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In the two decades since the introduction of the X-ray scanner into radiology, medical imaging techniques have become widely established as essential tools in the diagnosis of disease. As a consequence of recent technological and... more

In the two decades since the introduction of the X-ray scanner into radiology, medical imaging techniques have become widely established as essential tools in the diagnosis of disease. As a consequence of recent technological and mathematical advances, the non invasive, three-dimensional imaging of internal organs such as the brain and the heart is now possible, not only for anatomical investigations using X-rays but also for studies which explore the functional status of the body using positron-emitting radioisotopes. This report reviews the historical and physical basis of medical imaging techniques using positron-emitting radioisotopes. Mathematical methods which enable three-dimensional distributions of radioisotopes to be reconstructed from projection data (sinograms) acquired by detectors suitably positioned around the patient are discussed. The extension of conventional twodimensional tomographic reconstruction algorithms to fully three-dimensional reconstruction is described in detail. © Parallel projection Eqn. (3.1), <\> = 0 p(s, 0 = 0) © Filtering Eqn. (3.2) Two disks equal concentrations À © Backprojection Eqn. (3.5)

Partition coefficients, Kfat, from air to human fat and to rat fat have been collected for 129 volatile organic compounds, VOCs. A linear free energy relationship, LFER, correlates the 129 values of logKfat with R2=0.958 and a standard... more

Partition coefficients, Kfat, from air to human fat and to rat fat have been collected for 129 volatile organic compounds, VOCs. A linear free energy relationship, LFER, correlates the 129 values of logKfat with R2=0.958 and a standard deviation, S.D., of 0.194 log units. Use of training and test sets gives a predictive assessment of around 0.20 log units. Combination

In this paper, a dynamic load-balancing algorithm (DLBA) was proposed to solve the parcel hub-scheduling problem (PHSP), which is a combinatorial optimization problem commonly found at a parcel consolidation terminal in the parcel... more

In this paper, a dynamic load-balancing algorithm (DLBA) was proposed to solve the parcel hub-scheduling problem (PHSP), which is a combinatorial optimization problem commonly found at a parcel consolidation terminal in the parcel delivery industry (PDI). The problem consists of processing a large number of inbound trailers at a much smaller number of unload docks. The parcels in the inbound trailers must be unloaded, sorted and transferred to the load docks, and loaded onto the outbound trailers. Because the transfer operation is labor intensive and the PDI operates in a time-sensitive environment, the unloading, sorting, transferring, and loading of the parcels must be done in such a way as to minimize the timespan of the transfer operation. A DLBA that considered the state of the system was proposed and evaluated to schedule the inbound trailers to the unload docks. The performance of the algorithm was compared to the performance of an efficient static load-balancing algorithm (SLBA) and to an existing lower bound. An experimental analysis shows that the DLBA offers solutions that are 8.6% better than the solutions offered by the SLBA for large-size problems and that the average computational time is only 1.34 min for the DLBA compared to 15.04 min for the SLBA.

The aim of this paper was fi rstly to describe the ecological and geographical differentiation of the four maple species (Acer spp.) in Serbia and Kosovo based on fl oristic and phytocoenological data, and secondly, to model their... more

The aim of this paper was fi rstly to describe the ecological and geographical differentiation of the four maple species (Acer spp.) in Serbia and Kosovo based on fl oristic and phytocoenological data, and secondly, to model their distributions in order to predict which areas the species can be expected in. The intention was also to compare the resulting prediction maps with the available fi eld records and see whether there are any differences between the actual and the predicted ranges. The data set included 1979 species records and each record was accompanied by geographic coordinates. The geographical analysis was performed on the chorological data (latitude, longitude, altitude), while the ecological was based on vegetation data relating to the association, alliance, order and class as well as on 19 bioclimatic parameters. The data set was georeferenced using GIS tools. The results demonstrated that the distribution patterns of all the analyzed species are mostly affected by the limiting effects of the variables related to precipitation and temperature of the dry and also the warm period. Their synergic limiting effects are the most important force shaping distribution patterns within a territory. These fi ndings highlight the importance of defi ning bioclimatic profi les of species using different techniques of distribution modelling.

Pentosans represent the major dietary fiber constituent in wheat and the predominant source of antioxidant activity (AOA) whose nature is closely associated with the phenolic compound ferulic acid. Incremental debranning was used to... more

Pentosans represent the major dietary fiber constituent in wheat and the predominant source of antioxidant activity (AOA) whose nature is closely associated with the phenolic compound ferulic acid. Incremental debranning was used to determine effects on pentosan content and AOA of pearled fractions. Four cultivar samples were debranned to obtain pearling fractions, each equivalent to 5% of initial sample weight up to 60%. Total pentosans (TP), water-extractable pentosans (WEP), total phenolic content (TPC) and AOA were determined. There were significant differences among genotypes in response to debranning although trends were consistent. WEP was maximized in the 10% debranning fraction which likely maximized aleurone content. TP content was highest in the initial 5% fraction and progressively declined in successive fractions. Relationships between pentosan composition and AOA followed different trends. TP and water-unextractable pentosans (WUP) were highly correlated to TPC (R 2 ¼ 0.84) and AOA (R 2 ¼ 0.88) for the 10e25% debranning fractions. No significant correlations were found between TPC and AOA with WEP. Results indicated that debranning wheat to recover material between the initial 5% pearling fraction and the next 5% was effective to produce bran fractions for functional food or nutraceutical purposes, highly enriched in dietary fiber and AOA.

