「appropriately」の意味や使い方 わかりやすく解説 Weblio辞書 (original) (raw)








Appropriately is an adverb that means in a manner that is suitable or fitting for a particular purpose, person, occasion, or situation. It can also refer to acting in a way that is considered polite or moderate.






1. She dressed appropriately for the job interview.(彼女は面接適切な服装臨んだ。)
2. He responded appropriately to the criticism.(彼は批判適切に対応した。)
3. The teacher appropriately adjusted the lesson plan according to the students' needs.(先生生徒ニーズに応じて適切に授業計画調整した。)
4. The company allocated resources appropriately to achieve its goals.(その会社目標達成のために資源適切に割り当てた。)
5. The manager handled the situation appropriately, preventing further conflict.(マネージャー状況適切に対処しさらなる対立防いだ。)
6. The software appropriately adapts to different devices and screen sizes.(そのソフトウェアは、異なデバイス画面サイズ適切に対応する。)
7. The athlete trained appropriately to prepare for the competition.(その選手競技備えて適切にトレーニング行った。)
8. The doctor prescribed the appropriate medication for the patient's condition.(医師患者状況適した処方した。)
9. The government appropriately responded to the natural disaster by providing aid and resources.(政府支援資源提供することで自然災害適切に対応した。)
10. The team communicated appropriately to ensure a successful project.(チームプロジェクト成功確実にするために適切にコミュニケーションをとった。)
