Public Policy - Social Welfare Policy Research Papers (original) (raw)

This paper focuses on how community workers in Shepparton viewed the impact of the Place Based Income Management (PBIM) trial on the lives of their clients, their clients' families, and the broader community. The paper responds to... more

This paper focuses on how community workers in Shepparton viewed the impact of the Place Based Income Management (PBIM) trial on the lives of their clients, their clients' families, and the broader community. The paper responds to criticism that there has been a lack of community voices in the development of PBIM or of their inclusion in the formal evaluation framework, raised in Philip Mendes's 2013 study of this trial site. A key policy goal underlying Income Management is that the tool assists low‑income people to become better money managers. Our study found that Shepparton community workers also used the parlance of 'tool' to describe the programmatic value of the BasicsCard in their interactions with clients. However, the BasicsCard appeared marginal to their discussions. Three clear themes emerged from the interviews: Shepparton's focus on voluntary clients, and ascertaining why participation in the local trial had dropped; that support for IM centred on the voluntary measure and the extra resources available to assist clients; and pragmatically locating the program in the middle of a welfare continuum that stretched from the voluntary Centrepay at one end to the highly coercive and restrictive paternalism of State Trustees at the other.

I Centri di accoglienza sono le strutture nelle quali viene offerta una prima ospitalità e assistenza ai migranti. In Italia, negli anni e soprattutto in occasioni di «emergenze umanitarie», sono stati aperti tipi differenti di Centri.... more

I Centri di accoglienza sono le strutture nelle quali viene offerta una prima ospitalità e assistenza ai migranti. In Italia, negli anni e soprattutto in occasioni di «emergenze umanitarie», sono stati aperti tipi differenti di Centri. L'articolo, oltre a descrivere le differenti caratteristiche delle strutture oggi operative, presenta parte del dibattito in corso tra giuristi, scienziati politico-sociali ed esperti di servizi sociali, evidenziando i principali discorsi retorici sul tema e gli elementi di etichettamento degli stranieri inseriti in un progetto di assistenza.

Jakarta’s Government has development agenda for eradicating poverty with education. The government has view if education can eradicate poverty. Education has effect for increasing human capital to foster economic development (Midgley and... more

Jakarta’s Government has development agenda for eradicating poverty with education. The government has view if education can eradicate poverty. Education has effect for increasing human capital to foster economic development (Midgley and Hall, 2004: 145; Minza, 2010: 224). The Jakarta Government for realizing it build facilities and infrastructures with 8258 schools in Jakarta (Jakarta BPS,2015). The main problem in education is expenditure cost for reaching school, especially for poor household. Jakarta Government’s gives solution for this problem with provide social protection on KJP program (Jakarta Smart Card). This essay would like to discuss the implication of KJP on education acces for poor household.

Cosa è la conoscenza pubblica? Chi e in che modo la produce? Come ha a che fare con la democrazia? Attraverso la riflessione sociologica gli autori provano a rispondere a questi interrogativi mettendo in discussione la neutralità della... more

Cosa è la conoscenza pubblica? Chi e in che modo la produce? Come ha a che fare con la democrazia? Attraverso la riflessione sociologica gli autori provano a rispondere a questi interrogativi mettendo in discussione la neutralità della descrizione dei fenomeni sociali con cui le istituzioni sono chiamate a interagire. I contenuti dei diversi capitoli alimentano un dialogo tra le dinamiche di trasformazione della conoscenza pubblica e le suggestioni emerse nel corso di un’esperienza locale di programmazione nell’ambito delle politiche giovanili. Dai laboratori nelle scuole al mapping collaborativo, il lavoro sul campo è stato svolto nella prospettiva di favorire un apprendimento istituzionale, ibridando i significati attribuiti alla realtà dalle istituzioni pubbliche e quei saperi non codificati che le persone maturano nel corso della propria esperienza di vita. Molti quesiti restano aperti, ma dalla loro formulazione si intravedono le tracce per favorire una redistribuzione di poteri decisionali tra gli attori locali. Barbara Giullari svolge attività di ricerca sulle trasformazioni del lavoro e dei sistemi di welfare al Dipartimento di Sociologia e Diritto dell’Economia dell’Università di Bologna dove insegna Programmazione dei servizi sociali sul territorio. Gianluca De Angelis è ricercatore sociale, assegnista di ricerca all’Università di Bologna e collabora con istituti di ricerca nazionali e internazionali sui temi delle disuguaglianze, del lavoro e della sua organizzazione.

