New York City Department of Education (original) (raw)
- إدارة تعليم مدينة نيويورك (New York City Department of Education, والتي عرفت سابقاً باسم: الهيئة التعليمية المدينة نيو يورك, Board of Education of the City of New York) هي مجموعة كبيرة من المدارس الحكومية في مدينة نيويورك الأمريكية تديرها حكومة الولاية، وهي تمثل أكبر اتحاد وتنظيم مدارس في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بعدد طلابها البالغ 1.1 مليون الذين يَتلقون التعليم في ما يُقارب 1700 مدرسة حكومية تنتشر في المدينة. وتعمل هذه الإدارة في كافة . يُدير هذه الإدارة التعليمية «رئيس مدارس مدينة نيويورك»، والرئيسة الحالية لهذا المنصب هي «كاثي بلاك» التي عينها المُحافظ مايكل بلومبيرغ في عام 2010 وُمنحت الإدارة في يناير 2011. بسبب الحجم الهائل لهذا الإدارة فهو يَحوي طلاباً يَبلغ تعدادهم 1.1 مليون شخص مما يَتجاوز عدد السكان في ثماني ولايات أمريكية مُجتمعة، لذا فربما تكون إدارة مدينة نيويورك للتعليم أضخم وأهم تنظيم مدارس في الولايات المتحدة مع حجمها الهائل هذا. (ar)
- Das New York City Department of Education (deutsch etwa: Dezernat für Bildung der Stadt New York) ist eine kommunale Behörde der Stadt New York, die hauptsächlich für die öffentlichen Schulen in städtischer Trägerschaft verantwortlich ist. Mit über einer Million Schülern und rund 75.000 Lehrkräften in über 1.800 Schulen ist es nach eigenen Angaben die größte Behörde ihrer Art in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Die Behörde wird vom Board of Education (Bildungskommission) und dem Chancellor (Kanzler) geleitet. Amtierende Kanzlerin ist Carmen Fariña. Der Jahresetat der Behörde beläuft sich auf knapp 34 Milliarden US-Dollar. Bis zum Jahr 2002 wurden die öffentlichen Schulen in der Stadt New York mehr als 30 Jahre lang größtenteils dezentral und direktdemokratisch verwaltet. Verantwortliche Behörden für die öffentlichen Schulen der Stadt waren die städtische Bildungskommission, deren Mitglieder vom Bürgermeister und den Stadtbezirkspräsidenten ernannt wurden, sowie 32 örtliche Schulkommissionen (Community School Boards), deren Mitglieder direkt gewählt wurden. Die Grund- und Mittelschulen wurden durch die örtlichen Schulkommissionen und die Oberschulen bzw. Gymnasien durch die städtische Bildungskommission verwaltet. 2002 wurden die örtlichen Schulkommissionen aufgelöst und die Kontrolle über alle öffentlichen Schulen in New York City bei der Kommunalverwaltung und dem neu errichteten Bildungsdezernat zentralisiert. (de)
- El Departamento de Educación de la Ciudad de Nueva York (New York City Department of Education, NYCDOE en inglés) es el distrito escolar más grande del estado de Nueva York, Estados Unidos. El distrito gestiona escuelas en la Ciudad de Nueva York. En 2002 la sede se trasladó del 110 Livingston Street en Brooklyn al Tweed Courthouse en Manhattan. (es)
- The New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) is the department of the government of New York City that manages the city's public school system. The City School District of the City of New York (or the New York City Public Schools) is the largest school system in the United States (and the world), with over 1.1 million students taught in more than 1,800 separate schools. The department covers all five boroughs of New York City, and has an annual budget of $38 billion. The department is run by the Panel for Educational Policy and New York City Schools Chancellor. The current chancellor is David C. Banks. (en)
- Le département de l’Éducation de la ville de New York (New York City Department of Education, ou NYCDOE, précédemment Board of Education of the City of New York soit « Bureau d'Éducation de la ville de New York » en français) est le district scolaire de New York. Le district a son siège dans le Tweed Courthouse, Manhattan. Le district est le plus grand district scolaire aux États-Unis. (fr)
- Departemen Pendidikan New York City (NYCDOE) adalah cabang pemerintah kotamadya di New York City yang mengelola sistem sekolah umum di kota ini. Sistem sekolah ini adalah yang terbesar di Amerika Serikat, dengan lebih dari 1,1 juta siswa di lebih dari 1.700 sekolah yang berbeda. Departemen ini mencakup kelima borough New York City. Departemen ini dijalankan oleh . Kanselirnya saat ini adalah , yang menggantikan setelah mengundurkan diri kurang dari 100 hari sejak menjabat. Karena ukurannya yang begitu besar—jumlah siswa dalam sistem ini lebih banyak daripada penduduk sembilan negara bagian AS—sistem sekolah umum New York City diakui sebagai yang paling berpengaruh di Amerika Serikat. (in)
- ニューヨーク市教育局(ニューヨークしきょういくきょく、New York City Department of Education、略称NYCDOE)は、ニューヨーク市の公立学校を管理する部門である。これは米国の最大の教育部門システムで、その下には、110万人の生徒が学ぶ1,700の学校がある。ニューヨーク市教育局はニューヨークの5つの区をカバーしている。この部局はニューヨーク市の教育長長官より運営されている。 (ja)
