List of vintage movie cameras, projectors etc. Part 2: manufacturers D (original) (raw)

vintage movie cameras, projectors, precinema, etc.


D - J

The following is part of a list of manufacturers of vintage cinematographic equipment, with some of the apparatus they marketed. It is by no means complete, but a basis for expansion.
Presently you will find the country of origin, year of manufacture and size. The ACR number, if mentioned, refers to Ariel's Cinematography Register. I hope to expand it with some more images and data on other apparatus. In general this list closes in the year 1965 with the introduction of super 8mm. For movie cameras after the introduction of Super 8 please refer to Anssi Puistot's excellent list of more than 1330 movie cameras.

In many cases I am not sure of the years of manufacture. For guidance I have made guesses with a question mark. Of course all data are tentative.

I'm always grateful for any info you can supply to correct or update this list Emailto:"> after deleting 'NOSPAM' from the address.

If you like to find out more about a certain apparatus, click on the first letter of the name of the manufacturer to go to the relative section of this list. If the apparatus is not listed look for a model number near to it for an approximate date. As models often have a different name than that of the manufacturer you might also search with the Ctrl+F keys. I have listed apparatus often under their model name, though. Look also under 'Various'.

<font="red">Value</font="red"> . I'm receiving many queries about the value of equipment. Read my reply here.

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D. W., Great Britain

Da Brite?, USA

Dannhorn, Max, N�rnberg, Germany

Dansk Kinematograf Fabrik, Copenhagen, Danmark

Danson/Beam Echo Ltd.(Ronald Tutt), Great Britain

Darbohne, Germany

Darling, Alfred, Brighton, East Sussex - UK

(Stamped with AD logo).
Manufactured cameras for Williamson, G.A.Smith, Urban, Warwick and other early British firms. Grandsons of Darling leaf through the orderbook of their grandfather.

Darras, A., France

Day, Will, London, UK

Daypho, F.W.Hochstetter/ Dayton Photo Products Co., USA

Debrie, Etabl. André,Paris, France

Defa GWF (VEB Ger�tewerk, Friedrichshagen), Eastern Germany

De Forest Phonofilm Co. Inc., Delaware, USA (1923- 27)

One of the pioneers in sound-on-film recording.

De Forest Training Inc., Chicago, USA

De Giglio, Turin, Italy

DeJur Amsco Corp./Dejur Avsco (Amsco) Corp., New York, USA

Dekko Cameras Ltd., Slough, later Acton, London, UK

Delagrave, Paris, France

Demaria-Lapierre-Molier, France

Demeny, M., France

Dephiles Denoux, Paris, France

Deutsche Bioscope Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany

Deutsche Kinematographen Werke, Dresden, Germany

Deutsche Mutoskop & Biograph GMBH, Germany

DeVault Noble ????????????

(Who can give more information ?)

DeVry Corp.(1913-29), merged with Q.R.S. Corp. in 1929, forming the QRS-DeVry Corp., Chicago, USA.

in 1932 Herman DeVry bought back the company and renamed it Herman A. DeVry INC. After his death B & H bought the company in 1954.(see also QRS)

DeVry ad around 1931

DeVry Cameras

Deyrolle, France

Dica, France ?

Dilka, Christian Dilk, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany

Dimaphot, Meudon, later Paris, France (Charles Jaton)

Ditmar, R. Gebrüder Brünner AG, Vienna, Austria

Dixi, Le Locle, Switzerland

Doiflex / D.O.Industries ?, Japan

Dom, France

Dominus (England) Ltd, Great Britain/France

Donato, Italy

Donelli, Alfredo, Rome, Italy

Doyen, Eug�ne Louis, Paris, France

Dralowid-Werke/Steatit Magnesia AG, Porz & Berlin, Germany

Ducati, Italy

J. Duiker en Co's fabriek van apparaten en werktuigen NV. The Hague, Netherlands

Duograph Inc., New York, USA

Duoscope Ltd., London, Gt.Britain

Duplex Motion Picture Corp., New York, USA

In 1915 this firm proposed an economical use of the 35mm film size, by splitting the frame up in two halves (click for specimen) and copying existing 35mm films on to that format. Special Duplex projector lenses were to be made available to project the 10 x 19mm half frame onto the screen.
I have a brochure but have been unable to find any reference that the system was seriously considered, or the Duplex lenses ever made available.
I do not know whether this firm (of a different address), has any affiliation with the following manufacturer.

