Revision Research Papers - (original) (raw)
Mivel a lektorálás a szakmai gyakorlatban egyre inkább a minőség biztosításának nélkülözhetetlen eszközévé válik, immáron szükséges a szakemberek képzése is, akik kellő hozzáértéssel és tudatossággal végzik a munkát, nem csupán... more
Mivel a lektorálás a szakmai gyakorlatban egyre inkább a minőség biztosításának nélkülözhetetlen eszközévé válik, immáron szükséges a szakemberek képzése is, akik kellő hozzáértéssel és tudatossággal végzik a munkát, nem csupán ösztöneikre, egyéni nyelvhasználatukra és személyes tapasztalataikra, hanem jól megalapozott ismeretekre építve dolgoznak. Lektorálásra nem feltétlenül születik az ember, és bár a szakmai tapasztalatok sokat segítenek, a lektori kompetencia valójában képzés útján, kidolgozott tanterv alapján is elsajátítható, így érdemes beépíteni a szakfordító hallgatók képzésébe. A jelen tanulmányban ezt a kijelentést kívánom alátámasztani a ELTE Fordító-és Tolmácsképző Tanszékén folyó lektorálási gyakorlatok tapasztalatai alapján. Elsősorban ismertetem a lektori kompetencia fejlesztésének létjogosultságát a fordítóképzésben, majd felvázolom azokat a módszertani ismereteket, amelyek a sikeres lektorképzés alapját képezhetik, beleértve a lektorálás értékelésének kérdéseit is. Bevezetés A fordítási szakmában a lektorálás ma már a minőség biztosításának egyre inkább elismert eszköze, szükségességét számos tapasztalat és szakirodalmi esettanulmány bizonyítja (például Eszenyi, 2017). Az EN 15038 fordítási szolgáltatásokról és követelményekről szóló európai szabvány, illetve az
The quest for possible translation universals have enjoyed considerable interest in descriptive translation studies (Laviosa 2009), however, almost all research aiming to reveal phenomena specific for translated texts seem to disregard... more
The quest for possible translation universals have enjoyed considerable interest in descriptive translation studies (Laviosa 2009), however, almost all research aiming to reveal phenomena specific for translated texts seem to disregard the simple fact that their corpora – parallel or comparable – include revised translations. These texts therefore carry not only the strategies and transfer operations of their translators, but the modifications of the revisers as well. The question arises whether revision affects translated texts in a way that would modify their universal features, and if so, to what extent. Some of the studies dealing with the question of translation universals (e. g. Levý 1965, Tirkkonen-Condit 2004, Chesterman 2010) mention that these linguistic features mainly characterize translations of mediocre quality. Therefore, it seems only logical that revisers, who aim to improve the quality of translated texts, modify these translational ’anomalies’ as well.
The present doctoral dissertation presents and discusses the results of a research which builds on the combination of both quantitative and qualitative empirical methods. The aim of the analysis was to determine what happens to the so-called translation universals as a result of revision, i.e. if revisers modify in any way the generally observable features of translation. Based on the above, our hypothesis was that besides checking for equivalence, they perform modifications aiming to reduce the dominance of translation universals: revisers modify the explicitating and implicitating operations of translators as their overuse or absence may result in the observable presence of translation universals (e. g. redundance, lexical simplification, under-representation of unique items etc.).
The research focuses on the explicitating and implicitating operations present in both translation and revision (Robin 2013), as Toury (2004) and Pym (2008) clearly point out that explicitation and implicitation seem to be connected with the rest of the so-called universals. The analyses include the computer-based examination (type/token ratio, average word count per sentence, lexical density) of a complex revisional parallel corpus which contains the full texts of ten English novels, their draft translations and revised versions, as well as the contrastive analyses of text samples, based on Klaudy’s (1997) typology, for the identification of transfer operations and revisional modifications. The results show that revisers – apart from the correction of obvious translational and language mistakes – not only perform explicitation and implicitation independently but also modify the transfer operations of translators. They delete unnecessary lexical and grammatical additions, reduce the syntactic redundancy and enrich vocabulary through specification – creating less redundant texts with less simplified, richer vocabulary, aiming for the optimalisation of explicitness, but at the same time even more equalizing than the drafts. It seems worthwhile to continue research into the effects of revision on translation, as some of the phenomena attributed to the translation process may in fact belong to editing procedures.
The aim of this study is to highlight the role of technology-based instructional intervention in enhancing the composing competence of struggling student writers at Majma'ah University (MU) in Saudi Arabia. Such instructional choice... more
The aim of this study is to highlight the role of technology-based instructional intervention in enhancing the composing competence of struggling student writers at Majma'ah University (MU) in Saudi Arabia. Such instructional choice issues from the belief that the students have experiences and stories to share through writing. In the current intervention, a total of 26 participants enrolled in a short essay course offered by the Community College and the College of Education optionally participated in the study. They were equally divided into experimental and control groups, respectively. While the experimental group received both traditional and online instruction, using the MU Learning Management System, the control group received traditional instruction only. The experimental group outperformed the control group in the post-intervention test. Evidence from the quantitative and qualitative data attests to the assumption that instructional technology could significantly enhance learners' composing skills. Thus, the English programme administrators are strongly recommended to post and conduct most writing classes online.
