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Las Meditaciones, Pensamientos o A sí mismo (en griego, Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, Tà eis heautón, literalmente 'cosas para sí mismo') del emperador romano Marco Aurelio es una obra literaria constituida por una serie de reflexiones de este filósofo, aparentemente fuera del tiempo y sin cronología. Fue originalmente redactada en griego entre los años 170 y 180. La obra, en doce tomos, es única en su género, y parece recorrer los últimos años de la vida interior de este emperador.


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dbo:abstract التأملات (يونانية القرون الوسطى: Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν، حرفياً «[ما هو] لنفسه») هو عبارة عن سلسلة من الكتابات الشخصية كتبها الإمبراطور الروماني ماركوس أوريليوس، بين عامي 161 و 180 ميلادي، حيث سجل ملاحظاته الخاصة لنفسه والأفكار حول الفلسفة الرواقية. كتب ماركوس أوريليوس الكتب الإثنا عشر باللغة اليونانية العامية المختلطة ، كمصدر لتوجيه نفسه وتحسين ذاته. ويُحتمل أنه كتب أجزاء كبيرة من العمل في سيرميوم، حيث أمضى الكثير من وقته في التخطيط للحملات العسكرية خلال الأعوام 170 إلى 180م. وكتب بعضاً منها حين كان متمركزاً في أكوينكوم في حملته على بانونيا، لأن المذكرات الداخلية تخبرنا أنه كتبه عندما كان يدير حملة ضد قبيلة على نهر غرانوفا (هرون في العصر الحديث) وكتب الكتاب الثاني في كارنونتوم. من غير المرجح أن ماركوس أوريليوس أراد أن ينشر العمل ولم يضع له عنوان، وبهذا فإن «التأملات» هو أحد عدة عناوين التي تم تخصيصها للمجموعة. تأخذ هذه الكتابات شكل اقتباسات متفاوتة في الطول من جملة واحدة إلى فقرات طويلة. (ar) Meditacions (en grec: Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, Ta eis heauton, literalment 'pensament adreçat a mi') és el títol d'un recull d'escrits de l'emperador romà Marc Aureli (121-180 dC) en què descriu reflexions personals. Els seus escrits tenen la forma de diverses sentències amb reflexions filosòfiques que van des d'una simple frase fins a paràgrafs llargs. El pensament de Marc Aureli s'emmarca dins de la filosofia estoica i se centra a evitar les emocions, ja que segons ell és l'única manera que els altres et puguin fer mal. La raó ha de permetre viure en harmonia amb l'ordre o logos, i elevar-se per sobre de les percepcions de "bé" i "mal". Les Meditacions, escrites en grec koiné, van ser escrites per Marc Aureli com a apunts personals per a la seva reflexió i per aclarir els seus pensaments. Es desconeix si tenia intenció que els seus escrits fossin publicats. (ca) Las Meditaciones, Pensamientos o A sí mismo (en griego, Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, Tà eis heautón, literalmente 'cosas para sí mismo') del emperador romano Marco Aurelio es una obra literaria constituida por una serie de reflexiones de este filósofo, aparentemente fuera del tiempo y sin cronología. Fue originalmente redactada en griego entre los años 170 y 180. La obra, en doce tomos, es única en su género, y parece recorrer los últimos años de la vida interior de este emperador. (es) Die Selbstbetrachtungen (altgriechisch Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν Ta eis heautón) des römischen Kaisers Mark Aurel sind die letzte bedeutende Hinterlassenschaft aus der philosophischen Schule der jüngeren Stoa. Sie werden zur Weltliteratur gezählt. Entstanden sind sie am Ende von Mark Aurels Herrschaft in Feldlagern an der Nordgrenze des Römischen Reiches. In einer Vielzahl persönlicher Beobachtungen aphoristischen Zuschnitts entfaltet der Kaiser dabei sein Weltbild im Selbstdialog. Maßgebliche Richtschnur für das eigene Denken und Handeln waren ihm die Einordnung in und die Übereinstimmung mit der „Allnatur“. Vernunftleitung und Gemeinwohlorientierung gehören zu den in zahlreichen Wendungen variierten Konstanten der Selbstbetrachtungen, zu denen Mark Aurel auch die Rückwirkungen seines Amtes auf die eigene Person antrieben: „Verkaisere nicht!