Country Codes (original) (raw)

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The following list shows the countries of the world, according to international standard ISO 3166-1. Selected standard codes for the countries are shown. There is also an indication of which entities are or are not independent countries.

249 countries A-2 A-3 Num ITU GEC IOC FIFA DS WMO GAUL MARC Dial Independent
Afghanistan AF AFG 004 AFG AF AFG AFG AFG AF 1 af 93 Yes
�land AX ALA 248 ALD FIN 1242 358 Part of FI
Albania AL ALB 008 ALB AL ALB ALB AL AB 3 aa 355 Yes
Algeria DZ DZA 012 ALG AG ALG ALG DZ AL 4 ae 213 Yes
American Samoa AS ASM 016 SMA AQ ASA ASA USA 5 as 1-684 Territory of US
Andorra AD AND 020 AND AN AND AND AND 7 an 376 Yes
Angola AO AGO 024 AGL AO ANG ANG AO AN 8 ao 244 Yes
Anguilla AI AIA 660 AIA AV AIA AIA 9 am 1-264 Territory of GB
Antarctica AQ ATA 010 AY ROS3 AA 10 ay 672 International
Antigua and Barbuda AG ATG 028 ATG AC ANT ATG AT 11 aq 1-268 Yes
Argentina AR ARG 032 ARG AR ARG ARG RA AG 12 ag 54 Yes
Armenia AM ARM 051 ARM AM ARM ARM AM AY 13 ai 374 Yes
Aruba AW ABW 533 ABW AA ARU ARU AW NU 14 aw 297 Part of NL
Australia AU AUS 036 AUS AS AUS AUS AUS AU 17 at 61 Yes
Austria AT AUT 040 AUT AU AUT AUT A OS 18 au 43 Yes
Azerbaijan AZ AZE 031 AZE AJ AZE AZE AZ AJ 19 aj 994 Yes
Bahamas BS BHS 044 BAH BF BAH BAH BS BA 20 bf 1-242 Yes
Bahrain BH BHR 048 BHR BA BRN BHR BRN BN 21 ba 973 Yes
Bangladesh BD BGD 050 BGD BG BAN BAN BD BW 23 bg 880 Yes
Barbados BB BRB 052 BRB BB BAR BRB BDS BR 24 bb 1-246 Yes
Belarus BY BLR 112 BLR BO BLR BLR BY BY 26 bw 375 Yes
Belgium BE BEL 056 BEL BE BEL BEL B BX 27 be 32 Yes
Belize BZ BLZ 084 BLZ BH BIZ BLZ BH BH 28 bh 501 Yes
Benin BJ BEN 204 BEN BN BEN BEN DY BJ 29 dm 229 Yes
Bermuda BM BMU 060 BER BD BER BER BM BE 30 bm 1-441 Territory of GB
Bhutan BT BTN 064 BTN BT BHU BHU BT 31 bt 975 Yes
Bolivia BO BOL 068 BOL BL BOL BOL BOL BO 33 bo 591 Yes
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba BQ BES 535 ATN NL AHO ANT NA NU 176 ca 599 Part of NL
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA BIH 070 BIH BK BIH BIH BIH BG 34 bn 387 Yes
Botswana BW BWA 072 BOT BC BOT BOT BW BC 35 bs 267 Yes
Bouvet Island BV BVT 074 BV BV BV 36 bv 47 Territory of NO
Brazil BR BRA 076 B BR BRA BRA BR BZ 37 bl 55 Yes
British Indian Ocean Territory IO IOT 086 BIO IO 38 bi 246 Territory of GB
Brunei Darussalam BN BRN 096 BRU BX BRU BRU BRU BD 40 bx 673 Yes
Bulgaria BG BGR 100 BUL BU BUL BUL BG BU 41 bu 359 Yes
Burkina Faso BF BFA 854 BFA UV BUR BFA BF HV 42 uv 226 Yes
Burundi BI BDI 108 BDI BY BDI BDI RU BI 43 bd 257 Yes
Cambodia KH KHM 116 CBG CB CAM CAM K KP 44 cb 855 Yes
Cameroon CM CMR 120 CME CM CMR CMR CAM CM 45 cm 237 Yes
Canada CA CAN 124 CAN CA CAN CAN CDN CN 46 xxc 1 Yes
Cape Verde CV CPV 132 CPV CV CPV CPV CV CV 47 cv 238 Yes
Cayman Islands KY CYM 136 CYM CJ CAY CAY KY GC 48 cj 1-345 Territory of GB
Central African Republic CF CAF 140 CAF CT CAF CTA RCA CE 49 cx 236 Yes
Chad TD TCD 148 TCD CD CHA CHA TCH CD 50 cd 235 Yes
Chile CL CHL 152 CHL CI CHI CHI RCH CH 51 cl 56 Yes
China CN CHN 156 CHN CH CHN CHN CN CI 53 cc 86 Yes
Christmas Island CX CXR 162 CHR KT CXR AUS KI 54 xa 61 Territory of AU
Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC CCK 166 ICO CK CCK AUS KK 56 xb 61 Territory of AU