- by CJES Journal and +1
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- Intervention, Rubrics, Drafting, Revision
The quest for possible translation universals have enjoyed considerable interest in descriptive translation studies (Laviosa 2009), however, almost all research aiming to reveal phenomena specific for translated texts seem to disregard... more
The quest for possible translation universals have enjoyed considerable interest in descriptive translation studies (Laviosa 2009), however, almost all research aiming to reveal phenomena specific for translated texts seem to disregard the simple fact that their corpora – parallel or comparable – include revised translations. These texts therefore carry not only the strategies and transfer operations of their translators, but the modifications of the revisers as well. The question arises whether revision affects translated texts in a way that would modify their universal features, and if so, to what extent. Some of the studies dealing with the question of translation universals (e. g. Levý 1965, Tirkkonen-Condit 2004, Chesterman 2010) mention that these linguistic features mainly characterize translations of mediocre quality. Therefore, it seems only logical that revisers, who aim to improve the quality of translated texts, modify these translational ’anomalies’ as well. The present doctoral dissertation presents and discusses the results of a research which builds on the combination of both quantitative and qualitative empirical methods. The aim of the analysis was to determine what happens to the so-called translation universals as a result of revision, i.e. if revisers modify in any way the generally observable features of translation. Based on the above, our hypothesis was that besides checking for equivalence, they perform modifications aiming to reduce the dominance of translation universals: revisers modify the explicitating and implicitating operations of translators as their overuse or absence may result in the observable presence of translation universals (e. g. redundance, lexical simplification, under-representation of unique items etc.). The research focuses on the explicitating and implicitating operations present in both translation and revision (Robin 2013), as Toury (2004) and Pym (2008) clearly point out that explicitation and implicitation seem to be connected with the rest of the so-called universals. The analyses include the computer-based examination (type/token ratio, average word count per sentence, lexical density) of a complex revisional parallel corpus which contains the full texts of ten English novels, their draft translations and revised versions, as well as the contrastive analyses of text samples, based on Klaudy’s (1997) typology, for the identification of transfer operations and revisional modifications. The results show that revisers – apart from the correction of obvious translational and language mistakes – not only perform explicitation and implicitation independently but also modify the transfer operations of translators. They delete unnecessary lexical and grammatical additions, reduce the syntactic redundancy and enrich vocabulary through specification – creating less redundant texts with less simplified, richer vocabulary, aiming for the optimalisation of explicitness, but at the same time even more equalizing than the drafts. It seems worthwhile to continue research into the effects of revision on translation, as some of the phenomena attributed to the translation process may in fact belong to editing procedures.
Hernández-Corona, M. E., Méndez-Rizo, J., & Rojas-Solís, J. L. (2021). El síndrome de burnout en policías: Una revisión sistemática sobre aspectos metodológicos, factores asociados, causas y consecuencias (Burnout in police officers: A... more
Hernández-Corona, M. E., Méndez-Rizo, J., & Rojas-Solís, J. L. (2021). El síndrome de burnout en policías: Una revisión sistemática sobre aspectos metodológicos, factores asociados, causas y consecuencias (Burnout in police officers: A systematic review on methodological aspects, associated factors, causes and consequences). Dilemas contemporáneos: Educación, política y valores, 9(Ed. Esp), 1-19. Disponible en:
RESUMEN: El síndrome de burnout afecta de manera específica a ocupaciones con labores de trato directo con la población, donde los cuerpos policíacos no son la excepción; por ello, el objetivo de este estudio fue analizarlas investigaciones arbitradas e indexadas respecto al síndrome de burnout en oficiales de policía. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica sobre el tema a través de las bases de datos Science Direct, Scopus, Web of Science y EBSCO. Dentro de las investigaciones analizadas, destaca la presencia de distintos factores asociados al síndrome de burnout, así como sus causas y consecuencias. Se concluye que la prevalencia del burnout en oficiales de policía está asociada a múltiples causas y produce distintas repercusiones. PALABRAS CLAVES: agotamiento psicológico, Burnout, Estrés, revisión sistemática, policía.
TITLE: Burnout in police officers: A systematic review on methodological aspects, associated factors, causes and consequences.
ABSTRACT: The burnout syndrome specifically affects occupations that deal directly with the population, where the police forces are no exception; Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyze the refereed and indexed investigations regarding burnout syndrome in police officers. A systematic review of the scientific literature on the subject was carried out through the Science Direct, Scopus, Web of Science and EBSCO databases. Among the researches analyzed, the presence of different factors associated with burnout syndrome, as well as its causes and consequences, stands out. It is concluded that the prevalence of burnout in police officers is associated with multiple causes and produces different repercussions. KEYWORDS: psychological exhaustion, burnout, stress, systematic review, police.