- Il Consiglio di amministrazione della pubblica istruzione della Città di New York (inglese: New York City Department of Education, NYCDOE, vecchio nome: Provveditorato agli Studi della Città di New York, New York City Board of Education) è quell'ufficio del governo di New York City che gestisce il sistema scolastico pubblico locale. Questa rete di scuole forma il più grosso sistema scolastico pubblico di tutti gli Stati Uniti d'America, per un totale di oltre 1,1 milioni di studenti e 75.000 insegnanti in circa 1700 scuole. Il dipartimento copre l'attività in tutti i cinque quartieri cittadini. Il dipartimento è gestito da un responsabile, che attualmente è , nominato dal sindaco Michael Bloomberg nel 2002. Per la sua immensa dimensione — ci sono più studenti nel dipartimento che non in otto stati dell'Unione — il sistema scolastico pubblico di New York City è il più influente della nazione. Nuovi esperimenti educativi, revisioni linguistiche e nuove tecniche di insegnamento sono spesso create a New York e poi esportate nel resto del Paese. Per tenere traccia del grande numero di studenti e di informazioni sulla scuola, il dipartimento usa il potente sistema informativo (ATS). (it)
- 뉴욕 교육국(New York City Department of Education, NYCDOE; 전 이름:뉴욕시 교육위원회, Board of Education of the City of New York)은 도시의 공립 학교 시스템을 관리하는 뉴욕시정(市政)의 한 부서이다. 1,700개 이상의 학교에서 교육 받는 1,100,000명 이상의 학생들이 있는 미국 최대의 학교 시스템이다. 이 부서는 뉴욕시 5개 행정구 전반을 관할한다. 학생 수로는 9개 미국 주 사람들 보다 더 많은 학생이 있다. (ko)
- New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) är skolstyrelsen i New York. Skoldistriktet är det största i USA, med över 1.1 miljoner elever som undervisas i över 1 700 olika skolor. Alla fem av stadens "boroughs" omfattas. (sv)
- O Departamento de Educação da Cidade de Nova Iorque (NYCDOE) é o departamento da prefeitura de Nova Iorque que gerencia o sistema de ensino público da cidade. O Distrito Escolar da Cidade de Nova Iorque (as Escolas Públicas da Cidade de Nova Iorque) é o maior sistema escolar dos Estados Unidos, com mais de 1,1 milhão de estudantes ensinados em mais de 1.800 escolas separadas. O departamento cobre todos os cinco distritos da cidade de Nova Iorque e tem um orçamento anual de quase 25 bilhões de dólares. O departamento é administrado pelo e pelo . O atual chanceler é . Toda a cidade é atribuída ao distrito escolar do NYCDOE, exceto por uma pequena seção do Bronx, que é atribuída às (com aulas apoiadas pelo governo da cidade). (pt)
- Департамент образования города Нью-Йорк (англ. New York City Department of Education; прежнее название: Отдел образования Нью.Йорка, Board of Education of the City of New York) является филиалом муниципального управления в Нью-Йорке, который управляет системой государственных школ города. Это самая большая школьная система в Соединенных Штатах, с более 1,1 млн учащихся в более чем 1700 отдельных школах. Департамент охватывает все пять районов Нью-Йорка. Департамент возглавляет канцлер школ Нью-Йорка. Нынешний канцлер — Деннис М. Уолкоттом, который сменил Кэти Блэк после того, как та ушла в отставку после менее чем ста дней нахождения на работе. Из-за своих огромных размеров (система охватывает больше учащихся, чем человек в девяти штатах США, вместе взятых) система государственных школ Нью-Йорка, возможно, является самой влиятельной в США. * Департамент образования города Нью-Йорк (США) * Средняя школа в Бронксе * Стайвесантская средняя школа * Прежняя штаб-квартира * Штаб-квартира в бывшем здании суда имени Твида * Образовательный комплекс имени Байарда Растина. В комплекс входит шесть средних школ (ru)
- 紐約市教育局(New York City Department of Education,旧英文名:Board of Education of the City of New York,相同中文名)是纽约的教育局,总部在学区Tweed Courthouse。 紐約市教育局是美国最大的教育局。管辖约1700所学校和约1100000名学生。 (zh)
- 2002-12-14 (xsd:date)
- 2002-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
- 2495882 (xsd:integer)
- 51488 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 1121371292 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:Public_Schools_Athletic_League
- dbr:San_Francisco_Unified_School_District
- dbr:School_of_One
- dbr:Non-Hispanic_White
- dbr:Bengali_language
- dbr:Bensonhurst,_Brooklyn
- dbr:Bill_de_Blasio
- dbr:Borough_President
- dbr:David_C._Banks
- dbr:DeWitt_Clinton_High_School
- dbr:Pelham_Public_Schools
- dbr:Persian_language
- dbr:Richard_Avedon
- dbr:Dairy_industry
- dbr:United_Federation_of_Teachers
- dbr:United_States
- dbr:United_States_dollar
- dbr:University_of_Tokyo
- dbr:University_of_the_State_of_New_York
- dbr:Urdu_language
- dbr:List_of_high_schools_in_New_York_City
- dbr:List_of_public_elementary_schools_in_New_York_City
- dbr:ProQuest
- dbr:White_bread
- dbr:110_Livingston_Street
- dbr:Columbia_University
- dbr:Combined_oral_contraceptive_pill
- dbr:Consolidated_Laws_of_New_York
- dbr:Corona,_Queens
- dbr:Council_of_School_Supervisors_&_Administrators
- dbr:Cronyism
- dbr:Mayor_of_New_York_City
- dbr:Russian_language
- dbr:Ruth_Bader_Ginsburg
- dbr:Childhood_obesity
- dbr:Nutrition
- dbr:City_Journal
- dbr:Colin_Powell
- dbr:French_language
- dbr:George_Westinghouse_Career_and_Technical_Education_High_School
- dbr:German_language
- dbr:Government_of_New_York_City
- dbr:Boston_Public_Schools
- dbr:The_Notorious_B.I.G.