During 1997, quarterly exploratory cruises of the R/V``Archipelago'' were carried out in order to study the deep water crab Chaceon af®nis [Res. Camp. Sci. Mo Ânaco Fasc. VII (1894) 1], South of Pico island (Azores) and at the Menez Gwen... more

During 1997, quarterly exploratory cruises of the R/V``Archipelago'' were carried out in order to study the deep water crab Chaceon af®nis [Res. Camp. Sci. Mo Ânaco Fasc. VII (1894) 1], South of Pico island (Azores) and at the Menez Gwen hydrothermal vent area (SW of the Azores, within the Azorean Economic Exclusive Zone). The crabs were caught with bottom traps according to a speci®ed survey design. Different areas between 300 and 1200 m depth were surveyed. Information from previous collections was also compiled and analysed. A total of 1153 crabs (726 males and 427 females) were caught at depths ranging from 600 to 1100 m on rocky and/or muddy bottoms. Size ranged from 39 to 177 mm carapace length (CL), the males being larger than females. Males were relatively more abundant at depths <800 m and females relatively more abundant at depths >800 m. The greatest abundance occurred at depths from 700 to 800 m. Ovigerous females, which were consistently >70 mm CL, were found only from October to March. An annual reproductive cycle is suggested. Size at ®rst maturity for the females, was estimated to be within the size range of 83±97 mm CL. Other ecological and biological information such as distribution, morphometric aspects related to reproduction, occurrence of parasites and epibionts, are discussed, as well as by-catch species.

This study describes the spatial distribution pattern of Lu. longipalpis abundance in Posadas-Garupá, Argentina, where four cases of human Visceral Leishmaniasis had been recorded. A total of 2428 Lu. longipalpis were captured in 42% of... more

This study describes the spatial distribution pattern of Lu. longipalpis abundance in Posadas-Garupá, Argentina, where four cases of human Visceral Leishmaniasis had been recorded. A total of 2428 Lu. longipalpis were captured in 42% of the 305 sites sampled with CDC light traps, its abundance shows spatial autocorrelation ranging up to 590 m (semivariogram model), with six downtown 'islands' of vector highest abundance (≥60 individuals). A significant association between Lu. longipalpis and the presence of chickens was observed (odds ratio 3.26). The best stepwise multiple regression using Generalized Linear Models explained 31% of the deviance for Lu. longipalpis abundance, including as explanatory variables: (a) negatively: households with 'lack of building material and with economic deprivation', (b) positively: surface covered by trees and bushes at 50 meters of the house, and households without electrical lighting. In conclusion, Lu. longipalpis in a recent settled focus of visceral leishmaniasis was urbanized with a highly heterogeneous spatial distribution within the cities, with the vectors concentrated in limited 'islands' of high abundance, in the downtown relatively more affluent and dense populated areas, but also more heterogeneous with patches that had higher tree coverage and poor urban services. These results once validated will contribute to the control strategy design through risk maps, in order to prioritize areas for prevention and control, and setting the appropriate scale for intervention.

Background: Pattern of fat distribution rather than obesity is of importance for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The accurate measurement of total and regional fat mass requires sophisticated and often expensive methods that have... more

Background: Pattern of fat distribution rather than obesity is of importance for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The accurate measurement of total and regional fat mass requires sophisticated and often expensive methods that have limited applicability in the clinical setting. Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate body fat distributions by ultrasound (US) as a gold standard method for measuring visceral, preperitoneal and subcutaneous fat layers and comparing with anthropometric results, and then to find the most reliable anthropometric measurement in childhood obesity. Materials and methods: Study group of 51 obese children (21 F, 30 M) (mean age7s.d.: 11.572.6 years) and control group of 33 non-obese children (17 F, 16 M) (mean age7s.d.: 12.272.7 years) were recruited for this study. Anthropometric measurements as body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist/hip ratio (WHR), triceps and subscapular skinfold thicknesses were taken from all the participants. Abdominal preperitoneal (P), subcutaneous (S) fat at their maximum (max) and minimum (min) thickness sites, visceral (V), triceps (TrUS) and subscapular (SsUS) fat thicknesses were also measured ultrasonographically. Results: In the obese group, BMI was significantly correlated with US measurements of fat thicknesses, except Pmin and SsUS, whereas in the control group, BMI was significantly correlated with all US fat measurements. The relation of US measurements with skinfold thickness and WC was more significant in the control than in the obese group. No relation between WHR and US fat thickness measurements was found in both groups. Multiple regression analysis, using V as the dependent variable and anthropometric parameters, gender and the group as the independent variables, revealed BMI was the best single predictor of V (R 2 : 0.53). Conclusion: This study suggests that the validity of the anthropometric skinfold thickness in the obese children is low. Despite the limitations reported in the literature, in our study, BMI provides the best estimate of body fat. WHR in children and adolescents is not a good index to show intra-abdominal fat deposition.

