Stereotypes of East and Southeast Asians in the United States (original) (raw)
- الصورة النمطية للشرق آسيويين هي صور نمطية عرقية موجودة في المجتمع الأمريكي حول الجيل الأول من المهاجرين، والمواطنين الأمريكيين المولودين لوالدين هاجرا إلى الولايات المتحدة من دول شرق آسيا (الصين واليابان وكوريا الجنوبية) وكذلك بعض بلدان جنوب شرق آسيا. غالبًا ما تُصور هذه الصور النمطية للشرق آسيويين، كالقوالب النمطية العرقية الأخرى، في وسائل الإعلام السائدة والسينما والموسيقى والتلفزيون والأدب والإنترنت وغيرها من أشكال التعبير الإبداعي في الثقافة والمجتمع الأمريكي. استوعب المجتمع هذه القوالب النمطية بشكل كبير وجماعي ولكنها حظيت بانعكاسات سلبية بشكل رئيسي على الأمريكيين من أصل شرق آسيوي والمهاجرين من شرق آسيا ضمن التفاعلات اليومية والأحداث الجارية والتشريعات الحكومية. غالبًا ما يعكس التصوير الإعلامي للشرق آسيويين تصورًا أمريكيًا بدلًا من التصوير الواقعي الحقيقي للثقافات والعادات والسلوكيات الحقيقية. عانى الأمريكيون الشرق آسيويون في الماضي من التمييز وكانوا ضحايا لجرائم الكراهية المتعلقة بالقوالب النمطية العرقية، إذ استخدُمت تلك القوالب من أجل تعزيز مشاعر كراهية الأجانب. تشتمل الصور النمطية الخيالية على فو مانشو (التي تمثل شخصية آسيوية غامضة ومهددة) وتشارلي تشان (الذي يمثل شخصية آسيوية اعتذارية وخاضعة للقبول و«جيدة»). قد يُصوَر الرجال الآسيويين على أنهم مفترسون كارهون للنساء، وخاصة في دعايات حقبة الحرب العالمية الثانية. صُورت نساء شرق آسيا على أنهن كائنات جنسية عدوانية أو انتهازية أو نساء استغلاليات باحثات عن الذهب، أو «سيدات تنانين» مكرة. يتناقض هذا مع القوالب النمطية الأخرى «أطفال زهرة اللوتس» المخادعين، أو «دمى الصين»، أو «فتيات الغيشا»، أو المومسات. قد تكون الصورة النمطية للمرأة القوية كـ«الأم النمر»، وقد يُصور كل من الرجال والنساء كأقليات نموذجية، مع نجاح وظيفي. (ar)
- Stereotypes of East and Southeast Asians in the United States refers to ethnic stereotypes of first-generation Asian immigrants as well as Americans with ancestry from East and Southeast Asian countries that are found in American society. Stereotypes of East and Southeast Asians, like other ethnic and racial stereotypes, are often portrayed in the mainstream media, in cinema, in music, on television, in literature, on the internet, as well as in other forms of creative expression in American culture and society. Many of these stereotypes are largely correlative to those that are also found in other core Anglosphere countries, such as in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, as mass media are often closely interlinked between these countries. Largely and collectively, these stereotypes have been internalized by society and in daily interactions, current events, and government legislation, their repercussions for Americans or immigrants of East and Southeast Asian descent are mainly negative. Media portrayals of East and Southeast Asians often reflect an Americentric perception rather than realistic and authentic depictions of true cultures, customs and behaviors. East and Southeast Asian Americans have experienced discrimination and have been victims of bullying and hate crimes related to their ethnic stereotypes, as it has been used to reinforce xenophobic sentiments. Notable fictional stereotypes include Fu Manchu and Charlie