XIX Army Corps (original) (raw)

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فيلق الجيش التاسع عشر (بالألمانية: XIX Armeekorps) كان فيلق مدرع للفيرماخت الألماني بين 1 يوليو 1939 و 16 نوفمبر 1940، عندما تم تغيير اسم الوحدة Panzer Group 2 (الألمانية: Panzergruppe 2 ) ولاحقًا جيش بانزر الثاني (الألمانية: 2. بانزرارمي ). شارك في غزو بولندا ومعركة فرنسا.


Property Value
dbo:abstract فيلق الجيش التاسع عشر (بالألمانية: XIX Armeekorps) كان فيلق مدرع للفيرماخت الألماني بين 1 يوليو 1939 و 16 نوفمبر 1940، عندما تم تغيير اسم الوحدة Panzer Group 2 (الألمانية: Panzergruppe 2 ) ولاحقًا جيش بانزر الثاني (الألمانية: 2. بانزرارمي ). شارك في غزو بولندا ومعركة فرنسا. (ar) Das XIX. Armeekorps der deutschen Wehrmacht, im vollen Titel Generalkommando XIX. (mot.) Armeekorps, war die Bezeichnung für die entsprechende Kommandobehörde aber auch für den Verband aus mehreren Divisionen und eigenen Korpstruppen, der von diesem Generalkommando geführt wurde und unter dem Oberbefehl einer Armee oder Heeresgruppe stand. (de) Le 19e corps d'armée (allemand : XIX. Armeekorps) est un corps d'armée de l'armée de terre allemande au début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Formé en juillet 1939, commandé par Heinz Guderian le corps combat lors de l'invasion de la Pologne puis pendant la campagne de l'Ouest où il réalise la percée décisive de Sedan après la traversée des Ardennes et coupe les armées alliés en deux en atteignant la mer le 20 mai 1940. Renforcé par un autre corps après être retiré de la bataille de Dunkerque en vue de la suite des opérations, il est renommé groupement Guderian (allemand : Gruppe Guderian) le 1er juin et participe alors à la percée de la ligne Weygand, atteint la frontière suisse contribuant ainsi à l'encerclement des forces de la ligne Maginot. Le 16 novembre 1940, l'unité est rebaptisée Panzergruppe 2. (fr) Il XIX. Armeekorps (in italiano "XIX corpo d'armata"), originariamente denominato XIX. Armeekorps (mot.) (XIX corpo d'armata motorizzato), fu una grande unità dell'esercito tedesco creata il 1º luglio 1939 a Vienna per accorpare, al comando del tenente generale Heinz Guderian, la 2ª e la 4ª divisione corazzata. Il corpo corazzato prese parte alla campagna di Polonia ed alla campagna di Francia, durante la quale schierò tre Panzer-Division, 1ª, 2ª e 10ª, ed effettuò lo sfondamento decisivo a Sedan, completando la rapida avanzata verso il mare che isolò in Belgio gran parte delle forze nemiche. Durante questa campagna, a seguito di contrasti tra il generale Guderian ed il suo superiore, il generale Ewald von Kleist, il XIX corpo corazzato venne trasformato, con l'aggiunta di altre divisioni corazzate, in gruppo meccanizzato autonomo, assumendo il nome di Panzergruppe Guderian. Al termine della campagna di Francia, dopo il vittorioso Fall Rot, il XIX corpo corazzato venne trasferito a Berlino e posto sotto il comando della , assumendo, nel novembre del 1940, la denominazione di 2. Panzergruppe, (II gruppo corazzato), in attesa di essere impiegato nell'operazione Barbarossa. (it) The XIX Army Corps (German: XIX. Armeekorps) was an armored corps of the German Wehrmacht between 1 July 1939 and 16 November 1940, when the unit was renamed Panzer Group 2 (German: Panzergruppe 2) and later 2nd Panzer Army (German: 2. Panzerarmee). It took part in the Invasion of Poland and the Battle of France. It was formed in Vienna on 1 July 1939, the same day as the 2nd Panzer Division, but was not assigned to any single military district. Commanded by General der Panzertruppe Heinz Guderian, it was stationed in Pomerania prior to taking part in the invasion of