Red Purge (original) (raw)
- Red Purge (japanisch レッドパージ, Reddo pāji, dt. „rote Säuberung“) war eine politische Säuberung gegen die Kommunistische Partei Japans im Jahre 1950. Auf Anweisung des Oberkommandierenden MacArthur des GHQ/SCAP wurden die Mitglieder und Sympathisanten der kommunistischen Partei, aus öffentlichen Ämtern oder Privatunternehmen nach und nach entlassen. Mehr als zehntausend Personen verloren ihren Arbeitsplatz. (de)
- The Red Purge (Japanese: レッドパージ; reddo pāji) was an anticommunist movement in occupied Japan from the late 1940s to the early 1950s. Carried out by the Japanese government and private corporations with the aid and encouragement of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP), the Red Purge saw tens of thousands of alleged members, supporters, or sympathizers of left-wing groups, especially those said to be affiliated with the Japanese Communist Party, removed from their jobs in government, the private sector, universities, and schools. The Red Purge emerged from rising Cold War tensions and the Red Scare after World War II, and was a significant element within a broader "Reverse Course" in Occupation policies. The Red Purge reached a peak following the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950, began to ease after General Douglas MacArthur was replaced as commander of the Occupation by General Matthew Ridgway in 1951, and came to a final conclusion with the end of the Occupation in 1952. (en)
- レッドパージ(英: red purge、レッド・パージと表記されることもある)は、連合国軍占領下の日本において、連合国軍最高司令官総司令部(GHQ/SCAP)総司令官ダグラス・マッカーサーの指令により、日本共産党員とシンパ(同調者)が公職追放された動きに関連して、その前後の期間に、公務員や民間企業において、「日本共産党員とその支持者」とした人々を解雇した動きを指す。1万を超える人々が失職した。「赤狩り」とも呼ばれた。 (ja)
- 레드 퍼지(영어: Red Purge, 일본어: レッドパージ)는 연합군 점령하 일본에서 더글러스 맥아더 연합군 최고사령부(GHQ) 총사령관의 지령에 의해 일본공산당 소속 당원이나 동조자를 공공기관이나 민간기업에서 해고한 움직임을 말한다. (ko)
- 赤色清洗(英語:Red Purge,日语:レッドパージ),又译赤色整肃,指的是盟军占领日本时期驻日盟军总司令部发动的一场对日本共产党进行清洗的运动。 第二次世界大战结束以后,驻日盟军总司令部在日本推行民主化改革进程,日本共产党取得合法政党的地位,并迅速扩张。当时日本社会矛盾很激烈,也为共产主义的发展提供了温床。这使驻日盟军总司令部非常担忧。1949年7月19日,新潟大学成立,驻日盟军总司令部民間情報教育局的顾问Walter Crosby Eells前去发表贺词,即。在贺词中首次提出应该把大学中宣扬共产主义的教授全部解职。随后,学校将宣扬共产主义的教授解职,各地小、中、高校被解职的人数约2000人。9月,日本基于新制定的国家公务员法,下达人事院规则,禁止国立大学教职人员参与政治运动。东京帝国大学总长南原繁表示反对,全国大学教授联合、日本学术会议等机构也都表示反对。日本共产党以“反爱尔斯声明、反帝国主义”为口号,号召各地人士进行示威游行,反对此声明。 1950年5月3日,驻日盟军最高总司令麦克阿瑟警告共产主义阵营可能会侵略日本,对日共进行非难,在不同场合暗示要让日共成为非法政党。5月30日,日共组织其支持者5万多名,占领东京的皇居前广场表示抗议,是为。警方来到了广场,与示威人士产生冲突。6月1日,日共唆使示威学生向警方投掷石块。翌日,日本颁布首都禁止集会、示威的命令。随后逮捕数人,将事件平息。 由于人民广场事件的影响,驻日盟军总司令部决定对日共展开清洗。6月6日,麦克阿瑟指责日共是“民主主义的破坏者”,将日共中央委员德田球一等24人全部解除公职,翌日,又把《赤旗报》的所有编辑干部都解除公职,并将《赤旗报》取缔。7月,以违反《》为由对9名日共干部发出逮捕令。此后日共转入地下活动,不少人逃亡到中华人民共和国,组建北京机关。9月,日本内阁决定解除报道机关、官公厅、教育机关以及大企业中共产主义雇员的职务。 共产党和工人党情报局严厉批判日共实践的和平革命理论。此后日共分裂为以德田球一为首的所感派和以宫本显治为首的国际派。而在同年6月25日爆发的朝鲜战争,也给予驻日盟军总司令部“共产主义威胁论”以口实。 (zh)
- 68188873 (xsd:integer)
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- dbr:President_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Sanzō_Nosaka
- dbc:Occupied_Japan
- dbr:Democratic_Party_(Japan,_1947)
- dbr:Anti-imperialism
- dbc:Anti-communism_in_Japan
- dbr:Joseph_Dodge
- dbr:People's_Daily
