Shoshone National Forest (original) (raw)
غابة شوشون الوطنية,غابة توجد في الولايات المتحدة,وهي أول غابة محمية إتحاديا وتبلغ مساحتها 10,000كم2 ويغطي 2,5 مليون من مساحة وايومنغ.في الأصل جزء من بيللوستون مشجرة,وأنشئت الغابة على قانون من الكونغرس,ووقع الرئيس الإمريكي بنجامين هاريسون في عام 1891 القانون.وتوجد أربعة مناطق برية في الغابة، والحماية موجودة في نصف الأماكن المدارة، غابة شوشن الوطنية غنية باتنوع البيولوجي ونادرا ما تتطابق الغبات المحمية الأخرى بذلك.وتوجد هناك ثلاث سلاسل جبلية أباسروكا، ويند ريفر رانج، بييرتوث
Property | Value |
dbo:abstract | غابة شوشون الوطنية,غابة توجد في الولايات المتحدة,وهي أول غابة محمية إتحاديا وتبلغ مساحتها 10,000كم2 ويغطي 2,5 مليون من مساحة وايومنغ.في الأصل جزء من بيللوستون مشجرة,وأنشئت الغابة على قانون من الكونغرس,ووقع الرئيس الإمريكي بنجامين هاريسون في عام 1891 القانون.وتوجد أربعة مناطق برية في الغابة، والحماية موجودة في نصف الأماكن المدارة، غابة شوشن الوطنية غنية باتنوع البيولوجي ونادرا ما تتطابق الغبات المحمية الأخرى بذلك.وتوجد هناك ثلاث سلاسل جبلية أباسروكا، ويند ريفر رانج، بييرتوث (ar) El Bosc Nacional Shoshone o Bosc Nacional Xoixon (Shoshone National Forest) (pron.: és una àrea protegida que abasta 9.983,23 quilòmetres quadrats a l'estat de Wyoming (Estats Units). Amb planes d'artemisa, boscos densos d'avets i escarpades muntanyes, Shoshone representa una rica biodiversitat rarament trobada en cap àrea protegida. A més, tres grans cadenes de muntanyes travessen parcialment el bosc: les serralades Absaroka, Beartooth i Wind River. El bosc va ser creat per una llei del Congrés dels Estats Units que va ser signada pel President Benjamin Harrison el 3 de març de 1891. Originalment es deia la Yellowstone Park Timber Land Reserve (Reserva de Terrenys de Fusta del Parc de Yellowstone) i llavors es va anomenar Shoshone el 1908. La zona va convertir així en el primer bosc nacional del país. El Bosc Nacional Shoshone és administrat pel Servei Forestal dels Estats Units (U.S. Forest Service o USFS), una agència dins del Departament d'Agricultura dels Estats Units. El bosc es divideix en cinc districtes. La seva seu i un centre de visitants són a Cody (Wyoming). Hi ha oficines regionals de guardaboscos a Cody, Dubois i Lander. Hi ha també cinc àrees salvatges al bosc on es prohibeix tota mena de desenvolupament, les quals cobreixen més de la meitat de la superfície de Shoshone. La Llei d'àrees salvatges de 1964 va millorar l'estat de protecció d'aquestes terres verges. Aquesta llei garanteix que no puguin haver modificacions humanes dins de les seves fronteres. (ca) El bosque nacional Shoshone es el primer bosque nacional de protección federal en los Estados Unidos y cubre cerca de 2 500 000 hectáreas (1.000.000 ha), en el estado de Wyoming. Desde las llanuras de artemisa, a través de picea y el denso bosque de abetos, hasta los picos de las montañas escarpadas, el bosque Shoshone tiene una rica biodiversidad. (es) Der Shoshone National Forest ist einer der ältesten Nationalforste der Vereinigten Staaten und bedeckt eine Fläche von ungefähr 10.000 km² im Bundesstaat Wyoming. Als Verwaltungseinheit des Waldbesitzes der Bundesregierung dient der Nationalforst vorrangig der wirtschaftlichen Nutzung, die Forstwirtschaft, Weidenutzung und die Erschließung von Rohstoffen umfasst. Das Waldgebiet gehörte ursprünglich zum Yellowstone-Timberland-Reservat, das 1891 durch ein von Präsident Benjamin Harrison unterzeichnetes Gesetz eingerichtet wurde. Im Nationalforst befinden sich heute auch vier Wilderness Areas, die