Poverty Research Papers - Academia.edu (original) (raw)

Purpose: Research shows that trust is significantly related to academic achievement. This study expands knowledge of this connection in two ways. First, because a stratified, random sample of elementary schools from an entire state was... more

Purpose: Research shows that trust is significantly related to academic achievement. This study expands knowledge of this connection in two ways. First, because a stratified, random sample of elementary schools from an entire state was used, the results have considerable generalizability. Second, this study tested the relationship between trust and achievement and assessed whether links between academic achievement, socioeconomic status (SES), and racial composition are mediated by the levels of trust teachers report in students and parents. Data Collection and Analysis: Schools were systematically randomly selected and stratified by location, prior achievement, SES, and size to represent all traditional public elementary schools across Michigan. Teachers responded to surveys measuring the levels of trust in schools. A path analysis was conducted at the school level to model variation in trust and the proportion of students passing the state mathematics and reading assessments. Findings: Using path analysis and controlling for measures of school context, greater trust was associated with increased school achievement in mathematics and reading on state assessments used for accountability purposes. Also, school SES, racial composition, and size were indirectly related

The purpose of this study was to examine oral reading fluency (ORF) in the context of a large-scale federal reading initiative conducted in low performing, high poverty schools. The objectives were to (a) investigate the relation between... more

The purpose of this study was to examine oral reading fluency (ORF) in the context of a large-scale federal reading initiative conducted in low performing, high poverty schools. The objectives were to (a) investigate the relation between ORF and comprehensive reading tests, (b) examine whether slope of performance over time on ORF predicted performance on comprehensive reading tests over and above initial level of performance, and (c) test how well various models of ORF and performance on high stakes reading tests in Year 1 predicted performance on high-stakes reading tests in Year 2. Subjects were four cohorts of students in Grades 1-3, with each cohort representing approximately 2,400 students. Results support the use of ORF in the early grades to screen students for reading problems and monitor reading growth over time. The use of ORF in reading reform and implications for school psychologists are discussed.

Low-income children are at elevated risk for emotion-related problems; however, little research has examined gender and emotion socialization in low-income families. The authors describe the ways in which emotion socialization may differ... more

Low-income children are at elevated risk for emotion-related problems; however, little research has examined gender and emotion socialization in low-income families. The authors describe the ways in which emotion socialization may differ for low-income versus middle-income families. They also present empirical data on low-income caregivers' responses to their toddlers' emotion displays, with findings indicating more supportive and fewer punitive responses to boys' anger than to girls', but few gender differences for sadness/ anxiety. Finally, they present two models (the emotion competence model and differential emotions model) for understanding relations between emotion socialization and the development of psychopathology, particularly in lowincome children.

The goal of this paper is to provide a preliminary overview of empirical Capability Approach (CA) applications for high-income OECD countries. The survey aims at a basis of mutual exchange on relevant CA issues among researchers analyzing... more

The goal of this paper is to provide a preliminary overview of empirical Capability Approach (CA) applications for high-income OECD countries. The survey aims at a basis of mutual exchange on relevant CA issues among researchers analyzing well-being in affluent countries. It focuses on CA applications related to general well-being, inequalities, poverty and human development in affluent countries. Based on this literature survey and an illustration of procedures and challenges of selecting relevant dimensions and referring to ongoing projects commissioned by the German and British government, the authors conclude that a stronger emphasis should be on assessing capabilities, autonomy, agency and responsibility. JEL-Code: B410, I300, I310, I320, O150.

Küresel sermaye gelişmiş, kredi imkânları büyümüş, markalaşma artmış, ihracat hedefleri genişlemiş ancak üçüncü dünya ve güney ülkeleri olarak isimlendirilen yoksulluğun fazla olduğu ülkeler, yeni ekonomik ve politik düzende kalkınma... more

Küresel sermaye gelişmiş, kredi imkânları büyümüş, markalaşma artmış, ihracat hedefleri genişlemiş ancak üçüncü dünya ve güney ülkeleri olarak isimlendirilen yoksulluğun fazla olduğu ülkeler, yeni ekonomik ve politik düzende kalkınma imkânı elde edememiştir.

Cette recherche a été rendue possible grâce au financement du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH), subventions de développement Savoir. Les auteures souhaitent remercier Maxine Visotsky-Charlebois pour sa... more

Cette recherche a été rendue possible grâce au financement du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH), subventions de développement Savoir. Les auteures souhaitent remercier Maxine Visotsky-Charlebois pour sa contribution à l'analyse des entretiens.

