Teamwork in healthcare Research Papers (original) (raw)

Manusia sebagai makhluk sosial senantiasa membutuhkan orang lain. Meskipun hidup berkecukupan, kecerdasan yang cukup dan kekuatan fisik yang cukup, ia akan selalu membutuhkan lingkungan dimana dia bisa berbagi, saling memberi support dan... more

Manusia sebagai makhluk sosial senantiasa membutuhkan orang lain. Meskipun hidup berkecukupan, kecerdasan yang cukup dan kekuatan fisik yang cukup, ia akan selalu membutuhkan lingkungan dimana dia bisa berbagi, saling memberi support dan bergotong royong. Manusia tidak hanya membutuhkan agama, ilmu pengetahuan, atau hiburanatau kesenian, tetapi juga kebersamaan. Semuanya diperlukan. Karena dengan agama hidup lebih terarah, dengan pengetahuan hidup akan lebih mudah, dengan seni hidup lebih indah dan dengan kebersamaan hidup akan lebih berfaidah.
Dalam definisi singkat, teamwork merupakan serangkaian nilai, sikap dan perilaku dalam sebuah tim. Sehingga tidak selalu terdiri dari sekumpulan orang dengan gaya, sikap, maupun cara kerja yang sama. Perbedaan antar tim justru merupakan potensi yang akan membuat sebuah tim menjadi kreatif dan inovatif. Untuk mencapai kerjasama tim yang baik perlu ditumbuhkan sikap positif di antara anggota tim. Antara lain kebiasaan untuk saling mendengarkan sehingga tercipta komunikasi yang baik, memberikan dukungan kepada anggota tim yang membutuhkan, dan apresisasi terhadap kontribusi dan pencapaian yang diperoleh dari setiap anggota tim.
Sebuah teamwork akan menjadi penentu mulus tidaknya perjalanan organisasi. Sebab itu sangat diperlukan adanya kerjasama yang baik dalam melaksanakan tanggung jawab dalam keorganisasian. Makalah ini akan membahas definisi teamwork, manfaat dan fungsi teamwork, jenis teamwork, perbedaan tim kerja dan kelompok kerja, peranan tim kerja, tahap perkembangan teamwork, dan dimensi dalam tim kerja.
Kerjasama dalam tim atau seringkali diistilahkan teamwork berarti melakukan suatu aktivitas kerja bersama lebih dari 1 orang dalam sebuah team untuk mencapai suatu goal. Bila diamati, setiap bentuk aktivitas terutama dalam organisasi lebih dari 90% aktivitas itu adalah kerjasama dan sedikit bidang yang aktivitas-nya tidak memerlukan kerjasama.
Setiap unit kerja, bidang atau bagian umumnya memiliki tujuan yang akan dicapai dengan format yang sudah jelas, sehingga apabila kita perhatikan secara lebih dalam tingkat keberhasilan masing-masing kelompok tersebut akan sangat dipengaruhi oleh dinamika kerjasama kelompoknya. Artikel berikut menerangkan makna dan pentingnya kerjasama.

O livro tenta compreender, por meio de uma abordagem histórica e política, as contradições e os dilemas que enfrentam os trabalhadores da área de saúde pública. Eles se formam geralmente em meio a modelos biomédicos e individualistas, mas... more

O livro tenta compreender, por meio de uma abordagem histórica e política, as contradições e os dilemas que enfrentam os trabalhadores da área de saúde pública. Eles se formam geralmente em meio a modelos biomédicos e individualistas, mas nesse segmento da medicina predomina um candente discurso em defesa do trabalho em equipe e multidisciplinar. Conforme diz o autor, mesmo esse discurso está impregnado de abordagens com viés simplesmente organizativo ou tecnicista. Além disso, confunde o processo de trabalho médico com o processo de trabalho em saúde. Em tal contexto, saem do foco as necessidades sociais em saúde da população e dos próprios trabalhadores e, ainda, a necessidade de se criar espaços coletivos, onde as práticas das equipes possam ser compartilhadas, debatidas e transformadas. O pesquisador discorre também sobre algumas políticas de saúde no Brasil ao longo da história, enfatizando especialmente o período pós-regime militar (1964-1985), em que os movimentos sociais, em particular o da Reforma Sanitária Brasileira, tiveram papel central nas mudanças empreendidas na área. Ele cita, por exemplo, a implantação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e a Estratégia de Saúde da Família, modelo adotado posteriormente e hoje priorizado nas políticas