1. Phd dissertation Synopsis: Dynamic and continuously evolving social policy, with its diverse approaches and vague delineation that illustrate the continuous engagement of the individual with the collective, the social with the economic... more

1. Phd dissertation Synopsis: Dynamic and continuously evolving social policy, with its diverse approaches and vague delineation that illustrate the continuous engagement of the individual with the collective, the social with the economic and the political with the cultural element, constitutes a field of robust study and reflection on the implementation of social policy in the particular circumstances of each state. The inability of the Greek social security system to meet the needs of society as mandated by the institutional framework since the mid-1980s has provided the evidence for this study on the institutional development of social policy in Greece. There are weaknesses in the Greek welfare system. Similar problems were observed in almost all countries since the 1980s, and they were attributed to the growth of the welfare state with its high operational and provisional costs. Within this framework, the extensive international literature highlights the pluralism of approaches to the issue, thus reinforcing the need for a multidisciplinary approach to the subject matter of social policy. Such an approach draws the necessary theoretical and methodological knowledge primarily from sociology as well as from legal, economic, political and administrative sciences, but mainly from history. Thus the role of Economic History becomes very important. Economic History shows that different characteristics of the shape and growth of the economies in European countries determined the institutional formation of social policy. This study, based on both qualitative and raw quantitative data, focuses on the institutional dimension of social policy in the Hellenic State for more than two centuries (1828-2008), with an emphasis on the redistribution mechanisms of social security.

Tutti i finanziamenti e le riforme per il welfare contenute nel PNRR.
welfare ebook n. 3/2021

Coprogettazione: tutto quello che serve per farla davvero.

El Índice de Desarrollo Humano (IDH) permite revisitar la debacle de Venezuela desde varias dimensiones, como la de la caída económico-social o las relacionadas con los endebles argumentos que atribuyen el colapso a la crisis de precios... more

El Índice de Desarrollo Humano (IDH) permite revisitar la debacle de Venezuela desde varias dimensiones, como la de la caída económico-social o las relacionadas con los endebles argumentos que atribuyen el colapso a la crisis de precios petroleros o a las sanciones internacionales. El IDH resulta –en ese sentido- un relevante y útil referente para analizar las tendencias del anti-desarrollo venezolano en el siglo XXI.

This report estimates the retail value of the average Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) food package delivered to FDPIR participants in fiscal year (FY) 2009. The estimated retail value of the average FDPIR food... more

This report estimates the retail value of the average Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) food package delivered to FDPIR participants in fiscal year (FY) 2009. The estimated retail value of the average FDPIR food package as delivered in FY 2009 was $78.44 per month per FDPIR participant. The report’s retail price estimate probably understates the true retail value of the FDPIR food package because the cost of food from retailers located on or near Indian reservations is likely above national average retail food costs.

Ideally, national development should focus on the ability of the country to improve the social welfare of all its people. What happens when tribal societies are forced to sacrifice their sustenance and welfare in the name of 'national... more

Ideally, national development should focus on the ability of the country to improve the social welfare of all its people. What happens when tribal societies are forced to sacrifice their sustenance and welfare in the name of 'national development?'