“ Seit dem Erscheinen einer ersten gedruckten Ausgabe in der zweiten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts haben Mark Aurel und sein Werk hohe Wertschätzung und Vorbildcharakter erlangt. Allein in Deutschland reicht die Anhängerschaft des Verfassers der Selbstbetrachtungen unter den Herrschenden bzw. Regierungsverantwortlichen von Friedrich II. bis zu Helmut Schmidt. (de) Les Pensées pour moi-même (en grec ancien : Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, Ta eis heauton, littéralement « Les [choses] pour soi-même »), souvent simplement intitulé Pensées, est le titre d'une série de réflexions divisées en douze livres, rédigées en grec entre 170 et 180 par l'empereur Marc Aurèle qui régna de 161 à 180 apr. J.-C., et écrites au moins partiellement pendant ses campagnes militaires. Les Pensées n'étaient au départ qu'un journal, ne devant ni être publié ni révélé au public mais au contraire être détruit à la mort de l'auteur. Comme il n'est pas destiné à être lu par quiconque sauf son auteur, le texte est adressé à Marc Aurèle lui-même. L'empereur s'y adresse de nombreux reproches, réexpose périodiquement les mêmes idées et se donne des exercices afin d'une part de ne pas céder aux multiples tentations et facilités auxquelles il est exposé, d'autre part de persévérer dans la voie de la philosophie qu'il reconnaît comme la seule mesure de la valeur d'un homme. Rédigées dans un style simple et froid, les Pensées sont une suite d'aphorismes et de courtes réflexions portant sur le devoir, la mort et la conduite du sage face aux erreurs et à la méchanceté des Hommes. Marc Aurèle, lui-même philosophe stoïcien développe la tradition d'Épictète selon laquelle tout homme a le profond devoir de ne pas s'inquiéter de ce qui ne dépend pas de lui, c'est-à-dire les biens matériels, les honneurs, l'opinion des gens, mais doit en contrepartie se rendre parfaitement maître de ses émotions, avis, opinions et jugements, seules choses dont il possède une parfaite maîtrise. Par rapport à celle de son « prédécesseur », Épictète, la philosophie de Marc Aurèle est fortement orientée sur la notion de devoir et de responsabilité, notions importantes pour un empereur régnant sur un empire à son apogée mais souffrant de révoltes chroniques et de corruption. L'auteur se remémore sans cesse la nécessité de ne pas éprouver de colère et de haine à l'intention des mauvaises personnes et de ne pas laisser le mépris ou la honte l'atteindre, mais de se conformer à son devoir et à la justice pour être un exemple d'homme droit et ainsi tenter de corriger son entourage plutôt que de le punir. Les Pensées contiennent également de nombreuses allusions à la corruption de la cour impériale et à la nécessité, malgré cet environnement, de ne pas se détourner de la voie de la philosophie. (fr) Meditations (Koinē Greek: Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, romanized: Ta eis heauton, lit. 'things to one's self') is a series of personal writings by Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor from AD 161 to 180, recording his private notes to himself and ideas on Stoic philosophy. Marcus Aurelius wrote the 12 books of the Meditations in Koine Greek as a source for his own guidance and self-improvement. It is possible that large portions of the work were written at Sirmium, where he spent much time planning military campaigns from 170 to 180. Some of it was written while he was positioned at Aquincum on campaign in Pannonia, because internal notes tell us that the first book was written when he was campaigning against the Quadi on the river Granova (modern-day Hron) and the second book was written at Carnuntum. It is unlikely that Marcus Aurelius ever intended the writings to be published. The work has no official title, so "Meditations" is one of several titles commonly assigned to the collection. These writings take the form of quotations varying in length from one sentence to long paragraphs. (en) Meditationes (bahasa Yunani Abad Pertengahan: Ta eis heauton, secara harfiah bermakna "hal-hal untuk diri