Convoy MKS 24 - (original) (raw)


Left Gibraltar on Sept. 13-1943, joined up with Convoy SL 136 from Freetown on Sept. 14, and arrived Liverpool on Sept. 25.

Arnold Hague's "The Allied Convoy System" gives 17 ships, and indicates that MKS 24 had started out in Alexandria on Sept. 4, w/arrival Gibraltar on the 13th - listed further down on this page.

Transcribed from a document (Advance Sailing Telegram) received from Tony Cooper - His source: Public Records Office, Kew. Ships in the combined convoy SL 136 / MKS 24 are named at this external link. This first table shows the Gibraltar-U.K. convoy. As will be seen in the second table on this page, some of these ships had previously arrived from Alexandria.
Ship Nationality Cargo Destination Remarks
Accrington British Rescue Vessel Clyde See * below
Baharistan " general Dundee
City of Canberra " rubber - general - 2000 bags mail Manchester
Clan Lamont " general - 1684 bags mail Glasgow
Dalhanna " general - 10 bags mail Dundee
Fort Thompson " phosphates London
Greathope " iron ore Middlesbrough
Indian Prince " general - 37 bags mail Liverpool From MKS 23
Leonardia Swedish iron ore Ardrossan
Maihar British general Hull
Skeldergate " iron ore Middlesbrough Listed in MKS 25
City of Edinburgh " tea - rubber Liverpool
Empire Sidney " ground nuts - manganese ore London
Havildar " ground nuts - tea London
Ocean Hunter " ballast Middlesbrough
Baron Forbes " potash - cork Glasgow
Fort Chipewyan " ballast Belfast Returned to Gibraltar (engine defect) Listed in MKS 25
Fort Tadoussac " none given Cardiff
Cape Hawke " ballast Cardiff
Lord Byron " linseed Hull
* The Rescue Vessel Accrington was on her 7th voyage as such, having started this voyage from Clyde on Aug. 28-1943 with Convoy OS 54 (available at the 2nd external link at the end of this page), to Gibraltar Sept. 10, then returned to Clyde with Convoy SL 136 / MKS 24, Sept. 13-Sept. 25. ("Convoy Rescue Ships 1940-1945", Arnold Hague). Her next voyage was with Convoy ONS 20 (will be added) and SC 146.Escorts (received from Don Kindell, whose own work, covering "Royal & other Navies Day-by-Day in World War 2" can be viewed at this website): Sept. 13-Sept. 14: Lord Nuffield, Velox, Witch.
MKS 24 - From Alexandria What follows was transcribed from a list of ships in MKS 24 received from Don Kindell - Source: A. Hague's own research. As mentioned, A. Hague says in his "The Allied Convoy System" that MKS 24 left Alexandria on Sept. 4, w/arrival Gibraltar on Sept. 13. As can be seen in the first table on this page, some of these ships proceeded to the U.K. with the Gibraltar-U.K. convoy on Sept. 13.
Ship Nationality Voyage
African Prince British Alexandria to Malta
Alexander Hamilton American For U.S.A.
Alresford British Oran to Gibraltar
Baron Fairlie " Algiers to Gibraltar
Cape Howe " Augusta
Carter Braxton American Bizerta to Algiers
Celerol British Malta to Bizerta
City of Edinburgh " Alexandria to Gibraltar for U.K.
Crista " Alexandria to Augusta
Devon Coast " Malta to Augusta
Duke of Athens " Alexandria to Malta
E. Kirby Smith American For U.S.A.
Elizabeth Massey British Oran to Gibraltar
Empire Archer " Alexandria to Malta
Empire Foam " Algiers to Gibraltar
Empire Mallory " Algiers to Gibraltar
Empire Prince " Algiers to Gibraltar
Empire Rain " Algiers to Gibraltar
Empire Shearwater " Malta to Gibraltar
Empire Sidney " Alexandria to Gibraltar for U.K.
Fort Albany " Philippeville to Algiers
Fort Gaspereau " Malta to Gibraltar
George Westinghouse American For U.S.A.
Glarona Norwegian Malta to Bizerta
Havildar British Alexandria to Gibraltar for U.K.
Hermelin Norwegian Alexandria to Malta
Jade British Malta to Bone
James Monroe American Bizerta to Algiers
John Woolman " For U.S.A.
Lou Gehrig " Bizerta to Algiers
Louis Hennepin " For U.S.A.
LST 317 Bizerta to Algiers
Magician British Alexandria to Malta
Moray Coast " Bizerta to Bone
Ocean Coast " Alexandria to Augusta
Ocean Hunter " Oran to Gibraltar
Ocean Pride " Bizerta to Oran
Ravens Point " Malta to Augusta
Teucer " Alexandria to Malta
Thomas Stone American Bizerta to Oran
Torfinn Jarl Norwegian Malta to Augusta
USS Tarazed American Bizerta to Algiers
William H. Jackson " Algiers to Gibraltar
Yenangyaung British Malta to Sicily
Escorts: Sept. 4-Sept. 13: Carlisle, Gloxinia, Hythe, Protea, Romney, Rye, Southern Isles, Whitehaven. Sept. 5: Adrias, Hursley.
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E F G Ha He Hi–Hy I J K
L M N O PQ R Sa–Sc Se–Sj Sk–Sn So
Sp–St Su–Sø Ta–Te Th–Ti To Tr–Tø U V W Ø