Chan, which respectively represents a threatening, mysterious Asian character as well as an apologetic, submissive, "good" East Asian character. East and Southeast Asian men would often be represented as misogynistic predators, especially in war propaganda, such as the propaganda which was disseminated during World War II. Moreover, East and Southeast Asian women are portrayed as aggressive or opportunistic sexual beings as well as being predatory gold diggers or cunning "Dragon Ladies". This contrasts with other depictions of servile "Lotus Blossom Babies", "China dolls", "Geisha girls", or prostitutes. These stereotypes results in reducing East and Southeast Asian women to either being sexy, coy, and mysterious, or quiet, submissive, and subservient to the male ego. Strong and domineering women may be stereotyped as Tiger Moms, and both men and women may be depicted as a model minority, a phrase often associated with hard work and socioeconomic success. (en)
- アメリカ合衆国における東アジア人のステレオタイプ (アメリカがっしゅうこくにおけるひがしアジアじんのステレオタイプ、英語: Stereotypes of East Asians) は、アメリカ合衆国での中国、日本、韓国、ベトナムなど東アジアからの移民1世、およびその子孫についての民族的ステレオタイプ。他の民族的ステレオタイプ同様、メディア、文学、映画などにしばしば登場する。これらのステレオタイプはアメリカ国内で広く集合的に内在し、移民およびその子孫たちに日常の交流、時事、政治において広くネガティブな影響を与えることもある。メディアでの東アジア人の描かれ方は、現実的で真実味のある文化、衣裳、行動というよりもむしろアメリカ文化中心主義を反映していることが多い。東アジア人は差別され、外国人嫌悪の増大により民族的ステレオタイプに関連してヘイトクライムの犠牲者となることもある。 (ja)
- 미국내 동아시아인에 대한 고정관념 ( Stereotypes of East Asians in the United States )은 미국 사회에서 제1세대 이민자와 그 다음세대 즉, 중국, 일본, 한국에서 온 이민자들에 대한 고정관념을 말한다. 이러한 관념은 대중매체, 영화, 음악, 텔레비젼, 문확, 인터넷등의 다양한 미국의 문화와 사회에서 표현되고 있다. 이러한 고정관념은 대부분이 부정적인 면이 많으며, 이것이 사회문제의 근본적인 원인으로 작용하고 있다. 동아시아인에 대한 언론의 묘사는 문화와 관습과 행동을 현실적으로나 진실되게 표현하기 보다는 지나치게 미국 중심으로 묘사하려고 한다. 이것은 인종 차별과 증오범죄의 희생자를 낳게 하며, 인종 혐오 감정을 부추기는 역할을 한다. 소설적인 고정관념으로는 푸 만추와 등이 있으며, 위협적이고 신비한 아시아인의 특징과 변증적이며, 순종적이고 착한 동아시아인을 묘사한다. 아시안 남성들은 종종 여성혐오적인 약탈자로 묘사되며, 제2차 세계 대전 시대의 선전선동에 기초하기도 한다. 동아시아 여성들은 공격적이거나 기회주의적인 성적 대상 또는 훔치기 좋아하는 골드 디거로도 묘사되거나 속이기 좋아하는 " 용 여사"로도 불린다. 강한 여성들은 "" 으로도 불리며, 남성 여성 모두 성공적인 삶을 뜻하는 로 묘사된다. (ko)
- 美国社会存在对中国、日本、韩国等东亚移民及其后代所抱持的刻板印象。与其他民族或族群一样,刻板印象往往在媒体、文学、电影中出现。这些刻板印象往往使得亚裔移民及其后代子孙在社会、文化、政治中受到负面的影响。媒体中对于东亚人的形象描绘多半反映出美国文化中心主义。许多东亚裔人群受到刻板印象的牵累,在美国社会饱受歧视,甚至成为了仇外心理的牺牲品。 (zh)
- dbr:Cambodia
- dbr:Canada
- dbc:Stereotypes_of_Asian_Americans
- dbr:Qin_Shi_Huang
- dbr:Queue_(hairstyle)
- dbr:Roland_Winters
- dbr:Romeo_Must_Die
- dbr:Romeo_and_Juliet
- dbr:Rudy_Giuliani
- dbr:Satan
- dbr:Sax_Rohmer
- dbr:Engrish
- dbr:White_Australia_policy
- dbc:Anti-Korean_sentiment
- dbc:Anti-Mongolian_sentiment
- dbr:Blake_Edwards
- dbr:Breakfast_at_Tiffany's_(film)
- dbr:David_Stern
- dbc:Anti-Japanese_sentiment_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Anti-Japanese_sentiment
- dbr:Anti-Korean_sentiment
- dbr:Anti-Tibetan_sentiment
- dbr:Anti-Vietnamese_sentiment
- dbc:Anti–Southeast_Asian_sentiment
- dbr:Hong_Kong
- dbr:Person_of_color
- dbr:United_Kingdom
- dbr:United_States
- dbr:University_of_California,_Berkeley
- dbr:University_of_California,_Davis
- dbr:University_of_California,_Los_Angeles
- dbr:University_of_Wyoming
- dbr:Vagina
- dbr:Vietnam
- dbr:Vietnam_War
- dbr:Virginia_Tech_massacre
- dbr:East_Asian_people