sendiri") adalah tulisan-tulisan Marcus Aurelius, Kaisar Romawi, yang disusun dari tahun 161 hingga 180 M dan berisikan catatan pribadinya serta gagasannya mengenai filsafat Stoisisme. Marcus Aurelius menulis 12 jilid Meditationes dalam bahasa Yunani Koine untuk pengembangan diri. Ada kemungkinan sebagian besar tulisannya dibuat di Sirmium, yang merupakan tempat ia menghabiskan banyak waktunya pada tahun 170 hingga 180 untuk merencanakan peperangannya. Beberapa tulisannya dibuat saat ia ditempatkan di Aquincum selama kampanye militer di Pannonia. Kelihatannya Marcus Aurelius tidak pernah berniat menerbitkan tulisan-tulisannya dan kumpulan karya ini juga tak memiliki judul resmi, jadi "Meditationes" adalah salah satu dari beberapa judul yang biasa diberikan oleh para ahli. Tulisan-tulisan ini berbentuk kutipan dengan panjang yang bermacam-macam, dari yang hanya satu kalimat sampai yang satu paragraf panjang. Wilhelm Xylander pertama kali menerjemahkan Meditationes ke dalam Bahasa Latin pada tahun 1558. (in) 《명상록》(暝想錄; 코이네 그리스어: Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν)은 로마 황제이자 스토아 학파의 철학자이기도 했던 마르쿠스 아우렐리우스의 저서이다. 이 책은 원래 권·장·절로 나뉘지는 않았다. 하지만 후대 사람들은 이 책을 12권으로 나누었고, 각 권에 장(章)을 매겼으며, 그 중에 긴 장(章)은 다시 절로 나누었다. 대우주(大宇宙)와 그 속에 사는 소우주로서의 자기 자신과의 대비(對比)를 기조로 하는 내면적 자기 반성의 기록이다. 특히 죽음의 문제가 끊임없이 논해지며 또 세계[宇宙] 시민의 발상이 되풀이하여 강조되고 있다. (ko) I Colloqui con sé stesso, conosciuti anche coi titoli Pensieri, Meditazioni, Ricordi o A sé stesso (quest'ultimo traduzione letterale del titolo originale, in greco antico: Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, Tà eis heautón), sono una serie di riflessioni dell'imperatore romano e filosofo stoico Marco Aurelio. Scritti in XII libri in lingua greca, rappresentano un'opera letteraria unica nel suo genere, che sembra ripercorrere gli ultimi 12 anni della vita interiore dell'autore. (it) 『自省録』(じせいろく、古代ギリシア語: Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν、ラテン文字転記:Ta eis heauton)は、ローマ皇帝で五賢帝の一人、マルクス・アウレリウス・アントニヌスが書いた哲学書。著者はローマ人であるが、全編、ラテン語ではなくギリシア語で書いたものである。 最後の五賢帝であるマルクス・アウレリウスは、ローマ皇帝としての多忙な職務のかたわら哲学的な思索を好み、後期ストア派を代表する哲人でもあった。本書はその思想を直接知ることのできる、彼の唯一の著書である。 (ja) Ta eis heauton (Grieks: Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, 'Aan zichzelf'; Meditaties, Overpeinzingen) is een oorspronkelijk titelloos en in het Grieks geschreven egodocument van de Romeinse keizer Marcus Aurelius, waarin hij bondig filosofische notities heeft verzameld. Die zijn gebaseerd op stoïcijnse ethiek en bevatten Marcus' belangrijkste overtuigingen. Hij schreef de notities in zijn laatste levensjaren en reflecteert over het overwinnen van emotionele problemen, de (vergankelijke) rol van de mens in de samenleving en de nietigheid van de mens en zijn bekommernissen binnen de kosmos en de eeuwigheid. Het boek werd voor het eerst in het Nederlands vertaald door Jan Hendrik Glazemaker onder de titel Zedige gedachten (Amsterdam 1658). De dichter en classicus Jan Hendrik Leopold vertaalde de boeken 5, 9 en 11 (Marcus Aurelius tot zichzelven, samen met het Handboekje van Epictetus opgenomen in Stoïsche wijsheid (Rotterdam 1904). Hij bezorgde tevens de uitgave van de Griekse tekst in de reeks Oxford Classical Texts (1908). Van Ta eis heauton verschijnen nog frequent vertalingen en bloemlezingen. Het is in het Nederlands ook verschenen onder de volgende titels: Zelfbespiegelingen, Meditaties, Overpeinzingen, Persoonlijke notities en Van Marcus Antoninus keizer "Voor zichzelf". (nl) Rozmyślania (oryg. Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, Ta eis heauton, dosł. Te do siebie samego) – zbiór zapisków o tematyce filozoficznej, etycznej i osobistej, autorstwa cesarza rzymskiego Marka Aureliusza. (pl) Meditações (em grego Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, Ta eis heautón literalmente "[pensamentos/escritos] endereçados a si mesmo") é o título de uma série de escritos pessoais do imperador romano Marco Aurélio onde ele apresentou suas ideias sobre a filosofia estoica. Marco Aurélio escreveu os doze livros das Meditações em grego, como uma fonte para sua própria orientação e para se melhorar como pessoa. É possível que grande parte da obra tenha sido escrita em Sírmio, onde ele passou muito tempo planejando campanhas militares entre os anos de 170 a 180. Sabe-se que partes dela foram escritas enquanto ele estava acampado em Aquinco, na Panônia, devido a notas na própria obra que indicam que o segundo livro foi escrito durante suas campanhas contra os quados, no rio Granova (atual Hron); já o terceiro livro foi escrito em Carnunto. Não se sabe ao certo se ele teve a intenção de publicar seus escritos. O título "Meditações" é apenas o mais célebre dentre diversos outros comumente designados à coleção. A obra segue o formato de citações, que variam em tamanho, de uma frase a parágrafos longos. Suas ideias estoicas frequentemente giram em torno do controle das emoções, de habilidades, as quais, segundo o autor, libertariam o homem das dores e dos prazeres do mundo material. A única maneira de um homem ser atingido pelos outros seria se ele permitisse que sua reação tomasse conta de si. Marco Aurélio não mostra qualquer fé religiosa em particular nos seus escritos, mas parecia acreditar que algum tipo de força lógica e benevolente organizasse o universo de tal maneira que até mesmo os acontecimentos "ruins" ocorressem para o bem do todo. (pt) «К самому себе» (греч. Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, варианты перевода — «Наедине с собой», «Рассуждения о самом себе», «Послания к самому себе») — сборник афористических мыслей римского императора Марка Аврелия в двенадцати «книгах» (небольших главах), написанный им на греческом языке (койне) в 70-е годы 2 в. н.э., главным образом на северо-восточных границах империи и в Сирмии. Ключевой памятник Поздней Стои. (ru) 《沉思录》(希臘語:Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, Ta eis heauton,意譯為「自我反省的思考/作品」)是古罗马帝国皇帝馬可·奧里略所写的反省笔记,為其個人作品系列的其中一集,由后人经过各种方式拼凑流传,其真实性和完整性难以考证。全文論述他對哲學中的斯多葛學派的想法。 (zh) Наодинці з собою (Koinē грец: Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, латинізовано: Ta eis heauton, дослівнно. «речі для себе») — серія особистих нотаток Марка Аврелія, римського імператора з 161 по 180 роки після Різдва Христова, у якій автор вів особисті примітки для себе і відтворював ідеї з стоїчної філософії. (uk)
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dbp:author dbr:Marcus_Aurelius Marcus Aurelius (en)
dbp:caption First page of the 1811 English translation by Richard Graves (en)
dbp:country dbr:Roman_Empire
dbp:language dbr:Koine_Greek
dbp:name Meditations (en)
dbp:source I. 14, trans. Maxwell Staniforth (en) II. 1, trans. Gregory Hays (en) II. 17, trans. C.R. Haines (en) III. 4, trans. Maxwell Staniforth (en) III. 7, trans. Gregory Hays (en) IV. 17, trans. George Long (en) IV. 33, trans. Scot and David Hicks (en) IV. 49, trans. Hicks (en) IV. 50, trans. George Long (en) IV. 7, trans. George Long (en) IV. 7, trans. Méric Casaubon (en) IX. 37 (en) IX. 5 (en) V. 33, trans. Gregory Hays (en) V. 8, trans. Gregory Hays (en) V. 9, trans. Gregory Hays (en) VI. 29, trans. Maxwell Staniforth (en) VII. 64 (en) VII. 9, trans. Maxwell Staniforth (en) VIII. 47, trans. George Long (en) VIII. 49 (en) VIII. 5 (en) VIII. 50, trans. George Long (en) VIII. 51 (en) VIII. 52 (en) X. 16, (en) X. 9 (en) XI 11.18.5b (en) XI. 13 (en) XII. 15 (en) XII. 4 (en)