Colombia CO COL 170 CLM CO COL COL CO CO 57 ck 57 Yes
Comoros KM COM 174 COM CN COM COM KM IC 58 cq 269 Yes
Congo (Brazzaville) CG COG 178 COG CF CGO CGO RCB CG 59 cf 242 Yes
Congo (Kinshasa) CD COD 180 COD CG COD COD ZRE ZR 68 cg 243 Yes
Cook Islands CK COK 184 CKH CW COK COK NZ KU 60 cw 682 Associated with NZ
Costa Rica CR CRI 188 CTR CS CRC CRC CR CS 61 cr 506 Yes
C�te d'Ivoire CI CIV 384 CTI IV CIV CIV CI IV 66 iv 225 Yes
Croatia HR HRV 191 HRV HR CRO CRO HR RH 62 ci 385 Yes
Cuba CU CUB 192 CUB CU CUB CUB C CU 63 cu 53 Yes
Cura�ao CW CUW 531 UC co 599 Part of NL
Cyprus CY CYP 196 CYP CY CYP CYP CY CY 64 cy 357 Yes
Czech Republic CZ CZE 203 CZE EZ CZE CZE CZ CZ 65 xr 420 Yes
Denmark DK DNK 208 DNK DA DEN DEN DK DN 69 dk 45 Yes
Djibouti DJ DJI 262 DJI DJ DJI DJI F DJ 70 ft 253 Yes
Dominica DM DMA 212 DMA DO DMA DMA WD DO 71 dq 1-767 Yes
Dominican Republic DO DOM 214 DOM DR DOM DOM DOM DR 72 dr 1-8091-8291-849 Yes
Ecuador EC ECU 218 EQA EC ECU ECU EC EQ 73 ec 593 Yes
Egypt EG EGY 818 EGY EG EGY EGY ET EG 40765 ua 20 Yes
El Salvador SV SLV 222 SLV ES ESA SLV ES ES 75 es 503 Yes
Equatorial Guinea GQ GNQ 226 GNE EK GEQ EQG EQ GQ 76 eg 240 Yes
Eritrea ER ERI 232 ERI ER ERI ERI ER 77 ea 291 Yes
Estonia EE EST 233 EST EN EST EST EST EO 78 er 372 Yes
Ethiopia ET ETH 231 ETH ET ETH ETH ETH ET 79 et 251 Yes
Falkland Islands FK FLK 238 FLK FK FLK FLK FK 81 fk 500 Territory of GB
Faroe Islands FO FRO 234 FRO FO FAR FRO FO FA 82 fa 298 Part of DK
Fiji FJ FJI 242 FJI FJ FIJ FIJ FJI FJ 83 fj 679 Yes
Finland FI FIN 246 FIN FI FIN FIN FIN FI 84 fi 358 Yes
France FR FRA 250 F FR FRA FRA F FR 85 fr 33 Yes
French Guiana GF GUF 254 GUF FG FGU GUF F FG 86 fg 594 Part of FR
French Polynesia PF PYF 258 OCE FP FPO TAH2 F PF 87 fp 689 Territory of FR
French Southern Lands TF ATF 260 FS F 88 fs 262 Territory of FR
Gabon GA GAB 266 GAB GB GAB GAB G GO 89 go 241 Yes
Gambia GM GMB 270 GMB GA GAM GAM WAG GB 90 gm 220 Yes
Georgia GE GEO 268 GEO GG GEO GEO GE GG 92 gs 995 Yes
Germany DE DEU 276 D GM GER GER D DL 93 gw 49 Yes
Ghana GH GHA 288 GHA GH GHA GHA GH GH 94 gh 233 Yes
Gibraltar GI GIB 292 GIB GI GIB GBZ GBZ GI 95 gi 350 Territory of GB
Greece GR GRC 300 GRC GR GRE GRE GR GR 97 gr 30 Yes
Greenland GL GRL 304 GRL GL GRL GRL DK GL 98 gl 299 Part of DK
Grenada GD GRD 308 GRD GJ GRN GRN WG GD 99 gd 1-473 Yes
Guadeloupe GP GLP 312 GDL GP GUD GLP F MF 100 gp 590 Part of FR
Guam GU GUM 316 GUM GQ GUM GUM USA GM 101 gu 1-671 Territory of US
Guatemala GT GTM 320 GTM GT GUA GUA GCA GU 103 gt 502 Yes
Guernsey GG GGY 831 GK GBG GBG 104 uik 44 Crown dependency of GB
Guinea GN GIN 324 GUI GV GUI GUI RG GN 106 gv 224 Yes
Guinea-Bissau GW GNB 624 GNB PU GBS GNB GW GW 105 pg 245 Yes
Guyana GY GUY 328 GUY GY GUY GUY GUY GY 107 gy 592 Yes
Haiti HT HTI 332 HTI HA HAI HAI RH HA 108 ht 509 Yes
Heard and McDonald Islands HM HMD 334 HM AUS 109 hm 672 Territory of AU
Honduras HN HND 340 HND HO HON HON HO 111 ho 504 Yes
Hong Kong HK HKG 344 HKG HK HKG HKG HK HK 33364 852 Part of CN
Hungary HU HUN 348 HNG HU HUN HUN H HU 113 hu 36 Yes
Iceland IS ISL 352 ISL IC ISL ISL IS IL 114 ic 354 Yes
India IN IND 356 IND IN IND IND IND IN 115 ii 91 Yes
Indonesia ID IDN 360 INS ID INA IDN RI ID 116 io 62 Yes
Iran IR IRN 364 IRN IR IRI IRN IR IR 117 ir 98 Yes
