S100A9 antibody | antibody review based on formal publications (original) (raw)
This is a Validated Antibody Database (VAD) review about human S100A9, based on 28 published articles (read how Labome selects the articles), using S100A9 antibody in all methods. It is aimed to help Labome visitors find the most suited S100A9 antibody. Please note the number of articles fluctuates since newly identified citations are added and citations for discontinued catalog numbers are removed regularly.
mouse monoclonal (MAC387) MA5-12213MA5-16808 | immunohistochemistry; crab eating macaque; loading ...; fig 4e | In order to ask if small particle aerosols of virus would penetrate the lower respiratory tract and blanket alveoli where target cells reside, Invitrogen S100A9 antibody (Thermo Scientific, MAC 387) was used in immunohistochemistry on crab eating macaque samples (fig 4e). J Immunol (2017) ncbi |
mouse monoclonal (MAC387) MA5-12213 | immunohistochemistry - paraffin section; human; 1:500; fig 1 | In order to test methods for better preoperative screening of patients with suspected appendicitis, Invitrogen S100A9 antibody (Thermo Scientific, MA5-12213) was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section on human samples at 1:500 (fig 1). PLoS ONE (2016) ncbi |
mouse monoclonal (1H9) MA1-40222 | immunohistochemistry; mouse; fig 5e | Invitrogen S100A9 antibody (Life Technologies, 1H9) was used in immunohistochemistry on mouse samples (fig 5e). Sci Signal (2016) ncbi |
mouse monoclonal (MAC387) MA1-80155MA1-80446MA1-81381 | immunohistochemistry - paraffin section; mouse; 1:200; loading ...; fig 3b | In order to assess the differential susceptibility to elastase-induced vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia induction, Invitrogen S100A9 antibody (Thermo Fisher, MAC387) was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section on mouse samples at 1:200 (fig 3b). AJNR Am J Neuroradiol (2017) ncbi |
mouse monoclonal (MAC387) MA5-12213 | immunohistochemistry - paraffin section; human; 1:500; fig 2 | In order to analyze acute appendicitis and the biomaker calprotection that may be linked, Invitrogen S100A9 antibody (Thermo Scientific, MA5-12213) was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section on human samples at 1:500 (fig 2). J Transl Med (2016) ncbi |
mouse monoclonal (MAC387) MA5-12213MA5-16808 | flow cytometry; African green monkey; loading ... | In order to report that B cells modulate the local granulomatous response in Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected macaques during acute infection, Invitrogen S100A9 antibody (Thermo Scientific, MAC387) was used in flow cytometry on African green monkey samples . Infect Immun (2016) ncbi |
mouse monoclonal (MAC387) MA1-80155MA1-80446MA5-16808MA1-81381 | immunohistochemistry - paraffin section; human; fig 7 | In order to determine the induction by intravenous delivery of vitamin A dimers in rabbits due to physiological and morphological retinal degeneration, Invitrogen S100A9 antibody (Thermo Scientific, MAC387) was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section on human samples (fig 7). Dis Model Mech (2015) ncbi |
mouse monoclonal (MAC387) MA1-80446 | immunohistochemistry - paraffin section; swine; 1:100; fig 8 | In order to characterize the therapeutic component of secreted Hsp90alpha that promotes wound healing in diabetic and healthy pig models that were re-standardized, Invitrogen S100A9 antibody (hermo Fisher Scientific, mA1-80446) was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section on swine samples at 1:100 (fig 8). PLoS ONE (2014) ncbi |
mouse monoclonal (MAC387) MA1-80155MA1-80446MA5-16808MA1-81381 | immunohistochemistry; dogs; 1:200 | In order to test polyvinyl alcohol polymer coil as an endovascular embolic agent in a canine vascular model, Invitrogen S100A9 antibody (Thermo Fisher Scientific, MAC387) was used in immunohistochemistry on dogs samples at 1:200. J Vasc Interv Radiol (2015) ncbi |
