Convoy HX 301 - (original) (raw)

CONVOY HX 301 Departed New York City on July 25-1944 and arrived Liverpool on Aug. 8.
Arnold Hague's "The Allied Convoy System" gives 130 ships in this convoy.

Transcribed from several documents received from Roger Griffiths - His source: Public Records Office, Kew. Details re. JW 60 etc. convoys were found in "Convoys to Russia 1941-1945" by Bob Ruegg and Arnold Hague. Crossed out ships did not sail, underlined ships returned to port. A 1 form is not available to me and, therefore, I don't know the station numbers for these ships.
Ship Nationality Cargo Destination Remarks
John H. B. Latrobe American general Oban f. o. From HX 300
Henry M. Robert " general Oban f. o. From HX 300
William Black Yates " general Oban f. o. From HX 300
Queens Park British lumber - metal Liverpool From HX 300
Sidney Lanier American general Oban f. o. From HX 300
Elbridge Gerry " general Oban f. o. From HX 300
Augustine B. McManus " general Liverpool From HX 300 Returned to port (Halifax) Sailed in HX 302
Port Campbell British refrig. - general Methil / London
Port Halifax " refrig. - general Mersey f. o. Returned to port (St. John's) Sailed in HX 302
British Glory " Tanker B Rosyth
El Mirlo " Tanker B Clyde
El Aleto " Tanker B Mersey / Milford Haven / Southampton
Ben H. Miller American lumber Methil / London
Sameden British sugar Liverpool
Samboston " sugar Methil / London
Strathcona Park " lead - timber - general Tyne
Norbris Panamanian Tanker B Clyde Returned to port (Halifax) Sailed in HX 302 (Norwegian managers - listed on N-page)
Nordlys(?*) British (ex Danish) Tanker B(?) London / Thameshaven
*Spelt Norlys in the document (no nationality is given), but tonnage is listed as 3726 gt, which fits with British Nordlys. However, I don't think this was a tanker(?). There was a Panamanian tanker Norlys with Norwegian managers, but this ship was 9892 gt - see my info for Norlys.
Velma Norwegian Tanker B Swansea
Norden " Tanker B Mersey / Milford Haven / Falmouth / Devonport
Kaia Knudsen " Tanker B Clyde
Noreg " Tanker B Medway / Kingsnorth (Later joined Convoy JW 60 on Sept. 15 Returned in Convoy RA 60 Sept. 28 see Noreg)
Pan Scandia " Tanker B London / Holehaven From HX 299
Vera " Tanker B London / Coryton
Mijdrecht Dutch Tanker B Heysham
Skaraas Norwegian Tanker B Clyde
Aruba Dutch sugar - general Mersey f. o. Sailed in HX 302
Tungsha Norwegian sugar - general Liverpool
Kedoe Dutch general Dundee
Ferncliff Norwegian general Liverpool
Rena " general Belfast f. o. Sailed in HX 303
Reinholt " general Liverpool Commodore Vessel
Skiensfjord " general Glasgow
Molda " general Liverpool
Samuel Bakke " general Manchester Vice Commodore
Romulus " sugar Belfast f. o. Sailed in HX 303
Lafcadio Hearn American Tanker B Londonderry / Belfast Dock
Gulfcoast " Tanker B Milford Haven / Devonport
Reginald A. Fessenden " Tanker B Milford Haven / Portsmouth
George W. Kendall " Tanker B Milford Haven / Southampton
Benjamin H. Hill " general Oban f. o.
Robert Battey " general Cardiff for locos / Milford Haven f. o.
L. H. McNelly " general Oban f. o.
Hernry B. Brown " general Oban f. o.
Calmar " general Liverpool
Lillian Nordica " general Oban f. o.
Moses Cleaveland " general Mersey f. o. Returned to New York Sailed in HX 302
Guadeloupe French general Bristol
William Wilkins American general Swansea
Michigan Panamanian general Oban f. o.
Anniston City American general Oban f. o. From HX 300
Sun Yat Sen " general Cardiff
Alexander Wilson " general Oban f. o.
John Stevenson " general Oban f. o.
Nishmaha " general Newport
George Popham " general Oban f. o.
E. Kirby Smith " general Oban f. o.
Charles H. Herty " general Oban f. o.
George Eldridge " general Swansea for locos / Milford Haven f. o.
Harry A. Garfield " general Oban f. o.
Alcoa Master " general Milford Haven / Plymouth
John Gibbon " general Oban f. o.
Ben Holladay " general Mersey / Manchester
Alexander W. Doniphan " general Liverpool
Algic " general Tyne
Ruben Dario " general Belfast Dock / Garston
David B. Johnson " general Clyde f. o. Joined Convoy JW 59 on Aug. 15 Returned in Convoy RA 60 Sept. 28 (see Arctic Convoys)