Concepts of pharmacokinetics including kinetic models, first order processes, apparent volume of distribution, half-life, clearance, duration of drug action, dose schedules and plasma drug concentration monitoring are briefly outlined.

Changes in the status and distribution of Wisconsin's double-crested cormorant (DCCO) breeding population during the 20th century closely approximate a similar pattern throughout the Great Lakes and generally along the Atlantic coast:... more

Changes in the status and distribution of Wisconsin's double-crested cormorant (DCCO) breeding population during the 20th century closely approximate a similar pattern throughout the Great Lakes and generally along the Atlantic coast: a gradual increase in popula- tion size from about 1921 until about 1950, followed by a population crash, and then a remarkable population resurgence beginning in the early

High intensity ultrasound has been used to prepare homopolymers and copolymers of styrene, methyl methacrylate and n-butyl methacrylate. High molecular weight homopolymers are formed rapidly during sonication and are then subjected to a... more

High intensity ultrasound has been used to prepare homopolymers and copolymers of styrene, methyl methacrylate and n-butyl methacrylate. High molecular weight homopolymers are formed rapidly during sonication and are then subjected to a degradation process. The copolymers prepared by this method have similar structure and properties to those prepared using AIBN as an initiator.

The pharmacokinetic properties of drugs are closely related to their pharmacological efficacy. The kinetics of ivermectin are characterised, in general terms, by a slow absorption process, a broad distribution in the organism, low... more

The pharmacokinetic properties of drugs are closely related to their pharmacological efficacy. The kinetics of ivermectin are characterised, in general terms, by a slow absorption process, a broad distribution in the organism, low metabolism, and slow excretion. The kinetics vary according to the route of administration, formulation, animal species, body condition, age, and physiological status, all of which contribute to differences in drug efficacy. Characterisation of ivermectin kinetics can be used to predict and optimise the value of the parasiticide effects and to design programmes for parasite control. This article reviews the pharmacokinetics of ivermectin in several domestic animal species.

Summary For myxomycetes the understanding of their diversity and of their ecological function remains underdeveloped. Various problems in recording myxomycetes and analysis of their diversity are discussed by the examples taken from... more

Summary For myxomycetes the understanding of their diversity and of their ecological function remains underdeveloped. Various problems in recording myxomycetes and analysis of their diversity are discussed by the examples taken from tundra, boreal, and arid areas of Russia and Kazakhstan. Recent advances in inventory of some regions of these areas are summarised. A rapid technique of moist chamber cultures can be used to obtain quantitative estimates of myxomycete species diversity and species abundance. Substrate sampling and species isolation by the moist chamber technique are indispensable for myxomycete inventory, measurement of species richness, and species abundance. General principles for the analysis of myxomycete diversity are discussed.

Despite the widely acknowledged prognosis that the danger of unrelenting hunger and famine looms large in sub-Saharan Africa and that there is a constant need for donors to provide much required food relief, there is a paucity of... more

Despite the widely acknowledged prognosis that the danger of unrelenting hunger and famine looms large in sub-Saharan Africa and that there is a constant need for donors to provide much required food relief, there is a paucity of literature based on comprehensive empirical work at the household or individual level. Based on data collected across two years and two locations in rural Kenya, attempts to develop further the literature on household food security. Food balances are computed and various approaches to food poverty analysis are employed by setting a very low poverty line to determine the proportion of households whose members would require external food support. Results show that per capita food production is low and varies with rainfall and food poverty and inequality in distribution are high. A great deal could be done, therefore, in the sphere of livelihood opportunities to enhance household purchasing power and hence effective demand and food distribution.

To provide neck circumference (NC) percentiles and mean values for Turkish children and to investigate their significance in clinical and epidemiological use. Methods: Data were obtained from a cross-sectional screening study; DAMTCA II... more

To provide neck circumference (NC) percentiles and mean values for Turkish children and to investigate their significance in clinical and epidemiological use. Methods: Data were obtained from a cross-sectional screening study; DAMTCA II (Determination of Anthropometric Measurements in Turkish Children and Adolescents) in which 5481 subjects from 17 primary, secondary and high schools were included. NC percentiles were produced using the LMS method, and NC was compared with other parameters which define body fat distribution. Results: The smoothed NC curves of 3rd, 5th, 15th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 85th, 90th, 95th and 97th percentiles were constructed by age and gender. The descriptive characteristics of collected data were presented as mean (SD: standard deviation) and median (Min-Max: minimum-maximum) to provide detailed information other than smoothed values. The most prominent finding of this study was that the NC of boys was greater, but not significantly higher, than that of girls until the age of 12 but later a prominent increase in the NC of boys is observed compared with girls. We compared obese and non-obese children in the 6-10, 11-13, 14-18 age groups, NC was found to be an important parameter to define obesity. Conclusions: This study provides NC percentiles, means and medians values and analyses their significance in obesity evaluation in clinical practice.