The Department of Communication Arts extends to you an invitation to participate in a colloquium/ training event on the topic: " Socio-cultural Issues in Healthcare from Personal Perspectives " on Thursday, September 14, 2017, at the... more

The Department of Communication Arts extends to you an invitation to participate in a colloquium/ training event on the topic: " Socio-cultural Issues in Healthcare from Personal Perspectives " on Thursday, September 14, 2017, at the Valdosta State University. We believe that a person's social position emerges within the interface of micro-level personal identities and macro-level socio-cultural patterns. Particularly in healthcare, we consider the interactions between personal identity markers: age, sex, r ace, sexual orientation, physical ability, and education, etc., and socio-cultural variables: such as power, resources, and public policies, etc., as central to understanding diversity in healthcare delivery. Thus, we consider the narratives of those at the frontlines of healthcare delivery as vital to our understanding of these interactions. These perspectives offer faculty and students unique opportunities to learn at firsthand about the complex dynamics of socio-cultural issues from those in the frontlines of service delivery. Objectives: The objectives of the colloquium are delineated in six measurable terms as follows: i. To bring the Valdosta State University community, the Medical Center of South Georgia, and other institutions and medical facilities in South Georgia together to share their personal stories of triumph, challenges, and failures in dealing with difference on the frontlines of healthcare. ii. To challenge some of the conventional views and assumptions about healthcare provider and healthcare recipient interactions with regard to difference and intersectionalities. This is to help participants see some of the sociocultural undercurrents in the healthcare delivery process from new perspectives. iii. To demonstrate how some current policies and ideologies can produce unintended consequences. This is expected to bring new dimensions to our understanding of the subject matter toward the improvement of pedagogy. iv. To help create the space to advance public discourse on the interaction between identities and other sociocultural variables and their impact on health delivery. v. To learn about the transformations within the American workforce and the various cultures that are in interaction in any healthcare setting within the US. vi. To join a network of individuals in the frontlines of the healthcare profession in South Georgia. Expected Participation: This colloquium is expected to bring together students and professors from the Department of Communications Arts, the College of Nursing and Health Science, and Management and Healthcare Administration. The colloquium also invites health professionals and faculties in institutions around the South of Georgia. Registration: if you plan to attend this colloquium as a presenter, please send an abstract/proposal of not more than 200 words detailing what your intended presentation is about or a full story of your presentation/narrative which touches on the subject matter of the colloquium—intersectionalities. Your email should include name, institution, career and title, and email address. Your abstract/proposal/ narrative should reach the program coordinator latest July 30, 2017. Attendees without papers should also register by the same date.

There currently exist two identifiable problems within the discourse of teamworking in management literature and healthcare practice. Firstly, there appears an oversimplified viewpoint on how beneficial teamworking is considered a panacea... more

There currently exist two identifiable problems within the discourse of teamworking in management literature and healthcare practice. Firstly, there appears an oversimplified viewpoint on how beneficial teamworking is considered a panacea in curtailing organizational inefficiencies. Secondly, dominant within the literature are Western perspectives with less critical ethnographic underpinnings and specifically with limited implications of such views in other contexts. Also evident from within the body literature on teamworking discourse are overwhelming support for the benefits of this concept on one hand and on another are a dearth of critiques of teamworking discourse as a panacea for solving organizational problems. In this paper we disclose from a conceptual perspective and points out why the latter (criticisms of teamworking) appears to have not been taken notice of. We posit discursively from our encounter with the literature the claims for teamworking, the critiques and argue out how such approaches vary empirically within specific designated contexts from a team composition perspective. In addressing the above research gaps we theoretically point out the possibilities of uncovering rather an unclear correlation on how teamworking is beneficial and how team members might enact, practice and make sense of their team experiences. We finally present a critical evaluation of competing claims by pointing out how observations through the lens of a poststructural-social constructionist paradigm underscored via a reflexive assessment might provide deeper insights on how teamworking is enacted and practiced by healthcare professionals ethnographically.

