> Provides functions to allow one to compose general HTTP requests and provides convenient functions to fetch URIs, get & post forms, etc. and process the results returned by the Web server. This provides a great deal of control over the HTTP/FTP/... connection and the form of the request while providing a higher-level interface than is available just using R socket connections. Additionally, the underlying implementation is robust and extensive, supporting FTP/FTPS/TFTP (uploads and downloads), SSL/HTTPS, telnet, dict, ldap, and also supports cookies, redirects, authentication, etc.">

RCurl: General Network (HTTP/FTP/...) Client Interface for R (original) (raw)

Reverse imports:

accessrmd, adwordsR, algaeClassify, aliases2entrez, amerifluxr, AnnotationForge, AnnotationHubData, archivist, BayesSpace, BgeeDB, biocViews, biodb, biomartr, biospear, bndesr, BrownDog, ChemmineR, childfree, chillR, CHRONOS, Cluster.OBeu, CNVScope, COVIDIBGE, covidmx, crossmeta, CTDquerier, customProDB, dail, debrowser, DescriptiveStats.OBeu, dextergui, Diderot, easyclimate, EBImage, EGAD, eiR, ENCODExplorerData, EpiMix, factR, fbRads, FinCal, fixr, flatxml, gDNAinRNAseqData, geneset, GEOfastq, GetDFPData2, gfcanalysis, GISSB, GladiaTOX, gmapsdistance, GNRS, GOexpress, gProfileR, gprofiler2, gptr, grandR, grobblR, h2o, haploR, hoardeR, iCARH, InterMineR, IRISMustangMetrics, IRISSeismic, IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR, ISRaD, juicr, KEGGgraph, LedPred, lgpr, LifemapR, mappoly, MBQN, MetaboSignal, MethylMix, miRLAB, MortalityLaws, multiMiR, MultiObjMatch, MungeSumstats, MWASTools, nmadb, noaastormevents, NoRCE, oncrawlR, OpEnHiMR, oposSOM, ORFik, packageRank, paleotree, pepr, PhyloProfile, pmetar, pmparser, PNADcIBGE, PNDSIBGE, PNSIBGE, polyglotr, psygenet2r, PubChemR, pubmed.mineR, PubMedWordcloud, qdap, qdapTools, R3CPET, RAdwords, RavenR, RBaseX, RCGLS, RCriteo, RCy3, rechonest, recount, recountmethylation, restfulr, reutils, revgeo, Rexperigen, rglobi, rGREAT, RiboCrypt, RMixpanel, ROAuth, ropenblas, ROpenDota, ROpenWeatherMap, rpx, RSmartlyIO, rsolr, rStrava, RTCGA, RTCGAToolbox, rtematres, Rtrack, rts, rWikiPathways, RYandexTranslate, rYoutheria, SCANVIS, sched, seeclickfixr, seeker, sgat, Sie2nts, SimBu, SIMle, skynet, smosr, SNPediaR, sship, SUNGEO, swirl, switchr, tableschema.r, TENxIO, TPEA, TPP, TPP2D, TR8, TrafficBDE, trainR, treebase, TreeTools, UCSCRepeatMasker, umx, uptimeRobot, utilsIPEA, vstsr, warbleR, wcde, wppi, xgxr, xplain, xSub, zendown, zenstats, ZillowR

Reverse suggests:

ammistability, archetyper, augmentedRCBD, autonomics, BED, berryFunctions, bio3d, bioassayR, boilerpipeR, breakaway, CodeDepends, conumee, crisprDesign, cycleRtools, d3Network, datazoom.amazonia, EFDR, exams, FGNet, genekitr, germinationmetrics, HilbertCurve, HMDHFDplus, idiogramFISH, iNZightTools, latex2exp, markdown, metagear, metamicrobiomeR, miloR, mosaic, NetPathMiner, oligo, One4All, pathwayPCA, patternplot, PGRdup, ProteoDisco, rBiopaxParser, rdwd, rebook, reproducible, retrofit, RgoogleMaps, rsconnect, RXKCD, SIPDIBGE, sparklyr, spatialEco, toolStability, trajectories, XML