-terrorism are complex norm regimes which are susceptible to modification as they are interpreted through diverse conceptions of state sovereignty. Using the cases of China’s response to the Uyghurs and Sri Lanka’s response to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, this article shows that the malleable prescriptive norms of R2P and counter-terrorism can be reinterpreted by states in ways contingent on their sovereignty that deeply impact, and may even violate, the original intent of the norm.

Compost is a widely accepted organic fertiliser throughout the world. It is being produced using a wide variety of source materials at household to commercial scale. With the increased population and changes in food consumption pattern... more

Compost is a widely accepted organic fertiliser throughout the world. It is being produced using a wide variety of source materials at household to commercial scale. With the increased population and changes in food consumption pattern tending towards a vegetable- and meat-rich diet, the amount of organic waste generated in urban and peri-urban settings has increased. Many governments promote composting as a process that helps them to reduce the volume of organic waste and recycle nutrients back to croplands. Some examples of organic waste accumulated in large scale include household waste from urban and peri-urban settings, sewage, animal farm waste, agricultural waste from large-scale markets, food debris, and kitchen waste from hotels. The composition of compost varies in a wide range depending on the nature of materials used to produce it. The safety concerns related to compost also vary along the same line. The quality of compost has become a subjective term that means differen...

An efficient financial system facilitates the optimal allocation of resources towards economic development of a country by allocating resources efficiently. Markets which are a part of the financial system, support efficient allocation of... more

An efficient financial system facilitates the optimal allocation of resources towards economic development of a country by allocating resources efficiently. Markets which are a part of the financial system, support efficient allocation of funds,thus development of capital markets play a vital role in economic development of a country.Information asymmetry and lack of information can fear away investors, while a?creditrating? assignedby an independent party can attract investors to markets. The purpose of this study is to identify the current trend of the credit rating industry in Sri Lanka(SL). Data were obtained mainly from interviews and other secondary sources such as annual reports of SEC, and rating reports etc.Quantitative data, were analyzed using; ratio analysis and percentage calculations, whilequalitative data were analyzed using content analysis. The study revealed that underdeveloped capital markets and low financial literacy hinder the use of credit ratings in SL influe...

SriLanka Maldives tour Package - We are offering deals & offers on Srilanka Maldives tour package starting Rs.62,991. Make your Srilanka Maldives holiday tour packages trip memorable. For Booking Online Click here... more

SriLanka Maldives tour Package - We are offering deals & offers on Srilanka Maldives tour package starting Rs.62,991. Make your Srilanka Maldives holiday tour packages trip memorable. For Booking Online Click here or call +91 8178530209.

... Year Published: 2007. Citation: de Zoysa, P., Rajapakse, L. and Newcombe, PA (2007). ... Valid XHTML 1.0! Copyright © 2011 Library, University of Colombo |:: The Repository based on DSpace 1.7v and implemented by Harsha Balasooriya,... more

... Year Published: 2007. Citation: de Zoysa, P., Rajapakse, L. and Newcombe, PA (2007). ... Valid XHTML 1.0! Copyright © 2011 Library, University of Colombo |:: The Repository based on DSpace 1.7v and implemented by Harsha Balasooriya, ::Feedback/Comments. create counter.