As the first and only book in any language on contemporary women’s movements in Hungary, this groundbreaking study focuses on the role of women’s activism in a society where women are not yet adequately represented by established parties... more

As the first and only book in any language on contemporary women’s movements in Hungary, this groundbreaking study focuses on the role of women’s activism in a society where women are not yet adequately represented by established parties and political institutions. Drawing on eyewitness accounts of meetings and protests, as well as first-person interviews with leading female activists, Katalin Fábián examines the interactions between women’s groups in Hungary and studies the unique brand of democracy they have forged in postcommunist Eastern Europe. Through her analysis, she demonstrates how democratization and globalization—with their attendant range of challenges and opportunities—have led women to redefine public-private divides.

Questo libro parla di case, parla delle persone che le abitavano e parla delle politiche abitative pubbliche nel Novecento. Lo fa partendo dall’analisi della storia dell’Istituto autonomo case popolari di Torino, uno dei principali enti... more

Questo libro parla di case, parla delle persone che le abitavano e parla delle politiche abitative pubbliche nel Novecento. Lo fa partendo dall’analisi della storia dell’Istituto autonomo case popolari di Torino, uno dei principali enti coinvolti nella realizzazione degli interventi nel campo dell’edilizia sociale in una grande città industriale. L’obiettivo è ricostruire con un taglio storico il complesso modello di governo della casa pubblica, esaminando i vari attori coinvolti, istituzionali e sociali.
Il volume è diviso in tre parti: la prima si occupa della fondazione dello Iacp e delle politiche abitative tra età liberale e fascismo; la seconda si concentra sulle emergenze e sulla gestione dell’ente nel periodo della Ricostruzione e del miracolo economico; la terza parte ricostruisce il rapporto tra l’ente e gli abitanti delle case popolari tra gli anni Cinquanta e gli anni Ottanta.

Si dice Budget di salute o Budget di cura? Ha risolto il dubbio la L. 77/2020 che lo ha chiamato "budget di salute individuale e di comunità". Per la verità, la citata legge nel mentre risolveva un quesito ne poneva immediatamente un... more

Si dice Budget di salute o Budget di cura? Ha risolto il dubbio la L. 77/2020 che lo ha chiamato "budget di salute individuale e di comunità". Per la verità, la citata legge nel mentre risolveva un quesito ne poneva immediatamente un altro: esistono due budget di salute, uno individuale ed uno di comunità? Meglio non approfondire e concentrarci sul budget di salute individuale. L'unica norma di legge in cui si parla esplicitamente di budget di salute è dunque il comma 4 bis dell'art. Art. 1 del D.L. 34/2020 convertito in L. 77/2020. Il comma 4 bis fa riferimento alla sperimentazione delle "Strutture di prossimità per la promozione della salute e per la prevenzione" che, è bene dirlo subito, non sono le Case della Comunità. Sono strutture ulteriori che le regioni dovrebbero sperimentare per un tempo relativamente breve per la presa in carico e la riabilitazione delle categorie di persone più fragili. Recentemente sono state approvate anche delle linee guida per la realizzazione delle "strutture di prossimità" da sperimentare. Questa premessa per dire che i progetti regionali relativi alla sperimentazione delle "strutture di prossimità" devono prevedere modalità di intervento che riducano le scelte di istituzionalizzazione dei soggetti fragili, favoriscano la domiciliarità e consentano la valutazione dei risultati ottenuti, anche attraverso il ricorso a strumenti innovativi quale il budget di salute individuale e di comunità. Ci sono poi altre norme, la principale delle quali è la legge n. 227/2021, la legge Delega al Governo in materia di disabilità, in cui si prevede, per esempio, che nel progetto di vita personalizzato venga indicato l'insieme delle risorse umane, professionali, tecnologiche, strumentali ed economiche, pubbliche e private, attivabili anche in seno alla comunità territoriale e al sistema dei supporti informali, ma in cui non si parla esplicitamente di Budget di salute anche se gli assomiglia molto. Così come ci sono una serie di altre norme (Fondo per le non autosufficienze, Progetti per la Vita indipendente, e Legge 112/2016 sul "Dopo di noi") che fanno presumibilmente riferimento allo stesso concetto ma che viene chiamato con termini diversi (budget di cura, budget personalizzato, ecc.). Va ricordato infine che è attualmente all'esame della XII Commissione affari sociali della Camera dei Deputati la proposta di legge A.C. 1752, recante norme relative all'Introduzione sperimentale del metodo del budget di salute per la realizzazione di progetti terapeutici riabilitativi individualizzati ma che non ha ancora concluso il suo iter parlamentare.