Africa is not poor, it is poorly led. – Omoruyi Aigbe ABSTRACT Africa's colonial legacy has been blamed for the socioeconomic, security, political challenges, the tension and hostility among the many ethnic groups, especially in... more

Diverse social programmes —including conditional cash transfer programmes, labour and production inclusion programmes and social pensions— are being implemented in Latin American and Caribbean countries with the aim of ending poverty and... more

Diverse social programmes —including conditional cash transfer programmes, labour and production inclusion programmes and social pensions— are being implemented in Latin American and Caribbean countries with the aim of ending poverty and reducing inequalities throughout the life cycle. This book offers an up-to-date analysis of these programmes and the way they relate to labour inclusion, and analyses ongoing debates regarding the possible incentives and disincentives they create in terms of the labour supply, formalization and child labour among the target population. Considering that poverty is a structural problem of highly unequal societies, the thesis that poverty is due to a lack of effort on the part of the poor is argued to be an expression of the strong prejudice against those living in poverty, the great majority of whom work or are actively seeking employment, but are hampered by the large decent work deficits existing in the region. From an integrated and rights-based perspective, public policies should simultaneously address the twofold challenge of social and labour inclusion in order to achieve basic thresholds of well-being by ensuring income, universal access to good-quality social services and opportunities for decent work.

Bakhtine a décrit le carnaval comme un espace utopique, populiste et festif. Mon propos est que le Grand Magal, un événement religieux mouride au Sénégal ainsi qu'une fête nationale populaire, partage de nombreux parallèles notables avec... more

Bakhtine a décrit le carnaval comme un espace utopique, populiste et festif. Mon propos est que le Grand Magal, un événement religieux mouride au Sénégal ainsi qu'une fête nationale populaire, partage de nombreux parallèles notables avec le carnaval, un argument qui permet de mieux comprendre son importance de même que sa nature. Tout comme le carnaval, le Grand Magal est un espace contradictoire où les oppositions binaires s'estompent : les participants y célèbrent non seulement leur foi mais aussi leur existence humaine en embrassant les plaisirs mondains. Temporairement libérée des règles et des rôles habituels dictés par la vie quotidienne, la communauté mouride peut envisager le futur et le renouvellement, et ainsi échapper aux difficultés de la réalité. Fondée en 1887 par le Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba – fondateur du mouvement soufi musulman – à la suite d'une vision sacrée, la ville de Touba, au Sénégal, est le centre spirituel des Mourides. Chaque 18 Safar, au mois de novembre, environ 4 à 5 millions de Soufis font leur pèlerinage – leur zyara – à Touba. Celui-ci se nomme le Grand Magal : le Magal Gu Ma en wolof. Mag signifie « être important » ou « être vieux ». Magal peut donc être traduit par « célébration » ou « anniversaire » (Coulon 1999 : 196). Pendant le Magal, les disciples mourides – les talibés – font une circumambulation autour des monuments associés au Fondateur, tels que sa tombe, qui se trouve dans la grande mosquée construite en son honneur. Ils présentent des offrandes à leurs marabouts et surtout font des oblations au Khalife Général, qui est

En zengin 62 kişinin, dünyanın %50’sine tekabül eden 3,6 milyar insan ile eşit mal varlığına sahip olduğu bir dünyada yaşıyoruz. En zengin 20 ülkenin geliri, en fakir 20 ülke gelirinin tam 46 katı daha fazla. Küresel adaletsizliğin bu... more

En zengin 62 kişinin, dünyanın
%50’sine tekabül eden 3,6 milyar
insan ile eşit mal varlığına sahip olduğu
bir dünyada yaşıyoruz. En zengin
20 ülkenin geliri, en fakir 20 ülke
gelirinin tam 46 katı daha fazla. Küresel
adaletsizliğin bu kadar rahatsız
edici boyutlarda olması ve servetin
bu kadar adaletsiz paylaşımı, yoksulluk
gibi ciddi sosyal problemlerin
ortaya çıkmasına neden olmaktadır.
Bu durumun daha iyi anlaşılabilmesi
adına bu çalışmada, eşitsizliğin
hangi sebeplerden kaynaklandığı, sonuçlarının
ne olduğu ve önümüzdeki
yıllarda daha vahim bir tablonun ortaya
çıkmaması için neler yapılması
gerektiği ele alınacaktır.
Bu bağlamda, raporun ilk kısmında
yoksulluk ve eşitsizlik kavramlarına
değinilecektir. İkinci kısmında Dünya
Bankası, Birleşmiş Milletler (BM)
gibi uluslararası resmî kurumların
yayınladıkları veriler incelenecektir.
Sonrasında yoksulluk ve eşitsizliğin
ortaya çıkmasının nedenleri ele alınacak
olup, son kısımda uluslararası
literatürde bu sorunların aşılması
için önerilen uygulamalar dikkatlere

