Ichthyoplankton (original) (raw)
- El ictioplancton hace alusión a los huevos y larvas de peces. Estos se incluyen dentro del ictioplancton hasta que alcanzan el tamaño suficiente en que dejan de ser desplazados pasivamente en las aguas saladas y comienzan a moverse de manera independiente de las corrientes. Uno de los métodos estándar en biología pesquera es el estudio del ictioplancton. Se usa para estimar la talla de un stock reproductor a partir del número de huevos o de larvas producidos (por ejemplo, Rankine y Bailey 1987). Una condición previa necesaria para estos estudios es la capacidad de identificar los huevos y las larvas de pez. Se ha mostrado que, en general, los sistemas informatizados, en particular las bases de datos, pueden facilitar esta tarea (Froese y Schöfer 1987 ; Froese 1988, 1989; Froese et al. 1989, 1990 ; Froese y Papasissi 1990; Froese 1990b). Además, los caracteres morfológicos de los huevos y de las larvas pueden ser usados para someter a prueba las hipótesis sobre las estrategias de vida (por ejemplo, Froese 1990a). Nosotros hemos estado buscando una institución que quisiera asumir la responsabilidad de actualizar y mejorar el desarrollo de nuestras tablas de ictioplancton actuales, descritas más abajo. El Institut für Meereskunde, Kiel, Alemania, ha iniciado LarvalBase, una versión substancialmente más elaborada de las tablas de ictioplancton de FishBase. Si usted está interesado en colaborar con LarvalBase, por favor visite la página web www.larvalbase.org. o contacte con el Proyecto FishBase. (es)
- Ichthyoplankton (from Greek: ἰχθύς, ikhthus, "fish"; and πλαγκτός, planktos, "drifter") are the eggs and larvae of fish. They are mostly found in the sunlit zone of the water column, less than 200 metres deep, which is sometimes called the epipelagic or photic zone. Ichthyoplankton are planktonic, meaning they cannot swim effectively under their own power, but must drift with the ocean currents. Fish eggs cannot swim at all, and are unambiguously planktonic. Early stage larvae swim poorly, but later stage larvae swim better and cease to be planktonic as they grow into juveniles. Fish larvae are part of the zooplankton that eat smaller plankton, while fish eggs carry their own food supply. Both eggs and larvae are themselves eaten by larger animals. Fish can produce high numbers of eggs which are often released into the open water column. Fish eggs typically have a diameter of about 1 millimetre (0.039 in). The newly hatched young of oviparous fish are called larvae. They are usually poorly formed, carry a large yolk sac (for nourishment) and are very different in appearance from juvenile and adult specimens. The larval period in oviparous fish is relatively short (usually only several weeks), and larvae rapidly grow and change appearance and structure (a process termed metamorphosis) to become juveniles. During this transition larvae must switch from their yolk sac to feeding on zooplankton prey, a process which depends on typically inadequate zooplankton density, starving many larvae. Ichthyoplankton can be a useful indicator of the state and health of an aquatic ecosystem. For instance, most late stage larvae in ichthyoplankton have usually been preyed on, so ichthyoplankton tends to be dominated by