In July 2020, trenches No. 3 and 4, which contained Hallstatt Period sediments, were excavated in the Entrance Hall of the Habrůvka - Býčí skála cave in the Moravian Karst (Blansko District). The layers in trench No. 3 were intact... more
In July 2020, trenches No. 3 and 4, which contained Hallstatt Period sediments, were excavated in the Entrance Hall of the Habrůvka - Býčí skála cave in the Moravian Karst (Blansko District). The layers in trench No. 3 were intact (Hallstatt Period). In trench No. 4 (Fig. 10) in layers 2-3a/3b, the sediments (Hallstatt Period) that had been previously excavated were partially intact in layer No. 3b (Hallstatt Period) and layer No. 4 (Paleolithic?). The excavation fulfilled both goals - Hallstatt Period profiles with layers and findings were documented, and samples were obtained for scientific analyses, which continue to be evaluated. Both trenches captured a sequence of Hallstatt period layers approximately as H. Wankel documented in 1872 - layers A (trench No. 3) - D and cave loess (trench No. 4) (Wankel 1882, Fig. on pg. 383). Further research is also planned for 2021.
Useful for an outline of the common law offence of assault
En el presente artículo se expone una interpretación, a través de una metodología en los proyectos de desarrollo de software, del requisito ISO para el diseño. Esto responde a la necesidad de brindar aplicaciones informáticas que... more
En el presente artículo se expone una interpretación, a través de una metodología en los proyectos de desarrollo de software, del requisito ISO para el diseño. Esto responde a la necesidad de brindar aplicaciones informáticas que respondan con calidad a los requisitos de los clientes, para poder cumplir con la misión asignada de brindar soluciones integrales eficaces en Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) a la sociedad cubana. Dicha metodología, que responde a las etapas establecidas en el Ciclo Shewhart/Deming , clarifica qué hacer en el control de la calidad para aplicar el requisito ISO y está en fase de implementación en la empresa Desoft S.A. This article offers an interpretation of the ISO requirements to design using a methodology in software development projects. This responds to the need of giving informatic solutions which may satisfy the client´s requirements with quality. This let us accomplish the assigned mission of giving ICT efficient and integral solutions to Cuban society. This methodology, which follows the established steps on Shewhart/Deming Cycle, explains what to do regarding quality control to apply the ISO requirements and it is in an implementation phase in Desoft S.A. enterprise.
Days: Mon/Wed Office: WMS 331 Time: 5:15-6:30PM Office Hours: Mon/Wed 3-5PM, and by appt. Room: BEL 0008 COLLEGE COMPOSITION MISSION STATEMENT College Composition courses at Florida State University teach writing as a recursive and... more
Days: Mon/Wed Office: WMS 331 Time: 5:15-6:30PM Office Hours: Mon/Wed 3-5PM, and by appt. Room: BEL 0008 COLLEGE COMPOSITION MISSION STATEMENT College Composition courses at Florida State University teach writing as a recursive and frequently collaborative process of invention, drafting, and revising. Writing is both personal and social, and students should learn how to write for a variety of purposes and audiences. Since writing is a process of making meaning as well as communicating, College Composition teachers respond to the content of students' writing as well as to surface errors. Students should expect frequent written and oral response on the content of their writing from both teachers and peers. Students are expected to be active participants in the classroom community. Learning from each other and from their teachers, students are invited to give thoughtful, reasoned responses to both assigned readings and the compositions of their peers. With an emphasis on inclass discussions and workshops, College Composition courses facilitate critical understandings between reading and composing. If you would like further information regarding FSU's College Composition Program, feel free to contact the program director, Dr. Deborah Coxwell-Teague,
What happens when we consider the traditional, ‘Romantic’ notions of inspiration and imagination in the light of the often messy, chaotic traces of the creative process that we observe in a poet’s drafts and manuscripts? Although the... more
What happens when we consider the traditional, ‘Romantic’ notions of inspiration and imagination in the light of the often messy, chaotic traces of the creative process that we observe in a poet’s drafts and manuscripts? Although the archive may at first sight belie that there is such a thing as inspiration at all, Wim Van Mierlo contends that composition and inspiration are not simply each other’s opposite. Instead, he argues that inspiration and the imagination are very much integral to composition and revision. In discussing Wordsworth’s and Yeats’s composition methods—how they begin and complete their poems—he puts into question the perceived dichotomy between ‘first’ and ‘second thoughts’, original composition and revision. Adopting a cognitive perspective, he finds that there are no grounds to accept that revisions are somehow less inspired and creative. The creative economy at work in revision is no less the result of a ‘spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings’.
I hope this document can help the hopeless Changelog: 18/5/2016 Corrected some typographical errors 19/5/2016 Adjusted stock valuation as part of the explanation was missing 19/5/2016 Adjusted Provision for bad debts as the case when... more
- by Marouane M Rekaby
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- Accounting, Notes, Revision
Background. It is well established that the activity of producing a text is a complex one involving three main cognitive processes: Planning, translating, and revising. Although these processes are crucial in skilled writing, beginning... more
Background. It is well established that the activity of producing a text is a complex one involving three main cognitive processes: Planning, translating, and revising. Although these processes are crucial in skilled writing, beginning and developing writers seem to struggle with them, mainly with planning and revising.
