The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church (original) (raw)

The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church

Conclaves of the 14th Century (1303-1394)

1303 1304-1305 1314-1316 1334 1342 1352 1362 1370 April 1378 September 1378 1389 1394 Conclaves Catalogs Home Search

Conclave of October 21 - 22, 1303 (Benedict XI)

Pope Boniface VIII died on October 11, 1303. Cardinal Niccolò Boccasini, O.P. was elected on October 22, 1303 and took the name Benedict XI. During this short sede vacante, there were eighteen valid cardinal-electors, all of whom attended the conclave. Two other cardinals, the uncle and nephew, Giacomo Colonna and Pietro Colonna, had been deposed by Boniface VIII and enjoyed no rights as electors. Both were restored to the cardinalate by Clement V. (Notes provided by Dr. Francis A. Burkle-Young, author of Passing the Keys.)

-Giovanni Boccamazza, bishop of Frascati, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals.
-Niccolò Boccasini, O.P., bishop of Ostia e Velletri. (Elected Pope Benedict XI)
-Teodorico Ranieri, bishop of Palestrina.
-Leonardo Patrasso, bishop of Albano.
-Pedro Rodríguez, bishop of Sabina.
-Giovanni Minio da Morrovalle, O.F.M., bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina.
-Jean Le Moine, title of Ss. Marcellino e Pietro.
-Robert de Pontigny, O.Cist., title of S. Pudenziana.
-Gentile da Montefiore, O.F.M., title of Ss. Silvestro e Martino ai Monti.
-Matteo Orsini, deacon of S. Maria in Portico.
-Napoleone Orsini, deacon of S. Adriano.
-Landolfo Brancaccio, deacon of S. Angelo in Pescheria.
-Guglielmo de Longhi, deacon of S. Nicola in Carcere Tulliano.
-Francesco Napoleone Orsini, deacon of S. Lucia in Orthea (Silice).
-Giacomo Caetani Stefaneschi, deacon of S. Giorgio in Velabro.
-Francesco Caetani, deacon of S. Maria in Cosmedin.
-Riccardo Petroni, deacon of S. Eustachio.
-Luca Fieschi, deacon of S. Maria in Via Lata.

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Conclave of July 10 (or 17), 1304 - June 5, 1305 (Clement V)

Pope Benedict XI died on July 7, 1304, after a reign of little more than eight months. After nearly a year of dispute, the cardinals, gathered at Perugia, chose Bertrand de Got, the archbishop of Bordeaux and the younger brother of Cardinal Bérard de Got, by then deceased, as pope on June 5, 1305. He took the name Clement V. During this time, there were nineteen living valid cardinal-electors. Four of them were absent from the conclave. Two other cardinals, the uncle and nephew, Giacomo Colonna and Pietro Colonna, had been deposed by Pope Boniface VIII and enjoyed no rights as electors. Both were restored to the cardinalate by Pope Clement V. Of the fifteen cardinals-electors, ten of them, precisely two-thirds, voted for Archbishop de Got, who became the fourth of the six non-cardinals elected pope in the Later Middle Ages. (Notes provided by Dr. Francis A. Burkle-Young, author of Passing the Keys.)

-Giovanni Boccamazza, bishop of Frascati, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals.
-Teodorico Ranieri, bishop of Palestrina.
-Leonardo Patrasso, bishop of Albano.
-Pedro Rodríguez, bishop of Sabina.
-Giovanni Minio da Morrovalle, O.F.M., bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina.
-Niccolò Alberti, O.P., bishop of Ostia e Velletri
-Robert de Pontigny, O.Cist., title of S. Pudenziana.
-Gentile da Montefiore, O.F.M., title of Ss. Silvestro e Martino ai Monti.
-Walter Winterburn, O.P., title of S. Sabina.
-Napoleone Orsini, deacon of S. Adriano.
-Landolfo Brancaccio, deacon of S. Angelo in Pescheria.
-Guglielmo de Longhi, deacon of S. Nicola in Carcere Tulliano.
-Francesco Napoleone Orsini, deacon of S. Lucia in Orthea (Silice).
-Francesco Caetani, deacon of S. Maria in Cosmedin.
-Luca Fieschi, deacon of S. Maria in Via Lata.

