Convoy HX 208 - (original) (raw)

CONVOY HX 208 Departed New York City on Sept. 17-1942 and arrived Liverpool on Oct. 2.
Arnold Hague's "The Allied Convoy System" gives 59 ships in this convoy.

Up until this time, Halifax had been the western terminal for the HX convoys, but from HX 208 and onwards, the HX series started out from New York City.

The Commodore's report on passage is available on Page 2

Transcribed from several documents received from Roger Griffiths - His source: Public Records Office, Kew. The ships are listed in the order in which they appear on the various documents. Crossed out ships did not sail, underlined ships returned to port. A 1 form is not available to me and, therefore, I don't know the station numbers of these ships. Note that Halifax is listed as destination for some ships - however, I'm not sure whether this was their destination to start with, or whether they were just sent there due to inability to keep up with convoy speed. (See the report on Page 2). For info, some of the ships in this convoy had previously arrived the U.S. with the westbound Convoy ON 123, others with ON 125.
Ship Nationality Cargo Destination Remarks
Alexander Hamilton American steel - army stores Liverpool
Metapan " steel - general Immingham
Reinholt Norwegian steel - valuable food Liverpool
Francis Scott Key American steel - general Barry Dock
William M. Stewart " steel - tanks Avonmouth
Pan Maine " Tanker B Glasgow
Trontolite British Tanker W Halifax See report on Page 2
Ocean Vanquisher " steel - general Immingham
Dalhanna " steel - general London
Southern Empress " Tanker B Clyde Joined HX 209 Returned to port To SC 104 (Oct. 3) - sunk Oct. 13 (see text for Fagersten)
Fort Ellice " general Swansea / Southampton
Cairnvalona " general Glasgow Commodore Vessel
Tetela " general Avonmouth
Empire Silver " Tanker W Stanlow
Kaimata " general Avonmouth
Hilary " general Liverpool
Egyptian Prince " explosives - general Cardiff
Ocean Wayfarer " general Avonmouth Put into Halifax - see report Page 2 Sailed in HX 209
Dorcasia " Tanker W Stanlow
Empire Garrick " Tanker W Stanlow
Inverilen " Tanker W Belfast / Heysham
Regent Panther " Tanker W Milford Haven
Kaikoura " refrig. - wheat Cardiff
Port Hugh " refrig. - general Swansea
Sovac " Tanker B Mersey
Athelprincess " Tanker molasses Birkenhead Returned to port (Halifax) - see report, Page 2 Joined SC 102 (see Ships in all SC convoys)
Empire Heywood " general Milford Haven f. o. Joined SC 102
Fort Amherst " general Halifax
Ocean Vagabond " none given Loch Ewe f. o. Put into Halifax - see report Page 2 Sailed in HX 209 (torpedoed - damaged)
Peshawur " none given Avonmouth
Norsol Norwegian Tanker W Swansea
Anna Odland " ore - wheat Swansea
Pan Delaware American Tanker B Avonmouth
Esso Charleston " Tanker B Clyde
Mobilgas " Tanker W Avonmouth
Bernhard Norwegian none given Newport See Bernhard
Antietam American Tanker B Scapa
Joining from Halifax?? (see notes below) - Sailed Sept. 20-1942
Potter Panamanian general Liverpool From HX 207 Joined HX 209 - returned to port Joined SC 103 (see Ships in all SC convoys)
Kaia Knudsen Norwegian Admiralty Tanker B Rosyth From HX 207
Stuart Prince British general Liverpool
Tucurinca " general Avonmouth
John A. Brown " Tanker W Avonmouth From HX 207 Fell astern, rejoined - See Page 2
Fort Chipewyan " grain - timber Glasgow From HX 207
Herbrand Norwegian Tanker B Clyde From HX 207
Cyrus Field British Cable Ship Halifax? Appears to have joined from New York, not Halifax(?) See report, Page 2
Parismina American none given Reykjavik Sent to join SC 101, Sept. 23 (Page 2)
Benledi British " Liverpool
Seminole American " Reykjavik Sent to join SC 101, Sept. 23 (Page 2)
Waterland Dutch " Liverpool
Fernmoor Norwegian " Liverpool Joined from New York See Fernmoor and her Voyage Record
Angelina American " Liverpool Lost touch - See Page 2
Vaalaren Swedish " Liverpool
Temeraire Norwegian " Liverpool
Pandorian British " Manchester
Vestfold Panamanian " Clyde Norwegian managers Listed on V-page
Contessa Honduran " Avonmouth Lost touch - See Page 2
Mobile City American " Liverpool
The following ships are listed on a separate document - sailing date and port not given:
Aruba Swedish no cargo given Avonmouth
Abangarez American " Clyde
James Monroe " " Manchester
Maaskerk Dutch " Liverpool
Thomas Stone American " Belfast Dock
Jamaica Producer British " Avonmouth
John Marshall American " Liverpool

The ships that I've listed as joining from Halifax are said to have sailed on Sept. 20 and have been given the designation HHX 208 in the Advance Sailing Telegram, which I understand to mean that they originated in Halifax. However, the commodore only mentions a few of them as joining from Halifax in his report, so I'm not entirely sure that they all originated there - see Page 2.

Information on escort vessels can also be found on Page 2.

Continue to the Commodore's report on Page 2
I've also added an interesting letter from a friend of the Commodore's,
a scathing (and amusing) attack on the "leaders" of the U.S. and England

Back to Convoy Index

To the next HX convoy in my list HX 209

Aa–Al An–Ar As–Av Ba Be Bi–Bl Bo Br–Bu C D
E F G Ha He Hi–Hy I J K
L M N O PQ R Sa–Sc Se–Sj Sk–Sn So
Sp–St Su–Sø Ta–Te Th–Ti To Tr–Tø U V W Ø