Aims. To trace the development of the high-level writing processes of planning and revising, from Grades 4 to 9, and to examine whether these skills predict writing quality in younger and older students (Grades 4–6 vs. 7–9), after controlling for gender, school achievement, age, handwriting fluency, spelling, and text structure.
Sample. Participants were 381 students from Grades 4 to 9 (age 9–15).
Method. Students were asked to plan and write a story and to revise another story by
detecting and correcting mechanical and substantive errors.
Results. From Grades 4 to 9, we found a growing trend in students’ ability to plan and revise despite the observed decreases and stationary periods from Grades 4 to 5 and 6 to 7. Moreover, whereas younger students’ planning and revising skills made no contribution to the quality of their writing, in older students, these high-level skills contributed to writing quality above and beyond control predictors.
Conclusion. The findings of this study seem to indicate that besides the increase in planning and revising, these skills are not fully operational in school-age children. Indeed, given the contribution of these high-level skills to older students’ writing, supplementary instruction and practice should be provided from early on.
- by Teresa Limpo
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- Writing, Development, Planning, Revision
This article showcases how transmediation via digital tools enhanced students’ writing and revision during a three-week flash science fiction unit of study. It begins with a brief rationale for pairing transmediation with revision. Then,... more
This article showcases how transmediation via digital tools enhanced students’ writing and revision during a three-week flash science fiction unit of study. It begins with a brief rationale for pairing transmediation with revision. Then, I share two students’ stories of how they revised while transmediating their thinking of their initial flash sci-fi drafts. I end by showcasing students’ thoughts on how transmediating encouraged deeper revision and connected transmediation to play as inquiry.
Machine Translation (MT) has experienced remarkable improvements and consequently grown in popularity of late. It now functions not only as an end in itself but also as a valuable asset to be exploited by translators in the promising... more
Machine Translation (MT) has experienced remarkable improvements and consequently grown in popularity of late. It now functions not only as an end in itself but also as a valuable asset to be exploited by translators in the promising practice of post-editing the outcome of MT systems, which can yield faster and sometimes more accurate results. Most systems, however, were not originally designed having translators envisaged as potential users, which leaves a high demand for tools capable of catering for this new translation modality. With the purpose of showcasing what researchers and the industry have to offer in that respect, this study provides a review of a number of currently available translation tools from the perspective of translation post-editing. We have selected and described toolkits according to a set of criteria, highlighting main differences and similarities between them and also making mention of desirable features that have not been satisfactorily presented by any of the toolkits analysed.
R E S U M E N El presente trabajo identifica los campos actuales de investigación alrededor del comercio internacional y los negocios, desde lo que se registra en la literatura académica hasta el abordaje del tema desde la... more
R E S U M E N El presente trabajo identifica los campos actuales de investigación alrededor del comercio internacional y los negocios, desde lo que se registra en la literatura académica hasta el abordaje del tema desde la institucionalidad mundial, regional y nacional-local (Colombia).
El objetivo es que estudiantes, docentes, investigadores y empresarios de las áreas de comercio internacional y negocios internacionales se adentren en la comprensión de las tendencias globales y enmarquen los procesos de investigación propiamente dicha y aquellos con fines formativos, prácticas de investigación, trabajos de grado y formulación de proyectos, en las áreas identificadas en este documento con el fin de construir comunidad académica alrededor del tema. Asimismo, se busca promover el trabajo interdisciplinario con otros actores de la comunidad académica que permitan alcanzar un mayor grado de
profundidad y complejidad en los tópicos investigados. A B S T R A C T
This paper identifies the current research agenda on trade and international business, ranging from the different positions in the academic literature to the institutional perspectives at world, regional, and national and local levels (Colombia). The aim of this paper is to build a framework for the understanding of global trends in the field, in order
for students, teachers, researchers and entrepreneurs may increase their knowledge in the areas of foreign trade and international business, as well as to frame research and academic processes in these fields, promoting an interdisciplinary approach with other academic disciplines.
- by Đoàn Mai Anh
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- Revision
Introduction to Tourism Policy, Planning and Development (based on slides by Dr. Johan Afendi bin Ibrahim)
- by Kim Kye Ry
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- Tourism, Revision
Resumen Este artículo presenta una revisión general de los modelos de detección y filtrado de correo spam existentes en la actualidad. En concreto, se realiza una subdivisión de las técnicas existentes en dos grandes tipos: modelos... more
Resumen Este artículo presenta una revisión general de los modelos de detección y filtrado de correo spam existentes en la actualidad. En concreto, se realiza una subdivisión de las técnicas existentes en dos grandes tipos: modelos basados en la colaboración de usuarios y modelos basados en el análisis de contenido. Se presentan las características específicas del problema y se analizan los corpus públicos disponibles, así como las técnicas habituales empleadas en su preprocesamiento. Además, se realiza una revisión de los distintos sistemas implementados destacando las características distintivas de cada uno de ellos. El trabajo finaliza con la exposición de las conclusiones más destacables acerca del estado del arte actual. Palabras clave: spam, aproximaciones colaborativas, filtros basados en contenido, revisión.
