Igarapé Bahia mine, Alemão Cu deposit, Parauapebas, Pará, Brazil (original) (raw)
ⓘ Acanthite
Formula: Ag2S
ⓘ Actinolite
Formula: ◻Ca2(Mg4.5-2.5Fe0.5-2.5)Si8O22(OH)2
ⓘ Albite
Formula: Na(AlSi3O8)
ⓘ 'Allanite Group'
Formula: (A12+REE3+)(M13+M23+M32+)O[Si2O7][SiO4](OH)
ⓘ Altaite
Formula: PbTe
ⓘ Ankerite
Formula: Ca(Fe2+,Mg)(CO3)2
ⓘ 'Apatite'
Formula: Ca5(PO4)3(Cl/F/OH)
ⓘ Azurite
Formula: Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2
ⓘ Baryte
Formula: BaSO4
ⓘ 'Bastnäsite'
Formula: (Ce/Nd/Y/REE)(CO3)F
ⓘ 'Biotite'
Formula: K(Fe2+/Mg)2(Al/Fe3+/Mg/Ti)([Si/Al/Fe]2Si2O10)(OH/F)2
ⓘ Bornite
Formula: Cu5FeS4
ⓘ Calcite
Formula: CaCO3
ⓘ Cassiterite
Formula: SnO2
ⓘ Cerianite-(Ce)
Formula: (Ce4+,Th)O2
ⓘ Chalcocite
Formula: Cu2S
Monteiro, L.V.S., Xavier, R.P., de Carvalho, E.R., Hitzman, M.W., Johnson, C.A., de Souza Filho, C.R., and Torresi, I. (2008) Spatial and temporal zoning of hydrothermal alteration and mineralization in the Sossego iron oxide–copper–gold deposit, Carajás Mineral Province, Brazil: paragenesis and stable isotope constraints. Mineralium Deposita, 43, 129-159.
ⓘ Chalcopyrite
Formula: CuFeS2
ⓘ Chamosite
Formula: (Fe2+)5Al(Si,Al)4O10(OH,O)8
ⓘ 'Chlorite Group'
ⓘ Cobaltite
Formula: CoAsS
ⓘ Copper
Formula: Cu
ⓘ Covellite
Formula: CuS
Monteiro, L.V.S., Xavier, R.P., de Carvalho, E.R., Hitzman, M.W., Johnson, C.A., de Souza Filho, C.R., and Torresi, I. (2008) Spatial and temporal zoning of hydrothermal alteration and mineralization in the Sossego iron oxide–copper–gold deposit, Carajás Mineral Province, Brazil: paragenesis and stable isotope constraints. Mineralium Deposita, 43, 129-159.
ⓘ Crandallite
Formula: CaAl3(PO4)(PO3OH)(OH)6
ⓘ Cryptomelane
Formula: K(Mn4+7Mn3+)O16
ⓘ Cummingtonite
Formula: ◻{Mg2}{Mg5}(Si8O22)(OH)2
ⓘ Cuprite
Formula: Cu2O
ⓘ Digenite
Formula: Cu9S5
Monteiro, L.V.S., Xavier, R.P., de Carvalho, E.R., Hitzman, M.W., Johnson, C.A., de Souza Filho, C.R., and Torresi, I. (2008) Spatial and temporal zoning of hydrothermal alteration and mineralization in the Sossego iron oxide–copper–gold deposit, Carajás Mineral Province, Brazil: paragenesis and stable isotope constraints. Mineralium Deposita, 43, 129-159.