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The following cardinals had to leave the conclave because of illness:
-Matteo Orsini, deacon of S. Maria in Portico.
-Jean Le Moine, title of Ss. Marcellino e Pietro.
-Giacomo Caetani Stefaneschi, deacon of S. Giorgio in Velabro.
-Riccardo Petroni, deacon of S. Eustachio.

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Conclave of May 1, 1314 - August 7, 1316 (John XXII)

Pope Clement V died at Rocquemaure-en-Gard, France, on April 20, 1314. The electoral meeting took place in the Dominican house at Lyons, where on August 7, 1316, Cardinal Jacques d'Euse was elected and took the name John XXII. At the moment of Pope Clement V's death, there were twenty-four living cardinals and all of them participated in the election. The vacancy of a little less than two years and four months was prolonged because the cardinals in this election grouped themselves into three parties, each of which had aims inimical to the other two. The Italian party of eight cardinals (Napoleone Orsini, Niccolò Alberti, Giacomo Caetani Stefaneschi, Francesco Caetani, Guglielmo de Longhi, Luca Fieschi, Pietro Colonna and Giacomo Colonna) was committed to returning the papacy to Italy as quickly as possible. The Gascon party of ten cardinals, made up of relatives and close associates of Clement V (Arnaud de Pellegrue, Arnaud de Falguières, Arnaud Nouvel, O.Cist., Guillaume Teste, Raymond Guillaume des Forges, Bernard de Garves, Arnaud d'Aux, Vital du Four, O.F.M., Raymond, O.S.B., and Guillaume Pierre Godin), wished to retain the very considerable power they had acquired under the malleable Clement. The French or Provencal party of six cardinals (Bérenger de Frédol, seniore, Bérenguer de Frédol, iuniore, Michel du Bec-Crespin, Nicolas de Fréauville, O.P., Guillaume de Mandagot, Can. Reg. of Saint Augustine, and Jacques d'Euse) stood in the middle -- they neither desired to see the Gascons retain power nor did they wish to see a speedy return to Italy. (Notes provided by Dr. Francis A. Burkle-Young, author of Passing the Keys.)

-Niccolò Alberti, O.P., bishop of Ostia e Velletri, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals.
-Jacques d'Euse, bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina. (Elected Pope John XXII)
-Bérenger de Frédol, seniore, bishop of Frascati.
-Arnaud de Falguières, bishop of Sabina.
-Guillaume de Mandagot, Can. Reg. of Saint Augustine, bishop of Palestrina.
-Arnaud d'Aux, bishop of Albano.
-Nicolas de Fréauville, O.P., title of S. Eusebio.
-Arnaud Nouvel, O.Cist., title of S. Prisca.
-Bérenguer de Frédol, iuniore, title of Ss. Nereo ed Achilleo.
-Michel du Bec-Crespin, title of S. Stefano al Monte Celio.
-Guillaume Teste, title of S. Ciriaco alle Terme.
-Guillaume Pierre Godin, O.P., title of S. Cecilia.
-Vital du Four, O.F.M., title of Ss. Silvestro e Martino ai Monti.
-Raymond, O.S.B., title of S. Pudenziana.
-Giacomo Colonna, deacon of S. Maria in Via Lata.
-Napoleone Orsini, deacon of S. Adriano.
-Pietro Colonna, deacon of S. Angelo in Pescheria.
-Guglielmo de Longhi, deacon of S. Nicola in Carcere Tulliano.
-Giacomo Caetani Stefaneschi, deacon of S. Giorgio in Velabro.
-Francesco Caetani, deacon of S. Maria in Cosmedin.
-Luca Fieschi, deacon of Ss. Cosma e Damiano.
-Arnaud de Pellegrue, deacon of S. Maria in Portico.
-Raymond Guillaume des Forges, deacon of S. Maria Nuova.
-Bernard de Garves, deacon of S. Agata alla Suburra.

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The following cardinal did not participate in the conclave:
-Egidio Colonna, O.E.S.A., archbishop of Bourges, France.