The current study, utilizing data from the National Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project explored the relationship between biological father presence and emotion regulation over toddlerhood among children from low-income... more

The current study, utilizing data from the National Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project explored the relationship between biological father presence and emotion regulation over toddlerhood among children from low-income families. Conceptualizing biological father presence as a proxy for family role development, results are interpreted from a role development theoretical perspective. The latent growth curve model was compared based on child ethnoracial status (African American, Caucasian, Hispanic) and child gender. Consistent biological father presence was associated with toddlers' regulatory development across toddlerhood, and this relationship was most robust among Caucasian toddlers as compared to African American toddlers. Findings for Hispanic toddlers were not significantly different from those of Caucasian or African American families. Results bolster the literature on father presence and child outcomes. Analyses address consistency in father presence as a proxy for coherent role development and define a link between consistent father presence and children's regulatory development, demonstrating ethnoracial differences which are likely attributed to the social construction of family roles.

This study of a predominantly Hispanic sample of 92 male and 140 female college students examines both gender symmetry in intimate partner violence (IPV) and inconsistent relationships found in previous studies between sexist attitudes... more

This study of a predominantly Hispanic sample of 92 male and 140 female college students examines both gender symmetry in intimate partner violence (IPV) and inconsistent relationships found in previous studies between sexist attitudes and IPV. Results indicate that although comparable numbers of men and women perpetrate and are victimized in their relationships with intimate partners, the path models suggest that women's violence tends to be in reaction to male violence, whereas men tend to initiate violence and then their partners respond with violence. Benevolent sexism was shown to have a protective effect against men's violence toward partners. Findings highlight the importance of studying women's violence not only in the context of men's violence but also within a broader sociocultural context. C onsiderable debate continues regarding the prevalence, direction, and meaning of violence between men and women in intimate relationships (e.g., Frieze, 2005;. Studies examining men's and women's use of physical violence have indicated that the number of women using physical aggression is either comparable to that of men

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission. No part of this book may be stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, electrostatic,... more

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission. No part of this book may be stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior permission in writing of the publisher.

This dissertation examines the extent in which state policies have affected the Roma in Turkey by looking into the reasons for their poverty and social exclusion as well as into the survival mechanisms and livelihoods strategies they have... more

This dissertation examines the extent in which state policies have affected the Roma in Turkey by looking into the reasons for their poverty and social exclusion as well as into the survival mechanisms and livelihoods strategies they have employed as a response. The study addresses the situation of the Roma from the perspective of the approach the Turkish state has had on ethnicities, the accession conditionalities imposed by the European Union and the neo-liberal policies implemented by the government after 2002. Broadly, the study illustrates the impact of long-lasting structural invisibilization towards the Roma as well as the manner in which the Roma have positioned themselves and negotiated with power in order to survive. Having in mind that the first official measure of the 2010 Roma Opening initiative of the AKP Government was the provision of housing, the dissertation focuses particularly on the housing policies that have had an impact on the livelihoods strategies of the Roma in Turkey: the “housing for the Roma” [Tr. Roman konutları] initiative and the urban regeneration [Tr. kentsel dönüşüm] projects run by the state authorities all over Turkey. The research shows that, while the Roma have been long affected by the invisibilisation and exclusion of the state policies, the provision of housing alone, without accompanying measures and without taking into account the needs and specificity of the communities targeted, does not have the potential to get the Roma out of poverty nor to tackle their exclusion. Moreover, the demolition of the gecekondu settlements and its consequential displacement sets poor Roma on a more vulnerable path from which they have difficulty to recover and to find sustainable livelihoods strategies.

There has been a significant shift among antipoverty nonprofits toward what we call relational work, which involves working with clients over time on life changes. Some scholars discuss this, often in negative terms, as part of a broader... more

There has been a significant shift among antipoverty nonprofits toward what we call relational work, which involves working with clients over time on life changes. Some scholars discuss this, often in negative terms, as part of a broader neoliberal trend. We argue that relational work is an important and unavoidable part of ongoing efforts against poverty and homelessness. We also discuss the broader theoretical context that make scholars suspicious of this kind of antipoverty work, and argue for a multifaceted approach to poverty that includes attention to relational work and the agency of clients.

Beyond rough estimates, little is known about disability in the majority world and complexities related to context and poverty are too often unacknowledged in the quest to simplify, generalise and export disability discourse, models and... more

Beyond rough estimates, little is known about disability in the majority world and complexities related to context and poverty are too often unacknowledged in the quest to simplify, generalise and export disability discourse, models and strategies. Disability remains peripheral to the larger development agenda and the disability studies debate maintains an almost exclusive focus on western settings, loaded with associated historical, social and cultural assumptions. In the light of this, this paper seeks to elucidate and engage with complex issues surrounding the disability and majority world debate, critique and challenge the exportation of western focused disability models and discourse and engage with possible avenues for bridging the gap between disability and development.