- dbr:Specialized_high_schools_in_New_York_City
- dbc:2002_establishments_in_New_York_City
- dbr:Andrew_Cuomo
- dbr:Arabic_language
- dbr:Lloyd_Blankfein
- dbr:Lobbying
- dbr:Los_Angeles_Unified_School_District
- dbr:Manhattan
- dbr:Cafeteria
- dbr:Stanley_Kubrick
- dbr:State_University_of_New_York
- dbr:Stuyvesant_High_School
- dbr:Emergency_contraception
- dbr:Hamburger
- dbr:Hot_dog_bun
- dbr:Teachers_College_Record
- dbr:Mayoral_control_of_schools
- dbr:Measure_of_America
- dbr:Bronx
- dbr:Bronx_High_School_of_Science
- dbr:Brooklyn
- dbr:Brooklyn_Technical_High_School
- dbr:Busta_Rhymes
- dbr:C._B._J._Snyder
- dbc:School_districts_established_in_2002
- dbr:Tweed_Courthouse
- dbr:WNYE-TV
- dbr:WNYE_(FM)
- dbr:Waiting_for_"Superman"
- dbr:Washington_Heights,_Manhattan
- dbr:Affirmative_action_in_the_United_States
- dbr:African_American
- dbr:Al_Pacino
- dbr:Alicia_Keys
- dbr:American_Federation_of_Teachers
- dbr:DMX_(rapper)
- dbr:Dallas
- dbr:Downtown_Brooklyn
- dbr:Eastern_Europe
- dbr:Alternative_school
- dbr:Exercise
- dbr:Fiorello_H._LaGuardia_High_School
- dbr:Florida_State_University
- dbr:Broadcast_license
- dbr:No_Child_Left_Behind_Act
- dbr:Charter_schools_in_New_York
- dbr:Education_and_Urban_Society
- dbr:Department_of_Education
- dbr:Haitian_Creole_language
- dbr:High_School_of_Art_and_Design
- dbr:Hindi_language
- dbr:Hispanic_and_Latino
- dbr:James_Baldwin
- dbr:Japanese_language
- dbr:Jay-Z
- dbr:Telugu_language
- dbr:The_Bronx
- dbr:State_of_New_York
- dbr:Asian_American
- dbr:Asian_Americans
- dbr:Absent_Teacher_Reserve
- dbc:New_York_City_Department_of_Education
- dbc:Public_education_in_New_York_City
- dbc:Government_agencies_established_in_2002
- dbr:Chicago
- dbr:Chicago_Public_Schools
- dbr:Chinese_language
- dbr:Chocolate_milk
- dbc:School_districts_in_New_York_(state)
- dbr:John_Lindsay
- dbr:Laws_of_New_York
- dbr:Birth_control
- dbr:Spanish_language
- dbr:Free_lunch
- dbr:Empty_calorie
- dbr:Korean_language
- dbr:Milk
- dbr:National_Education_Association
- dbr:Neil_deGrasse_Tyson
- dbr:New_York_(state)
- dbr:New_York_City
- dbr:New_York_City_Department_of_Information_Technology_and_Telecommunications
- dbr:New_York_City_Hall
- dbr:New_York_City_Panel_for_Educational_Policy
- dbr:New_York_City_School_Construction_Authority
- dbr:New_York_City_Teaching_Fellows
- dbr:New_York_State_Assembly
- dbr:New_York_State_Education_Department
- dbr:New_York_State_School_Boards_Association
- dbr:New_York_State_United_Teachers
- dbr:New_York_University
- dbr:Racial_segregation
- dbr:Yeshiva
- dbr:New_York_City_Schools_Chancellor
- dbr:New_York_City_school_boycott
- dbr:Charter_school_(New_York)
- dbr:Condoms
- dbr:Flavored_milk
- dbr:New_York_State_Board_of_Regents
- dbr:School_integration_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Whole_wheat_bread
- dbr:New_York_City_Board_of_Education
- dbr:Lowfat_milk
- dbr:Panel_for_Educational_Policy
- dbr:George_Westinghouse_Information_Technology_High_School
- dbr:Public_school_(government_funded)
- dbr:Teachers_College
- dbr:Columbia_University_Teachers_College
- dbr:Regents_diploma
- dbr:File:110_Livingston_J2_jeh.JPG
- dbr:File:BronxScience.jpg
- dbr:Journal_of_Social_Science
- dbr:File:John_Dewey_HS_13_acre_campus.jpg
- dbr:File:Stuyvesant_HS.jpg
- dbr:En:New_School_University
- dbr:File:Bayard_Rustin_Educational_Complex_18th_Street_from_east.jpg
- dbr:File:Tweed_Court_portico_straight_sun_jeh.jpg
- dbr:File:Board_of_education_building_by_Chalagi7.JPG
- New York City Department of Education (en)
- 3.4E10 (dbd:usDollar)
- Vanessa Leung (en)
- Queens South Borough Citywide Office (en)
- Brooklyn North Borough Citywide Office (en)
- Brooklyn South Borough Citywide Office (en)
- Community Education Councils (en)
- Citywide Council on High Schools (en)
- Citywide Council on Special Education (en)
- Citywide Council on English Language Learners (en)
- Citywide Council for District 75 (en)
- Manhattan Borough Citywide Office (en)
- Bronx Borough Citywide Office (en)
- Staten Island Borough Citywide Office (en)
- Queens North Borough Citywide Office (en)
- Deputy Chancellor (en)
- 2002-12-14 (xsd:date)
- Teachers' unions (en)
- American Federation of Teachers (en)
- National Education Association (en)
- (en)
- New York State United Teachers (en)
- United Federation of Teachers (en)
- 3 (xsd:integer)
- NYC DOE Logo.png (en)
- City School District of the City of New York (en)
- 1722 (xsd:integer)
- 1100000 (xsd:integer)
- Chancellor (en)
- 75000 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:Public_school_(government_funded)
- department (en)
- dbt:As_of
- dbt:Authority_control
- dbt:Citation_needed
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- dbt:Hatnote
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- dbt:Start_date_and_age
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- dbt:Infobox_government_agency
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- dbt:Issn
- dbt:Education_in_the_U.S.