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Conclave of December 13 - 20, 1334 (Benedict XII)

Pope John XXII died on December 4, 1334. Cardinal Jean-Raymond de Comminges declined the election to the pontificate. Cardinal Jacques Fournier, O.Cist., was elected on December 20, 1334 and took the name Benedict XII. The twenty-four living cardinals participated in the conclave, which took place in Avignon.

-Guillaume Pierre Godin, O.P., bishop of Sabina, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals.
-Bertrand du Pouget, bishop of Ostia e Velletri.
-Jean-Raymond de Comminges, bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina.
-Gauscelin de Jean, bishop of Albano.
-Pierre des Près, bishop of Palestrina.
-Annibaldo di Ceccano, bishop of Frascati.
-Jacques Fournier, O.Cist., title of S. Prisca. (Elected Pope Benedict XII)
-Raymond de Mostuéjouls, O.S.B., title of S. Eusebio.
-Pierre de Mortemart, title of S. Stefano al Monte Celio.
-Pierre des Chappes, title of Ss. Silvestro e Martino ai Monti.
-Matteo Orsini, O.P., title of Ss. Giovanni e Paolo.
-Pedro Gómez Barroso, el viejo, title of S. Prassede.
-Imbert Dupuis, title of Ss. XII Apostoli.
-Élie Talleyrand de Périgord, title of S. Pietro in Vincoli.
-Pierre Bertrand, seniore, title of S. Clemente.
-Napoleone Orsini, deacon of S. Adriano.
-Giacomo Caetani Stefaneschi, deacon of S. Giorgio in Velabro.
-Luca Fieschi, deacon of Ss. Cosma e Damiano.
-Raymond Guillaume des Forges, deacon of S. Maria Nuova.
-Bertrand de Montfavez, deacon of S. Maria in Aquiro.
-Gaillard de la Mothe, deacon of S. Lucia in Orthea (Silice).
-Giovanni Gaetani Orsini, deacon of S. Teodoro.
-Arnaud de Via, deacon of S. Eustachio.
-Giovanni Colonna, deacon of S. Angelo in Pescheria.

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Conclave of May 5 - 7, 1342 (Clement VI)

Pope Benedict XII died on April 25, 1342. Cardinal Pierre Roger, O.S.B., was elected on May 7, 1342 and took the name Clement VI. Seventeen of the nineteen living cardinals participated in the conclave, which took place in Avignon.

-Pierre des Près, bishop of Palestrina, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals.
-Bertrand du Pouget, bishop of Ostia e Velletri.
-Jean-Raymond de Comminges, bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina.
-Annibaldo di Ceccano, bishop of Frascati.
-Pedro Gómez Barroso, el viejo, bishop of Sabina.
-Imbert Dupuis, title of Ss. XII Apostoli.
-Élie Talleyrand de Périgord, title of S. Pietro in Vincoli.
-Pierre Bertrand, seniore, title of S. Clemente.
-Gozzio Battaglia, title of S. Prisca.
-Bertrand de Déaulx, title of S. Marco.
-Pierre Roger, O.S.B., title of Ss. Nereo ed Achilleo. (Elected Pope Clement VI)
-Guillaume Court, O.Cist., title of Ss. IV Coronati.
-Bernard d'Albi, title of S. Ciriaco alle Terme.
-Guillaume d'Aure, O.S.B., title of S. Stefano al Monte Celio.
-Raymond Guillaume des Forges, deacon of S. Maria Nuova.
-Gaillard de la Mothe, deacon of S. Lucia in Orthea (Silice).
-Giovanni Colonna, deacon of S. Angelo in Pescheria.

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The following cardinals did not participate in the conclave:
-Gauscelin de Jean, bishop of Albano.
-Bertrand de Montfavez, deacon of S. Maria in Aquiro.

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Conclave of December 16 - 18, 1352 (Innocent VI)

Pope Clement VI died on December 6, 1352. Cardinal Étienne Aubert was elected was elected on December 18, 1352 and took the name Innocent VI. During this vacancy, the Sacred College of Cardinals had twenty-five members: two creations of John XXII, three of Benedict XII, and twenty of Clement VI. Note that nearly half of the cardinals came from the large creation of Clement VI on December 17, 1350. This exceptionally large consistory was occasioned by the great loss of cardinals as a consequence of the plague -- in 1348 alone, seven cardinals died. Twenty four of the twenty five living cardinals participated in the conclave, which took place in Avignon. (Notes provided by Dr. Francis A. Burkle-Young, author of Passing the Keys.)

