Convoy MKS 23 - (original) (raw)


The document from which I've transcribed this information gives departure date as Sept. 3-1943 - arrival Clyde Sept. 14.

Arnold Hague's "The Allied Convoy System" gives 17 ships, and indicates that MKS 23 had started out in Alexandria on Aug. 25, w/arrival Gibraltar on Sept. 3 - left from there on Sept. 4 and arrived Liverpool on the 17th.

Transcribed from documents (Advance Sailing Telegram) received from Tony Cooper - His source: Public Records Office, Kew. The station numbers were obtained from a list of ships in MKS 23 received from Don Kindell, based on A. Hague's own research. (See also KMS 21 and KMS 22). This first table shows the Gibraltar-U.K. convoy.
Ship Nationality Cargo Destination Station Remarks
City of Calcutta British none given Liverpool 63
City of Khios " none given Hull 42
Cydonia " pyrites Ardrossan
Derwenthall " none given Barry Roads f. o.
Empire Carpenter " iron ore Middlesbrough 11
Empire Celia " phosphates London 61
Empire Moorhen " general Hull 21
Empire Southey " phosphates Glasgow 12
Finland " general Glasgow 22 From MKS 22
Fylingdale " iron ore Ardrossan 33
Indian Prince " none given Liverpool Listed in MKS 24
Kaituna " general Liverpool 41
Kana " potash - general - wolfram Newport 32
Ocean Viscount " iron ore Middlesbrough 31
PLM 21 French phosphates Avonmouth
Pencarrow British pyrites Garston 53
Perseus " general - mails - passengers Liverpool 51
Porjus Swedish iron ore Middlesbrough
Trevorian British none given Glasgow Listed in MKS 25
Zamalek " Rescue Vessel Clyde 34 Ref. Notes below
Blairdevon " pyrites Aberdeen 13 "Proceeding Queenstown - engine defect"
Grodno " general Preston 52
Fort Anne " none given Middlesbrough 62
Note: I've compared the above with a list of ships in Convoy MKS 23 received from Don Kindell, based on A. Hague's own research, and find that A. Hague has also mentioned MMS 80 (station 43) and MMS 81 (station 24), with a note for both saying they were detached Sept. 13.The Rescue Vessel Zamalek was on her 21st voyage as such, having started this voyage from Clyde on Aug. 17-1943 with Convoy KMS 24 - to Gibraltar Aug. 30, then returned to Clyde with Convoy KMS 23, Sept. 4-Sept. 16. ("Convoy Rescue Ships 1940-1945", Arnold Hague). Escorts (received from Don Kindell, whose own work, covering "Royal & other Navies Day-by-Day in World War 2" can be viewed at this website): Sept. 4-Sept. 17: Borage, Dahlia, Hurricane, Monkshood. Sept. 4-Sept. 13: Wallflower, Wanderer. Sept. 17: Leeds United.
A. Hague's list also shows the following (Bizerta, Aug. 30-1943) As mentioned, A. Hague says in his "The Allied Convoy System" that MKS 23 left Alexandria on Aug. 25, w/arrival Gibraltar on Sept. 3. Transcribed from the document received from Don Kindell - Source: A. Hague's own research.
Ship Nationality Voyage
Alexander White American
Alexandre André Belgian Malta to Tripoli
Atlantic City British Algiers to Gibraltar for W. Africa
Belnor Norwegian Returned to Malta
Charles R. McCormick American Algiers to Oran
Chertsey British Bizerta to Philippeville
City of Calcutta " Alexandria to Gibraltar
City of Newcastle " Alexandria to Malta, thence Syracuse
Custodian " Alexandria to Augusta
Defender " Alexandria to Augusta
Derwentdale " Alexandria to Gibraltar
Eleazar Wheelock American Bizerta to Oran
Empire Charmian British Malta to Bizerta
Empire Farmer " Bizerta to Philippeville
Empire Garrick " Alexandria to Bizerta
Empire Moorhen " Malta to Gibraltar for U.K.
Empire Trooper " Malta to Oran
Fernplant Norwegian Alexandria to Gibraltar
Fort Aklavik British Bone to Gibraltar for W. Africa
Fort Buffalo " Bone to Gibraltar for W. Africa
Fort Chambly " Alexandria to Augusta
Fort Gaspereau " Alexandria to Malta (later to Gibraltar with MKS 24)
Fort Grahame " Alexandria to Malta
Fort McMurray " Alexandria to Tripoli
Fort Slave " Philippeville for Oran to U.S.A.
Forthbank " Alexandria to Malta
George Vancouver American Bizerta to Oran
Harpalycus British Malta to Benisaf
Henry Middleton American Bizerta to Oran
Henry St. G. Tucker " Alexandria to Gibraltar for U.S.A.
HMS Salveda British Malta to Bizerta
HMS Salvestor " Malta to Algiers
Indian Prince " Alexandria to Malta (see also MKS 23)
James Fenimore Cooper American Alexandria to Gibraltar for U.K.
James J. Maguire British Alexandria to Bizerta
Joseph G. Cannon American Malta to Oran
Kaituna British Alexandria to Gibraltar
Karoa " Malta to Oran
Kheti " Malta to Bizerta
Kofresi American Bone to Oran for U.S.A.
Kosciuszko Polish Algiers to Oran (14 days repair at Oran)
Lucretia Mott American Malta to Oran
Macoma Dutch Alexandria to unknown port
Marigot French Malta to Algiers
Miranda Greek Alexandria to Tripoli
Nirvana British Malta to La Goulette
Ocean Viking " Alexandria to Malta
Ocean Volga " Bone to Gibraltar
Octane " Malta to Tripoli
Orna " Malta to Tripoli
Peter J. McGuire American Alexandria to unknown port
President de Vogue Norwegian Alexandria to Malta
Prince de Liege Belgian Alexandria to Augusta
Robert J. Collier American Alexandria to Gibraltar for U.S.A.
Robt M. Lafollette " Bizerta to Oran
Sofala British Alexandria to Tripoli
South America Norwegian Malta to Bizerta
Tautra "
USS Aroostook American Malta to unknown port
William H. Gray " Alexandria to Gibraltar for U.S.A.
Yenangyaung British Alexandria to Malta - Malta to Tripoli
Escorts: Aug. 25-Sept. 4: Atherstone, Coltsfoot, Holcombe, Honeysuckle, Hyderabad, Liddesdale, Oxlip, Rhododendron. Sept. 1-Sept. 4: Colombo.
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E F G Ha He Hi–Hy I J K
L M N O PQ R Sa–Sc Se–Sj Sk–Sn So
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