Duplex Motion Picture Industries Inc., Long Island City (later Brooklyn), USA

(designer G.J.Badgley?, H.O.Carleton - President)
(DMPI took over the Duplex Machine Co., Brooklyn?, manufacturer mainly of M.P. laboratory equipment (under the name Duplex Cinema Equipment, Hollywood) and The American Bell Radio Corp. in the early twenties. Subsequently funding was sought for the Duplex MP Industries in 1924. It is doubtful whether they could raise enough capital for expansion as no more was heard of them later in the twenties.
See share)

Dupuis, Charles, France

Duskes, Berlin, Germany

D.W., Great Britain


Eagle?, Great Britain

Eberlein & Krug (EKA), Furth/Bayern, Germany

(See under EKA below)

Eckenrath, C., Berlin, Germany

Eclair, Etabl., Paris, France (Anciens �tablissements Parnaland)

Edengraph, USA

Edison Inc, Thomas A., Orange, N.J.,USA

The Educational Motion Picture Machine and Films Co., St.Louis, USA (1915 - 1920)

Egda Cinema / Etblts. G. de Andreiss S.A., Marseille, France

Eiki Industrial Co.Ltd., Osaka, Japan (1953 - now)(click). See also Elf below.

Eka / Eberlein & Krug, Apparatebau, Fuerth, Germany

Ekran SPA(Scientific Production Amalgamation), Kiev, Ukraine, USSR

E.K.S. Ltd, London, UK

Elektra GmbH, West-Germany

Elessa Kinoapparatebau, Stuttgart, Germany

Elew / Predom-Prexer, Poland

(See also Cinetechnical Works, Lodz, Poland)

Elf (Eiki?)

Elmo (Camera) Co. Ltd., Nagoya, Japan (founded 1927)

Elmo cameras

M.Elsasser, Berlin, Germany


Emdeko, Japan

Emel, Etabl.,Paris, France

EMON, France

Empire Projector Corp., New York, USA

Ensign Ltd. / Houghton Butcher, Great Britain

(In 1941 the Houghton-Butcher factory was bombed and production of cine equipment ceased thereafter)Ensign Cameras Early cameras distributed through Butcher & Sons

Enterprise Optical Mfg. Co., Chicago, USA.(A.C.Roebuck, 1896 - 1935)(Carried on by Motiograph Inc. (click))

Epimo (Exploitation Des Procedes De L'Industrie Moderne), Paris, France

Ercsam SA, Paris, France

Ericsson, Colombes and later Paris, France. See also Cin�ric

ERKO, Berlin, Germany

ERMA/Etudes pour la Realisation des Machines Automatiques, France

Ernemann Werke AG, Heinrich, Dresden, Germany

(See Zeiss Ikon for models after 1926)

Ernemann cameras:

Errtee, Berlin, Germany

Prewar Berlin firm which marketed equipment, for instance Paillard Bolex H9 and H16, under Errtee name.

Ertel-Werke AG, Munich, Germany

Escobar,Josep , Barcelona, Spain

Essex Camera & Co., New York, , USA

Eta, Prague, Czechoslovakia

. See also Meopta.

Etoile, Lyon, France

Etona, Japan

Eumig (Elektrizit�ts- und Metallwaren-Industrie Gesellschaft m.b.H. 1919 -1981), Vienne, Austria

For more info visit: Eumig Museum Cameras:

Excel Projector Corp., Chicago, USA (also Excel Movie Products, Elgin, Ill., USA)


F. A. C. T., Italy

Facine Ste., France

Fairchild Aviation Corp., New York, USA

Fairchild Camera & Instrument Corp., USA

Falk, Johann, N�rnberg, Germany (1895 - 1935)

Falk was bought up by Plank/Noris in 1935.

Fastax/3 M/Wollensak Division of the Revere Camera Co., Rochester, USA.See also Western Electric / Red Lake Labs

Feature Film Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan

Fedi, Angiolo, Milan, Italy

1925? Feda projector 35mm

Fex / INDO, France

Fillum Fun Inc., New York, USA

Filmagraph Corp., The, S. Easton, USA

Filmtechnika, Budapest, Hungary?

(I'm not sure if this is the manufacturer)

Film Theater Technik, VEB, East-Germany

Filo? , France

Filoscope, London, Great Britain

Flash Mfg. Co., USA

Fleischmann-Film, West-Germany

Flip/Flick books (see also Filoscope above)

Fodeco/Technical Services Corp., Roseland, USA

Fords?, USA

(Who knows more about this camera/company?)

Fores, S. W., Great Britain

Forway Industries Inc., New York, USA/Forways Industries Ltd., Great Britain,

represented in Canada too.

Fotogrammi, Italy

Foton, M�nchen, Germany

Frank, J.F. , N�rnberg, Germany

Franklin Photographic Ind. Inc, Chicago, USA

Frezzolini Electronics Inc, General Research Laboratories, Hawthorne, USA

Frieseke & Hoepfner GMBH, Erlangen, Germany

Frieze, J.S. & Co.Ltd., Great Britain

Fuji Photo Film Co Ltd., Japan

Fuji/Hiraoka Kogyo Company Limited, Japan.