dbp:text A person who doesn't know what the universe is doesn't know who they are. A person who doesn't know their purpose in life doesn't know who they are or what the universe is. A person who doesn't know any of these things doesn't know why they are here. So what to make of people who seek or avoid the praise of those who have no knowledge of where or who they are? (en) Do not act as if thou wert going to live ten thousand years. Death hangs over thee. While thou livest, while it is in thy power, be good. (en) Never regard something as doing you good if it makes you betray a trust or lose your sense of shame or makes you show hatred, suspicion, ill-will or hypocrisy or a desire for things best done behind closed doors. (en) Marcus Aurelius wrote the following about Severus : Through him [...] I became acquainted with the conception of a community based on equality and freedom of speech for all, and of a monarchy concerned primarily to uphold the liberty of the subject. (en) Do not then consider life a thing of any value. For look at the immensity of time behind thee, and to the time which is before thee, another boundless space. In this infinity then what is the difference between him who lives three days and him who lives three generations? (en) Often injustice lies in what you aren't doing, not only in what you are doing. (en) Keep this thought handy when you feel a bit of rage coming on – it isn't manly to be enraged. Rather, gentleness and civility are more human, and therefore manlier. A real person doesn't give way to anger and discontent, and such a person has strength, courage, and endurance – unlike the angry and complaining. The nearer a man comes to a calm mind, the closer he is to strength. (en) Of the life of man the duration is but a point. (en) Enough of this miserable, whining life. Stop monkeying around! Why are you troubled? What’s new here? What’s so confounding? The one responsible? Take a good look. Or just the matter itself? Then look at that. There’s nothing else to look at. And as far as the gods go, by now you could try being more straightforward and kind. It’s the same, whether you’ve examined these things for a hundred years, or only three. (en) Whatever happens to you has been waiting to happen since the beginning of time. The twining strands of fate wove both of them together: your own existence and the things that happen to you. (en) What if someone despises me? Let me see to it. But I will see to it that I won't be found doing or saying anything contemptible. What if someone hates me? Let me see to that. But I will see to it that I'm kind and good-natured to all, and prepared to show even the hater where they went wrong. Not in a critical way, or to show off my patience, but genuinely and usefully. (en) Don't tell yourself anything more than what the initial impressions report. It's been reported to you that someone is speaking badly about you. This is the report – the report wasn't that you've been harmed. I see that my son is sick – but not that his life is at risk. So always stay within your first impressions, and don't add to them in your head – this way nothing can happen to you. (en) I'm constantly amazed by how easily we love ourselves above all others, yet we put more stock in the opinions of others than in our own estimation of self....How much credence we give to the opinions our peers have of us and how little to our very own! (en) Let opinion be taken away, and no man will think himself wronged. If no man shall think himself wronged, then is there no more any such thing as wrong. (en) Put an end once for all to this discussion of what a good man should be, and be one. (en) Shame on the soul, to falter on the road of life while the body still perseveres. (en) Soon you'll be ashes or bones. A mere name at most—and even that is just a sound, an echo. The things we want in life are empty, stale, trivial. (en) All things are interwoven with one another; a sacred bond unites them; there is scarcely one thing that is isolated from another. Everything is coordinated, everything works together in giving form to one universe. The world-order is a unity made up of multiplicity: God is one, pervading all things; all being is one, all law is one and all truth is one– if, as we believe, there can be but one path to perfection for beings that are alike in kind and reason. (en) Drama, combat, terror, numbness, and subservience – every day these things wipe out your sacred principles, whenever your mind entertains them uncritically