Türkiye, her iki dünya savaşı ertesi köklü dönüşümler geçirdi. İlki 600 yıllık Osmanlı hanedanına son verdi. İkincisi ise Tek Parti döneminin sonu oldu; Türkiye’de siyasi demokrasinin yolunu açtı. İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nda Türkiye tarafsız... more

Türkiye, her iki dünya savaşı ertesi köklü dönüşümler geçirdi. İlki 600 yıllık Osmanlı hanedanına son verdi. İkincisi ise Tek Parti döneminin sonu oldu; Türkiye’de siyasi demokrasinin yolunu açtı. İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nda Türkiye tarafsız kaldı. Ancak, savaşın tüm olumsuzluklarını bilfiil yaşadı. Tek Parti döneminin toplumsal dengeleri büyük ölçüde hasar gördü. Milli Korunma Kanunu, Varlık Vergisi, Toprak Mahsulleri
Vergisi, İş Mükellefiyeti gibi uygulamalar toplumsal katmanları iktidara karşı tavır almaya sevk etti. Devletin savaş içinde kararlarını hayata geçirme konusundaki zaafları belirginleşirken; kitlelerin gündelik yaşamda tepki ve direnişleri de çığ gibi arttı. Gerek çok partili sisteme geçişte, gerekse 1940’ların ikinci yarısında gündeme gelen sosyal politika alanındaki reformlarda toplum tabanında gözlenen yılgınlık ve
tepkiler önemli bir rol oynadı.
Murat Metinsoy’un kitabı işte bu zor yılların toplumsal öyküsünü gündeme getiriyor. Olaylar dizinini tabandan irdeleyerek; kitlelerin yaşam deneyimlerini, serzenişlerini, gündelik yaşamdaki direnişlerini vurgulayarak… Otoriter dönemlerde bile toplumun
gündelik mücadelelerinin ve taleplerinin siyasete etki edebileceğini
ortaya koyarak…
Zafer Toprak, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi

This study aims to identify regions in the Zambezi River Basin in Southern Africa that are prone to risk of violent conflicts (collective violence, popular unrest) induced by climatic changes/variability. The Zambezi River is 575... more

This study aims to identify regions in the Zambezi River Basin in Southern Africa that are prone to risk of violent conflicts (collective violence, popular unrest) induced by climatic changes/variability. The Zambezi River is 575 kilometres long and the basin covers eight coun- tries: Zambia, Angola, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Tanzania, Botswana, Mo- zambique and Namibia.Besides the ecological impact, the study argues that socio-econom- ic and political problems are disproportionately multiplied by climate change/variability. Climate change/variability amplifies stresses on the socio-political fabric because it affects the governance of resources, and hence, is linked to the weakened mitigation and adaptation capac- ity of societies, that are already facing economic challenges (rising food prices, etc.). Society becomes highly vulnerable to climate induced con- flicts when it suffers from poor central leadership, weak institutions and polarized social identities. Taking all these factors into consideration, this study identifies Bulawayo/Matableleland-North in Zimbabwe and the Zambezia Province in Mozambique as the most likely regions to experience climate induced conflicts in the near future. The reasons for arriving at this conclusion are: a) Climatechange/variability will have a significant impact on these two regions; due to increasing water scarcity in Bulawayo/Matabeleland- North; and intensified flooding, sea-level rise, and costal erosion in the Zambezia Province. b) Due to climate change/variability, agricultural production in these two regions will become highly volatile, leading to severe food insecurity. c) Both regions are suffering from low quality political governance, having unscrupulous elites, weak institutions, and polarized social identities.

Health has long been intertwined with the foreign policies of states. In recent years, however, global health issues have risen to the highest levels of international politics and have become accepted as legitimate issues in foreign... more

Health has long been intertwined with the foreign policies of states. In recent years, however, global health issues have risen to the highest levels of international politics and have become accepted as legitimate issues in foreign policy. This elevated political priority is in many ways a welcome development for proponents of global health, and it has resulted in increased funding for and attention to select global health issues. However, there has been less examination of the tensions that characterize the relationship between global health and foreign policy and of the potential effects of linking global health efforts with the foreign-policy interests of states. In this paper, the authors review the relationship between global health and foreign policy by examining the roles of health across 4 major components of foreign policy: aid, trade, diplomacy, and national security. For each of these aspects of foreign policy, the authors review current and historical issues and discuss how foreign-policy interests have aided or impeded global health efforts. The increasing relevance of global health to foreign policy holds both opportunities and dangers for global efforts to improve health.