Iraq IQ IRQ 368 IRQ IZ IRQ IRQ IRQ IQ 118 iq 964 Yes
Ireland IE IRL 372 IRL EI IRL IRL IRL IE 119 ie 353 Yes
Isle of Man IM IMN 833 IM GBM GBM 120 uik 44 Crown dependency of GB
Israel IL ISR 376 ISR IS ISR ISR IL IS 121 is 972 Yes
Italy IT ITA 380 I IT ITA ITA I IY 122 it 39 Yes
Jamaica JM JAM 388 JMC JM JAM JAM JA JM 123 jm 1-876 Yes
Japan JP JPN 392 J JA JPN JPN J JP 126 ja 81 Yes
Jersey JE JEY 832 JE GBJ GBJ 128 uik 44 Crown dependency of GB
Jordan JO JOR 400 JOR JO JOR JOR HKJ JD 130 jo 962 Yes
Kazakhstan KZ KAZ 398 KAZ KZ KAZ KAZ KZ KZ 132 kz 7 Yes
Kenya KE KEN 404 KEN KE KEN KEN EAK KN 133 ke 254 Yes
Kiribati KI KIR 296 KIR KR KIR KIR KB 135 gb 686 Yes
Korea, North KP PRK 408 KRE KN PRK PRK KR 67 kn 850 Yes
Korea, South KR KOR 410 KOR KS KOR KOR ROK KO 202 ko 82 Yes
Kuwait KW KWT 414 KWT KU KUW KUW KWT KW 137 ku 965 Yes
Kyrgyzstan KG KGZ 417 KGZ KG KGZ KGZ KS KG 138 kg 996 Yes
Laos LA LAO 418 LAO LA LAO LAO LAO LA 139 ls 856 Yes
Latvia LV LVA 428 LVA LG LAT LVA LV LV 140 lv 371 Yes
Lebanon LB LBN 422 LBN LE LIB LIB RL LB 141 le 961 Yes
Lesotho LS LSO 426 LSO LT LES LES LS LS 142 lo 266 Yes
Liberia LR LBR 430 LBR LI LBR LBR LB LI 144 lb 231 Yes
Libya LY LBY 434 LBY LY LBA LBY LAR LY 145 ly 218 Yes
Liechtenstein LI LIE 438 LIE LS LIE LIE FL 146 lh 423 Yes
Lithuania LT LTU 440 LTU LH LTU LTU LT LT 147 li 370 Yes
Luxembourg LU LUX 442 LUX LU LUX LUX L BX 148 lu 352 Yes
Macau MO MAC 446 MAC MC MAC MAC MO MU 149 853 Part of CN
Macedonia MK MKD 807 MKD MK MKD MKD MK MJ 241 xn 389 Yes
Madagascar MG MDG 450 MDG MA MAD MAD RM MG 150 mg 261 Yes
Malawi MW MWI 454 MWI MI MAW MWI MW MW 152 mw 265 Yes
Malaysia MY MYS 458 MLA MY MAS MAS MAL MS 153 my 60 Yes
Maldives MV MDV 462 MLD MV MDV MDV MV MV 154 xc 960 Yes
Mali ML MLI 466 MLI ML MLI MLI RMM MI 155 ml 223 Yes
Malta MT MLT 470 MLT MT MLT MLT M ML 156 mm 356 Yes
Marshall Islands MH MHL 584 MHL RM MSH MHL MH 157 xe 692 Yes
Martinique MQ MTQ 474 MRT MB MRT MTQ F MR 158 mq 596 Part of FR
Mauritania MR MRT 478 MTN MR MTN MTN RIM MT 159 mu 222 Yes
Mauritius MU MUS 480 MAU MP MRI MRI MS MA 160 mf 230 Yes
Mayotte YT MYT 175 MYT MF MAY MYT 161 ot 262 Part of FR
Mexico MX MEX 484 MEX MX MEX MEX MEX MX 162 mx 52 Yes
Micronesia FM FSM 583 FSM FM FSM FSM 163 fm 691 Yes
Moldova MD MDA 498 MDA MD MDA MDA MD RM 165 mv 373 Yes
Monaco MC MCO 492 MCO MN MON MON MC 166 mc 377 Yes
Mongolia MN MNG 496 MNG MG MGL MNG MGL MO 167 mp 976 Yes
Montenegro ME MNE 499 MNE MJ MGO MNE MNE 2647 mo 382 Yes
Montserrat MS MSR 500 MSR MH MNT MSR 168 mj 1-664 Territory of GB
Morocco MA MAR 504 MRC MO MAR MAR MA MC 169 mr 212 Yes
Mozambique MZ MOZ 508 MOZ MZ MOZ MOZ MOC MZ 170 mz 258 Yes
Myanmar MM MMR 104 MYA BM MYA MYA BUR BM 171 br 95 Yes
Namibia NA NAM 516 NMB WA NAM NAM NAM NM 172 sx 264 Yes
Nauru NR NRU 520 NRU NR NRU NRU NAU NW 173 nu 674 Yes
Nepal NP NPL 524 NPL NP NEP NEP NEP NP 175 np 977 Yes
Netherlands NL NLD 528 HOL NL NED NED NL NL 177 ne 31 Yes
New Caledonia NC NCL 540 NCL NC NCD NCL F NC 178 nl 687 Territory of FR
New Zealand NZ NZL 554 NZL NZ NZL NZL NZ NZ 179 nz 64 Yes
Nicaragua NI NIC 558 NCG NU NCA NCA NIC NK 180 nq 505 Yes
Niger NE NER 562 NGR NG NIG NIG RN NR 181 ng 227 Yes
Nigeria NG NGA 566 NIG NI NGR NGA WAN NI 182 nr 234 Yes
Niue NU NIU 570 NIU NE NIU NIU NZ 183 xh 683 Associated with NZ