mouse monoclonal (MAC387) MA5-12213MA1-80155MA1-80446MA5-16808MA1-81381MA1-33972 | immunohistochemistry - paraffin section; swine; 1:400 | Invitrogen S100A9 antibody (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, MAC387) was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section on swine samples at 1:400. Wound Repair Regen (2014) ncbi |
mouse monoclonal (LN-5) MA1-35492 | immunohistochemistry - paraffin section; rhesus macaque; fig 3 | In order to report the histopathologic and immunohistochemical features of early and late neuroborreliosis of the peripheral nervous system of rhesus macaques, Invitrogen S100A9 antibody (Zymed, LN5) was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section on rhesus macaque samples (fig 3). J Infect Dis (1998) ncbi |
mouse monoclonal (MAC387) MCA874ELMCA874GMCA874GAMCA874GT | flow cytometry; horses; loading ...; fig s3 | Bio-Rad S100A9 antibody (Bio-Rad, MAC387) was used in flow cytometry on horses samples (fig s3). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2017) ncbi |
mouse monoclonal (MAC387) MCA874ELMCA874GMCA874GAMCA874GT | immunohistochemistry; swine; 1:100; tbl 2 | In order to assess the impact of different porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus strains to induce thymocyte loss, Bio-Rad S100A9 antibody (Serotec, MAC387) was used in immunohistochemistry on swine samples at 1:100 (tbl 2). Vet Microbiol (2016) ncbi |
mouse monoclonal (MAC387) MCA874G | immunohistochemistry - paraffin section; swine; loading ...; fig 1a | Bio-Rad S100A9 antibody (AbD Serotec, MCA874G/MAC387) was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section on swine samples (fig 1a). J Forensic Leg Med (2016) ncbi |
mouse monoclonal (MAC387) MCA874G | immunohistochemistry - paraffin section; dogs; 1:100; tbl 1 | In order to investigate the contribution of COX-2 to canine mammary tumorigenesis, Bio-Rad S100A9 antibody (AbDSerotec, MCA874G) was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section on dogs samples at 1:100 (tbl 1). Vet Comp Oncol (2017) ncbi |
mouse monoclonal (MAC387) MCA874G | immunohistochemistry - paraffin section; bovine; 1:100; loading ...; fig 1a | In order to report the effect of pre-infection with bovine viral diarrhea virus on thymic immune cells from calves challenged with bovine herpesvirus 1, Bio-Rad S100A9 antibody (Serotec, MAC387) was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section on bovine samples at 1:100 (fig 1a). Transbound Emerg Dis (2017) ncbi |
mouse monoclonal (MAC387) MCA874G | immunohistochemistry - paraffin section; rhesus macaque | Bio-Rad S100A9 antibody (Serotec, MCA874G) was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section on rhesus macaque samples . Am J Pathol (2015) ncbi |
mouse monoclonal (MAC387) MCA874G | immunohistochemistry; swine; 1:100; loading ...; fig 5 | Bio-Rad S100A9 antibody (Serotec, MCA874G) was used in immunohistochemistry on swine samples at 1:100 (fig 5). J Tissue Eng Regen Med (2016) ncbi |
domestic rabbit monoclonal (EPR3555) ab92507 | immunohistochemistry; human; loading ...; fig 4a | Abcam S100A9 antibody (Abcam, ab92507) was used in immunohistochemistry on human samples (fig 4a). J Clin Invest (2017) ncbi |
domestic rabbit monoclonal (EPR3555) ab92507 | immunohistochemistry - paraffin section; human; 1:1000; loading ...; fig 5 | Abcam S100A9 antibody (Abcam, ab92507) was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section on human samples at 1:1000 (fig 5). Oncotarget (2016) ncbi |
domestic rabbit monoclonal (EPR3555) ab92507 | western blot; human; loading ...; fig 3b | Abcam S100A9 antibody (Abcam, ab92507) was used in western blot on human samples (fig 3b). Sci Rep (2016) ncbi |
domestic rabbit monoclonal (EPR3555) ab92507 | immunohistochemistry - paraffin section; human; 1:5000; loading ...; fig 1d | In order to investigate the effect of Tasquinimod in bladder cancer, Abcam S100A9 antibody (Abcam, ab92507) was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section on human samples at 1:5000 (fig 1d). Oncoimmunology (2016) ncbi |
mouse monoclonal (27E10) ab17050 | immunocytochemistry; human; 1:500; fig 1western blot; human; 1:500; fig 2 | Abcam S100A9 antibody (Abcam, ab17050) was used in immunocytochemistry on human samples at 1:500 (fig 1) and in western blot on human samples at 1:500 (fig 2). PLoS ONE (2016) ncbi |