Santa Fe, aunque son escasos los ejemplares documentados en colecciones sistemáticas. En este trabajo se agrega M. ruber a la fauna de las provincias de Entre Ríos y Buenos Aires, Argentina, mediante registros que extienden ca. 320 km su... more

Santa Fe, aunque son escasos los ejemplares documentados en colecciones sistemáticas. En este trabajo se agrega M. ruber a la fauna de las provincias de Entre Ríos y Buenos Aires, Argentina, mediante registros que extienden ca. 320 km su límite austral de distribución, en asociación con las selvas en galería.

Tardigrada is a phylum closely allied with the arthropods. They are usually less than 0.5 mm in length, have four pairs of lobe-like legs and are either carnivorous or feed on plant material. Most of the 900+ described tardigrade species... more

Tardigrada is a phylum closely allied with the arthropods. They are usually less than 0.5 mm in length, have four pairs of lobe-like legs and are either carnivorous or feed on plant material. Most of the 900+ described tardigrade species are limnoterrestrial and live in the thin film of water on the surface of moss, lichens, algae, and other plants and depend on water to remain active and complete their life cycle. In this review of 910 tardigrade species, only 62 species representing13 genera are truly aquatic and not found in limnoterrestrial habitats although many other genera contain limnoterrestrial species occasionally found in freshwater.

The present study is focused on Potamogeton polygonifolius -the species considered to be endangered in Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland and Switzerland. Field studies were carried out in Lower Silesia and Lusatia in southwestern Poland... more

The present study is focused on Potamogeton polygonifolius -the species considered to be endangered in Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland and Switzerland. Field studies were carried out in Lower Silesia and Lusatia in southwestern Poland in order to verify the present state of the marginal populations of P. polygonifolius, to determine the habitat preferences of the species in the study area, to compare the ecological data between marginal and central populations and finally to recognise the factors constraining the easternmost limit of the P. polygonifolius. In total, 18 populations were examined, and 11 relevés were collected. The relevés gathered were compared with 95 relevés made in northwestern Germany, and with 10 relevés collected in the German part of Lusatia. There were no significant differences between the ecology of populations of P. polygonifolius on the eastern edge of its range and those in the central part. P. polygonifolius was found growing both in natural habitats like unspoiled peat bogs, and in anthropogenic habitats such as exploited peat bogs and drainage ditches. In both types of habitats its populations were abundant and competent in terms of generative propagation. The lack of geographical barriers as well as biology and fitness of P. polygonifolius individuals from the study area suggest that marginal populations are possibly a part of a large metapopulation, covering the whole (Polish and German) area of Lusatia, however, this hypothesis was not tested in detail. The main factor shaping the easternmost limit of the general range of P. polygonifolius is most likely climate, which prevents P. polygonifolius from spreading farther eastwards.

Soils from many industrial sites in southeastern USA are contaminated with As because of the application of herbicide containing As2O3. Among those contaminated sites, two industrial sites, FW and BH, which are currently active and of... more

Soils from many industrial sites in southeastern USA are contaminated with As because of the application of herbicide containing As2O3. Among those contaminated sites, two industrial sites, FW and BH, which are currently active and of most serious environmental concerns, were selected to characterize the occurrence of As in the contaminated soils and to evaluate its environmental leachability. The soils are both sandy loams with varying mineralogical and organic matter contents. Microwave-assisted acid digestion (EPA method 3051) of the contaminated soils indicated As levels of up to 325 mg/kg and 900 mg/kg (dry weight basis) for FW and BH soils, respectively. However, bulk X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis failed to find any detectable As-bearing phases in either of the studied soil samples. Most of the soil As was observed by scanning electron microscopy, coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDX), to be disseminated on the surfaces of fine-grained soil particles in close association with Al and Fe. A few As-bearing particles were detected in BH soil using electron microprobe analysis (EMPA). Synchrotron micro-XRD and X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) analyses indicated that these As-rich particles were possibly phaunouxite, a mineral similar to calcium arsenate, which could have been formed by natural weathering after the application of As2O3. However, the scarcity of those particles eliminated them from playing any important role in Assequestration.Synthetic acid rain sequential batch leaching experiments showed distinct As leaching behaviors of the two studied soil samples: BH soil, which has the higher As content, showed a slow, steady release of As, while FW soil, with a lower As content, showed a much quicker release and lower overall retention of As upon leaching. Sequential chemical extraction experiments were carried out using a simplified 4-step sequential chemical extraction procedure (SCEP) previously developed to characterize the fractionation of As and better understand the different leaching behaviors of the two studied soils. It was shown that only about 50 percent of the total extractable As was removed by the first two extraction steps, which represented the most weakly bonded and readily available As for environmental leaching. Compared with eScholarship provides open access, scholarly publishing services to the University of California and delivers a dynamic research platform to scholars worldwide. the sequential leaching experiments, it was further indicated that only half of the As associated with phases extracted by the second SCEP step was mobilized by SPLP leaching. Although microwave-assisted acid digestion results showed similar Al and Fe contents in both soils, the sequential chemical extraction experiments indicated that BH soil has a much higher content of amorphous Al and Fe phases and that a comparably higher portion of soil As was associated with those materials. The experimental results suggest that remediation efforts for the contaminated sites can be directed towards enhancing the formation of more stable As-bearing compounds in the soils to reduce the environmental leachability of As.