Norfolk Island NF NFK 574 NFK NF NFI NFK AUS NF 184 nx 672 Territory of AU
Northern Mariana Islands MP MNP 580 MRA CQ NMA NMI USA MY 185 nw 1-670 Commonwealth of US
Norway NO NOR 578 NOR NO NOR NOR N NO 186 no 47 Yes
Oman OM OMN 512 OMA MU OMA OMA OM 187 mk 968 Yes
Pakistan PK PAK 586 PAK PK PAK PAK PK PK 188 pk 92 Yes
Palau PW PLW 585 PLW PS PLW PLW 189 pw 680 Yes
Palestine PS PSE 275 GZWE PLE PLE 91267 gzwj 970 In contention
Panama PA PAN 591 PNR PM PAN PAN PA PM 191 pn 507 Yes
Papua New Guinea PG PNG 598 PNG PP PNG PNG PNG NG 192 pp 675 Yes
Paraguay PY PRY 600 PRG PA PAR PAR PY PY 194 py 595 Yes
Peru PE PER 604 PRU PE PER PER PE PR 195 pe 51 Yes
Philippines PH PHL 608 PHL RP PHI PHI RP PH 196 ph 63 Yes
Pitcairn PN PCN 612 PTC PC PCN PT 197 pc 870 Territory of GB
Poland PL POL 616 POL PL POL POL PL PL 198 pl 48 Yes
Portugal PT PRT 620 POR PO POR POR P PO 199 po 351 Yes
Puerto Rico PR PRI 630 PTR RQ PUR PUR USA PU 200 pr 1 Commonwealth of US
Qatar QA QAT 634 QAT QA QAT QAT Q QT 201 qa 974 Yes
Reunion RE REU 638 REU RE REU REU F RE 206 re 262 Part of FR
Romania RO ROU 642 ROU RO ROU ROU RO RO 203 rm 40 Yes
Russian Federation RU RUS 643 RUS RS RUS RUS RUS RS 204 ru 7 Yes
Rwanda RW RWA 646 RRW RW RWA RWA RWA RW 205 rw 250 Yes
Saint Barth�lemy BL BLM 652 TB sc 590 Part of FR
Saint Helena SH SHN 654 SHN SH HEL SHN SH HE 207 xj 290 n Territory of GB
Saint Kitts and Nevis KN KNA 659 KNA SC SKN SKN KN AT 208 xd 1-869 Yes
Saint Lucia LC LCA 662 LCA ST LCA LCA WL LC 209 xk 1-758 Yes
Saint Martin (French part) MF MAF 663 RN st 590 Part of FR
Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM SPM 666 SPM SB SPM SPM F FP 210 xl 508 Part of FR
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC VCT 670 VCT VC VIN VIN WV VG 211 xm 1-784 Yes
Samoa WS WSM 882 SMO WS SAM SAM WS ZM 212 ws 685 Yes
San Marino SM SMR 674 SMR SM SMR SMR RSM 213 sm 378 Yes
Sao Tome and Principe ST STP 678 STP TP STP STP ST TP 214 sf 239 Yes
Saudi Arabia SA SAU 682 ARS SA KSA KSA SA SD 215 su 966 Yes
Senegal SN SEN 686 SEN SG SEN SEN SN SG 217 sg 221 Yes
Serbia RS SRB 688 SRB RIKV SRB SRB SRB YG 2648 rb 381 p Yes
Seychelles SC SYC 690 SEY SE SEY SEY SY SC 220 se 248 Yes
Sierra Leone SL SLE 694 SRL SL SLE SLE WAL SL 221 sl 232 Yes
Singapore SG SGP 702 SNG SN SIN SIN SGP SR 222 si 65 Yes
Sint Maarten SX SXM 534 NN sn 1-721 Part of NL
Slovakia SK SVK 703 SVK LO SVK SVK SK SQ 223 xo 421 Yes
Slovenia SI SVN 705 SVN SI SLO SVN SLO LJ 224 xv 386 Yes
Solomon Islands SB SLB 090 SLM BP SOL SOL SB SO 225 bp 677 Yes
Somalia SO SOM 706 SOM SO SOM SOM SO SI 226 so 252 Yes
South Africa ZA ZAF 710 AFS SF RSA RSA ZA ZA 227 sa 27 Yes
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands GS SGS 239 SX 228 xs 500 Territory of GB
South Sudan SS SSD 728 SSD OD sd 211 Yes
Spain ES ESP 724 E SP ESP ESP E SP 229 sp 34 Yes
Sri Lanka LK LKA 144 CLN CE SRI SRI CL SB 231 ce 94 Yes
Sudan SD SDN 729 SDN SU SUD SUD SUD SU 40764 sj 249 Yes
Suriname SR SUR 740 SUR NS SUR SUR SME SM 233 sr 597 Yes
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands SJ SJM 744 NOR SVJN SZ 234 47 Territory of NO
Swaziland SZ SWZ 748 SWZ WZ SWZ SWZ SD SV 235 sq 268 Yes
Sweden SE SWE 752 S SW SWE SWE S SN 236 sw 46 Yes
Switzerland CH CHE 756 SUI SZ SUI SUI CH SW 237 sz 41 Yes