- dbt:New_York_City_DOE
- dbt:Infobox_school_district
- dbt:New_York_City_Government
- dbc:2002_establishments_in_New_York_City
- dbc:School_districts_established_in_2002
- dbc:New_York_City_Department_of_Education
- dbc:Public_education_in_New_York_City
- dbc:Government_agencies_established_in_2002
- dbc:School_districts_in_New_York_(state)
- owl:Thing
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- dul:Agent
- dul:SocialPerson
- dbo:Agent
- wikidata:Q24229398
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- yago:WikicatSchoolDistrictsInNewYork
- yago:WikicatSchoolDistrictsInTheUnitedStates
- yago:WikicatSchoolsInBrooklyn
- yago:WikicatSchoolsInManhattan
- yago:WikicatSchoolsInStatenIsland
- yago:WikicatSchoolsInTheBronx
- yago:Abstraction100002137
- yago:AdministrativeDistrict108491826
- yago:Company108058098
- yago:District108552138
- yago:EducationalInstitution108276342
- yago:Group100031264
- yago:Institution108053576
- yago:Location100027167
- yago:Object100002684
- yago:Organization108008335
- yago:PhysicalEntity100001930
- yago:Region108630985
- yago:YagoGeoEntity
- yago:YagoLegalActor
- yago:YagoLegalActorGeo
- yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity
- dbo:GovernmentAgency
- dbo:Organisation
- dbo:Settlement
- yago:School108276720
- yago:SchoolDistrict108587709
- yago:SecondarySchool108284481
- yago:SocialGroup107950920
- yago:University108286569
- yago:WikicatEducationalInstitutionsEstablishedIn1983
- yago:WikicatPublicMiddleSchoolsInNewYorkCity
- umbel-rc:EducationalOrganization
- umbel-rc:School_AcademicOrganization
- El Departamento de Educación de la Ciudad de Nueva York (New York City Department of Education, NYCDOE en inglés) es el distrito escolar más grande del estado de Nueva York, Estados Unidos. El distrito gestiona escuelas en la Ciudad de Nueva York. En 2002 la sede se trasladó del 110 Livingston Street en Brooklyn al Tweed Courthouse en Manhattan. (es)
- The New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) is the department of the government of New York City that manages the city's public school system. The City School District of the City of New York (or the New York City Public Schools) is the largest school system in the United States (and the world), with over 1.1 million students taught in more than 1,800 separate schools. The department covers all five boroughs of New York City, and has an annual budget of $38 billion. The department is run by the Panel for Educational Policy and New York City Schools Chancellor. The current chancellor is David C. Banks. (en)
- Le département de l’Éducation de la ville de New York (New York City Department of Education, ou NYCDOE, précédemment Board of Education of the City of New York soit « Bureau d'Éducation de la ville de New York » en français) est le district scolaire de New York. Le district a son siège dans le Tweed Courthouse, Manhattan. Le district est le plus grand district scolaire aux États-Unis. (fr)
- ニューヨーク市教育局(ニューヨークしきょういくきょく、New York City Department of Education、略称NYCDOE)は、ニューヨーク市の公立学校を管理する部門である。これは米国の最大の教育部門システムで、その下には、110万人の生徒が学ぶ1,700の学校がある。ニューヨーク市教育局はニューヨークの5つの区をカバーしている。この部局はニューヨーク市の教育長長官より運営されている。 (ja)
- 뉴욕 교육국(New York City Department of Education, NYCDOE; 전 이름:뉴욕시 교육위원회, Board of Education of the City of New York)은 도시의 공립 학교 시스템을 관리하는 뉴욕시정(市政)의 한 부서이다. 1,700개 이상의 학교에서 교육 받는 1,100,000명 이상의 학생들이 있는 미국 최대의 학교 시스템이다. 이 부서는 뉴욕시 5개 행정구 전반을 관할한다. 학생 수로는 9개 미국 주 사람들 보다 더 많은 학생이 있다. (ko)
- New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) är skolstyrelsen i New York. Skoldistriktet är det största i USA, med över 1.1 miljoner elever som undervisas i över 1 700 olika skolor. Alla fem av stadens "boroughs" omfattas. (sv)
- 紐約市教育局(New York City Department of Education,旧英文名:Board of Education of the City of New York,相同中文名)是纽约的教育局,总部在学区Tweed Courthouse。 紐約市教育局是美国最大的教育局。管辖约1700所学校和约1100000名学生。 (zh)
- إدارة تعليم مدينة نيويورك (New York City Department of Education, والتي عرفت سابقاً باسم: الهيئة التعليمية المدينة نيو يورك, Board of Education of the City of New York) هي مجموعة كبيرة من المدارس الحكومية في مدينة نيويورك الأمريكية تديرها حكومة الولاية، وهي تمثل أكبر اتحاد وتنظيم مدارس في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بعدد طلابها البالغ 1.1 مليون الذين يَتلقون التعليم في ما يُقارب 1700 مدرسة حكومية تنتشر في المدينة. وتعمل هذه الإدارة في كافة . (ar)
- Das New York City Department of Education (deutsch etwa: Dezernat für Bildung der Stadt New York) ist eine kommunale Behörde der Stadt New York, die hauptsächlich für die öffentlichen Schulen in städtischer Trägerschaft verantwortlich ist. Mit über einer Million Schülern und rund 75.000 Lehrkräften in über 1.800 Schulen ist es nach eigenen Angaben die größte Behörde ihrer Art in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Die Behörde wird vom Board of Education (Bildungskommission) und dem Chancellor (Kanzler) geleitet. Amtierende Kanzlerin ist Carmen Fariña. (de)
- Departemen Pendidikan New York City (NYCDOE) adalah cabang pemerintah kotamadya di New York City yang mengelola sistem sekolah umum di kota ini. Sistem sekolah ini adalah yang terbesar di Amerika Serikat, dengan lebih dari 1,1 juta siswa di lebih dari 1.700 sekolah yang berbeda. Departemen ini mencakup kelima borough New York City. Departemen ini dijalankan oleh . Kanselirnya saat ini adalah , yang menggantikan setelah mengundurkan diri kurang dari 100 hari sejak menjabat. (in)
- Il Consiglio di amministrazione della pubblica istruzione della Città di New York (inglese: New York City Department of Education, NYCDOE, vecchio nome: Provveditorato agli Studi della Città di New York, New York City Board of Education) è quell'ufficio del governo di New York City che gestisce il sistema scolastico pubblico locale. Questa rete di scuole forma il più grosso sistema scolastico pubblico di tutti gli Stati Uniti d'America, per un totale di oltre 1,1 milioni di studenti e 75.000 insegnanti in circa 1700 scuole. Il dipartimento copre l'attività in tutti i cinque quartieri cittadini. (it)
- O Departamento de Educação da Cidade de Nova Iorque (NYCDOE) é o departamento da prefeitura de Nova Iorque que gerencia o sistema de ensino público da cidade. O Distrito Escolar da Cidade de Nova Iorque (as Escolas Públicas da Cidade de Nova Iorque) é o maior sistema escolar dos Estados Unidos, com mais de 1,1 milhão de estudantes ensinados em mais de 1.800 escolas separadas. O departamento cobre todos os cinco distritos da cidade de Nova Iorque e tem um orçamento anual de quase 25 bilhões de dólares. O departamento é administrado pelo e pelo . O atual chanceler é . (pt)
