Home front during World War I (original) (raw)
- تغطي الجبهة الداخلية أثناء الحرب العالمية الأولى التاريخ المحلي والاقتصادي والاجتماعي والسياسي للبلدان المشاركة في الصراع. وتغطي أيضًا عملية حشد القوات المسلحة والإمدادات الحربية، لكنها لا تشمل التاريخ العسكري. لقي نحو 10 ملايين مقاتل وسبعة ملايين مدني مصرعهم خلال الحرب بِرُمَّتِها، ومن بينهم العديد ممن أضعفتهم سنوات من سوء التغذية وسقطوا ضحية جائحة الإنفلونزا الإسبانية في جميع أنحاء العالم، التي تفشَّت في أواخر عام 1918، تماماً عندما بدأت الحرب بالانتهاء. امتلك الحلفاء ثروات كامنة أكثر لينفقوها على الحرب. تشير إحدى التقديرات (التي أحصت أوراق الدولار طبعة 1913)، إلى أن الحلفاء قد أنفقوا 147 مليار دولار على الحرب وأنفقت دول المركز 61 مليار دولار فقط. من بين الحلفاء، أنفقت بريطانيا وإمبراطوريتها 47 مليار دولار وأنفقت الولايات المتحدة 27 مليار دولار أمريكي. من بين دول المركز، أنفقت ألمانيا 45 مليار دولار. تطلبت الحرب الشاملة الحشد الكامل لجميع موارد الدول لأجل هدف مشترك. إذ توجّب دفع القوى العاملة إلى الخطوط الأمامية (امتلكت جميع القوى العظمى باستثناء الولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا احتياطيات ضخمة مدربة ومصممة خصيصًا لتلك المهمة). وراء خطوط المواجهة، توجّب إعادة توجيه قوة العمل بعيداً عن الأنشطة الأقل أهمية والتي اعتُبرت رفاهية أثناء الحرب الشاملة. على وجه الخصوص، كان لا بد من تأسيس واسع لصناعة الذخيرة لتأمين القذائف والبنادق والسفن الحربية والزي الرسمي الموحد والطائرات، ومئات الأسلحة الأخرى، القديمة منها والجديدة. كان لا بد من حشد عملية الزراعة كذلك، لتوفير الغذاء للمدنيين وللجنود الذين (عمل الكثير منهم كمزارعين سابقًا فبرزت الحاجة لاستبدالهم بكبار السن والفتيان والنساء) وللخيول لنقل الإمدادات. شكَّلت وسائل النقل بشكل عام تحديًا، خاصة عندما حاولت كل من بريطانيا وألمانيا اعتراض السفن التجارية المتوجهة إلى العدو. شكَّلت الموارد المالية تحديًا خاصًا أيضًا. موَّلت ألمانيا دول المركز، وموَّلت بريطانيا الحلفاء حتى نفدت أموالها عام 1916، واضطرَّت حينها إلى الاقتراض من الولايات المتحدة. تولت الولايات المتحدة مهمة تمويل الحلفاء عام 1917 عبر قروض أصرت على سدادها بعد الحرب. تطلع الحلفاء المنتصرون إلى ألمانيا المهزومة في عام 1919 لدفع «تعويضات» من شأنها أن تغطي بعض تكاليفهم. قبل البدء بأي أمر، كان من الضروري إجراء حشد بطريقة تحافظ على ثقة الشعب على المدى القصير، وتضمن تأييد سلطة المؤسسة السياسية على المدى الطويل، والحفاظ على الصحة الاقتصادية للأمة على المدى الطويل. لمزيد من التفاصيل حول الاقتصاد، راجع التاريخ الاقتصادي للحرب العالمية الأولى. كان للحرب العالمية الأولى تأثير عميق على حق المرأة في الاقتراع على مستوى الدول المشاركة في الحرب. إذ لعبت النساء دورًا رئيسيًا على الجبهات الداخلية، وقد اعترفت العديد من الدول بتضحياتها عبر منحها حق التصويت أثناء الحرب أو بعدها بفترة قصيرة، بما في ذلك الولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا وكندا (باستثناء كيبيك) والدنمارك والنمسا وهولندا وألمانيا وروسيا والسويد وأيرلندا. كادت فرنسا أن تتبع نهج الدول الأخرى لكنها تراجعت في اللحظات الأخيرة. (ar)
