Transitions, Trajectories, Single Parenthood Research Papers (original) (raw)

During the last fifty years the traditional view of the American family has changed significantly. There are many reasons contributing to the changing family dynamics that include larger percentages of women in the workplace, increases... more

During the last fifty years the traditional view of the American family has changed significantly. There are many reasons contributing to the changing family dynamics that include larger percentages of women in the workplace, increases in single-parent homes, and younger generations waiting longer to engage in a marital relationship. Today, according to Hawkins and Mothersbaugh (2013), American households follow much more complex and varied cycles….Therefore, researchers have developed several models of household life cycle (HLC). All are based on age and marital status of the adult members of the household and the presence and age of children” (p. 189).

Last four/five decades have seen revolutionary development in the field of electronics, computer and automation. Naturally avionics and C.N.S facilities also have adopted these technologies to the best of their advantage. The present... more

Last four/five decades have seen revolutionary development in the field of electronics, computer and automation. Naturally avionics and C.N.S facilities also have adopted these technologies to the best of their advantage. The present paper shows how these technologies have modernized the aircraft cockpit and how C.N.S facilities have been modernised to give smooth and safe flying. The description is based on author's observation of the development in civil aviation for the last more than four decades and future trends in this field.

The author of article studies the problem of lone parenthood in Poland. Here represents the diversity of methodological of the problem in terms of educational sciences and science of law. In the English language are synonyms for „lone... more

The author of article studies the problem of lone parenthood in Poland. Here represents the diversity of methodological of the problem in terms of educational sciences and science of law. In the English language are synonyms for „lone parenthood”, such as: „parents without partners”, „one parent” or „broken home”. The author, as the scientific literature, argues for four main reasons for the "lone parenthood" in Poland: alcoholism, intrafamilial violence, divorce and unemployment. Intrafamilial violence and unemployment In later sections of text are analyzed intrafamilial violence and unemployment as the causes of the social situation. In the sociological literature data in Poland there are a 1 973 800 million unemployed in 2010. The main types of intrafamilial violence are: physical violence, psychological violence, sexual violence and violence passive. All these phenomena have an impact on the deepening problem of lone parenthood in Poland.

La croissance de l’aide internationale, à partir des accords d’Oslo en 1993, a entraîné la structuration d’une économie de rente dans les territoires palestiniens, occupés depuis la guerre de 1967. Le poids des bailleurs de fonds est tel... more

La croissance de l’aide internationale, à partir des accords d’Oslo en 1993, a entraîné la structuration d’une économie de rente dans les territoires palestiniens, occupés depuis la guerre de 1967. Le poids des bailleurs de fonds est tel que leur perception de la réalité politique et sociale devient hégémonique dans la « Palestine des bailleurs de fonds ». Avec ces derniers, les récepteurs de l’aide (ONG, Autorité Palestinienne…) mettent en place des projets dans la perspective du « développement », pour la « paix », et construisent un « monde » assujetti à un nouveau cadre social centré sur l’ « idéologie du développement ». C’est le « monde du développement » dont le discours dominant met en avant la « professionnalisation » des ONG, synonyme de spécialisation, d’accumulation du savoir, de « progrès » et de prise de distance avec les organisations politiques. Pour étudier ce processus, cette thèse mobilise trois échelles d’analyse : organisation, espace social et trajectoires des individus. L’articulation de ces échelles montre que la « professionnalisation » s’est concrétisée par la rationalisation du système de valeurs, où le militantisme partisan pour la Palestine est désormais remplacé par un « engagement professionnel » pour le « développement ». À l’échelle de l’organisation, l’étude de quatre associations met en avant la transformation de l’organisation du travail associatif et de l’engagement, ainsi que l’évolution de la relation entre associations, bailleurs et organisations politiques. À l’échelle de l’espace social, l’analyse met en évidence les rapports de force au sein du « monde du développement ». La domination des bailleurs, l’intériorisation des normes du développement influent sur les grandes structures associatives auxquelles adhèrent les associations. La mise en place des « dispositifs rationnels du développement » étend la base de ce monde. De même, le champ du pouvoir de la « Palestine des bailleurs de fonds » est restructuré par les réseaux de pouvoir tissés entre bailleurs et différents acteurs récepteurs de l’aide. À l’échelle des individus est mise en lumière la traduction de ces transformations dans les trajectoires des salariés et des militants associatifs. Les dispositions militantes lourdes incorporées pendant les expériences partisanes apparaissent en disjonction avec les dispositifs rationnels du développement. C’est ainsi que les salariés qui possèdent un capital professionnel et qui rompent avec le militantisme sont favorisés dans la hiérarchie des ONG professionnalisées et du « monde du développement ».