or lets them slip in. (en) In your actions, don't procrastinate. In your conversations, don't confuse. In your thoughts, don't wander. In your soul, don't be passive or aggressive. In your life, don't be all about business. (en) A cucumber is bitter. Throw it away. There are briars in the road. Turn aside from them. This is enough. Do not add, "And why were such things made in the world?" (en) If thou art pained by any external thing, it is not this that disturbs thee, but thy own judgment about it. And it is in thy power to wipe out this judgment now. (en) Take away your opinion, and there is taken away the complaint, [...] Take away the complaint, [...] and the hurt is gone (en) Words that everyone once used are now obsolete, and so are the men whose names were once on everyone's lips: Camillus, Caeso, Volesus, Dentatus, and to a lesser degree Scipio and Cato, and yes, even Augustus, Hadrian, and Antoninus are less spoken of now than they were in their own days. For all things fade away, become the stuff of legend, and are soon buried in oblivion. Mind you, this is true only for those who blazed once like bright stars in the firmament, but for the rest, as soon as a few clods of earth cover their corpses, they are 'out of sight, out of mind.' In the end, what would you gain from everlasting remembrance? Absolutely nothing. So what is left worth living for? This alone: justice in thought, goodness in action, speech that cannot deceive, and a disposition glad of whatever comes, welcoming it as necessary, as familiar, as flowing from the same source and fountain as yourself. (en) Not to feel exasperated or defeated or despondent because your days aren't packed with wise and moral actions. But to get back up when you fail, to celebrate behaving like a human—however imperfectly—and fully embrace the pursuit you've embarked on. (en) Does the light of a lamp shine and keep its glow until its fuel is spent? Why shouldn't your truth, justice, and self-control shine until you are extinguished? (en) When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: The people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly. They are like this because they can't tell good from evil. But I have seen the beauty of good, and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own—not of the same blood or birth, but the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine. (en) Be like a rocky promontory against which the restless surf continually pounds; it stands fast while the churning sea is lulled to sleep at its feet. I hear you say, "How unlucky that this should happen to me!" Not at all! Say instead, "How lucky that I am not broken by what has happened and am not afraid of what is about to happen. The same blow might have struck anyone, but not many would have absorbed it without capitulation or complaint." (en) Whenever you suffer pain, keep in mind that it's nothing to be ashamed of and that it can't degrade your guiding intelligence, nor keep it from acting rationally and for the common good. And in most cases you should be helped by the saying of Epicurus, that pain is never unbearable or unending, so you can remember these limits and not add to them in your imagination. Remember too that many common annoyances are pain in disguise, such as sleepiness, fever and loss of appetite. When they start to get you down, tell yourself you are giving in to pain. (en) [Before making a decision] The first thing to do – don't get worked up. For everything happens according to the nature of all things, and in a short time you'll be nobody and nowhere even as the great emperors Hadrian and Augustus are now. The next thing to do – consider carefully the task at hand for what it is, while remembering that your purpose is to be a good human being. Get straight to doing what nature requires of you, and speak as you see most just and fitting – with kindness, modesty, and sincerity. (en) [...] As for others whose lives are not so ordered, he reminds himself constantly of the characters they exhibit daily and nightly at home and abroad, and of the sort of society they frequent; and the approval of such men, who do not even stand well in their own eyes has no value for him. (en)
