List of 3500 vintage movie cameras, projectors etc A-C. (original) (raw)
The following is a list of manufacturers of vintage cinematographic equipment, with some of the apparatus they marketed. It is by no means complete, but a basis for expansion.
Presently you will find the country of origin, year of manufacture and size. The ACR number, if mentioned, refers to the Peter Ariel's Cinematography Register listing. I hope to expand it with more images and data on other apparatus. In general this list closes in the year 1965 with the introduction of super 8mm to replace regular 8mm. For movie cameras after the introduction of Super 8 please refer to Anssi Puistot's Super 8 camera list
I have listed apparatus, I could not find the manufacturer of, under Various
In many cases I am not sure of the years of manufacture. For your guidance I have made guesses with a question mark. Of course all data are tentative.
I'm always grateful for any info you can supply to correct or update this list. Also let me know if an image does not open. Email to: but delete the word NOSPAM from the address.
If you like to find out more about a certain apparatus, click on the first letter of the name of the manufacturer to go to the relative section of this list. If the apparatus is not listed look for a model number near to it for an approximate date. As models often have a different name than that of the manufacturer you might also search with the Ctrl+F keys. I have often listed apparatus under their model name, though.
As for additional images you might search on Google Images. On YouTube you may find clips with demonstrations of apparatus of the major makes. Also many images may be had from Kamera Daten Bank Deutsche Museen
Possibly a manual is available. Click here.
<font="red">Value</font="red"> . I'm receiving many queries about the value of equipment. Read my reply here.
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]
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Search Anssi Puistot's list with more than 1100 super 8mm cameras
See A�ton, Grenoble, France
- A�ton LTR 7 19? camera 16mm (convertable to super 16)
- A�ton LTR 54 1981 sound camera 16mm
- A�ton A Minima 1999 sound camera 16mm (with video assist) super 16
- XTR (Plus) 1994/5 camera 16mm
Ab-Cum-O-Graph. See Cummings
ACA, Germany
ACE (Associated Cine Equipment Ltd.) , Erith, Kent, Great Britain
Ace Manufacturing Co., Milwaukee, USA
Ace/ L & L Randall Ltd. , Great Britain
Acme Camera Corp., Cal., USA
- Acme 367-16-P lab / animation camera 16mm
Acme Motion Picture Projector Co., Chicago, USA (merged into International Picture Corp. , Chicago, in 1925)
- ACME S.V.E. type F1 1922? projector 35mm
- Acme 1924 portable projector 1000 Watt 35mm
- Acme S.V.E. model 12 type G 1925 projector 35mm (model info courtesy Gerald Saul)
Acme Tool & Manufacturing Co., Burbank, Cal., USA
(Acme was well-known for its Academy award winning Acme-Dunn optical printer (1944))
Acres, Birt, Great Britain (1854 - 1918)
Read the history of Birt Acres by Tjitte de Vries and his grandson Alan Acres.
- Kinetic camera 1895 camera 35mm
- Electroscope 1895 public viewer of 35mm films
- Kineopticon 1896 projector 35mm
- Birtac 1898 Camera/proj 17,5mm ACR 0565
AEG, Germany
- Stilstandsmaschine 1919 Projector 35mm
- Theatermaschine 1920 Projector 35mm
- Triumphator I - III 1924 - 1935 projectors 35mm ACR 0710
- Successor (Lehrmeister, Instructor) 1925 - 1935 projector 35mm
- Kofferkino 1927 encased projector 35mm
- Lehrmeister 1929 Projector 35mm ACR 0709 (Leitz)
- Mechau Modell 4 1929-1934 projector 35mm
- Euro K 1938-42 projector 35mm
- Euro M 1936 projector 35mm
- Euro G 1938 projector 35mm (G-MB)Interlock version)
- Euro M2 1939 - 1944 projector 35mm
Aeroscope/Cherry Kearton Ltd., London, UK. (see Proszynski)
- Aeroscope air pressure motor driven camera 35mm 1910 (see image)
- New Aeroscope air pressure camera 35mm 1928
AGA Baltic, Sweden
Agfa Camerawerk AG, Berlin/Munich, Germany. (see Ansco for models produced in the USA)
- Movex 16 (12 B 1.5/20mm) 1928 camera 16mm (3.5 20mm)ACR 0003
- Movex 16 12 L 1931 cam 16mm ACR 0004
- Agfa enlarger 16mm on to 6x9 cm glass plates
- Movex 30 L 1931 camera 16mm (1.5 20mm)ACR 0005
- Movex 30 B 1935 camera 16mm (1.5 20mm)ACR 0006
- Movex 8 1937 camera 1x8(cassette) 2.8/12mm ACR 0007
- Movex 8 L 1939 camera 1x8mm(cassette) 1.9/13mm exp.meter ACR 0008
- Movex 88 1 1957 camera 8mm ACR 0009
- Movex 88 2 1957 camera 8mm ACR 0010
- Movex 88 L 1958 camera 8mm ACR 0011
- Movex Automatic 1 1958 camera 8mm ACR 0012
- Movexoom 5155 1960 zoom lens camera 1.8 9-30mm 8mm
- Movex Automatic 2 1963 camera 8mm ACR 0013
- Movexoom 1963 camera 8mm 1.8/9-30mm ACR 0014
- Agfa Movex Reflex (A,GBS & N) 1963 camera 1.8/13mm
- Movex Reflex A 1963 1.8 7,5-37,5mm cameras 8mm ACR 0015
- Agfa Moviematic (Family) c 100 1980 camera super 8 Agfa projectors
- Movector 16 A 1929 projector 16mm ACR 0435
- Movector 16 M 1929 projector 16mm
- Movector 16 C 1931 projector 16mm ACR 0436
- Movector A.L. 1931 projector 16mm
- Movector A S 1931 projector 8mm
- Movector CD 1932 projector 16mm
- Movector CS (also CS Ozaphan and CS R) 1932 projector 16mm
- Movector Rolki (crank or motor)1932 16mm
- Movector A II 1933 projector 16mm
- Movector Record 1934 projector 8mm
- Movector CS 1935 projector 16mm with filmgate accessory for Ozaphan film
- Movector Super 16 (16 Ton = sound model) - 1935 projector 16mm ACR 0438
- Heim Movector Billy 1935 projector 16mm ACR 0437
- Magica (model 1, 2 with resistance 120', 3 450') 1937 projectors 16mm
- Movector 8 - 1938 projector 8mm ACR 0441
- Record 1938 projector 16mm (with Ozaphan film provision) ACR 0440
- Movector Iso 16 - 1937 projector 16mm ACR 0439
- Ozaphan Magica 1,2,3 1938? projectors 16mm
- Movector E 8 1958 projector 8mm
- Movector F 8 1958 (F 8 T 1960) projector 8mm ACR 0711
- Movector G 1962 projector regular 8mm
- Sonector 8 S 1958 magnetic sound projector regular 8mm ACR 0712(sound accessory not shown)
- Sonectorphon 8 1962 stripe sound projector regular 8
- Movector B 1965 projector regular 8mm
Aids Inc., El Segundo, Cal., USA
Aimes Engeneering Co. Inc., USA
- Sound projector AQ-3 16mm for military purposes 1960?
Aires Camera Int. Co. Ltd., Japan
- Aires Zoom-Eight 1960 camera 2x8mm
Airfix, Great Britain
- Filmoscope 1951? toy handheld battery powered viewer for regular 8mm film loops (amongst other Stirling Moss)
- A.K. Home Cinema toy projector 35mm
- AKA (Foreign) 1920? German battery powered toy projector 35mm
Akeley Camera Inc., New York, USA
- Akeley 1917 USA camera 35mm ACR 0290 (click for image)
- YouTube clip: Demonstration of the Akeley by expert Sam Dodge
- Details by Sam Dodge
- Akeley A-1B (Military) 1918 camera 35mm ACR 0841
- Akeley 1925 camera 35mm ACR 0291
- Akeley printer?
- Akeley projector or printer? 35mm
- Akeley Junior 35mm camera (prototype ?)
Aladdin Cine Products/Pictures Development Co., Toledo, Ohio, USA
(See Urban Spirograph)
- Experimental Spirograph-like celluloid discs for special camera and projector. Around 1920.
Aldis, Great Britain
- Aldis CP8 1962 projector regular 8mm
Alef, see Lehmann
Allied Impex Corp. (distributor)
- Alpex 8 1958? lens 1.8/13mm camera 2x8mm
- Alpex-500 1960? projector regular 8mm
Alma, see Banno Bunzabur� Sh�ten
Ambrosio & C., Turin, Italy
- Camera 1910 35mm
- AMC 500 Autoload 1965? projector regular 8mm
- AMC-464 1965? electric eye zoomlens camera 2x8mm
American Camera Co., Hollywood, USA
- Cunningham Combat camera 1940? 35mm
- Model EAC 1 1950? camera 16mm
American Cinematograph & Film Co., New York, USA
- Junior Professional 1912 camera 35mm(see also Schneider Eberhard)
American Moving Picture Co., Washington, USA
American Mutoscope and Biograph Co., New York, USA
- Biograph 1897 camera 68mm
- Biograph 1897 projector 70mm
- Mutagraph-Biograph 1900 camera 68mm (round perforations)(Casler/Dickson/Koopman)
- Folioscope 1917 mutoscope
American Parlour Kinetoscope Co., Washington, USA
(Made by Clawson Machine Co., Newar, N.Y.)
- Parlour Kinetoscope 1898? viewer of endless film-loop of 176 frames (35mm?) ACR 0815
- Parlour Kinetoscope Automat 1900 optical toy ACR 0842
American Pictograph Co., Boston and Manchester, New Hampshire, USA
- Pictograph # 2 35mm projector 1914 ?(Boston) (see image)
- Kino Junior 35mm projector 1925?
- Kinograph Grand 35mm projector 1925 (Manchester)?
American Projection Co., Chicago, USA
- The American Projectoscope 1919 portable projector 35mm
- American Projectoscope (model M) 35mm (detail. Courtesy: Rich Landry)
American Symmetroscope Co., USA
- Symmetroscope 1900 Optical Toy ACR .0559
E.H. Amet, Chicago, USA
Amigo, Gustav, Germany
- Amigo A (HG + 60m) 1921 camera 35mm ACR 0566 (Click for image)
- Amigo B (HG + 30m) 1924 camera 35mm ACR 0567
- Amigo B (MG + 30m) 1925 camera 35mm ACR 0843
- Amigo Schmalfilm 1932 camera 16mm
- Amigo Elektra 1933 camera 16mm
- Amigo Elektra Olympic 1934 16mm
Ampro Corp., USA
See also Simplex-Ampro, Great Britain.