During 2 years (2001–2003), we performed seasonal aerial surveys in the central Spanish Mediterranean following the transect line methodology in order to determine the abundance and distribution patterns of loggerhead turtles Caretta... more

During 2 years (2001–2003), we performed seasonal aerial surveys in the central Spanish Mediterranean following the transect line methodology in order to determine the abundance and distribution patterns of loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta. We surveyed a total of 16 700 km, accounting for 770 turtle sightings. Loggerhead turtles were present with high abundance all year round. No seasonal differences in abundance were found, except in spring 2001, where the density of turtles was higher than in the other seasons. Our results show that the Western Mediterranean is not a ‘summer’ feeding area as proposed previously, as a high number of turtles are present throughout the year. The average surface density of turtles in the whole study area was 0.21 turtles km−2 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.17–0.25], and the mean abundance was 6653 turtles (95% CI: 5514–8027). The data relate to the number of turtles on the surface only, as diving turtles escape observation. Correcting our estimations of diving behaviour data in the area, the absolute abundance was 18 954 turtles (95% CI: 6679–53 786). Bearing in mind that around 25 000 loggerheads are caught per year in the Spanish Mediterranean, our results indicate that accidental captures seem to be a significant threat for this species, and conservation measures have to be implemented to avoid a non-sustainable situation.

The relation between the Faustmann model and “a forestry of prices” as a concept of thought was examined. At first, the meaning of the Faustmann model in economic sciences is the explanation of allocation and distribution by prices. The... more

The relation between the Faustmann model and “a forestry of prices” as a concept of thought was examined. At first, the meaning of the Faustmann model in economic sciences is the explanation of allocation and distribution by prices. The rotation age determination plays a secondary role only. Secondly, “a forestry of prices” as an application of the “free to choose” way of thinking is explained. The concept allows us to understand how individuals of anonymous groups achieve forest sustainability and provide forest environmental goods. Thirdly, the relation between the Faustmann model and “a forestry of prices” is discussed. For this purpose, the Faustmann model is described as a scientific laboratory. It helps us to observe how equilibrium arises as a non-intended result of individual welfare maximization in anonymous interactions. And conversely with the help of “a forestry of prices”, we understand also that the individual maximization approach of the Faustmann model re-enacts the unintended interaction situations in anonymous group. With help of the Faustmann model, we can understand deep aspects of “a forestry of prices”. Vice versa, “a forestry of prices” shows the meaning of the formal solutions of the Faustmann model.

Previous studies indicated that a tropical freshwater eel Anguilla bicolor bicolor occurs in Africa, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Indonesia and Australia, but an intensive survey has indicated an extended distribution range for... more

Previous studies indicated that a tropical freshwater eel Anguilla bicolor bicolor occurs in Africa, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Indonesia and Australia, but an intensive survey has indicated an extended distribution range for the species into Peninsular Malaysia. Thus, A. b. bicolor is a native subspecies of Malaysia.

One goal of the LIFE project "Del.Ta." (NAT/IT/000163) was the preparation of an Action Plan to protect the bottlenose dolphin community in the Pelagie Archipelago (Sicily, Italy). It stressed the importance of regular monitoring of the... more

One goal of the LIFE project "Del.Ta." (NAT/IT/000163) was the preparation of an Action Plan to protect the bottlenose dolphin community in the Pelagie Archipelago (Sicily, Italy). It stressed the importance of regular monitoring of the spatial and temporal distribution of dolphins in order to evaluate the impact of local activities. This study assesses whether land-based surveys could be an effective alternative to vessel-based surveys. During the summer of 2006, both surveys' methodologies were used at Lampedusa, with 35 sightings recorded from land and 31 from a boat. Comparison was based on the assessment of the type of information they provided in relation to the presence of the animals and their behavior. Both methodologies were applicable, but there were differences in their requirements, potential information generated, costs, and sensitivity to weather conditions. Vessel-based surveys require well trained observers and enable photoidentification and observation of social interaction and morphology. Animal movements, interactions with anthropogenic elements and group dynamics are better collected from land but spatial data can be documented up to 1 nautical mile from the coast. Weather conditions have a significant platform specific effect on sighting frequencies. The high sighting frequency during land surveys provides support for the development of zeroimpact land-based dolphins watching activity.