The inDep Project was developed by the Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT) in 2012 as a result of an approach from Work and Income, Ministry of Social Development. The Project targeted people with sole responsibility for children who... more

The inDep Project was developed by the Eastern
Institute of Technology (EIT) in 2012 as a result of an
approach from Work and Income, Ministry of Social
Development. The Project targeted people with
sole responsibility for children who were registered
at the Work and Income Flaxmere and Gisborne
Service Centres. These were predominantly Māori
The project was evaluated through focus group
discussions (FGD), interviews, and outcomes analysis,
which showed it was a success in achieving its
targeted outcomes to an ‘excellent’ level. Data also
indicated the inDep Project raised participants’
confidence and hauora hinengaro.
Government requires increasing numbers of sole
parents to actively seek training or employment. In
this context, it may be useful to bear in mind the key
design principles found to be associated with the
inDep Project’s success, namely
■ Acknowledging participants’ tino rangatiratanga
by seeking advice from the target cohort about
their realities and aspirations prior to project design
■ Appointing a facilitator with skills, authenticity and
motivational strengths
■ Embedding whakawhānaungatanga throughout
the project
■ Exercising manaakitanga towards participants at
all stages from design through to implementation,
including being mindful of practicalities of
childcare and poverty
■ Building kotahitanga among participants, for
example by travelling together in search of work
placements, and supporting one another
■ Embracing principles of adult learning and
teaching, including maintaining internal flexibility
to respond to participant directions
■ Acknowledging and respecting parenting roles.

Peer Review on “Comprehensive Follow-up of Low-income Families”
Oslo (Norway) 28-29 November 2019
Peer Country Comments Paper - Belgium

This poster presentation (November 2015, 2015 conference, Vancouver, Canada) offers an account of literature review (till 2015) on transition to parenthood (TtP), a demanding and complex life experience for couples who set a... more

This poster presentation (November 2015, 2015 conference, Vancouver, Canada) offers an account of literature review (till 2015) on transition to parenthood (TtP), a demanding and complex life experience for couples who set a goal for a quality relationship. This work uses family theories and describes issues couples face in TtP, based on demographic and relationship characteristics. Marital quality (MQ) in couples’ relationship over time is viewed via current research of couples in the U.S.A. and European countries. The scholarship is unanimous that MQ declines in up to 70% of couples postpartum (Gottman & Notarius, 2000; Kluwer, 2010; Kluwer & Johnson, 2007; Mitnick et al., 2009). Therefore, the goal of the poster was to highlight the issues in the problem and show how couples could increase their capacity to overcome hardships of TtP by engaging in educational interventions that were found to be more effective when they incorporate prenatal and postnatal components, last more than five sessions, and had professional personnel leading the training versus semiprofessionals (Halford et al., 2010; Pinquart & Teubert, 2010a, 2010b; Schulz et al., 2006). Such interventions according to empirical evidences (Pinquart & Teubert, 2010a) build up capacity against relationship decline in TtP.

The process of precarization is analysed in different manners in most literature concerning contemporary stakes of western welfare states. In comparison to other countries, Belgium has known a rather specific and delimited effect of the... more

The process of precarization is analysed in different manners in most literature concerning contemporary stakes of western welfare states. In comparison to other countries, Belgium has known a rather specific and delimited effect of the economic crisis from 2008, but certain groups face rather an ongoing effect of precarization on multiple and intertwined aspects. The aim of the article is to analyse the situation of precarity of single-parent families in the Brussels-Capital Region. The attention to that group is related to its higher risk of precarity and poverty. Furthermore it allows analysing the limits of public policies in the fight against poverty and precarity, that are clearly inadequate.
Various options in terms of public policies and legal measures in the fight against poverty are discussed from three different angles of perspective: socioeconomic positions, social integration and the subjective experience (Dubet 1994). The tension between recognition and redistribution measures is central (Fraser 2011) in the argumentation for a balanced vision of policy measures to address single-parent poverty.

Lone mothers are more likely to be unemployed and in poverty, which are both factors associated with a risk of poor health. In Switzerland, weak work-family reconciliation policies and taxation that favours married couples adopting the... more

Lone mothers are more likely to be unemployed and in poverty, which are both factors associated with a risk of poor health. In Switzerland, weak work-family reconciliation policies and taxation that favours married couples adopting the traditional male breadwinner model translate into low labour market participation rate for mothers.
In the case of lone mothers, employment can be associated with better health because it eases the potential economic hardship associated with being the sole earner. However, working can represent an additional stress factor due to lone mothers’ responsibility as the main caregiver. We investigate how family arrangements and employment status are associated with self-reported health in Switzerland. Our analyses on the Swiss Household Panel (waves 1999-2011) suggest that lone mothers who are out of the labour market have a higher probability of reporting poor health, especially those with an upper secondary level of education. Lone mothers reported being in better health when working full-time versus part-time, whereas the opposite applied to mothers living with a partner.