List of 3500 vintage movie cameras, projectors etc A-C. (original) (raw)

The following is a list of manufacturers of vintage cinematographic equipment, with some of the apparatus they marketed. It is by no means complete, but a basis for expansion.
Presently you will find the country of origin, year of manufacture and size. The ACR number, if mentioned, refers to the Peter Ariel's Cinematography Register listing. I hope to expand it with more images and data on other apparatus. In general this list closes in the year 1965 with the introduction of super 8mm to replace regular 8mm. For movie cameras after the introduction of Super 8 please refer to Anssi Puistot's Super 8 camera list

I have listed apparatus, I could not find the manufacturer of, under Various

In many cases I am not sure of the years of manufacture. For your guidance I have made guesses with a question mark. Of course all data are tentative.

I'm always grateful for any info you can supply to correct or update this list. Also let me know if an image does not open. Email to: but delete the word NOSPAM from the address.

If you like to find out more about a certain apparatus, click on the first letter of the name of the manufacturer to go to the relative section of this list. If the apparatus is not listed look for a model number near to it for an approximate date. As models often have a different name than that of the manufacturer you might also search with the Ctrl+F keys. I have often listed apparatus under their model name, though.
As for additional images you might search on Google Images. On YouTube you may find clips with demonstrations of apparatus of the major makes. Also many images may be had from Kamera Daten Bank Deutsche Museen

Possibly a manual is available. Click here.

<font="red">Value</font="red"> . I'm receiving many queries about the value of equipment. Read my reply here.

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Search Anssi Puistot's list with more than 1100 super 8mm cameras


See A�ton, Grenoble, France

Ab-Cum-O-Graph. See Cummings

ACA, Germany

ACE (Associated Cine Equipment Ltd.) , Erith, Kent, Great Britain

Ace Manufacturing Co., Milwaukee, USA

Ace/ L & L Randall Ltd. , Great Britain

Acme Camera Corp., Cal., USA

Acme Motion Picture Projector Co., Chicago, USA (merged into International Picture Corp. , Chicago, in 1925)

Acme Tool & Manufacturing Co., Burbank, Cal., USA

(Acme was well-known for its Academy award winning Acme-Dunn optical printer (1944))

Acres, Birt, Great Britain (1854 - 1918)

Read the history of Birt Acres by Tjitte de Vries and his grandson Alan Acres.

AEG, Germany


Aeroscope/Cherry Kearton Ltd., London, UK. (see Proszynski)

AGA Baltic, Sweden

Agfa Camerawerk AG, Berlin/Munich, Germany. (see Ansco for models produced in the USA)


Aids Inc., El Segundo, Cal., USA

Aimes Engeneering Co. Inc., USA

Aires Camera Int. Co. Ltd., Japan

Airfix, Great Britain


Akeley Camera Inc., New York, USA

Aladdin Cine Products/Pictures Development Co., Toledo, Ohio, USA

(See Urban Spirograph)

Aldis, Great Britain

Alef, see Lehmann

Allied Impex Corp. (distributor)

Alma, see Banno Bunzabur� Sh�ten

Ambrosio & C., Turin, Italy


American Camera Co., Hollywood, USA

American Cinematograph & Film Co., New York, USA

American Moving Picture Co., Washington, USA

American Mutoscope and Biograph Co., New York, USA

American Parlour Kinetoscope Co., Washington, USA

(Made by Clawson Machine Co., Newar, N.Y.)

American Pictograph Co., Boston and Manchester, New Hampshire, USA

American Projection Co., Chicago, USA

American Symmetroscope Co., USA

E.H. Amet, Chicago, USA

Amigo, Gustav, Germany

Ampro Corp., USA

See also Simplex-Ampro, Great Britain.

Anchor Mfg.Co., USA

Anglia, Great Britain

Ansch�tz, Ottomar, Germany

Ansco Co., USA (see also Agfa)

Anthony & Co., E. & H.T., Chicago, USA

Apparate- und Kamerawerk GmbH, Germany

Appco (Associated Photo Products), NYC, USA

R.J. Appleton & Co., Bradford

Après la Pluie, France

Arco Photo Industries Co. Ltd., Japan (1949 - 61)

Argus Inc., USA (see also: Argus/Thames Cine Products below, Mansfield, and Liesegang for models bearing the name Argus)

Argus/Thames Cine Products Ltd., London, UK

Arma, Great Britain

Armor see Sommor

Arnet ?????????