- Ampro B-1000 1930 16mm silent projector
- Ampro gramophone 1931 projector 16mm
- Ampro-GD 1934 silent projector 16mm
- Ampro J(500Watt) K (750 Watt) 1935 silent projectors 16mm
- Ampro Precision model A8 1935? silent projector 16mm
- Amprosound M (500 Watt) N (750 Watt) 1936 sound projectors 16mm
- Ampro YSA 5 1936? sound projector 16mm
- Amprosound L 1937 20 W. amplifier 16mm
- Ampro-Arc 1937 sound cinema projector 16mm
- Ampro D-1A (Air Force) 1941 silent projector 16mm (looks like B-1000)
- Ampro 350 1946? camera 8mm
- Ampro Imperial 1946 silent projector 16mm
- Ampro A8 1946 projector 8mm
- Ampro Premier -10 (XANM-10) 1946 sound projector 16mm
- Ampro Premier-20 1947 optical sound projector 16mm
- Ampro "Imperial' 1948 16mm silent projector
- Ampro Futurist 8 # 478 1948? 8mm projector
- Ampro 479 (Navy QEM-1A) 1953 sound projector 16mm
- Ampro Compact 1948 optical sound projector 16mm
- Ampro AT-2 1948? repeating sound projector in case with built-in screen for salesmen 16mm
- Century -5 (-10)1948? 16mm optical sound projector
- Ampro Stylist 1949 optical sound projector
- Ampro Stylist model 548 (made for Simpson Optical Company, Chicago by Graflex Inc., Rochester)
- Ampro Eight 340 350 1951 camera 8mm
- Ampro 340 1946? magazine camera 8mm
- Ampro Super Stylist 1951? optical sound projector 16mm
- Ampro Premier-40 1953 optical sound projector 16mm
- Ampro Educational (also de Luxe model) 1954 optical sound projector 16mm
- Ampro Stylist Major (Mark II, III, IV) 1956? optical sound projectors 16mm
Anchor Mfg.Co., USA
- Moving Picture Theatre 1930 optical toy ACR 0554
Anglia, Great Britain
- Anglia 1960 HK battery operated camera 8mm ACR 1076 (A similar camera was marketed under the name Rosko, Hong Kong)
Ansch�tz, Ottomar, Germany
- Elekrischen Schnallseher 1884 Manufactured by Siemens in 1895.
Ansco Co., USA (see also Agfa)
- Cine Ansco A 1929 camera 16mm ACR 0289
- Cine Ansco A de Luxe 16mm camera 1929
- Cine Ansco B 1930 camera 16mm ACR 0001
- Ansco Risdon A 1931 camera 16mm ACR 0002
- Agfa-Ansco projector 16mm 200 W.lamp 1931?
- Ansco Memo 80 projector regular 8mm 1958?
- Ansco Memo Master JN-292 1958? projector regular 8mm
Anthony & Co., E. & H.T., Chicago, USA
- The Spiral, Motion Picture and projecting Lantern, 1897 camera and projector, 200 pictures on glass plate (ad from Jan. 1898 magazine)
Apparate- und Kamerawerk GmbH, Germany
- Akinemat 1958 camera 2x8mm (lens 1.9 13mm)
Appco (Associated Photo Products), NYC, USA
- Lektro type G 1940? (Signal Corps?) magazine camera 16mm
R.J. Appleton & Co., Bradford
- Cieroscope no.1 projector 35mm 1898 (Ad in Hopwood's 'Living Pictures')
- Cieroscope camera and projector 35mm 1898 (Ad in Hopwood's 'Living Pictures')
Après la Pluie, France
- Phenakistiscope (Replica) 1987 optical toy ACR 0844
- Praxinoscope (Replica) 1994 optical toy
Arco Photo Industries Co. Ltd., Japan (1949 - 61)
- Arco 8 (K-802) 1956 3-turret camera 2x8mm
- Arco 8 K & S 1957 cameras 2x8mm
- Arco CH-803, (Technica) 1957 camera 2x8mm
- Arco CH 804 1959 camera 2x8mm ACR 0569
- Arco CH 8 (K-804, K-804B) Triomat - A - E 1959 cameras 2x8mm ACR 0568
- Arco CR 8 (K-803B) Super Mechanica 1959 camera 2x8mm
- Arco 8 Zoom-S & 8P 1960 zoomlens cameras (1.8 11,5-33mm) 2x8mm
- Arco Family 1959? projector 8mm
- Arco Talkie sync 1960? projector 8mm (could be synchronised to taperecorder)
- Arco Synchro family 1960? projector 8mm (could be synchronised to taperecorder)
- Arco TV 16 1960 camera 16mm
Argus Inc., USA (see also: Argus/Thames Cine Products below, Mansfield, and Liesegang for models bearing the name Argus)
- Argus Showmaster 500 A, AV, AZ, AVZ, M, 450, 452, 838, 1372 Z 1958 projectors regular 8mm
- Argus M3 Match-Matic (also Cinetronic) 1959 camera 8mm ACR 0570
- Argus Showmaster 500, 750, 1000 AV, AVZ, Z 1961 projectors regular 8mm
- Argus Cinetronic M3 1961 camera (lens 1.8/10mm) 2x8mm
- Argus Automatic 8 (401) 1962 camera 2x8mm
- Argus M4 Power Zoom 1962? cameras 2x8mm
Argus/Thames Cine Products Ltd., London, UK
Arma, Great Britain
- Magiscope 1930 optical toy ACR 0845
Armor see Sommor
Arnet ?????????
Arri / Arnold & Richter KG, Munich, Germany
- Kinarri 35 1925 camera 35mm ACR 0016
- [Kinarri 16 1927 camera 16mm](Kinarri 16.jpg)
- Kinarri 2 Tropen 1927 camera 35mm
- Kopiermaschine Typ C 1927 35mm
- Arriflex 35 1928? camera 35mm
- Arriflex used in combat WW2
- Arriflex 35 2 1942 camera 35mm ACR 0292
- Arriflex 16 ST(andard) 1951 camera 16mm
- Arriflex 16 ST 1 1952 camera 16mm ACR 0847
- Arriflex 16 ST 2 Pilotton 1952 camera 16mm ACR 0293
- Arriflex 35 2 B (C) 1957 cameras 35mm ACR 0846
- Arriflex 16 M 1960 camera 16mm
- Arriflex 16 BL (2, EQ) 1966 camera 16mm
- Arriflex 35 2 C R�ntgen 1967 35mm camera
- Arriflex 35 III camera 35mm
- Arri Multidata model 207 flight research camera 35mm 1967? (Unsure whether this is Arri or Flight Research, Richmond, Virginia)
- Arriflex BL 1,2,3,4 feature film cameras 35mm
- Arriflex 16 SR 1974 camera 16mm
- Arritechno R35-90 camera 35mm (medical purposes?)
- Arriflex 16 SRII (also high-speed) 1982 camera super 16mm
- Arri 35-3 199? camera 35mm
- Arriflex 535 camera 35mm
- Moviecam 2000 camera 35mm
Arrow Works Photo News Sha, Japan
- Arrow 9,5mm projector 1934
- Arrow model 50 (shown) and 55 16mm camera Dallmeyer, or Taylor Hobson lenses1934 (Resembles Victor 16mm camera)
- 8 Arrow model K 8mm projector 1936? (modeled after Bell & Howell projector 122, courtesy Pete Grayson)
Artop Specialties (USA)
- Artascope 1920 optical toy ACR 0849
Art Reeves Motion Picture Equipment, Hollywood, USA
Askania-Werke AG, Berlin-Friedenau, Germany
(before: Centralwerkstatt-Dessau and Carl Bamberg-Friedenau, Berlin)
- Askania Universal 1923 camera 35mm ACR 0295
- Askanino 1926 projector 35mm
- Askanino 1927 camera+ 35mm ACR 0294
- Askania Universal 1930 camera 35mm ACR 0571
- Askania Z Kamera 1931 camera 35mm ACR 0296
- Askania Schulterkamera (shoulder camera) 1935 camera 35mm 200 ft magazine ACR 0850 (Courtesy Christie's, London)
- Askania AG 35 1955? camera 35mm (24 - 600 f.p.s.)
- Askania Z Kamera - Leitz 1956 camera 35mm ACR 0851
- Askania AP X, XII 1960? sound theatrical projectors 35mm
Aspekta, Dresden, DDR
- Vivax 1957 regular 8mm
Associated Photo Products, New York, USA. (See:APPCO)
- Magazine Pocket 1951 camera (lens 1.3/35mm)16mm (resembles Simplex Pockette)
- AAPCO Lektro (Junior?) electric motor battery driven camera (Michael Cleveland writes:AAPCO was one of several companies that bought up surplus US military GSAP cameras and converted them for civilian use. They were modified to connect to a large dry-cell battery pack and were usually fitted with pistol grips or some similar type of handle. None of the AAPCO Lektro products were for military use, but were post-war modifications of military cameras. The GSAP cameras in their original configuration are very common, but the Lektro and other modified units are perhaps not quite rare, but are considerably more scarce than the unaltered versions.
Astor projectors (see: Bingoscope)
Astral, Japan (Distributed by B.Bennett & Sons, UK)
- Astral projector 1962 regular 8mm
Astro (-Gesellschaft Bielicke & Co.), Berlin-Neuk�lln, Germany
- Transfokator, one of the first zoomlenses 1935?
- Fernbildlinse 1.5/300mm (provided with Bolex B1 adapter for Bolex H cameras) 1955?
Astro see Microtecnica
Athena Mfg./ L-W Photo Inc.,van Nuys, CA / L-W Athena Simi Valley, Ca., USA
- Athena model 224 1968? sound projector 16mm
- Athena model 224 - SMK (224A mark V / 224S-Mk VIII) Specialist Photo Optical Data Analyser 1968? projectors 16mm Athena / John Pissanos, Athens, Greece
- Athena type AE and AZ 1950? sound projector 35mm
Atlas Cine Works Ltd. Tokyo, Japan
Aubert, Soci�t� des �tablissements Louis , France. Fused with Continsouza into M.I.P. in 1928.
- Aubert 1879 Buddha magic lantern
- Lanterne Rainur�e 1880 magic lantern ACR 0852
Bach Auricon Inc., USA (later: Berndt-Bach, after 1946)
- Auricon SSB 1943 model CT-70 Military sound-on-film camera 16mm
- Auricon Cine Voice 400 camera 16mm (only five produced)
- Auricon Cine Voice(30m) (CM-72A) 1949 optical sound-on-film camera 16mm ACR 0572
- Auricon Cine Voice (120m) 1950 camera 16mm ACR 0297 (click for image)
- Auricon-Pro (200') 1951 (sound-on-film) camera 16mm
- Auricon-Pro 600 (CM-71 opt/magn. 200'), CM-74 (optical 600'), Studio (CM-75) and (CM-77 Special 600' magn.) 1952 sound-on-filmcameras 16mm
- Auricon Cine Voice II (CM-72 100') 1958 magnetic sound-on-film camera 16mm
- Auricon Super 600 1952 (sound-on-film) cameras 16mm
- (Super-)1200 (CM-74 1200' magazine)
- Auricon Nomad sound-on-film camera 16mm (magazines)
Autocrat Sound Film Services, London, Great Britain
- The Autocrat One 1952? sound film projector 16mm
- Automax G A-D 1960? camera 35mm with 8 perf. Vistavision type movement
- Automax G S 4 R (also model G 155) 1960 data camera 35mm ACR 0853
Automax Ind., Sepulveda, USA / Robert Woltz Ass. Inc., Lugana Beach, Cal.,USA
- Automax G1 1955? cameras 35mm
- Automax G A-D 1960? camera 35mm with 8 perf. Vistavision type movement (GS-1 16 perf.)
- Automax GS1 & 2 timelapse cameras 35mm
- Automax G S 4 R (also model G 155) 1960 data camera 35mm ACR 0853
A.V.E. (Audio Visual Enterprises) Corp., New York, USA
- X-500 sound projector 16mm
- A.V.E. portable optical sound projector 35mm
Aves / Audio Visual Educational Systems Inc, Houston, USA
- Aves 1685Z sound projector 16mm
Berndt-Bach Auricon Inc., USA (see (Bach-) Auricon above)
Baird Motion Picture Machine Co., New York & Newark, N.J., USA
- Baird Motion Picture Machine 35mm projector 1913
- Superior 1926 projector 35mm (See Cameron '28)
Balkan?, Bulgaria
- Balkan 1960 theatrical projector 35mm
J.A.Ball, Hollywood, USA
- Hollywood Technicolor 35mm camera 1928. For more info see:
Waldon S. Ball, San Francisco, USA
Mr. Ball headed a one-man film laboratory in San Francisco, Ball devised a number of machines which were taken over by Art IZreves of Hollywood and marketed worldwide. They were made by �Walt� primarily for his own needs; through a longstanding friendship, Mr. Reeves had access to them as prototypes to be manufactured under an informal and confidential business arrangement between the two men.