mehr als die Hälfte des Gebiets als Wildnis vor jedem menschlichen Eingriff schützen. Die einzigartige Vielfalt an Ökosystemen des Shoshone National Forest reicht von Wüsten-Beifuß-Ebenen über dichte Tannen- und Fichtenwälder bis zu zerklüfteten Berggipfeln. Das Waldgebiet umfasst Teile der drei größeren Gebirgsketten Absaroka Range, Beartooth Mountains und Wind River Range. Die westliche Grenze wird vom Yellowstone-Nationalpark gebildet. Südlich von Yellowstone teilt die Kontinentale Wasserscheide den Forst vom westlich benachbarten Bridger-Teton National Forest. An der Ostgrenze liegen Privatgrundstücke, vom Bureau of Land Management verwaltetes Land und die Wind River Indian Reservation der Shoshone und Arapaho-Indianer. Die Grenze zum Norden bildet der Custer National Forest entlang der Grenze zu Montana. Südlich des Shoshone National Forest verläuft der Oregon Trail mit dem South Pass, den die Einwanderer im 19. Jahrhundert nutzten, um die schroffe Landschaft zu passieren. Der Nationalforst ist Teil des Größeren Yellowstone-Ökosystems, das als zusammenhängender Naturraum eine Fläche von schätzungsweise 81.000 km² besitzt. (de) La forêt nationale de Shoshone (en anglais, Shoshone National Forest) est une forêt nationale des États-Unis s'étendant sur près de 10 000 km2 dans l'État du Wyoming. Elle est la première forêt des États-Unis protégée par l'État fédéral. À l'origine partie intégrante de la réserve de Yellowstone Timberland, la forêt est délimitée à la suite d'une résolution votée par le Congrès et ratifiée en 1891 par le président Benjamin Harrison. Un total de quatre zones vierges et non exploitables se situe dans la forêt, protégeant ainsi plus de la moitié du territoire du développement humain. La forêt nationale de Shoshone possède une riche biodiversité rarement égalée dans les autres zones protégées ; elle abrite de nombreuses plaines de Artemisia tridentata (sorte d'arbrisseau de genre armoise typique en Amérique du Nord), des forêts d'épicéas et de sapins et des zones montagneuses s'achevant en pics escarpés. La forêt comprend trois importantes chaînes de montagnes : la cordillère d'Absaroka, les monts Beartooth et la cordillère de Wind River. Le parc national de Yellowstone est situé le long de la limite occidentale de la forêt, le reste de partie occidentale de la forêt touchant la forêt nationale de Bridger-Teton qui est séparée du parc de Yellowstone par la Continental Divide. La frontière Est comprend des propriétés privées, des territoires gérés par le Bureau of Land Management et la réserve indienne de Wind River dépendant des tribus Shoshones et Arapahos. La forêt nationale de Custer, qui longe le Montana, correspond à la frontière nord. La piste de l'Oregon, importante route de migration du XIXe siècle, passe au sud de la forêt où le South Pass permettait jadis aux migrants d'éviter les montagnes trop escarpées. Toute la forêt est partie intégrante du Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, une étendue ininterrompue de terres protégée par l'État fédéral et couvrant à peu près 20 millions d'acres, soit 80 937 km2. (fr) Shoshone National Forest (/ʃoʊˈʃoʊniː/ shoh-SHOH-nee) is the first federally protected National Forest in the United States and covers nearly 2,500,000 acres (1,000,000 ha) in the state of Wyoming. Originally a part of the Yellowstone Timberland Reserve, the forest is managed by the United States Forest Service and was created by an act of Congress and signed into law by