قائمة رموز عملاء بوينغ هي رموز ثابتة وفريدة من نوعها، وضعت وتستخدم من قبل شركة بوينغ لصناعة الطائرات التجارية للتعرف على العميل الأصلي للطائرة لجميع طائرات بوينغ ذات الترقيم 7X7، حتى بوينغ 777. وتم الإعلان عن هذه الرموز في مؤتمر منظمة الطيران المدني الدولي في عام 1956. رموز العملاء لم تستخدم لطائرة بوينغ 787 دريملاينر. على سبيل المثال، فأن طائرة من طراز بوينغ 747-400 وضع عليها أمر شراء من الخطوط الجوية البريطانية سيكون ترميز طرازها هو: بوينغ 747-436 حيث أن الرقم (36) يشير إلى رمز العميل وهو الخطوط الجوية البريطانية، والرقم (4) يشير على طراز الطائرة وهو (-400). رموز العملاء لا تتغير حتى ولو تم بيع الطائرة في وقت لاحق لأنها تعبر عن التكوين الأصلي للطائرة. قبل 707، كانت بوينغ عموما تستخدم نظام مماثل لتحديد وجود أي اختلافات تفصيلية أو خيارات تم طلبها من قبل عميل معين، ولكن تلك الرموز كانت غير مخصصة لعميل محدد. على سبيل المثال، فأن طائرة بوينغ 377 والتي بنيت حسب متطلبات يونايتد ايرلاينز، تم ترميزها بالرمز بوينغ 377-10-34. أما في سلسلة طائرات 7X7، فأن رمز يونايتد ايرلاينز هو 22، وعلى ذلك فأن طائرة من طراز بوينغ 747-400 بنيت ليونايتد ايرلاينز سيكون ترميزها هو بوينغ 747-422. (ar)
Unique, fixed customer codes were used by Boeing Commercial Airplanes to denote the original customer for airframes produced as part of Boeing's 7x7 family of commercial aircraft from 1956 (except for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner), starting with the introduction of the 707, followed by the Boeing 717, Boeing 727, Boeing 737, Boeing 747, Boeing 757, Boeing 767 and Boeing 777 up until 2016. The codes are in the form of two letters and/or digits which are appended to the aircraft's model designator, as seen in the following examples: * A Boeing 707-100 ordered by Qantas with customer code 38 would be designated as 707-138. * A Boeing 717 ordered by Hawaiian Airlines with customer code 2A would be designated as 717-22A. * A Boeing 727-100 and 727-200 ordered by United Airlines with customer code 22 are designated as 727-022 (not -122) and 727-222 respectively. * A Boeing 737-700 and 737-800 ordered by Southwest Airlines with customer code H4 would be designated as 737-7H4 and 737-8H4 respectively. * A Boeing 747-200B, Boeing 747-400, Boeing 747-8I and Boeing 747-8F ordered by Korean Air with customer code B5 would be designated as, 747-2B5B, 747-4B5, 747-8B5 (not 747-8B5I) and 747-8B5(F) respectively. * A Boeing 747SP ordered by Saudia with customer code 68 would be designated as Boeing 747SP-68 instead of 747-168(SP). * A Boeing 747SR ordered by All Nippon Airways with customer code 81 would be designated as Boeing 747SR-81, instead of 747-181(SR). * A Boeing 757-200 ordered by Delta Air Lines with customer code 32 would be designated as Boeing 757-232. * A Boeing 767-300ER ordered by GECAS with customer code 6N would be designated as Boeing 767-36N(ER). * A Boeing 777-200LR, 777-300, 777-300ER & 777F ordered by Emirates with customer code 1H would be designated as Boeing 777-21H(LR), Boeing 777-31H, Boeing 777-31H(ER) and 777-F1H (not 777-21H(F)) respectively. The codes do not change if the aircraft is subsequently sold, such as if a passenger aircraft is owned and operated by another airline or converted into a freighter. Several examples are several 777-300s originally built for Emirates with customer code 1H and subsequently sold to Cathay Pacific are still designated at 777-31H, and a Boeing Dreamlifter that was originally built as a 747-400 passenger aircraft for China Airlines with customer code 09 subsequently sold to will be designated as 747-409(LCF) (instead of the original 747-409). Although in some cases if an airline cancelled or sold their order before Boeing had commenced building the airframe, the customer code would be changed to that of the new purchaser. One such example is the order for sixteen 737-800s taken over by Qantas from American Airlines after the September 11 attacks in 2001 - these aircraft were delivered with Qantas' 38 code rather than 23 for American. Also, 2 747-200Bs purchased by British Airways were sold while under construction, to