The Stockholm syndrome is a term used to describe a paradoxical psychological experience in which an affective bond between hostages and their captors is developed. However, currently there is no unification of criteria with respect to... more
The Stockholm syndrome is a term used to describe a paradoxical psychological experience in which an affective bond between hostages and their captors is developed. However, currently there is no unification of criteria with respect to its diagnosis and characteristics and even its denomination of “syndrome”. The objective of the present study was to
review and summarize the existing international literature of the Stockholm syndrome. Databases (PUBMED, Google Scholar, Academic Onefile, and EBSCO) were systematically searched. After analyzing the 23 articles selected, it could be considered that the expansion of the term to different cases or groups is an important indicator that it is a universal instinctive response of survival, although the lack of empirical studies could lead to the conclusion that many of the characteristics of the term are due to an information bias.
Study notes of CPC including a comparison between; Review, Revision, and Appeal
La investigación tuvo el objeto de indagar una práctica de revisión de textos producida en una situación didáctica donde los alumnos interactúan entre sí para resolver la tarea. En este estudio se trabajó la producción de epígrafes... more
La investigación tuvo el objeto de indagar una práctica de revisión de textos producida en una situación didáctica donde los alumnos interactúan entre sí para resolver la tarea. En este estudio se trabajó la producción de epígrafes para fotos de un álbum familiar.
Operativamente, se denominó revisión de textos a toda reconsideración de una primera textualización, incluyendo tanto los comentarios, opiniones y críticas de autores y lectores como las alteraciones efectivas realizadas sobre el escrito y reescrituras sobre estas modificaciones. Para la conceptualización de la práctica de revisión se apela a la Filología, la Crítica Textual y las investigaciones psicolingüísticas de base cognitiva y psicogenética.
Se denomina situación didáctica a la forma de relación que el docente plantea entre los niños y los contenidos escolares en el contexto de la clase, como parte de una institución educativa, con el propósito de que los alumnos construyan conocimientos sobre los contenidos propuestos.
El epígrafe de foto se caracteriza a partir de la reformulación de conceptos presentes en la bibliografía –que no lo considera como objeto de análisis delimitado– y apela, fundamentalmente, a estudios sobre la descripción y sobre la relación imagen- texto.
En el desarrollo de la tesis se analizan textos producidos por alumnos de 7 y 9 años. El corpus está constituido por 552 textos. Su categorización orienta los análisis siguientes.
Se describen regularidades en los textos que permiten circunscribir tanto el análisis comparativo entre las versiones iniciales y revisadas como, fundamentalmente, el de las observaciones de clases. Desde allí, se decide trabajar los siguientes ejes: la organización del discurso, la posición del enunciador, la enunciación del tiempo y la
En el análisis de las clases donde todos los alumnos, con la intervención de sus docentes, revisan algunos textos se encuentra una extensa discusión metodológica sobre los distintos enfoques en el análisis de los registros de clase. Por último, se analizan las transformaciones de los textos entre las versiones iniciales y las versiones revisadas y se
vinculan tales modificaciones con las situaciones denominadas revisiones entre pares (es decir, clases donde los alumnos interactuaron entre sí para revisar sus producciones).
Las conclusiones dan cuenta de las relaciones entre las transformaciones más importantes halladas, sobre la posición del enunciador y sobre la puntuación, y su relación con el resto de las variables consideradas.
Finalmente, se discute la relación entre los modelos de revisión comunicados por el docente y la asimilación que los niños realizan sobre esta práctica y se reflexiona sobre la revisión de textos como contenido escolar en los diseños curriculares de varios países de América latina, a la luz de las conclusiones consideradas en este estudio.
- by Mirta Castedo
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- Niños, Revision, Escritura
Licuala is represented by 41 species, including 15 newly described, in the Malay Peninsula. Three new varieties are also described. Keys to and descriptions of all species and varieties, and listings of representative specimens, are... more
Licuala is represented by 41 species, including 15 newly described, in the Malay Peninsula. Three new varieties are also described. Keys to and descriptions of all species and varieties, and listings of representative specimens, are provided.
Full text of my chapter available at
La lettera di attestazione prevista dal PdR ISA Italia 580 rappresenta un documento fondamentale della revisione legale dei conti. Il contributo, partendo dall'analisi del principio di revisione richiamato, approfondisce il caso... more
La lettera di attestazione prevista dal PdR ISA Italia 580 rappresenta un documento fondamentale della revisione legale dei conti. Il contributo, partendo dall'analisi del principio di revisione richiamato, approfondisce il caso particolare ma al contempo più frequente nelle revisioni legali dei conti e cioè quando l'incarico è affidato al Collegio sindacale che, nel recente passato, ha sovente trascurato questo elemento fondamentale nel flusso delle attività cumulative e tra loro interconnesse necessarie per una revisione legale dei conti conforme agli standard statuiti di riferimento e quindi efficace.