Dexter W. Fellows " general Mersey f. o. Returned to New York Sailed in HX 302 (Later Convoy JW 60 on Sept. 15 Returned in Convoy RA 61 Nov. 2)
Thomas H. Sumner " general Clyde f. o. Joined Convoy JW 59 on Aug. 15 Returned in Convoy RA 60 Sept. 28
Edward H. Crockett " general Clyde f. o. Joined Convoy JW 59 on Aug. 15 Sunk when returning in RA 60 (see Arctic Convoys above and this external page)
Raymond B. Stevens " general Loch Ewe f. o. Returned to New York Sailed in HX 302 (later JW 60 Sept. 15 - RA 61 Nov. 2)
Josephine Shaw Lowell " general Clyde f. o. Joined Convoy JW 59 on Aug. 15 Returned in Convoy RA 60 Sept. 28
F. T. Frelinghuysen " general Clyde f. o. Joined Convoy JW 59 on Aug. 15 Returned in Convoy RA 61 Nov. 2
Delnorte " general Cardiff
Harvey Cushing " general Immingham
K. I. Luckenbach " general Immingham
Amasa Delano " general Oban f. o.
George Gershwin " general Oban f. o.
Blenheim " general Oban f. o.
Charles A. Dana " general Immingham
Richard Montgomery " general Oban f. o. Ran aground after arrival See this external page
David B. Henderson " general Oban f. o.
August Belmont " general Oban f. o.
George M. Bibb " general Oban f. o.
Hendrik Willem Van Loon " general Hull
William G. Lee " general Hull
James W. Johnson " general Liverpool
Nemaha " general Liverpool
Charles A. McAllister " general Clyde f. o. Joined Convoy JW 59 on Aug. 15 Returned in Convoy RA 60 Sept. 28 (see Arctic Convoys)
Oakley Wood " general Clyde f. o. Joined Convoy JW 59 on Aug. 15 Returned in Convoy RA 60 Sept. 28
Jose Marti " general Clyde f. o. Joined Convoy JW 59 on Aug. 15 Returned in Convoy RA 60 Sept. 28
Frank Gilbreth " general Clyde f. o. Joined Convoy JW 59 on Aug. 15 Returned in Convoy RA 60 Sept. 28
U.S. L.S.T. 1002 " equipment Cardiff / Avonmouth / Plymouth
U.S. L.S.T. 1001 " equipment Avonmouth / Plymouth
U.S. L.S.T. 1000 " equipment Avonmouth / Plymouth
U.S. L.S.T. 921 " equipment Mersey / Plymouth
U.S. L.S.T. 920 " equipment Mersey / Plymouth
U.S. L.S.T. 702 " equipment Londonderry / Plymouth
U.S. L.S.T. 674 " equipment Londonderry / Plymouth
U.S. L.S.T. 621 " equipment Londonderry / Plymouth
U.S. L.S.T. 620 " equipment Londonderry / Plymouth
U.S. L.S.T. 616 " equipment Londonderry / Plymouth
U.S. L.S.T. 572 " equipment Londonderry / Plymouth
U.S. L.S.T. 566 " equipment Londonderry / Plymouth
Northern Sun " Tanker W London (Thameshaven)
Bourgogne French Tanker W Southampton
Empire Gold British Tanker W London (Isle of Grain)
Seminole " Tanker W Avonmouth
Good Gulf Panamanian Tanker B Clyde
Herbrand Norwegian Tanker B Scapa Joined Convoy JW 59 on Aug. 15 Returned in Convoy RA 59A Aug. 28 (see Arctic Convoys)
Winfield Scott American general Liverpool (tugs) / Cardiff
Glen Gerald Griswold " salvage equipment Belfast f. o.
Joining from Halifax
Mount Kyllene Greek general Leith Dock
Grey County Norwegian Army general Barry
Empire MacColl British Tanker B (M.A.C.) Clyde See Notes on Convoy HX 302 page
Hillcrest Park " grain - general Leith Dock
Alexia " Tanker B Clyde
Empire MacKendrick " grain Liverpool
Ben Robertson American general Oban f. o.
George Rogers Clark " general Oban f. o.
Henry H. Richardson " general Newport
James M. Wayne " general Oban f. o.
Joseph C. Lincoln " general Oban f. o.
Richard S. Ewell " general Oban f. o.
Samuel T. Darling " general Mersey f. o. Sailed in HX 302
San Ambrosio British Admiralty tanker B Scapa
William James American general Oban f. o.
Empire Cameron British lumber West Hartlepool
Peterston " lumber Methil / London
Fjordheim Norwegian general Avonmouth
Also, the Rescue Vessel Dewsbury joined from Halifax*.
Joining from Sydney C.B. & from St. John's
Belgian Sailor Belgian timber Loch Ewe f. o. To HX 302 - returned to port Sailed in HX 303
Curacao Dutch general - refrig. - passengers Glasgow See Notes below
Sibley Park British general Glasgow
Empire Puma " grain Hull
Nicolaou Virginia Greek grain Avonmouth
Lyras " pulp Manchester
Daltonhall British grain Methil / London
Rutenfjell Norwegian lumber Bristol
Seapool British newsprint Manchester
Pachesham " newsprint Glasgow From HX 299 Joined from St. John's
Belgian Seaman Belgian concentrates Swansea From HX 300 Joined from St. John's