Syria SY SYR 760 SYR SY SYR SYR SYR SY 238 sy 963 Yes
Taiwan TW TWN 158 TW TPE TPE RC 925 ch 886 Yes
Tajikistan TJ TJK 762 TJK TI TJK TJK TJ TA 239 ta 992 Yes
Tanzania TZ TZA 834 TZA TZ TAN TAN EAT TN 257 tz 255 Yes
Thailand TH THA 764 THA TH THA THA T TH 240 th 66 Yes
Timor-Leste TL TLS 626 TLS TT TLS TLS RI TM 242 em 670 Yes
Togo TG TGO 768 TGO TO TOG TOG TG TG 243 tg 228 Yes
Tokelau TK TKL 772 TKL TL TKL NZ TK 244 tl 690 Territory of NZ
Tonga TO TON 776 TON TN TGA TGA TO TO 245 to 676 Yes
Trinidad and Tobago TT TTO 780 TRD TD TTO TRI TT TD 246 tr 1-868 Yes
Tunisia TN TUN 788 TUN TS TUN TUN TN TS 248 ti 216 Yes
Turkey TR TUR 792 TUR TU TUR TUR TR TU 249 tu 90 Yes
Turkmenistan TM TKM 795 TKM TX TKM TKM TM TR 250 tk 993 Yes
Turks and Caicos Islands TC TCA 796 TCA TK TKS TCA TI 251 tc 1-649 Territory of GB
Tuvalu TV TUV 798 TUV TV TUV TUV TV TV 252 tv 688 Yes
Uganda UG UGA 800 UGA UG UGA UGA EAU UG 253 ug 256 Yes
Ukraine UA UKR 804 UKR UP UKR UKR UA UR 254 un 380 Yes
United Arab Emirates AE ARE 784 UAE AE UAE UAE ER 255 ts 971 Yes
United Kingdom GB GBR 826 G UK GBR 1 GB UK 256 xxk 44 Yes
United States Minor Outlying Islands UM UMI 581 a USA b Territories of US
United States of America US USA 840 USA US USA USA USA US 259 xxu 1 Yes
Uruguay UY URY 858 URG UY URU URU ROU UY 260 uy 598 Yes
Uzbekistan UZ UZB 860 UZB UZ UZB UZB UZ UZ 261 uz 998 Yes
Vanuatu VU VUT 548 VUT NH VAN VAN VU NV 262 nn 678 Yes
Vatican City VA VAT 336 CVA VT VAT V 110 vc 39-06 Yes
Venezuela VE VEN 862 VEN VE VEN VEN YV VN 263 ve 58 Yes
Vietnam VN VNM 704 VTN VM VIE VIE VN VS 264 vm 84 Yes
Virgin Islands, British VG VGB 092 VRG VI IVB VGB BVI VI 39 vb 1-284 Territory of GB
Virgin Islands, U.S. VI VIR 850 VIR VQ ISV VIR USA VI 258 vi 1-340 Territory of US
Wallis and Futuna Islands WF WLF 876 WAL WF WAF WLF F FW 266 wf 681 Territory of FR
Western Sahara EH ESH 732 AOE WI SAH 268 ss 212 In contention
Yemen YE YEM 887 YEM YM YEM YEM YAR YE 269 ye 967 Yes
Zambia ZM ZMB 894 ZMB ZA ZAM ZAM Z ZB 270 za 260 Yes
Zimbabwe ZW ZWE 716 ZWE ZI ZIM ZIM ZW ZW 271 rh 263 Yes
Country name: As shown in "Administrative Subdivisions of Countries". A-2: Alpha-2 codes from ISO 3166-1 A-3: Alpha-3 codes from ISO 3166-1 (synonymous with World Bank Codes) Num: Numeric codes from ISO 3166-1 ITU: Codes assigned by the International Telecommunications Union GEC: Codes from the U.S. standard GEC IOC: Codes assigned by the International Olympics Committee . These codes identify the nationality of athletes and teams during Olympic events. FIFA: Codes assigned by the F�d�ration Internationale de Football Association DS: Distinguishing signs of vehicles in international traffic (oval bumper sticker codes) WMO: Country abbreviations used in weather reports from the World Meteorological Organization GAUL: Global Administrative Unit Layers from the Food and Agriculture Organization MARC: MAchine-Readable Cataloging codes from the Library of Congress Dial: Country code from ITU-T recommendation E.164 (international dialing code), sometimes followed by area code Independent: Country status, based on the CIA World Factbook. This column is just a superficial note, provided for convenience. I don't care toargue about it. For full details, please consult your favorite official source.