Poland. It was officially tasked with constructing fortifications in preparation for an attack from Polish forces, though in fact German preparations for the invasion were already well advanced. Subordinated within Army Group North (responsible for Poland's north-western Danzig Corridor region) and supplemented by the 3rd Panzer, 2nd Infantry, and 20th Infantry Divisions, XIX Army Corps was tasked to strike southwards towards the Vistula river and thereby prevent any eastwards retreat of Polish troops to its west. Operations began on 1 September 1939, beginning World War II in Europe. During the initial days of the Polish campaign, the XIX Army Corps captured the city of Pruszcz and a bridgehead east of the Brda river, inflicted massive casualties on the Polish Pomorska Cavalry Brigade (described by William L. Shirer as "sickening evidence of the carnage" and "symbolic of the brief Polish campaign"), prevented attempts by the Polish 9th Infantry Division and the Czersk Operational Group to recapture the Brda's east bank, was visited at the front by Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, and Erwin Rommel, and suffered casualties of 150 fatalities and 700 wounded. Moved to operating east of the Vistula in support of the 3rd Army's left flank after the Battle of Różan, they were positioned to join in attacking Warsaw from the north but were hampered by the slow progress of Army Group South. Von Bock instructed Guderian to set his sights onto Brest-Litovsk, deep in the Polish rear. Miscommunications with the infantry-based XXI Army Corps caused casualties and risked them being encircled by Polish forces. The Battle of Brest-Litovsk followed soon after, with XIX Army Corps troops slowed but emerging victorious. After the Soviet invasion of Poland, XIX Army Corps yielded control of the city to the Red Army, in line with the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, which they had unknowingly violated. XIX Army Corps then represented Germany in the subsequent German–Soviet military parade in Brest-Litovsk. The unit received several commendations after the Polish campaign ended on 6 October, with Guderian himself awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on 27 October. The XIX Army Corps was reorganized into the Western Campaign in May 1940, containing three Panzer Divisions. The 1st Panzer Division under Friedrich Kirchner, the 2nd Panzer Division under Rudolf Veiel, the 10th Panzer Division under Ferdinand Schaal, and the Infantry Regiment Großdeutschland joined the XIX Army Corps, now under the command of Panzer Group Kleist. The XIX Army Corps became part of the German effort to trap the Allied troops with an attack through the Ardennes forest, devised by Erich von Manstein known as the sickle cut. The XIX Army Corps crossed into Luxembourg on 10 May, and progressed through southern Belgium supported by the German Third Air Fleet. Then Battle of Sedan was won by 15 May 1940 by the Germans, despite heavy losses to the French Char B1 bis tanks. The XIX Army Corps established a bridgehead on the Meuse, which allowed them to attack northward to the English Channel, and later southward to encircle Allied armies deployed in Belgium and the French forces along the Maginot Line. On 20 May, Amiens had been captured by 1st Panzer Division, to complete the XIX Army Corps' march to the English Channel. Germany won the Battle of Arras on the next day, which led the Allies to evacuate towards Calais and Dunkirk. XIX Army Corps continued northwards on 22 May then were reinforced by the XIV Army Corps, and began the Siege of Calais on 24 May. A victory