Statics Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Scheduling patient referrals is one of the most important administrative responsibilities performed in the medical office. A referral scheduling algorithm can be a useful tool in the hands of a primary provider. Primary providers are... more

Scheduling patient referrals is one of the most important administrative responsibilities performed in the medical office. A referral scheduling algorithm can be a useful tool in the hands of a primary provider. Primary providers are lacking knowledge regarding the care and treatment of chronic diseases and are not familiar with the current status of available resources (consultant doctors) for patient referrals. During patient referral there is a need to know of the availability of the consultant doctor and his/her status in terms of the patient workload. Referring a patient to a doctor with many patients on the waiting queue might delay the treatment. This can results in "added healing time, pain, and even death. This paper investigates the scheduling models applicable in referral health systems and hence proposes a suitable scheduling optimization model.

We build on the argument that measurement of digitalization is essential for effective public policy strategies in order to to govern digital transition. Developing this argument, we investigate the five principal dimensions of the... more

We build on the argument that measurement of digitalization is essential for effective public policy strategies in order to to govern digital transition. Developing this argument, we investigate the five principal dimensions of the European Commission´s Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) using a series of multivariate statistics. The analysis can be divided into three groups. First, we analyse the linear relationships between dimensions by correlation analysis, partial correlation analysis, and principal component analysis. In the partial correlation analysis, causal relationships between the dimensions show high correlations. Second, we assign countries into groups with cluster analysis and multi-dimensional scaling. The groups obtained by the two methods are very similar. Finally, we rank the European Union (EU) countries using statistical methods and compare with the results obtained with the overall DESI index. The correlation between the two rankings shows a strong linear relationship. Based on these results we draw conclusions on how to effectively use the DESI data for public policy analysis.

کتاب استاتیک مریام ترجمه فارسی PDF

This study investigated the effects of warm-up involving static stretching on leg power. It was expected that the inclusion of static stretching in the warm-up would decrease leg power. Twenty-seven healthy volunteers (16 male, 11 female)... more

This study investigated the effects of warm-up involving static stretching on leg power. It was expected that the inclusion of static stretching in the warm-up would decrease leg power. Twenty-seven healthy volunteers (16 male, 11 female) participated in the study. A prospective, repeated measures design was implemented where volunteers underwent 2 testing sessions at least 24 hours apart. One testing session involved a control warm-up (5 min submaximal cycling) followed by 4 10-s leg power tests at 5, 20, 40 and 60 min postwarm-up. For the other testing session, the subjects performed 5 min of submaximal cycling followed by 15 min of lower body static stretching and then the four leg power tests. Relative peak power, time to peak power and relative total work were measured for each leg power test. Peak power and total work were significantly greater after the static stretching warm-up compared to the control warm-up on all power tests. Peak power was achieved more quickly for the s...

This Finite Element MATLAB Code Has Been Written For Stress And Buckling Analysis Of A VAWT Base As A 8 Node And 12 Element 3D Truss. The Limit Analysis Is Also Considered By Varying Load And We Can See Deflections And Results While... more

This Finite Element MATLAB Code Has Been Written For Stress And Buckling Analysis Of A VAWT Base As A 8 Node And 12 Element 3D Truss. The Limit Analysis Is Also Considered By Varying Load And We Can See Deflections And Results While Program Calculates And They Will Be Stored In Program Path.

جزوه استاتیک دانشگاه تهران PDF

Determine the maximum force P the connection can support so that no slipping occurs between the plates. There are four bolts used for the connection and each is tightened so that it is subjected to a tension of 4 kN. The coefficient of... more

Determine the maximum force P the connection can support so that no slipping occurs between the plates. There are four bolts used for the connection and each is tightened so that it is subjected to a tension of 4 kN. The coefficient of static friction between the plates is. SOLUTION Free-Body Diagram: The normal reaction acting on the contacting surface is equal to the sum total tension of the bolts. Thus, W hen the plate is on the verge of slipping, the magnitude of the friction force acting on each contact surface can be computed using the friction formula As indicated on the free-body diagram of the upper plate, F acts to the right since the plate has a tendency to move to the left. Equations of Equilibrium: Ans. p = 12.8 kN 0.4(16)-P 2 = 0 ©F x = 0; : + F = m s N = 0.4(16) kN. N = 4(4) kN = 16 kN. m s = 0.4 P P 2 P 2 Ans: P = 12.8 kN

Solution Method of Joints. Start at joint C and then proceed to join D. Joint C. Fig. a S + F x = 0; F CB = 0 Ans. + c F y = 0; F CD-20 = 0 F CD = 20.0 kN (C) Ans. Joint D. Fig. b + c F y = 0; F DB a 3 5 b-20.0 = 0 F DB = 33.33 kN (T) =... more

Solution Method of Joints. Start at joint C and then proceed to join D. Joint C. Fig. a S + F x = 0; F CB = 0 Ans. + c F y = 0; F CD-20 = 0 F CD = 20.0 kN (C) Ans. Joint D. Fig. b + c F y = 0; F DB a 3 5 b-20.0 = 0 F DB = 33.33 kN (T) = 33.3 kN (T) Ans. S + F x = 0; 10 + 33.33 a 4 5 b-F DA = 0 F DA = 36.67 kN (C) = 36.7 kN (C) Ans. 6–1. Determine the force in each member of the truss and state if the members are in tension or compression. Set P 1 = 20 kN, P 2 = 10 kN. C B A D 1.5 m 2 m P 1 P 2 Ans: F CB = 0 F CD = 20.0 kN (C) F DB = 33.3 kN (T) F DA = 36.7 kN (C)

What is the weight in newtons of an object that has a mass of (a) 8 kg, (b) 0.04 kg, and (c) 760 Mg? Solution (a) W = 9.81(8) = 78.5 N Ans. (b) W = 9.81(0.04)(10-3) = 3.92(10-4) N = 0.392 mN Ans. (c) W = 9.81(760)(10 3) = 7.46(10 6) N =... more

What is the weight in newtons of an object that has a mass of (a) 8 kg, (b) 0.04 kg, and (c) 760 Mg? Solution (a) W = 9.81(8) = 78.5 N Ans. (b) W = 9.81(0.04)(10-3) = 3.92(10-4) N = 0.392 mN Ans. (c) W = 9.81(760)(10 3) = 7.46(10 6) N = 7.46 MN Ans. Ans: W = 78.5 N W = 0.392 mN W = 7.46 MN