Commodore Rear Admiral C. N. Reyne was in Norwegian Reinholt, Vice Commodore was W. C. Meek R.N.R. in Norwegian Samuel Bakke. Commodore's notes are not available.

*Rescue Vessel Dewsbury was on her 15th voyage as such, having started this voyage at Clyde with the westbound Convoy ON 243 on July 3-1944, to Halifax July 16 - returning with HX 301 from Halifax July 27, to Clyde Aug. 8. ("Convoy Rescue Ships", Arnold Hague).

I have received an E-mail from Morley Eldridge, telling me that his mother, Ros Eldridge (now 86) returned to England in July-1944 to rejoin her RAF husband, Fl. Lieut. George R. Eldridge, who had been posted back to England some time before. She was on board the Dutch Curacao (Captain Meynderts), which joined the convoy from Sidney, having started out in Montreal. The ship also had several other service wives on board as passengers. Morley Eldridge says "The captain told the passengers after sailing that they would awake to a sight of more ships than anyone had ever seen before. No one took him seriously and assumed that it was a made-up story for security reasons. In the morning, though, there were ships as far as the eye could see in most directions. There was an aircraft carrier on their left with sailors playing hockey, and who sent up a plane to reconnoitre once they saw there were a number of young women on the Curacao! They dropped a large bouquet of vegetables as a present, but it missed the ship and was seen floating as they passed it".

It was at first believed that Curacao had been in HX 300 for this voyage - ref. this thread on my Ship Forum - but it was later determined it was HX 301, and as can be seen from the above table, I have since received information to confirm this. (See also this Curacao related posting). Curacao later returned to the U.S. on Aug. 25 with the westbound Convoy ON 250.

More information on all the Norwegian ships in this convoy can be found with the help of the alphabet index below, or use the Ship Index to find them.

Names of escorts are not available.

Related external links:
Liberty Ships - This website has been used to check the spelling of all the Liberty ships listed in this convoy (convoy docs don't always have the correct spelling, or they may be difficult to decipher). The 2 websites below have been used for the same purpose.
List of Liberty Ships by Hull No. - Includes info on the men for whom the ships were named (from Wikipedia).

Fort (+ Ocean & Park) ships
Empire ships - The site also lists "Sam"-ships and other Liberty ships.

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To the next HX convoy in my list HX 302

Aa–Al An–Ar As–Av Ba Be Bi–Bl Bo Br–Bu C D
E F G Ha He Hi–Hy I J K
L M N O PQ R Sa–Sc Se–Sj Sk–Sn So
Sp–St Su–Sø Ta–Te Th–Ti To Tr–Tø U V W Ø