- dbr:Retreat_of_the_Government_of_the_Republic_of_China_to_Taiwan
- dbr:Retreat_of_the_government_of_the_Republic_of_China_to_Taiwan
- dbr:United_Kingdom
- dbr:United_States
- dbr:United_States_Department_of_State
- dbr:University_of_California_Press
- dbr:Decommunization
- dbc:Political_and_cultural_purges
- dbr:Cominform
- dbr:Comintern
- dbr:Constitution_of_Japan
- dbc:Cold_War_terminology
- dbr:Matthew_Ridgway
- dbr:Cold_War
- dbr:Eighth_United_States_Army
- dbr:Freedom_of_speech
- dbr:French_Fourth_Republic
- dbr:Fundamental_Law_of_Education
- dbr:Mitaka_incident
- dbr:NHK
- dbr:1947_Japanese_general_election
- dbr:1949_Japanese_general_election
- dbr:Anticommunist
- dbr:Stanford_University
- dbr:Zengakuren
- dbr:Party_line_(politics)
- dbr:Mainichi_Shimbun
- dbc:Politics_of_Post-war_Japan
- dbr:Buffer_stop
- dbr:Tokyo_Imperial_Palace
- dbr:Trade_unions
- dbr:Treaty_of_San_Francisco
- dbr:Truman_doctrine
- dbr:Dodge_Line
- dbr:Katayama_Cabinet
- dbr:63_series
- dbr:Allied_Occupation_of_Japan
- dbr:Allies_of_World_War_II
- dbc:Japanese_Communist_Party
- dbc:Political_repression_in_Japan
- dbr:February_1_General_Strike
- dbr:Niigata_University
- dbr:Nonviolent_revolution
- dbr:Disarmament
- dbr:Far_Eastern_Commission
- dbr:For_a_Lasting_Peace,_for_a_People's_Democracy!
- dbr:History_of_Education_Quarterly
- dbr:File:Mamoru_Shigemitsu_signs_the_Instr...ially_ending_the_Second_World_War.jpg
- dbr:Potsdam_Declaration
- dbr:Purge_(occupied_Japan)
- dbr:Harry_S._Truman
- dbr:Iwaki,_Fukushima
- dbr:Japan
- dbr:Japanese_Communist_Party
- dbr:Japanese_National_Railways
- dbr:Japanese_language
- dbr:Japanese_nationalism
- dbr:Tetsu_Katayama
- dbr:Jiichirō_Matsumoto
- dbr:Asahi_Shimbun
- dbr:Asian_Survey
- dbr:Chinese_Civil_War
- dbr:Chinese_Communist_Party
- dbr:Bloody_May_Day
- dbc:Labour_movement_in_Japan
- dbr:Supreme_Court_of_Japan
- dbr:Taft–Hartley_Act
- dbr:Collective_bargaining
- dbr:World_Politics
- dbr:Pacific_Affairs
- dbr:Red_Scare_in_Japan
- dbr:Relations_between_Japanese_revolutionaries,_the_Comintern_and_the_Soviet_Union
- dbr:Douglas_MacArthur
- dbr:Austerity
- dbr:Marxism
- dbr:South_Korea
- dbr:Soviet_Union
- dbr:Korean_People's_Army
- dbr:Korean_War
- dbr:Koreans_in_Japan
- dbr:Kyuichi_Tokuda
- dbr:Occupation_of_Japan
- dbr:Red_Scare
- dbr:Shigeru_Yoshida
- dbr:Shimbun_Akahata
- dbr:Marxian_economics
- dbr:Matsukawa_derailment
- dbr:McCarthyism
- dbr:Supreme_Commander_for_the_Allied_Powers
- dbr:Zaibatsu
- dbr:Shimoyama_incident
- dbr:Social_Science_Japan_Journal
- dbr:The_Journal_of_Asian_Studies
- dbr:Mountain_Village_Operation_Units
- dbr:Political_dissidence_in_the_Empire_of_Japan
- dbr:Reverse_Course
- dbr:Sanbetsu
- dbr:Ultranationalist
- dbr:Imperial_Japan
- dbr:War_criminals
- dbr:Wildcat_strikes
- dbr:George_Kennan
- dbr:Kitasenju_Station
- dbr:File:Tokuda_Nosaka_Shiga.JPG
- dbr:File:Release_of_Communist.JPG
- dbr:File:17th_Labor_Day_in_Japan.jpg
- dbr:File:2.1_general_strike.jpg
- dbr:File:Hanshin_Educational_Incident.JPG
- dbr:File:Taira_Incident.JPG
- dbr:File:反イールズ声明デモ.jpg