-Pierre des Près, bishop of Palestrina, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals.
-Élie Talleyrand de Périgord, bishop of Albano.
-Bertrand de Déaulx, bishop of Sabina.
-Guillaume Court, O.Cist., bishop of Frascati.
-Étienne Aubert, bishop of Ostia e Velletri. (Elected Pope Innocent VI)
-Guillaume d'Aure, O.S.B., title of S. Stefano al Monte Celio
-Hugues Roger, O.S.B., title of S. Lorenzo in Damaso.
-Pierre Bertrand, iuniore, title of S. Susanna.
-Gil Álvarez de Albornoz, title of S. Clemente.
-Pasteur de Sarrats, O.F.M., title of Ss. Marcellino e Pietro.
-Raymond de Canilhac, Can. Reg. of Saint Augustine, title of S. Croce in Gerusalemme.
-Guillaume d'Aigrefeuille, seniore, O.S.B., title of S. Maria in Trastevere.
-Niccolò Capocci, title of S. Vitale.
-Pectin de Montesquieu, title of Ss. XII Apostoli.
-Arnaud de Villemur, Can. Reg. of Saint Augustine, title of S. Sisto.
-Pierre de Cros, title of Ss. Silvestro e Martino ai Monti.
-Gilles Rigaud, O.S.B., title of S. Prassede.
-Jean de Moulins, O.P., title of S. Sabina.
-Bernard de la Tour, deacon of S. Eustachio.
-Guillaume de la Jugié, deacon of S. Maria in Cosmedin.
-Nicolas de Besse, deacon of S. Maria in Via Lata.
-Pierre Roger de Beaufort, deacon of S. Maria Nuova.
-Rinaldo Orsini, deacon of S. Adriano.
-Jean de Caraman, deacon of S. Giorgio in Velabro.

The following cardinal did not participate in the conclave:
-Guy de Boulogne, bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina.

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Conclave of September 22 - 28, 1362 (Urban V)

Pope Innocent VI died on September 12, 1362. Cardinal Hugues Roger, O.S.B., received fifteen of twenty votes but declined the election because of advanced age. Guillaume Grimoard, O.S.B., abbot of Saint Victor at Marseilles and one of the foremost canonists of his time, was chosen on September 28, 1362 and took the name Urban V. The election took place while the abbot was in Naples as papal legate. It took him five weeks to reach Avignon and be crowned on November 6, 1362. He was the fifth of six non-cardinals to be elected in the Later Middle Ages. All twenty living cardinals participated in the conclave, which took place in Avignon. (Notes provided by Dr. Francis A. Burkle-Young, author of Passing the Keys.)

-Élie Talleyrand de Périgord, bishop of Albano, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals.
-Guy de Boulogne, bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina.
-Gil Álvarez de Albornoz, Can. Reg. of Saint Augustine, bishop of Sabina.
-Raymond de Canilhac, Can. Reg. of Saint Augustine, bishop of Palestrina.
-Nicola Capocci, bishop of Frascati.
-Andouin Aubert, bishop of Ostia e Velletri.
-Hugues Roger, O.S.B., title of S. Lorenzo in Damaso.
-Guillaume d'Aigrefeuille, seniore, O.S.B., title of S. Maria in Trastevere.
-Élie de Saint-Yrieix, O.S.B., title of S. Stefano al Monte Celio.
-Pierre de Monteruc, title of S. Anastasia.
-Pierre Itier, title of Ss. IV Coronati.
-Jean de Blauzac, title of S. Marco.
-Gilles Aycelin de Montaigu, title of Ss. Silvestro e Martino ai Monti.
-Androin de la Roche, O.S.B., title of S. Marcello.
-Guillaume de la Jugié, deacon of S. Maria in Cosmedin.
-Nicolas de Besse, deacon of S. Maria in Via Lata.
-Pierre Roger de Beaufort, deacon of S. Maria Nuova.
-Rinaldo Orsini, deacon of S. Adriano.
-Étienne Aubert, iuniore, deacon of S. Maria in Aquiro.
-Guillaume Bragose, deacon of S. Giorgio in Velabro.
-Hugues de Saint-Martial, deacon of S. Maria in Portico.