eggs and early stage larvae. This means that when fish, such as anchovies and sardines, are spawning, ichthyoplankton samples can reflect their spawning output and provide anindex of relative population size for the fish. Increases or decreases in the number of adult fish stocks can be detected more rapidly and sensitively by monitoring the ichthyoplankton associated with them, compared to monitoring the adults themselves. It is also usually easier and more cost effective to sample trends in egg and larva populations than to sample trends in adult fish populations. (en)
- Iktioplankton (dari kata Yunani: ἰχθύς, ikhthus, "ikan"; and πλαγκτός, planktos, "drifter") adalah telur dan larva ikan. Mereka banyak ditemukan di kedalaman kurang dari 200 meter yang terkadang disebut zona atau zona fotik. (in)
- 仔魚(しぎょ、英:larva)とは、魚類の成長過程における初期の発育段階の一つ。幼生とも呼ばれる。広義ではしばしば稚魚(ちぎょ、英:juvenile)と混同され、両者を合わせて仔稚魚(しちぎょ)と総称することも多い。発生学の観点からは仔魚と稚魚は異なる段階として区分され、仔魚の次のステージが稚魚にあたる。 (ja)
- Ихтиопланкто́н (греч. ἰχθύς [ихтю́с] — рыба, πλανκτον [планктон] — блуждающие) — разновидность зоопланктона, представляющая собой совокупность пелагической икры, пелагических личинок и молоди рыб, а также взрослых рыб, постоянно обитающих в толще воды — пелагиали, не способных противостоять течениям. Ихтиопланктон встречается в пресных, солоноватых и морских водах. Типичные планктонные рыбы обладают ограниченными возможностями для активного плавания на всех стадиях жизненного цикла. Обычно термин «ихтиопланктон» рассматривают в узком смысле, подразумевая лишь пелагические эмбриональные и ранние онтогенетические стадии развития личинок и молоди рыб, тогда как в широком смысле сюда относят также и всех морских пелагических рыб, не способных совершать активных горизонтальных перемещений. Распространение ихтиопланктона в пресных водах, главным образом в реках, происходит вниз по течению. В морских водах миграция ихтиопланктона осуществляется как в пределах шельфа и внешней шельфовой зоны, так и в открытом океане и над океаническими подводными поднятиями, за счёт дрейфа с водными массами прибрежных и крупных океанических течений. Ихтиопланктон играет важную роль в питании как самих рыб, так и других позвоночных и беспозвоночных гидробионтов. (ru)
- Em biologia pesqueira chama-se ictioplâncton ao conjunto dos ovos e larvas de peixes que apresentam um comportamento planctónico. (pt)
- http://warnercnr.colostate.edu/larval-fish-lab-home/
- https://web.archive.org/web/20110722123530/http:/fishlarvae.com/e/book.asp%3Fpg=52
- https://web.archive.org/web/20110722202240/http:/access.afsc.noaa.gov/ichthyo/index.cfm
- https://web.archive.org/web/20110903195939/http:/www.elhs.cmast.ncsu.edu/
- https://web.archive.org/web/20111009171032/http:/warnercnr.colostate.edu/larval-fish-lab-downloads/
- https://web.archive.org/web/20120328090749/http:/gir.uoguelph.ca/index.php/gir/article/viewFile/64/83
- https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv=Jgp6OjpfrQo
- http://www.icm.csic.es/scimar/index.php/secId/6/IdNum/78/
- http://www.unepscs.org/Larval_Fish_Training/Ichthyoplankton_Survey_Methodology.pdf
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=TaEErKMxp8cC
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=V53GoUTN_wYC&pg=PA153
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=VcZLKQEACAAJ