- 35mm tropical wooden camera. Prototype?
Ballantyne see Strong Wentzel, Simplex and Balantyne of Omaha Inc.
Banno Bunzabur� Sh�ten (aka Banno Shokai/Banno Boeki), Tokyo, Japan.
They also sold Path� equipment and produced films pre-WW2 (click for one of their films)(courtesy: Thilo Nagano)
- Alma 9,5mm projector 1937 (Like Pathescope 200B possibly manufactured under license)
- Alma B 16mm projector 1937
Baptista Films C.O., Wheaton, Ill., USA
- Miracle SVI 1950? sound projector 16mm(according to a nameplate on this projector it was manufactured by Baptista Films to show films that did not 'debase and degrade, but educate, enlighten and uplift'. This projector was designed and engineered by Maxwell Kerr and former Bell and Howell designer Stephen Platt. This machine uses a sprocket-type mechanism, instead of the usual claws. )
Barigo Barometerfabrik, Schwenningen, Germany
- Barigo 8 1960 projector regular 8mm
- Romex 8 1960 projector regular 8mm (only 1500 were produced!)
Barker Bros Inc. , Los Angeles, USA
(Also sold under the name of Omnio Mfg. Co., see also Sixteen Frames 1992 vol.4,4 pgs. 9/10))
Barnett & Jaffe, USA
- B & J 1949? projector 8mm
Baron, Auguste, Asni�res, France
- Projector 1897 35mm
Baskon Corp., Santa Monica, CA / Mansfield Ind. Inc., USA
. For bulbs look here
- Baskon Automatic 500 (& 800) 1959 projector regular 8mm
- Baskon Astronaut 1960 projector regular 8mm
Bass Camera Co., Chicago, USA
- Bass camera 35mm 1910 (details by Sam Dodge)
- US Cinematograph Camera 1916 camera 35mm ACR 0298
- Liberty camera WW1 Government surplus US Army Signal Corps 35mm camera 1918?
- De Franne camera 1920? camera 35mm (Very similar to Barker Bros camera above). (There is also an Ertel De Franne camera)
- Home De Franne 1920 camera 35mm sold at $ 97,50
Bata AS, Czechoslovakia
- Bata Projector 16mm with lens Polar Optikotechna, Prerov, 1.6/35mm(According to Meopta: "This is actually a Such�nek projector, model Popular, which had a exchangeable projection head system for formats 8, 9.5 and 16 mm and includes a diapositive slide head. The Bata company ordered a significant number of these projectors to be built for advertising and training purposes, however, there was an obstacle to production in that there was insufficient production capacity and, therefore, after mutual agreement, these projectors were assembled under licence directly by the Bata company. Which apparently occurred at the end of the 1930s. Another viewers commented: Bata (pronunciation of t is tj together, like Batja) used apparatus for advertising, and in the factory in Zl�n made 800 boxis with these projectors inside and screens sized 45 x 35 cm, rear projection. Boxes was then placed with Bata movies into Bata shops windows. 3 similar projectors have different relief only: Popular - for ordinary sale; Scholar - cheaper only for school; Bata - for Bata's factory only.
Bauer Gmbh, Eugen/Bosch (Germany)
Camera's Click here for their history
- Bauer 8 1938-53 camera 1x8 ACR 0017
- Bauer 88 1953-58 camera 8mm ACR 0018
- Bauer 88 B 1954-60 camera 8mm ACR 0019
- Bauer 88 C (Profi) 1954-60 camera 8mm ACR 0020
- Bauer 88 D 1958-60 camera 8mm ACR 0021
- Bauer 88 DS 1958 camera 8mm ACR 0299
- Bauer 88 E 1955-59 camera 8mm ACR 0022
- Bauer 88 ES 1958 camera 8mm ACR 0023
- Bauer 88 F 1959 camera 8mm ACR 0024
- Bauer 88 G 1959-62 camera 8mm ACR 0025
- Bauer 88 H 1960-61 camera 8mm ACR 0026
- Bauer 88 K Automatic 1962 camera(1.8 10/30mm) 2x8mm
- Bauer 88 L 1961-62 camera 8mm ACR 0027
- Bauer 88 R 1963 camera 8mm ACR 0028
- Bauer 88 RS 1963-65 camera 8mm ACR 0029
- Bauer Electric 1964-65 camera 8mm ACR 0030
- Bauer Electric 5 1964-65 camera 8mm ACR 0031
- Bauer C1/C2 camera super 8 Bauer projectors
- Bauer 1907 projector 35mm
- Bauer model BN1 1910 - 1914 projector 35mm (improved in 1913)
- Bauer BN2 1914 projector 35mm
- Stahl M5 1919 projector 35mm
- Bauer Klein-Kino Pantalux 1925 projector 35mm
- Bauer M7 1928 - 1934 projector 35mm
- Bauer Sonolux 1 1932 sound projector 35mm
- Bauer Standard 5 - A 7 1933 - 1938 projector 35mm ACR 0854
- Bauer Standard B5/6/7 1938 - 1953 projectors 35mm
- Bauer Standard B8 1938 -1953 projector 35mm(also twin lock)
- Selecton S 1936 projector 16mm ACR 0442
- Pantalux 16 1936 projector 16mm ACR 0443
- Selecton T 1937 projector 16mm
- Pantalux 200, 375 1939 projectors 16mm
- Sonolux II 1945-49 'portable' sound projector 900 W. lamp 35mm
- Selecton II Ton 1951 projector 16mm ACR 0713
- Bauer B 8 A - Linkswerk 1952 projector 35mm ACR 0855
- Pantalux 8 1954 projector 8mm ACR 0444
- Pantason M 1957 opt/magn. sound projector 16mm
- Bauer B11 1957 - 1968 projector 35mm
- Pantason 1958 projectors 8mm
- Pantason PW 2S3 16mm sound projector 1958
- Selecton II 1958 projector 16mm
- Bauer T 10 L, R, S 1956 - 1962 projectors 8mm ACR 0714
- Bauer P 5 L, M, S, T 1959-1965 16mm sound projectors
- Bauer T 12 1965 projector regular 8mm
- Bauer T 18 1967 sound projector super 8
- Bauer P5 1965 projector 16mm
- Bauer B15 cinema projector 35mm
- Bauer P6 H, L, M, S (1,101), T (1, 51, 101, 151), Automatic 1969-70 projectors 16mm
- Bauer Sonorex P6 Studio 1969 twin interlock projector 16mm
- Bauer Selecton II 1970? Cinema sound projector 35mm
- Bauer P7 1977 projectors 16mm
- Bauer T 500, 600, 610 1977 projector super 8
- Bauer T 510 Stereo 1981 projector super 8
- Bauer P8 1984-86 projectors 16mm
- Bauer U2/3 1955 Todd-AO projector
Baumann, Germany
- FP1 (Universal) 1954-56 projectors regular 8mm
- Diplomat 1956 projector regular 8mm
- Kurier 1956 projector regular 8mm
Baxter & Wray and Butcher, W. and Sons, London, Great Britain
- Projector 1897 35mm
- Perfection Cinematograph 1898 35mm
Beacon Projector Co., New York, N.J., USA
- Beacon Snaplite Jr. 35mm silent projector 1924?
- Superior 1926 projector 35mm (See Cameron '28)
- Cinematograph 35mm projector 1898 (mentioned in Hopwood's 'Living Pictures')>
Beaulieu Cinéma, France. (click for images). Read also Martin Baumgarten: Beaulieu Super 8 cameras Beaulieu, ,Beaulieu Cinema (Wittner Kinotechnik)
- Beaulieu C 16 (M 16) 1951-58 camera 16mm ACR 0300
- Beaulieu 8 1951? projector regular 8mm
- Beaulieu S 16 1951 camera 16mm 100'
- Beaulieu T 16 (T) 1951 turret camera 16mm ACR 0032 (as C 16)
- Beaulieu K1 1951? projector 8mm
- Beaulieu C 9,5 - M 9,5 - S 9,5 - T 9,5 (twin lens turret) 1952-58 cameras 9,5mm ACR 0033
- Beaulieu T 9,5 (T) 1951 camera 9,5mm ACR 0301
- Beaulieu M 8 1953 camera 8mm ACR 0034
- Beaulieu T 8 President (T, T Pr�sident) 1954-60 camera 8mm ACR 0302
- Beaulieu M 8A, M 8B, 1958 cameras 8mm
- Beaulieu R 16 Reflex 1958-62 camera 16mm ACR 0857 (Reflex Control 1962-65)
- Beaulieu R 16 instructions
- Beaulieu Automatic 1965 camera 8mm ACR 0856
- Beaulieu MCR 8 Reflex Control (ELM) 1961 camera 8mm ACR 0035 (TCR 8 with 3-turret)
- Beaulieu MAR 8 Automatic (G)1961-65 cameras 2x8mm
- Beaulieu MCR 8 Reflex Control 1961-66 cameras 2x8mm
- Beaulieu PA8 1964? projector regular 8mm
- Beaulieu R 9,5 Reflex 1961 camera 9,5mm ACR 0858 (Reflex Control - RC 9,5 G 1963)
- Beaulieu R (RC) 9,5 1962-65 Reflex Control camera 9,5mm
- Beaulieu R 16 Automatic S, T 1965 cameras 16mm ACR 0859
- Beaulieu R 16 G 1965 camera 16mm
- Beaulieu R 16 Electronic 1965 camera 16mm
- Beaulieu RC 16 Electrique 1965-1966 camera 16mm
- Beaulieu R 16 Synch 1966-68 camera 16mm
- Beaulieu R 16/60 (B, EL 1968-86 camera 16mm (Auto and Semi Auto versions)
- Beaulieu 4008 S - 4008 ZM 1969-71 camera super 8
- Beaulieu 4008 ZM II 1971-1976 camera super 8 (M3 1974, ZMIII 1977)
- Beaulieu 4008 ZM4 1976-1979 camera super 8
- Beaulieu 5008 1974 camera super 8 (5008 S and 3008 S Multispeed 1976-1980)
- Beaulieu News 16 6016 1972 cameras 16mm
- Beaulieu 1008 XL 1978-1981 sound camera super 8 (1008 SX 8, 1028 XL 1981-1983)
- Beaulieu 708 (various models) 1978 projector super 8
- Beaulieu 6008 (S, Pro Digital) 1979-1983 sound camera super 8 (Digital 1983-1985)
- Beaulieu 7008 PRO, Pro 2 1986 camera super 8
- Beaulieu 9008 camera super 8
- Beaulieu 2016 Quarz (Mono, Multispeed) 1986 cameras 16mm
Beckman & Whitley Inc., San Carlos, USA
- CM-16 1960? camera with magn. sound recording facility 16mm
- [Magnifax High Speed camera models 317B and 333(image) 16mm 196?](beckman U3000.jpg)
Bedts, D.W. de, France
Kin�tograph 1896 camera 35mm
Bell & Howell Co., Chicago Ill., USA
B & H cameras
- B & H 1907 camera 35mm
- Standard Cinematograph 4 pin registration camera # 2709 1912-1958 (click for more info here) and Sam Dodge. Various models
- Sam Dodge explains functioning of Bell & Howell 2709
- Sam Dodge tells about the importance of the 2709 possessed by Mary Pickford
- Model 2709 S experimental sound-on-film camera 1924 35mm
- Filmo 70 A 1923 camera 16mm ACR 0037
- Filmo 70 B Super Speed 1925 USA camera 16mm ACR 0038
- Eyemo 71 Automatic Cine Camera 1926 camera 35mm ACR 0036 (click for image)
- Filmo 75 A - BN 1928 camera 16mm (black and crimson leather) ACR 0307
- Filmo 75 C 1928 camera 16mm ACR 0041 (click for image)
- Filmo 75 E - 1928? camera 16mm ACR 0308
- Filmo 70 C 2 1929 camera 16mm ACR 0039
- Filmo 70 A - 1929? camera 16mm ACR 0304
- Filmo 70 DA - 1930 camera 16mm ACR 0306
- Filmo 70 D - 1929 camera 16mm ACR 0305