Purpose: To investigate whether social capital may explain differences in teen pregnancy rates in the contiguous United States. Method: State-level correlational analyses were conducted. Predictor variables included social capital, income... more

Purpose: To investigate whether social capital may explain differences in teen pregnancy rates in the contiguous United States. Method: State-level correlational analyses were conducted. Predictor variables included social capital, income inequality, and poverty. Main Outcome Measure: State-level rates of pregnancy for girls 15-19 years old. Results: In bivariate analyses, social capital was inversely correlated with teen pregnancy rates. The obtained correlation was strong (r ϭ Ϫ.78) and achieved significance (p Ͻ .001). Poverty and income inequality were also significantly correlated with teen pregnancy rates, but the magnitude of these correlations was lower. In a linear regression model, poverty failed to retain significance; however, income inequality achieved significance and produced a Beta value of .24 (p ϭ .017). Social capital was nonetheless a much stronger multivariate predictor of teen pregnancy rates (producing a Beta value of Ϫ.672). Conclusion: Findings from this state-level analysis suggest that social capital may explain differences between states with respect to teen pregnancy rates. Thus, social capital may play an important role in the prevention of teen pregnancy. This initial finding warrants subsequent empirical investigations designed to identify strategies that can be employed to foster the creation of social capital in communities and entire states.

The high levels of inequality which characterize the South African political economy are reflected in its patterns of energy use and consequent environmental impacts. In spite of significant overcapacity on the national electricity grid,... more

The high levels of inequality which characterize the South African political economy are reflected in its patterns of energy use and consequent environmental impacts. In spite of significant overcapacity on the national electricity grid, twothirds of households do not have access to electricity, and rely instead on dirtier and less convenient fuels, such as coal. As a result, urban air quality is severely degraded, with health guidelines for concentrations of particulate matter frequently being exceeded. Adverse effects on residents' health have been observed. On the whole, the impacts of a national electrification initiative are likely to be positive, although a complete switch to electricity may not occur immediately. It is argued that efficiency measures should form part of an electrification initiative to ameliorate environmental costs. Finally, this paper considers some investment implications of mass electrification and concludes that the electricity supply industry itself has the means to bring about more equitable access to electricity services for the urban poor.

This research derives from the most recent wave of a longitudinal study of nearly 500 families in urban Philadelphia neighborhoods collected over a 9-year time span. Earlier findings revealed remarkable continuity in success trajectories... more

This research derives from the most recent wave of a longitudinal study of nearly 500 families in urban Philadelphia neighborhoods collected over a 9-year time span. Earlier findings revealed remarkable continuity in success trajectories from early to mid-adolescence despite hazards imposed by poor neighborhoods, low economic standing, and poor schooling opportunities. Despite this stability, qualitative interviews with the adolescents suggested a flattening scope of success and an increasing scope of failure and risk during the transition to adulthood for minority men. This paper describes the association between the youths ' performance in 1991 and their socioeconomic standing in 1999 for different race and gender subgroups. Findings from logistic regressions support the premonition of a growing racial divergence for minority men. The findings also suggest that early and late adolescent attributes do not mediate the effect of race on early adult success. The research highligh...

Deteriorative environmental conditions in environmental justice (EJ) communities not only post direct health risks such as chronic illnesses, but also cause emotional distress such as anxiety, fear, and anger among residents, which may... more

Deteriorative environmental conditions in environmental justice (EJ) communities not only post direct health risks such as chronic illnesses, but also cause emotional distress such as anxiety, fear, and anger among residents, which may further exacerbate health risks. This study applies a descriptive phenomenological method to explore and describe the emotional experience of residents living in Ironbound, a known EJ community located in Newark, New Jersey. Twenty-three residents participated in the study. Four essential themes regarding the residents' emotional experiences were elicited from 43 interviews: (1) being worried about the harmful effects of the surrounding pollution; (2) being distressed by the known historical pollution sources; (3) being frustrated by the unheard voices and/or lack of responses; and (4) being angered by the ongoing pollution sources. Participants not only expressed their emotions of worry, distress, frustration, and anger in detail but also described reasons or situations that provoked such negative emotions. Such detailed depictions provide insights into potential meaningful strategies to improve residents' psychological wellbeing by alleviating negative emotions and meaningfully engaging residents in developing, implementing, and enforcing environmental laws, regulations, and policies to achieve EJ goals.