Arri / Arnold & Richter KG, Munich, Germany

Arrow Works Photo News Sha, Japan

Artop Specialties (USA)

Art Reeves Motion Picture Equipment, Hollywood, USA

Askania-Werke AG, Berlin-Friedenau, Germany

(before: Centralwerkstatt-Dessau and Carl Bamberg-Friedenau, Berlin)

Aspekta, Dresden, DDR

Associated Photo Products, New York, USA. (See:APPCO)

Astor projectors (see: Bingoscope)

Astral, Japan (Distributed by B.Bennett & Sons, UK)

Astro (-Gesellschaft Bielicke & Co.), Berlin-Neuk�lln, Germany

Astro see Microtecnica

Athena Mfg./ L-W Photo Inc.,van Nuys, CA / L-W Athena Simi Valley, Ca., USA

Atlas Cine Works Ltd. Tokyo, Japan

Aubert, Soci�t� des �tablissements Louis , France. Fused with Continsouza into M.I.P. in 1928.

Bach Auricon Inc., USA (later: Berndt-Bach, after 1946)

Autocrat Sound Film Services, London, Great Britain

Automax Ind., Sepulveda, USA / Robert Woltz Ass. Inc., Lugana Beach, Cal.,USA

A.V.E. (Audio Visual Enterprises) Corp., New York, USA

Aves / Audio Visual Educational Systems Inc, Houston, USA


Berndt-Bach Auricon Inc., USA (see (Bach-) Auricon above)

Baird Motion Picture Machine Co., New York & Newark, N.J., USA

Balkan?, Bulgaria

J.A.Ball, Hollywood, USA

Waldon S. Ball, San Francisco, USA

Mr. Ball headed a one-man film laboratory in San Francisco, Ball devised a number of machines which were taken over by Art IZreves of Hollywood and marketed worldwide. They were made by �Walt� primarily for his own needs; through a longstanding friendship, Mr. Reeves had access to them as prototypes to be manufactured under an informal and confidential business arrangement between the two men.

Ballantyne see Strong Wentzel, Simplex and Balantyne of Omaha Inc.

Banno Bunzabur� Sh�ten (aka Banno Shokai/Banno Boeki), Tokyo, Japan.

They also sold Path� equipment and produced films pre-WW2 (click for one of their films)(courtesy: Thilo Nagano)

Baptista Films C.O., Wheaton, Ill., USA

Barigo Barometerfabrik, Schwenningen, Germany

Barker Bros Inc. , Los Angeles, USA

(Also sold under the name of Omnio Mfg. Co., see also Sixteen Frames 1992 vol.4,4 pgs. 9/10))

Barnett & Jaffe, USA

Baron, Auguste, Asni�res, France

Baskon Corp., Santa Monica, CA / Mansfield Ind. Inc., USA

. For bulbs look here

Bass Camera Co., Chicago, USA

Bata AS, Czechoslovakia

Bauer Gmbh, Eugen/Bosch (Germany)

Camera's Click here for their history

Baumann, Germany

Baxter & Wray and Butcher, W. and Sons, London, Great Britain

Beacon Projector Co., New York, N.J., USA


Beaulieu Cinéma, France. (click for images). Read also Martin Baumgarten: Beaulieu Super 8 cameras Beaulieu, ,Beaulieu Cinema (Wittner Kinotechnik)

Beckman & Whitley Inc., San Carlos, USA

Bedts, D.W. de, France

Kin�tograph 1896 camera 35mm

Bell & Howell Co., Chicago Ill., USA

B & H cameras

Bell & Ko-on, Tokyo, Japan

Bell Manufacturing Co., Des Plaines, Ill.USA

Belomo, Optical-Mechanical Association, Belarus, Russia

Benson-Lehner, USA

E.M.Berndt Corp, Los Angeles, USA (see: Auricon/Bach-Auricon)

Berndt-Bach Inc., Los Angeles, USA (see: Auricon/Bach-Auricon). Berndt-Maurer Corp., see Maurer J.A. Inc.

Berndt-Maurer Corp, New York, USA

(see: Maurer, J.A.)

Beseler, Charles, Co., East Orange, USA

Bettini (Gianni & ? ) Brothers, Germany

Bing, Gebr.Bing-Werke, N�rnberg, Germany

See also: Optica

Bingoscope, Great Britain (Various distributors and names in the UK: Bing British, Hunter, Indcol, L. Rees, Construments Ltd., Soho Ltd.? and others)

(See also Grahame Newnham listings

Biofix, London, Great Britain

(Biofix is also a term used to describe the principle of flip books. More of its history here.