on 26 May saw XIX Army Corps take 20,000 Allied soldiers as prisoners of war, and the onset of the Battle of Dunkirk. Two days later soldiers of Leibstandarte killed 80 men of British 144th Infantry Brigade in the Wormhout massacre. The ensuing victory at Dunkirk ended the northward campaign of the XIX Army Corps on 29 May. On 1 June, Guderian was assigned to command Panzergruppe Guderian, taking most of the XIX Army Corps staff with him, and were joined by the XLI Corps and the XXXIX Corps, and became part of the 12th Army. Panzergruppe Guderian were redeployed southwards, commencing battle on 10 June. German tanks advanced quickly southward, and only met French resistance in forests and villages. Philippe Pétain became leader of France on 16 June, began negotiating for a ceasefire with the Germans. A day later, the 29th Infantry Division reached the border of Switzerland, effectively encircling Allied soldiers on the Maginot Line. The XIX Army Corps campaign ended on 22 June, with the establishment of Vichy France. During its campaigns, the XIX Army Corps and Panzergruppe Guderian captured 250,000 prisoners. (en) Het 19e Gemotoriseerde Korps (Duits: Generalkommando XIX. Armeekorps (mot.)) was een Duits legerkorps van de Wehrmacht tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Het korps kwam alleen in actie in Polen in 1939 en in de eerste fase van de veldtocht in het westen in 1940. (nl) XIX Korpus Armijny (niem. XIX. Armeekorps) – jeden z niemieckich korpusów armijnych. Utworzony w lipcu 1939 roku w Wiedniu jako zmotoryzowane dowództwo dla 2. i 10. Dywizji Pancernej. W składzie 4 Armii brał udział w kampanii wrześniowej. Od czerwca 1940 roku występował też jako „Grupa Guderian”, walczył w górach Eifel i pod Dunkierką. W listopadzie 1940 roku korpus przemianowano na 2 Grupę Pancerną. (pl) XIX. Armeekorps var en tysk armékår under andra världskriget som deltog i invasionen av Polen och invasionen av Frankrike. (sv) O XIX Corpo de Exército (em alemão: XIX. Armeekorps) foi um Corpo de Exército da Alemanha na Segunda Guerra Mundial. A unidade foi formada no dia 1 de julho de 1939 em Wien, em . O Stab era formado pelas unidades motorizadas da 2 e 4ª Divisão Panzer. Foi ordenada o redesignação do Corpo para Panzergruppe Guderian no dia 28 de maio de 1940 por ordens de Adolf Hitler, sendo esta concluída no dia 1 de junho de 1940. O Corpo foi reformado mais tarde no mesmo mês. No dia 16 de novembro de 1940 o Generalkommando foi redesignado como sendo o 2º Panzergruppe. (pt) 19-й армейский корпус (нем. XIX. Armeekorps), сформирован 1 июля 1939 года в Вене (фактически — как моторизованный корпус). Корпус состоял из 2-й и 4-й танковых дивизий. С 1 июня 1940 года — именовался как группа «Гудериан» (Gruppe Guderian). 16 ноября 1940 года — переформирован во 2-ю танковую группу. (ru) XIX-й (19-й) армійський ко́рпус (нім. XIX. Armeekorps) — армійський корпус Вермахту за часів Другої світової війни. (uk)
dbo:activeYearsEndYear 1940-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
dbo:activeYearsStartYear 1939-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
dbo:battle dbr:Battle_of_France dbr:Eastern_Front_(World_War_II) dbr:Invasion_of_Poland dbr:World_War_II
dbo:country dbr:Nazi_Germany
dbo:militaryBranch dbr:German_Army_(Wehrmacht)
dbo:militaryUnitSize Corps
dbo:notableCommander dbr:Heinz_Guderian
dbo:role Armoured warfare
dbo:thumbnail wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Heinz_Guderian.jpg?width=300
dbo:type dbr:Panzer
dbo:wikiPageID 59438744 (xsd:integer)