- dbr:Infantilization
- dbr:Propaganda
- dbr:Libretto
- dbr:Prostitution_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Qing_Dynasty
- dbc:Anti-Chinese_sentiment_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Colorism
- dbr:Comedy-drama
- dbr:Confucianism
- dbr:Covert_racism
- dbr:Crazy_Rich_Asians_(film)
- dbc:Stereotypes_of_East_Asians
- dbr:Mean_Girls
- dbr:Nerd
- dbr:Opera
- dbr:Racism_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Citizenship
- dbr:Claude-Michel_Schönberg
- dbr:Elderly_martial_arts_master
- dbr:Epicanthic_fold
- dbr:Frank_Chin
- dbr:Fresh_Off_the_Boat
- dbr:Gavin_Gordon_(actor)
- dbr:Geisha
- dbr:Giacomo_Puccini
- dbr:Great_Wall_of_China
- dbr:Misogynistic
- dbr:Misogyny
- dbr:Mongolia
- dbr:Musical_theatre
- dbr:Myanmar
- dbr:NBA
- dbr:NFL
- dbr:The_New_York_Times
- dbr:The_Office_(American_TV_series)
- dbr:The_Slanted_Screen
- dbr:The_Wolverine_(film)
- dbr:File:AlbaneseButterfly.jpg
- dbr:Opera_America
- dbc:Asian-American_issues
- dbc:Anti-national_sentiment
- dbr:Anglosphere
- dbr:Anti-Chinese_sentiment
- dbr:Anti-Indian_sentiment
- dbr:Anti-Japanese_sentiment_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Anti-Mongolianism
- dbr:Battle_Hymn_of_the_Tiger_Mother
- dbr:Leland_Yee
- dbr:Lost_(TV_series)
- dbr:Lucy_Liu
- dbr:MLB
- dbr:Macau
- dbr:Madama_Butterfly
- dbr:Maia_Shibutani
- dbr:Malaysia
- dbr:Board_game
- dbc:Anti–East_Asian_sentiment_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Ching_chong
- dbr:Shooting_of_Akai_Gurley
- dbr:Sidney_Toler
- dbr:Singapore
- dbr:Steve_Carell
- dbr:Comic_strip
- dbc:East_Asians_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Fu_Manchu
- dbr:Pan-Asianism
- dbr:Popular_culture
- dbr:The_World_of_Suzie_Wong
- dbr:Microaggression
- dbr:1996_United_States_campaign_finance_controversy
- dbr:Australia
- dbr:Barbara_Stanwyck
- dbr:Bruce_Lee
- dbr:Brunei
- dbr:Central_Asia
- dbr:TikTok
- dbr:Time_(magazine)
- dbr:Tommy_Kono
- dbr:UC_Berkeley
- dbr:Darrell_Hamamoto
- dbr:Warner_Oland
- dbr:Wataru_Misaka
- dbr:West_Coast_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Western_Asia
- dbr:Western_film
- dbr:Wharton_School
- dbr:William_Randolph_Hearst
- dbr:Gang_Lu
- dbr:Giuseppe_Giacosa
- dbr:Jewish_mother_stereotype
- dbr:K-pop
- dbr:File:Warner_Oland.jpg
- dbr:Ling_Woo
- dbr:Aaliyah
- dbr:Actress
- dbr:Alain_Boublil
- dbr:Ally_McBeal
- dbr:Alpha_male
- dbr:Amy_Chua
- dbr:Amy_Tan
- dbr:Cunnilingus
- dbr:Earl_Derr_Biggers
- dbr:East_Asia
- dbr:East_Coast_of_the_United_States
- dbr:East_Timor
- dbr:Far_East
- dbr:Fashion
- dbr:Fictional_character
- dbr:Films
- dbr:Bamboo_ceiling
- dbr:Nils_Asther
- dbr:Norman_Hsu
- dbr:North_Korea
- dbr:Novels
- dbr:Party
- dbr:Card_game
- dbr:Charlie_Chan
- dbr:Gook
- dbr:Korean_drama
- dbr:File:The_Bitter_Tea_of_General_Yen_poster.jpg
- dbr:File:The_Face_of_Fu_Manchu.jpg
- dbr:Luigi_Illica
- dbr:Professional
- dbr:Promiscuity
- dbr:Hate_crime
- dbr:Japan
- dbr:Jell-O
- dbr:Thailand
- dbr:The_Big_Bang_Theory
- dbr:The_Bitter_Tea_of_General_Yen
- dbr:The_Boston_Globe
- dbr:Filipino_American
- dbr:Han_Twins_Murder_Conspiracy
- dbr:Patria_(1917_film)