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Conclave of December 29 - 30, 1370 (Gregory XI)

Pope Urban V died on December 19, 1370. Cardinal Pierre Roger de Beaufort was elected unanimously on December 30, 1370, in spite of his resistence, and took the name Gregory XI. The conclave took place in Avignon..

-Guy de Boulogne, bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals.
-Raymond de Canilhac, Can. Reg. of Saint Augustine, bishop of Palestrina.
-Gilles Aycelin de Montaigu, bishop of Frascati.
-Guillaume de la Sudré, O.P., bishop of Ostia e Velletri.
-Philippe de Cabassole, bishop of Sabina.
-Guillaume de la Jugié, title of S. Clemente.
-Pierre de Monteruc, title of S. Anastasia.
-Jean de Blauzac, title of S. Marco.
-Guillaume d'Aigrefeuille, iuniore, O.S.B.Clun., title of S. Stefano al Monte Celio.
-Simon Langham, O.S.B., title of S. Sisto.
-Bernard du Bosquet, title of Ss. XII Apostoli.
-Jean de Dormans, title of Ss. IV Coronati. (1)
-Étienne de Poissy, title of S. Eusebio.
-Francesco Tebaldeschi, title of S. Sabina.
-Pietro Corsini, title of S. Lorenzo in Damaso.
-Pierre Roger de Beaufort, deacon of S. Maria Nuova. (Elected Pope Gregory XI)
-Rinaldo Orsini, deacon of S. Adriano.
-Hugues de Saint-Martial, deacon of S. Maria in Portico.

(1) Conradus Eubel and Guglielmus van Gulik, Hierarchia Catholica Medii et Recientoris Aevi. Volumen I (1198-1431). Münich : Sumptibus et Typis Librariae Regensbergianae, 1913; reprint, Padua : Il Messagero di S. Antonio, 1960, p., 21, n. 8, says that he was forsan absens, perhaps absent.

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The following cardinals did not participate in the conclave:
-Angelic de Grimoard, Can. Reg. of Saint Augustine, bishop of Albano, absent in Italy.
-Pierre d'Estaing, O.S.B., title of S. Maria in Trastevere, absent in Italy.

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Conclave of April 7 - 9, 1378 (Urban VI)

Pope Gregory XI died on March 26, 1378, in Rome. The ensuing election was one of the most tumultuous in the history of the Church. The Roman mob besieged the conclave. They demanded that the cardinals elect a Roman pope, or, at least, an Italian one. Finally, on April 8, 1378, the second day of the conclave, the sixteen electors chose Bartolommeo Prignano, archbishop of Bari, who became Urban VI. He was the sixth and last non-cardinal to be elected pope. During the sede vacante, there were twenty-three active, living cardinals. Two others, Pietro Tornaquinci and Pietro Tartari, were said by some secondary sources to have been elevated to the Sacred College -- but, if they were, they never played an active role in the College or Church government, and were never accepted into the College. Their names are omitted from the list below. Six members of the College were at Avignon during the entire vacancy. One other cardinal, Jean de la Grange, O.S.B., was absent, as well. Sixteen cardinals took part in the conclave. This was the first conclave to meet in Rome since 1303. (Notes provided by D. Francis A. Burkle-Young, author of Passing the Keys.)

-Pietro Corsini, bishop of of Porto e Santa Rufina.
-Jean de Cros, bishop of Palestrina.
-Guillaume d'Aigrefeuille, iuniore, O.S.B.Clun., title of S. Stefano al Monte Celio.
-Francesco Tebaldeschi, title of S. Sabina.
-Bertrand Lagier, O.F.M., title of S. Cecilia.
-Robert de Genève, title of Ss. XII Apostoli.
-Simone Brossano, title of Ss. Giovanni e Paolo.
-Hugues de Montrelais, le jeune, title of Ss. IV Coronati.
-Guy de Malsec, title of S. Croce in Gerusalemme.
-Pierre de Sortenac, title of S. Lorenzo in Lucina.
-Gérard du Puy, O.S.B.Clun., title of S. Clemente.
-Giacomo Orsini, deacon of S. Giorgio in Velabro.
-Pierre Flandrin, deacon of S. Eustachio.
-Guillaume Noellet, deacon of S. Angelo in Pescheria.
-Pierre de Vergne, deacon of S. Maria in Via Lata.
-Pedro Martínez de Luna y Pérez de Gotor, deacon of S. Maria in Cosmedin.

