République-class battleship (original) (raw)
- 135250.0
- Třída République byla třída predreadnoughtů francouzského námořnictva. Celkem byly postaveny dvě jednotky této třídy. Ve službě byly v letech 1906–1928. Účastnily se první světové války. (cs)
- The République class consisted of a pair of pre-dreadnought battleships—République, the lead ship, and Patrie—built for the French Navy in the early 1900s. They were ordered as part of a naval expansion program directed at countering German warship construction authorized by the German Naval Law of 1898. The French program called for six new battleships; the last four became the very similar Liberté class. République and Patrie, designed by Louis-Émile Bertin, were a significant improvement over previous French battleships. They carried a similar offensive armament of four 305 mm (12 in) guns and eighteen 164 mm (6.5 in) guns, though most of the 164 mm guns were now mounted in more flexible gun turrets rather than in casemates. They also had a much more effective armor protection arrangement that remedied the tendency of earlier battleships to lose stability from relatively minor damage. Both ships entered service with the fleet in 1907, after the revolutionary British battleship HMS Dreadnought had been commissioned into the Royal Navy and made all existing battleships obsolescent. They nevertheless served as front-line units in the French fleet for most of their careers, well into World War I. Their peacetime careers were largely uneventful, consisting of a normal routine of training exercises, visits to French and foreign ports, and naval reviews for French politicians and foreign dignitaries. At the outbreak of war in August 1914, the ships escorted troop ship convoys carrying units of the French Army from French North Africa to France before joining the rest of the main fleet to seek battle with the Austro-Hungarian Navy; this resulted in the minor Battle of Antivari in September, where the French battle fleet caught and sank the Austro-Hungarian cruiser SMS Zenta. The fleet thereafter patrolled the southern end of the Adriatic Sea until repeated attacks from Austro-Hungarian U-boats forced them to withdraw. Patrie was transferred to the Gallipoli campaign in May 1915 and République joined her there in January 1916 to cover the Allied evacuation from the Gallipoli Peninsula. The two ships thereafter became involved in Greece, where they assisted a coup against the neutral but pro-German government that ultimately led to Greece's entry into the war on the side of the Allies. République and Patrie were then sent to Mudros, but they saw no further action during the war. In January 1918, République had two of her 305 mm guns removed for use by the army and was converted into a training ship. After the war ended, Patrie was similarly converted for training purposes. République was decommissioned in 1921 and broken up in Italy, but Patrie lingered on in her training role until 1936, when she was decommissioned. She was sold for scrap the following year. (en)
- La Classe République est une classe de cuirassés de type pré-Dreadnought de la marine française construite tout au début du XXe siècle. (fr)
- レピュブリク級戦艦 (République classe) は、フランス海軍の前弩級戦艦、フランス海軍の呼称では艦隊装甲艦に類別される。2隻が建造された。 (ja)