We present a bottom-up synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, and ab initio simulations of star-shaped hexagonal zinc oxide (ZnO) nanowires. The ZnO nanostructures were synthesized by a low-temperature hydrothermal growth method. The... more

We present a bottom-up synthesis, spectroscopic characterization, and ab initio simulations of star-shaped hexagonal zinc oxide (ZnO) nanowires. The ZnO nanostructures were synthesized by a low-temperature hydrothermal growth method. The cross-section of the ZnO nanowires transformed from a hexagon to a hexagram when sulfur dopants from thiourea [SC(NH 2) 2 ] were added into the growth solution, but no transformation occurred when urea (OC(NH 2) 2) was added. Comparison of the X-ray photoemission and photoluminescence spectra of undoped and sulfur-doped ZnO confirmed that sulfur is responsible for the novel morphology. Large-scale theoretical calculations were conducted to understand the role of sulfur doping in the growth process. The ab initio simulations demonstrated that the addition of sulfur causes a local change in charge distribution that is stronger at the vertices than at the edges, leading to the observed transformation from hexagon to hexagram nanostructures.

Optimisation of oral bioavailability is a continuing challenge for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. The number of potential drug candidates requiring in vivo evaluation has significantly increased with the advent of... more

Optimisation of oral bioavailability is a continuing challenge for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. The number of potential drug candidates requiring in vivo evaluation has significantly increased with the advent of combinatorial chemistry. In addition, drug discovery programmes are increasingly forced into more lipophilic and lower solubility chemical space. To aid in the use of in vitro and in silico tools as well as reduce the number of in vivo studies required, a team-based discussion tool is proposed that provides a 'road map' to guide the selection of profiling assays that should be considered when optimising oral bioavailability. This road map divides the factors that contribute to poor oral bioavailability into two interrelated categories: absorption and metabolism. This road map provides an interface for cross discipline discussions and a systematic approach to the experimentation that drives the drug discovery process towards a common goal -acceptable oral bioavailability using minimal resources in an acceptable time frame.

Fish and environmental variables were sampled in a mangrove area from Sepetiba bay to assess the role of this system in life cycle of the silverside Atherinella brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824). Standardized monthly sampling using... more

Fish and environmental variables were sampled in a mangrove area from Sepetiba bay to assess the role of this system in life cycle of the silverside Atherinella brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824). Standardized monthly sampling using beach seines were conducted at five sites, between August, 2002 and July, 2003 in daily (day/night) basis, with environmental variables being taken at each site. The highest numerical abundance was recorded in the intermediate sample area in the mangrove channel and the lowest in the innermost site. The highest weight occurred in the outermost site near to the sea connection. Numerical abundance was directly correlated with temperature and salinity, and weight with salinity and dissolved oxygen (p < 0.05). Size ranged from 10 to 160 mm TL, with modes of 40-50 mm TL occurring all over the year in all sites. Recruitment occurred all year round but peaks (TL = 30 mm) in October-December, 2002 and July, 2003 were recorded afterwards the records of larger fishes (September, 2002 and June, 2003) mainly in the outermost site. The largest fishes concentrated in the sandy substrate of the outermost sites, areas more suitable for A. brasiliensis spawning, with recruits dispersing all over the mangrove areas, which are used as rearing grounds. The affinity for highly structured habitats in mangrove and the capacity to use efficiently semi-closed systems was confirmed for A. brasiliensis in Guaratiba mangrove.

The paper argues that the economic imbalances that caused the present crisis should be thought of as the outcome of the interaction of the effects of financial deregulation with the macroeconomic effects of rising inequality. In this... more

The paper argues that the economic imbalances that caused the present crisis should be thought of as the outcome of the interaction of the effects of financial deregulation with the macroeconomic effects of rising inequality. In this sense rising inequality should be regarded as a root cause of the present crisis. We identify four channels by which it has contributed to the crisis. First, rising inequality creates a downward pressure on aggregate demand since it is poorer income groups that have high marginal propensities to consume. Second, international financial deregulation has allowed countries to run larger current account deficits and for longer time periods. Thus, in reaction to potentially stagnant demand two growth models have emerged: a debt-led model and an exportled model. Third, (in the debt-led growth models) higher inequality has led to higher household debt as working class families have tried to keep up with social consumption norms despite stagnating or falling real wages. Fourth, rising inequality has increased the propensity to speculate as richer households tend hold riskier financial assets than other groups. The rise of hedge funds and of subprime derivatives in particular has been linked to rise of the superrich.

The important pests of the three main tree genera used in afforestation in Israel are described. The pine pests are the Israeli bast scale, Matsucoccus josephi; the pine processionary caterpillar, Thaurnetopoea wilkinsoni; the bark... more

The important pests of the three main tree genera used in afforestation in Israel are described. The pine pests are the Israeli bast scale, Matsucoccus josephi; the pine processionary caterpillar, Thaurnetopoea wilkinsoni; the bark beetles Orthotomicus erosus, Pityogenes calcaratus and Tomicus destruens, and the Mediterranean shoot moth, Rhyacionia buoliana thurificana. The cypress pests are the bark beetles Phloeosinus armatus and P. aubei. The eucalypt borerPhoracantha semipunctata is the sole significant pest of eucalypts. All of these pests, except for the last, are considered endemic species which maintained themselves in the natural relict stands. Routine chemical control operations are conducted only against T. wilkinsoni. Natural enemies are capable of keeping the other pest populations under good control if appropriate silvicultural measures and practices are in use.

