Convoy HX 47 - (original) (raw)

CONVOY HX 47 Cruising Order & Advance Sailing Telegram

Convoy HX 47 Cruising Order Departed Halifax on June 1 (2?)-1940 and arrived Liverpool on the 17th (Arnold Hague says 57 ships).
Transcribed from A 1 form received from Roger Griffiths (his source: Public Records Office, Kew). The convoy form gives departure date as June 1, while A. Hague says June 2. Details on ships sunk and casualties have been added with the help of: "The Allied Convoy System", Arnold Hague "Axis Submarine Successes of World War Two", Jürgen Rohwer "The World's Merchant Fleets 1939". R. W. Jordan. "Lloyd's War Losses", Vol. I. Br=British, Fi=Finnish, Norw=Norwegian, Sw=Swedish, Gr=Greek, Pa=Panmanian, Du=Dutch, Ca=Canadian B = the ship joined from Bermuda s = sunk, † = dead
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11Kenbane Head general Belfast (Br) 21 Clydebank steal - coke Manchester (Br) 31 Comedian cotton - lumber Manchester (Br) 41 Pacific Pioneer general Liverpool (Br) 51 Boston City general Swansea (Br) 61 Saimaa general London (Fi) 71 Beaverhill general London (Br) 81 Nailsea Manor grain Leith (Br) 91 Argos Hill steel - general London (Br)
12Blairspey steel - timber Glasgow (Br) 22Georgios G general Liverpool (Gr) 32Randsfjord wheat - general Liverpool (Norw) 42Harborough grain Manchester (Br) 52 Dornoch wheat Avonmouth (Br) 62 Hartbridge wheat London (Br) 72Aegeon aluminum - pulp London(Gr) 82 Germanic grain Hull (Br) 92 British Prince general London (Br)
13 Hellen scrap iron Glasgow (Norw) 23Anna Mazaraki grain Liverpool(Gr) 33 Andreas wheat Liverpool(Gr) 43 Masunda iron ore Newport (Br) 53 Balmoralwood wheat Milford Haven for Barry s - 0† (Br) 63 Cairnvalona general Newcastle (Br) 73 Askeladden pit props Sunderland (Norw) 83 Southgate steel - timber Southampton (Br) 93 Nellie newsprint London (Gr)
14 B Diplomat general Liverpool (Br) 24 B Temple Inn sugar Holyhead (Br) 34 B Northumberland general Mersey (Br) 44 B Regent Panther petrol Milford Haven (Br) 54 B Salacia lumber Liverpool (Br) 64 B F. J. Wolfe crude oil Southampton(Br) 74 B Vinemoor wheat - lumber Hull (Br) 84 B Octavian wood pulp London (Norw) 94 B Capsa crude oil Paulliac (Br)
15 B Høyanger pulp - lumber Liverpool (Norw) 25 B British Faith benzine Milford Haven (Br) 35 B Italia gasoline Milford Haven s - 19† (Norw) 45 B British Captain gasoline Milford Haven (Br) 55 B Saturnus motor spirits Milford Haven (Sw) 65 B San Adolfo Admiralty fuel Devonport (Br) 75 B Theodoros Coumantaros sugar Downs (Gr) 85 B Storanger fuel oil Brest (Norw) 95
16 Stangrant (Br) 26 B Ulysses general Liverpool(Du) 36 B El Aleto crude oil Liverpool (Br) 46 B Egda gasoline East-West (Norw) 56 B Elax Southern fuel East-West (Br) 66 B Thiarafuel - lub. oil East-West (Br) 76Beaverbrae London (Br) 86 96
17 27 Manchester Citizen general Manchester (Br) 37 Ashby grain Milford Haven for Barry (Br) 47 Ferncastle fuel oil Falmouth (Norw) 57 Briarwood pit props Tyne (Br) 67 Erik Boye grain Falmouth s - 0† (Ca **) 77 Point Lobos newsprint Falmouth(Pa / MoWT 1941 - Empire Wagtail) 87 Georgios Potamianos general Bordeaux (Gr) 97 Annavore general - copper St. Nazaire (Norw)
18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 Loke* (Norw) 98
* Loke has been added by hand into station 88, underneath Georgios Potamianos, and I'm wondering if Loke, in fact, replaced Point Lobos in station 77(?). ** Erik Boye was originally Danish, but had been taken over by the Canadian government earlier that spring. Arnold Hague has also included the British Zurichmoor in this convoy, cargo of timber and steel, station 16; this ship is not mentioned on the original A 1 form, but is included on the AST below. He says she became a straggler on June 6, as did Balmoralwood, while Theodoros Coumantaros straggled on June 11. Hague's listing for HX 47 is available on the page naming ships in all HX convoys. Randsfjord returned to port - according to A. Hague, she was involved in a collision with the Greek Georgios Potamianos (this seems a bit strange; as can be seen, these 2 ships had stations far away from each other, or perhaps it happened while the convoy was forming up?). Randsfjord and Point Lobos are not mentioned in the Advance Sailing Telegram below (however, Point Lobos is listed as cancelled in the AST for HX 48). They both sailed in HX 49