- Департамент образования города Нью-Йорк (англ. New York City Department of Education; прежнее название: Отдел образования Нью.Йорка, Board of Education of the City of New York) является филиалом муниципального управления в Нью-Йорке, который управляет системой государственных школ города. Это самая большая школьная система в Соединенных Штатах, с более 1,1 млн учащихся в более чем 1700 отдельных школах. Департамент охватывает все пять районов Нью-Йорка. * Департамент образования города Нью-Йорк (США) * Средняя школа в Бронксе * Стайвесантская средняя школа * Прежняя штаб-квартира * * (ru)
- New York City Department of Education (en)
- إدارة تعليم مدينة نيويورك (ar)
- New York City Department of Education (de)
- Departamento de Educación de la Ciudad de Nueva York (es)
- Département de l'Éducation de la ville de New York (fr)
- Departemen Pendidikan Kota New York (in)
- Consiglio di amministrazione della pubblica istruzione della Città di New York (it)
- 뉴욕 교육국 (ko)
- ニューヨーク市教育局 (ja)
- Departamento de Educação da Cidade de Nova Iorque (pt)
- Департамент образования Нью-Йорка (ru)
- New York City Department of Education (sv)
- 紐約市教育局 (zh)
- freebase:New York City Department of Education
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- freebase:New York City Department of Education
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- New York City Department of Education (en)
is dbo:affiliation of
is dbo:authority of
- dbr:NEST+m
- dbr:High_School_for_Construction_Trades,_Engineering_and_Architecture
- dbr:The_Judge_Charles_J._Vallone_School
- dbr:Young_Women's_Leadership_School_of_East_Harlem
is dbo:parentOrganisation of
is dbo:schoolBoard of
- dbr:Queens_Metropolitan_High_School
- dbr:Bayside_High_School_(Queens)
- dbr:Boys_and_Girls_High_School
- dbr:College_of_Staten_Island_High_School_for_International_Studies
- dbr:Franklin_K._Lane_High_School
- dbr:Gaynor_McCown_Expeditionary_Learning_School
- dbr:Murry_Bergtraum_High_School
- dbr:NEST+m
- dbr:Thomas_A._Edison_High_School_(Queens)
- dbr:Long_Island_City_High_School
- dbr:Staten_Island_Technical_High_School
- dbr:Brooklyn_Technical_High_School
- dbr:Academy_for_Excellence_in_Leadership
- dbr:Academy_of_Urban_Planning
- dbr:Alfred_E._Smith_Career_and_Technical_Education_High_School
- dbr:Flushing_High_School
- dbr:Forest_Hills_High_School_(New_York)
- dbr:Gregorio_Luperón_High_School_for_Math_&_Science
- dbr:High_School_of_Fashion_Industries
- dbr:International_High_School_(Queens)
- dbr:John_Adams_High_School_(Queens)
- dbr:Khalil_Gibran_International_Academy
- dbr:High_School_for_Public_Service:_Heroes_of_Tomorrow
- dbr:High_School_for_Writing_and_Communication_Arts
- dbr:Clara_Barton_High_School
- dbr:Michael_J._Petrides_School
- dbr:Midwood_High_School
- dbr:Newtown_High_School_(Queens)
- dbr:Ralph_R._McKee_CTE_High_School
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
- dbr:Public_School_250
- dbr:Quasi_Reid
- dbr:List_of_middle_schools_in_New_York_City
- dbr:Spectrum_Academy-_MS118
- dbr:Paulo_Intermediate_School_75
- dbr:Philippa_Schuyler_Middle_School
- dbr:East_Side_Middle_School
- dbr:Noelia_Echavarria
- dbr:Berta_A._Dreyfus_Intermediate_School_49
- dbr:Berta_A_Dreyfus_Intermediate_School_49
- dbr:Assist_Ambulance
- dbr:NYC_Department_of_Education
- dbr:Knowledge_and_Power_Preparatory_Academy_IV
- dbr:P.S./M.S._20
- dbr:PS_250
- dbr:Mark_Twain_Intermediate_School_239
- dbr:Mark_Twain_School_for_the_Gifted_and_Talented
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE_Region1
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE_Region10
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE_Region2
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE_Region3
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE_Region4
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE_Region5
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE_Region6
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE_Region7
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE_Region8
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE_Region9
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE_Region_1
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE_Region_10
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE_Region_2
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE_Region_3
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE_Region_4
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE_Region_5
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE_Region_6
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE_Region_7
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE_Region_8
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE_Region_9
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE_Regions
- dbr:New_York_City_Department_Of_Education
- dbr:New_York_City_public_school_system
- dbr:New_york_city_department_of_education
- dbr:Dreyfus_Intermediate_School
- dbr:Dreyfus_Intermediate_School_49
- dbr:JHS_104_Simon_Baruch
- dbr:I.S.228
- dbr:I.S.49
- dbr:I.S._239
- dbr:I.S._281_cavallaro
- dbr:Teaching_Opportunity_Program
- dbr:Teaching_Opportunity_Program_(TOP)
- dbr:New_York_City_Public_Schools
- dbr:City_School_District_of_the_City_of_New_York
- dbr:Simon_Baruch_Middle_School_104
- dbr:Academic_Leadership_Charter_School
- dbr:List_of_Schools_in_New_York_City_Department_of_Education
- dbr:Mark_Twain_I.S.239
- dbr:Mark_Twain_I.S._239
- dbr:Mark_Twain_Intermediate_School
- dbr:Mark_Twain_Intermediate_School_239_for_the_Gifted_&_Talented
- dbr:Mark_Twain_Intermediate_School_239_for_the_Gifted_and_Talented
- dbr:Mark_Twain_Junior_High_School
- dbr:Mark_twain_239
- dbr:Mark_twain_i.s._239
- dbr:Mark_twain_intermediate_school
- dbr:Mark_twain_is_239
- dbr:New_York_City_DOE
- dbr:New_York_City_School_District
- dbr:New_York_City_School_system
- dbr:New_York_City_Schools
- dbr:New_York_City_school_district
- dbr:New_York_City_schools
- dbr:New_York_Public_School_System
- dbr:New_York_Public_Schools
- dbr:New_York_public_schools
- dbr:Kappa_iv
- dbr:IS49
- dbr:IS_239
- dbr:IS_49
- dbr:Berta_Dreyfus_Intermediate_School
- dbr:Berta_Dreyfus_Intermediate_School_49
- dbr:M.S._104_Simon_Baruch
- dbr:Spectrum_Academy_at_MS_118
- dbr:Departamento_de_Educacion_de_la_Ciudad_de_Nueva_York
- dbr:Departamento_de_Educación_de_la_Ciudad_de_Nueva_York
- dbr:Department_of_Education_of_the_City_School_District_of_the_City_of_New_York
- dbr:Nathaniel_Hawthorne_Middle_School_74
- dbr:Nathaniel_Hawthrone_Middle_School_74
- dbr:The_Computer_School_NYC
- dbr:MS_104_Simon_Baruch
- dbr:NYCDE
- dbr:NYCDOE
- dbr:NYC_Dept._of_Ed.