domestic rabbit monoclonal (EPR3555) ab92507 | western blot; human; loading ...; fig 6a | In order to research the role of ezrin in EGFR signaling and Erlotinib sensitivity in non-small cell lung cancer cells, Abcam S100A9 antibody (Abcam, ab92507) was used in western blot on human samples (fig 6a). Neoplasia (2016) ncbi |
mouse monoclonal (47-8D3) ab24111 | immunohistochemistry - paraffin section; human; 1:100; loading ...; fig 1b | Abcam S100A9 antibody (Abcam, ab24111) was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section on human samples at 1:100 (fig 1b). Scand J Rheumatol (2016) ncbi |
mouse monoclonal (MRP 1H9) 350707 | flow cytometry; human; fig 2a | BioLegend S100A9 antibody (Biolegend, MRP1H9) was used in flow cytometry on human samples (fig 2a). Front Immunol (2017) ncbi |
Novus Biologicals
domestic rabbit polyclonalNB110-89726 | immunohistochemistry - paraffin section; rat; loading ...; fig 3e | Novus Biologicals S100A9 antibody (Novus Biologicals, NB110-89726) was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section on rat samples (fig 3e). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2020) ncbi |
mouse monoclonal (MAC387) GTX76577 | immunohistochemistry; human; 1:500 | GeneTex S100A9 antibody (Gene Tex, MAC 387) was used in immunohistochemistry on human samples at 1:500. Biometals (2014) ncbi |
Santa Cruz Biotechnology
mouse monoclonal (MRP 1H9) sc-53187 | immunocytochemistry; human; 1:500; fig 1western blot; human; 1:500; fig 2 | Santa Cruz Biotechnology S100A9 antibody (Santa Cruz, sc-53187) was used in immunocytochemistry on human samples at 1:500 (fig 1) and in western blot on human samples at 1:500 (fig 2). PLoS ONE (2016) ncbi |
- Fong L, Taccioli C, Palamarchuk A, Tagliazucchi G, Jing R, Smalley K, et al. Abrogation of esophageal carcinoma development in miR-31 knockout rats. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020;117:6075-6085 pubmed publisher
- Jeong J, Hong S, Kwon O, Ghang B, Hwang I, Kim Y, et al. CD14+ Cells with the Phenotype of Infiltrated Monocytes Consist of Distinct Populations Characterized by Anti-inflammatory as well as Pro-inflammatory Activity in Gouty Arthritis. Front Immunol. 2017;8:1260 pubmed publisher
- Langley S, Willeit K, Didangelos A, Matic L, Skroblin P, Barallobre Barreiro J, et al. Extracellular matrix proteomics identifies molecular signature of symptomatic carotid plaques. J Clin Invest. 2017;127:1546-1560 pubmed publisher
- Pfaender S, Walter S, Grabski E, Todt D, Bruening J, Romero Brey I, et al. Immune protection against reinfection with nonprimate hepacivirus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017;114:E2430-E2439 pubmed publisher
- Wonderlich E, Swan Z, Bissel S, Hartman A, Carney J, O Malley K, et al. Widespread Virus Replication in Alveoli Drives Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Aerosolized H5N1 Influenza Infection of Macaques. J Immunol. 2017;198:1616-1626 pubmed publisher
- Ambe P, Orth V, Gödde D, Zirngibl H. Improving the Preoperative Diagnostic Accuracy of Acute Appendicitis. Can Fecal Calprotectin Be Helpful?. PLoS ONE. 2016;11:e0168769 pubmed publisher
- Campa C, Germena G, Ciraolo E, Copperi F, Sapienza A, Franco I, et al. Rac signal adaptation controls neutrophil mobilization from the bone marrow. Sci Signal. 2016;9:ra124 pubmed publisher
- Zhu Y, Xing H, Dai D, Kallmes D, Kadirvel R. Differential Interstrain Susceptibility to Vertebrobasilar Dolichoectasia in a Mouse Model. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2017;38:611-616 pubmed publisher
- Yu J, Li X, Zhong C, Li D, Zhai X, Hu W, et al. High-throughput proteomics integrated with gene microarray for discovery of colorectal cancer potential biomarkers. Oncotarget. 2016;7:75279-75292 pubmed publisher
- Saul M, Stein S, Grez M, Jakobsson P, Steinhilber D, Suess B. UPF1 regulates myeloid cell functions and S100A9 expression by the hnRNP E2/miRNA-328 balance. Sci Rep. 2016;6:31995 pubmed publisher
- Nakhlé J, Pierron V, Bauchet A, Plas P, Thiongane A, Meyer Losic F, et al. Tasquinimod modulates tumor-infiltrating myeloid cells and improves the antitumor immune response to PD-L1 blockade in bladder cancer. Oncoimmunology. 2016;5:e1145333 pubmed publisher