- A Classe République foi uma classe de couraçados operada pela Marinha Nacional Francesa, composta pelo République e Patrie. Suas construções começaram em 1901 e 1902 nos estaleiros do Arsenal de Brest e Forges et Chantiers de la Méditerranée e foram lançados ao mar em 1902 e 1903, entrando em serviço na frota francesa em 1907. A classe foi encomendada como parte de um programa de expansão naval francês que tinha intenção de fazer frente à expansão naval da Marinha Imperial Alemã. Os franceses queriam construir seis novos couraçados, porém os quatro últimos passaram por algumas modificações de projeto e tornaram-se a sucessora Classe Liberté. Os dois couraçados da Classe République eram armados com uma bateria principal composta por quatro canhões de 305 milímetros montados em duas torres de artilharia duplas. Tinham um comprimento de fora a fora de 135 metros, boca de 24 metros, calado de pouco mais de oito metros e um deslocamento carregado de mais de catorze mil toneladas. Seus sistemas de propulsão eram compostos por 24 caldeiras a carvão que alimentavam três motores de tripla-expansão, que por sua vez giravam três hélices até uma velocidade máxima de dezoito nós (33 quilômetros por hora). Os navios também tinham um cinturão de blindagem que tinha 280 milímetros de espessura. Os navios serviram no Mar Mediterrâneo e tiveram uma carreira em tempos de paz relativamente transquila. Com o início da Primeira Guerra Mundial, eles escoltaram comboios de tropas do Norte da África e então envolveram-se na Batalha de Antivari. Depois disso participaram da Campanha de Galípoli e em seguida colocados nos esforços Aliados para forçar a entrada da Grécia na guerra. O République foi desarmado em 1918 e transformado em um navio-escola, enquanto o Patrie teve o mesmo destino em 1919. O République foi desmontado em 1921, mas o Patrie foi mantido para propósitos de treinamento até 1936, quando foi descomissionado em desmontado no ano seguinte. (pt)
- Броненосцы типа «Републик» (фр. Classe République) — серия французских эскадренных броненосцев периода 1900-х годов. Иногда назывались броненосцами типа «Патри». Всего в 1902—1906 годах было построено два броненосца, проект которых лёг в основу последующих броненосцев типа «Демократи». К началу Первой мировой войны оставались в строю и активно использовались в боевых действиях на Средиземном море, в частности, в Дарданелльской операции. Пережили войну. После окончания войны оба линкора переведены в ранг учебных судов. (ru)
- 共和级戰艦(英語:République-class)是法國海軍於1890年代初期所建造的前無畏艦,總共由2艘艦組成,分別為共和號與祖國號。本級艦屬於《1900年艦隊法案》的其中一部分,主要是針對德意志帝國於1898年生效的《1898年海軍法》做回應。建造法案允許法國海軍建造6艘新戰艦,不過後4艘獨立出來並列入自由級戰艦。軍艦設計者為法國著名的設計師白勞易,他在設計上改進早期法國戰艦許多缺失。在武器配備上,共和级戰艦配備4門在2座雙聯裝砲塔內,以及18門當作次要武器,多數次要武器被配置在較靈活運作的砲塔內,並受到更有效地裝甲保護 降低早期戰艦在相對輕微的破壞中即失去穩定性的狀況。在其他性能諸元上,本級艦水線裝甲帶最大厚度為280毫米(11.0英寸),排水量落在14,605公噸(14,374長噸),最大航速可達19節(35公里每小時;22英里每小時)。 當2艦陸續於1907年服役時,英國劃時代的無畏號戰艦早已服役於皇家海軍,盡管相比之下本級艦明顯過時,但在多數時間仍在法國艦隊中擔任主力艦隊,直到第一次世界大戰後期為止。在整個服役生涯期間,共和號與祖國號一直隸屬於,和平時期基本上較為平靜無事,常駐的任務包括例行訓練、訪問各個法國或外國港口、以及參與由法國政客或外國政要所舉行的典禮。當第一次世界大戰於1914年爆發後,本級艦被指派前往護航往來於法屬北非及法國本土間的艦隊,接著與主力艦隊前往亞得里亞海與奧匈帝國海軍作戰。1914年9月的期間,2艦在海戰中協助法軍艦隊擊沉奧匈帝國海軍的。 隨後2艦協助聯軍封鎖亞得里亞海南方海域的奧特朗托海峽,阻止奧匈帝國海軍突破地中海防線,但在遭到奧匈帝國的U型潛艇多次襲擊後,為了減少損害而撤離至科孚島和馬爾他等地。祖國號接下來於1915年5月轉移至達達尼爾海峽支援加里波利之戰中的聯軍部隊,而共和號也在1916年1月轉移至該處海域,掩護準備從加里波利半島撤軍的部隊。2艦接著支援聯軍在希臘薩洛尼卡及其它地方的軍事行動,迫使希臘原本中立且親德的政府倒台,新政府成立後立刻加入協約國陣營,並同意聯軍在馬其頓開啟新戰線。在戰爭最後數個歲月裡,2艦在穆茲羅斯度過。首艦共和號於1918年1月將2門305毫米(12.0英寸)口徑主炮拆卸下來轉移給陸軍後改為訓練艦,接著於1920年解除武裝,並在1921年除籍,同時賣給義大利拆船廠。祖國號則留在土倫擔任訓練艦,直至1926年才退役,並在1928年出售拆解。 (zh)