- Filmo 75 Field 1930 camera 16mm ACR 0575
- Eyemo 71 A Automatic Cine Camera 1930 camera 35mm ACR 0574
- Filmo 75 A 4 1931 USA camera 16mm ACR 0042 (click for image)
- Filmo 75 DeLuxe 1931 camera 16mm ACR 0309
- Filmo 75 Field (PT) 1932 camera 16mm ACR 0862
- Filmo 70 AC 1932 camera 16mm
- Filmo 70 E 1933? camera 16mm ACR 0040
- Filmo 121 1934 camera 16mm ACR 0043
- Filmo 127 A Streight Eight 1935 camera 1x8 ACR 0578
- Bell & Howell-Cooke varo-lens 40 - 120mm for 35mm cameras 1936? (Courtesy Christie's, London)
- Filmo 134 'Sportster' 1936? 8mm camera (click for image)
- Eyemo 71 K, M 1938 camera 35mm ACR 0303
- Eyemo 71 Q (QM) 1938 camera 35mm (400' magazine facility, spider turret)
- Filmo 134 G Companion 8mm camera 1938
- Filmo 141 A 1938 magazine camera 16mm ACR 0044
- Filmo 141 B 1938 USA magazine camera 16mm ACR 0045
- Filmo Magazine Camera (PT) 1938 camera 16mm ACR 0863
- Filmo 70 G camera 1939 (high speed) camera 16mm
- Filmo 'Aristocrat' Turret 8 camera 8mm 1939
- Filmo Electro model B # 1152 1941 high speed? camera 24 V. 16mm (Courtesy D.Stevens)
- GSAP 1942 US Navy M-1/2, M-4A, Mark 8, N-0, N-1, N-2, N-4A, M-4A, N-6 1942-44 gun cameras 16mm ACR 0583
- N-9 1945? USAF gun camera camera, 30'magazines 16mm
- Filmo Auto Load 16mm (50') magazine camera 1941
- KF 2 - 1 Signal Corps camera 35mm 1941 (similar to Eyemo) ACR 0052
- KF 4 Signal Corps magazine camera 16mm 1942? (similar to 141)
- A-4 1942 aircraft bomb spotting camera 35mm
- Model 151A 1943 projector 8mm
- Eyemo Flight Research camera 1944? 35mm
- PH-330 Eyemo A-J 1945 military camera 35mm
- PH-430 B military camera
- PH-431 B 1944 USA military camera 16mm (similar to Filmo Autoload 1941) ACR 0053
- Filmo 134E 134S Sportster 8mm camera 1946
- 172 A Explorer1947 camera 8mm ACR 0050
- 172 B 1947 Voyager camera 8mm ACR 0051
- Filmo 70 J Specialist Rackover 1948 camera 16mm
- Auto-8 1948 magazine camera 8mm (matchbookcover)
- B & H DD 2709 1950? animation camera 35mm 4-pin registration
- Filmo 70 DL 1950 USA 3-lens turret camera 16mm ACR 0860 (430B military version)
- AutoMaster 1950 camera double 8mm
- Filmo 70 H 1950 camera 16mm (400 ft)
- Filmo 70 KM, KRM (-1) 1950 cameras 16mm
- Filmo 70 DR 1951 camera 16mm
- 200 Magazin Camera 1951 camera 16mm ACR 0046
- Magazine Camera 200 T 1951 camera 16mm ACR 0864
- Filmo 134 TA 1951 camera 8mm ACR 0049
- Filmo One-Nine 1952? camera with Sun meter 8mm
- Filmo 70 S 1953 camera 16mm
- 200-TA Automaster 1953 magazine camera with three lens turret 16mm (Courtesy Adriano Brigante)
- Two Twenty 1953 camera double 8mm
- 220 OneNine 1953 camera 8mm ACR 0579
- 200-T Twin Autoload 16mm magazine camera with 2-lens turret 1953
- 200 TA Magazin Camera 1953 magazine camera 16mm 3-lens turretACR 0047
- Filmo 70 HR 1954 camera 16mm ACR 0861
- Filmo 70 J Pro 16mm camera
- Filmo 70 S 1954 (sound adaptor)camera (100' reels and 400 ft magazine/electric motor attachment)
- Filmo 134 M, TA (Tri-lens), V Sportster 1955? 8mm cameras double 8
- Filmo 172 A (Explorer), B (Auto-8 Voyager), C (Vagabond) 1955? 8mm magazine cameras
- Auto Load 603 T 1955 GB camera 16mm ACR 0576
- Viceroy 605T 1955 GB camera 2x8mm
- Electric Eye 624 B 1955 GB camera 8mm ACR 0865
- 200 A (Auto Load), T (Twin Auto Load), TA (Auto-Master 3-lens turret), EE 1955 magazine cameras 16mm ACR 0048
- 220 (Wilshire) 1955 8mm double 8 camera
- 240 A,T,TA,EE 1957 cameras 16mm
- 240 EE Automatic 1957 camera 16mm ACR 0577
- 252 Monterey Sun Dial 1956 camera double 8mm
- GB/Bell & Howell Sportster 605A, B and C 1956 cameras 8mm
- GB/Bell & Howell 624 1957 camera 8mm(Courtesy David C.P. Leland)
- GB/Bell & Howell 627 1957? camera 16mm (627B twin turret)
- Bell & Howell 311 1957? Optronic Eye camera 2x8mm
- Electric Eye Zoom 310 (F), 312 (DF), 314-D, 315 (Zoom Reflex Autoload) 1957? cameras 2x8mm
- Wilshire or Monterey Sun Dial 323 333 1957? cameras 2x8mm
- Bell & Howell 333 1957? camera 2x8mm
- Electric Eye 390 E/TE, 391 1957 camera 8mm ACR 0580
- Electric Eye 393 E Turret Perpetua 1959 camera double 8mm(=2x8mm) ACR 0581
- Zoomatic Director series models 410 (Perpetua), 416, 417 Autoload, 418 1959? cameras 2x8mm
- Zoomatic Director series model 414 PD camera 2x8mm (the camera the Pres. Kennedy assassination was filmed with!)
- Filmo 424, 426(Optronic Eye) & 434 c. 1960 2x8mm cameras
- Duolex-C Optronic Eye Duospeed 1960? zoom lens camera 2x8mm
- Electric Eye 410 Director Perpetua 1960? 3-turret 2x8mm camera
- Filmo Sportster VI (Great Britain) 2x8mm camera 1961
- Optronic Eye Director Auto Load 2x8mm camera 1962
- Autoload Zoom Reflex 315 1963 camera 2x8mm ACR 0582
- Flight Research model 4 C 1963? military camera 35mm
- Missile scoring high speed camera AN 16mm 1970? B & H projectors
- Kinodrome 1907 projector 35mm
- Filmo 57 1923-1931 16mm projector
- Filmo 57 C - 1925 projector 16mm ACR 0445(click for image)
- B & H. oil can 1925?
- Filmophone 1930 16mm projector/gramophone connected by flexible shaft
- Filmo 57 G 1929 projector 16mm
- Filmo 57 J 1931 silent projector 16mm
- Filmo 57 JL JJ ST 1933 16mm projectors (image of the JJ)
- Filmo 57 model U 16mm projector
- Filmosound 1933 sound-on-film 16mm projectors
- Filmo 129 1934 16mm silent projector
- Regent 122 A & B 1934 projectors regular 8mm (Image for 122B)
- Filmo 129 & 130 1935 16mm silent projectors
- Filmosound 120 1937 16mm projector (unblimped), 120 'Academy' and 'Master' (blimped)
- Filmo Design 122 model L 1937? silent projector 16mm
- Filmosound 130 1937 Auditorium 16mm projector (sound version of the silent 130)
- Filmosound 'Filmoarc' 1937 16mm sound cinema projector
- Filmosound 138 (Commercial) 1937 16mm projector
- Picturemaster model 151A 1937? projector 8mm
- Filmo Master (400)(122G) 1940? silent projector 16mm
- Filmosound 'Utility' model G 156 1940 16mm sound projector (updated in 1942)
- Filmosound 173 (time and motion study) 1940 projector 16mm
- Filmosound 175 E, 179 1940 sound projectors 16mm
- Filmosound 185 1940 sound projector 16mm
- Filmo 'Diplomat' 1941 silent projector 16mm
- B & H type AQ 2-5, D (4), and H 1943 (US Navy) sound projectors 16mm (See here)
- B & H Silent Type D-IC A.F. DWG NO. 47A 9198 (US Air Force) 1943? projector 16mm
- B & H / Gaumont 1948 601 16mm optical sound projector with speaker in case
- Gaumont-British/B & H 613(H), 614 dB1950 16mm silent projector
- Gaumont-British/B & H 621 - 636 1950 16mm sound projector
- Film-o-sound 285 & 385 1950 optical sound projectors 16mm
- Film-o-sound 545 c1952 optical sound projector 16mm
- Filmosound 623 1952 16mm projector
- Filmo 122 1952? Regent projector 8mm 500 W.(122LR Regent de Luxe)
- Filmosound 185C 1953? projector 16mm
- Filmosound 202 , 221 1954 16mm magnetic recording sound projector
- Gaumont British/B&H 626 16mm optical sound projector
- Filmo 248 Bay, 245 Auto Load, automatic threading 1955 projectors regular 8mm
- Filmo 253 (Monterey) AR, B 1955 projectors regular 8mm ACR 0866 (also 245A, 253A, 253 AX, 253 R, 254R)
- Gaumont-British/B & H 630 1955 sound projector
- 253 Monterey 1957 projector regular 8mm (also 253 AX and 253/4 R models)
- 256 (AB) & 266A Autoload 1957 projectors regular 8mm
- 273 Statesman, (Design 273A) 1957 16mm silent projector 750 Watt
- 245 BA 1957 projector regular 8mm
- 266 projector manual
- 266 Y (also A) Autoload Projector 1957? projector regular 8mm ACR 0715
- 285 1957 optical sound projector 16mm
- Filmosound 302 1957? opt/magn (recording-) sound projector 16mm
- Filmosound Autoload 2575, 2580, 2590, 2592 1955? sound projectors 16mm
- 353, 356, 357B, 363, 370 Autoload 1957? projectors regular 8mm
- Filmosound 385 1955? sound projector 16mm
- Filmosound 399 Specialist 1955? sound projector 16mm
- Filmosound Specialist 540/542 1955? sound projectors 16mm
- 552(Autoload) & 566(Arc) Specialist 1955 sound projectors 16mm
- Gaumont British/B&H 601 606, 613H, 614 DB, 622, 625, 626, 630, 631, 631 P 636 1955-58 optical sound projectors 16mm
- B & H 613 projector manual
- Filmosound 640, 640 C (speaker in proj. case) and 640S (separate speaker) 1957 16mm projectors
- Rank/B & H 635 Moviemaster 1957 projector regular 8mm
- Filmosound 641/43 1957 sound projectors 16mm
- Filmosound Specialist Autoload 1552 1957? sound projector 16mm
- Filmosound High Intensity 1568A 1957? sound projector 16mm
- Filmosound 1520, 1545 195? sound projectors 16mm
- Filmosound 1574 C, 1575C, 1579, 1585C 1957? sound projectors 16mm
- B & H Autoload Focus 1585 (C)1959? optical sound projector 16mm
- Filmosound 1590, 1592 C 1959? optical sound projectors 16mm
- Filmosound 1680,1692,1695, 1698, 1959 sound projectors 16mm
- Filmosound 1698 B (TQ2) sound projector 16mm
- Filmosound 1817 1959? sound projector 16mm
- Bell & Howell Lumina I (645), II (465) Autoload 1960 projectors regular 8mm (test ACW Dec '60)
- Bell & Howell Director Series Dual Lectril 465 1962? projector regular 8mm
- Moviemaster 635 projector regular 8mm (test ACW Aug/Sept '59)
- AQ-2(4) and AQ-3(5) 1963 US Navy sound projectors 16mm
- B & H 256, 266, 324, 346, 383 1964 projectors regular 8mm
- Filmosound 2575, 2580, 2582, 2585, 2592, 2675, 2678, 2698 Autoload 1967? sound projectors 16mm
- Filmo Autoload 459A cassette projector S8 1970?
