Convoy HX 46 - (original) (raw)

CONVOY HX 46 Cruising Order & Advance Sailing Telegram

Convoy HX 46 Cruising Order Departed Halifax on May 28-1940 and arrived Liverpool on June 12 (Arnold Hague says 46 ships).
Transcribed from A 1 form received from Roger Griffiths (his source: Public Records Office, Kew). Br=British, Fr=French, Am=American, Norw=Norwegian, Da=Danish, Gr=Greek, Est=Estonian. B = Bermuda portion, MoWT=Ministry of War Transport.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 Trefusis pit props Dublin (Br) 21 Melmore Head grain Dublin (Br) 31 Camito general Glasgow (Br) 41Randa timber Liverpool (Da) See Notes 51Balmoralwood wheat Falmouth (Br) Returned? See* 61 Geraldine Mary newsprint London (Br) 71Argos Hill London (Br)Eastern Star St. Nazaire (Norw) 81 Indochinois planes Brest (Fr) 91 Athelchief crude oil Brest (Br)
12Antonios Chandris grain Dublin (Gr) 22Chr. J. Kampmann wheat Sharpness (Da/Br) See Notes 32 Holmbury flour Avonmouth (Br) 42 Ingerfem lumber Liverpool (Norw) 52Vapper lumber Liverpool(Est) 62 Nailsea Court grain Leith (Br) 72 Rajahstan wheat Hull (Br) 82 Leikanger lumber London (Norw) 92Asbjørn pit props Hull(Da) See Notes
13 Kajak lumber Milford Haven (Est) 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93
14 B Winamac fuel oil Scapa (Br) 24 B Solfonn fuel oil Milford Haven (Norw) 34 B Otina gasoline Liverpool (Br) 44 B Statesman general Liverpool (Br) 54 B Baron Herries general Portsmouth (Br) 64 B Rotorua refrig. London (Br) 74 B Henry Desprez crude oil Le Havre (Fr) 84 Saranac Clea B crude oilPauillac (Br) 94 B King John lumber London (Br)
15 B Pecten fuel oil Clyde (Br) 25 B British Officer benzine Milford Haven (Br) 35 B West Isleta general Manchester(Am/MoWT 1940) 45 B Adula benzine Milford Haven (Br) 55 B Fenris general(?) Portsmouth See Notes 65 B Alfred Olsen lub oil London (Norw) 75 B British Endurance benzine Brest (Br) 85 B Saranac gasoline Brest (Br) 95 B Bassano sugar London (Br)
16 B Emma Bakke general Glasgow (Norw) 26 B DialabenzineFalmouth (Br) 36 B Beatus general Liverpool (Br) 46 B G. C. Brøvig fuel oil Milford Haven (Norw) 56 B San Demetrio gasoline Falmouth (Br) 66 B Mexico fuel oil London (Norw) 76 Clea Narragansett B gasoline Falmouth (Br) 86 BJames J. Maguire kerosine Falmouth (Br) 96 BTascalusa fuel oil Portsmouth (Br)
* Balmoralwood is also listed on the A 1 form for the next convoy, HX 47 (sunk). She's crossed out in the Advance Sailing Telegram for HX 46, but not on the A 1 form.According to Arnold Hague, Mexico became a straggler on June 4, while Beatus and Vapper straggled on June 5. Hague's listing for HX 46 is available on the page naming ships in all HX convoys. (He has not included Balmoralwood in this convoy, but in the next convoy. It'll also be noticed that he has some of the ships in different stations).
Advance Sailing Telegram Transcribed from several documents received from Tony Cooper - His source: Public Records Office, Kew. Crossed out ships did not sail.
Ship Nationality Cargo Destination Remarks
Halifax section
Gearldine Mary British paper London From HX 45 Commodore Vessel
Aegeon Greek aluminium - paper London From HX 45 Listed in HX 47
C. J. Barkdull Panamanian Tanker B Southampton From HX 45 To HX 47 - did not sail To HX 48 - did not sail Listed in HX 49
Athelchief British Tanker B Brest f. o. From HX 45
Calliope Panamanian Tanker B Southampton From HX 45 To HX 47 - did not sail To HX 48 - returned to port To HX 50 - did not sail To HX 51 - did not sail ("to remain at Halifax until further orders")
Randa Danish / Ca. govt. 1940 lumber Barrow Sailed Liverpool
Asbjørn " pit props Mersey
Annavore Norwegian copper - machinery St. Nazaire Listed in HX 47
Chr. J. Kampmann Danish / MoWT 1940 grain Sharpness
Vapper Estonian sugar Liverpool Not at R.V.
Antonios Chandris Greek grain Dublin
Argos Hill British copper - steel - general London Listed in HX 47
Beaconlight Panamanian Tanker W Southampton To HX 47 - did not sail Listed in HX 48
Cairnvalona British general Newcastle Listed in HX 47
Camito " general Glasgow Vice Commodore
Eastern Star Norwegian general St. Nazaire
Holmbury British flour Avonmouth
Melmore Head " general Dublin
Nellie Greek none given "consult master" To HX 47 - did not sail Listed in HX 49
Saimaa Finnish general London Listed in HX 47
Anna Mazaraki Greek grain Liverpool Listed in HX 47
Boston City British general Swansea Listed in HX 47
Germanic " grain Hull Listed in HX 47
Nailsea Court " grain Portland / Leith
Rajahstan " grain Hull
Albuera " pit props Tyne To HX 47 - did not sail
Askeladden Norwegian pit props Sunderland Listed in HX 47
Pacific Pioneer British general Liverpool Listed in HX 47
The following ships appear on a separate document - note that some of these are listed on the A 1 form for the Bermuda portion, others on the form for the Halifax portion. I've denoted the Bermuda ships with a B
Trefusis British pit props West Hartlepool
Kajak Estonian lumber Sharpness
Diala British Tanker W Swansea B
Ingerfem Norwegian lumber Garston
Balmoralwood British wheat Barry Listed in HX 47
Fenris Norwegian Tanker Swansea See also Notes B
San Demetrio British Tanker W Glasgow B
Narragansett " Tanker W Hull B
Indochinois French general - aeroplanes St. Nazaire
Leikanger Norwegian lumber London
James J. Maguire British Tanker W Milford Haven f. o. B
Bassano " sugar London B
Joining from Bermuda - Sailed May 27
Beatus British sugar Liverpool From HX 45 Not at R.V.
Alfred Olsen Norwegian Tanker sub. Portland / London From HX 45
Mexico " Tanker B Portland / London Not at R.V.
Mosli " Tanker B Milford Haven f. o. To HX 47 - did not sail To HX 48 - did not sail Listed in HX 51
Pecten British Adm.tanker B Clyde
Baron Herries " general Portsmouth
G. C. Brøvig Norwegian Tanker B Mersey
British Endurance British Tanker W Southampton Sailed Brest
Winamac " Adm. tanker B Scapa
Solfonn Norwegian Tanker B Liverpool
Adula British Tanker W Swansea
Henry Desprez French Tanker B Brest f. o. Sailed Havre
Statesman British steel - cotton Manchester
Otina " Tanker W Liverpool
Rotorua " refrig. Portland / London
British Officer " Tanker W Plymouth
Saranac " Tanker W Southampton Sailed Brest
Emma Bakke Norwegian zinc - lumber - pulp Glasgow
West Isleta American/MoWT 1940 sulphur Manchester Renamed Empire Merlin (and listed as such when sunk in HX 65)
Clea British Tanker B Pauillac
King John " lumber - spelter London
Tascalusa " Adm. tanker B Portsmouth
Again, note that there were more ships joining from Bermuda - see A 1 form above.