- dbr:NYC_Public_Schools
- dbr:NY_city_public_schools
- dbr:NY_public_schools
- dbr:The_New_York_City_Department_Of_Education
- dbr:The_New_York_City_Department_of_Education
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Canarsie,_Brooklyn
- dbr:Carlina_Rivera
- dbr:Carmen_Fariña
- dbr:Caroline_Kennedy
- dbr:Carrie_Goldberg
- dbr:Carroll_Gardens,_Brooklyn
- dbr:Bayard_Rustin_Educational_Complex
- dbr:Beginning_of_human_personhood
- dbr:Prospect_Heights_High_School
- dbr:Public_School_250
- dbr:Public_School_39
- dbr:Putonghua_Proficiency_Test
- dbr:Quasi_Reid
- dbr:Queens
- dbr:Queens_Gateway_to_Health_Sciences_Secondary_School
- dbr:Queens_High_School_for_the_Sciences
- dbr:Queens_Metropolitan_High_School
- dbr:Queens_Technical_High_School
- dbr:Queens_Village,_Queens
- dbr:Quest_to_Learn
- dbr:Robert_Orlando
- dbr:Rockaway_Beach,_Queens
- dbr:Roland_G._Fryer_Jr.
- dbr:Ronald_Edmonds
- dbr:Roosevelt_Island
- dbr:Rosedale,_Queens
- dbr:Rossville,_Staten_Island
- dbr:Roy_Campanella_Occupational_Training_Center
- dbr:Rubber_Room_(Law_&_Order)
- dbr:Rudy_Crew
- dbr:Sarah_J._Garnet
- dbr:Sayu_Bhojwani
- dbr:School_band
- dbr:School_of_the_Future_(New_York_City)
- dbr:Michael_Mulgrew
- dbr:Tito_Muñoz
- dbr:Melva_L._Price
- dbr:Pathways_in_Technology_Early_College_High_School
- dbr:Sreyashi_Jhumki_Basu
- dbr:2013_New_York_City_mayoral_election
- dbr:2020_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Baruch_College
- dbr:Battery_Park_City
- dbr:Bay_Ridge,_Brooklyn
- dbr:Bay_Terrace,_Queens
- dbr:Bayside,_Queens
- dbr:Bayside_High_School_(Queens)
- dbr:Beach_Channel_High_School
- dbr:Belle_Harbor,_Queens
- dbr:Bellerose,_Queens
- dbr:Benjamin_Banneker_Academy
- dbr:Benjamin_N._Cardozo_High_School
- dbr:Bensonhurst,_Brooklyn
- dbr:Bill_Thompson_(New_York_politician)
- dbr:Bishop_Ford_Central_Catholic_High_School
- dbr:Bob_Marley
- dbr:Borough_Park,_Brooklyn
- dbr:Boys_and_Girls_High_School
- dbr:Brandy_Zadrozny
- dbr:Breezy_Point,_Queens
- dbr:Brighton_Beach
- dbr:David_C._Banks
- dbr:David_S._Rose
- dbr:David_Steiner_(academic)
- dbr:DeWitt_Clinton_High_School
- dbr:Dennis_Walcott
- dbr:Ali_Shama
- dbr:Andrew_Haswell_Green
- dbr:Arden_Heights,_Staten_Island
- dbr:Hollis,_Queens
- dbr:Hostos_Community_College
- dbr:Hubert_Thomas_Delany
- dbr:Hudson_Heights,_Manhattan
- dbr:Hunter_College
- dbr:Jonathan_Bing
- dbr:Juilliard_School
- dbr:Julissa_Reynoso_Pantaleón
- dbr:List_of_Fordham_University_alumni
- dbr:List_of_The_Affair_episodes
- dbr:Pelham_Bay_(neighborhood),_Bronx
- dbr:Rego_Park,_Queens
- dbr:Renaissance_Charter_School_(Queens)
- dbr:Richard_A._Carranza
- dbr:Richard_Ravitch
- dbr:Richmond_Hill,_Queens
- dbr:Richmond_Hill_High_School_(Queens)
- dbr:Ridgewood,_Queens
- dbr:Riverdale,_Bronx
- dbr:Riverdale_Kingsbridge_Academy
- dbr:Robert_F._Kennedy_Community_High_School
- dbr:Robert_K._Steel
- dbr:University_of_Bridgeport
- dbr:Upper_East_Side
- dbr:Upper_West_Side
- dbr:Urban_Academy_Laboratory_High_School
- dbr:Via_Transportation
- dbr:Vocational_education_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Defund_the_police
- dbr:Eagle_Academy_for_Young_Men
- dbr:East_New_York_Farms
- dbr:Incidents_at_Cedar_Fair_parks
- dbr:Innovation_Diploma_Plus_High_School
- dbr:InsideSchools
- dbr:Institute_of_Play
- dbr:J._D._Walsh_(coach)
- dbr:Jacqueline_Kennedy_Onassis_High_School_for_International_Careers
- dbr:Jaimie_Cloud
- dbr:Jamaica_Estates,_Queens
- dbr:James_A._McKinstry
- dbr:Jane_Addams_High_School_for_Academic_Careers
- dbr:List_of_middle_schools_in_New_York_City
- dbr:List_of_school_districts_in_New_York
- dbr:Spectrum_Academy-_MS118
- dbr:Timeline_of_disability_rights_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Paulo_Intermediate_School_75
- dbr:Zoombombing
- dbr:College_of_Staten_Island_High_School_for_International_Studies
- dbr:Columbia_Secondary_School
- dbr:Community_High_School_(Ann_Arbor,_Michigan)
- dbr:Concourse,_Bronx
- dbr:Coney_Island
- dbr:Country_Club,_Bronx
- dbr:Crotona_Park
- dbr:Crotona_Park_East,_Bronx
- dbr:Maspeth,_Queens
- dbr:Maurice_Edelbaum
- dbr:Mayor_of_New_York_City
- dbr:Meisha_Ross_Porter
- dbr:Saint_Charles_Preparatory_School
- dbr:Ellen_Louise_Demorest