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=YOeiPQAACAAJ
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=kkRKJCofvXMC&pg=PA286
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=nzvZZ5KiMW8C&pg=PA184
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=nzvZZ5KiMW8C&pg=PR1
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=wpMWAQAAIAAJ
- http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1976/publication-1996.pdf
- dbr:Sardine
- dbc:Aquatic_ecology
- dbc:Biological_oceanography
- dbr:Aquarium
- dbr:Aquatic_ecosystem
- dbr:Hydrology
- dbr:Arrow_worm
- dbr:Pelagic
- dbr:Copepod
- dbr:Salmon
- dbr:Salmon_run
- dbr:Photic_zone
- dbr:Ragfish
- dbr:Clownfish
- dbr:Cod
- dbr:Engraulis
- dbr:Goldfish
- dbr:Na+/K+-ATPase
- dbr:Continuous_Plankton_Recorder
- dbr:Coregonus_maraena
- dbr:Milt
- dbr:Planktonic
- dbr:Amphipod
- dbr:CalCOFI
- dbr:Zooplankton
- dbr:Embryo
- dbr:File:Salmonlarvakils.jpg
- dbr:G._O._Sars
- dbr:Ocean_sunfish
- dbr:Spawning_bed
- dbr:Manta_trawl
- dbr:Crustacean_larvae
- dbr:Haddock
- dbr:Ionocyte
- dbr:File:Zebrasoma_flavescens_Luc_Viatour.jpg
- dbr:Larva
- dbr:LarvalBase
- dbr:Anchovy
- dbr:Fish_anatomy
- dbr:Fish_scale
- dbr:Fisheries
- dbr:Flexion
- dbr:Flying_fish
- dbr:Pacific_cod
- dbr:Epipelagic
- dbr:Yellow_tang
- dbr:Notochord
- dbr:Quantitative_research
- dbr:Recruitment_(biology)
- dbr:Research_vessel
- dbr:Marine_larval_ecology
- dbr:Jellyfish
- dbr:Neuston
- dbr:Peruvian_anchoveta
- dbr:Video_plankton_recorder
- dbr:Marine_biologist
- dbr:Marine_invertebrate
- dbr:Marine_protected_areas
- dbr:Atlantic_herring
- dbr:Abundance_(ecology)
- dbc:Ichthyology
- dbc:Planktology
- dbr:Juvenile_fish
- dbr:Larvae
- dbr:Bluefin_tuna
- dbr:Egg_case_(Chondrichthyes)
- dbr:Herring
- dbr:Bongo_drum
- dbr:Spawn_(biology)
- dbr:Spawning
- dbr:Grunion
- dbr:Krill
- dbr:Metamorphosis
- dbr:Microorganism
- dbc:Fish_reproduction
- dbr:Mahi-mahi
- dbr:Stable_ocean_hypothesis
- dbr:Yolk_sac
- dbr:Walleye
- dbr:Immunohistochemistry
- dbr:Fish_stocks
- dbr:Yolk
- dbr:Water_column
- dbr:Spawning_trigger
- dbr:Ventral
- dbr:Fin_ray
- dbr:Fish_eggs
- dbr:Marine_snail
- dbr:Common_sturgeon
- dbr:Boxfish
- dbr:File:Continuous_Underway_Fish_Egg_Sampler.jpg
- dbr:File:Fish_Egg_Diagram_(1).jpg
- dbr:File:Larval_White_Seabass_(3_days_post_hatching)_.tif
- dbr:Wikt:ἰχθύς
- Salmon eggs. The growing larvae can be seen through the transparent egg envelope. (en)
- The spawn of a clownfish. The black spots are the eyes developing. (en)
- Anemone Fish Eggs.jpg (en)
- Salmo salar eggs.jpg (en)
- dbt:Eggs
- dbt:Center
- dbt:Clear
- dbt:Commons_category
- dbt:Convert
- dbt:Div_col
- dbt:Div_col_end
- dbt:ISBN
- dbt:Multiple_image
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:See_also
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:Transl
- dbt:Use_British_English
- dbt:Use_dmy_dates
- dbt:Diversity_of_fish
- dbt:Plankton
- dbt:Plankton_sidebar
- Iktioplankton (dari kata Yunani: ἰχθύς, ikhthus, "ikan"; and πλαγκτός, planktos, "drifter") adalah telur dan larva ikan. Mereka banyak ditemukan di kedalaman kurang dari 200 meter yang terkadang disebut zona atau zona fotik. (in)
- 仔魚(しぎょ、英:larva)とは、魚類の成長過程における初期の発育段階の一つ。幼生とも呼ばれる。広義ではしばしば稚魚(ちぎょ、英:juvenile)と混同され、両者を合わせて仔稚魚(しちぎょ)と総称することも多い。発生学の観点からは仔魚と稚魚は異なる段階として区分され、仔魚の次のステージが稚魚にあたる。 (ja)