Fujita Optical Ind., Japan

E.E.Fulton Co., Chicago, USA

Fumeo, Italy ?


Gakken?, Japan

Galater, France

Gamages, London, UK

Gamma, Hungary

Gansu Optical Research, Gansu Province, China

Ganz & Co., Switzerland

L.J.Gardiner Co., Columbia, USA


Gaumont & Cie, Etabl. Léon Ernest, Paris, France, or London.

(See also Eric Lange's site)

GB/ Gaumont British Equipments, London, Great Britain

(Formerly GB Equipments Ltd. Also Gaumont-Kalee division of the Rank Precision Industries Ltd.) See also Bell & Howell

General Radio Co. Of Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Gennert, G., Great Britain

Genry ? , France

Gentlewoman, The, New York, USA

Gevaert, Belgium/Carena SA,, Geneva, Switzerland

Geyer-Werke A.G.,Berlin/Geyer, Karl August, Germany

Giannini Scientific, USA

G(roupement) I(ndustriel C(in�matographique),Paris, France.

From 1958 Movirex cameras were produced by SAFAC LB

Gilbert, Gaston, France.

Gioca, France?

Gillon, Auguste, L�on, Paris, France

(See also

Girault, G.,Joinville le Pont, France.

Mr. Girault produced 9.5mm cameras and projectors from 1946 onward. He died in 1959 (courtesy R. Igounet)

Giroux et Cie., Alphons, France

Givjoy (A.J. Holladay & Co. Ltd), France

Globe Camera Co., Chicago, USA

Glowlamp sound camera used by British Movietone News

Gnome Photographic Products Ltd., Great Britain

Gofferj� & Vollhaber, Erfurt, Germany

Ralph J. Golsen, Chicago, USA

Distributor of 'Moving Picture Apparatus', amongst others Royal Moving Picture Machines.


(Logo pentaprism and light arrow). The Gomz factory changed its name to Leningrad in the fifties. See LOMO.

Alan Gordon Enterprises, Hollywood, USA

(Sold imported equipment under their own name)

Graflex/General Precision Equipment Corp. Inc., Rochester, USA

. See also Singer

Graphoscope projector (see Campbell )

Grass & Worff, Berlin, Germany

(The firm ended its construction of projectors in 1933)

Green, A.W., London, Great Britain

Griffin & Tatlock, Great Britain

Grilli, Milano, Italy

Grimoin Sanson R., France

Grover Photo Products

Guilbert & Coissac, France

Guildhall Trading Co.Ltd., London, Great Britain

GVB Co. ???


Hadland, John, USA

Hahn AG für Optik und Mechanik (Hahn-Goerz), Kassel, Germany

Haking, W. (Halina), Hong Kong

Haking and Halina super 8 cameras 1966-1981

Hallberg, USA

Hall Projector Co., Chicago, USA

Handy projector see Epimo

Hanimex, Japan

Hansen, Max, Berlin, Germany

Happi Time , sold by Sears Roebuck, USA

Harmour & Heath, North Sydney, Australia

Hatton Cine, Cheltenham, UK

Hauser, Philippe & Probst, Edouard

Hawe, Austria

Haydon & Urry Ltd., London, Great Britain (click for more info and images). Reorganized in 1900 under the name Automatic Machines Ltd.

Heemstede Obelt, Theodore van, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Henry, F. (Cin�technique), Paris, France

Hensen, Fred C., Pasadena, USA

Herbert & Huesgen Co., New York, USA ( Distributor a.o. of Stineman, New Ideas Mfg. Co.)

Hertel, Leipzig, Germany

Heurtier et Cie., St.Etienne, France (1939-1981)(see French Heurtier history site and Le site des vieux projecteurs)

H&G, Hong Kong

Hercules..........., Milano, Italy

Hikari, Japan

Hispania, Spain

Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan

Hodres, Hans, Germany

Hoffmann, Wilhelm?, Germany

Hokushin/Yokogawa Precision Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan

Holbeck Corp. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan

Holiday, see Mansfield

Hollywood Camera Co., Hollywood, USA

Hollywood Film Co., USA

Hollywood Motion Picturescope Co., USA

Hollywood Toy Television Corp., Chicago, USA

The Holmes Projector Co., Chicago, USA

Home Cine Cameras Ltd., Construments ?, Great Britain (See Campro.Ltd.)

Homograph projectors (see Clapham)

Homray Projector Company, Nottingham, Great Britain

Horikowa Toy Co. - Japan.

Horipet ?, Japan

Hortson, Paris, France

Houghton-Butcher: see Butcher and Ensign Ltd.