La manualística ha experimentado un notable crecimiento durante las últimas cuatro décadas debido a una nueva forma de entender los libros de texto como objetos que permiten estudiar la cultura escolar. La proliferación de los trabajos ha... more
La manualística ha experimentado un notable crecimiento durante las últimas cuatro décadas debido a una nueva forma de entender los libros de texto como objetos que permiten estudiar la cultura escolar. La proliferación de los trabajos ha sido exponencial y se han generado tradiciones de investigación en cada una de las didácticas específicas. En este sentido, este trabajo realiza una revisión bibliográfica de las publicaciones que abordan el análisis de manuales escolares en al campo de la educación musical. En total, se ha accedido a una muestra de 74 artículos. Los resultados muestran que los temas más frecuentes son el estudio de manuales históricos, el efecto que producen los libros de texto en los estudiantes, la diversidad que contienen, la ideología que transmiten y la presencia de la figura de la mujer en los mismos.
Resumen La evaluación de la inteligencia emocional (IE) es centro de interés para profesionales de diversos campos de la salud y la educación. Este arrculo ofrece una revisión sistemáca cuantava sobre los instrumentos de evaluación de la... more
Resumen La evaluación de la inteligencia emocional (IE) es centro de interés para profesionales de diversos campos de la salud y la educación. Este arrculo ofrece una revisión sistemáca cuantava sobre los instrumentos de evaluación de la IE uulizando una herramienta de análisis bibliográfico basado en la metodología PRISMA. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una importante produccvidad cienfica sobre la IE, pero escasos instrumentos que presenten adecuadas propiedades psicométricas para la medición de la IE en niños y adolescentes, menos aún en población clínica infanto-juvenil. Se discute la importancia de plantear puntos de encuentro entre las diversas teorías existentes y sus instrumentos de evaluación, para que la inteligencia emocional no se convierta en un campo de estudio restringido exclusivamente a invesgadores y académicos. Se concluye con un listado de instrumentos de eva-luación de la IE con suficientes garanas psicométricas para su aplicación en el ámbito educavo. Palabras clave: inteligencia, evaluación, test psicológico, habilidad, personalidad. Abstract (*)Autor para correspondencia:
Fundamental principles of co-ownership of land
- by Jake Welch
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- Land Law, English law, University, Revision
Tugas Mata Kuliah Menulis Karya Ilmiah yang dibina oleh Dr. Erizal Gani, M.Pd.
This study aims to advance our knowledge of the character of Th-Dan within the larger framework of the Theodotionic problem. Chapter 1 ascertained the necessity of the inquiry. For decades scholars had routinely referred to Th-Dan as a... more
This study aims to advance our knowledge of the character of Th-Dan within the larger framework of the Theodotionic problem. Chapter 1 ascertained the necessity of the inquiry. For decades scholars had routinely referred to Th-Dan as a revision. There had been, however, no methodical study undertaken to substantiate this claim. Noting this deficiency, the first analyses carried out to address the issue concluded that Th-Dan does reflect an independent translation. The present study represents the first comprehensive and systematic investigation to demonstrate the character of Th-Dan as a revision, seeking to fill this critical gap in the research. The case for Th-Dan as a revision is built within the methodological framework laid by previous revisional studies. Chapter 2 highlights our present knowledge regarding recensional activity in late antiquity. The study of the pre-Hexaplaric revisions led to the crystallization of principles that test the quality of a text as a revision. My working hypothesis is controlled by two criteria: the demonstration of a common basis that genetically connects the texts alleged to stand in a translation-revision relationship, and the substantiation of recensional techniques in the text alleged to reflect a revision. The contrastive analysis of both the commonalities and the dissimilarities between Th-Dan and OG-Dan affirmed both criteria. Chapter 3 investigated the commonalities and found evidence for the presence of a common basis between Th-Dan and OG-Dan. The two texts frequently share long strings of words, at times presenting whole verses almost verbatim. However, we applied a methodological stricture, theorizing that the most compelling evidence in this direction is significant agreements: hapax Greek words; rare Greek words; unique equivalents; and rare equivalents. Such lexical choices could hardly have been replicated by two translators working independently. They rather imply that Th-Dan employed OG-Dan as its base text for selecting equivalents. The characterization of the revisional process is dealt with in chapter 4. Section A demonstrates that Th-Dan reflects a systematic, literal revision. The analysis of the dissimilarities between OG-Dan and Th-Dan indicates that they emerged from systematic corrections applied to OG-Dan. To conform it quantitatively and qualitatively to the Semitic text, the reviser employed recensional norms such as stereotyping, quantitative representation, linguistic accuracy, word order, and transliteration. By means of these techniques, the reviser achieved consistency. Section B of chapter 4 points to further mechanical, recensional techniques which reflect the reviser's attitude toward the base text; he constantly referred to the base text when selecting his equivalents. This can be seen in the way he manipulated the first-found OG renditions, partly maintained and partly revised, the use of the immediate and wider OG context, the replacement of OG equivalents with synonyms, and the replacement of rare OG words with standard equivalents. Such procedures provide additional evidence for the character of Th-Dan as a revision. Section C of chapter 4 discusses inconsistencies of Th-Dan, which reflect exceptions to the reviser's recensional techniques. The influence of the OG's style on Th-Dan and the sometimes problematic nature of MT-Dan constituted the most important circumstances that caused the reviser to deviate from his agenda of consistency in translation equivalents. Chapter 5 investigates the nature of Th-Dan's underlying Semitic text. The reviser's Vorlage resembled MT-Dan but was not identical to it. This situation accounts for certain differences extant between Th-Dan and MT-Dan. Furthermore, the investigation of these differences led to the conclusion that Th-Dan's Vorlage frequently featured readings preferable to MT-Dan, especially when the latter contained harmonistic and exegetical expansions or subtractions. At times, it reflects a better-preserved text, free of haplographies. The results are summarized in chapter 6. They are followed by a tentative explanation for the replacement of OG-Dan with Th-Dan in the textual history of the Greek Bible. The historical circumstances that formed the backdrop for such a decision were apologetic in nature and regarded the high status of the book as well as its frequent use in arguments between Jews and Christians.
