patchwork: The Composer of Plots (original) (raw)

Reverse imports:

activAnalyzer, AnanseSeurat, aplot, autoReg, autostats, bartMan, besthr, BioNERO, bridger, brinton, calmr, caretEnsemble, CarletonStats, CBNplot, CCPlotR, cellularautomata, Cepo, ChemoSpec, chillR, cia, circhelp, clevRvis, cmcR, cogeqc, ComplexUpset, CRABS, crosshap, CytoMDS, CytOpT, Damsel, dartR.base, dartR.captive, dartR.popgen, dartR.sexlinked, dataquieR, dearseq, decisionSupport, decontX, DESpace, dgpsi, diversityForest, dotwhisker, dynamic, dynamite, dyngen, ecic, effectplots, EpiForsk, EpiNow2, epiregulon.extra, ern, escape, eudract, EvoPhylo, extraChIPs, fairmodels, fastml, fdaPOIFD, figpatch, FindIT2, fitbitViz, foqat, forestecology, funcharts, funkyheatmap, gdverse, gg1d, ggbrain, ggcharts, ggheatmap, ggkegg, gglm, ggquickeda, ggseqplot, ggstats, ggstatsplot, ggsurvfit, gosset, GPvam, grafify, grandR, GRaNIE, gratia, greatR, GrowthCurveME, gsaot, GUIDEseq, hahmmr, HaploCatcher, HGC, hierarchicalSets, hockeystick, HybridExpress, HYPEtools, idopNetwork, iglu, immunogenViewer, infer, inferCSN, insane, insurancerating, interpretCI, intradayModel, iNZightRegression, iNZightTS, itsdm, ivDiag, jskm, lactater, lares, LMD, LongDat, loon.ggplot, LSTS, mastR, mcp, memes, messi, metabolic, metan, MF.beta4, mFD, MicrobiotaProcess, miloR, mispitools, mlr3shiny, modgo, motifTestR,, multimedia, multiplestressR, multiWGCNA, NanoMethViz, NetFACS, NetworkExtinction, numbat, orthogene, pcvr, PIUMA, plotthis, pmartR, powerly, ppseq, PRECAST, ProgModule, psycModel, qacBase, qmtools, r6qualitytools, RadEro, radiant.basics,, radiant.model, radiant.multivariate, RandomWalker, RARfreq, rcssci, redist, rhierbaps, rnaCrosslinkOO, RNAseqQC, Robyn, rprimer, scBubbletree, sccomp, scCustomize, scDiagnostics, scGate, scistreer, ScreenR, scRNAseqApp, scRNAstat, SeaVal, SEIRfansy, serosv, Seurat, sffdr, shapviz, shinyMixR, shinySbm, Signac, SimplyAgree, SingleMoleculeFootprinting, smallsets, smplot2, SpaCCI, SPARRAfairness, spatialRF, Spectran, SpliceWiz, splithalf, spotoroo, StabilityApp, standR, starvz, suddengains, SuperCell, survex, synlet, Sysrecon, tidychangepoint, TidyDensity, tidyHeatmap, tidyplots, tidysdm, tinyarray, toxSummary, treefit, treekoR, tRigon, triplot, triptych, UpSetVP, visvaR, visxhclust, vital, Voyager, whippr, wordpredictor, Xplortext

Reverse suggests:

accrualPlot, ale, AlleleShift, appeears, ARUtools, autonomics, BayesianReasoning, BayesSpace, bayestestR, bbknnR, BindingSiteFinder, broom.helpers, bsitar, camcorder, canaper, Canek, chem16S, ChemoSpecUtils, chessboard, CleanUpRNAseq, clugenr, ClustAssess, ClustIRR, CohortSurvival, concordexR, coveffectsplot, cowplot, cricketdata, cubble, CytoPipelineGUI, CytoSimplex, decoupleR, dominoSignal, doubletrouble, dscore, easybio, easystats, EDCimport, EWCE, FACT, factR, FAVA, FAVAR, ferrn, fivethirtyeight, FLORAL, forestly, funtimes, geofi, GeomxTools, geslaR, GET, ggalign, ggblanket, ggbreak, ggdist, ggDoE, ggeasy, ggeffects, gggenomes, ggHoriPlot, ggmice, ggmosaic, ggprism, ggrepel, ggridges, ggspavis, ggtreeExtra, GIFT, goldfish, growR, gspcr, Guerry, harmony, hdxmsqc, heplots, hermiter, HiContacts, HVT, ibawds, IgGeneUsage, iml, industRial, inlabru, ipd, ipeaplot, jlmerclusterperm, JSmediation, ldsr, LightLogR, lmls, LorMe, lterdatasampler, manynet, mapindia, marginaleffects, marqLevAlg, marquee, MASSExtra, MassWateR, matrixset, MedLEA, metaconfoundr, MetMashR, mfp2, mia, miaViz, MiscMetabar, misty, mlr3fairness, mlr3spatiotempcv, mlr3viz, modelbased, moderndive, MorphoRegions, mpmsim, multifunc, muscat, mvinfluence, nestedmodels, nichetools, NMsim, nn2poly, nullranges, OBIC, oncomsm, pacu, painbow, palettes, paramix, partR2, pctax, performance, plotmm, plotscaper, POMA, portvine, PoweREST, prcbench, precrec, pvLRT, qPLEXanalyzer, r4ds.tutorials, r5r, rbiom, regressinator, rempsyc, reporter, reservr, rfishdraw, rmcorr, robber, rTPC, rxode2, scatterbar, scp, SCpubr, see, segregation, sfdep, sigminer, simdata, SimNPH, SingleCellAlleleExperiment, singleCellHaystack, SpaNorm, speckle, spinifex, ssdtools, sSNAPPY, SUMMER, surveyPrev, tabnet, taylor, tfrmt, tidypaleo, tinythemes, tlars, trending, TRexSelector, UCell, unusualprofile, velociraptor, vissE, vroom, weitrix, whitewater, x3ptools