Commodore was in Geraldine Mary, Vice Commodore in Camito, and Rear Commodore in Statesman.

Randa was taken over by the Canadian government in June-1940. Asbjørn was also taken over by the Canadian government at some point in 1940. Chr. J. Kampmann was taken over by the Ministry of War Transport in 1940.

The ship in station 55 is listed as the Norwegian tanker Fenris of 9804 gt in the Advance Sailing Telegram, though strangely, the A 1 form gives her cargo as general. I've been told this may have been the Swedish ship by the same name (as far as I can tell, this was not a tanker). What this assumption is based on I cannot say - perhaps her cargo? Note that A. Hague also says this was the Norwegian ship, cargo of oil products (again, see HX 46 at ships in all HX convoys), and this fits with the information found in Fenris' Voyage Record, stating she left Bermuda on May 27-1940.

The convoy arrived rendezvous on June 9.

Ocean Escort: HMS Comorin.

A. Hague names the following escorts (extracted from this list of HX convoy escorts received from D. Kindell; dates are European style, day/month/year):
Aurania - From 02/06/40 to 09/06/40
Clarkia - From 09/06/40 to 12/06/40
Comorin - From 28/05/40 to 02/06/40
Huddersfield Town - From 09/06/40 to 12/06/40
Saguenay - From 28/05/40 to 29/05/40

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Aa–Al An–Ar As–Av Ba Be Bi–Bl Bo Br–Bu C D
E F G Ha He Hi–Hy I J K
L M N O PQ R Sa–Sc Se–Sj Sk–Sn So
Sp–St Su–Sø Ta–Te Th–Ti To Tr–Tø U V W Ø