L. Huet & Cie., Clermont, France. See Clermont

Hughes & Co., William Charles, London, Great Britain

Hulcher Co. Inc., Charles A., Hampton, VA, USA. (Manufactured for Cassell)

Hutner Enterprises, USA

Hunter, R.F. Great Britain

Hycam, USA


Ica AG, Dresden, Germany

Id�al Rocher, Paris, France

Ihagee Kamerawerk, Steenbergen & Co., Dresden, Germany

Ikonograph Commercial Co. of Manhattan, New York, USA (designers Enoch J.Rector & J. E. Lagergrek)

Ikonsokop AB, Stockholm, Sweden

Illge, Waiter, Germany

Illinois Watch Case Co., Elgin, Ill, USA

Impex, Bulgaria

INCOL (Industria Cinematogr�fica Orion Ltda.), Sao Paulo, Brasil (1950 - 1995 ). Theatrical projectors.

Indcol, Great Britain

Industria Optica Bucaresti, Bukarest, Rumania

Industriefilm GmbH, Germany

Institute Standard Camera Co., New York, USA

International Film Co., USA (Charles H. Webster)

International Projector Corp. Chicago, USA

(I am not sure about the relationship between the Chicago and New York firms of the same name .)

International Projector Corp., New York, USA

Merger in 1925 of (see before 1930 Precision Machine Co. Inc., New York, , Nicolas Powers Co. and the Acme M.P. Proj.Corp. After WW2 National-Simplex-Bludworth, Inc.(Also manufactured Powers projectors). For later Simplex projectors see also Strong International. See also: NCS Corp. 70 years of history

Super Simplex photo found in Capitol theater, New London CT

James IPPOLITO & Co. Inc., USA

Irwin Corp., New York, USA

I.S.C.A. / Isuar Cin�ma, Barcelona, Spain (click)

Iskra, Yugoslavia

Ivik, Great Britain


Jacko-cin�, France

JAN (Joint Army Navy) projectors, USA.

I'm indebted to ICECO for some of the following info:
These projectors were conceived as a result of Military Specification (JAN Spec 143) that were commissioned by the "WAR DEPARTMENT" in late 1943. It was not until the conclusion of WWII that the first machines came off the assembly line. The first Company to be awarded the contract was Ampro Corp. (type IC/QEM-1A), followed by DeVry, Federal Mfg. Company, Aimes, Bell & Howell, Lumen Electric Co., Cine Products Supply Co., Viewlex Inc. and International Cinema Equipment Co. The Ampro made JAN was an offshoot of prototype by GPL (General Precision) of Rochester NY in the late-1940's, an initial attempt which no government contract was awarded to.
ICECO acquired all the parts and manufacturing tooling from B&H in 1984, Cine Products and Viewlex in 1985. ICECO made the machine thru the early 1990's. There were over 100,000 of these machines made over a period of about 45 years. Many are still in service today that were made in 1947. Bell & Howell, Viewlex and ICECO offered the civilian version of this machine. It generally carried the Model Number 614. The Military versions carried Military Federal stock numbers and model numbers. The Government acquisition cost for a complete AS7 system was nearly $3,000.00 each( almost 30 years ago). General Specifications of all JAN 16mm Sound Projectors include: 14 watt built in amplifier and speaker, power rewind system, 2 inch f1.6 super sharp lens, 2300 ft film capacity, Maximum 1200 Watt Lamp (Supplied with 750 Watt), Heavy Duty Power Cable, Microphone Input, External Speaker Output, Separate volume and tone controls, Threading Lamp with switch, All modular construction, separate motor for Driving Mechanism and lamp cooling. If it is high quality Projection and Sound and High reliability you want look no further then the JAN.

Janko, Paris, France

Jefe / Industrias Saludes, Valencia, Spain

Jelco, see Nihon Cine Industry

C. F. Jenkins,Washington, USA (Thomas Armat)

Jerome Engineering Co., Massapequa, N.Y., USA

Johnson Smith & Co., Chicago, USA

Sold in the twenties 35mm toy projectors. They resemble those of Keystone. I'm not sure whether the following are original models of their own.

Joly, Henri Joseph

. Merged with M.I.P. in 1937.

Jones Manufacturing Co., USA

Joy, London, UK

Jumbo (TM)

Jury�s Kine Supplies Ltd., London, Grt Britain

Jury�s Kine Supplies Ltd., was a manufacturer and supplier of motion picture equipment. From 1912-28 Will Day, a major figure in the British film industry, was the director of Jury�s. Day was a collector, historian, showman, inventor and dealer in film equipment. He established himself as a leading authority on the history of the moving image and its technology.

movie reel

I also have a list of 300 items: movie cameras, projectors, accessories in 8, 9.5, 16, 22, 28 and 35mm, and many books I have to clear for lack of space. Please email for a list, specifying your interests, and what size, to: , but first delete the word NOSPAM from the address.

Created September 1998, latest revision and expansion 21 April 2023 I cannot assume any responsibility for the data in this list.

© Michael Rogge 2023


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