- Em biologia pesqueira chama-se ictioplâncton ao conjunto dos ovos e larvas de peixes que apresentam um comportamento planctónico. (pt)
- El ictioplancton hace alusión a los huevos y larvas de peces. Estos se incluyen dentro del ictioplancton hasta que alcanzan el tamaño suficiente en que dejan de ser desplazados pasivamente en las aguas saladas y comienzan a moverse de manera independiente de las corrientes. (es)
- Ichthyoplankton (from Greek: ἰχθύς, ikhthus, "fish"; and πλαγκτός, planktos, "drifter") are the eggs and larvae of fish. They are mostly found in the sunlit zone of the water column, less than 200 metres deep, which is sometimes called the epipelagic or photic zone. Ichthyoplankton are planktonic, meaning they cannot swim effectively under their own power, but must drift with the ocean currents. Fish eggs cannot swim at all, and are unambiguously planktonic. Early stage larvae swim poorly, but later stage larvae swim better and cease to be planktonic as they grow into juveniles. Fish larvae are part of the zooplankton that eat smaller plankton, while fish eggs carry their own food supply. Both eggs and larvae are themselves eaten by larger animals. (en)
- Ихтиопланкто́н (греч. ἰχθύς [ихтю́с] — рыба, πλανκτον [планктон] — блуждающие) — разновидность зоопланктона, представляющая собой совокупность пелагической икры, пелагических личинок и молоди рыб, а также взрослых рыб, постоянно обитающих в толще воды — пелагиали, не способных противостоять течениям. Ихтиопланктон встречается в пресных, солоноватых и морских водах. Типичные планктонные рыбы обладают ограниченными возможностями для активного плавания на всех стадиях жизненного цикла. (ru)
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:American_pickerel
- dbr:Queen_angelfish
- dbr:Meroplankton
- dbr:Bay_of_Bengal
- dbr:Cyema
- dbr:Variabilichromis_moorii
- dbr:Georg_Ossian_Sars
- dbr:Warm_core_ring
- dbr:Scup
- dbr:Radiated_shanny
- dbr:NOAAS_David_Starr_Jordan_(R_444)
- dbr:NOAAS_George_B._Kelez_(R_441)
- dbr:NOAAS_Oregon_II_(R_332)
- dbr:Crustacean_larva
- dbr:Louella_E._Cable
- dbr:CalCOFI
- dbr:Comephorus
- dbr:Zooniverse
- dbr:Zooplankton
- dbr:Freshwater_drum
- dbr:Haida_Eddies
- dbr:Harlequin_rasbora
- dbr:Plankton_net
- dbr:Ostorhinchus_compressus
- dbr:Porichthys_notatus
- dbr:Built_to_Spill_Caustic_Resin
- dbr:Drift_netting
- dbr:Japanese_murrelet
- dbr:Larva
- dbr:LarvalBase
- dbr:Fish
- dbr:Tub_gurnard
- dbr:List_of_Greek_and_Latin_roots_in_English/I
- dbr:Marine_larval_ecology
- dbr:Atlantic_blue_marlin
- dbr:Jellyfish
- dbr:Jellyfish_bloom
- dbr:Juvenile_fish
- dbr:Largehead_hairtail
- dbr:Bigeye_scad
- dbr:Blackstripe_herring
- dbr:Oxyrrhis_marina
- dbr:Diodon_eydouxii
- dbr:Plankton
- dbr:Spawn_(biology)
- dbr:Claire_Paris
- dbr:Green_jack
- dbr:Tigriopus_brevicornis
- dbr:RV_Vantuna
- dbr:Yellowtail_flounder
- dbr:Longhorn_cowfish
- dbr:Neosalangichthys
- dbr:Spotted_bass
- dbr:Eviota_sigillata
- dbr:FishBase
- dbr:Sabertooth_fish
- dbr:Paralabrax
- dbr:Outline_of_fish
- dbr:Outline_of_oceanography
- dbr:Oxyjulis
- dbr:Scophthalmidae
- dbr:Rhyacichthyidae
- dbr:Sparisoma_cretense
- dbr:Rare_velvetfish
- dbr:Salangidae
- dbr:Sebastes_atrovirens
- dbr:Fish_larva
- dbr:Fish_larvae
- dbr:Larval_fish