- The home front during World War I covers the domestic, economic, social and political histories of countries involved in that conflict. It covers the mobilization of armed forces and war supplies, lives of others, but does not include the military history. For nonmilitary interactions among the major players see Diplomatic history of World War I. About 10.9 million combatants and seven million civilians died during the entire war, including many weakened by years of malnutrition; they fell in the worldwide Spanish Flu pandemic, which struck late in 1918, just as the war was ending. The Allies had much more potential wealth that they could spend on the war. One estimate (using 1913 US dollars), is that the Allies spent 147billiononthewarandtheCentralPowersonly147 billion on the war and the Central Powers only 147billiononthewarandtheCentralPowersonly61 billion. Among the Allies, Britain and its Empire spent 47billionandtheUS47 billion and the US47billionandtheUS27 billion; among the Central Powers, Germany spent $45 billion. Total war demanded the total mobilization of all the nation's resources for a common goal. Manpower had to be channeled into the front lines (all the powers except the United States and Britain had large trained reserves designed for just that). Behind the lines labor power had to be redirected away from less necessary activities that were luxuries during a total war. In particular, vast munitions industries had to be built up to provide shells, guns, warships, uniforms, airplanes, and a hundred other weapons, both old and new. Agriculture had to be mobilized as well, to provide food for both civilians and for soldiers (many of whom had been farmers and needed to be replaced by old men, boys and women) and for horses to move supplies. Transportation in general was a challenge, especially when Britain and Germany each tried to intercept merchant ships headed for the enemy. Finance was a special challenge. Germany financed the Central Powers. Britain financed the Allies until 1916, when it ran out of money and had to borrow from the United States. The US took over the financing of the Allies in 1917 with loans that it insisted be repaid after the war. The victorious Allies looked to defeated Germany in 1919 to pay "reparations" that would cover some of their costs. Above all, it was essential to conduct the mobilization in such a way that the short term confidence of the people was maintained, the long-term power of the political establishment was upheld, and the long-term economic health of the nation was preserved. For more details on economics see Economic history of World War I. World War I had a profound impact on woman suffrage across the belligerents. Women played a major role on the homefronts and many countries recognized their sacrifices with the vote during or shortly after the war, including the United States, Britain, Canada (except Quebec), Denmark, Austria, the Netherlands, Germany, Russia, Sweden and Ireland. France almost did so but stopped short. (en)
- 제1차 세계 대전 기간의 국내 전선은 제1차 세계 대전에 관여된 나라들의 국내 사정, 경제와 사회를 다룬다. 전투원 약 1000만명과 시민 700만 명이 죽었고 영양 부족으로 허약해진 많은 이들은 전쟁이 끝나가던 1918년에 세계를 강타한 스페인 독감에 걸렸다. 연합국은 1470억 달러를 동맹국은 610억 달러를 썼다. 대영 제국은 470억 달러, 미국은 270억 달러, 독일 제국은 450억 달러를 썼다. 총력전은 전쟁 목적을 위해 한 나라의 모든 자원을 총동원할 것을 요구했다. 미국과 영국을 제외한 모든 강대국들은 대규모 훈련된 예비군이 있었고 인력은 전선에 투입되었다. 후방에서 노동력은 사치품과 같은 덜 필수적인 물품을 제외하고 전쟁 물자를 생산했다. 특히 대규모 군수 산업은 포탄, 총, 전함, 군복, 전투기를 위시한 구형 신형 무기들을 생산했다. 농업도 국민들과 군인들을 위해 총동원되어야했고 농부들은 여자, 노년층, 저연령층으로 대체됐다. 말도 물자를 전달했다. 특히 영국과 독일이 적국으로 가는 상선을 방해할 때 보급도 잘 안되었다. 독일은 동맹국의 주요 자금원이었다. 돈이 고갈되어서 미국으로부터 대출을 받아야했던 1916년까지 영국은 연합국의 주요 자금원이었다가 미국이 1917년 전후 상환될 자금을 대출하며 주요 자금원이 됐다. 특히 국민들의 자신감, 자국 정권, 경제력이 장기적으로 유지될 수 있는 방식으로 총동원을 수행하는 것이 필수적이었다. 제1차 세계 대전은 참전국들에서 여성 참정권에 많은 영향을 끼쳤다. 여성들은 국내 전선에서 군수물품(화약, 포탄 등)을 생산하여 중요한 역할을 수행했고 미국, 영국, 퀘벡을 제외한 캐나다, 독일, 오스트리아, 러시아, 덴마크, 네덜란드, 스웨덴, 아일랜드를 포함한 많은 나라들은 그들의 공로를 전쟁 중 혹은 그 후 투표권을 통해 인정했다. 프랑스도 여성 참정권이 주어질 뻔했었다. (ko)