- Filmosound 488 Z 1970? sound projector (made in Austria) S8
- Filmosound 1693 TQ3 opt/magn. projector 1970(?) 16mm
- Filmosound 3585 1987 opt/magn sound projector 16mm (Manufactured by Eiki)
Bell & Ko-on, Tokyo, Japan
- Bellscope S-500 1959? projector 1.4/17mm Bell lens regular 8mm
- Bellscope R-50 1960? projector regular 8mm
- Bellscope L-60 1960? projector regular 8mm
- Mitica 8S 1960? projector regular 8mm (Courtesy Thomas Winter)
- Mitica LV 1961 projector with Synchrovox tape synchroniser regular 8mm
- Synchro Pet 1961? projector regular 8mm
- Magnon 800 ZRS 1963? projector regular 8mm
Bell Manufacturing Co., Des Plaines, Ill.USA
- Bell 10 - PH 693 camera 16mm 1936 ACR 0573
Belomo, Optical-Mechanical Association, Belarus, Russia
Benson-Lehner, USA
- HS16-C-4 Hi-speed military camera 1950? 16mm
E.M.Berndt Corp, Los Angeles, USA (see: Auricon/Bach-Auricon)
- Berndt sound-on-film recorder model d 1939 16mm
Berndt-Bach Inc., Los Angeles, USA (see: Auricon/Bach-Auricon). Berndt-Maurer Corp., see Maurer J.A. Inc.
Berndt-Maurer Corp, New York, USA
(see: Maurer, J.A.)
- Berndt sound-on-film recorder model d 1939 16mm
Beseler, Charles, Co., East Orange, USA
- Beseler Training Mate, Salesmate (I & II) projector continuous loop magazine 16mm accompanied by built-in continuous loop taperecorder 1960 (Courtesy Salvatore Girgente)
Bettini (Gianni & ? ) Brothers, Germany
- Plattenkinematograph 1897 Glass disc camera/projector (576 Images of 5 x 7 mm per disc of 13 x 21 cm)
- Ditto
Bing, Gebr.Bing-Werke, N�rnberg, Germany
See also: Optica
- Bing logo
- Laterna Magica Reform 1902 magic lantern ACR 0490
- Zootrope - 1902 ACR 0867
- Laterna Magica Reform 1902 magic lantern ACR 0491
- Laterna Magica Preciosa - 1902 magic lantern ACR 0492
- Laterna Magica Eden - 1902 magic lantern ACR 0493
- Kinematograph + LM 1910 magic lantern/projector ACR 0763
- Laterna Magica Scio - 1912 magic lantern ACR 0494
- Laterna magica - 1912 magic lantern ACR 0495
- Kinematograph + LM 1912 magic lantern/slide projector ACR 0496
- Megascop - Projectoscop - 1912 ACR 0868
- Megascop - Projectoscop - 1913 ACR 0499
- Kinematograph + LM - 1915 magic lantern/projector ACR 0498
- Rollfilmprojektor + LM 1915 (filmstrips) ACR 0764
- Kinematograph 1917 projector 28mm
- Kinematograph + IM 1919 magic lantern/projector ACR 0500
- Kinematograph 1920? projector 35mm
- Schmalfilmprojektor 1933? battery operated projector 16mm ACR 0765
Bingoscope, Great Britain (Various distributors and names in the UK: Bing British, Hunter, Indcol, L. Rees, Construments Ltd., Soho Ltd.? and others)
(See also Grahame Newnham listings
- Bing British 35mm projector 1930? (see image)
- Bing British another 35mm projector 1930? (Courtesy Paul Fitzsimons)
- 35mm Bing films
- New Bingoscope C1 British projector ad 1934
- Bing British 1 - early thirties 9,5mm projector, model III with spring mechanism
- Bing British models 2-5 projectors 1934-38?See Grahame Newnham listings.
- Bingoscope ad 1937
- Astor 22 (& 33) 9,5mm projector 1938?(possibly of Cinemaker see below)
- Bingoscope projector 1938 9,5mm
- Bingoscope 4.5V. Batterie Model B 1 GB (supplied with Disney films) projector 9,5mm ACR 0766
- Ray # 1, 4,5 V lamp 9,5mm projector (battery)
- Ray # 2 7,5 V " " " "
- Ray 12V " " " (mains 220 V.)
- Astor Cine Viser 1938? viewer 9,5mm
- Astor Junior 1946 projector 9,5mm (See also Cinemaker, Nottingham, below)
Biofix, London, Great Britain
(Biofix is also a term used to describe the principle of flip books. More of its history here.
- Biofix Kinora type flip book-roll viewer 1910 ACR 816(I'm not sure whether this viewer is of Biofix, London)
- Biofix flipbook around 1920 (22 pictures)
Bioscope, see Warwick
Blanchard & Jourjon, France
- Urf�e T 84 DeLuxe (Servocinor) 1958-61 camera 8mm ACR 0869. Also Standard and Luxe models.
- Urf�e T Zoom 1958-61 camera 8mm
Blaupunkt-Werke, West-Germany
Blay, Etabl. Le, Varenne, France
- 0l'ywood Modèle GAV - B 1928 camera 35mm ACR 0311
- Cinécamera LeBlay 1930 camera for 30 meter 35mm magazines ACR 0870
Bol SA. - Jacques Bogopolsky, Switzerland
- Cinegraph Bol Automatique CM (1:3) 1924 camera+ 35mm ACR 0312
- Bol-Kinegraph, Das kleine Handbuch 1925 Switzerland manual ACR 0563
- Cinegraph Bol 1924 Germany Bol patent ACR 0561
- Cinegraph Bol Automatique CM (3,1) 1927 projector+ 35mm ACR 0717
- Cinegraph Bol Automatique CM (3,1) 1929 camera+ 35mm ACR 0871
- Cinegraph Bol Automatique CM (3,1) 1929 projector+ 35mm ACR 0872
- Cinegraph Bol Automatique CM (3,1) 1929 KOP 35mm ACR 0873
- Cinegraph Bol Automatique KM (3,5) 1927 camera+ 35mm ACR 0055
- Auto Cine Camera A 16mm camera 1928
- Bol model C 1928 projector 16mm (See Paillard Bolex projectors hereunder)
- Bolfix Conférencier 1928 Precinema 35mm ACR 0767
Bolex - Paillard S.A., St. Croix, Switzerland
Click for further info here and Bolex.UK, as well as Boll S.A. above. Bolex was sold in 1970 to Eumig. Bolex interests are now being represented by Bolex International S.A. , Switzerland. Paillard Bolex 9,5/16mm cameras
- Auto Cine Camera A 1 1928 camera 16mm ACR 0874 (image far left)
- Auto Cine Camera B 1 - BN 1929 camera 16mm ACR 0313
- Auto Cine Camera B 2 1929 camera 16mm ACR 0056
- Auto Cine Camera B 3 - BN 1929 camera 16mm ACR 0875 (in the middle)
- Bolex H 16 1935 camera 16mm ACR 0876 (non reflex, far right)
- Bolex H 16 (EBZW) 1937 camera 16mm ACR 0057
- How to make a single-frame motor for a Bolex Camera
- Bolex Collectors site
- Identifying a Bolex "H" camera
- Bolex H 9 1935 camera 9,5mm ACR 0314
- Bolex display model 16mm c1938 (click for image)
- Another display model around 1951, height 2 feet
- Bolex H 16 Deluxe 16mm (non-reflex) camera 1953
- Bolex stereo attachment for H 16 camera 1954
- Bolex 3D stereo 16mm film frame 1954
- Bolex H 16 RX - 1956 camera 16mm ACR 0315
- Bolex H 16 M (18 fps) 1958 camera 16mm ACR 0059
- Bolex Anamorphic attachments (M�ller system) 1959
- Bolex H 16 RX-Matic - BN Faxme 1959 camera 16mm ACR 0316
- Bolex H 16 RX4 1964 reflex camera (flat base) 16mm ACR 0880
- Bolex H 16 S (FW) 1966 camera 16mm ACR 0878
- Bolex H 16 Rx5 1966 16mm reflex camera (magazine provision)
- Bolex PRO 1969 16mm camera (image of Commag model for sound stripe recording)
- Bolex SBM 16mm 1970 reflex camera (bayonet mount)
- Bolex H16 I (industry) 16 mm camera 1970
- Bolex J store security camera non-reflex 1975?