- dbr:Asian_Americans
- dbr:Asian_fetish
- dbr:Chang_Apana
- dbr:China
- dbr:Chinaman_(term)
- dbr:Chinatown,_Manhattan
- dbr:Chinese_American
- dbr:Chinese_Americans
- dbr:Chinese_Exclusion_Act
- dbr:Chloe_Kim
- dbr:Jeremy_Lin
- dbr:Jessica_Hagedorn
- dbr:Jet_Li
- dbr:Laos
- dbr:Taiwan
- dbr:The_Joy_Luck_Club_(novel)
- dbr:Whitewashing_in_film
- dbr:Model_minority
- dbr:White_American
- dbr:Discrimination
- dbr:Asian_American_studies
- dbr:Bullying
- dbr:Philippines
- dbr:Philippine–American_War
- dbr:Portrayal_of_East_Asians_in_American_film_and_theater
- dbr:South_Africa
- dbr:South_Asia
- dbr:South_Korea
- dbr:Southeast_Asia
- dbr:Fresh_off_the_boat
- dbr:Gold_diggers
- dbr:Manchu
- dbr:Immigration_Act_of_1924
- dbr:Indonesia
- dbr:Instagram
- dbr:Korea
- dbr:Kulap_Vilaysack
- dbr:Kunal_Nayyar
- dbr:Anti-Chinese_sentiment_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Michael_Crichton
- dbr:Mickey_Rooney
- dbr:National_Hockey_League
- dbr:Native_Hawaiians
- dbr:New_Zealand
- dbr:Occupation_of_Japan
- dbr:Sessue_Hayakawa
- dbr:Seung-Hui_Cho
- dbr:World_War_I
- dbr:World_War_II
- dbr:Xenophobia
- dbr:Xenophobia_and_racism_related_to_the_COVID-19_pandemic
- dbr:Yellow_Peril
- dbr:Mainstream_media
- dbr:Mass_media
- dbr:Miss_Saigon
- dbr:Rising_Sun_(Crichton_novel)
- dbr:Subtle_Asian_Traits
- dbr:Sexual_slavery
- dbr:Ethnic_stereotype
- dbr:I._Y._Yunioshi
- dbr:Western_literature
- dbr:Kyoiku_mama
- dbr:White-collar_worker
- dbr:Rape_pornography
- dbr:Sex_business
- dbr:Racial_hierarchy
- dbr:Chinese_head_tax_in_Canada
- dbr:Learning_disabilities
- dbr:Stereotypes_of_South_Asians
- dbr:Stereotypes_of_groups_within_the_United_States
- dbr:Tatarophobia
- dbr:Yellow_Terror
- dbr:Dragon_Lady_(stereotype)
- dbr:Ling-chi_Wang
- dbr:Yellow_peril
- dbr:Americentric
- dbr:First-generation_immigrant
- dbr:Gender_egalitarian
- dbr:Gene_Cajayon
- dbr:Racialized
- dbr:Go_back_to_your_country
- dbr:Left-brained
- dbr:Male_chauvinists
- dbr:Childrearing
- dbr:Southeast_Asians
- dbr:Old_Hollywood
- dbr:Tiger_Mom
- dbr:File:Starring_Mickey_Rooney.jpg
- dbr:Danielle_Nguyen
- dbr:File:Anti-Japanese_World_War_II_propaganda_poster_war_bonds.jpg
- dbr:Kathrien_Ahn
- dbr:Ky_Pham
- dbr:Wikt:masturbatory
- dbc:Stereotypes_of_Asian_Americans
- dbc:Anti-Korean_sentiment
- dbc:Anti-Mongolian_sentiment
- dbc:Anti-Japanese_sentiment_in_the_United_States
- dbc:Anti–Southeast_Asian_sentiment
- dbc:Anti-Chinese_sentiment_in_the_United_States
- dbc:Stereotypes_of_East_Asians
- dbc:Asian-American_issues
- dbc:Anti-national_sentiment
- dbc:Anti–East_Asian_sentiment_in_the_United_States
- dbc:East_Asians_in_the_United_States
- アメリカ合衆国における東アジア人のステレオタイプ (アメリカがっしゅうこくにおけるひがしアジアじんのステレオタイプ、英語: Stereotypes of East Asians) は、アメリカ合衆国での中国、日本、韓国、ベトナムなど東アジアからの移民1世、およびその子孫についての民族的ステレオタイプ。他の民族的ステレオタイプ同様、メディア、文学、映画などにしばしば登場する。これらのステレオタイプはアメリカ国内で広く集合的に内在し、移民およびその子孫たちに日常の交流、時事、政治において広くネガティブな影響を与えることもある。メディアでの東アジア人の描かれ方は、現実的で真実味のある文化、衣裳、行動というよりもむしろアメリカ文化中心主義を反映していることが多い。東アジア人は差別され、外国人嫌悪の増大により民族的ステレオタイプに関連してヘイトクライムの犠牲者となることもある。 (ja)
- 美国社会存在对中国、日本、韩国等东亚移民及其后代所抱持的刻板印象。与其他民族或族群一样,刻板印象往往在媒体、文学、电影中出现。这些刻板印象往往使得亚裔移民及其后代子孙在社会、文化、政治中受到负面的影响。媒体中对于东亚人的形象描绘多半反映出美国文化中心主义。许多东亚裔人群受到刻板印象的牵累,在美国社会饱受歧视,甚至成为了仇外心理的牺牲品。 (zh)