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The following cardinals did not participate in the conclave:
-Hugues de Saint-Martial, deacon of S. Maria in Portico, in Avignon.
-Gilles Aycelin de Montaigu, bishop of Frascati, in Avignon.
-Angelic de Grimoard, Can. Reg. of Saint Augustine, bishop of Albano, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, in Avignon.
-Pierre de Monteruc, title of S. Anastasia, in Avignon.
-Jean de Blauzac, bishop of Sabina, in Avignon.
-Guillaume de Chanac, O.S.B., title of S. Vitale, in Avignon.
-Jean de la Grange, O.S.B., title of S. Marcello.

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Conclave of September 20, 1378 (Antipope Clement VII)

Pope Urban VI soon proved to be a suspicious and capricious pope. The members of the Sacred College, some perhaps in fear for their lives, gradually slipped away from Urban's court and reunited at Anagni. These cardinals were French, but soon afterward they were joined by the Italian cardinals, as well. The College moved on to Fondi, where it received a letter from Charles V of France on September 18, 1378, which urged them to move forward to choose another pope. This they did, when thirteen of them elected Cardinal Robert de Genève as Clement VII on September 20, 1378. The number of valid cardinals had been reduced to twenty-two by the death of Francesco Tebaldeschi on September 6/7, 1378. All these cardinals eventually adhered to Clement's cause, but his electors are marked (elector) beside their names. Those marked (present) observed but did not vote. (Notes provided by Dr. Francis A. Burkle-Young, author of Passing the Keys.)

-Pietro Corsini, bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina, (present).
-Bertrand Lagier, O.F.M., bishop of Ostia e Velletri, (elector).
-Jean de Cros, bishop of Palestrina, (elector).
-Guillaume d'Aigrefeuille, iuniore, O.S.B.Clun., title of S. Stefano al Monte Celio, (elector).
-Robert de Genève, title of Ss. XII Apostoli, (elector). (Elected Antipope Clement VII)
-Simone Brossano, title of Ss. Giovanni e Paolo, (present).
-Hugues de Montrelais, le jeune, title of Ss. IV Coronati, (elector).
-Guy de Malsec, title of S. Croce in Gerusalemme, (elector).
-Jean de la Grange, O.S.B., title of S. Marcello, (elector).
-Pierre de Sortenac, title of S. Lorenzo in Lucina, (elector).
-Gérard du Puy, O.S.B.Clun., title of S. Clemente, (elector).
-Giacomo Orsini, deacon of S. Giorgio in Velabro, (present).
-Pierre Flandrin, deacon of S. Eustachio, (elector).
-Guillaume Noellet, deacon of S. Angelo in Pescheria, (elector).
-Pierre de Vergne, deacon of S. Maria in Via Lata, (elector).
-Pedro Martínez de Luna y Pérez de Gotor, deacon of S. Maria in Cosmedin, (elector).

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The following cardinals did not participate in the conclave:
-Pierre de Monteruc, title of S. Anastasia, in Avignon.
-Jean de Blauzac, bishop of Sabina, in Avignon.
-Gilles Aycelin de Montaigu, bishop of Frascati, in Avignon.
-Hugues de Saint-Martial, deacon of S. Maria in Portico, in Avignon.
-Angelic de Grimoard, Can. Reg. of Saint Augustine, bishop of Albano, in Avignon.
-Guillaume de Chanac, O.S.B., title of S. Vitale, in Avignon.