- Bolex H 16 M 5 (fps= 18+) 1971 non-reflex camera (flat base, 1:1 axis, magazine) 16mm ACR 0879
- Bolex EBM Electric 16mm electric motor camera
- Bolex EL (Mark I - III) 16mm camera 1975 Paillard Bolex 8mm cameras
- Bolex H 8 1936 camera 8mm ACR 0877
- Bolex H 8 (EBZW) 1937 camera 8mm ACR 0058
- Bolex H 8 - BN Huxje 1952 camera 8mm ACR 0585
- Bolex H 8 RX VS 1965 camera 8mm ACR 0586
- Bolex L 8 1942 camera 8mm ACR 0060 (During WW2 some Bolex cameras had, for want of supplies, other covering, some paperlike)
- Bolex L 8 1947 camera 8mm ACR 0317
- Bolex B 8 1953 camera 8mm ACR 0061
- Bolex B 8 - Bemet 1953 camera 8mm ACR 0318
- Bolex C 8 1954 camera 8mm ACR 0062
- Bolex B 8 L 1958 camera 8mm ACR 0063
- Bolex C 8 L 1961 camera 8mm ACR 0587
- Bolex D 8 L 1959 camera 8mm ACR 0064
- Bolex D 8 L - 1959 camera 8mm ACR 0319
- Bolex C 8 SL 1959 camera 8mm ACR 0065
- Bolex C 8 SL 1959 camera 8mm ACR 0320
- Bolex B 8 VS 1958 camera 8mm ACR 0881
- Bolex B 8 Duomatic 1962 camera 8mm ACR 0882
- Bolex B 8 LA 1962 camera 8mm ACR 0883
- Bolex C 8 LA - 1962 camera 8mm ACR 0321
- Bolex D 8 LA - 1962 camera 8mm ACR 0322
- Bolex P 1 Zoom Reflex 1961 camera 8mm ACR 0066
- Bolex P 2 Zoom Reflex 1963 camera 8mm ACR 0884
- Bolex P 3 Zoom Reflex 1964 camera 8mm ACR 0067
- Bolex P 4 Zoom Reflex Automatic 1964 camera 8mm ACR 0588
- Bolex K 1 Zoom Reflex Automatic 1963 camera 8mm ACR 0885
- Bolex K 2 Zoom Reflex Automatic 1964 camera 8mm ACR 0886
- Bolex S 1 Zoom Reflex Automatic 1964 camera 8mm ACR 0887 Paillard Bolex projectors
- Auto Cine 1928 projector 16mm
- Bolex C 1930 projector 9,5 + 16mm (see Bol SA above)
- Bolex P, PA (improved model in 1937) 1933 projector 9,5mm ACR 0446
- [Bolex D 1933 projector 9.5 +16mm (yellow body) (courtesy Eric Vlaanderen)](bolex D 9%5F16.jpg)
- Bolex DA I & II 1933 projector 9,5 + 16mm
- Home Talkie 1933 projector (model D) + gramophone 9,5/16mm
- Bolex E 1933? projector for loopfilm 16mm
- Bolex G 3 1933 projector 8+9,5mm+16mm ACR 0447 (also with sound attachment from 1936)
- Bolex G 916 1934 projector for 9.5 & 16mm (also with sound attachment from 1936)
- Bolex G 816 1938 projectors for 8 & 16mm (also with sound attachment from 1936)
- Bolex M8/M 8 R - 1949 - 56 projectors 8mm ACR 0718
- Bolex Synchromat M8 1956 projector with sync module to taperecorder
- Bolex S 211 1960 opt. sound projector 16mm
- Bolex S221 1960 opt/magn sound projectors 16mm
- Bolex 18-5 1960-65 projector regular 8 ACR 0448 (test ACW March 8, 1962)
- Bolex 18-5 L & Super 1966 projector (12 V. 50W. lamp)super 8
- Bolex SM8 1967-1970 sound projector super 8 (made by Silma, Italy)
- Bolex 18-5 L Super 1968 projector (12 V. 75W.lamp) super 8
- Bolex cartridge 1968 projector super 8 (cartridge)
- Bolex S311/321 1967 sound projectors 16mm
- Bolex 18-9 Duo 1971 projector cartridge & reel super 8
- Bolex S411/421 1973 sound projectors 16mm (made in Italy)
- Bolex SM80 (MS, Electronic & Programmatic) 1976 projector super 8
- Bolex S501, 510, 521 1977 sound projectors 16mm (made in Italy)
Bolsey/ Finetta, Goslar, Germany, after 1956 Bolsey-Delmonico Corp. of America, New York, USA
- Bolsey 8 info
- Bolsey 8 1955 Germany camera 1x8mm ACR 0132
- Bolsey Lady camera 1956 1x8mm (marketed in the UK)
- Bolsey 8 1958 USA cam 1x8mm ACR 0323 (click for image)
- Bolsey 8 Uniset 1958 (Le Coultre, le Sentier, Switzerland) camera 1x8mm (variable shutterspeeds)ACR 0324
- Bolsey Tellcin S8 1970 Switzerland cam Super 8mm ACR 0325 (see also Tellag)
Bonne Presse, Maison de la, France (Distributor for Guilbert, Path� and others)
- Cin�matographe 1910 projector 35mm
- Projecteur Mixte B. P. 1910 magic lantern ACR 0891
- Cin�matographe de Famille 35mm projector
Borel, Victor
- System Borel camera 35mm ACR 0589
Bourdereau, A., Paris, France
- Ad'Hoc Bourdereau 1935 camera 35mm
- Opticolor 1946 trichrome camera 35mm (system Gaumont trichrome of 1912)
Bradley, Milton, USA
Bral, Mailand, Italy
- [Bral 35mm handcrank toy projector 3\1940/5](Bral 35mm proj.jpg)
- [Miki toy projector 8mm 1959? ](Bral Miki proj.jpg)
- Cinebral projector 8mm 1965?
Braun Camerawerk, Carl, Germany
- Braun Macro Compact 500 zoom reflex camera super 8
- Visacustic 100,1000,2000 1978-80 projectors super 8
Brenkert Light Projection Co., Detroit, USA
- Brenkert magic lantern 1917? slide projector
- Brenkert (model BX 80)1946 projector 35mm
- TBW 80 1946 projector 35mm
- Brenkert BX-40, 60, 100 1950? projectors 35mm
- Later RCA-Brenkert (BX-100 TV) projectors 35mm
Briskin Mfg.Co., Santa Monica, Ca, USA. (Son of Briskin, founder of Revere)
- Briskin 8 1950-53 camera 8mm ACR 0326
British Mutoscope & Biograph Co. Ltd., London, Great Britain
- Filoscope 1897 GB flip book ACR 0894
- Kinora viewers, various models (Marketed jointly with Warwick Trading Co.
British Thompson Houston Co.Ltd. (BTH),UK
- B.T.H projector 35mm 1929?
- B.T.H. sound-on-film 16mm (for double perforated film with sound track)projector 1931
- B.T.H. SRB sound projector 1934 16mm
- B.T.H. # 301 sound projector 1947? 16mm(Manufactured by Specto Ltd.)
- B.T.H. # 450/10 1954 sound projector 16mm
- B.T.H. # 401, 450 (X), 451(also magnetic), 452 1954 optical sound projectors 16mm
Brockliss, USA. See Enterprise Optical Mfg. Co.
Brittain, H.L., Co., USA
- Kodagraph projector (similar to Homograph) 35mm 1912?
Brown, Theodore, Great Britain
Brumberger, New York, USA
- 1954? (plastic battery-operated toy) projector 8mm
- Brumberger model 1503 1955? motordriven projector capacity 200ft 8mm
- Brumberger E3L & T3L 1955? cameras 2x8mm
- Brumberger 1617 camera tri-turret exp. meter 2x8mm
- Argonaut Eight model MT camera 1958? 2x8mm
Buderus, Hannover, Germany
- Buderus 1906 projector 35mm
- Buderus-Sch�ssler 1911 projector 35mm
Buisse & Bottazzi, Lyon, France
- Buisse-Bottazzi 1946-1951 projectors 35mm
- Buisse-Bottazzi portable projector 35mm
- Projecteur 16 mm sound type 5 s�rie 2
- Buisse-Bottazzi Mythique projector serie 8 Ampli a lampe, 16mm sound projector 1000 Watt lamp.
- Buisse-Botazzi 1958? trifilm opt/magn sound projector 8, 9,5, 16mm
Bull, Lucien, Germany. Later: Boulogne sur Seine, France
- Funken Kinematograph 35mm camera/projector 1903 (German)
- Stereoscopic viewer utilising 90mm non-perforated film 1910
- Hi-speed camera 25000 f.p.s. 1922-26. Turning prism registers on one meter circular film loop 35mm (if I understand it correctly!)
B�nzli, Ren� & Pierre-Victor Continsouza, France
See below and : Manufacture fran�aise d'appareils de Pr�cision, Paris
- Projector 1896 35mm
- Le Robuste 1899 projector 35mm
Burke & James Inc., Chicago, USA
- [Universal 35mm military camera of 1918, used in WW1](Burke & James cam.jpg).
Only two copies are known to exist - one in the Smithonian Museum.
Burville, Great Britain
- Burville 16 1949? sound projector 16mm
- [Burville 16 1949? sound projector 16mm (same as above)](burville proj.jpg)(Courtesy Martyn Stevens)
Burwood Projectors/ Arthur Brock Jr. Tool & Mfg. Works, Philadelphia, USA
- Burwood model A 1929? projector 35mm
Bush, Camera Corp., Chicago, USA
- Kaleidoskope optical toy ACR 0558
Busch Film & Equipment Co., Saginaw, Michigan, USA
- Cinesalesman 4A. Kodak Pageant 16mm sound projector in continuous loop casing 1953?
(Houghton) Butcher & Sons, W., London, UK.
Distributor: Ensign, and: Williamson Kinematograph Co., London.
- Empire # 1 35mm camera c1910 (click for image)
- Butcher Empire # 00 1910? projector 35mm
- Empire model A 1910? projector 35mm
- Empire Home Kinetograph 35mm projector c1910 (click for image)
- Empire model III 1911? projector 35mm
- Silent Empire no.12 1911 projector 35mm
- Empire # 3 1911? camera 35mm
- Empire # 10 1912 camera 35mm
- Empire Camera 10 1913 camera 35mm ACR 0895
- Butcher/Ensign 28mm 1917 camera supplied toPathescope of America Inc.(see)
- Silent Empire no.20 1923 projector 35mm
Cadet?, USA
- Cadet 1935? projector 16mm
Calvin Co.,Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Cameca. Paris. France
Camera Corporation of America, Chicago, USA
- Cine Perfex double Eight model A 1947 8mm (magazine) 3-turret camera
Cameraflex Corp., New York, USA
Camera Productions Ltd., see Peerless
Camera Projector Ltd., London, UK
- Midas Standard 9,5mm camera 1933
- Midas Super Improved 1939 camera+ 9,5mm ACR 0070(click for image)
Cameraflex Corp, New York, USA
- Cameraflex 16 or 35mm cameras magazine adaptor/electric motor 3-lens turret 1953
- Cineflex camera 1940? 35mm (after Arriflex for military use)
Cameron Picture Machine Co., Brooklyn, New York, USA
Camex, see Ercsam
Campbell Co., A.S., East Boston, USA.
- Cello 35mm hand crank camera 1918 B&L Tessar 3.5 lens
- Cello types A, B, C, and D 35mm projectors 1918(also marketed by Hall Projector Co. Inc., East Boston)
- Cello portable models X and O 35mm projectors (1921?)
- Graphoscope Junior 35mm projector 1922?
- Graphoscope No.2 (picture) and 3, 35mm projectors 1922?
Campro Ltd./Home Cine Cameras Ltd., London, UK
- Campro 1927 camera/projector 35mm ACR 0071 . Could also project 35mm paperfilm by reflected light.
- Campro 9,5 1935 camera 9,5mm lens 3.5 ACR 0072
- Campro Standard 1936 camera/projector 3.5 9,5mm (ACR 450)
- Campro DeLuxe 1936 camera/projector 2.5 9,5mm ACR 0327
Cannevel, Edouard, France
Cannock, F., New York, USA
- Cinematograph 35mm projector (oil bath Geneva movement) 1903
- Edengraph 35mm projector 1908
Canon Inc., Tokyo, Japan
- Canon C-8 (models S & T) 1958? 2-turret camera 8mm
- Canon P8 1958 projector regular 8mm
- Canon Reflex Zoom 8 1959 cameras 8mm
- Canon 8-2 (also 8-3) Reflex Zoom 1960-61 camera
- Canon Motor Zoom 8EEE 1962 camera 1.7/10-40mm 8mm
- Canon Auto 8Z 1963 projector regular 8mm
- Canon Zoom 512 1964 camera 8mm ACR 0896
- Canon Motor Zoom 8EEE 1964? camera 8mm
- Cine Canonet 8 1963 camera 8mm 1.8 10-25mm
- Canon S 400 1964? projector regular 8mm
- Canon Vision 1964? viewer/projector regular 8mm
- Canon Cinestar P8 1965 projector regular 8mm
- Canon Cine-Zoom 512 1964 camera 2.8/8.5-42.5mm 8mm
- Canon single-8 518(1964) (&518SW 1969) cameras single 8
- Article on the Canon Scoopic
Capitol Machine Co. Inc., New York, USA
- Model C type 1 pojector 35mm 1920? encased portable
- Capitol 16mm projector 1935? (photo of incomplete model)
Capitol/News Reel Laboratory, Philadelphia, USA
- Capitol 1930 continuous loop projector 16mm in case
Capitol Projector Corp. New York, USA
Capta-Movi ? , Spain
Carette & Co., Georg, N�rnberg, Germany
(although Carette had the French nationality)
- Laterna Magina 1890 (courtesy Auction Team, K�ln)
- Laterne Magica Folioscope 1890
- Laterna magica - (H 25) 1895 magic lantern ACR 0520
- Laterna Magica (DB = 4) 1895 magic lantern ACR 0501
- Kinematograph with horizontal film movement 1900?