Advance Sailing Telegram Transcribed from several documents received from Tony Cooper - His source: Public Records Office, Kew. Crossed out ships did not sail.
Ship Nationality Cargo Destination Remarks
Halifax section
Aegeon Greek aluminium - paper London From HX 46
C. J. Barkdull Panamanian Tanker B Southampton From HX 46 To HX 48 - did not sail Listed in HX 49
Calliope " Tanker B Southampton From HX 46 To HX 48 - returned to port To HX 50 - did not sail To HX 51 - did not sail ("to remain at Halifax until further orders")
Annavore Norwegian copper - machinery St. Nazaire From HX 46
Argos Hill British copper - steel - general London From HX 46
Beaconlight Panamanian Tanker W Southampton From HX 46 Listed in HX 48
Cairnvalona British general Newcastle From HX 46 Vice Commodore
Nellie Greek none given London From HX 46 Listed in HX 49
Anna Mazaraki " grain Liverpool From HX 46
Boston City British general Swansea From HX 46
Germanic " grain Manchester From HX 46
Albuera " pit props Tyne From HX 46 See * in Notes
Askeladden Norwegian pit props Portland / Sunderland From HX 46
Pacific Pioneer British general Liverpool From HX 46 Commodore Vessel
Dornoch " grain Avonmouth
Georgios Potamianos Greek steel - copper Bordeaux
Harborough British grain Hull
Haakon Hauan Norwegian Tanker W Milford Haven f. o. To HX 49 - did not sail Listed in HX 50
Nailsea Moor British none given Hull To HX 48 - did not sail*
* Nailsea Moor is, in fact, listed as having sailed in HX 44.
Hellen Norwegian scrap iron Ardrossan
Nailsea Manor British grain Leith
Andreas Greek grain Liverpool
Georgios G " general Liverpool
Blairspey British steel - lumber Glasgow
British Prince " general London
Hartbridge " grain Portland / London
Masunda " ore Newport
Stangrant " steel Manchester Listed in HX 48
Southgate " steel Southampton
Victo Norwegian wood pulp London Listed in HX 48
Clydebank British steel - scrap iron Swansea
Kenbane Head " general Dublin
Manchester Citizen " general Manchester
Sheaf Mount " scrap iron Swansea To HX 48 - did not sail Listed in HX 49
Ashby " grain Avonmouth
The following ships appear on a separate document - note that 2 of these are listed on the A 1 form for the Bermuda portion, others on the form for the Halifax portion. I've denoted the Bermuda ships with a B
Zurichmoor British timber - steel Cardiff From HX 48 not on A 1 form for HX 47
Ulysses Dutch general Manchester B
Comedian British cotton - lumber Manchester
Egda Norwegian Tanker W Avonmouth B
Ferncastle " Tanker B Avonmouth
Balmoralwood British wheat Liverpool From HX 46 Sunk - See Notes
Briarwood " pit props Tyne
Saimaa Finnish general London From HX 46
Erik Boye Danish / Ca. Govt. 1940 grain Sharpness Sunk - See Notes & Italia
Beaverhill British general London
Beaverbrae " general London From HX 48
Loke Norwegian copper Bordeaux From HX 48
Joining from Bermuda - Sailed May 31 There's a note on the document saying "24 hours late" Not sure if this means the Bermuda section was late for the rendezvous - or it could mean that the entire convoy was late in sailing, which would account for the conflicting departure dates; see A 1 form above
Mosli Norwegian Tanker B Milford Haven f. o. From HX 46 To HX 48 - did not sail Listed in HX 51
Octavian " wood pulp Portland / Sheerness
Theodoros Coumantaros Greek sugar London
Diplomat British steel - lumber Liverpool
Capsa " Tanker B Brest
British Captain " Tanker W Manchester
F. J. Wolfe " Tanker B Southampton
Italia Norwegian Tanker W Manchester Sunk - follow link to Italia
Storanger " Tanker B Brest
Vinemoor British wheat - lumber Manchester
Northumberland " refrig. - general - explosives Liverpool
Thiara " Tanker B Portland / London
British Faith " Tanker W Avonmouth
Elisha Walker Panamanian Tanker Southampton To HX 49 - did not sail To HX 51 - did not sail ("to remain at Halifax until further order"
Regent Panther British Tanker W Milford Haven
Høyanger Norwegian wood pulp - lumber Mersey f. o.
Salacia British lumber - aircraft Liverpool
El Aleto " Tanker B Mersey From HX 45
Elax " Tanker B Portland / London
Temple Inn " sugar Liverpool
San Adolfo " Adm. tanker B Devonport
Saturnus Swedish Tanker W Holyhead f. o.
Refast British Tanker B London Listed in HX 48
Again, note that Egda and Ulysses also joined from Bermuda - see A 1 form above.