The dice snake, Natrix tessellata, in Jordan still occurs in viable populations, particularly in northwestern areas of the country. But numerous populations have become extinct, following habitat degradation due to irrigation and water... more

The dice snake, Natrix tessellata, in Jordan still occurs in viable populations, particularly in northwestern
areas of the country. But numerous populations have become extinct, following habitat degradation due to irrigation
and water pollution. Summary notes on morphology and ecology of Jordanian dice snakes is presented, including
aspects of habitat and coexisting herpetofauna, mating, diet, defense behavior, predation and parasites. Literature
comparisons indicate that the biology of the dice snake in Jordan fits the common profile of this species.

The Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) is considered endangered in Mexico. Local extinctions have been documented in the northern Gulf of Mexico, and the only remaining population with a northern distribution is found in the... more

The Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) is considered endangered in Mexico. Local extinctions have been documented in the northern Gulf of Mexico, and the only remaining population with a northern distribution is found in the Alvarado Lagoon System (ALS). The objective of this study was to determine manatee distribution in ALS. The system covers an area of 267,010 ha and includes hundreds of lagoons, floodable areas, and dozens of rivers. To detect manatees, systematic line transects were done in a boat 7.6 m in length, totaling 332.6 h of search effort with an average of 7.38 h d–1 in 45 surveys. There was a total of 13 manatee sightings: seven direct sightings, five with hydrophones, and one with a side-scan sonar. For each record the geographical coordinates were taken and integrated in a geographical information system to analyze their distribution. Manatee distribution was not uniform throughout the study area. Manatees were sighted in very specific areas of ALS cons...

We obtained data from all cities with full coverage by the NIMSS, 2001-2003. These cities, among the largest in the country, represent 12.9 million people, or 50% of the country's total urban population. 11 Children aged 0-14 years, who... more

We obtained data from all cities with full coverage by the NIMSS, 2001-2003. These cities, among the largest in the country, represent 12.9 million people, or 50% of the country's total urban population. 11 Children aged 0-14 years, who number 3.4 million, comprise 26% of their population. With the names of their historical urban centres and total population size in 2001, these cities are: City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality (Cape Town; 2.9 million); City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality (Johannesburg; 3.2 million); City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality (Pretoria; 2.0 million); eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality (Durban; 3.1 million); Nelson Man-Une traduction en français de ce résumé figure à la fin de l'article. Al final del artículo se facilita una traducción al español. ‫املقالة.‬ ‫لهذه‬ ‫الكامل‬ ‫النص‬ ‫نهاية‬ ‫يف‬ ‫الخالصة‬ ‫لهذه‬ ‫العربية‬ ‫الرتجمة‬ Objective To determine the leading causes of fatal injury for urban South African children aged 0-14 years, the distribution of those causes and the current potential for safety improvements. Methods We obtained injury surveillance data from the National Injury Mortality Surveillance System 2001-2003 for six major South African cities varying in size, development and sociodemographic composition. We calculated age-adjusted rates, by sex, population group and city, for death from the five leading causes of fatal injury as well as population attributable risks (PARs). Findings The leading causes of fatal injury in childhood included road traffic injuries-among vehicle passengers and especially among pedestrians-drowning, burns and, in some cities, firearm injuries. Large differences in PARs were observed, particularly for population groups and cities. Disparities between cities and between population groups were largest for deaths from pedestrian injuries, while differences between boys and girls were greatest for drowning deaths. Conclusion In the face of the high variability observed between cities and population groups in the rates of the most common types of fatal injuries, a safety agenda should combine safety-for-all countermeasures-i.e. lowering injury rates for all-and targeted countermeasures that help reduce the burden for those at greatest risk.

Both insulin resistance (IR) and decreased insulin secretion have been shown to predict the development of NIDDM. However, methods to assess insulin sensitivity and secretion are complicated and expensive to apply in epidemiological... more

Both insulin resistance (IR) and decreased insulin secretion have been shown to predict the development of NIDDM. However, methods to assess insulin sensitivity and secretion are complicated and expensive to apply in epidemiological studies. The homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) has been suggested as a method to assess IR and secretion from the fasting glucose and insulin concentrations. We applied the HOMA model in the 3.5-year follow-up of the Mexico City Diabetes Study. Out of 1,449 subjects, 97 developed diabetes. When modeled separately insulin resistance but not insulin secretion predicted NIDDM. However, when both variables were entered into the same regression model, both increased IR and decreased beta-cell function significantly predicted NIDDM. We conclude that the HOMA provides a useful model to assess beta-cell function in epidemiological studies and that it is important to take into account the degree of IR in assessing insulin secretion.