dbo:wikiPageLength 121645 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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dbr:Vesoul dbr:Vianden dbr:Vichy_France dbr:Vienna dbr:Vistula dbr:Vitry-le-François dbr:Vosges dbr:Independent_Operational_Group_Narew dbr:Maginot_Line dbr:Lieutenant_general dbr:Poeuilly dbr:Spahi dbr:10th_Army_(Wehrmacht) dbr:10th_Army_Corps_(France) dbr:10th_Panzer_Division_(Wehrmacht) dbr:12th_Army_(Wehrmacht) dbr:144th_Infantry_Brigade_(United_Kingdom) dbr:16th_Army_(Wehrmacht) dbc:Military_units_and_formations_disestablished_in_1940 dbc:Military_units_and_formations_established_in_1939 dbc:War_crimes_of_the_Wehrmacht dbr:Corbie dbr:Cornimont dbr:Cruiser_Mk_I dbr:Mauritz_von_Wiktorin dbr:Rupt-sur-Moselle dbr:Różan dbr:Saint-Omer dbr:Saint-Quentin,_Aisne dbc:Panzer_corps_of_Germany_in_World_War_II dbr:Château-Porcien dbr:Chémery-sur-Bar dbr:Claude_Nicholson_(British_Army_officer) dbr:English_Channel dbr:Franz_Halder dbr:Friedrich_Dollmann dbr:Friedrich_Kirchner dbr:General_der_Panzertruppe dbr:Georg-Hans_Reinhardt dbr:Georg_von_Küchler dbr:Georg_von_Sodenstern dbr:Gerd_von_Rundstedt dbr:German_Army_(1935–1945) dbr:German_language dbr:German_order_of_battle_for_the_invasion_of_Poland dbr:Giromagny dbr:Glaire dbr:Gray,_Haute-Saône dbr:Moislains dbr:Molotov–Ribbentrop_Pact dbr:Montbéliard dbr:Montcornet,_Aisne dbr:Montier-en-Der dbr:Morcourt,_Somme dbr:Moselle dbr:Mountain_Corps_Norway dbr:Mézières-sur-Oise dbr:Mława dbr:Corps dbr:Anschluss dbr:Armoured_warfare dbr:Libramont-Chevigny dbr:Longwy dbr:Ludwig_Beck dbr:Luxembourg dbr:Siege_of_Calais_(1940) dbr:Singly dbr:Stonne dbr:Suippes dbr:Épinal dbr:Époye dbr:Équancourt dbr:Étrepy dbr:1st_Panzer_Division_(Wehrmacht) dbr:1st_SS_Panzer_Division_Leibstandarte_SS_Adolf_Hitler dbr:Authie_(river) dbr:Avre_(Somme) dbr:Bar-sur-Aube dbr:55th_Infantry_Division_(France) dbr:9th_Infantry_Division_(Poland) dbr:Brissy-Hamégicourt dbr:British_Expeditionary_Force_(World_War_II) dbr:Bulson dbr:Bussang dbr:Bussy-le-Château dbr:Bzura dbr:Cernay,_Haut-Rhin dbr:Til-Châtel dbr:Tintigny dbr:Wadelincourt,_Ardennes dbr:Walther_Nehring dbr:Walther_von_Brauchitsch dbr:Warsaw dbr:Wassy dbr:Watten,_Nord dbr:Wehrmacht dbr:Werner_Kempf dbr:West_Germany dbr:Wielbark,_Warmian-Masurian_Voivodeship dbr:Wilhelm_List dbr:Wilhelm_Mohnke dbr:Wilhelm_Ritter_von_Leeb dbr:Wilhelm_Ritter_von_Thoma dbr:William_L._Shirer dbr:Winston_Churchill dbr:Iron_Cross dbr:Karl-Heinz_Frieser dbr:German_Army_(Wehrmacht) dbr:Podlaska_Cavalry_Brigade dbr:20th_Infantry_Division_(Wehrmacht) dbr:218th_Infantry_Division_(Wehrmacht) dbr:23rd_Infantry_Division_(Wehrmacht) dbr:29th_Infantry_Division_(Wehrmacht) dbr:2nd_Infantry_Division_(Wehrmacht) dbr:2nd_Panzer_Army dbr:2nd_Panzer_Division_(Wehrmacht) dbr:3rd_Armored_Division_(France) dbr:3rd_Army_(Wehrmacht) dbr:3rd_Panzer_Division_(Wehrmacht) dbr:4th_Armored_Division_(France,_1940) dbr:4th_Army_(Wehrmacht) dbr:4th_Panzer_Division_(Wehrmacht) dbr:5th_Panzer_Division_(Wehrmacht) dbr:6th_Panzer_Division_(Wehrmacht) dbr:7th_Army_(Wehrmacht) dbr:7th_Panzer_Division_(Wehrmacht) dbr:8th_Panzer_Division_(Wehrmacht) dbr:Aa_(France) dbr:Abbeville dbr:Adolf_Hitler dbr:Albert,_Somme dbr:Alfred_Jodl dbr:Amiens dbr:2nd_Army_(France) dbr:3rd_Colonial_Infantry_Division_(France) dbr:Crécy-sur-Serre dbr:Dunkirk dbr:East_Prussia dbr:Eastern_Front_(World_War_II) dbr:Echternach dbr:Edouard_Daladier dbr:Erich_Hoepner dbr:Erich_von_Manstein dbr:Erwin_Rommel dbr:FT-17 dbr:Fedor_von_Bock dbr:Ferdinand_Schaal dbr:Flixecourt dbr:Floing,_Ardennes dbr:Fraillicourt dbr:Nidzica dbr:Nowa_Cerkiew,_Chojnice_County dbr:Ostrów_Mazowiecka dbr:POW dbr:Panzer_35(t) dbr:Panzer_38(t) dbr:Panzer_I dbr:Panzer_II