- Amarilla S, Gómez Laguna J, Carrasco L, Rodríguez Gómez I, Caridad Y Ocerín J, Graham S, et al. Thymic depletion of lymphocytes is associated with the virulence of PRRSV-1 strains. Vet Microbiol. 2016;188:47-58 pubmed publisher
- Ambe P, Gödde D, Bönicke L, Papadakis M, Störkel S, Zirngibl H. Calprotectin could be a potential biomarker for acute appendicitis. J Transl Med. 2016;14:107 pubmed publisher
- Barington K, Jensen H. The impact of force on the timing of bruises evaluated in a porcine model. J Forensic Leg Med. 2016;40:61-6 pubmed publisher
- Val S, Poley M, Brown K, Choi R, Jeong S, Colberg Poley A, et al. Proteomic Characterization of Middle Ear Fluid Confirms Neutrophil Extracellular Traps as a Predominant Innate Immune Response in Chronic Otitis Media. PLoS ONE. 2016;11:e0152865 pubmed publisher
- Saygideğer Kont Y, Minas T, Jones H, Hour S, Çelik H, Temel I, et al. Ezrin Enhances EGFR Signaling and Modulates Erlotinib Sensitivity in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells. Neoplasia. 2016;18:111-20 pubmed publisher
- Phuah J, Wong E, Gideon H, Maiello P, Coleman M, Hendricks M, et al. Effects of B Cell Depletion on Early Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection in Cynomolgus Macaques. Infect Immun. 2016;84:1301-1311 pubmed publisher
- Carvalho M, Pires I, Prada J, Raposo T, Gregório H, Lobo L, et al. High COX-2 expression is associated with increased angiogenesis, proliferation and tumoural inflammatory infiltrate in canine malignant mammary tumours: a multivariate survival study. Vet Comp Oncol. 2017;15:619-631 pubmed publisher
- Bierkarre H, Harder J, Cuthbert R, Emery P, Leuschner I, Mrowietz U, et al. Differential expression of antimicrobial peptides in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis as a novel contributory mechanism for skin and joint disease heterogeneity. Scand J Rheumatol. 2016;45:188-96 pubmed publisher
- Romero Palomo F, Risalde M, Gómez Villamandos J. Immunopathologic Changes in the Thymus of Calves Pre-infected with BVDV and Challenged with BHV-1. Transbound Emerg Dis. 2017;64:574-584 pubmed publisher
- Lakritz J, Bodair A, Shah N, O Donnell R, Polydefkis M, Miller A, et al. Monocyte Traffic, Dorsal Root Ganglion Histopathology, and Loss of Intraepidermal Nerve Fiber Density in SIV Peripheral Neuropathy. Am J Pathol. 2015;185:1912-23 pubmed publisher
- Penn J, Mihai D, Washington I. Morphological and physiological retinal degeneration induced by intravenous delivery of vitamin A dimers in rabbits. Dis Model Mech. 2015;8:131-8 pubmed publisher
- O Brien K, Bhatia A, Tsen F, Chen M, Wong A, Woodley D, et al. Identification of the critical therapeutic entity in secreted Hsp90α that promotes wound healing in newly re-standardized healthy and diabetic pig models. PLoS ONE. 2014;9:e113956 pubmed publisher
- Jung S, Choi S, Cho H, Lee T, Kim T, Jeong W, et al. Polymeric embolization coil of bilayered polyvinyl alcohol strand for therapeutic vascular occlusion: a feasibility study in canine experimental vascular models. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2015;26:117-23 pubmed publisher
- Elgharably H, Ganesh K, Dickerson J, Khanna S, Abas M, Ghatak P, et al. A modified collagen gel dressing promotes angiogenesis in a preclinical swine model of chronic ischemic wounds. Wound Repair Regen. 2014;22:720-9 pubmed publisher
- Iigo M, Alexander D, Xu J, Futakuchi M, Suzui M, Kozu T, et al. Inhibition of intestinal polyp growth by oral ingestion of bovine lactoferrin and immune cells in the large intestine. Biometals. 2014;27:1017-29 pubmed publisher
- Nowocin A, Southgate A, Shurey S, Sibbons P, Gabe S, Ansari T. The development and implantation of a biologically derived allograft scaffold. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2016;10:140-8 pubmed publisher
- Roberts E, Bohm R, Lowrie R, Habicht G, Katona L, Piesman J, et al. Pathogenesis of Lyme neuroborreliosis in the rhesus monkey: the early disseminated and chronic phases of disease in the peripheral nervous system. J Infect Dis. 1998;178:722-32 pubmed