U.S. President Benjamin Harrison in 1891. Shoshone National Forest is one of the first nationally protected land areas anywhere. Native Americans have lived in the region for at least 10,000 years, and when the region was first explored by European adventurers, forestlands were occupied by several different tribes. Never heavily settled or exploited, the forest has retained most of its wildness. Shoshone National Forest is a part of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, a nearly unbroken expanse of federally protected lands encompassing an estimated 20,000,000 acres (8,100,000 ha). The Absaroka and Beartooth Mountains are partly in the northern section of the forest. The Wind River Range is in the southern portion and contains Gannett Peak, the tallest mountain in Wyoming. Yellowstone National Park forms part of the boundary to the west; south of Yellowstone, the Continental Divide separates the forest from its neighbor Bridger-Teton National Forest to the west. The eastern boundary includes privately owned property, lands managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and the Wind River Indian Reservation, which belongs to the Shoshone and Arapahoe Indians. Custer National Forest along the Montana border is on the northern frontier. The Oregon Trail, the 19th century covered wagon route, passes just south of the forest, where broad and gentle South Pass allowed the migrants to bypass the rugged mountains to the north. Shoshone National Forest has virtually all the original animal and plant species that were there when explorers such as John Colter and Jim Bridger first visited the region. The forest is home to the Grizzly bear, cougar, moose, tens of thousands of elk as well as the largest herd of bighorn sheep in the U.S. The streams in the forest are considered to have some of the best game species fishing opportunities in the U.S. including Yellowstone cutthroat trout. More than 1,300 miles of hiking trails, 32 campgrounds and adjacent forests and parklands provide numerous recreational opportunities. There are four wilderness areas within the forest, protecting more than half of the managed land area from development. From sagebrush plains through dense spruce and fir forest to craggy mountain peaks, Shoshone National Forest has a rich biodiversity rarely matched in any protected area. (en) La foresta nazionale di Shoshone ([ʃoʊˈʃoʊni]) è la prima foresta nazionale federale protetta negli Stati Uniti e si estende su una superficie di circa 10.000 km² nello stato del Wyoming. La foresta, che originariamente costituiva una parte della , fu istituita con un provvedimento del Congresso convertito in legge dal presidente Benjamin Harrison nel 1891. La foresta è suddivisa in quattro aree naturali gestite secondo criteri di sviluppo sostenibile. L'elevato livello di biodiversità è rappresentato da un paesaggio vario che passa dalle pianure ricoperte dall'Artemisia tridentata attraverso i densi boschi di pini ed abeti per arrivare fino alle cime montuose. Tre delle maggiori catene montuose si trovano, anche se parzialmente, nel territorio dell'area protetta: le , le e le . Il parco nazionale di Yellowstone si estende lungo il confine occidentale; a sud del parco di Yellowstone, il Continental Divide separa la foresta dalla Foresta nazionale di Bridger-Teton, posta ad ovest. Lungo il confine orientale si trovano alcune proprietà private, territori federali amministrati dal Bureau of Land Management e la , che appartiene