Language analysis can help explore how public debates on these issues have evolved, and build understanding of how people form opinions. This paper employs a variety of techniques from cognitive linguistics, a field dedicated to how... more

Language analysis can help explore how public debates on these issues have evolved, and build understanding of how people form opinions. This paper employs a variety of techniques from cognitive linguistics, a field dedicated to how people process information and communicate, to examine how people reason and come to conclusions about poverty and income in Australia.

Based on an ethnographic research among Romanian Roma dwelling in slums in the outskirts of Turin (Northern Italy), this paper focuses on the recent implementation of a rehousing project addressed to the dwellers of the biggest slum of... more

Based on an ethnographic research among Romanian Roma dwelling in slums in the outskirts of Turin (Northern Italy), this paper focuses on the recent implementation of a rehousing project addressed to the dwellers of the biggest slum of the city (Lungo Stura Lazio). The project points out a series of changes and continuities in Roma housing policies after the end of the “Roma emergency” in Turin and in Italy, in the broader context of a “neoliberal turn” in social policies. Considering qualitative data recollected through the fieldwork, I argue that the project permitted to reproduce the conditions of evictability (Van Baar 2016) of stigmatized citizens even under the formal framework of “social inclusion”. Results of research suggest that lack of participation of the dwellers in decision-making processes, search for housing solutions almost exclusively in private housing market, penetration of the stereotype of the “underserving Roma” in public policies, outsourcing and 'contractualization' of social intervention favored the maintenance of conditions of evictability of both those excluded and those beneficiaries of the project.

This study will examine the possible effects of COVID-19 on social policies. Welfare states have long faced economic, social, demographic, and environmental problems. The intense pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic on social policies... more

This study will examine the possible effects of COVID-19 on social policies. Welfare states have long faced economic, social, demographic, and environmental problems. The intense pressure of the COVID-19 pandemic on social policies -particularly healthcare and employment- is a major challenge for welfare states that are established through nation state formation and financed through social security premiums and economic growth. In this context, it is inevitable for the welfare regimes to be re-structured and for the state to collaborate more closely with other actors (the family, civil society, and the market) in the distribution of social welfare. In addition to the transformation on a national scale, there are regulations to be made regarding the distribution of social welfare on a global scale. The current COVID-19 pandemic requires considering the possibilities of a global welfare regime, which aims to reduce income inequalities and to achieve an equitable and democratic regime shaped by comprehensive regulations, and where global welfare is again distributed on a global scale.

This is the concluding chapter of the 3-volume study on Kinship and Social Security

This paper describes how the concept of negative income taxation can positively influence the necessary reform processes in our today's welfare states in Europe. With more self-reponsibility the gloomy perpectives of the future might... more

This paper describes how the concept of negative income taxation can positively influence the necessary reform processes in our today's welfare states in Europe. With more self-reponsibility the gloomy perpectives of the future might become more promising.