- 135.250000 (xsd:double)
- 24.250000 (xsd:double)
- 8.200000 (xsd:double)
- 33.336000 (xsd:double)
- 14466100 (xsd:integer)
- 35552 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 1114677523 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:Canon_de_164_mm_Modèle_1893
- dbr:Canon_de_305_mm_Modèle_1893/96_gun
- dbr:Canon_de_65_mm_Modèle_1891
- dbr:Ampere
- dbr:Beam_(nautical)
- dbr:President_of_France
- dbr:QF_3-pounder_Hotchkiss
- dbr:Royal_Navy
- dbr:Scrap
- dbr:Brassey's_Naval_Annual
- dbr:Electric_generator
- dbr:Naval_mine
- dbr:Barracks_ship
- dbr:Battle_of_Antivari
- dbr:Battlecruiser
- dbr:Battleship
- dbr:Battleship_secondary_armament
- dbr:Belt_armor
- dbr:Bow_(ship)
- dbr:Deck_(ship)
- dbr:July_Crisis
- dbr:List_of_Naval_Ministers_of_France
- dbr:Villefranche-sur-Mer
- dbr:Captain's_gig
- dbr:Pre-dreadnought_battleship
- dbr:Société_Nouvelle_des_Forges_et_Chantiers_de_la_Méditerranée
- dbr:Pre-dreadnought
- dbr:Constantine_I_of_Greece
- dbr:Constantinople
- dbr:Corfu
- dbr:Mediterranean_Sea
- dbr:Sailing
- dbr:French_Army
- dbr:French_Navy
- dbr:Gallipoli_campaign
- dbr:German_Empire
- dbr:Conning_tower
- dbr:Convoy
- dbc:République-class_battleships
- dbr:Fighting_top
- dbr:Torpedo_tube
- dbr:Anti-aircraft_gun
- dbr:Louis-Émile_Bertin
- dbr:Malta_(island)
- dbr:Ship_commissioning
- dbr:Suez_Canal
- dbr:Commander-in-Chief,_Mediterranean_(France)
- dbr:Full-load_displacement
- dbr:Funnel_(ship)
- dbr:Main_battery
- dbr:Pinnace_(ship's_boat)
- dbr:Stem_(ship)
- dbr:Stern
- dbr:Strake
- dbr:Superstructure
- dbr:Torpedo_boat
- dbr:Muzzle_velocity
- dbr:Austria-Hungary
- dbr:Austro-Hungarian_Navy
- dbr:Admiral
- dbc:Battleship_classes
- dbr:Ceremonial_ship_launching
- dbr:Toulon
- dbr:Triple-expansion_steam_engine
- dbr:Displacement_(ship)
- dbr:Draft_(hull)
- dbr:File:Battleship_Republique_illustration.png
- dbr:Whaleboat
- dbr:Adriatic_Sea
- dbr:Alfred_von_Tirpitz
- dbr:Algiers
- dbr:Allied_intervention_in_the_Russian_Civil_War
- dbr:Cutter_(boat)
- dbr:Dardanelles
- dbr:Dreadnought_battleship
- dbr:File:Battleship_Republique_at_full_speed.png
- dbr:First_Moroccan_Crisis
- dbr:Anglo-German_naval_arms_race
- dbr:Barbette
- dbr:Amidships
- dbr:Bridge_(nautical)
- dbr:Bronze
- dbr:Niclausse_boiler
- dbr:Ottoman_Empire
- dbr:Dinghy
- dbr:Forecastle
- dbr:German_Naval_Laws
- dbr:Golfe-Juan
- dbr:U-boat
- dbr:Length_between_perpendiculars
- dbr:Length_overall
- dbr:Schneider-Creusot
- dbr:Propeller
- dbr:Punt_(boat)
- dbr:Rate_of_fire
- dbr:Armor-piercing_shell
- dbr:Assassination_of_Archduke_Franz_Ferdinand
- dbc:Ship_classes_of_the_French_Navy
- dbr:Lead_ship
- dbr:Bilge_keel
- dbr:Cofferdam
- dbr:Jean_Marie_Antoine_de_Lanessan
- dbr:Teak
- dbr:Buff_(colour)
- dbr:Bulkhead_(partition)
- dbr:French_North_Africa
- dbr:Hull_(watercraft)
- dbr:Influenza
- dbr:Kingdom_of_Greece
- dbr:Metropolitan_France
- dbr:Mild_steel
- dbr:Casemate
- dbr:Rangefinding_telemeter
- dbr:World_War_I
- dbr:Protected_cruiser
- dbr:Mast_(sailing)
- dbr:Warhead