- Laterna Magica (DB = 5) 1905 magic lantern ACR 0897
- Zootrope - 1905 ACR 0821
- Zootrope - 1905 ACR 0898
- Zootrope - 1905 ACR 0548
- Kinematograph + LM - 1905 magic lantern/projector 35mm ACR 0768
- Laterna Magica - (DB = 5) 1911 magic lantern ACR 0769
- Cinematograph 1912? 35mm
Carpenter & Richardson, Wembley, Great Britain
Carpentier, Jules,
Celfix see Hunter
Cello projector (see Campbell)
Centauro, Sao Paulo, Brasil
Brasilian manufacturer of prof. cinema projectors
Central Kohki Co.Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
- Tica-8 Projector R8mm 1964?
Centrex, India?
Centrex cinema projectors, copies of Simplex projectors (who knows more about them?)
Century Projector Corp., USA.
(see also Kaplan)
- Century" title="undefined" rel="noopener noreferrer">">Century C & CC 1945 projectors 35mm
- Century JJ 1958? sound projector 35mm (convertible to 70mm with 6-track sound)
- Century portable (JCC) 2000 projector 35mm
CFEC/St.George Cine Equipment Co.
- CFEC 103 1970? portable sound projector 35mm
Charlin, France
- Ragonot type: TA25 projector 35mm
- Charling Actua (Ultra) Color 1958? cinema projector 35mm
- Charlin portable projector 35mm
Chevillard & Coulon, France(1913-1920 In 1920 bought by J. Demaria)
Chicago Projecting Co., Chicago, USA
Supplied round 1900 projection outfits. Not sure if manufactured by themselves or solely distributors.
Chinese movie equipment manufacturers.
Chinon International Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
- Chinon 727 196? projector regular 8mm
- Chinon Concord 7 B 1963 camera 1.8/8-32mm 2x8mm
- Chinon Zoom 8 1963 camera 1.8/9,5-30mm 2x8mm
- Chinon Power Master Zoom 8 1963 1.8/8-32mm 2x8mm
- Chinon Facel 2 1963 camera 1.8/9,5 - 19mm 2x8mm ACR 0899
- Chinon Concord B 1965 camera 1.8/8-32mm 2x8mm
- Chinon 2000 propjector 2x8mm
Christen, Marcel, Vinneuf, France
- Christen 8mm 1950-53 camera Bertiot 2.5/12,5mm 8mm
- Super Christen B3 (VM) 1953-61 camera
- Christen (Mono) 54 (also Photo Hall, or Standard) 1954 camera 8mm ACR 0332
- Super Christen 56 1956 camera Berthiot 2.5/12,5mm 2x8mm
- Super Christen 8 (also Photo Hall) 1953 camera 8mm ACR 0333 (later renamed as Super 4V and Super VM)
- Christen 56 1960 camera Berthiot 2.5/12,5mm
- Christen Reflex DB 1 1960-62 camera 8mm ACR 0080
- Christen Reflex DB 2 1960-62 camera 8mm ACR 0081
- Christen Reflex 8 1961-62 camera Berthiot Pan Cinor 40 2x8mm
- Super Christen SB3 1965 camera Berthiot Cinor 3.5/35mm
Christie, Cypress, CA, USA (and Canada)
See Film Tech site under Manuals for their cinema projectors
Chronik Brothers Mfg., New York, USA
Cima/Zimmermann, G. (Germany)
- Cima D 8 1956 camera 8mm ACR 0285
- Cima D 8 A 1958 camera 8mm ACR 0286
- Cimalux 1958 projector 8mm ACR 0762
- Cima D 8 A (Titler) 1958 camera 8mm ACR 1119
- Cima D 8 B 1958 camera 8mm ACR 0287
- Cimatic D 88 1958 camera 8mm ACR 0288
- Cimavox 1959 sound projector regular 8mm
Cinagraph/ Baker & McGarth, USA
- Cinegraphoscope 1898? projector 35mm (made by Charles Webster, later called Cinagraph)
Cinak, France
(see Cin�matheque Francais)
- Cinak 1934 projector for 9,5mm Path� cassettes
Cine Accessories Co., Brighton, UK
- New de Luxe Cine-Vue regular 8mm loop handheld plastic toy viewer 1955?
Cinebloc/St�. Gallus/Pierre Dupont Rougier, Courbevoie, France
(For further details see Eric Lange's page.
- (click for details)
- Cinebloc type E 1923 projector 22mm Ozaphan(See also Radius, Marseille, for a similar model 17,5mm projector)
(see Cameraflex)
Cinefon, Milano (Mailand), Italy
CineGel, Le Mans and Paris, France
Cinegel cameras
- Cinegel La Reinette 9,5 1950-55 camera Roussel Kinor 2.5/20mm 9,5mm
- Cinegel Reinette 8 1950-54 camera 2x8mm
- CineGel Reinette 9,5 1952 camera 9,5 mm ACR 0083
- Cinegel Reinette 10 1952 camera 2x8mm
- Cinegel Reinette N8 1952 camera 2x8mm
- CineGel Reinette HL 9,5 1955-62 camera 9,5mm ACR 0084
- CineGel HL 9,5 1954 camera 9,5mm ACR 0594
- CineGel Reinette Super HL 9,5 1955-62 camera 9,5mm ACR 0335
- CineGel (Reinette) (Super)HL 8 1954-58 camera 8mm ACR 0082
- CineGel Super HL 9,5 1954 camera variable speeds 9,5mm ACR 0336
- Cinegel Super HL 16 1955 camera variable speeds 16mm
- CineGel Reinette HL 16 1955-58 camera 16mm ACR 0337
- Cinegel Com�te 1962-64 camera 2x8mm
- Cinegel Com�te 8 Automatic 1963-65 camera Berthiot 1.8/10mm 2x8mm
- Cinegel Com�te Automatic (zoom) 1963 camera Berthiot 1.9/9-36mm
- Cinegel Gelzoomatic 8 1964-65 camera 8mm Cinegel projectors
- Royal 210, 220 1948 projectors 9,5mm
- CineGel 8 Royal 1950 projector 8mm ACR 0720
- Royal 215 1950 projector 8mm
- Royal 225(1951) projectors 9,5/16mm
- CineGel Royal (Le Mans, 205, 210, 220, 225, 500) 1954-1960 projectors mono, bi-, triformat, adaptable to magn. sound
- Cinegel Royal 230 1954 projector 9,5mm
- Cinegel Royal 235 1955 projector 8, 9,5mm, 16 (mono, bi and tri)
- Cinegel Royal 240 1955 projector 8, 16mm
- Cinegel Royal 500 1960? projector 9,5mm
- Cin�gel G (GR with tape sync facility) 1962 projectors 9,5mm
- Cin�gel GS8 100 1962 projectors 8 or 9,5mm (test ACW Aug 9,'62)
- Cin�gel GS 8 projector regular 8mm
- AS-150 proto-type 9,5mm projector announced in 1968 but never released
Cine Graf ????, Argentine
Cinekon / Ogino & Co. Ltd., Japan (or Bell Ko-On Co.?)
- Cinekon 8 E 1960 camera 8mm ACR 0595
- Cinekon 8 1961 camera 8mm ACR 1025
- Cinekon 8 1961? projector regular 8mm
- Cinekon Pro-Auto 1962? projector regular 8mm
Cinelabor S.A., Florence, Italy
- Cinitia 162 195? sound projector
- Filmaster 1958? interlock sound projector (16mm film + 16mm perfotape)
Cineland, Japan
- Cineland RZ33 1964 camera (zoomlens 1.8 11-33mm)2x8mm
- Cineland RZ 407 1964? zoomlens 2x8mm
- Bolleyflex 1964? camera (Cineland zoomlens 1.9)
Cinema Francia / Soci�t� de Propagation des Inventions Nouvelles, Paris, France
Cinema Genry, France
- Projector (silent) 1950? 16mm (with motor)
Cinema-Halles Ltd., London, Great Britain
- Zar maltese cross 1911 projector 35mm
Cinema Solus, France
- Solus home projector 1920? 35mm 12 V. 4 A.
Cinemaker Company, Nottingham, Great Britain
See also Bingoscope above.
Cineman Inc./ Toyo Kohki Corp. Japan.
- Cineman auto ZRE 1964? camera zoomlens 2x8mm
Cinéma Plaques, Ste. des, France
Cinema Products Corp., Los Angeles, USA
(A range of cameras of Auricon ancestry)
- Crystasound 16mm sound camera with magazines 1960?
- Cinema Baby camera 16mm
- CP16, 16R, 16R/A, 16R/DS, 1974 sound cameras 16mm
- CP 16A sound camera 16mm
- XR 35 1979? camera (Mitchell BNCR type) 35mm
- CP GSMO camera (Super) 16mm
Cinematic Universal Camera Corp., New York, USA
Cinematograph Co., Chicago, USA
Cinematographe, France
Cinemax Co.Ltd.(Uriu Seiki Co. Ltd.), Tokyo Japan
- Cinemax 8 1957 2-turret camera 2x8mm
- Cinemax 8 TriAuto 1960 3-turret camera 2x8mm
- Cinemax 8 E, 8E II, 8EE, 8 III E Auto Zoom 1962 camera 2x8mm
- Cinemax 8 H High-Auto 1960? camera (zoomlens 1.8/9-30mm)2x8mm
- Cinemax 8 TV 1960 camera 8mm ACR 0596
- Cinematic 8 Z 801 1960 camera 8mm
- Cinemax 8 Triauto 1960 camera 8mm ACR 1098
- CV II, GFRS projectors 1960? regular 8mm
- Cinemax 8 EE 1962 camera 8mm
- Cinemax 8 D Compact Zoom 1963 camera 8mm
- Cinemax 8 H High Auto 1965 camera 8mm ACR 0597
Cinemec, Florence, Italy
Cinemeccanica, Milano, Italy (Officine Bossi)
(Also distributed by Rank/Gaumont-Kalee, Great Britain)
- Cinemeccanica Lux 1921 projector 35mm (courtesy Vera Carimati)
- Victoria I 1923 projector 35mm
- Avia 1924 camera magnesium body for aerial cinematography 35mm
- Reporter 1926 camera 35mm (courtesy Vera Carimati)
- Victoria III 1927 projector 35mm
- Balilla 1932 projector 35mm
- Victoria IV/M 1942 projector 35mm
- Victoria IV/E, VI/C 1948/50 projectors 35mm
- Victoria VIII 1955 projector 35/70mm
- Victoria X 1956 projector 35/70mm
- Victoria VIII R 1961 projector 35mm
- Victoria 8/18 multipurpose 1961 projector 35/70mm
- Victoria 14 1961 projector 35/70mm
- CX106 1961? sound projector 16mm
- Victoria 18 projector 35/70mm
Cine Micro / Salvador Mestres / Novedades Poch (distributor), Barcelona, Spain
- Cine Micro toy projector for 16mm cartoons 1950
- Cine Lux toy projector utilizing two 35mm filmstrips 1955
Cinephon Co., Prague, Czecho-Slovakia
- Cinephon CS camera 35mm ACR 0598
- Cinephon BE 1934 camera 35mm (Courtesy Christie's, London)
- Cinephon BR 34 1934 camera 35mm ACR 0338
- Cinephon BH Handkamera CS camera 35mm ACR 0339 (courtesy Auction Team, K�ln)
- Cinephon BT BBT, BHA, BRIII cameras 35mm
- Slechta S VII C65 1935? camera 35 mm
- Slechta BH X Schulterkamera 1948 shoulder-camera 35mm ACR 0340 (courtesy Christies)
Cine Products Supply Co.