Bioscope, see Warwick

Blanchard & Jourjon, France

Blaupunkt-Werke, West-Germany

Blay, Etabl. Le, Varenne, France

Bol SA. - Jacques Bogopolsky, Switzerland

Bolex - Paillard S.A., St. Croix, Switzerland

Click for further info here and Bolex.UK, as well as Boll S.A. above. Bolex was sold in 1970 to Eumig. Bolex interests are now being represented by Bolex International S.A. , Switzerland. Paillard Bolex 9,5/16mm cameras

Bolsey/ Finetta, Goslar, Germany, after 1956 Bolsey-Delmonico Corp. of America, New York, USA

Bonne Presse, Maison de la, France (Distributor for Guilbert, Path� and others)

Borel, Victor

Bourdereau, A., Paris, France

Bradley, Milton, USA

Bral, Mailand, Italy

Braun Camerawerk, Carl, Germany

Brenkert Light Projection Co., Detroit, USA

Briskin Mfg.Co., Santa Monica, Ca, USA. (Son of Briskin, founder of Revere)

British Mutoscope & Biograph Co. Ltd., London, Great Britain

British Thompson Houston Co.Ltd. (BTH),UK

Brockliss, USA. See Enterprise Optical Mfg. Co.

Brittain, H.L., Co., USA

Brown, Theodore, Great Britain

Brumberger, New York, USA


Buderus, Hannover, Germany

Buisse & Bottazzi, Lyon, France

Bull, Lucien, Germany. Later: Boulogne sur Seine, France

B�nzli, Ren� & Pierre-Victor Continsouza, France

See below and : Manufacture fran�aise d'appareils de Pr�cision, Paris

Burke & James Inc., Chicago, USA

Burville, Great Britain

Burwood Projectors/ Arthur Brock Jr. Tool & Mfg. Works, Philadelphia, USA

Bush, Camera Corp., Chicago, USA

Busch Film & Equipment Co., Saginaw, Michigan, USA

(Houghton) Butcher & Sons, W., London, UK.

Distributor: Ensign, and: Williamson Kinematograph Co., London.


Cadet?, USA

Calvin Co.,Kansas City, Missouri, USA

Cameca. Paris. France

Camera Corporation of America, Chicago, USA

Cameraflex Corp., New York, USA

Camera Productions Ltd., see Peerless

Camera Projector Ltd., London, UK

Cameraflex Corp, New York, USA

Cameron Picture Machine Co., Brooklyn, New York, USA

Camex, see Ercsam

Campbell Co., A.S., East Boston, USA.

Campro Ltd./Home Cine Cameras Ltd., London, UK

Cannevel, Edouard, France

Cannock, F., New York, USA

Canon Inc., Tokyo, Japan

Capitol Machine Co. Inc., New York, USA

Capitol/News Reel Laboratory, Philadelphia, USA

Capitol Projector Corp. New York, USA

Capta-Movi ? , Spain

Carette & Co., Georg, N�rnberg, Germany

(although Carette had the French nationality)

Carpenter & Richardson, Wembley, Great Britain

Carpentier, Jules,

Celfix see Hunter

Cello projector (see Campbell)

Centauro, Sao Paulo, Brasil

Brasilian manufacturer of prof. cinema projectors

Central Kohki Co.Ltd., Tokyo, Japan

Centrex, India?

Centrex cinema projectors, copies of Simplex projectors (who knows more about them?)

Century Projector Corp., USA.

(see also Kaplan)

CFEC/St.George Cine Equipment Co.

Charlin, France

Chevillard & Coulon, France(1913-1920 In 1920 bought by J. Demaria)

Chicago Projecting Co., Chicago, USA

Supplied round 1900 projection outfits. Not sure if manufactured by themselves or solely distributors.

Chinese movie equipment manufacturers.

Chinon International Corporation, Tokyo, Japan

Christen, Marcel, Vinneuf, France

Christie, Cypress, CA, USA (and Canada)

See Film Tech site under Manuals for their cinema projectors

Chronik Brothers Mfg., New York, USA

Cima/Zimmermann, G. (Germany)

Cinagraph/ Baker & McGarth, USA

Cinak, France

(see Cin�matheque Francais)

Cine Accessories Co., Brighton, UK

Cinebloc/St�. Gallus/Pierre Dupont Rougier, Courbevoie, France

(For further details see Eric Lange's page.


(see Cameraflex)

Cinefon, Milano (Mailand), Italy

CineGel, Le Mans and Paris, France

Cinegel cameras

Cine Graf ????, Argentine

Cinekon / Ogino & Co. Ltd., Japan (or Bell Ko-On Co.?)