dbr:Panzer_III dbr:Panzer_IV dbr:Paris dbr:Causes_of_World_War_II dbr:Battle_of_Boulogne_(1940) dbr:German–Soviet_military_parade_in_Brest-Litovsk dbr:Kazimierz_Mastalerz dbr:Killed_in_action dbr:Operation_Dynamo dbr:Luftflotte_3 dbr:Grodno dbr:Gustav_Anton_von_Wietersheim dbr:Günther_von_Kluge dbr:Habay dbr:Ham,_Somme dbr:Heinrich_Himmler dbr:Heinz_Guderian dbr:Herbeumont dbr:Hermann_Balck dbr:Hesdin dbr:Invasion_of_Poland dbr:Jeff_Rooker dbr:Dyle_Plan dbr:Army_Group_A dbr:Army_Group_B dbr:Army_Group_C dbr:Army_Group_G dbr:Army_Group_North dbr:Army_Group_South dbr:Arras dbr:Audresselles dbr:Chalons-Sur-Marne dbr:Char_B1 dbr:Charge_at_Krojanty dbr:Charles_Huntziger dbr:Charles_de_Gaulle dbr:Chasseurs_Ardennais dbr:Cheveuges dbr:Juniville dbr:Juzennecourt dbr:Katyn_massacre dbr:La_Neuville-lès-Wasigny dbr:Labour_Party_(UK) dbr:Langres dbr:Laon dbr:Switzerland dbr:Sępólno_Krajeńskie dbr:Dijon dbr:Donchery dbr:Doullens dbr:Marne_(river) dbr:Marne–Rhine_Canal dbr:Martelange dbr:Philippe_Pétain dbr:Pierre_Taittinger dbr:Polish_language dbr:Pomerania dbr:Pontailler-sur-Saône dbr:Port-sur-Saône dbr:Somme_(river) dbr:Soviet_Union dbr:Soviet_invasion_of_Poland dbr:Danzig_Corridor dbr:I_Army_Corps_(Wehrmacht) dbr:Ian_Kershaw dbr:Infantry_Regiment_Großdeutschland dbr:Knight's_Cross_of_the_Iron_Cross dbr:Koblenz dbr:Konstanty_Plisowski dbr:Kwidzyn dbr:Meuse dbr:Narew dbr:Nazi_Germany dbr:Neufchâteau,_Luxembourg_Province dbr:Oberkommando_der_Wehrmacht dbr:Oberkommando_des_Heeres dbr:Oise_(river) dbr:Omont dbr:Origny-en-Thiérache dbr:Rancourt,_Somme dbr:Sd.Kfz._265_Panzerbefehlswagen dbr:Sedan,_Ardennes dbr:Semyon_Krivoshein dbr:Sepp_Dietrich dbr:Serre_(river) dbr:World_War_II dbr:Wormhout dbr:Władysław_Raginis dbr:XIX_(2nd_Royal_Saxon)_Corps dbr:XVI_Army_Corps_(Wehrmacht) dbr:XXXIX_Panzer_Corps dbr:XXXVIII_Army_Corps_(Wehrmacht)
dbp:battles dbr:Battle_of_France dbr:Invasion_of_Poland dbr:World_War_II Successive Formations: * Eastern Front (en)
dbp:branch dbr:German_Army_(Wehrmacht)
dbp:dates 0001-06-05 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-07-01 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-10-05 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-11-16 (xsd:gMonthDay) (en) Successive Formations: (en)
dbp:notableCommanders dbr:Heinz_Guderian
dbp:portal Military of Germany (en) World War II (en)
dbp:role dbr:Armoured_warfare
dbp:sign 0001-03-21 (xsd:gMonthDay)
dbp:size dbr:Corps
dbp:source Heinz Guderian – Erinnerungen eines Soldaten, p. 79 (en) Heinz Guderian – Erinnerungen eines Soldaten, p. 100 (en) Erich von Manstein – Verlorene Siege, p. 64 (en) Karl-Heinz Frieser : The Blitzkrieg Legend (en) Heinz Guderian – Erinnerungen eines Soldaten, p. 60 (en) Heinz Guderian – Erinnerungen eines Soldaten, p. 65 (en) Heinz Guderian – Erinnerungen eines Soldaten, p. 101 (en) Heinz Guderian – Erinnerungen eines Soldaten, p. 104 (en)
dbp:text 0001-05-20 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-05-24 (xsd:gMonthDay) 0001-09-01 (xsd:gMonthDay) One day in November, [Erich von] Manstein asked me to see him and offered his thoughts on a strong panzer attack through Luxembourg and southern Belgium against the extended Maginot Line at Sedan, to pierce that fortified front and to then complete the breakthrough through the French frontline. He asked me for an evaluation of his suggestion from the standpoint of a panzer man. After extended study of maps in combination with my own knowledge of this terrain from World War 1 I could give Manstein the assurance that the operation he envisioned could in fact be realistically executed. The only condition I had to offer was