The Pacific War Online Encyclopedia: Japanese 2 Fleet (original) (raw)

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The 2 Fleet was the scouting force of the Japanese Navy and included most of its formidable heavy cruisers. Under the Japanese Decisive Battle Doctrine, in the event of war with the Americans, it was responsible for carrying out a preliminary night attack against the American fleet with massed torpedoes, after which the heavy guns of the main battle force (1 Fleet) would deliver the coup de grâce.

However, the war played out rather differently. Because of the Japanese reluctance to commit 1 Fleet to the attrition warfare of the South Pacific, the cruisers and destroyers of 2 Fleet fought many of the surface actions of the Pacific War.

Administrative structure, 7 December 1941

2 Fleet (Kondo; at Sanya)
AGP Kamikaze Maru (6900 tons, 14 knots; at Sanya)
Cruiser Division 4 (Kondo)
CA Takao (with Distant Cover Force)
CA Atago (withDistant Cover Force)
CA Chokai (with Main Body)
CA Maya (with Close Covering Force)
Cruiser Division 5 (Takagi; with Legaspi Support Force)
CA Haguro
CA Myoko
CA Nachi
Cruiser Division 7 (Kurita; with Main Body)
CA Kumano
CA Mikuma
CA Mogami
CA Suzuya
Cruiser Division 8 (Abe; with Pearl Harbor Attack Force)
CA Tone
CA Chikuma
Destroyer Squadron 2 (Tanaka)
CL Jintsu (withLegaspi Support Force)
Destroyer Division 8 (with Distant Cover Force)
Destroyer Division 15 (with Legaspi Support Force)
Destroyer Division 16
Destroyer Division 18
Destroyer Squadron 4 (Nishimura; at Magong)
CL Naka (with Second Surprise Attack Force)
Destroyer Division 2 (with Second Surprise Attack Force)
Destroyer Division 4 (with Distant Cover Force)
Destroyer Division 9
Destroyer Division 24 (with 4th Surprise Attack Force)

Task forces

| Distant Cover Force (Kondo; in South China Sea) | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | | | | First section, Battleship Division 3 | On loan from First Fleet | | | | | | BB Haruna | | | | | | BB Kongo | | | | | First section, Cruiser Division 4 (Kondo) | | | | | | | CA Takao | | | | | | CA Atago | | | | | Element, Destroyer Division 6 | On loan from DesRon1, First Fleet | | | | | | DD Akatsuki | | | | | | DD Hibiki | | | | | Elements, Destroyer Squadron 2 (Tanaka) | | | | | | | Destroyer Division 8 | | | | | | | DD Arashio | | | | | | DD Asashio | | | | | | DD Oshio | | | | | | DD Michishio | | | | | Destroyer Division 4 | On loan from DesRon4 | | | | | | DD Maikaze | | | | | | DD Nowake | | | | | | DD Hagikaze | |

Main Body (Ozawa; in Gulf of Siam)
CA Chokai From CruDiv4
Cruiser Division 7 (Kurita)
CA Kumano
CA Mikuma
CA Mogami
CA Suzuya
Elements, Destroyer Squadron 3 On loan from First Fleet
CL Kashii
Destroyer Division 11
DD Fubuki
DD Hatsuyuki
DD Shirayuki
DD Sagirii

| Singora Attack Force (off Singora) | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | | | | Elements, Destroyer Division 20 | On loan from DesRon3, First Fleet | | | | | | DD Amagiri | | | | | | DD Asagiri | | | | | | DD Yugiri | | | | | | DD Isonami | On loan from DesDiv19 | | | | Seaplane Tender Squadron 12 | On loan from Third Fleet | | | | | | CVS Kamikawa Maru | | | | | | | 6 F1M2 Pete | | | | | | 2 E8N Dave | | | | | | 4 E13A Jake | | | | | AV Sagara Maru | On loan from Base Force 9, Southern Fleet | | | | | | 6 F1M2 Pete | | | | | | 2 E8N Dave | | | | AP Ryujo Maru (10,479 tons, 9.5 knots) | Army command ship | | | | | AP Horai Maru (9192 tons, 14.5 knots) | Army pool | | | | | AK Taizan Maru (3525 tons) | Army pool | | | | | AM W-1 AM W-3 AM W-4 | | | | | | 10 other AP from the Army pool | | | | | | 5 Division HQ plus 41 Regiment | | | |

Patani Attack Force (off Patani) Appears to have been a force of fast transports and cargo carriers without escort.
AP Tozan Maru (8666 tons)
AP Kinka Maru (9305 tons, 17 knots)
AK Azosan Maru (8812 tons, 16.5 knots)
AK Toro Maru (1932 tons)
1 other AK
42 Regiment

| Kota Baharu Attack Force (Hashimoto; landing troops at Kota Baharu) | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | | | | Elements, Destroyer Squadron 3 | On loan from First Fleet | | | | | | CL Sendai | | | | | | Destroyer Division 12 | | | | | | | DD Murakumo | | | | | | DD Shinonome | | | | | | DD Shirakumo | | | | | Destroyer Division 19 | | | | | | | DD Ayaname | | | | | | DD Shikiname | | | | | | DD Uraname | | | | AP Sakura Maru (7167 tons, 18 knots) | | | | | | AP Awagisan Maru (9794 tons, 17 knots) | Sunk 1941-12-8 by aircraft off Kota Baharu | | | | | AP Ayatosan Maru (9788 tons, 17 knots) | | | | | | AM W-2 | | | | | | 56 Regiment (Hiroshi Takumi) | | | |

References (accessed 2007-3-15)

Evans and Peattie (1997)

Morison (1948)

Willmott (1982) (accessed 2002; now defunct)

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