- dbr:Charthouse
- dbr:Gun_shield
- dbr:Gun_turret
- dbr:Waterline
- dbr:Gallipoli_Peninsula
- dbr:Fire_room
- dbr:Flagship
- dbr:Naval_gunfire_support
- dbr:Naval_review
- dbr:Training_ship
- dbr:Krupp_cemented_armor
- dbr:Broken_up
- dbr:Watertight_compartment
- dbr:Barr_&_Stroud
- dbr:Arsenal_de_Brest
- dbr:Naval_register
- dbr:Laid_down
- dbr:Length_at_the_waterline
- dbr:Ship_breaker
- dbr:Mobilized
- dbr:Screw_propeller
- dbr:Mudros
- dbr:Troop_ship
- dbr:Wing_turret
- dbr:File:Armor_plate_from_the_Liberty_after_explosion.JPG
- dbr:File:FMIB_37085_Cuirasse_d'Escadre_Republique,_en_rade_de_Toulon.jpeg
- dbr:File:République_class_diagrams_Brasseys_1906.jpg
- 1901 (xsd:integer)
- 1907 (xsd:integer)
- République class (en)
- * 4 × Modèle 1893/96 guns * 18 × Modèle 1896 guns * 13 × Modèle 1902 guns * 8 × guns * 2 × torpedo tubes (en)
- * Belt: * Primary turrets: * Secondary turrets: * Conning tower: * Upper deck: * Lower deck: (en)
- * 32 officers * 710 enlisted men (en)
- loa (en)
- * 24 × Niclausse boilers * (en)
- *3 × triple-expansion steam engines *3 × screw propellers (en)
- at (en)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- dbt:'
- dbt:Cite_book
- dbt:Cite_journal
- dbt:Commons_category
- dbt:Convert
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- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:SMS
- dbt:Sclass
- dbt:Sfn
- dbt:Ship
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:Navy
- dbt:SfnRef
- dbt:République_class_battleship
- dbt:French_battleships
- dbt:WWI_French_ships
- owl:Thing
- dbo:Place
- schema:Product
- dbo:MeanOfTransportation
- wikidata:Q11446
- yago:WikicatBattleshipClasses
- yago:Abstraction100002137
- yago:Class107997703
- yago:Cognition100023271
- yago:Collection107951464
- yago:Communication100033020
- yago:Concept105835747
- yago:Content105809192
- yago:Feature105849789
- yago:Group100031264
- yago:Idea105833840
- yago:Image105928118
- yago:Message106598915
- yago:Overview106469223
- yago:Property105849040
- yago:PsychologicalFeature100023100
- yago:Representation105926676
- dbo:Ship
- yago:Statement106722453
- yago:Summary106467007
- Třída République byla třída predreadnoughtů francouzského námořnictva. Celkem byly postaveny dvě jednotky této třídy. Ve službě byly v letech 1906–1928. Účastnily se první světové války. (cs)
- La Classe République est une classe de cuirassés de type pré-Dreadnought de la marine française construite tout au début du XXe siècle. (fr)
- レピュブリク級戦艦 (République classe) は、フランス海軍の前弩級戦艦、フランス海軍の呼称では艦隊装甲艦に類別される。2隻が建造された。 (ja)
- Броненосцы типа «Републик» (фр. Classe République) — серия французских эскадренных броненосцев периода 1900-х годов. Иногда назывались броненосцами типа «Патри». Всего в 1902—1906 годах было построено два броненосца, проект которых лёг в основу последующих броненосцев типа «Демократи». К началу Первой мировой войны оставались в строю и активно использовались в боевых действиях на Средиземном море, в частности, в Дарданелльской операции. Пережили войну. После окончания войны оба линкора переведены в ранг учебных судов. (ru)