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- dbr:Canadian_Corps
- dbr:American_Protective_League
- dbr:Romain_Rolland
- dbr:1918_flu_pandemic
- dbr:1918_flu_pandemic_in_India
- dbr:Battle_of_Loos
- dbr:Battle_of_Vimy_Ridge
- dbr:Battles_of_the_Isonzo
- dbr:Billy_Hughes
- dbr:Black_Sea
- dbr:Blockade_of_Germany
- dbr:David_Lloyd_George
- dbr:Joseph_Caillaux
- dbr:Paul_von_Hindenburg
- dbr:Rene_Viviani
- dbr:Robert_Borden
- dbr:Ukrainian_Canadian
- dbr:Unionist_Party_(Canada)
- dbr:United_States_Senate
- dbr:Vladimir_Lenin
- dbr:Vojvodina
- dbr:Canadians_of_German_ethnicity
- dbr:Kato_Takaaki
- dbr:1913_Ottoman_coup_d'état
- dbr:Committee_of_Union_and_Progress
- dbr:Committee_on_Public_Information
- dbr:Commonwealth_of_Nations
- dbr:Conservative_Party_(Canada)
- dbr:Constantine_I_of_Greece
- dbr:Consumer_goods
- dbr:County_of_Tyrol
- dbr:Russian_Civil_War
- dbr:Ottoman_Caliphate
- dbr:Princely_state
- dbr:New_Zealand_Expeditionary_Force
- dbr:Eleftherios_Venizelos
- dbr:Gallipoli_Campaign
- dbr:Georges_Clemenceau
- dbr:German_Army_(German_Empire)
- dbr:German_spring_offensive
- dbr:German_strategic_bombing_during_World_War_I
- dbr:Glasgow
- dbr:Montenegro
- dbr:Conscription_Crisis_of_1917
- dbr:Conscription_Crisis_of_1918
- dbr:Opposition_to_World_War_I
- dbr:Italian_propaganda_during_World_War_I
- dbr:1915_Singapore_Mutiny
- dbr:Arab_Revolt
- dbr:Leuven
- dbr:Lewis_and_Harris
- dbr:Lombardy
- dbr:Louis_Botha
- dbr:Lubumbashi
- dbr:Macedonia_(region)
- dbr:Macedonian_front
- dbr:Mahatma_Gandhi
- dbr:Chinese_Labour_Corps
- dbr:Siege_of_Kut
- dbr:Sinn_Féin
- dbr:Suffragettes
- dbr:Zadar
- dbr:German_Revolution_of_1918–19
- dbr:Mutilated_victory
- dbr:Austria-Hungary
- dbr:Bagha_Jatin
- dbr:Baltic_Sea
- dbr:Bangladesh
- dbr:Bank_of_England
- dbc:World_War_I
- dbr:British_Raj
- dbr:British_propaganda_during_World_War_I
- dbr:Central_Powers
- dbr:Treaty_of_Brest-Litovsk
- dbr:Treaty_of_Neuilly-sur-Seine
- dbr:Treaty_of_Saint-Germain-en-Laye_(1919)
- dbr:Treaty_of_Versailles
- dbr:Trieste
- dbr:Triple_Alliance_(1882)
- dbr:Turkish_Red_Crescent
- dbr:Turkish_War_of_Independence
- dbr:Turkish_people
- dbr:War-weariness
- dbr:War_Precautions_Act_1914
- dbr:War_bonds
- dbr:Weimar_Republic
- dbr:Western_Front_(World_War_I)
- dbr:Western_Samoa
- dbr:Wilhelm_II_of_Germany
- dbr:William_H._McNeill_(historian)
- dbr:Dodecanese
- dbr:Albert_I_of_Belgium
- dbr:Aleksandar_Stamboliyski
- dbr:Alexander_Kerensky
- dbr:Allies_of_World_War_I
- dbr:Anatolia
- dbr:Duan_Qirui
- dbr:Dundee
- dbr:February_Revolution
- dbr:Ferdinand_Foch
- dbr:Ferdinand_I_of_Bulgaria
- dbr:Franco-Prussian_War
- dbr:British_women's_literature_of_World_War_I
- dbr:Nicholas_II_of_Russia
- dbr:Noemvriana