To assess whether the key informant method (KIM) is an effective method to identify children with disabling sensory or physical impairments, or epilepsy (tonic-clonic seizures), in a low-income setting. Methods: In one subdistrict each,... more

To assess whether the key informant method (KIM) is an effective method to identify children with disabling sensory or physical impairments, or epilepsy (tonic-clonic seizures), in a low-income setting. Methods: In one subdistrict each, the Key Informants (KIs) were trained to recognize children with visual impairment, hearing impairment, physical impairment and epilepsy, respectively. In the fifth subdistrict, the KIs were trained to recognize all four conditions. Results: Of the 2260 children identified by KIs, 1227 attended for examination (54%), of which 911 were diagnosed to have a disabling impairment (74%). KIM had a high sensitivity (average 98%) for case detection in all groups but specificity was lower (average 44%), particularly for hearing impairment. Conclusions: KIs were able to identify children with epilepsy, sensory and physical impairments. KIM is an effective and low-cost method to identify children with disability in a low-income setting.

We examine whether spousal caregivers face difficulties in meeting their basic household expenses compared to nonspousal caregivers and whether social support mechanisms ameliorate any financial strain from caregiving responsibilities. We... more

We examine whether spousal caregivers face difficulties in meeting their basic household expenses compared to nonspousal caregivers and whether social support mechanisms ameliorate any financial strain from caregiving responsibilities. We use data for caregivers aged 45 and over drawn from a nationally representative, cross-sectional Canadian Community Health Survey—Healthy Aging ( N = 5,067). Spousal caregiving is associated with a 35% increase in the likelihood of experiencing difficulties in meeting basic expenses compared to other types of caregiving. Each of social support mechanisms (affectionate, emotional/informational, and positive social interaction), singularly and combined, lessens financial strain from caregiving. Our findings suggest that spousal caregivers are particularly vulnerable because they have fewer resources to draw on for support and perform much more intensive care. Our results highlight the importance of developing appropriate policies and programs to supp...

One goal of this paper is to present an integrated tripartite model of violence, with a focus on structural violence within an oppression paradigm. Using qualitative and quantitative data from 27 women (70% African American and 30%... more

One goal of this paper is to present an integrated tripartite model of violence, with a focus on structural violence within an oppression paradigm. Using qualitative and quantitative data from 27 women (70% African American and 30% European American) who participated in a national substance abuse treatment demonstration program, we describe a model of violence in which structural violence is presented within a transactional relationship with interpersonal, and intrapersonal violence. We suggest that the effects of structural, interpersonal, and intrapersonal violence are magnified when race and poverty are considered. The second goal of the paper is to present a preliminary test of the new model of violence. Results indicated that different levels and types of violence are interrelated. Implications of these findings for empowering solutions are suggested.

B ECAUSE of a large number of dialysis patients in Iran who needed renal transplantation (Tx) who had no living related donors (LRD) and the absence of cadaveric organ donation program, a controlled living unrelated donor (LUD) renal Tx... more

B ECAUSE of a large number of dialysis patients in Iran who needed renal transplantation (Tx) who had no living related donors (LRD) and the absence of cadaveric organ donation program, a controlled living unrelated donor (LUD) renal Tx program was adopted in Iran in 1988. As a result, in last 12 years more than 7,000 renal Tx from LUD and more than 2500 from LRD have been performed. The waiting list for renal Tx in this country has been eliminated. The characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of this Tx program have previously been published and will briefly be discussed below. 1,2 This study compares the socioeconomic characteristics of LUD and their recipients in this program to see which socioeconomic group of the country are being transplanted more from LUD.

Socioeconomic status and health status are directly related across the world. Children with low-socioeconomic status not only experience greater health problems in childhood but also aspects of their socioeconomic status become... more

Socioeconomic status and health status are directly related across the world. Children with low-socioeconomic status not only experience greater health problems in childhood but also aspects of their socioeconomic status become biologically incorporated through both critical periods of development and cumulative effects, leading to poor health outcomes as adults. We explore 3 main influences related to child's socioeconomic status that impact long-term health: the material environment, the social environment, and the structural or community environment. These influences illustrate the importance of clinical innovations, health services research, and public policies that address the socioeconomic determinants of these distal health outcomes. (J Dev Behav Pediatr 31:154 -160, 2010) Index terms: socioeconomic status, poverty, life course.

This paper evaluates critically the third-sector approach that encourages involvement in groups in order to foster community participation in deprived neighbourhoods. Analysing recent government surveys of community participation in the... more

This paper evaluates critically the third-sector approach that encourages involvement in groups in order to foster community participation in deprived neighbourhoods. Analysing recent government surveys of community participation in the UK, it reveals that a culture of engagement in groups is relatively alien to most people in deprived areas, unlike one-to-one aid that is extensively used.

