Resource Environmental Solutions LLC | LinkedIn (original) (raw)


About us

As the nation’s largest nature-based solutions company, RES (Resource Environmental Solutions) is restoring a resilient earth for a modern world, project by project. RES creates durable, resilient natural infrastructure for communities through solutions for environmental mitigation, stormwater and water quality, and climate and flooding resilience. RES has a unique operating model for delivering ecological mitigation and restoration projects based on science-led design, integrated delivery, and long-term performance. From headwaters to coastal shores, RES designs, builds, and sustains sites that preserve the environmental balance, lifting impaired ecosystems to restored health and ultimately, self-sufficiency. These projects restore sensitive wetland, prairie, and species habitats as well as floodplains, streams, river valleys, and coastal and tidal systems. The result is nature-based systems that cleanse water, shelter wildlife, buffer storms, and sequester carbon from the atmosphere.


Environmental Services

Company size

501-1,000 employees


Bellaire, TX


Privately Held




Ecological Offsets, Habitat Restoration, Coastal Restoration, Mitigation Credits, Wetland Mitigation, Stream Mitigation, Stormwater Management, Green Infrastructure, Public-Private Partnership, and Nature-based Solutions


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