- dbr:File:反レッドパージデモ.jpg
- dbr:File:Hayato_Ikeda_meets_Joseph_Dodge.jpg
- Kingston (en)
- Gordon (en)
- Kim (en)
- Kramer (en)
- Sugita (en)
- Takemae (en)
- Kumano (en)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- 3 (xsd:integer)
- 4 (xsd:integer)
- 5 (xsd:integer)
- 7 (xsd:integer)
- 12 (xsd:integer)
- 156 (xsd:integer)
- 275 (xsd:integer)
- 319 (xsd:integer)
- 320 (xsd:integer)
- 331 (xsd:integer)
- 458 (xsd:integer)
- 471 (xsd:integer)
- 513 (xsd:integer)
- 515 (xsd:integer)
- 517 (xsd:integer)
- 1976 (xsd:integer)
- 1993 (xsd:integer)
- 2002 (xsd:integer)
- 2005 (xsd:integer)
- 2010 (xsd:integer)
- 2011 (xsd:integer)
- 2021 (xsd:integer)
- Gordon (en)
- Kramer (en)
- Finn (en)
- Totten (en)
- Garon (en)
- Dower (en)
- Tetsuo (en)
- Kumano (en)
- 1 (xsd:integer)
- 2 (xsd:integer)
- 37 (xsd:integer)
- 157 (xsd:integer)
- 230 (xsd:integer)
- 384 (xsd:integer)
- 450 (xsd:integer)
- 515 (xsd:integer)
- 516 (xsd:integer)
- 520 (xsd:integer)
- 535 (xsd:integer)
- 14 (xsd:integer)
- 39 (xsd:integer)
- 1973 (xsd:integer)
- 1984 (xsd:integer)
- 1992 (xsd:integer)
- 1993 (xsd:integer)
- 2005 (xsd:integer)
- 2007 (xsd:integer)
- 2010 (xsd:integer)
- Kapur (en)
- 9 (xsd:integer)
- 2018 (xsd:integer)
- 1948 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:Retreat_of_the_government_of_the_Republic_of_China_to_Taiwan
- (en)
- Outbreak of the Korean War (en)
- Postwar Red Scare (en)
- Rising Cold War tensions (en)
- the "Reverse Course" under the Allied Occupation of Japan (en)
- dbr:Supreme_Commander_for_the_Allied_Powers
- Government of Japan (en)
- (en)
- Japanese corporations (en)
- Japanese universities (en)
- Communists, suspected communists, suspected communist sympathizers, leftists (en)
- Red Purge (en)
- (en)
- Bans on political activity (en)
- Dismissals from government posts (en)
- Mass firings (en)
- 27000 (xsd:integer)
- dbt:Authority_control
- dbt:Blockquote
- dbt:Cite_book
- dbt:Cite_journal
- dbt:Cite_web
- dbt:Infobox_civilian_attack
- dbt:Nihongo
- dbt:Portal_bar
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:See_also
- dbt:Sfn
- dbt:Sfnm
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:USS
- dbt:Sfnref
- dbc:Occupied_Japan
- dbc:Anti-communism_in_Japan
- dbc:Political_and_cultural_purges
- dbc:Cold_War_terminology
- dbc:Politics_of_Post-war_Japan
- dbc:Japanese_Communist_Party
- dbc:Political_repression_in_Japan
- dbc:Labour_movement_in_Japan
- Red Purge (japanisch レッドパージ, Reddo pāji, dt. „rote Säuberung“) war eine politische Säuberung gegen die Kommunistische Partei Japans im Jahre 1950. Auf Anweisung des Oberkommandierenden MacArthur des GHQ/SCAP wurden die Mitglieder und Sympathisanten der kommunistischen Partei, aus öffentlichen Ämtern oder Privatunternehmen nach und nach entlassen. Mehr als zehntausend Personen verloren ihren Arbeitsplatz. (de)
- レッドパージ(英: red purge、レッド・パージと表記されることもある)は、連合国軍占領下の日本において、連合国軍最高司令官総司令部(GHQ/SCAP)総司令官ダグラス・マッカーサーの指令により、日本共産党員とシンパ(同調者)が公職追放された動きに関連して、その前後の期間に、公務員や民間企業において、「日本共産党員とその支持者」とした人々を解雇した動きを指す。1万を超える人々が失職した。「赤狩り」とも呼ばれた。 (ja)