ai nativi americani Shoshone ed Arapahoe. La foresta nazionale di Custer, lungo il confine con il Montana, delimita la foresta verso nord. L'Oregon Trail, la strada percorsa dai carri coperti del XIX secolo, passa poco più a sud della foresta nazionale attraversando il South Pass, che permetteva ai migranti di oltrepassare le aspre montagne della zona. Tutto il territorio della foresta nazionale è incluso nel Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, un'ininterrotta superficie di territori federali protetti che si estende per circa 81.000 km². (it) 쇼쇼니 국유림(Shoshone National Forest)은 미국 와이오밍주의 이다. 미국 최초의 연방차원 보호국유림이며, 면적은 250만 에이커(100만 헥타르)에 달한다. 본래 의 일부였고, 1891년 의회를 통과하여 벤저민 해리슨 대통령이 서명한 법에 따라 현재까지 에서 관리하고 있다. 백인 모험가들이 이 일대에 처음 도달하기 전까지 1만 년 이상 아메리카 원주민들이 살고 있었지만, 숲 속은 본격적인 거주지는 아니었고 황무지로 남겨져 있었다. 쇼쇼니 국유림은 면적 2억 에이커(81만 헥타르)에 달하는 거대 원시보존림 의 일부다. 과 이 숲 북쪽을 살짝 걸치고 지나간다. 남쪽에는 이 지나가고, 와이오밍주 최고봉인 이 있다. 서쪽으로는 옐로스톤 국립공원과 경계를 맞대고 있으며, 남서쪽의 을 통해 과 분리된다. 동쪽에는 약간의 사유지와, 에서 관리하는 국유지, 이 있다. 이 보호구역에는 및 이 산다. 북쪽으로는 몬태나주와의 주 경계를 따라 과 경계를 맞댄다. 19세기에 포장마차 도로로 개발된 오리건 가도가 쇼쇼니 국유림 바로 남쪽을 지나간다. 와이오밍 주에서 로키 산맥을 넘어가는 도 이쯤에 위치한다. 쇼쇼니 국유림은 , 등의 백인 모험가들이 처음 방문했을 때의 동식물상이 지금까지 거의 그대로 보존되어 있다. 동물상으로는 회색곰, 퓨마, 말코손바닥사슴 등이 있으며, 와피티사슴이 수만 마리 살고 있다. 또 미국 최대 규모의 큰뿔양 무리가 서식 중인 곳이기도 하다. 숲 속을 지나가는 시냇물들에는 를 비롯한 낚시어종들이 서식하여 미국에서 가장 많이 목이 좋은 낚시터로 손꼽힌다. 국유림 내부에 황무지가 총 4개 있어서 관리 토지의 절반 이상을 보호하고 있다. 산쑥밭이 우거진 들판에서 빽빽한 가문비나무 숲, 험준한 바위투성이 산정에 이르기까지 쇼쇼니 국유림은 풍부한 생물다양성을 지니고 있다. 다른 보호구역들 중에서도 쇼쇼니의 생물다양성에 필적할 수 있는 곳은 드물다. (ko) Shoshone National Forest (Las narodowy Shoshone) – obszar chroniony w amerykańskim stanie Wyoming. Został ustanowiony 3 marca 1891 roku i zajmuje powierzchnię 9 982 km². Las graniczy z parkiem narodowym Yellowstone i zarządzany jest przez Służbę Leśną Stanów Zjednoczonych. Przez park przebiega kilka dróg widokowych, między innymi Beartooth Highway. (pl) A Floresta Nacional de Shoshone (em inglês: Shoshone National Forest) tem uma superfície de cerca de 2,4 milhões de acres (9 700 km²) no estado norte-americano de Wyoming e foi a primeira floresta protegida em nível federal nos Estados Unidos. Originalmente parte da reserva da Área Florestal de Yellowstone, a floresta foi criada por um ato do Congresso dos Estados Unidos da América e assinada como lei pelo então presidente dos Estados Unidos, Benjamin Harrison, em 1891. Um total de quatro áreas de selva são localizadas dentro da floresta, protegendo mais da metade da área de terra dirigida ao desenvolvimento. De planícies de artemísia cobertas de densas florestas de abetos a picos de montanhas, a Floresta Nacional de Shoshone tem uma biodiversidade bastante rica, raramente combinada em qualquer área protegida. Três cadeias de montanhas principais são parcialmente localizadas na floresta, as montanhas Absaroka, as Beartooth e as Wind River Range. O Parque Nacional de Yellowstone é parte do limite florestal ao oeste, enquanto ao sul de Yellowstone, a Divisão Continental separa a floresta da sua vizinha, a Floresta Nacional Bridger-Teton. O limite oriental inclui propriedades privadas, terras dirigidas pelo Escritório de Gerenciamento de Terras dos Estados Unidos (U.S Bureau of Land Management) e a Reserva Indígena Wind River (Wind River Indian Reservation), que pertence aos Índios Shoshone e os Índios Arapahoe. A Floresta Nacional de Custer ao longo da fronteira de Montana é o limite ao norte. Toda a floresta é parte do Grande Ecossistema de Yellowstone, uma expansão de terras protegidas a nível