One of the ongoing debates within textual studies on the Book of Daniel relates to properly characterizing the relationship between the two Greek versions of this book, i.e. Old Greek (OG-Dan) and Theodotion (Th-Dan). Do these texts stand... more
One of the ongoing debates within textual studies on the Book of Daniel relates to properly characterizing the relationship between the two Greek versions of this book, i.e. Old Greek (OG-Dan) and Theodotion (Th-Dan). Do these texts stand in a translation-revision relationship or are they better assessed as two independent trans-lations? The standard methodology for assessing the likelihood of a text as a revision comprises two criteria: (1) the confirmation of a common basis shared between the two texts based on significant lexical choices and (2) the attestation of revising tendencies in one of the translations aiming to represent the Semitic source text more faithfully. This paper substantiates the nature of Th-Dan as a recension by discussing the reviser's treatment of first-found equivalents in OG-Dan for certain Semitic words. This feature, which has been overlooked in previous recensional studies, convincingly demonstrates both the reviser's dependence on OG-Dan in selecting his equivalents and his agenda to stereotypically employ them further once they were adopted.
With The French Lieutenant's Woman generally accepted as one of the first British works of postmodern fiction, John Fowles must be seen as a key writer linking modernism and postmodernism (McHale 2013, 174). According to Brian McHale... more
With The French Lieutenant's Woman generally accepted as one of the first British works of postmodern fiction, John Fowles must be seen as a key writer linking modernism and postmodernism (McHale 2013, 174). According to Brian McHale (2013, 174), Fowles has produced three fully fledged postmodernist works (The French Lieutenant's Woman, Mantissa and A Maggot). It seems The Magus is the work in which the transition occurs, a novel poised on the threshold of postmodernism, but still tied in many ways to assumptions of an earlier modern era. The novel evidences-for many readers frustratingly and irritatingly-a pull in opposite directions between dichotomous philosophical assumptions which manifest as unresolved tensions in the formal structure as well. These pulls in opposite directions-a modernist and a postmodernist as it were-can be related to the first and the second edition of the novel. Relying on a corpus linguistic comparative study of the two versions, I try to pinpoint the tensions in the novel's narrative structure and moral message between the demands of authenticity and deconstruction. The comparison shows a greater immediacy and illusion of the fictional world in the first version and more metafictional elements in the second. However, it also provides the perhaps surprising result that the revised version focuses more on the narrator's interiority, that is, it contains additional commentary by the main character cum narrator on the cognition and mental states during his experiences of the novel's events. This (modernist) foregrounding of interiority subverts the postmodern distancing and illusion-breaking strategies. Contrary to a common claim in interpretations of the novel, I argue that the revised version is not more demanding or 'readerly', but a lot more explicit regarding the purpose and meaning of the bizarre events. It is obvious that Fowles introduced the revisions in order to clarify the educative process not only for the protagonist of this novel of initiation but for the reader as well. Consequently, readers prepared to tolerate the
The introduction of mandatory legal representation by a lawyer or a person with a bar exam in third-instance civil procedure has a clear logic. The overall goal is to professionalize the proceedings before the Supreme Court, so that... more
The introduction of mandatory legal representation by a lawyer or a
person with a bar exam in third-instance civil procedure has a clear logic. The overall goal is to professionalize the proceedings before the Supreme Court, so that parties can no longer represent themselves, unless they are themselves legally qualified. This solution should ideally contribute to rationalization and raising the quality of the procedure initiated by the second appeal/revision, that is, to enable the fulfillment of proclaimed goals of the innovated revision system - less burden
for a supreme court, as a prerequisite for greater efficiency, unification of law and jurisprudence, better protection of and equality of citizens before the law. In this paper, the introduction of mandatory legal representation with the accompanying financial burden of civil justice will be analyzed, on the one hand, in the context of the legislator’s intention to assist the supreme court in the exercise of its functions, and on the other hand, in the context of the right to access to a court. Given that the issue of access to justice and the protection of rights before judicial institutions is particularly important when citizens are faced with significant procedural costs, including lawyer’s costs, it is important to establish fair balance between restricting access to the Supreme Court and respecting guarantees contained in fundamental human right to access the court, as developed by the case law of European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice.