dbp:title The Meditations (en)
dbp:titleOrig Unknown, probably untitled (en)
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rdfs:comment Las Meditaciones, Pensamientos o A sí mismo (en griego, Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, Tà eis heautón, literalmente 'cosas para sí mismo') del emperador romano Marco Aurelio es una obra literaria constituida por una serie de reflexiones de este filósofo, aparentemente fuera del tiempo y sin cronología. Fue originalmente redactada en griego entre los años 170 y 180. La obra, en doce tomos, es única en su género, y parece recorrer los últimos años de la vida interior de este emperador. (es) 《명상록》(暝想錄; 코이네 그리스어: Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν)은 로마 황제이자 스토아 학파의 철학자이기도 했던 마르쿠스 아우렐리우스의 저서이다. 이 책은 원래 권·장·절로 나뉘지는 않았다. 하지만 후대 사람들은 이 책을 12권으로 나누었고, 각 권에 장(章)을 매겼으며, 그 중에 긴 장(章)은 다시 절로 나누었다. 대우주(大宇宙)와 그 속에 사는 소우주로서의 자기 자신과의 대비(對比)를 기조로 하는 내면적 자기 반성의 기록이다. 특히 죽음의 문제가 끊임없이 논해지며 또 세계[宇宙] 시민의 발상이 되풀이하여 강조되고 있다. (ko) I Colloqui con sé stesso, conosciuti anche coi titoli Pensieri, Meditazioni, Ricordi o A sé stesso (quest'ultimo traduzione letterale del titolo originale, in greco antico: Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, Tà eis heautón), sono una serie di riflessioni dell'imperatore romano e filosofo stoico Marco Aurelio. Scritti in XII libri in lingua greca, rappresentano un'opera letteraria unica nel suo genere, che sembra ripercorrere gli ultimi 12 anni della vita interiore dell'autore. (it) 『自省録』(じせいろく、古代ギリシア語: Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν、ラテン文字転記:Ta eis heauton)は、ローマ皇帝で五賢帝の一人、マルクス・アウレリウス・アントニヌスが書いた哲学書。著者はローマ人であるが、全編、ラテン語ではなくギリシア語で書いたものである。 最後の五賢帝であるマルクス・アウレリウスは、ローマ皇帝としての多忙な職務のかたわら哲学的な思索を好み、後期ストア派を代表する哲人でもあった。本書はその思想を直接知ることのできる、彼の唯一の著書である。 (ja) Rozmyślania (oryg. Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, Ta eis heauton, dosł. Te do siebie samego) – zbiór zapisków o tematyce filozoficznej, etycznej i osobistej, autorstwa cesarza rzymskiego Marka Aureliusza. (pl) «К самому себе» (греч. Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, варианты перевода — «Наедине с собой», «Рассуждения о самом себе», «Послания к самому себе») — сборник афористических мыслей римского императора Марка Аврелия в двенадцати «книгах» (небольших главах), написанный им на греческом языке (койне) в 70-е годы 2 в. н.э., главным образом на северо-восточных границах империи и в Сирмии. Ключевой памятник Поздней Стои. (ru) 《沉思录》(希臘語:Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, Ta eis heauton,意譯為「自我反省的思考/作品」)是古罗马帝国皇帝馬可·奧里略所写的反省笔记,為其個人作品系列的其中一集,由后人经过各种方式拼凑流传,其真实性和完整性难以考证。全文論述他對哲學中的斯多葛學派的想法。 (zh) Наодинці з собою (Koinē грец: Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, латинізовано: Ta eis heauton, дослівнно. «речі для себе») — серія особистих нотаток Марка Аврелія, римського імператора з 161 по 180 роки після Різдва Христова, у якій автор вів особисті примітки для себе і відтворював ідеї з стоїчної філософії. (uk) التأملات (يونانية القرون الوسطى: Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν، حرفياً «[ما هو] لنفسه») هو عبارة عن سلسلة من الكتابات الشخصية كتبها الإمبراطور الروماني ماركوس أوريليوس، بين عامي 161 و 180 ميلادي، حيث سجل ملاحظاته الخاصة لنفسه والأفكار حول الفلسفة الرواقية. من غير المرجح أن ماركوس أوريليوس أراد أن ينشر العمل ولم يضع له عنوان، وبهذا فإن «التأملات» هو أحد عدة عناوين التي تم تخصيصها للمجموعة. تأخذ هذه الكتابات شكل اقتباسات متفاوتة في الطول من جملة واحدة إلى فقرات طويلة. (ar) Meditacions (en grec: Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, Ta eis heauton, literalment 'pensament adreçat a mi') és el títol d'un recull d'escrits de l'emperador romà Marc Aureli (121-180 dC) en què descriu reflexions