Translation Revision Research Papers - (original) (raw)
This paper presents some results from an empirical study on translation revision. Ten professional translators were asked to think aloud while revising an advertising text. The focus of the analysis is on in investigating the revisers'... more
This paper presents some results from an empirical study on translation revision. Ten professional translators were asked to think aloud while revising an advertising text. The focus of the analysis is on in investigating the revisers' loyalty towards themselves and towards the other actors in the translational action. The results point towards a loyalty conflict, i.e., a difficulty in being equally loyal towards oneself as reviser and towards one's partners at the same time. The findings have potential implications for research and practice. They show that think-aloud protocols can be used to study the ethical dimension of translating and revising. They also illustrate the role played by power relations in the production of the target text.
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- Translation Revision
Translation revision is an essential part of professional translation, and it has been one of the biggest workloads of translation companies. However, far too little attention has been paid to it within the relevant literature on... more
Translation revision is an essential part of professional translation, and it has been one of the biggest workloads of translation companies. However, far too little attention has been paid to it within the relevant literature on translation studies. To fill this gap, this study aims to analyze the translation revision policies of translation companies in Turkey through a questionnaire developed by Rasmussen &Schjoldager (2011). For this study, the questionnaire was adapted and slightly modified to reflect the specific situation in Turkey. The questionnaire was answered by 15 revisers and/or managers of translation companies in Turkey, specifically in three big cities (including İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir). The data derived from the questionnaire show the revision types that translation companies mostly prefer. The answers of the respondents in translation companies offer a brief insight into the parameters that translation companies consider during the revision process. The remarks of the respondents also highlighted the scarcity of the revision training within translation companies. In addition, the answers of the respondents showed that 1 This study was presented in the ÖZET Çeviride düzeltme profesyonel çevirinin önemli bir parçasıdır ve çeviri şirketlerinde iş yükünün büyük kısımlarından birini oluşturmaktadır. Ancak, çeviribilimde konuyla ilgili alanyazında çok az araştırma yapıldığı görülmektedir. Bu çalışma söz konusu eksikliği gidermek amacıyla, Rasmussen ve Schjoldager (2011) tarafından geliştirilen bir anket aracılığıyla Türkiye'deki çeviri şirketlerinin çeviride düzeltme politikalarını incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada kullanılan anket Türkiye özelindeki durumu yansıtabilmek adına kısmen değiştirilip uyarlanmıştır. Anket Türkiye'de özel-likle üç büyük şehirde (İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir)çeviri şirketinde çalışan 15 düzeltmen ve/veyaşirket yöneticisi tarafından yanıtlanmıştır. Anket aracılığıyla elde edilen veriler çeviri şirketlerinin çoğunlukla tercih ettiği çeviride düzeltme türlerini göstermektedir. Ankete verilen cevaplar çeviri şirketlerinin çeviride düzeltme esnasında dikkate aldıkları parametrelere ilişkin bakış açısı sunmaktadır. Ayrıca ankete verilen cevaplar, çeviri şirketlerinde çeviride düzeltme konulu eğitimlerin eksikliğini de vurgulamıştır. Bunun yanında ankete verilen cevaplarda Mossop (2007, 2014) tarafından önerilen çeviride dil ve sunum sorunlarının yanı sıra aktarım ve metnin içeriğine de önem verildiği gösterilmiştir. Kısaca bu çalışma Türkiye'de çeviride düzeltme işinin güncel durumuna ilişkin 15 çeviri işletmesi örneklemiyle betimleyici bir görünüm sunmaya çalışmaktadır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Çeviride düzeltme, profesyonel çeviri şirketleri, düzeltmenlerin profili, çeviride düzeltme parametreleri
Revision, the last, crucial stage of most translations of a literary work, has rarely been investigated in the translation studies literature. Beyond underlining mistakes and clumsy or missing words or sentences, the reviser will... more
Revision, the last, crucial stage of most translations of a literary work, has rarely been investigated in the translation studies literature. Beyond underlining mistakes and clumsy or missing words or sentences, the reviser will sometimes modify or correct terms or even whole passages that he or she feels do not conform to the expectations of publishers and/or readers. Conflicts may arise regarding foreignizing or domesticating strategies, or differing points of view concerning the standardi- zation of the target language. In order to better understand the role of the reviser and what exactly is at stake in the revision process, we will analyse five genetic dossiers including annotated manuscripts and correspondences between authors, translators, and their editors.
The focus of this paper is on the third and final stage of the translation process, i.e. the stage of the TT revision and assessment, with the aim to delineate its significance, in both the productive and the academic contexts of... more
The focus of this paper is on the third and final stage of the translation process, i.e. the stage of the TT revision and assessment, with the aim to delineate its significance, in both the productive and the academic contexts of translation. Detailed revision and TT assessment and qualification models are presented, which in the authors' view can be used for professional and didactic purposes, in the context of a continuous interaction that utilises modern IT systems, such as term bases and translation workflow systems. It is posited that the progressive systematisation of the revision stage, in a productive context, can benefit both the translation product as such, and its acceptability, while in an academic setting, it aims to complement the level of knowledge and expertise of the trainee translators, and therefore to enhance their overall competence. The findings and conclusions draw also upon the authors' professional experience from applying an intensive Translation Workflow and Quality Assessment Model.