The aim of the present study was to find out whether revisers perform shifts resulting from explicitation and implicitation while working on translated texts. Some of the studies dedicated to the issue of explicitation and implicitation... more
The aim of the present study was to find out whether revisers perform shifts resulting from explicitation and implicitation while working on translated texts. Some of the studies dedicated to the issue of explicitation and implicitation have shown that these phenomena are connected to translation competence and may not always be desirable (e.g., Levý 1965; Klaudy 2003; Englund Dimitrova 2005). Therefore, it seems logical that revisers whose aim is to improve the quality of translated texts adjust these " anomalies " and modify the optional transfer operations of the translators, at the same time performing explicitation and implicitation themselves. During the empirical analysis excerpts from draft Hungarian translations of five contemporary English novels were compared to their revised Hungarian versions—mainly on the basis of Klaudy's (2003) categorization of transfer operations. The results of the study seem to indicate that revisers do perform explicitation and implicitation, modifying the translators' operations and performing them independently, which points to the conclusion that the phenomenon, so far considered as a translation universal, may indeed be part of the editorial process, which is present in both translation and revision.
- by Marcin Bogusławski and +3
- •
- History, Marxism, Post-Marxism, Utopia
Few studies have examined the revision processes of second grade students and even fewer have explored the impact of digital writing on young students’ revisions. This study utilized a within subject crossover trial using randomized block... more
Few studies have examined the revision processes of second grade students and even fewer have explored the impact of digital writing on young students’ revisions. This study utilized a within subject crossover trial using randomized block assignment (AB | BA) for counterbalancing. This study sought to determine (1) whether revising on paper versus revising on the computer significantly impacted revisions second graders made; (2) whether revising on paper verses the computer affected the change in quality from the first to final draft; (3) whether the cognitive load of transcription, writing speed and spelling ability affected the revisions second graders make when revising on paper and the computer; and (4) whether the cognitive load of transcription affected the change in quality scores when students revise on paper and the computer. 74 second graders from a middle class suburb participated in the study. Students received training on how to use the computer to type and edit texts and completed cognitive load measures on paper and the computer for writing speed and spelling ability. Each of the four classes was assigned to one of two conditions: paper revision, then computer revision or computer revision, then paper revision. Students wrote and revised two stories.
Analyses revealed that second grade students made twice the number of revisions on computer than on paper. Across mediums, students primarily made low-level revisions: additions, substitutions, and deletions. Analyses of quality indicators determined that students increased word count in both mediums, with a greater increase when revising on paper. Percent of words spelled correctly increased in both mediums, with a greater increase on the computer likely due to the availability of spell check. Cognitive load measures indicated a typing was significantly slower than handwriting, but spelling ability significantly increased on the computer over handwriting. These findings supported previous research.
Overall this study determined that second graders were able to effectively revise texts using paper and the computer. The computer proved to support students spelling resulting in an increase in the number of revisions and the percent of words spelled correctly. Computers can be a beneficial writing tool for second grade students.
This thesis investigates the expenditure of cognitive effort in post-editing of machine translation. A mixed-method approach involving the use of eye movements, subjective ratings and think-aloud protocols was adopted for the... more
This thesis investigates the expenditure of cognitive effort in post-editing of machine translation. A mixed-method approach involving the use of eye movements, subjective ratings and think-aloud protocols was adopted for the investigation. The project aims at revealing connections between cognitive effort and variables including linguistic characteristics of the source text and the machine-translation output, post-editors’ individual traits, different linguistic aspects of the activity attended to during the task, and the quality of the post-edited texts, assessed by human translators in terms of fluency (linguistic quality) and adequacy (faithfulness to the source text). Two tasks were conducted to pursue these aims: one involving eye tracking and a self-report scale of cognitive effort, and another carried out by a different, but comparable, sample of participants, under a think-aloud condition. Results indicate that variables such as an automatic machine-translation quality score and source-text type-token ratio are good predictors of cognitive effort in post-editing. The relationship between cognitive effort and post-editors’ traits was found to be a complex one, with significant links in this respect only appearing in the context of interactions between variables. A complex relationship was also found between editing behaviour and the quality of the post-edited text: the number of changes implemented was found to have a generally positive association with post-edited fluency, though cognitive effort was found to be negatively correlated with both the fluency and adequacy of the post-edited texts. Mental processes involving grammar and lexis were significantly related to the levels of cognitive effort expended by participants. These were also the aspects most frequently attended to in the activity. From a methodological perspective, despite the criticisms received by the think-aloud method in previous research, empirical data obtained in this project indicates that think-aloud protocols correlate with eye movements and subjective ratings as measures of cognitive effort.