federal que abrangem aproximadamente 20 milhões de acres (80 937 km²). (pt) Шошони (англ. Shoshone National Forest) — национальный лес на северо-западе штата Вайоминг, США. Первый национальный лес страны и одна из первых охраняемых территорий в мире. Создан решением Конгресса, одобренным президентом Гаррисоном в 1891 году. Является частью Большой экосистемы Йеллоустоуна, практически непрерывного пространства находящихся под федеральной охраной земель общей площадью более 80 000 квадратных километров. Национальный лес назван в честь племени шошонов, которые, наряду с другими коренными американцами, такими как лакота, кроу и северные шайенны, были основными племенами, с которыми встретились первые европейские исследователи в этом регионе. Коренные американцы жили в этом регионе не менее десяти тысяч лет, и с приходом первых европейских исследователей лесные угодья уже были заняты различными племенами. Тем не менее, лес по большей части сохранился в первозданном виде, включая животный мир. Имеются популяции таких животных, как пумы, волки, росомахи, койоты, рыси, ласки, куницы, бобры, сурки, еноты, барсуки, лоси. В лесу более 2 000 километров пешеходных троп и 32 кемпинга. На рубеже XIX—XX веков на охраняемой территории велась добыча золота. (ru) 肖肖尼国家森林(英語:Shoshone National Forest,/ʃoʊˈʃoʊniː/)是美国首个受联邦保护的国家森林,面积约2.5 × 106英畝(10,000平方公里),地处美国怀俄明州。它原先是黄石公园林地自然保护区的一部分,由美国国家森林局管理。 (zh) |
dbo:location | dbr:Hot_Springs_County,_Wyoming dbr:Park_County,_Wyoming dbr:Sublette_County,_Wyoming dbr:Teton_County,_Wyoming dbr:Fremont_County,_Wyoming dbr:Wyoming |
dbo:nearestCity | dbr:Cody,_Wyoming |
dbo:numberOfVisitors | 646000 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger) |
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dbp:established | 1891-03-03 (xsd:date) |
dbp:governingBody | dbr:United_States_Forest_Service |
dbp:location | Park, Fremont, Hot Springs, Sublette, and Teton counties, Wyoming, US (en) |
dbp:mapCaption | Location of Shoshone National Forest (en) |
dbp:name | Shoshone National Forest (en) |
dbp:nearestCity | dbr:Cody,_Wyoming |
dbp:photo | Francs Peak.jpg (en) |
dbp:photoCaption | Francs Peak is the tallest peak in the Absaroka Range (en) |
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rdfs:comment | غابة شوشون الوطنية,غابة توجد في الولايات المتحدة,وهي أول غابة محمية إتحاديا وتبلغ مساحتها 10,000كم2 ويغطي 2,5 مليون من مساحة وايومنغ.في الأصل جزء من بيللوستون مشجرة,وأنشئت الغابة على قانون من الكونغرس,ووقع الرئيس الإمريكي بنجامين هاريسون في عام 1891 القانون.وتوجد أربعة مناطق برية في الغابة، والحماية موجودة في نصف الأماكن المدارة، غابة شوشن الوطنية غنية باتنوع البيولوجي ونادرا ما تتطابق الغبات المحمية الأخرى بذلك.وتوجد هناك ثلاث سلاسل جبلية أباسروكا، ويند ريفر رانج، بييرتوث (ar) El bosque nacional Shoshone es el primer bosque nacional de protección federal en los Estados Unidos y cubre cerca de 2 500 000 hectáreas (1.000.000 ha), en el estado de Wyoming. Desde las llanuras de artemisa, a través de picea y el denso bosque de abetos, hasta los picos de las montañas escarpadas, el bosque Shoshone tiene una rica biodiversidad. (es) Shoshone National Forest (Las narodowy Shoshone) – obszar chroniony w amerykańskim stanie Wyoming. Został ustanowiony 3 marca 1891 roku i zajmuje powierzchnię 9 982 km². Las graniczy z parkiem narodowym Yellowstone i zarządzany jest przez Służbę Leśną Stanów Zjednoczonych. Przez park przebiega kilka dróg widokowych, między innymi Beartooth Highway. (pl) 肖肖尼国家森林(英語:Shoshone National Forest,/ʃoʊˈʃoʊniː/)是美国首个受联邦保护的国家森林,面积约2.5 × 106英畝(10,000平方公里),地处美国怀俄明州。