Commodore was in Pacific Pioneer, Vice Commodore in Cairnvalona, and Rear Commodore in Salacia (joining from Bermuda). The Bermuda portion was escorted by HMS Ascania.

Balmoralwood, on a voyage from Sorel for Falmouth with 8730 tons of wheat and 4 aircraft, became a straggler and was torpedoed and damaged by U-47 on June 14; later sank. She had a crew of 40 and 1 gunner; there were no casualties. See also my page about Altair.

Erik Boye, on a voyage from Quebec for Sharpness with 3568 tons of wheat, was sunk by U-38 on June 15 - she had a crew of 22, all of whom survived. See external links below, as well as my page about Italia.

The Norwegian Italia was also sunk by U-38 on June 15 - follow the link for more information on these events.

* As can be seen, Albuera is crossed out from the Advance Sailing Telegram - according to "Lloyd's War Losses", Vol I, whe was en route from Chatham, N.B. for Tyne with 4800 tons of pit props when she on June 24-1940 was sunk by an E-boat. She had a crew of 35, including 2 gunners - 7 were killed. "The World's Merchant Fleets 1939" adds that the E-boat was S 36, which sank her with a torpedo, 2 miles southwest of Lydd Light Float.

The convoy arrived rendezvous on June 13.

Ocean Escort: HMS Esperance Bay.

A. Hague names the following escorts (extracted from this list of HX convoy escorts received from D. Kindell; dates are European style, day/month/year):
Acadia - From 02/06/40 to 03/06/40
Esperance Bay - From 02/06/40 to 15/06/40
Fowey - From 14/06/40 to 17/06/40
Saguenay - From 02/06/40 to 03/06/40
Sandwich - From 14/06/40 to 17/06/40

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Aa–Al An–Ar As–Av Ba Be Bi–Bl Bo Br–Bu C D
E F G Ha He Hi–Hy I J K
L M N O PQ R Sa–Sc Se–Sj Sk–Sn So
Sp–St Su–Sø Ta–Te Th–Ti To Tr–Tø U V W Ø