Sources and notes:

ISO - The Maintenance Agency for ISO standard 3166 is supported directly by the central secretariat of the ISO in Geneva. It maintains an authoritative list of ISO Alpha-2 Codes . Its list is coordinated with a list of countries used by the United Nations Statistics Division for reporting purposes. If I understand correctly, the organization that defines ISO Alpha-3 and Numeric Codes is actually the U.N. Statistics Division . Here are thechanges since 1982 for those codes. See thechanges in ISO 3166-1 page for the change history. I have also written a page aboutusing ISO 3166-1 in software.

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) administers top-level domain names (.com, .edu, .org, and so on). The majority of top-level domain names are referred to as ccTLD, or country-code Top Level Domains. They include .fr, .in, etc. URLs with .fr as their top-level domain are supposed to be assigned to French individuals, organizations, and companies by a French administrative body. IANA has chosen to use ISO 3166 as a basis for the ccTLDs (see theirlist ), and sticks to it very closely. It does, however, use .uk as well as .gb for the United Kingdom. It also allows .ac for Ascension Island (properly part of Saint Helena).

ITU - A number of Web pages say that the ITU country codes are being used, mostly to identify radio transmitter locations. The ITU Web site has the list. These should not be confused with several other ITU codes, mostly numeric, which are used as dialing prefixes (e.g., ITU-T Recommendation E.164 ). The ITU code for Serbia and Montenegro recently changed fromYUG to SCG. See also "Dialing codes", below.