Cinelabor S.A., Florence, Italy

Cineland, Japan


Cinema Francia / Soci�t� de Propagation des Inventions Nouvelles, Paris, France

Cinema Genry, France

Cinema-Halles Ltd., London, Great Britain

Cinema Solus, France

Cinemaker Company, Nottingham, Great Britain

See also Bingoscope above.

Cineman Inc./ Toyo Kohki Corp. Japan.

Cinéma Plaques, Ste. des, France

Cinema Products Corp., Los Angeles, USA

(A range of cameras of Auricon ancestry)

Cinematic Universal Camera Corp., New York, USA

Cinematograph Co., Chicago, USA

Cinematographe, France

Cinemax Co.Ltd.(Uriu Seiki Co. Ltd.), Tokyo Japan

Cinemec, Florence, Italy

Cinemeccanica, Milano, Italy (Officine Bossi)

(Also distributed by Rank/Gaumont-Kalee, Great Britain)

Cine Micro / Salvador Mestres / Novedades Poch (distributor), Barcelona, Spain

Cinephon Co., Prague, Czecho-Slovakia

Cine Products Supply Co.

(See here)Cin� RAI / Pay� Hermanos, S.A.", Ibi (Valenci�), Spain Cin� RAI animated paper film(large sized) toy projector 1933Second model same as above with sound Third model with 17,5mm filmstrip and electric light Cinerama, New York, USA

Cineric, Paris, France (formerly Ericsson, Paris)

Cine Skob (Josep Escobar), Barcelona, Spain

Cinescope/Cinema Traders, London, Great Britain

Cinescope, France

Cinetasca, Italy

Cinetechnic, Greenford, Great Britain

(Distributor of Debrie projectors in the UK) (A NAME="elew">

Cinetechnical Works, Lodz, Poland

Cinetechnique, Paris, France

. (Ran by former Path� engineer Rene Llorens)

Cinetecnica, Milano, Italy

Cinette/Auto-Vision, France

Cinevox, Australia, see Precision Engineering (click)

Cinex/Bourdereau, Etabl., Andr� Alphonse, Paris, France

Cinklox Camera Co./Cincinetti Clock & Instrument Co, Cincinetti, Ohio, USA

Cinoscope, Syndicat Industries du., Italy

Cine Cirse, Torino, Italy (see also Microtecnica

Citoscope / Breviaire & Cie., France (M.Laval)

City Sale & Exchange, London, Great Britain

. (Used the trade name Salex.)

Clapham, A.J./ Coughlin, James, & Co., New York, USA

Claston?, Japan?

Cl�ment & Gilmer, France

Clermont, Maison / L. Huet & Cie., Paris, France

Cleveland Detroit Camera Co., USA

Colmor ?, USA

Colorco, San Francisco, USA

J.B.Colt & Co., New York, USA

Comisco, USA

Compact, Italy

(distributed by David Williams in UK)

Compact Camera Co., Chicago, USA

Compact 35mm camera 1902? Compagnia Construttori Cinematografici, Milano, Italy Proiettore sonore 16mm 1949? Compendica, Switzerland(See Cincinetti Clock etc.)

Construments, see Bingoscope

Consul ?, Japan.

Distributed by J.J.Silber Ltd. in UK.

Continsouza, Pierre-Victor, Paris, France (died in 1944)

(Manufacturer for many distributors notably Path�. Fused with Soci�t� des �tablissements Louis Aubert into M.I.P. in 1928.

Copal Co. Ltd. , Japan

. See Sekonic

Copycat, Italy

Coronet Camera Co., Birmingham, UK

Cosmograph, see Muggard Bradley

Cosuta, Japan

Coughlin, James, Co., New York

Courvoisier, No�l, Paris, France

Coxsackie Holding Corp. , Coxsackie, N.Y., USA

C.R.A., France

(tentative inclusion)

Cragstan, Japan

Crass, Richard, Berlin, Germany

Cross, Paris, France

Crouzet, Valence, France

Crown Optical Co. Ltd., Japan

Croydon/PMC Products, Hong Kong

Cummings, A.B., Attleboro, Mass., USA.

Cummings & Wilson, Sydney, Australia

Cumo ?, Spain

Cunningham, USA

I also have a list of 300 items: movie cameras, projectors, accessories in 8, 9.5, 16, 22, 28 and 35mm, and many books I have to clear for lack of space. Please email for a list to: , but first delete the word NOSPAM from the address.


D - J K - O P - Z

Created 26 September 1998, latest revised and expanded 2 June 2023
I cannot take any responsibility for the data given in this list.

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