personals. Els seus escrits tenen la forma de diverses sentències amb reflexions filosòfiques que van des d'una simple frase fins a paràgrafs llargs. Les Meditacions, escrites en grec koiné, van ser escrites per Marc Aureli com a apunts personals per a la seva reflexió i per aclarir els seus pensaments. Es desconeix si tenia intenció que els seus escrits fossin publicats. (ca) Die Selbstbetrachtungen (altgriechisch Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν Ta eis heautón) des römischen Kaisers Mark Aurel sind die letzte bedeutende Hinterlassenschaft aus der philosophischen Schule der jüngeren Stoa. Sie werden zur Weltliteratur gezählt. Entstanden sind sie am Ende von Mark Aurels Herrschaft in Feldlagern an der Nordgrenze des Römischen Reiches. In einer Vielzahl persönlicher Beobachtungen aphoristischen Zuschnitts entfaltet der Kaiser dabei sein Weltbild im Selbstdialog. (de) Meditations (Koinē Greek: Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, romanized: Ta eis heauton, lit. 'things to one's self') is a series of personal writings by Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor from AD 161 to 180, recording his private notes to himself and ideas on Stoic philosophy. It is unlikely that Marcus Aurelius ever intended the writings to be published. The work has no official title, so "Meditations" is one of several titles commonly assigned to the collection. These writings take the form of quotations varying in length from one sentence to long paragraphs. (en) Meditationes (bahasa Yunani Abad Pertengahan: Ta eis heauton, secara harfiah bermakna "hal-hal untuk diri sendiri") adalah tulisan-tulisan Marcus Aurelius, Kaisar Romawi, yang disusun dari tahun 161 hingga 180 M dan berisikan catatan pribadinya serta gagasannya mengenai filsafat Stoisisme. (in) Les Pensées pour moi-même (en grec ancien : Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, Ta eis heauton, littéralement « Les [choses] pour soi-même »), souvent simplement intitulé Pensées, est le titre d'une série de réflexions divisées en douze livres, rédigées en grec entre 170 et 180 par l'empereur Marc Aurèle qui régna de 161 à 180 apr. J.-C., et écrites au moins partiellement pendant ses campagnes militaires. Les Pensées n'étaient au départ qu'un journal, ne devant ni être publié ni révélé au public mais au contraire être détruit à la mort de l'auteur. Comme il n'est pas destiné à être lu par quiconque sauf son auteur, le texte est adressé à Marc Aurèle lui-même. L'empereur s'y adresse de nombreux reproches, réexpose périodiquement les mêmes idées et se donne des exercices afin d'une part de ne pas céder aux multi (fr) Ta eis heauton (Grieks: Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, 'Aan zichzelf'; Meditaties, Overpeinzingen) is een oorspronkelijk titelloos en in het Grieks geschreven egodocument van de Romeinse keizer Marcus Aurelius, waarin hij bondig filosofische notities heeft verzameld. Die zijn gebaseerd op stoïcijnse ethiek en bevatten Marcus' belangrijkste overtuigingen. Hij schreef de notities in zijn laatste levensjaren en reflecteert over het overwinnen van emotionele problemen, de (vergankelijke) rol van de mens in de samenleving en de nietigheid van de mens en zijn bekommernissen binnen de kosmos en de eeuwigheid. (nl) Meditações (em grego Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν, Ta eis heautón literalmente "[pensamentos/escritos] endereçados a si mesmo") é o título de uma série de escritos pessoais do imperador romano Marco Aurélio onde ele apresentou suas ideias sobre a filosofia estoica. (pt)
rdfs:label Meditations (en) التأملات (ar) Meditacions (ca) Selbstbetrachtungen (de) Τα εις εαυτόν (el) Meditaciones (es) Meditasi (buku) (in) Pensées pour moi-même (fr) Colloqui con sé stesso (it) 自省録 (ja) 명상록 (ko) Ta eis heauton (nl) Rozmyślania (Marek Aureliusz) (pl) Meditações (pt) К самому себе (ru) 沉思录 (zh) Розмисли. Наодинці з собою (uk)
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