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Conclave of October 25 - November 2, 1389 (Boniface IX)

Pope Urban VI died on October 15, 1389. Cardinal Pietro Tomacelli was elected his successor on November 2, 1389 and took the name Boniface IX. At this time, no cardinals who had been created before Urban VI recognized him as pope. Consequently, all the electors were creations of the pope who had just died -- the only time in history in which this came to pass. Pope Urban was survived by twenty of his creations, but he already had deposed five of them ---Pietro Pileo di Prata, bishop of Frascati; Adam Easton, O.S.B., title of S. Cecilia; Galeotto Tarlati de Petramala, deacon of S. Agata in Suburra; Bartolomeo Mezzavacca, title of S. Marcello; and Landolfo Maramaldo, deacon of S. Nicola in Carcere Tulliano-- so this sede vacante had fifteen valid cardinal electors. Thirteen of them participated in the election and two were absent. (Notes provided by Dr. Francis A. Burkle-Young, author of Passing the Keys.)

-Francesco Moricotti Prignani, bishop of Palestrina.
-Andrea Bontempi Martini, title of Ss. Marcellino e Pietro.
-Poncello Orsini, title of S. Clemente.
-Pietro Tomacelli, title of S. Anastasia. (Elected Pope Boniface IX)
-Angelo Acciaioli, title of S. Lorenzo in Damaso.
-Francesco Carbone, O.Cist., title of S. Susanna.
-Stefano Palosio, title of S. Marcello.
-Francesco Renzio, deacon of S. Eustachio.
-Tommaso Orsini, deacon of S. Maria in Domnica.
-Marino Bulcani, deacon of S. Maria Nuova.
-Rinaldo Brancaccio, deacon of Ss. Vito e Modesto.
-Ludovico Fieschi, deacon of S. Adriano.
-Angelo d'Anna de Sommariva, O.S.B.Cam., deacon of S. Lucia in Septisolio.

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The following cardinals did not participate in the conclave:
-Philippe d'Alençon de Valois, bishop of Sabina.
-Bálint Alsáni, title of Ss. IV Coronati.

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Conclave of September 26 - 28, 1394 (Antipope Benedict XIII)

Antipope Clement VII died on September 16, 1394. Cardinal Pedro Martínez de Luna y Pérez de Gotor was elected his successor, as Benedict XIII, on September 28, 1394. Twenty-one cardinal-electors participated: one creation of Innocent VI, two of Urban V, four of Gregory XI, one of Urban VI (!), and thirteen of Clement VII. Three cardinals, all creations of Clement VII, were absent. (Notes provided by Dr. Francis A. Burkle-Young, author of Passing the Keys.)

-Pietro Corsini, bishop of of Porto e Santa Rufina.
-Guy de Malsec, bishop of Palestrina.
-Jean de la Grange, O.S.B., bishop of Frascati.
-Niccolò Brancaccio, bishop of Albano.
-Guillaume d'Aigrefeuille, iuniore, O.S.B.Clun., title of S. Stefano al Monte Celio.
-Leonardo Rossi da Giffoni, O.F.M., title of S. Sisto.
-Guillaume de Chanac, O.S.B., title of S. Pudenziana.
-Tommaso Ammanati, title of S. Clemente.
-Giovanni Piacentini, title of S. Ciriaco.
-Jean de Murol, title of S. Vitale.
-Jean Allarmet de Brogny, title of S. Anastasia
-Pierre de Thury, title of S. Susanna.
-Martín de Zalba, title of S. Lorenzo in Lucina.
-Pierre Flandrin, title of Ss. Giovanni e Paolo.
-Pierre Girard, title of S. Pietro in Vincoli.
-Guillaume de Vergy, title of S. Cecilia.
-Hugues de Saint-Martial, deacon of S. Maria in Portico.
-Pierre de Vergne, deacon of S. Maria in Via Lata.
-Pedro Martínez de Luna y Pérez de Gotor, deacon of S. Maria in Cosmedin. (Elected Antipope Benedict XIII)
-Galeotto Tarlati de Petramala, deacon of S. Giorgio in Velabro.
-Amedeo di Saluzzo, deacon of S. Maria Nuova.

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The following cardinals did not participate in the conclave:
-Jean de Neufchatel, bishop of Ostia e Velletri, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals.
-Jaime de Aragón, bishop of Sabina, administrator of Valencia.
-Pedro Fernández de Frías, title of S. Prassede.

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