Sevastopol, Ukraine (original) (raw)
ⓘ Aluminocopiapite
Formula: Al2/3Fe3+4(SO4)6(OH)2 · 20H2O
ⓘ Alunogen
Formula: Al2(SO4)3 · 17H2O
ⓘ Analcime
Formula: Na(AlSi2O6) · H2O
ⓘ Anglesite
Formula: PbSO4
ⓘ Arsenopyrite
Formula: FeAsS
Artemenko, V.M., Artemenko, O.V., Bryzgalov, I.A., Lysenko, V.I., and Khmilyar, V.Yu. [Артеменко, В.М., Артеменко, О.В., Брызгалов, И.А., Лысенко, В.И., и Хмиляр, В.Ю.] (2000) Gold-bearing quartz-antimonite formation in the Mesozoic carbonate-terrigenous sequence of Mountainous Crimea [Золото-содержащая кварц-антимонитовая рудная формация в карбонатно-терригенном мезозое Горного Крыма]. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine [Доповіді НАН України], 2, 107-112 (in Russian)
ⓘ Azurite
Formula: Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2
ⓘ Baryte
Formula: BaSO4
ⓘ Bornite
Formula: Cu5FeS4
ⓘ Botryogen
Formula: MgFe3+(SO4)2(OH) · 7H2O
ⓘ Calcite
Formula: CaCO3
ⓘ Cerussite
Formula: PbCO3
ⓘ Chalcocite
Formula: Cu2S
ⓘ Chalcopyrite
Formula: CuFeS2
ⓘ Chalcostibite
Formula: CuSbS2
Artemenko, V.M., Artemenko, O.V., Bryzgalov, I.A., Lysenko, V.I., and Khmilyar, V.Yu. [Артеменко, В.М., Артеменко, О.В., Брызгалов, И.А., Лысенко, В.И., и Хмиляр, В.Ю.] (2000) Gold-bearing quartz-antimonite formation in the Mesozoic carbonate-terrigenous sequence of Mountainous Crimea [Золото-содержащая кварц-антимонитовая рудная формация в карбонатно-терригенном мезозое Горного Крыма]. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine [Доповіді НАН України], 2, 107-112 (in Russian)
ⓘ Chrysocolla
Formula: Cu2-xAlx(H2-xSi2O5)(OH)4 · nH2O, x < 1
ⓘ Copiapite
Formula: Fe2+Fe3+4(SO4)6(OH)2 · 20H2O
ⓘ Covellite
Formula: CuS
ⓘ Dickite
Formula: Al2(Si2O5)(OH)4
ⓘ Epidote
Formula: (CaCa)(AlAlFe3+)O[Si2O7][SiO4](OH)
ⓘ Epsomite
Formula: MgSO4 · 7H2O
ⓘ Galena
Formula: PbS
ⓘ 'Glauconite'
Formula: K0.60-0.85(Fe3+,Mg,Al)2(Si,Al)4O10](OH)2
ⓘ Goethite
Formula: α-Fe3+O(OH)
ⓘ Gold
Formula: Au
Cape Fiolent, Balaklava district, Sevastopol, Ukraine
Psilerakhsky Quarry (Pselerakhsky Quarry), Balaklava district, Sevastopol, Ukraine
Chyornaya River alluvials (Chernaya River alluvials), Sevastopol, Ukraine
Chernorechye, Balaklava district, Sevastopol, Ukraine
ⓘ Goslarite
Formula: ZnSO4 · 7H2O
ⓘ Gypsum
Formula: CaSO4 · 2H2O
ⓘ Halite
Formula: NaCl
ⓘ Heulandite-Ca
Formula: (Ca,Na)5(Si27Al9)O72 · 26H2O
ⓘ Hexahydrite
Formula: MgSO4 · 6H2O
ⓘ Jarosite
Formula: KFe3+3(SO4)2(OH)6
ⓘ Laumontite
Formula: CaAl2Si4O12 · 4H2O
ⓘ Magnetite
Formula: Fe2+Fe3+2O4
ⓘ Malachite
Formula: Cu2(CO3)(OH)2
ⓘ Marcasite
Formula: FeS2
ⓘ Montmorillonite
Formula: (Na,Ca)0.33(Al,Mg)2(Si4O10)(OH)2 · nH2O
ⓘ Natrojarosite
Formula: NaFe3(SO4)2(OH)6
ⓘ Natrolite
Formula: Na2Al2Si3O10 · 2H2O
ⓘ Pickeringite
Formula: MgAl2(SO4)4 · 22H2O
ⓘ Prehnite
Formula: Ca2Al2Si3O10(OH)2
ⓘ Pyrite
Formula: FeS2
ⓘ Quartz
Formula: SiO2
ⓘ Quartz var. Agate
ⓘ Quartz var. Amethyst
Formula: SiO2
ⓘ Sphalerite
Formula: ZnS
ⓘ Starkeyite
Formula: MgSO4 · 4H2O
ⓘ Stibnite
Formula: Sb2S3
ⓘ Sulphur
Formula: S8
ⓘ Tamarugite
Formula: NaAl(SO4)2 · 6H2O
ⓘ 'Thomsonite Subgroup'