(See here)Cin� RAI / Pay� Hermanos, S.A.", Ibi (Valenci�), Spain Cin� RAI animated paper film(large sized) toy projector 1933Second model same as above with sound Third model with 17,5mm filmstrip and electric light Cinerama, New York, USA
Cineric, Paris, France (formerly Ericsson, Paris)
- Cineric 5 C 1950? portable sound projector 16mm
- Cineric Ericsson E 1955 projector 8, 9,5 or 16mm
- Cineric Ericsson type F 1956 projector 8, 9.5, or 16mm
- Cin�ric MD 1956 ? silent projector 16mm
- Cineric SC, SDI, SDA (arc) 1956 opt. sound projector (1000 W.) 16mm (SDM opt/magn sound)
- Cin�ric Ericsson D-S 1952? encased (valise) projector 16mm
- Cineric Princesse 1958 camera 8mm ACR 0599
- Cin�ric Regent BT 1960 projector (10V.-100W.) (Synchro system optional) regular 8mm
Cine Skob (Josep Escobar), Barcelona, Spain
- Cine Skob toy projector 35mm coloured animated paper strip (like NIC)1942
- Cine Stuk toy projector utilizing two 35mm coloured animated paper strips 1950 (invented by Salvador Mestres)
Cinescope/Cinema Traders, London, Great Britain
Cinescope, France
Cinetasca, Italy
Cinetechnic, Greenford, Great Britain
(Distributor of Debrie projectors in the UK) (A NAME="elew">
Cinetechnical Works, Lodz, Poland
- Elew AP-22 1967 sound projector 16mm (Test in ACW June '68)
Cinetechnique, Paris, France
. (Ran by former Path� engineer Rene Llorens)
Cinetecnica, Milano, Italy
- Gran Real 1921? projector 35mm
- Reale Scuola 1921? school projector 35mm
- Real (model B,C) 1921? projectors 35mm
Cinette/Auto-Vision, France
- Cinette A 30? 1939? projector 16mm
- Cinette B projector 8mm (Belgian make) 1958?
- Cinette Mini 8 1958? viewer 8mm (Made under license in Belgium by Park & Dijk)
- Cinette Mistral projector 8mm
- Cinette Club 60 16mm projector 1958
- Collegian A. 1958 toy filmstrip projector 16mm
- Cinette Movie 16 toy projector 16mm
Cinevox, Australia, see Precision Engineering (click)
Cinex/Bourdereau, Etabl., Andr� Alphonse, Paris, France
- Cinex 1 (HK + 15M) 1920 camera 35mm ACR 0892 (Courtesy Christies, London)
- Cinex 2 (HK) 1925 camera 35mm ACR 0068
- Cinex 2 1925 camera+ 35mm ACR 0590
- Cinex Bourdereau, 1925 manual ACR 0893
Cinklox Camera Co./Cincinetti Clock & Instrument Co, Cincinetti, Ohio, USA
- Cinklox 3 S 1937 camera 16mm ACR 0593
- Cinklox 3 S instructions
- Cinklox FM 7 1950 camera 16mm ACR 0334
- Compendica 1961 photo movie camera (convertible to projector) 16mm
Cinoscope, Syndicat Industries du., Italy
- Cinoscope 1923 camera 35mm ACR 0255
- Cinoscope 1923 projector+ 35mm ACR 0901
- Cinoscope, Le 1924 description ACR 0902
Cine Cirse, Torino, Italy (see also Microtecnica
- Astro 1955? projector regular 8mm
- Super Comet 1955-58 - 500watt lamp, 400ft spools 9,5mm
- Missouri 1957 projector regular 8mm
- Nilus 8 1957 projector regular 8mm
- Cirse Sound 1958 projector regular 8mm
Citoscope / Breviaire & Cie., France (M.Laval)
- Citoscope 1906 camera + projector still (9x12cm plates) and 35mm motion picture film ACR 0591
- Citoscope, Description de 1908 brochure ACR 0812
- Citoscope projector 1908
City Sale & Exchange, London, Great Britain
. (Used the trade name Salex.)
- Salex/Cinex Cinematograph 1923 hand cranked camera 35mm
- Salex projector 35mm 1923
- Salex 8 1937 camera 8mm
Clapham, A.J./ Coughlin, James, & Co., New York, USA
- Homograph projectors model A 35mm (battery powered) projector 1912
- Homograph projector model B 35mm projector 1912
Claston?, Japan?
- Claston II 1961? twin turret camera 2x8mm
Cl�ment & Gilmer, France
Clermont, Maison / L. Huet & Cie., Paris, France
- Cinéphote 1909 camera/projector with double magazine 2 x 24 frames of 14x18mm on 6' disc ACR 0379
- Diocinescope Cin�matograph de salon 1900 (mutoscope like) viewer for (animated?) 35mm film
Cleveland Detroit Camera Co., USA
- Nuekam 5 A 1923 camera+ 35mm ACR 0341
Colmor ?, USA
- Colmor Moviescope 1933? toy theater using paper filmstrips
Colorco, San Francisco, USA
J.B.Colt & Co., New York, USA
- Criterioscope 35mm projector 1897
Comisco, USA
Compact, Italy
(distributed by David Williams in UK)
- Compact 8 1962 projector regular 8mm
Compact Camera Co., Chicago, USA
Compact 35mm camera 1902? Compagnia Construttori Cinematografici, Milano, Italy Proiettore sonore 16mm 1949? Compendica, Switzerland(See Cincinetti Clock etc.)
- Compendica 1961 still/cine camera uses double8/16mm at 10 f.p.s. Can be converted to projector.
Construments, see Bingoscope
Consul ?, Japan.
Distributed by J.J.Silber Ltd. in UK.
- Consul 1962 projector regular 8mm
Continsouza, Pierre-Victor, Paris, France (died in 1944)
(Manufacturer for many distributors notably Path�. Fused with Soci�t� des �tablissements Louis Aubert into M.I.P. in 1928.
- Stereoscope camera 1913 exposing two frames simultaneously (only one example known)
Copal Co. Ltd. , Japan
. See Sekonic
Copycat, Italy
- Copycat Starlight 1962 projector regular 8mm
Coronet Camera Co., Birmingham, UK
- Coronet A 1932 camera 9,5mm ACR 0085
- Coronet B 1934 camera 9,5mm 16 f.p.s. ACR 0086 (see ad)
- Coronet C 1936 camera 9,5mm 16 & 64 f.p.s. + single frame
- Coronet model I projector hand driven 9,5mm 1932-36 for small 40' reels 40 V. 15 W.
- Coronet model II projector 9.5mm motorized 1937 400' reels 40V. 15W.
- Coronet IIA 1938 projector 9.5mm f 2 lens 40 V. 25W.
Cosmograph, see Muggard Bradley
Cosuta, Japan
- Cosuta 35mm toy projector 35mm 1925?(Courtesy Trevor Adams)
Coughlin, James, Co., New York
- Homograph
Courvoisier, No�l, Paris, France
- Le Seul (Leather) 1921 glass plate camera; plate 9 x 12cm; image 3,5x5,5mm ACR 0087
- Le Seul DeLuxe (wood) 1921 camera/projector plate 9 x 12cm, image 3,5x5,5mm ACR 0451 (image courtesy Christies, London)
- Le Seul DeLuxe (wood) 1921 020 RK+ 3,5x5,5 ACR 0342
Coxsackie Holding Corp. , Coxsackie, N.Y., USA
C.R.A., France
(tentative inclusion)
- C.R.A. projector 16mm
Cragstan, Japan
- Cragstan 8mm battery operated toy projector 1949?
- Triple Action 1955? battery operated 'Sports' projector 8mm
- TV-X battery operated projector/viewer regular 8mm
Crass, Richard, Berlin, Germany
- Crass trickfilm camera 1950? 35mm
- [Crass trickfilmcamera 16mm](Crass 16.jpg)
Cross, Paris, France
- Cross 8/8 1954-55 camera 2x8mm
Crouzet, Valence, France
- Crouzet ST 8 (8S) 1960-64 camera 8mm ACR 0903
- Crouzet Filmatic S8 Automatique 1960-64 camera 2x8mm
Crown Optical Co. Ltd., Japan
- Crown 8 88 1959? 1-lens camera 2x8mm
- Crown 8E3 1959 camera lens 1.8/13mm 2x8mm
- Crown 8 E3B 1959 3-turret camera 2x8mm
- Crown 8 S 3 1960 camera 2x8mm ACR 0904
- Crown 8 T3 1960 3-turret camera 2x8mm
- Crown 8 EZS (EZA) Zoom Reflex 1960 camera 2x8mm ACR 0905
- Crown P Auto Thread 1962 projector regular 8mm
- Crown 8 Zoom 1962 projector regular 8mm
- Crown Auto Zoom 201 1963 camera lens 1.8/9,5-30mm
- Crown Automatic model 501 503 507 1963 zoomlens cameras 2x8mm
- Crown 8 Savoy 501/507 1963? projectors regular 8mm
- Chronica-8 (8ET) EZB 1964 camera 2x8mm
Croydon/PMC Products, Hong Kong
Cummings, A.B., Attleboro, Mass., USA.
- 'Little Giant' 1915? toy projector 35mm
- .'Torpedo' projector 1914? 35mm
- Bulldog 1915? toy projector 28mm
- Ab-Cum-O-Graph Theatre 28mm toy projector parrafin or electric lighting 1915? (courtesy Trevor Adams)
- Ab-Cum-O-Graph 'Dreadnaught' 1918? projector 35mm
- Ab-Cum-O-Graph 'Gorilla' 1918? projector 35mm?
- Champion 35mm toy projector 1922?
- National model 10 35mm projector 1922?
- .'Professional' model projector 35mm for 300' reels
- National Moving Picture Machine 28 or 35mm projector 1925?
Cummings & Wilson, Sydney, Australia
- Model G type TS (twin shutter) 1949? theatrical projector 35mm
- Raycophone P - 7 semi portable 35mm sound projector
Cumo ?, Spain
Cunningham, USA
- PH-530/PF 1944? combat camera 35mm
I also have a list of 300 items: movie cameras, projectors, accessories in 8, 9.5, 16, 22, 28 and 35mm, and many books I have to clear for lack of space. Please email for a list to: , but first delete the word NOSPAM from the address.
D - J | K - O | P - Z |
Created 26 September 1998, latest revised and expanded 2 June 2023
I cannot take any responsibility for the data given in this list.
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