Malaysian Airline System and remained 747-236Bs. Another case is a situation where Boeing sells experimental aircraft to an airline, one example being the first two 777-300ERs built initially as experimental aircraft for Boeing which were subsequently sold to Japan Airlines had their codes changed from 777-300(ER) to 777-346(ER). Before the 707, Boeing used a generally similar system to identify the presence of detailed variations or options requested by particular customers, but the codes were not customer-specific. In 2016, Boeing announced that they would no longer apply customer codes to any aircraft produced after a certain point, which would lead to their designators being the "generic" type for the model. The codes were removed from the type certificates for each model with effect from the production line number shown below: * Boeing 737 Next Generation: line number 6082 * Boeing P-8 Poseidon: line number 6020 * Boeing 747-8: line number 1534 * Boeing 767: line number 1102 * Boeing 777: line number 1422 Furthermore, customer codes have never been used for Boeing airplane models launched after the termination of customer codes, namely the 787, 737 MAX and 777X. (en)
보잉 커스터머 코드는 보잉의 항공기 제작 및 인도 시 특정 고객들을 구분하기 위해 제작된 코드로 지난 1956년, 보잉 707의 제작을 시작으로 사용되어 왔으나 2016년을 기해 코드제도는 폐지되었다. 코드는 알파벳과 숫자, 숫자와 알파벳 그리고 알파벳과 알파벳의 세 가지 종류로 구성된다. 다만, 숫자코드의 경우는 보잉의 자체 코드인 20을 제외하여 조합, 구성한다. (ko)
Уникальные фиксированные коды клиентов компании Boeing используются компанией Boeing для обозначения изначального заказчика самолёта. Обозначения были введены с началом производства модели Boeing 707 и объявлены на конгрессе ICAO в 1956 году. Например, Boeing 747-400, заказанный авиакомпанией British Airways, будет иметь обозначение Boeing 747-436, в котором «36» является кодом клиента. Код не меняется при последующей продаже самолёта, поскольку он обозначает изначальную конфигурацию самолёта (модель двигателей, наличие и количество грузовых люков, состав оборудования и т. п.). До модели 707 Boeing использовал похожую систему для обозначения одной из возможных комплектаций, заказанных клиентом, однако коды не были привязаны к конкретным заказчикам. Например, Boeing 377 Stratocruiser, построенный по заказу United Airlines имел обозначение Model 377-10-34. Сегодня United Airlines имеет код «22», а не «34». (ru)
보잉 커스터머 코드는 보잉의 항공기 제작 및 인도 시 특정 고객들을 구분하기 위해 제작된 코드로 지난 1956년, 보잉 707의 제작을 시작으로 사용되어 왔으나 2016년을 기해 코드제도는 폐지되었다. 코드는 알파벳과 숫자, 숫자와 알파벳 그리고 알파벳과 알파벳의 세 가지 종류로 구성된다. 다만, 숫자코드의 경우는 보잉의 자체 코드인 20을 제외하여 조합, 구성한다. (ko)
قائمة رموز عملاء بوينغ هي رموز ثابتة وفريدة من نوعها، وضعت وتستخدم من قبل شركة بوينغ لصناعة الطائرات التجارية للتعرف على العميل الأصلي للطائرة لجميع طائرات بوينغ ذات الترقيم 7X7، حتى بوينغ 777. وتم الإعلان عن هذه الرموز في مؤتمر منظمة الطيران المدني الدولي في عام 1956. رموز العملاء لم تستخدم لطائرة بوينغ 787 دريملاينر. (ar)
Unique, fixed customer codes were used by Boeing Commercial Airplanes to denote the original customer for airframes produced as part of Boeing's 7x7 family of commercial aircraft from 1956 (except for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner), starting with the introduction of the 707, followed by the Boeing 717, Boeing 727, Boeing 737, Boeing 747, Boeing 757, Boeing 767 and Boeing 777 up until 2016. The codes are in the form of two letters and/or digits which are appended to the aircraft's model designator, as seen in the following examples: (en)
Уникальные фиксированные коды клиентов компании Boeing используются компанией Boeing для обозначения изначального заказчика самолёта. Обозначения были введены с началом производства модели Boeing 707 и объявлены на конгрессе ICAO в 1956 году. Например, Boeing 747-400, заказанный авиакомпанией British Airways, будет иметь обозначение Boeing 747-436, в котором «36» является кодом клиента. Код не меняется при последующей продаже самолёта, поскольку он обозначает изначальную конфигурацию самолёта (модель двигателей, наличие и количество грузовых люков, состав оборудования и т. п.). (ru)