GEC - The GEC page has an official U.S. government listing of codes. See the changes in GEC page for the change history. Eric Muller has created a website that keeps track of changes in the GEC codes for primary subdivisions.

The GEC country list differs from ISO 3166 in many minor and sometimes surprising ways. It has assigned separate codes to Bassas da India (BS), Europa Island (EU), Glorioso Islands (GO), Juan de Nova Island (JU), and Tromelin Island (TE), tiny and mostly uninhabited Indian Ocean islands administered with the French Southern Territories; also, Ashmore and Cartier Islands (AT) and Coral Sea Islands (CR), Australian territories; and Clipperton Island (IP), which is administered from French Polynesia. It splits Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands into two countries (JN and SV). a It shows United States Minor Outlying Islands as nine countries: Baker Island (FQ), Howland Island (HQ), Jarvis Island (DQ), Johnston Atoll (JQ), Kingman Reef (KQ), Midway Islands (MQ), Navassa Island (BQ), Palmyra Atoll (LQ), and Wake Island (WQ). It treats Palestine as the Gaza Strip (GZ) plus the West Bank (WE); also, a code is assigned to No Man's Land (NM), a small and winding band of neutral territory near Jerusalem. Since Kosovo declared independence, it has treated Serbia as Serbia proper (RI) plus Kosovo (KV). The 2004 edition of the CIA World Factbook explains why it has added country listings for Akrotiri and Dhekelia, two British military bases in Cyprus. They were assigned the GEC codes AX and DX, respectively, by FIPS Change Notice 12, dated 2007-06-11. At the same time, codes were added for the Southern Kuril Islands (a.k.a. Hoppo Ryodo) (PJ) and areas of undesignated sovereignty (UU), which overlaps with some other codes. The UU code was revoked in 2010-04 with the changeover to Geopolitical Entities and Codes. Finally, GEC allocates codes to the Paracel (PF) and Spratly (PG) Islands, two island groups in the South China Sea that are claimed by every country within shooting distance; ISO 3166 is noncommittal about the Paracels and Spratlys. When ISO split �land from Finland, GEC did not, so that is one more point of difference between them. The newer GENC standard has retained these variations, but uses ISO-like codes.

IOC - The International Olympics Committee code for Yugoslavia changed from YUG to SCG at about the same time as the ISO Alpha-3 code. Faroe Islands didn't compete in the 2004 Olympics, but in the Paralympic Games they were identified by FRO rather than the former code, FAR. The code for Trinidad and Tobago changed from TRI to TTO in 2014.

FIFA - The FIFA (soccer) codes are taken from theFIFA website , with supplemental codes as shown inWikipedia . There are a couple of discrepancies between the two sources. Notes: 1 The United Kingdom is covered by several codes: ENG (England), NIR (Northern Ireland), SCO (Scotland), andWAL (Wales). 2 Represents Tahiti. 3Represents Ross Dependency.

DS - Have you ever wondered about those white oval stickers on cars, with a country code in them? They are provided for by Article 20 of theConvention on Road Traffic (Geneva, 1949). Therein, they are called "distinguishing signs of the place of registration" of vehicles. There's a list of them on thisUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe page. However, some of the codes reported there are not the ones in actual use, because some countries are lax in reporting their codes to the U.N. Secretary General. Neil Parker, John Weeks, and Reg Wilson (of Europlate), in their book "Registration Plates of the World" (ISBN 0-9502735-6-2 paperback, 0-9502735-7-0 hardback), list the codes actually being used on vehicles. That list (as sent to me by Mr. Parker) is the primary source of the data given in the table above.