“แนวคิดและทฤษฎีการศึกษานโยบายทางสังคม (Concepts and Theories for Social Policy Studies)” เล่มนี้ ผู้เขียนได้เรียบเรียงเนื้อหาที่จะเป็นประโยชน์ต่อการศึกษาทำความเข้าใจวิชานโยบายทางสังคมสำหรับนักศึกษาในสาขาวิชาที่เกี่ยวข้อง... more

“แนวคิดและทฤษฎีการศึกษานโยบายทางสังคม (Concepts and Theories for Social Policy Studies)” เล่มนี้ ผู้เขียนได้เรียบเรียงเนื้อหาที่จะเป็นประโยชน์ต่อการศึกษาทำความเข้าใจวิชานโยบายทางสังคมสำหรับนักศึกษาในสาขาวิชาที่เกี่ยวข้อง โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งสาขารัฐศาสตร์ รัฐประศาสนศาสตร์ สังคมสงเคราะห์ และการบริหารการพัฒนา ซึ่งหนังสือเล่มนี้ ประกอบด้วยเนื้อหาทั้งหมด 5 บท ในบทที่ 1 เป็นแนวคิดพื้นฐานที่นักศึกษาจำเป็นต้องเรียนรู้เกี่ยวกับการศึกษานโยบายทางสังคมในมิติต่าง ๆ ส่วน บทที่ 2 เป็นเรื่องของแนวคิดหลักที่นำไปใช้ในการศึกษา อธิบาย หรือวิเคราะห์นโยบายทางสังคมด้านต่าง ๆ สำหรับบทที่ 3 เป็นเรื่องของกลไกเชิงสถาบันในระบบการจัดสวัสดิการทางสังคม บทที่ 4 เกี่ยวข้องกับสวัสดิการของรัฐด้านต่าง ๆ รวมถึงการจัดทำนโยบายสาธารณะ สินค้าสาธารณะ บริการสาธารณะ และการประเมินนโยบายทางสังคมของรัฐด้วย และบทที่ 5 เกี่ยวข้องกับกรอบแนวคิดในการศึกษาและวิเคราะห์รัฐสวัสดิการ รวมถึงลักษณะสำคัญของตัวแบบรัฐสวัสดิการประเภทต่าง ๆ ด้วย สนใจติดต่อสั่งซื้อได้ที่ศูนย์หนังสือ ม.เกษตรศาสตร์ และศูนย์หนังสือจุฬา ฯ (CU Book Store) ทุกสาขาทั่วประเทศ หรือ สั่งซื้อผ่านเว็บไซต์

As population demographics change and economic crises spread and deepen, welfare reform has become an urgent problem in many developed countries. As elsewhere in East Asia, the state in Singapore has in recent years stepped up its efforts... more

As population demographics change and economic crises spread and deepen, welfare reform has become an urgent problem in many developed countries. As elsewhere in East Asia, the state in Singapore has in recent years stepped up its efforts to deal with issues of healthcare, education, support for care, retirement and even unemployment. Much of this has been in response to demographic shifts, economic trends and, importantly, political pressures. This article evaluates the possibilities and limits of recent reforms. It looks at some promising aspects of reform, such as increases in spending in certain areas, before examining the limitations of the reforms. These include the fact that most resources have been directed toward supporting businesses, while increases in direct spending on citizens have been limited and conditional
rather than universal; furthermore, little or no attention has been paid to the issue of women’s underemployment. These features suggest constraints within the logic and principles of welfare, which continue to define citizens as having limited rights and entitlements, and citizenship as entailing regular
employment and heavy obligations toward the family. The analysis of reforms sheds light on how the appearance of expansion can mask continuing limitations. The case of Singapore illustrates the importance of looking not just at expenditure but also at the principles and logics in which welfare reforms are embedded, in a variety of national contexts.