The paper discusses two publications of J. D. Salinger’s novel, “The Catcher in the Rye” in Latvian in 1969 and 2001. Following brief theoretical insights, the paper includes an analysis of the Latvian target texts, as well as, where... more
The paper discusses two publications of J. D. Salinger’s novel, “The Catcher in the Rye” in Latvian in 1969 and 2001. Following brief theoretical insights, the paper includes an analysis of the Latvian target texts, as well as, where applicable, three Russian translations, in order to identify the differences and their character and acceptability, and to examine whether the Latvian publications represent high-quality translations.
A highly specific context of a prose fiction text imply that the respective translation is likely to become outdated.
The 2001 Latvian publication of the novel is largely in line with the first Latvian translation, where the impact of the Russian translation is apparent and strong; respectively, both translations feature a number of issues arising from both the specific circumstances during the preparation of the first translation and from translator’s competence. Some of the most obvious and simple errors have been eliminated. In general, however, the quality of the Latvian translation is not sufficient; a new translation is needed.
A Lektorálástudomány – fordításban című tanulmánykötet – a sorozat előző kötete, a Fordítástudomány – fordításban folytatásaként – válogatott írásokat kínál az olvasók számára a lektorálással kapcsolatos kutatások szaktekintélyeitől.... more
A Lektorálástudomány – fordításban című tanulmánykötet – a sorozat előző kötete, a Fordítástudomány – fordításban folytatásaként – válogatott írásokat kínál az olvasók számára a lektorálással kapcsolatos kutatások szaktekintélyeitől. Különlegessége abban rejlik, hogy a nemzetközi szakirodalom képviselői ezúttal magyar nyelven szólalnak meg a könyv lapjain, az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem szakfordító hallgatóinak tolmácsolásában. A kiválasztott tanulmányok híven tanúskodnak a lektoráláskutatás sokrétűségéről, összefoglalják az eddigi eredményeket, és áttekintést nyújtanak a fő elméleti dilemmákról. Érdekes gondolatokat olvashatunk a lektorálás terminológiájáról, a lektorok beavatkozásairól, a lektori kompetencia meghatározó összetevőiről, a lektorálás módszertani kérdéseiről, valamint a sajtófordításban megjelenő transzeditálásról.
A kötet mindazok érdeklődésére számot tarthat, akik gyakorlatban művelik a fordítást, és szívesen tájékozódnak a szakmájukkal kapcsolatban folyó tudományos vizsgálódásokról, különös tekintettel a lektorálásra; akik maguk is tudományos alapokon kutatják a fordítás folyamatait és jellemzőit; és azok a jövendő szakfordító hallgatók is haszonnal forgathatják, akik saját tanulmányaikhoz keresnek fordítástudományi témájú szövegeket a lektorálásról – magyar fordításban.
This paper investigates translation revision using think-aloud protocols. Ten professional translators were asked to think aloud while revising three draft translations. The focus of the analysis is on a specific aspect of the ethics of... more
This paper investigates translation revision using think-aloud protocols. Ten professional translators were asked to think aloud while revising three draft translations. The focus of the analysis is on a specific aspect of the ethics of translation revision: the reviser's (sense of) loyalty to the different parties involved in a prototypical freelance translation revision job mediated by a translation agency. The findings reveal a number of potential loyalty conflicts and ethical dilemmas. They also indicate the need to consider situational factors such as time constraints when evaluating the product and process of translation (revision).
Fundamental Theoretical Concepts in Translation Revision and its Presence in the Manual de revisión of the DGT and the ISO 17100:2015 and EN 15038:2006 Standards Abstract: The publication of the ISO 17100:2015 Standard, in May 2015, has... more
Fundamental Theoretical Concepts in Translation Revision and its Presence in the Manual de revisión of the DGT and the ISO 17100:2015 and EN 15038:2006 Standards
Abstract: The publication of the ISO 17100:2015 Standard, in May 2015, has once again highlighted the importance of various aspects related to the revision as an essential procedure to ensure translation quality assurance (QA). The paper will define various fundamental theoretical concepts in translation revision and review their presence in the Manual de Revisión of the Directorate-General for Translation (DGT) of the European Commission, as well as in the ISO 17100:2015 and EN 15038:2006 Standards. The sources used for the theoretical concepts are the traditional handbooks and monographs on revision (Hosington and Horguelin 1980; Horguelin 1985; Horguelin and Brunette 1998 and Mossop 2001), as well as the most recently published works of several researchers, including those of the author.