- dbr:NoMad,_Manhattan
- dbr:New_York_City_Independent_Budget_Office
- dbr:New_Heights_Academy_Charter_School
- dbr:Sean_Grover
- dbr:Timeline_of_the_COVID-19_pandemic_in_New_York_City
- dbr:Zero-tolerance_policies_in_schools
- dbr:Christopher_Cerf_(school_administrator)
- dbr:Christopher_Columbus_High_School_(Bronx)
- dbr:City_Island,_Bronx
- dbr:City_University_of_New_York
- dbr:Climate_Museum
- dbr:Co-op_City,_Bronx
- dbr:Alexander_Jacob_Schem
- dbr:Edward_Fitzpatrick
- dbr:Edward_R._Murrow_High_School
- dbr:El_Museo_del_Barrio
- dbr:Eliot_Engel
- dbr:Frank_Lino
- dbr:Frank_McCourt
- dbr:Frank_Shifreen
- dbr:Franklin_Delano_Roosevelt_High_School_(New_York_City)
- dbr:Franklin_K._Lane_High_School
- dbr:Friends_Meetinghouse_and_School
- dbr:Fumio_Kishida
- dbr:GLSEN
- dbr:Gail_Reed-Barnett
- dbr:Gaynor_McCown_Expeditionary_Learning_School
- dbr:Gene_Taylor_(bassist)
- dbr:Grace_Hoadley_Dodge
- dbr:Boston_Public_Schools
- dbr:Boys_Choir_of_Harlem
- dbr:Brad_Friedmutter
- dbr:Miriam_Freund-Rosenthal
- dbr:Morningside_Heights
- dbr:Morris_High_School_(Bronx)
- dbr:Morris_Park,_Bronx
- dbr:Murray_Hill,_Manhattan
- dbr:Murry_Bergtraum_High_School
- dbr:Museum_of_the_City_of_New_York
- dbr:NEST+m
- dbr:Concord,_Staten_Island
- dbr:The_Leon_M._Goldstein_High_School_for_the_Sciences
- dbr:The_New_American_Academy
- dbr:The_Rubber_Room
- dbr:The_Young_Women's_Leadership_School_of_Queens
- dbr:Theodore_Roosevelt_High_School_(New_York_City)
- dbr:Third_Street_Music_School_Settlement
- dbr:Thomas_A._Edison_High_School_(Queens)
- dbr:Thomas_Jefferson_High_School_(Brooklyn)
- dbr:LGBT_culture_in_New_York_City
- dbr:Lafayette_High_School_(New_York_City)
- dbr:Martin_Luther_King_Jr._Educational_Campus
- dbr:Specialized_high_schools_in_New_York_City
- dbr:Organization_of_the_New_York_City_Police_Department
- dbr:Otis–Lennon_School_Ability_Test
- dbr:Philippa_Schuyler_Middle_School
- dbr:Andres_Alonso
- dbr:Long_Island
- dbr:Long_Island_City
- dbr:Long_Island_City_High_School
- dbr:Los_Angeles_Unified_School_District
- dbr:Lower_East_Side
- dbr:Lucille_Cole_Thomas
- dbr:Mad_Hot_Ballroom
- dbr:Magenta_Playground
- dbr:Manfred_Kirchheimer
- dbr:Manhattan
- dbr:Manhattan_Beach,_Brooklyn
- dbr:Manhattan_Village_Academy
- dbr:Manhattanville,_Manhattan
- dbr:Chinese_people_in_New_York_City
- dbr:Simon_Baruch
- dbr:SoHo,_Manhattan
- dbr:Stacey_Pheffer_Amato
- dbr:Stapleton,_Staten_Island
- dbr:Staten_Island
- dbr:Staten_Island_Technical_High_School
- dbr:Stuyvesant_High_School
- dbr:Stuyvesant_Town–Peter_Cooper_Village
- dbr:Success_Academy_Charter_Schools
- dbr:Columbia_Unbecoming_controversy
- dbr:Zoom_(software)
- dbr:Zorach_v._Clauson
- dbr:Empowerment_School
- dbr:February_1964
- dbr:Frank_Ballou
- dbr:Frank_Belknap_Long
- dbr:Frank_Mickens
- dbr:Frank_Sinatra_School_of_the_Arts
- dbr:Harriette_A._Keyser
- dbr:Joseph_Volpe_(opera_manager)
- dbr:Joshua_Prager_(doctor)
- dbr:Paul_Robeson_High_School_for_Business_and_Technology
- dbr:S'well
- dbr:South_Richmond_High_School
- dbr:Maspeth_High_School
- dbr:Mayoral_control_of_schools
- dbr:Mayoralty_of_Michael_Bloomberg
- dbr:Mayoralty_of_Rudy_Giuliani
- dbr:McKim,_Mead_&_White
- dbr:Sally_Childs
- dbr:2000_National_League_Championship_Series
- dbr:Baccalaureate_School_for_Global_Education
- dbr:Bard_High_School_Early_College
- dbr:Broad_Channel,_Queens
- dbr:Bronx_High_School_of_Science
- dbr:Brooklyn
- dbr:Brooklyn_Botanic_Garden
- dbr:Brooklyn_College_Academy
- dbr:Brooklyn_Technical_High_School
- dbr:Brownsville,_Brooklyn
- dbr:C._B._J._Snyder
- dbr:COVID-19_pandemic_in_New_York_City
- dbr:Adlai_E._Stevenson_High_School_(New_York_City)
- dbr:Cathie_Black
- dbr:Throggs_Neck
- dbr:Timeline_of_New_York_City
- dbr:Timothy_D._Bellavia
- dbr:Timothy_S._Healy
- dbr:Tony_De_Nonno
- dbr:Tottenville_High_School
- dbr:Townsend_Harris
- dbr:Townsend_Harris_High_School
- dbr:Tracey_Collins
- dbr:Tribeca
- dbr:Turtle_Bay,_Manhattan
- dbr:Tweed_Courthouse
- dbr:WCLV
- dbr:WNYE-TV
- dbr:Walton_High_School_(Bronx)
- dbr:Washington_Heights,_Manhattan
- dbr:Washington_Irving_Campus
- dbr:Welcome_to_New_York_(song)
- dbr:West_New_Brighton,_Staten_Island
- dbr:Whitestone,_Queens
- dbr:William_E._Dodge_Jr.