El nivel de gasto público afecta el ritmo de la actividad económica, el empleo y el sistema de precios, pero la composición del gasto es más determinante, al afectar la importancia de los programas que realiza el Estado que dirige a... more

El nivel de gasto público afecta el ritmo de la actividad económica, el empleo y el sistema de precios, pero la composición del gasto es más determinante, al afectar la importancia de los programas que realiza el Estado que dirige a varios estratos de ingreso. La gran pregunta es ¿quiénes son los beneficiarios del gasto público social en Colombia?
Muchas veces, los programas gubernamentales se venden con el mito de que el gobierno ha beneficiado a los pobres a expensas de los ricos (efecto Robin Hood). Esto es falso. La mayoría de las políticas sociales que pretenden focalizar el gasto dirigiéndolo hacia los grupos más pobres no son efectivas, al llegar por igual, a los grupos de menores y mayores ingresos. Por otra parte, se dice que hay un efecto Robin Hood inverso cuando los grupos ricos ganan a expensas de los pobres. Sin embargo, la realidad colombiana demuestra que la clase beneficiada es la de ingresos medios (Perfetti, 1992; Nuñez, 2009; Escobar García, 2015; BID, 2020). La evidencia le da la razón a la ley de Director, la cual enuncia que el gasto público se realiza en beneficio de la clase media y se financia con los impuestos que pagan, en mayor medida, los muy pobres o muy ricos (Stigler, 1970).

‘If the nation doesn’t work, cities won’t.’ This statement lies behind The Wealth and Poverty of Cities: Why Nations Matter, an intriguing journey into the failures and successes of many cities – with a predominant focus on North America... more

‘If the nation doesn’t work, cities won’t.’ This statement lies behind The Wealth and Poverty of Cities: Why Nations Matter, an intriguing journey into the failures and successes of many cities – with a predominant focus on North America – aimed at unfolding the factors determining wealth and prosperity across diverse urban agglomerations. Author Mario Polèse openly declares the purpose of moving the study of cities and economics beyond an academic audience to create a book that is fun to read. That goal has been achieved here.

This article evaluates the rapid escalation of American household debt in relation to the changing dynamics of liberal welfare capitalism. Starting with the outcome of rising household debt levels during the credit and asset bubble of... more

This article evaluates the rapid escalation of American household debt in relation to the changing dynamics of liberal welfare capitalism. Starting with the outcome of rising household debt levels during the credit and asset bubble of 2001–7 it argues that the failure of asset-based welfare and the inability of households to move beyond their historical dependence on earned income made indebtedness essential to household social participation and protection. It examines the unique relationship of young adults (households headed by persons under age 35) and senior citizens (households headed by persons over age 65) to the liberal welfare regime, in particular the ways in which these relationships were shaped by the 2001–7 credit and asset bubble. By using a framework in which debt is analyzed as a claim against income, alongside other costs of social participation and daily living, we see the impact of the credit and asset boom on both young adults and senior citizens: growing indebtedness and financial insecurity.

La breve scheda fornisce il quadro della dimensione e delle tendenze dell'assistenza residenziale per anziani in Italia.

Los sistemas de provisión de vivienda pueden definirse como el conjunto de iniciativas (públicas y privadas) que configuran las opciones disponibles en cada sociedad para conseguir un lugar en el que residir. Desde esta perspectiva cabe... more

Los sistemas de provisión de vivienda pueden definirse como el conjunto de iniciativas (públicas y privadas) que configuran las opciones disponibles en cada sociedad para conseguir un lugar en el que residir. Desde esta perspectiva cabe considerarlos como un elemento central de los regímenes o Estados de bienestar, junto con las políticas de empleo, sanidad o educación. De hecho, análisis comparativos entre países muestran la existencia de distintos regímenes de provisión de vivienda que, por un lado, se corresponden con clasificaciones existentes de regímenes de bienestar y, por otro, tienen efectos sobre las condiciones de acceso a la vivienda y el régimen de tenencia predominante. En estos estudios España suele calificarse como un modelo dualista que fomenta la vivienda en propiedad en detrimento del alquiler, frente al modelo integrado, más característico de los países del norte de Europa.
Más allá de la especificidad de este modelo y de la posición que ocupa España en el contexto europeo, la presente investigación constata su heterogeneidad, argumentando y mostrando empíricamente que los distintos sistemas de provisión de vivienda, desde una perspectiva autonómica comparada, están incidiendo en el proceso de emancipación residencial. En este marco, el presente trabajo pretende desarrollar dos objetivos. Por un lado, mostrar la existencia de sistemas autonómicos de provisión de vivienda en España, proponiendo indicadores al respecto. Por otro, analizar sus efectos sobre la emancipación residencial de los jóvenes, utilizando para ello datos procedentes de diferentes fuentes de carácter cuantitativo y cualitativo. De esta forma, se realizan propuestas analíticas y empíricas sobre un aspecto aún poco estudiado de los sistemas sub-nacionales de bienestar.