- dbr:Nova_Scotia
- dbr:Ottoman_Empire
- dbr:Pakistan
- dbr:Paris_Peace_Conference,_1919
- dbr:Diplomatic_history_of_World_War_I
- dbr:Fourteen_Points
- dbr:Kiel_mutiny
- dbr:U-boat
- dbr:Frederick_Barton_Maurice
- dbr:Grigory_Rasputin
- dbr:Gross_Domestic_Product
- dbr:H._H._Asquith
- dbr:Halifax_Explosion
- dbr:Henry_Ford
- dbr:Henry_Pomeroy_Davison
- dbr:Herbert_Hoover
- dbr:Iraq
- dbr:Istria
- dbr:Jan_Smuts
- dbr:Jean_Jaurès
- dbr:Armenian_genocide
- dbr:Armenian_people
- dbr:Armistice_of_11_November_1918
- dbr:Armistice_of_Mudros
- dbr:Jihad
- dbr:Joan_Beaumont
- dbr:John_J._Pershing
- dbr:League_of_Nations
- dbc:Home_front_during_World_War_I
- dbr:Sun_Yat-sen
- dbr:Economic_history_of_World_War_I
- dbr:Young_Turks
- dbr:Arthur_Marwick
- dbr:Piedmont
- dbr:Socialist_Party_of_America
- dbr:Fiction_based_on_World_War_I
- dbr:Imperial_Japanese_Navy
- dbr:Industrial_Workers_of_the_World
- dbr:Kingdom_of_Italy
- dbr:Kingdom_of_Yugoslavia
- dbr:Mesopotamian_campaign
- dbr:National_Schism
- dbr:Occupation_of_the_Rhineland
- dbr:October_Revolution
- dbr:Operation_Michael
- dbr:Canada's_Hundred_Days
- dbr:Rape_of_Belgium
- dbr:Second_Balkan_War
- dbr:Sedition_Act_of_1918
- dbr:British_Indian_army
- dbr:Woodrow_Wilson
- dbr:World_War_I
- dbr:World_War_I_casualties
- dbr:Maritz_Rebellion
- dbr:Maurice_Debate
- dbr:Philipp_Scheidemann
- dbr:Typhus
- dbr:Unrestricted_submarine_warfare
- dbr:World_War_I_in_literature
- dbr:Soup_kitchen
- dbr:Eugene_Debs
- dbr:Propaganda_in_World_War_I
- dbr:Ghadar_Mutiny
- dbr:Pan-Turkism
- dbr:Red_Clydeside
- dbr:Three_Pashas
- dbr:Union_sacrée
- dbr:Okuma_Shigenobu
- dbr:Wilhelm_II
- dbr:World_War_I_in_popular_culture
- dbr:Republican_Party_(USA)
- dbr:Arabian_peninsula
- dbr:Armistice_with_Germany_(Compiègne)
- dbr:Labour_Party_(United_Kingdom)
- dbr:Edwardian_England
- dbr:Katanga_province
- dbr:Quebec_Province
- dbr:Rash_Bihari_Bose
- dbr:Easter_Rebellion
- dbr:Labour_Party_(New_Zealand)
- dbr:London_Pact
- dbr:File:New_Names_Canadian_WW1_recruiting_poster.jpg
- dbr:File:Australian_Honour_Flag.svg
- dbr:S:1922_Encyclopædia_Britannica
- dbr:File:I_Want_You_for_The_Navy_(12236440355).jpg
- dbr:Committee_of_National_Defense_(Ottoman_Empire)
- dbr:File:Gift_from_our_Indian_Empire_-_Calcutta_ambulance_cars,_1916_(c).jpg
- dbr:File:SLNSW_75769_To_my_Dear_Friend_on_...postcard_with_Kookaburra_and_text.jpg
- dbr:Ottoman_Navy_League
- English World War I recruitment poster (en)
- Yiddish World War I recruitment poster (en)
- 2016-08-20 (xsd:date)
- July 2022 (en)
- October 2022 (en)
- Enlist-canadaWW1-yiddish.jpg (en)
- The Jews the world over love liberty poster.jpg (en)
- تغطي الجبهة الداخلية أثناء الحرب العالمية الأولى التاريخ المحلي والاقتصادي والاجتماعي والسياسي للبلدان المشاركة في الصراع. وتغطي أيضًا عملية حشد القوات المسلحة والإمدادات الحربية، لكنها لا تشمل التاريخ العسكري. لقي نحو 10 ملايين مقاتل وسبعة ملايين مدني مصرعهم خلال الحرب بِرُمَّتِها، ومن بينهم العديد ممن أضعفتهم سنوات من سوء التغذية وسقطوا ضحية جائحة الإنفلونزا الإسبانية في جميع أنحاء العالم، التي تفشَّت في أواخر عام 1918، تماماً عندما بدأت الحرب بالانتهاء. (ar)