- dbr:William_E._Grady_CTE_High_School
- dbr:William_Howard_Taft_High_School_(New_York_City)
- dbr:Williamsburg,_Brooklyn
- dbr:Williamsburg_High_School_for_Architecture_and_Design
- dbr:Drivotrainer
- dbr:Gamification
- dbr:Harvey_Milk_High_School
- dbr:East_Side_Middle_School
- dbr:Jon_Carsman
- dbr:Julia_Richman_Education_Complex
- dbr:Katherine_Oliver
- dbr:Learning_Leaders
- dbr:List_of_Columbia_College_people
- dbr:Notify_NYC
- dbr:2015_San_Bernardino_attack
- dbr:26_Broadway
- dbr:47_The_American_Sign_Language_and_English_Secondary_School
- dbr:Abraham_Lincoln_High_School_(Brooklyn)
- dbr:Academy_for_Excellence_in_Leadership
- dbr:Academy_of_Urban_Planning
- dbr:Administrative_divisions_of_New_York_(state)
- dbr:Albert_Vann
- dbr:Alberto_M._Carvalho
- dbr:Alfred_E._Smith_Career_and_Technical_Education_High_School
- dbr:Ali_Gates
- dbr:Allerton,_Bronx
- dbr:Alvin_E._Roth
- dbr:American_Federation_of_School_Administrators
- dbr:Amplify_(company)
- dbr:Curtis_Granderson
- dbr:Curtis_High_School
- dbr:Downtown_Brooklyn
- dbr:East_Elmhurst,_Queens
- dbr:East_Harlem
is dbp:authority of
is dbp:department of
is dbp:district of
- dbr:Queens_Technical_High_School
- dbr:Quest_to_Learn
- dbr:Riverdale_Kingsbridge_Academy
- dbr:Robert_F._Kennedy_Community_High_School
- dbr:Urban_Academy_Laboratory_High_School
- dbr:Morris_High_School_(Bronx)
- dbr:Theodore_Roosevelt_High_School_(New_York_City)
- dbr:Stuyvesant_High_School
- dbr:Bronx_High_School_of_Science
- dbr:Adlai_E._Stevenson_High_School_(New_York_City)
- dbr:47_The_American_Sign_Language_and_English_Secondary_School
- dbr:Far_Rockaway_High_School
- dbr:Brooklyn_Academy_of_Science_and_the_Environment
- dbr:Herman_Ridder_Junior_High_School
- dbr:The_Beacon_School
- dbr:The_Kurt_Hahn_Expeditionary_Learning_School
- dbr:John_Bowne_High_School
- dbr:Information_Technology_High_School
- dbr:Rachel_Carson_High_School_for_Coastal_Studies
is dbp:oversight of
- dbr:Christopher_Columbus_High_School_(Bronx)
- dbr:Baccalaureate_School_for_Global_Education
- dbr:Williamsburg_High_School_for_Architecture_and_Design
- dbr:High_School_of_Art_and_Design
- dbr:The_Clinton_School
is dbp:parentDepartment of
is dbp:schoolBoard of
is dbp:schoolboard of
- dbr:Queens_Metropolitan_High_School
- dbr:Bayside_High_School_(Queens)
- dbr:Boys_and_Girls_High_School
- dbr:College_of_Staten_Island_High_School_for_International_Studies
- dbr:Franklin_K._Lane_High_School
- dbr:Gaynor_McCown_Expeditionary_Learning_School
- dbr:Murry_Bergtraum_High_School
- dbr:NEST+m
- dbr:Thomas_A._Edison_High_School_(Queens)
- dbr:Long_Island_City_High_School
- dbr:Staten_Island_Technical_High_School
- dbr:Brooklyn_Technical_High_School
- dbr:Academy_for_Excellence_in_Leadership
- dbr:Academy_of_Urban_Planning
- dbr:Alfred_E._Smith_Career_and_Technical_Education_High_School
- dbr:Flushing_High_School
- dbr:Forest_Hills_High_School_(New_York)
- dbr:Gregorio_Luperón_High_School_for_Math_&_Science
- dbr:High_School_of_Fashion_Industries
- dbr:International_High_School_(Queens)
- dbr:John_Adams_High_School_(Queens)
- dbr:Khalil_Gibran_International_Academy
- dbr:High_School_for_Public_Service:_Heroes_of_Tomorrow
- dbr:High_School_for_Writing_and_Communication_Arts
- dbr:Clara_Barton_High_School
- dbr:Michael_J._Petrides_School
- dbr:Midwood_High_School
- dbr:Newtown_High_School_(Queens)
- dbr:Ralph_R._McKee_CTE_High_School
is dbp:testAdmin of
is foaf:primaryTopic of