Keywords: Translation revision; ISO 17100:2015; EN 15038: 2006; Manual de revisión of the DGT; translation quality assurance.
Resumen: La publicación de la norma ISO 17100:2015, en mayo de 2015, ha vuelto a poner de manifiesto la importancia de diversos aspectos relacionados con la revisión como procedimiento para el aseguramiento de la calidad (AC) de la traducción. En este trabajo se definirán varios conceptos teóricos fundamentales en la revisión de traducciones y se ilustrará su reflejo en las normas ISO 17100:2015 y EN 15038:2006, así como en el Manual de revisión del Departamento de Lengua Española de la Dirección General de Traducción (DGT) de la Comisión Europa. Las fuentes utilizadas para exponer los conceptos teóricos son las monografías y manuales clásicos sobre la revisión (Hosington y Horguelin, 1980; Horguelin, 1985; Horguelin y Brunette, 1998; y Mossop, 2001), los trabajos más recientes de varios investigadores y los realizados por la autora de este trabajo.
Palabras clave: Revisión de traducciones; ISO 17100:2015; EN 15038: 2006; Manual de revisión de la DGT; aseguramiento de la calidad de la traducción.
Translation revision is an essential part of professional translation, and it has been one of the biggest workloads of translation companies. However, far too little attention has been paid to it within the relevant literature on... more
Translation revision is an essential part of professional translation, and it has been one of the biggest workloads of translation companies. However, far too little attention has been paid to it within the relevant literature on translation studies. To fill this gap, this study aims to analyze the translation revision policies of translation companies in Turkey through a questionnaire developed by Rasmussen &Schjoldager (2011). For this study, the questionnaire was adapted and slightly modified to reflect the specific situation in Turkey. The questionnaire was answered by 15 revisers and/or managers of translation companies in Turkey, specifically in three big cities (including İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir). The data derived from the questionnaire show the revision types that translation companies mostly prefer. The answers of the respondents in translation companies offer a brief insight into the parameters that translation companies consider during the revision process. The remarks of the respondents also highlighted the scarcity of the revision training within translation companies. In addition, the answers of the respondents showed that 1 This study was presented in the ÖZET Çeviride düzeltme profesyonel çevirinin önemli bir parçasıdır ve çeviri şirketlerinde iş yükünün büyük kısımlarından birini oluşturmaktadır. Ancak, çeviribilimde konuyla ilgili alanyazında çok az araştırma yapıldığı görülmektedir. Bu çalışma söz konusu eksikliği gidermek amacıyla, Rasmussen ve Schjoldager (2011) tarafından geliştirilen bir anket aracılığıyla Türkiye'deki çeviri şirketlerinin çeviride düzeltme politikalarını incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada kullanılan anket Türkiye özelindeki durumu yansıtabilmek adına kısmen değiştirilip uyarlanmıştır. Anket Türkiye'de özel-likle üç büyük şehirde (İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir)çeviri şirketinde çalışan 15 düzeltmen ve/veyaşirket yöneticisi tarafından yanıtlanmıştır. Anket aracılığıyla elde edilen veriler çeviri şirketlerinin çoğunlukla tercih ettiği çeviride düzeltme türlerini göstermektedir. Ankete verilen cevaplar çeviri şirketlerinin çeviride düzeltme esnasında dikkate aldıkları parametrelere ilişkin bakış açısı sunmaktadır. Ayrıca ankete verilen cevaplar, çeviri şirketlerinde çeviride düzeltme konulu eğitimlerin eksikliğini de vurgulamıştır. Bunun yanında ankete verilen cevaplarda Mossop (2007, 2014) tarafından önerilen çeviride dil ve sunum sorunlarının yanı sıra aktarım ve metnin içeriğine de önem verildiği gösterilmiştir. Kısaca bu çalışma Türkiye'de çeviride düzeltme işinin güncel durumuna ilişkin 15 çeviri işletmesi örneklemiyle betimleyici bir görünüm sunmaya çalışmaktadır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Çeviride düzeltme, profesyonel çeviri şirketleri, düzeltmenlerin profili, çeviride düzeltme parametreleri
- by Özgür Şen Bartan and +3
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- Translation Studies, Turkey, Translation Revision
Faux double et commentaire en acte, la traduction est tout ensemble réflexion et reflet : témoin des pratiques langagières et éditoriales de son temps, elle constitue aussi un discours critique et autocritique où se formulent les grandes... more
Faux double et commentaire en acte, la traduction est tout ensemble réflexion et reflet : témoin des pratiques langagières et éditoriales de son temps, elle constitue aussi un discours critique et autocritique où se formulent les grandes questions qui fondent la traductologie.
Qu'il prenne la forme d'un paratexte explicite, d'une éloquente trace dans l'avant-texte ou d'une discrète réécriture autotraductive, ce discours constitue l'objet central que souhaitent explorer les quinze études ici réunies, dans une perspective à la fois linguistique, stylistique, génétique et culturelle.