- 레드 퍼지(영어: Red Purge, 일본어: レッドパージ)는 연합군 점령하 일본에서 더글러스 맥아더 연합군 최고사령부(GHQ) 총사령관의 지령에 의해 일본공산당 소속 당원이나 동조자를 공공기관이나 민간기업에서 해고한 움직임을 말한다. (ko)
- The Red Purge (Japanese: レッドパージ; reddo pāji) was an anticommunist movement in occupied Japan from the late 1940s to the early 1950s. Carried out by the Japanese government and private corporations with the aid and encouragement of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP), the Red Purge saw tens of thousands of alleged members, supporters, or sympathizers of left-wing groups, especially those said to be affiliated with the Japanese Communist Party, removed from their jobs in government, the private sector, universities, and schools. The Red Purge emerged from rising Cold War tensions and the Red Scare after World War II, and was a significant element within a broader "Reverse Course" in Occupation policies. The Red Purge reached a peak following the outbreak of the Korean War in 1 (en)
- 赤色清洗(英語:Red Purge,日语:レッドパージ),又译赤色整肃,指的是盟军占领日本时期驻日盟军总司令部发动的一场对日本共产党进行清洗的运动。 第二次世界大战结束以后,驻日盟军总司令部在日本推行民主化改革进程,日本共产党取得合法政党的地位,并迅速扩张。当时日本社会矛盾很激烈,也为共产主义的发展提供了温床。这使驻日盟军总司令部非常担忧。1949年7月19日,新潟大学成立,驻日盟军总司令部民間情報教育局的顾问Walter Crosby Eells前去发表贺词,即。在贺词中首次提出应该把大学中宣扬共产主义的教授全部解职。随后,学校将宣扬共产主义的教授解职,各地小、中、高校被解职的人数约2000人。9月,日本基于新制定的国家公务员法,下达人事院规则,禁止国立大学教职人员参与政治运动。东京帝国大学总长南原繁表示反对,全国大学教授联合、日本学术会议等机构也都表示反对。日本共产党以“反爱尔斯声明、反帝国主义”为口号,号召各地人士进行示威游行,反对此声明。 共产党和工人党情报局严厉批判日共实践的和平革命理论。此后日共分裂为以德田球一为首的所感派和以宫本显治为首的国际派。而在同年6月25日爆发的朝鲜战争,也给予驻日盟军总司令部“共产主义威胁论”以口实。 (zh)
- Red Purge (de)
- レッドパージ (ja)
- 레드 퍼지 (ko)
- Red Purge (en)
- 赤色清洗 (zh)
- dbr:Cold_War
- dbr:1949_Japanese_general_election
- dbr:Dodge_Line
- dbr:Civil
- dbr:Economic_history_of_Japan
- dbr:Surrender_of_Japan
- dbr:Shimoyama_incident
- dbr:Occupied_Japan
- dbr:And_Religious_Liberties
- dbr:Removal_of_Restrictions_on_Political
- dbr:Educational_reform
- wikidata:Red Purge
- dbpedia-de:Red Purge
- dbpedia-ja:Red Purge
- dbpedia-ko:Red Purge
- dbpedia-zh:Red Purge
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Hayato_Ikeda_meets_Joseph_Dodge.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Release_of_Communist.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/17th_Labor_Day_in_Japan.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/2.1_general_strike.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Mamoru_Shigemitsu_sig...ially_ending_the_Second_World_War.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Tokuda_Nosaka_Shiga.jpg
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- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/反レッドパージデモ.jpg
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Sanzō_Nosaka
- dbr:Miyoji_Ieki
- dbr:Anti-communism
- dbr:Zengakuren
- dbr:CIA_activities_in_Japan
- dbr:Japan_lobby
- dbr:Japan–United_States_relations
- dbr:June_1950
- dbr:Akira_Iwasaki
- dbr:Purge_(occupied_Japan)
- dbr:Japanese_Communist_Party
- dbr:Red_Scare_in_Japan
- dbr:August_17
- dbr:Kyuichi_Tokuda
- dbr:National_Railway_Workers'_Union
- dbr:Occupation_of_Japan
- dbr:McCarthyism
- dbr:Reverse_Course
- dbr:レッドパージ
is foaf:primaryTopic of