Ana Silvaa,b, Laura Quintanaa, Matıas Galeanoa & Pablo Errandoneaa aDepartamento de Neurofisiologıa, Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable; Unidad Asociada de Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República, Avda.... more

Ana Silvaa,b, Laura Quintanaa, Matıas Galeanoa & Pablo Errandoneaa aDepartamento de Neurofisiologıa, Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable; Unidad Asociada de Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República, Avda. Italia 3318, 11600 ...

1. Freshwater pearl mussels (Margaritifera margaritifera) in the River Dee (north-east Scotland) are in decline, and now occur at low densities with poor recruitment levels. The population's deterioration has been attributed to reduced... more

1. Freshwater pearl mussels (Margaritifera margaritifera) in the River Dee (north-east Scotland) are in decline, and now occur at low densities with poor recruitment levels. The population's deterioration has been attributed to reduced water quality, degraded river-bed habitat and pearl fishing but the specific importance of each of these impacts has not previously been investigated.

Magnesium is involved in numerous processes that affect muscle function including oxygen uptake, energy production and electrolyte balance. Thus, the relationship between magnesium status and exercise has received significant research... more

Magnesium is involved in numerous processes that affect muscle function including oxygen uptake, energy production and electrolyte balance. Thus, the relationship between magnesium status and exercise has received significant research attention. This research has shown that exercise induces a redistribution of magnesium in the body to accommodate metabolic needs. There is evidence that marginal magnesium deficiency impairs exercise performance and amplifies the negative consequences of strenuous exercise (e.g., oxidative stress). Strenuous exercise apparently increases urinary and sweat losses that may increase magnesium requirements by 10-20%. Based on dietary surveys and recent human experiments, a magnesium intake less than 260 mg/day for male and 220 mg/day for female athletes may result in a magnesium-deficient status. Recent surveys also indicate that a significant number of individuals routinely have magnesium intakes that may result in a deficient status. Athletes participat...

In 2009, in collaboration with PT Komatsu Indonesia, PT United Tractors initiate zero inventory management. This collaborative action was took due to put more attention to working capital management since after 2008 economic disturbance,... more

The holotype of Boiga gokool, a poorly known species of cat snake having a narrow distributional limit in eastern India and Bangladesh is redescribed. Based on fresh material and museum specimens the taxonomy of the species is revised.... more

The holotype of Boiga gokool, a poorly known species of cat snake having a narrow distributional limit in eastern India and Bangladesh is redescribed. Based on fresh material and museum specimens the taxonomy of the species is revised. Investigations into the literature, museum specimens and new distributional records have enabled corrections of erroneous reports and also mapping the distribution of this species. The study also records data on its microhabitat, behavior and hitherto unknown information on its breeding biology. A distributional summary of sympatric species of Boiga occurring in eastern India is also provided and a determination key of the East Indian Boiga species is provided.

The effects of growth conditions, such as methane flow rates and type of substrate on the distribution, structure and properties of nanotubes were examined. A scanning electron microscope equipped with a Raman spectrometer enabled us to... more

The effects of growth conditions, such as methane flow rates and type of substrate on the distribution, structure and properties of nanotubes were examined. A scanning electron microscope equipped with a Raman spectrometer enabled us to obtain critical information about the structure and electrical properties of the nanotubes simultaneously, and it was shown that these were highly dependent on the methane flow rate. At a methane flow rate of 600 cc/min, we primarily obtained double-walled carbon nanotubes having predominantly semiconducting properties. At a higher methane flow rate (700 cc/min), a mixture of single-walled and double-walled carbon nanotubes was created, most of which were semiconducting. At low methane flow rates (300 and 500 cc/min), metallic multi-walled carbon nanotubes were predominated. Carbon nanotubes grown on a quartz substrate were between 4-10 lm in length, whereas those grown on silicon were longer ($15-20 lm). The primary growth mechanism observed was base growth, although some cap growth did occur. Based on the results of this study, it is now possible to carefully control the synthesis conditions to produce carbon nanotubes that possess specific electrical properties that suit the desired application.

The paper approaches the optimization of water distribution networks supplied from one or more node sources, according to demand variation. Traditionally, in pipe optimization, the objective function is always focused on the cost criteria... more

The paper approaches the optimization of water distribution networks supplied from one or more node sources, according to demand variation. Traditionally, in pipe optimization, the objective function is always focused on the cost criteria of network components. In this study an improved linear model is developed, which has the advantage of using not only cost criteria, but also energy consumption, consumption of scarce resources, operating expenses etc. The paper treats looped networks wich have concentrated outflows or uniform outflow along the length of each pipe. An improved model is developed for optimal desing of new or partially extended water distribution networks, which operate either by means of gravity or a pump system.The model is based on the method of linear programming and allows the determination of an optimal distribution of commercial diameters for each pipe in the network and the length of the pipes which correspond to these diameters. Also, it is possible to take into account the various functional situations characteristic found during operation. This paper compares linear optimization model to the some others, such as the classic model of average economical velocities and Moshnin optimization model. This shows the good performance of the new model. For different analyzed networks, the saving of electrical energy, due to diminishing pressure losses and operation costs when applying the developed model, represents about 10…35 %.