In recent years, unauthorized stickers have come on the market to promote various tourist areas. One of the earliest was MV for Martha's Vineyard. Besides, when a code changes (e.g. Faroe Islands changed from FR to FO in the mid-1990s), the old stickers don't disappear in a flash. Consequently, even direct observation may not be sufficient to establish the correct Distinguishing Sign for a country.

A Wikipedia user in Uruguay, MauriManya, says that the Distinguishing Sign for Uruguay has changed to UY "al adoptar el sistema unificado en todo el pa�s" (on the adoption of a unified system throughout the country).

The list of countries by Distinguishing Sign is a bit different from the ISO 3166 country list. Instead of Tanzania, there are Tanganyika (EAT) and Zanzibar (EAZ), dating back to before 1964 when the two countries united. There is even a code for Alderney (GBA), which is a dependency of Guernsey.

GAUL - GAUL is a relatively new initiative from the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), a specialized agency of the U.N. It aims to codify all the world's statoids and their changes, from about 1990 on. So far it has developed data for countries, primary, and secondary divisions, including boundary data and entity codes. The entity codes are integers, assigned sequentially, with no duplication between layers; that is, no country has the same code as any primary subdivision, and so on. When an entity splits or merges, its code is dropped and new codes are created. However, the codes for its subdivisions remain the same. Therefore, there is no permanent relationship between the codes for an entity and those for its subdivisions; the system is not hierarchical. A revised set of codes is released annually. Some information about GAUL is at Description ,PDF document ,Presentation , andList of codes .

MARC - MARC is a standard for encoding bibliographic materials in electronic form. The Library of Congress maintains the MARC code list for countries . For background on MARC and a list of country code changes, see the changes in MARC page. In general, MARC country codes are two letters. For three countries, MARC provides three-letter subdivision codes. In these cases, the first two letters represent the state or province, and the third letter indicates the country. If the first two letters are xx, the code represents a location in an unspecified subdivision of that country. b There are five MARC codes that represent parts of United States Minor Outlying Islands: ji Johnston Atoll, xf Midway Islands, wk Wake Island, ucUnited States Misc. Caribbean Islands, and up United States Misc. Pacific Islands.

Dialing codes - In most places that allow direct-dialed international calls, you must first dial an international access code. For that reason, the E.164 country codes are often printed with a plus sign prefixed, as in +44-01632-496123. In the U.S., the international access code is 011, so you would dial 01144, etc., to reach that number.n Ascension Island's code is 247. pKosovo has been given the code 383, to take effect "by 2015".

The digits of a telephone number following the country code often have a geographical significance, and are often called area codes. Some lists of area codes for different countries can be found online. Here are a few such sites. All of these links are to other websites.

Country Codes
International Codes
Bangladesh Codes
Canada Codes
India Codes Codes
Lithuania Codes
Madagascar Codes
Russia Codes
Tajikistan Codes
USA Codes Codes

Misc. - The Educational Testing Service has a set of three-digit country codes in aPDF file .

The U.S. Census Bureau has a set of four-digit country codes -Schedule C - for use in reporting trade statistics. The (PDF file) AID Geographic Code Book lists region and country codes used by the U.S. Agency for International Development, along with GEC codes.

There are NATO standards called STANAG (for STANdardization AGreement), used to communicate military information among NATO members. STANAG 1059 is used for countries and other regions. The country codes are based closely on the ISO Alpha-3 codes. The Stanag code for Macedonia is FYR instead of MKD; almost all of the others are the same.

The history of STANAG 1059 is hard to track. Its first Wikipedia entry was made in 2004, and referenced a seventh edition dated 2000 and an eighth edition dated 2003. The eighth edition became effective on 2004-04-01. The ninth edition appeared in draft form in 2005. A tenth edition was planned, but I can't find it online. The first seven editions were closely based on FIPS 10-4 two-letter country codes. The eighth edition added ISO two- and three-letter country codes. It also listed primary subdivisions, with their ISO 3166-2 and FIPS 10-4 codes. All FIPS codes in this document are deprecated.

Eurostat, the statistical agency of the European Union, has modified the ISO 3166-1 standard to create its ownGeonomenclature , or GEONOM for short. These codes are intended to be used in compiling external trade statistics for EU countries.

CountryCodes.CO , a website devoted to code lookups, has several codes not listed here.

All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name. - Ps. lxxxvi:9.