There currently exist two identifiable problems within the discourse of teamworking in management literature and healthcare practice. Firstly, there appears an oversimplified viewpoint on how beneficial teamworking is considered a panacea... more

There currently exist two identifiable problems within the discourse of teamworking in management literature and healthcare practice. Firstly, there appears an oversimplified viewpoint on how beneficial teamworking is considered a panacea in curtailing organizational inefficiencies. Secondly, dominant within the literature are Western perspectives with less critical ethnographic underpinnings and specifically with limited implications of such views in other contexts. Also evident from within the body literature on teamworking discourse are overwhelming support for the benefits of this concept on one hand and on another are a dearth of critiques of teamworking discourse as a panacea for solving organizational problems. In this paper we disclose from a conceptual perspective and points out why the latter (criticisms of teamworking) appears to have not been taken notice of. We posit discursively from our encounter with the literature the claims for teamworking, the critiques and argue ...

A growing number of pharmacists practice within interdisciplinary health care teams, leading pharmacy educators to place increased emphasis on the development of interprofessional collaboration skills. In the pharmacist-physician... more

A growing number of pharmacists practice within interdisciplinary health care teams, leading pharmacy educators to place increased emphasis on the development of interprofessional collaboration skills. In the pharmacist-physician relationship, pharmacists' medication therapy recommendations (MTRs) are a recurrent and significant interprofessional activity, one that can be challenging for both seasoned and student pharmacists. Drawing on in-depth ethnographic interviews with pharmacy preceptors and advanced student pharmacists, we identify and describe an important distinction between pharmacist-initiated MTRs and physician-initiated MTRs as contexts for interprofessional collaboration. We describe and illustrate a range of social, professional, and communication challenges that students experience in each context, as well as some strategies they use to navigate these challenges. Using the theoretical framework of dialectic tensions, we argue that the pharmacist-physician relationship is characterized by a tension between assertiveness and deference. We also offer recommendations to pharmacy preceptors, who can use this article to enhance the experiential education of pharmacists.

To identify the impact of a full suite of health information technology (HIT) on the relationships that support safety and quality among intensive care unit (ICU) clinicians. A year-long comparative ethnographic study of three academic... more

To identify the impact of a full suite of health information technology (HIT) on the relationships that support safety and quality among intensive care unit (ICU) clinicians. A year-long comparative ethnographic study of three academic ICUs was carried out. A total of 446 hours of observational data was collected in the form of field notes. A subset of these observations-134 hours-was devoted to job-shadowing individual clinicians and conducting a time study of their HIT usage. Significant variation in HIT implementation rates and usage was noted. Average HIT use on the two "high-use" ICUs was 49 percent. On the "low-use" ICU, it was 10 percent. Clinicians on the high-use ICUs experienced "silo" effects with potential safety and quality implications. HIT work was associated with spatial, data, and social silos that separated ICU clinicians from one another and their patients. Situational awareness, communication, and patient satisfaction were negatively affected by this siloing. HIT has the potential to accentuate social and professional divisions as clinical communications shift from being in-person to electronically mediated. Socio-technically informed usability testing is recommended for those hospitals that have yet to implement HIT. For those hospitals already implementing HIT, we suggest rapid, locally driven qualitative assessments focused on developing solutions to identified gaps between HIT usage patterns and organizational quality goals.