- The home front during World War I covers the domestic, economic, social and political histories of countries involved in that conflict. It covers the mobilization of armed forces and war supplies, lives of others, but does not include the military history. For nonmilitary interactions among the major players see Diplomatic history of World War I. About 10.9 million combatants and seven million civilians died during the entire war, including many weakened by years of malnutrition; they fell in the worldwide Spanish Flu pandemic, which struck late in 1918, just as the war was ending. (en)
- 제1차 세계 대전 기간의 국내 전선은 제1차 세계 대전에 관여된 나라들의 국내 사정, 경제와 사회를 다룬다. 전투원 약 1000만명과 시민 700만 명이 죽었고 영양 부족으로 허약해진 많은 이들은 전쟁이 끝나가던 1918년에 세계를 강타한 스페인 독감에 걸렸다. 연합국은 1470억 달러를 동맹국은 610억 달러를 썼다. 대영 제국은 470억 달러, 미국은 270억 달러, 독일 제국은 450억 달러를 썼다. 총력전은 전쟁 목적을 위해 한 나라의 모든 자원을 총동원할 것을 요구했다. 미국과 영국을 제외한 모든 강대국들은 대규모 훈련된 예비군이 있었고 인력은 전선에 투입되었다. 후방에서 노동력은 사치품과 같은 덜 필수적인 물품을 제외하고 전쟁 물자를 생산했다. 특히 대규모 군수 산업은 포탄, 총, 전함, 군복, 전투기를 위시한 구형 신형 무기들을 생산했다. 농업도 국민들과 군인들을 위해 총동원되어야했고 농부들은 여자, 노년층, 저연령층으로 대체됐다. 말도 물자를 전달했다. 특히 영국과 독일이 적국으로 가는 상선을 방해할 때 보급도 잘 안되었다. (ko)
- dbr:David_Lloyd_George
- dbr:Ottoman_Empire
- dbr:History_of_Italy
- dbr:Austro-Hungarian_entry_into_World_War_I
- dbr:Timeline_of_the_United_Kingdom_home_front_during_World_War_I
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Homefront_in_World_War_I
- dbr:Bibliography_of_World_War_I
- dbr:Color_book
- dbr:Conscription
- dbr:STEM_in_30
- dbr:Gemeinschaft_and_Gesellschaft
- dbr:Women_in_war
- dbr:Opposition_to_World_War_I
- dbr:Central_Powers
- dbr:Japan_during_World_War_I
- dbr:Technology_during_World_War_I
- dbr:Allies_of_World_War_I
- dbr:Economy_of_Nazi_Germany
- dbr:Feminism_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Ottoman_entry_into_World_War_I
- dbr:Para_Handy
- dbr:Diplomatic_history_of_World_War_I
- dbr:German_entry_into_World_War_I
- dbr:Germany–United_States_relations
- dbr:Historiography_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:History_of_Germany_during_World_War_I
- dbr:History_of_women_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Italian_entry_into_World_War_I
- dbr:Internment_of_Japanese_Canadians
- dbr:Charles_Challen
- dbr:Economic_history_of_Europe_(1000_AD–present)
- dbr:Economic_history_of_World_War_I
- dbr:Economic_warfare
- dbr:Home_front
- dbr:Home_front_during_World_War_II
- dbr:Total_war
- dbr:Southern_Palestine_offensive
- dbr:Military_history_of_Australia_during_World_War_I
- dbr:Women's_suffrage_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Homefront
- dbr:The_Scout_Association
- dbr:Propaganda_in_World_War_I
- dbr:National_Recreation_Foundation
- dbr:United_States_home_front_during_World_War_I
- dbr:Women's_suffrage_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Women_in_World_War_I
- dbr:France_in_WWI
- dbr:Social_history_of_World_War_I
- dbr:Social_history_of_the_First_World_War
- dbr:WWI_homefront
- dbr:Home_Front_(World_War_I)
- dbr:Home_front_World_War_I
- dbr:Home_front_in_World_War_I
- dbr:Home_front_of_WWI
- dbr:Homefront_First_World_War
- dbr:Homefront_WWI
- dbr:Homefront_World_War_I
- dbr:Homefront_in_First_World_War
- dbr:Homefront_of_First_World_War
- dbr:Homefront_ww1