- الصورة النمطية للشرق آسيويين هي صور نمطية عرقية موجودة في المجتمع الأمريكي حول الجيل الأول من المهاجرين، والمواطنين الأمريكيين المولودين لوالدين هاجرا إلى الولايات المتحدة من دول شرق آسيا (الصين واليابان وكوريا الجنوبية) وكذلك بعض بلدان جنوب شرق آسيا. غالبًا ما تُصور هذه الصور النمطية للشرق آسيويين، كالقوالب النمطية العرقية الأخرى، في وسائل الإعلام السائدة والسينما والموسيقى والتلفزيون والأدب والإنترنت وغيرها من أشكال التعبير الإبداعي في الثقافة والمجتمع الأمريكي. (ar)
- Stereotypes of East and Southeast Asians in the United States refers to ethnic stereotypes of first-generation Asian immigrants as well as Americans with ancestry from East and Southeast Asian countries that are found in American society. Stereotypes of East and Southeast Asians, like other ethnic and racial stereotypes, are often portrayed in the mainstream media, in cinema, in music, on television, in literature, on the internet, as well as in other forms of creative expression in American culture and society. Many of these stereotypes are largely correlative to those that are also found in other core Anglosphere countries, such as in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, as mass media are often closely interlinked between these countries. (en)
- 미국내 동아시아인에 대한 고정관념 ( Stereotypes of East Asians in the United States )은 미국 사회에서 제1세대 이민자와 그 다음세대 즉, 중국, 일본, 한국에서 온 이민자들에 대한 고정관념을 말한다. 이러한 관념은 대중매체, 영화, 음악, 텔레비젼, 문확, 인터넷등의 다양한 미국의 문화와 사회에서 표현되고 있다. 이러한 고정관념은 대부분이 부정적인 면이 많으며, 이것이 사회문제의 근본적인 원인으로 작용하고 있다. 동아시아인에 대한 언론의 묘사는 문화와 관습과 행동을 현실적으로나 진실되게 표현하기 보다는 지나치게 미국 중심으로 묘사하려고 한다. 이것은 인종 차별과 증오범죄의 희생자를 낳게 하며, 인종 혐오 감정을 부추기는 역할을 한다. (ko)
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:List_of_Nathan_for_You_episodes
- dbr:Crazy_Rich_Asians_(film)
- dbr:Controversial_Reddit_communities
- dbr:Stereotypes_of_African_Americans
- dbr:Stereotypes_of_East_Asians_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Stereotypes_of_Southeast_Asians_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Fu_Manchu_moustache
- dbr:China_doll_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Nigel_Ng
- dbr:Asian_baby_girl
- dbr:Asian-American_theatre
- dbr:Asian_American_activism
- dbr:Oli_London
- dbr:Ethnic_stereotype
- dbr:Stereotypes_of_East_Asians
- dbr:Smart_Asian
- dbr:East_and_Southeast_Asian_stereotypes
- dbr:East_Asian_stereotypes
- dbr:Southeast_Asian_stereotypes
- dbr:Media_portrayal_of_East_and_Southeast_Asians
- dbr:Stereotypes_of_East_Asians_(history)
- dbr:Stereotypes_of_East_Asians_(repercussions)
- dbr:Stereotypes_of_East_Asians_and_Mainland_Southeast_Asians
- dbr:Stereotypes_of_East_Asians_and_Southeast_Asians
- dbr:Stereotypes_of_East_Asians_in_the_Western_world
- dbr:Stereotypes_of_East_and_Southeast_Asians
- dbr:Stereotypes_of_East_and_Southeast_Asians_(consequences)
- dbr:Stereotypes_of_East_and_Southeast_Asians_(history)
- dbr:Stereotypes_of_East_and_Southeast_Asians_(media_portrayal)
- dbr:Stereotypes_of_East_and_Southeast_Asians_(repercussions)
- dbr:Stereotypes_of_Southeast_Asians
- dbr:Stereotypes_of_mongoloids
- dbr:Stereotypes_of_yellow_people