BACKGROUND There is little information about Chilean elderly residents of long term care facilities, regarding their characteristics and need for resources. AIM To describe main characteristics and resource utilization of residents of one... more

BACKGROUND There is little information about Chilean elderly residents of long term care facilities, regarding their characteristics and need for resources. AIM To describe main characteristics and resource utilization of residents of one of the largest nursing homes in Chile, Fundación Las Rosas de Ayuda Fraterna. MATERIAL AND METHODS In a cross sectional and descriptive study, all residents were evaluated using the RUG T-18 method, that assess activities of daily living and the complexity of their clinical situation. RESULTS We assessed 1497 subjects 60 years old and over (73% women), with an age range of 60-106 years. Thirty six percent had urinary incontinence, 19% required assistance for feeding, and 38% needed help for walking or moving. Fifty seven percent were in the lowest category of complexity, "Institutionalization". Very few residents were in the most demanding categories, no one classified as "Rehabilitation", and only 0.7% were in "Special Car...

disease or aged ,18 yrs or other reasons. The 311 study patients were interviewed 3.7¡1.88 yrs (maximum range 1.1-6.3 yrs) after the diagnosis. In total, 190 (61%, 95% confidence interval (CI) 55-67) patients confirmed a smoking history... more

disease or aged ,18 yrs or other reasons. The 311 study patients were interviewed 3.7¡1.88 yrs (maximum range 1.1-6.3 yrs) after the diagnosis. In total, 190 (61%, 95% confidence interval (CI) 55-67) patients confirmed a smoking history (active or former) at the time of pulmonary embolism, of whom 94 (30%, 95% CI 25-36) patients were actively smoking. Out of these 94 patients, 32 (35%, 95% CI 25-45) had successfully quit smoking in the first year following the diagnosis. Overall, only two (0.64%, 95% CI 0.08-2.3) patients started smoking after the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. The percentage of quitters was not associated with age in the pulmonary embolism cohort.

Hurricane Katrina resulted in a disaster of proportions not previously known in the United States. The traumatic experiences of children and families during Hurricane Katrina, the fl ooding that resulted from the breach of the levees, the... more

Hurricane Katrina resulted in a disaster of proportions not previously known in the United States. The traumatic experiences of children and families during Hurricane Katrina, the fl ooding that resulted from the breach of the levees, the evacuation, and the aftermath are unprecedented. In responding to the enormous mental health needs of children post-Katrina, the Trauma Team of skilled mental health professionals from the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center (LSUHSC) Department of Psychiatry provided crisis intervention and services. This paper discusses the work of the LSUHSC Trauma Team and provides a snapshot of the current mental health status of several thousand children and adolescents in post-Katrina New Orleans (not including those who were still displaced). Almost one half of the 4th to 12th grade students and over one quarter of younger children (based on parental report) met criteria for mental health services, based on the number and severity of their behavioral symptoms. Children who were separated from their parents or who had experienced previous trauma or loss were most likely to meet criteria. Ongoing risk relates to poverty, slowness of recovery, job loss, and family problems. Recommendations for rapid deployment of mental health services to children are provided, based on the Trauma Team's experiences. Educational efforts, school-based services, after-school care, resilience-enhancing programs, and community-building strategies are also discussed. Most important, a clearly articulated national disaster plan for children and families is urgently needed. This plan should be trauma-focused and based on developmental principles, research, and lessons learned from this and prior disasters. Knowledge gained from this disaster can aid in understanding and meeting the needs of children and families impacted by disasters, promoting resilience and self-effi cacy, and providing evidencebased therapeutic services.

Thanh-Dam Truong, « Gouvernance et pauvreté en Afrique subsaharienne : repenser les bonnes pratiques en matière de gestion de la migration », Revue internationale des sciences sociales 2006/4 (n° 190), p. 751-771.

This paper tries to investigate the effectiveness of two poverty alleviation policies adopted by Indian government;(i) microfinance programme under SwarnaJayanti Gram SwarojgarYojona Scheme (SGSY) and (ii) National Rural Employment... more

This paper tries to investigate the effectiveness of two poverty alleviation policies adopted by Indian government;(i) microfinance programme under SwarnaJayanti Gram SwarojgarYojona Scheme (SGSY) and (ii) National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) to improve the economic wellbeing of the rural households. For this investigation we have to depend on Social Experiment where the drawn samples are non-random in nature. In this experiment the considered time gap between the „base line‟ period and „end line‟ period is two and half years. It is proved that there is total absence of any type of sample selection bias mainly during the time of drawing samples belong to control group. So the impact study could be done on the basis of „First differenced method‟ rather than to take the help of „Treatment effect procedure‟ calculated on the basis of two step method. It is proved from our experiment that both the government polices are jointly effective to reduce the acuteness of poverty ...