它原先是黄石公园林地自然保护区的一部分,由美国国家森林局管理。 (zh) El Bosc Nacional Shoshone o Bosc Nacional Xoixon (Shoshone National Forest) (pron.: és una àrea protegida que abasta 9.983,23 quilòmetres quadrats a l'estat de Wyoming (Estats Units). Amb planes d'artemisa, boscos densos d'avets i escarpades muntanyes, Shoshone representa una rica biodiversitat rarament trobada en cap àrea protegida. A més, tres grans cadenes de muntanyes travessen parcialment el bosc: les serralades Absaroka, Beartooth i Wind River. (ca) Der Shoshone National Forest ist einer der ältesten Nationalforste der Vereinigten Staaten und bedeckt eine Fläche von ungefähr 10.000 km² im Bundesstaat Wyoming. Als Verwaltungseinheit des Waldbesitzes der Bundesregierung dient der Nationalforst vorrangig der wirtschaftlichen Nutzung, die Forstwirtschaft, Weidenutzung und die Erschließung von Rohstoffen umfasst. Das Waldgebiet gehörte ursprünglich zum Yellowstone-Timberland-Reservat, das 1891 durch ein von Präsident Benjamin Harrison unterzeichnetes Gesetz eingerichtet wurde. Im Nationalforst befinden sich heute auch vier Wilderness Areas, die mehr als die Hälfte des Gebiets als Wildnis vor jedem menschlichen Eingriff schützen. Die einzigartige Vielfalt an Ökosystemen des Shoshone National Forest reicht von Wüsten-Beifuß-Ebenen über dicht (de) Shoshone National Forest (/ʃoʊˈʃoʊniː/ shoh-SHOH-nee) is the first federally protected National Forest in the United States and covers nearly 2,500,000 acres (1,000,000 ha) in the state of Wyoming. Originally a part of the Yellowstone Timberland Reserve, the forest is managed by the United States Forest Service and was created by an act of Congress and signed into law by U.S. President Benjamin Harrison in 1891. Shoshone National Forest is one of the first nationally protected land areas anywhere. Native Americans have lived in the region for at least 10,000 years, and when the region was first explored by European adventurers, forestlands were occupied by several different tribes. Never heavily settled or exploited, the forest has retained most of its wildness. Shoshone National Forest is (en) La foresta nazionale di Shoshone ([ʃoʊˈʃoʊni]) è la prima foresta nazionale federale protetta negli Stati Uniti e si estende su una superficie di circa 10.000 km² nello stato del Wyoming. La foresta, che originariamente costituiva una parte della , fu istituita con un provvedimento del Congresso convertito in legge dal presidente Benjamin Harrison nel 1891. La foresta è suddivisa in quattro aree naturali gestite secondo criteri di sviluppo sostenibile. L'elevato livello di biodiversità è rappresentato da un paesaggio vario che passa dalle pianure ricoperte dall'Artemisia tridentata attraverso i densi boschi di pini ed abeti per arrivare fino alle cime montuose. (it) La forêt nationale de Shoshone (en anglais, Shoshone National Forest) est une forêt nationale des États-Unis s'étendant sur près de 10 000 km2 dans l'État du Wyoming. Elle est la première forêt des États-Unis protégée par l'État fédéral. À l'origine partie intégrante de la réserve de Yellowstone Timberland, la forêt est délimitée à la suite d'une résolution votée par le Congrès et ratifiée en 1891 par le président Benjamin Harrison. Un total de quatre zones vierges et non exploitables se situe dans la forêt, protégeant ainsi plus de la moitié du territoire du développement humain. La forêt nationale de Shoshone possède une riche biodiversité rarement égalée dans les autres zones protégées ; elle abrite de nombreuses plaines de Artemisia tridentata (sorte d'arbrisseau de genre armoise typiq (fr) 쇼쇼니 국유림(Shoshone National Forest)은 미국 와이오밍주의 이다. 