There is a long lineage in neighbourhood research that has underpinned sustained academic and policy interest in the UK centred on understanding how spatial ‘clusters’ of neighbourhood-based deprivation might be destabilised. This has... more

There is a long lineage in neighbourhood research that has underpinned sustained academic and policy interest in the UK centred on understanding how spatial ‘clusters’ of neighbourhood-based deprivation might be destabilised. This has seen the privileging of composite indices in the analysis of deprivation which have been criticised for fostering a common perception that deprived neighbourhoods are homogeneous in terms of their compositions and underlying structures. Such indices have also been criticised for being ineffective at capturing temporal change, providing only static snapshots of deprivation at particular points in time. This paper focuses on patterns of deprived neighbourhood change in the Greater Manchester city-region between 2001 and 2007. It develops a typology of neighbourhood change that is triangulated with three complementary typologies capturing the socioeconomic and demographic compositions of deprived neighbourhoods; the functional roles played by deprived neighbourhoods in redistributing population through migration; and the spatial contexts in which deprived neighbourhoods are located. The analysis reveals that an over reliance on static indices to measure deprivation has long-served to conceal complexities in the way that deprived neighbourhoods change, owing to their variable structures and contexts. It illustrates the danger that lies in treating all deprived neighbourhoods in the same way.

The application of resilience theory to practice is illustrated with a case of a new approach to prevention and early intervention with highly vulnerable children in South Africa. A new national welfare strategy is being planned to shift... more

The application of resilience theory to practice is illustrated with a case of a new approach to prevention and early intervention with highly vulnerable children in South Africa. A new national welfare strategy is being planned to shift from vulnerability to resilience among children in highly vulnerable contexts.

In The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism (1990), Gøsta Esping-Andersen sought to describe the differences between welfare states, and group those with significant similarities. By researching decommodification, the extent to which... more

In The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism (1990), Gøsta Esping-Andersen sought to describe the differences between welfare states, and group those with significant similarities. By researching decommodification, the extent to which welfare is provided independently from the market, and stratification, the extent to which welfare access differs between social classes, Esping-Andersen provided an influential classification that has influenced much more comparative research and regime typology literature. However, there is concern over whether or not the typology retains explanatory power, both at the time of publishing, and as time has progressed. This essay discusses the typology in more detail, followed by a brief acknowledgement of the limits and value of ideal-type research. Next, three main critiques on the theory will be examined: the role of Mediterranean countries, the analysis of the Antipodes, and the exclusion of gender theory and informal welfare. Finally, the future of the welfare state, and role of path dependency and convergence theory will be discussed. This essay will show that, while Esping-Andersen’s original welfare typology still retains a strong explanatory power, there are a number of aspects that merit further consideration.

As a new form of volunteering, Service civique is expanding among young people under 26 years old. With a mixed approach, this Master’s thesis proposes to question the construction of the employability of volunteers through this scheme... more

As a new form of volunteering, Service civique is expanding among young people under 26 years old. With a mixed approach, this Master’s thesis proposes to question the construction of the employability of volunteers through this scheme and its valuable effects on the labour market. In a tense context for young people, Service civique is a new avatar of the professionalization injunction at their destination and constitutes a recent and intermediate space for professionalization.

Il primo di due articoli sul funzionamento e l'organizzazione dei Punti unici di accesso (PUA).