Pervasive intelligent environments, such as digital homes, offer huge potentials for eHealth services. However, there is a question as to how best to manage (i.e. configure and program) these systems. The majority of solutions to-date... more

Pervasive intelligent environments, such as digital homes, offer huge potentials for eHealth services. However, there is a question as to how best to manage (i.e. configure and program) these systems. The majority of solutions to-date rely exclusively on either end users or autonomous agents to manage the environment, which may not be suitable for all users and in certain situations, especially in eHealth applications where uses may have very specific requirements that can change considerably over time. In this work-in-progress paper we argue that human-agent teamwork is vital for the adoption of future pervasive computing systems into our everyday lives; we discuss these issues, exposing the problem of exclusive management and we explore a solution, presenting our novel architecture for an adjustable autonomy agent that enables human-agent based teamwork. This work contributes to the PAL project: a collaborative research effort between University of Essex, BT, University of Cambridge and Ericsson.

The growing use of teams in healthcare delivery worldwide has focused attention on inter-professional team training (ITT) early in professional education. This study examines the role of non-ability individual differences and student... more

The growing use of teams in healthcare delivery worldwide has focused attention on inter-professional team training (ITT) early in professional education. This study examines the role of non-ability individual differences and student professional affiliation on ITT outcomes. A sample of 272 first-year health provider students from four programs completed a pre-workshop battery of demographic and non-ability measures prior to training, and an training outcomes survey six weeks after training. Individual differences in assertiveness, attitude toward collaboration, and inter-professional (IP) “intelligence” significantly predicted variance in teamwork self-efficacy, transfer of learning, and knowledge retention, beyond variance accounted for by professional program. The findings provide support for student assessment of attributes that predict inter-professional teamwork prior to program entry.

Background and objectives There is growing interest in efforts to enhance advance care planning for patients with kidney disease. Our goal was to elicit the perspectives on advance care planning of multidisciplinary providers who care for... more

Background and objectives There is growing interest in efforts to enhance advance care planning for patients with kidney disease. Our goal was to elicit the perspectives on advance care planning of multidisciplinary providers who care for patients with advanced kidney disease. Design, setting, participants, & measurements Between April and December of 2014, we conducted semi-structured interviews at the Department of Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System with 26 providers from a range of disciplines and specialties who care for patients with advanced kidney disease. Participants were asked about their perspectives and experiences related to advance care planning in this population. Interviews were audiotaped, transcribed, and analyzed inductively using grounded theory. Results The comments of providers interviewed for this study spoke to significant system–level barriers to supporting the process of advance care planning for patients with advanced kidney disease. We identified four overlapping themes: (1) medical care for this population is complex and fragmented across settings and providers and over time; (2) lack of a shared understanding and vision of advance care planning and its relationship with other aspects of care, such as dialysis decision making; (3) unclear locus of responsibility and authority for advance care planning; and (4) lack of active collaboration and communication around advance care planning among different providers caring for the same patients. Conclusions The comments of providers who care for patients with advanced kidney disease spotlight both the need for and the challenges to interdisciplinary collaboration around advance care planning for this population. Systematic efforts at a variety of organizational levels will likely be needed to support teamwork around advance care planning among the different providers who care for patients with advanced kidney disease.

Objective: to analyze the experience of the family health team in resignifying the way to develop educational groups. Method: groups of discussion, with twenty-six biweekly group meetings conducted, with an average of fifteen... more

Objective: to analyze the experience of the family health team in resignifying the way to develop educational groups. Method: groups of discussion, with twenty-six biweekly group meetings
conducted, with an average of fifteen professionals from the family health team, during the year 2009. The empirical material consisted of the transcription of the groups, on which thematic
analysis was performed. Results: two themes were developed and explored from the collective discussions with the team: “The experience and coordination of the groups” and “The work
process and educational groups in a service-school”. Conclusions: continuing Education in Health developed with the team, not only permitted learning about the educational groups that comprised the population, but also contributed to the team’s analysis of its own relationships and its work process that is traversed by institutions. This study contributed to the advancement of scientific knowledge about the process of continuing health education as well as educational groups with the population. Also noteworthy is the research design used, providing reflexivity and critical analysis on the part of the team about the group process experienced in the meetings, appropriating knowledge in a meaningful and transformative manner.