- The République class consisted of a pair of pre-dreadnought battleships—République, the lead ship, and Patrie—built for the French Navy in the early 1900s. They were ordered as part of a naval expansion program directed at countering German warship construction authorized by the German Naval Law of 1898. The French program called for six new battleships; the last four became the very similar Liberté class. République and Patrie, designed by Louis-Émile Bertin, were a significant improvement over previous French battleships. They carried a similar offensive armament of four 305 mm (12 in) guns and eighteen 164 mm (6.5 in) guns, though most of the 164 mm guns were now mounted in more flexible gun turrets rather than in casemates. They also had a much more effective armor protection arrangem (en)
- A Classe République foi uma classe de couraçados operada pela Marinha Nacional Francesa, composta pelo République e Patrie. Suas construções começaram em 1901 e 1902 nos estaleiros do Arsenal de Brest e Forges et Chantiers de la Méditerranée e foram lançados ao mar em 1902 e 1903, entrando em serviço na frota francesa em 1907. A classe foi encomendada como parte de um programa de expansão naval francês que tinha intenção de fazer frente à expansão naval da Marinha Imperial Alemã. Os franceses queriam construir seis novos couraçados, porém os quatro últimos passaram por algumas modificações de projeto e tornaram-se a sucessora Classe Liberté. (pt)
- 共和级戰艦(英語:République-class)是法國海軍於1890年代初期所建造的前無畏艦,總共由2艘艦組成,分別為共和號與祖國號。本級艦屬於《1900年艦隊法案》的其中一部分,主要是針對德意志帝國於1898年生效的《1898年海軍法》做回應。建造法案允許法國海軍建造6艘新戰艦,不過後4艘獨立出來並列入自由級戰艦。軍艦設計者為法國著名的設計師白勞易,他在設計上改進早期法國戰艦許多缺失。在武器配備上,共和级戰艦配備4門在2座雙聯裝砲塔內,以及18門當作次要武器,多數次要武器被配置在較靈活運作的砲塔內,並受到更有效地裝甲保護 降低早期戰艦在相對輕微的破壞中即失去穩定性的狀況。在其他性能諸元上,本級艦水線裝甲帶最大厚度為280毫米(11.0英寸),排水量落在14,605公噸(14,374長噸),最大航速可達19節(35公里每小時;22英里每小時)。 (zh)
- Třída République (cs)
- Classe République (fr)
- レピュブリク級戦艦 (ja)
- République-class battleship (en)
- Classe République (pt)
- Броненосцы типа «Републик» (ru)
- 共和級戰艦 (zh)
- freebase:République-class battleship
- wikidata:République-class battleship
- dbpedia-cs:République-class battleship
- dbpedia-fa:République-class battleship
- dbpedia-fi:République-class battleship
- dbpedia-fr:République-class battleship
- dbpedia-ja:République-class battleship
- dbpedia-pt:République-class battleship
- dbpedia-ru:République-class battleship
- dbpedia-zh:République-class battleship
- https://global.dbpedia.org/id/2DgUD
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Patrie-Bougault-img_3133.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/République_class_diagrams_Brasseys_1906.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Armor_plate_from_the_Liberty_after_explosion.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Battleship_Republique_at_full_speed.png
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Battleship_Republique_illustration.png
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/FMIB_37085_Cuirasse_d...re_Republique,_en_rade_de_Toulon.jpeg
is dbo:wikiPageDisambiguates of
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Canon_de_164_mm_Modèle_1893
- dbr:Canon_de_305_mm_Modèle_1893/96_gun
- dbr:Canon_de_305_modèle_1893/96_à_glissement
- dbr:Canon_de_305_modèle_93/96_TAZ
- dbr:République
- dbr:List_of_shipwrecks_of_Europe
- dbr:Republique-class_battleship
- dbr:Republique_class_battleship
- dbr:République_class_battleship
is foaf:primaryTopic of