that a sufficient amount of armoured and motorized divisions was to be assigned to this plan - preferably all of them! (en) Only when I had briefed [Guderian] on our Army Group's operational motives for seeking to shift the main weight of the entire offensive to the southern wing and drawn his attention to the alluring target of the Somme estuary in the enemy's rear did Guderian show unbounded enthusiasm for our plan. Ultimately it was his elan which inspired our tanks on their dash round the backs of the enemy to the Channel coast. For me, of course, it was a great relief to know that my idea of pushing large numbers of tanks through such difficult country as the Ardennes was considered feasible by Guderian. (en) On the way [to the Amiens suburbs] I confirmed the presence of 10th Panzer Division in Péronne and received a drastic report of 1st Panzer Division's replacement. The bridgehead forces of 1st Panzer had moved away without waiting for the replacement's arrival, because commanding Oberstleutnant Balck [of Rifle Regiment 1] deemed the point of time for attack on Amiens more important than defending the bridgehead and didn't want to miss the moment. His successor, Oberst Landgraf, was very indignant about this recklessness and about Balck's answer to his concerns: "You retake the bridgehead then [if the French were to recapture it]. I had to conquer it as well, after all!" (en) In this region [Sedan sector], we are entirely too much taken with the idea that the Ardennes woods and the Meuse River will shield Sedan and we assign entirely too much significance to these natural obstacles. The defenses in this sector are rudimentary, not to say embryonic. (en) Our conversation then transitioned to technical matters. Hitler inquired what aspects about our tanks had proven themselves and what aspects needed improvements. I explained that it was essential to get Panzer III and Panzer IV to the front at an accelerated speed and to increase the production of these models. For future developments it should be kept in mind that speed was sufficient, but that it was important to strengthen the armor, especially in the front, and to increase the range and piercing of the guns, thus larger barrels and projectiles with bigger loads. Same thing held true for the anti-tank guns. (en)
dbp:type dbr:Panzer
dbp:unitName XIX Army Corps (en)
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rdfs:comment فيلق الجيش التاسع عشر (بالألمانية: XIX Armeekorps) كان فيلق مدرع للفيرماخت الألماني بين 1 يوليو 1939 و 16 نوفمبر 1940، عندما تم تغيير اسم الوحدة Panzer Group 2 (الألمانية: Panzergruppe 2 ) ولاحقًا جيش بانزر الثاني (الألمانية: 2. بانزرارمي ). شارك في غزو بولندا ومعركة فرنسا. (ar) Das XIX. Armeekorps der deutschen Wehrmacht, im vollen Titel Generalkommando XIX. (mot.) Armeekorps, war die Bezeichnung für die entsprechende Kommandobehörde aber auch für den Verband aus mehreren Divisionen und eigenen Korpstruppen, der von diesem Generalkommando geführt wurde und unter dem Oberbefehl einer Armee oder Heeresgruppe stand. (de) Het 19e Gemotoriseerde Korps (Duits: Generalkommando XIX. Armeekorps (mot.)) was een Duits legerkorps van de Wehrmacht tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Het korps kwam alleen in actie in Polen in 1939 en in de eerste fase van de veldtocht in het westen in 1940. (nl) XIX Korpus Armijny (niem. XIX. Armeekorps) – jeden z niemieckich korpusów armijnych. Utworzony w lipcu 1939 roku w Wiedniu jako zmotoryzowane dowództwo dla 2. i 10. Dywizji Pancernej. W składzie 4 Armii brał udział w kampanii wrześniowej. Od czerwca 1940 roku występował też jako „Grupa