ⓘ Dolomite
Formula: CaMg(CO3)2
ⓘ Epidote
Formula: (CaCa)(AlAlFe3+)O[Si2O7][SiO4](OH)
ⓘ Ferberite
Formula: FeWO4
ⓘ Ferro-actinolite
Formula: ◻Ca2Fe2+5(Si8O22)(OH)2
ⓘ Florencite-(La)
Formula: LaAl3(PO4)2(OH)6
ⓘ Fluorite
Formula: CaF2
ⓘ Galena
Formula: PbS
ⓘ Gibbsite
Formula: Al(OH)3
ⓘ Goethite
Formula: α-Fe3+O(OH)
ⓘ Gold
Formula: Au
ⓘ Gold var. Electrum
Formula: (Au,Ag)
ⓘ Grunerite
Formula: ◻{Fe2+2}{Fe2+5}(Si8O22)(OH)2
ⓘ Hastingsite
Formula: NaCa2(Fe2+4Fe3+)(Si6Al2)O22(OH)2
ⓘ Hematite
Formula: Fe2O3
ⓘ Hematite var. Specularite
Formula: Fe2O3
ⓘ Hessite
Formula: Ag2Te
Monteiro, L.V.S., Xavier, R.P., de Carvalho, E.R., Hitzman, M.W., Johnson, C.A., de Souza Filho, C.R., and Torresi, I. (2008) Spatial and temporal zoning of hydrothermal alteration and mineralization in the Sossego iron oxide–copper–gold deposit, Carajás Mineral Province, Brazil: paragenesis and stable isotope constraints. Mineralium Deposita, 43, 129-159.
ⓘ Ilvaite
Formula: CaFe3+Fe2+2(Si2O7)O(OH)
ⓘ Kaolinite
Formula: Al2(Si2O5)(OH)4
ⓘ 'K Feldspar'
ⓘ Lithiophorite
Formula: (Al,Li)MnO2(OH)2
ⓘ Magnetite
Formula: Fe2+Fe3+2O4
ⓘ Malachite
Formula: Cu2(CO3)(OH)2
ⓘ Minnesotaite
Formula: Fe2+3Si4O10(OH)2
ⓘ Molybdenite
Formula: MoS2
ⓘ 'Monazite Group'
Formula: REE(PO4)
ⓘ Muscovite
Formula: KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2
ⓘ Muscovite var. Sericite
Formula: KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2
ⓘ Muthmannite
Formula: AuAgTe2
ⓘ Nsutite
Formula: (Mn4+,Mn2+)(O,OH)2
ⓘ 'Parisite'
Formula: Ca(Ce/La/Nd/REE)2(CO3)3F2
ⓘ Pseudomalachite
Formula: Cu5(PO4)2(OH)4
ⓘ Pyrite
Formula: FeS2
Monteiro, L.V.S., Xavier, R.P., de Carvalho, E.R., Hitzman, M.W., Johnson, C.A., de Souza Filho, C.R., and Torresi, I. (2008) Spatial and temporal zoning of hydrothermal alteration and mineralization in the Sossego iron oxide–copper–gold deposit, Carajás Mineral Province, Brazil: paragenesis and stable isotope constraints. Mineralium Deposita, 43, 129-159.
ⓘ Pyrolusite
Formula: Mn4+O2
ⓘ Pyrosmalite-(Fe)
Formula: Fe2+8Si6O15(OH,Cl)10
ⓘ Pyrrhotite
Formula: Fe1-xS
ⓘ Quartz
Formula: SiO2
ⓘ 'Rhabdophane'
ⓘ 'Scapolite'
ⓘ Scheelite
Formula: Ca(WO4)
ⓘ Siderite
Formula: FeCO3
ⓘ Silver
Formula: Ag
ⓘ Sphalerite
Formula: ZnS
ⓘ Stilpnomelane
Formula: (K,Ca,Na)(Fe,Mg,Al)8(Si,Al)12(O,OH)36 · nH2O
ⓘ Talc
Formula: Mg3Si4O10(OH)2
ⓘ Thorianite
Formula: ThO2
ⓘ Thorite
Formula: Th(SiO4)
ⓘ Titanite
Formula: CaTi(SiO4)O
ⓘ 'Tourmaline'
Formula: A D3G6 (T6O18)(BO3)3X3Z
ⓘ Uraninite
Formula: UO2
ⓘ Uranophane
Formula: Ca(UO2)2(SiO3OH)2 · 5H2O
ⓘ 'Xenotime'
ⓘ Xenotime-(Y)
Formula: Y(PO4)