Postnatal depression is an important public health problem worldwide. Recent evidence suggests that rates may be relatively higher in developing countries. We aimed to explore the prevalence of postnatal depression and its association... more

Postnatal depression is an important public health problem worldwide. Recent evidence suggests that rates may be relatively higher in developing countries. We aimed to explore the prevalence of postnatal depression and its association with social support and other risk factors in a sample of Pakistani women. Population-based survey of 149 women at 12 weeks postnatal using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) and Personal Information Questionnaire (PIQ). Thirty six percent women scored > or =12 on EPDS. High depression score was associated with lower social support, increased stressful life events in the preceding year and higher levels of psychological distress in the antenatal period. There is a high prevalence of postnatal depression in Pakistani women. Early interventions should be developed that target the antenatal period and strengthen social support networks in women at risk.

This paper explores the relationship between different levels of education and poverty through an analysis of household-level data from 60 villages in Bangladesh. First of all, it depicts the overall trend in school enrollment at primary... more

This paper explores the relationship between different levels of education and poverty through an analysis of household-level data from 60 villages in Bangladesh. First of all, it depicts the overall trend in school enrollment at primary and secondary level between 1988-2000, and confirms the inequality that exists in the access to education at post-primary level. This is followed by a presentation of income and occupation data that show a strong positive correlation with the level of education. In the second part, an income function analysis has been done to assess the impact of education along with other determinants. Marginal returns to upper secondary and primary level of education have been found to be higher than lower secondary education. The third part analyzes the effects of education on child/woman ratio, and on the secondary school participation rate of male and female children. Both poverty and low education have positive but weak effect on child/woman ratio. On the othe...

The high degree of overlap of race and poverty in our society has led to the presumption in both research and practice that ethnic disproportionality in special education is in large measure an artifact of the effects of poverty. This... more

The high degree of overlap of race and poverty in our society has led to the presumption in both research and practice that ethnic disproportionality in special education is in large measure an artifact of the effects of poverty. This article explores relationships among race, poverty, and special education identification to arrive at a more precise estimate of the contribution of poverty to racial disparities. District-level data for all 295 school corporations in a midwestern state were analyzed for this study. Records included information on disability category, general and special education enrollment by race, socioeconomic level, local resources, and academic and social outcomes for 1 school year. Simple correlations among the variables demonstrate that correlations between race and poverty of even moderate strength do not guarantee that the 2 variables will function in the same way with respect to outcome variables, such as identification for special education services. Result...

This sociological study is done based on Children who are considered to be the School Dropouts of Adolescents in the Urban area of Colombo, Sri Lanka. These Children live under the care of their Parents, grandparents, and with other care... more

This sociological study is done based on Children who are considered to be the School Dropouts of Adolescents in the Urban area of Colombo, Sri Lanka. These Children live under the care of their Parents, grandparents, and with other care givers. The school dropouts in the Urban area of Colombo are found to be the victims of a society which is corrupted strongly due to SocioEconomic factors. The main objective of this Research article is to look into the main causes for students to dropout halfway of their schooling. The primary and secondary data were collected by providing questioners, interviews, and observations using accepted data collecting methods. The collected data are presented using most suited methods to analyze data by charts, tables and descriptive methods. The Parents, Teachers and Key Informants are being questioned as to why the percentage of School dropouts in this area is high and vulnerable. In order to achieve this objective, the questioners have been used particularly with School Dropouts and with their Parents further conduct interviews with Teachers and Key-Informants.

Majority samples are in the age group of 35 years to 50 years. Nearly 50 per cent of respondents are illiterates. 62.3 per cent (187 respondents) are male. Mostly samples are married people; their percentage is 84 (252 respondents). The... more

Majority samples are in the age group of 35 years to 50 years. Nearly 50 per cent of respondents are illiterates. 62.3 per cent (187 respondents) are male. Mostly samples are married people; their percentage is 84
(252 respondents). The respondents from both the selected districts are drastically high from the OBC community, with 48 per cent (144 respondents). The respondents with agriculture, agricultural allied activities and agricultural labourers as the primary occupation, is 60 per cent (182 respondents). Nearly 60 percent families are landless and from below poverty line. The study shows that Ortho-related diseases dominated by 33.3 per cent (103 respondents). This is followed by paralysis at 16 per cent (48 respondents). Uterus related disease is an account for 27 respondents (9 per cent), pulmonary diseases are account for 25 respondents (8.3 per cent). It can be found that there is a high positive correlation between age, education, occupation, possession of land, health problems.
Keywords: Health programme, Diseases, Insurance, BPL families.