Guderian”, walczył w górach Eifel i pod Dunkierką. W listopadzie 1940 roku korpus przemianowano na 2 Grupę Pancerną. (pl) XIX. Armeekorps var en tysk armékår under andra världskriget som deltog i invasionen av Polen och invasionen av Frankrike. (sv) O XIX Corpo de Exército (em alemão: XIX. Armeekorps) foi um Corpo de Exército da Alemanha na Segunda Guerra Mundial. A unidade foi formada no dia 1 de julho de 1939 em Wien, em . O Stab era formado pelas unidades motorizadas da 2 e 4ª Divisão Panzer. Foi ordenada o redesignação do Corpo para Panzergruppe Guderian no dia 28 de maio de 1940 por ordens de Adolf Hitler, sendo esta concluída no dia 1 de junho de 1940. O Corpo foi reformado mais tarde no mesmo mês. No dia 16 de novembro de 1940 o Generalkommando foi redesignado como sendo o 2º Panzergruppe. (pt) 19-й армейский корпус (нем. XIX. Armeekorps), сформирован 1 июля 1939 года в Вене (фактически — как моторизованный корпус). Корпус состоял из 2-й и 4-й танковых дивизий. С 1 июня 1940 года — именовался как группа «Гудериан» (Gruppe Guderian). 16 ноября 1940 года — переформирован во 2-ю танковую группу. (ru) XIX-й (19-й) армійський ко́рпус (нім. XIX. Armeekorps) — армійський корпус Вермахту за часів Другої світової війни. (uk) Le 19e corps d'armée (allemand : XIX. Armeekorps) est un corps d'armée de l'armée de terre allemande au début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Formé en juillet 1939, commandé par Heinz Guderian le corps combat lors de l'invasion de la Pologne puis pendant la campagne de l'Ouest où il réalise la percée décisive de Sedan après la traversée des Ardennes et coupe les armées alliés en deux en atteignant la mer le 20 mai 1940. Renforcé par un autre corps après être retiré de la bataille de Dunkerque en vue de la suite des opérations, il est renommé groupement Guderian (allemand : Gruppe Guderian) le 1er juin et participe alors à la percée de la ligne Weygand, atteint la frontière suisse contribuant ainsi à l'encerclement des forces de la ligne Maginot. Le 16 novembre 1940, l'unité est rebaptisée P (fr) The XIX Army Corps (German: XIX. Armeekorps) was an armored corps of the German Wehrmacht between 1 July 1939 and 16 November 1940, when the unit was renamed Panzer Group 2 (German: Panzergruppe 2) and later 2nd Panzer Army (German: 2. Panzerarmee). It took part in the Invasion of Poland and the Battle of France. (en) Il XIX. Armeekorps (in italiano "XIX corpo d'armata"), originariamente denominato XIX. Armeekorps (mot.) (XIX corpo d'armata motorizzato), fu una grande unità dell'esercito tedesco creata il 1º luglio 1939 a Vienna per accorpare, al comando del tenente generale Heinz Guderian, la 2ª e la 4ª divisione corazzata. Il corpo corazzato prese parte alla campagna di Polonia ed alla campagna di Francia, durante la quale schierò tre Panzer-Division, 1ª, 2ª e 10ª, ed effettuò lo sfondamento decisivo a Sedan, completando la rapida avanzata verso il mare che isolò in Belgio gran parte delle forze nemiche. Durante questa campagna, a seguito di contrasti tra il generale Guderian ed il suo superiore, il generale Ewald von Kleist, il XIX corpo corazzato venne trasformato, con l'aggiunta di altre divisioni (it)
rdfs:label الفيلق التاسع عشر (الفيرماخت) (ar) XIX. Armeekorps (Wehrmacht) (de) 19e corps d'armée (Allemagne) (fr) XIX. Armeekorps (Wehrmacht) (it) 19e Gemotoriseerde Korps (Wehrmacht) (nl) XIX Korpus Armijny (III Rzesza) (pl) XIX Corpo de Exército (Alemanha) (pt) XIX Army Corps (en) 19-й армейский корпус (вермахт) (ru) 19-й армійський корпус (Третій Рейх) (uk) XIX. Armeekorps (sv)
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