미국 최초의 연방차원 보호국유림이며, 면적은 250만 에이커(100만 헥타르)에 달한다. 본래 의 일부였고, 1891년 의회를 통과하여 벤저민 해리슨 대통령이 서명한 법에 따라 현재까지 에서 관리하고 있다. 백인 모험가들이 이 일대에 처음 도달하기 전까지 1만 년 이상 아메리카 원주민들이 살고 있었지만, 숲 속은 본격적인 거주지는 아니었고 황무지로 남겨져 있었다. 쇼쇼니 국유림은 면적 2억 에이커(81만 헥타르)에 달하는 거대 원시보존림 의 일부다. 과 이 숲 북쪽을 살짝 걸치고 지나간다. 남쪽에는 이 지나가고, 와이오밍주 최고봉인 이 있다. 서쪽으로는 옐로스톤 국립공원과 경계를 맞대고 있으며, 남서쪽의 을 통해 과 분리된다. 동쪽에는 약간의 사유지와, 에서 관리하는 국유지, 이 있다. 이 보호구역에는 및 이 산다. 북쪽으로는 몬태나주와의 주 경계를 따라 과 경계를 맞댄다. 19세기에 포장마차 도로로 개발된 오리건 가도가 쇼쇼니 국유림 바로 남쪽을 지나간다. 와이오밍 주에서 로키 산맥을 넘어가는 도 이쯤에 위치한다. (ko) Шошони (англ. Shoshone National Forest) — национальный лес на северо-западе штата Вайоминг, США. Первый национальный лес страны и одна из первых охраняемых территорий в мире. Создан решением Конгресса, одобренным президентом Гаррисоном в 1891 году. Является частью Большой экосистемы Йеллоустоуна, практически непрерывного пространства находящихся под федеральной охраной земель общей площадью более 80 000 квадратных километров. (ru) A Floresta Nacional de Shoshone (em inglês: Shoshone National Forest) tem uma superfície de cerca de 2,4 milhões de acres (9 700 km²) no estado norte-americano de Wyoming e foi a primeira floresta protegida em nível federal nos Estados Unidos. Originalmente parte da reserva da Área Florestal de Yellowstone, a floresta foi criada por um ato do Congresso dos Estados Unidos da América e assinada como lei pelo então presidente dos Estados Unidos, Benjamin Harrison, em 1891. Um total de quatro áreas de selva são localizadas dentro da floresta, protegendo mais da metade da área de terra dirigida ao desenvolvimento. De planícies de artemísia cobertas de densas florestas de abetos a picos de montanhas, a Floresta Nacional de Shoshone tem uma biodiversidade bastante rica, raramente combinada em qu (pt) |
rdfs:label | Shoshone National Forest (en) غابة شوشون الوطنية (ar) Bosc Nacional Shoshone (ca) Shoshone National Forest (de) Bosque nacional Shoshone (es) Forêt nationale de Shoshone (fr) Foresta nazionale di Shoshone (it) 쇼쇼니 국유림 (ko) Shoshone National Forest (pl) Floresta Nacional de Shoshone (pt) Шошони (национальный лес) (ru) 肖肖尼国家森林 (zh) |
rdfs:seeAlso | dbr:Ecology_of_the_Rocky_Mountains dbr:Fire_ecology |
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is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of | dbr:Campo_Santo_(company) dbr:Carter_Mountain dbr:Environmental_movement_in_the_United_States dbr:List_of_fatal_bear_attacks_in_North_America dbr:List_of_fires dbr:Tipi_ring dbr:Beartooth_Basin_Summer_Ski_Area dbr:Beartooth_Butte dbr:Beartooth_Highway dbr:Beartooth_Mountains dbr:Blackwater_Fire_of_1937 dbr:Bollinger_Peak dbr:Hooker_Glacier_(Wyoming) dbr:List_of_Penn_&_Teller_Tell_a_Lie_episodes dbr:List_of_disasters_in_the_United_States_by_death_toll dbr:List_of_passes_of_the_Rocky_Mountains dbr:Payson_Peak dbr:Republic_Mountain dbr:Retreat_of_glaciers_since_1850 dbr:UXU_Ranch dbr:Union_Peak_(Wyoming) dbr:Upper_Fremont_Glacier dbr:Valentine_Mountain dbr:Valentine_Peak dbr:March_3 dbr:List_of_lands_protected_by_Theodore_Roosevelt_through_executive_action dbr:List_of_national_forests_of_the_United_States dbr:List_of_people_who_disappeared_mysteriously:_1990–present dbr:Timeline_of_Wyoming_history dbr:Continental_Glacier dbr:Cooke_City,_Montana dbr:Sacagawea_Glacier dbr:1891_in_science dbr:1891_in_the_United_States dbr:Clarks_Fork_Yellowstone_River dbr:Clay_Butte_Lookout dbr:Clayton_Mountain dbr:Elephant_Head_Lodge dbr:Elk dbr:Francs_Peak dbr:Fremont_Peak_(Wyoming) dbr:Gale_W._McGee dbr:Gannett_Glacier dbr:Gannett_Peak dbr:Goff_Creek_Lodge dbr:Gooseneck_Glacier dbr:Grasshopper_Glacier_(Montana) dbr:Grasshopper_Glacier_(Wyoming) dbr:Mount_Chauvenet dbr:Mount_Helen_(Wyoming) dbr:Mount_Koven_(Wyoming) dbr:Mount_Warren dbr:Mount_Washakie dbr:Mummy_Cave dbr:Connie_Kemmerer dbr:Conservation_in_the_United_States dbr:Conservation_movement dbr:Cortinarius_infractus dbr:The_Mountain_Men dbr:The_Sphinx_(Wyoming) dbr:Anderson_Lodge dbr:Lil'_Miss_murder dbr:Lizard_Head_Glacier dbr:Lizard_Head_Peak dbr:Lower_Fremont_Glacier dbr:Shoshone_River dbr:Silver_Gate,_Montana dbr:Silvertip_Peak_(Wyoming) dbr:Hot_Springs_County,_Wyoming dbr:Park_County,_Wyoming dbr:Sublette_County,_Wyoming dbr:Bair_Peak dbr:Brown_Cliffs_North dbr:Buffalo_Bill dbr:Buffalo_Bill_Cody_Scenic_Byway dbr:Bull_Lake_Glacier dbr:CM_Ranch_and_Simpson_Lake_Cabins dbr:Cathedral_Peak_(Wyoming) dbr:Three_Waters_Mountain dbr:Togwotee_Pass dbr:Torrey_Peak_(Wyoming) dbr:U.S._Route_14 dbr:Wapiti,_Wyoming dbr:Wapiti_Ranger_Station dbr:Washakie_Glacier dbr:Washakie_Needles dbr:Washakie_Wilderness dbr:William_Henry_Harrison_III dbr:Wind_River_Glacier dbr:Wind_River_Peak dbr:Wind_River_Range dbr:Absaroka_Mountain_Lodge dbr:Absaroka_Range dbr:Absaroka–Beartooth_Wilderness dbr:Downs_Glacier dbr:Downs_Mountain dbr:Dry_Creek_Glacier dbr:DuNoir_Glacier dbr:Dubois,_Wyoming dbr:Eagle_Peak_(Wyoming) dbr:East_Torrey_Glacier dbr:Fire_lookout dbr:Firewatch dbr:Fishhawk_Glacier dbr:Fitzpatrick_Wilderness dbr:Flagstone_Peak_(Fremont_County,_Wyoming) dbr:Fortress_Mountain_(Park_County,_Wyoming) dbr:North_Absaroka_Wilderness dbr:History_of_Wyoming dbr:History_of_the_United_States_government dbr:Heap_Steep_Glacier dbr:Helen_Glacier dbr:Lander,_Wyoming dbr:Blackwater_Natural_Bridge dbr:Sulphur_Glacier dbr:Sunbeam_Peak dbr:Sunlight_Creek dbr:Sunlight_Creek_Bridge dbr:Sunlight_Peak_(Wyoming) dbr:T_Cross_Ranch_Rural_Historic_District dbr:High_Rise_Village dbr:Teton_County,_Wyoming dbr:Dinwoody_Glacier dbr:Disappearance_of_Amy_Wroe_Bechtel dbr:Dome_Mountain_(Hot_Springs_County,_Wyoming) dbr:August_18 dbr:August_1937 dbr:Pingora_Peak dbr:Pinnacle_Ridge dbr:Popo_Agie_Wilderness dbr:South_Downs_Mountain dbr:Spider_Peak dbr:Cirque_of_the_Towers dbr:Clark,_Wyoming dbr:Fremont_County,_Wyoming dbr:Greater_Yellowstone_Ecosystem dbr:Klondike_Glacier dbr:Knife_Point_Glacier dbr:National_Register_of_Historic_Places_listings_in_Fremont_County,_Wyoming dbr:National_Register_of_Historic_Places_listings_in_Park_County,_Wyoming dbr:Ramshorn_Peak dbr:Red_Star_Lodge_and_Sawmill dbr:Shale_Mountain dbr:Sheep_Mesa_(Park_County,_Wyoming) dbr:Worthen_Meadow_Reservoir dbr:Wyoming_Centennial_Scenic_Byway dbr:Wyoming_Highway_131 dbr:Wyoming_Highway_296 dbr:Yellowstone_National_Park dbr:Shoshone_(disambiguation) dbr:Washakie_National_Forest dbr:Yellowstone_National_Forest dbr:Wyoming_Wilderness_Association dbr:List_of_video_games_considered_artistic dbr:List_of_wilderness_areas_of_the_United_States dbr:Wyoming_Outdoor_Council dbr:Fire_lookout_tower dbr:National_Bighorn_Sheep_Interpretive_Center dbr:South_Central_Rockies_forests dbr:Ten_Standard_Firefighting_Orders |
is dbp:address of | dbr:National_Register_of_Historic_Places_listings_in_Park_County,_Wyoming |
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