Animal pictures (original) (raw)


Animal pictures compilation

Text and pictures © 2007-2024 Guillaume Dargaud
Last updated on 2021/11/05

"I think animal testing is a terrible idea; they get all nervous and give the wrong answers." — Buy at Amazon.comA Bit of Fry and Laurie.

Antarctic animals

[ [BabySeal.jpg] Baby Weddell seal scared off by the camera. ](../Antarctica/Animals.html "Pictures of animals and life forms found in Antarctica: weddell seal, leopard seal, fish, algae, lichen...")

Left: Baby Weddell seal scared off by the camera.

[ [SkuaChick.jpg] Skua chick resting on ice. ](../Antarctica/Birds.html "Pictures of 6 different species of Antarctic birds: skua, giant petrel, Cape petrel, Wilson petrel, snow petrel, fulmar.")

Right: Skua chick resting on ice. Image available as a free wallpaperPurchase this image on a royalty-free CD archive compilation

[ [FulmarCleanNest.jpg] Antarctic Fulmar cleaning the snow off its nest in spring. ](../Antarctica/Birds.html#Fulmar "Pictures of 6 different species of Antarctic birds: skua, giant petrel, Cape petrel, Wilson petrel, snow petrel, fulmar.")

Left: Antarctic Fulmar cleaning the snow off its nest in spring. Purchase this image on a royalty-free CD archive compilation

[ [EmperorsWithChicks.jpg] Emperor penguins and their chicks. ](../#Emperor)

Right: Emperor penguins and their chicks. Image available as a free wallpaperPurchase this image on a royalty-free CD archive compilationPurchase the large-sized poster of this image

[ [AdelieEgg.jpg] Adelie penguin egg hatching. ](../Antarctica/PenguinFAQ.html "Frequently asked questions about adelie and emperor penguins")

Left: Adelie penguin egg hatching.

[ [AdelieFeathering.jpg] Adelie penguin moulting in autumn. ](../Antarctica/PenguinFAQ.html "Frequently asked questions about adelie and emperor penguins")

Right: Adelie penguin moulting in autumn.


[ [Cows.jpg] Cow and calf in Appenines, central italy. ](../Photo/Desktop.html "Wallpapers featuring nature and wildlife up to 1920x1200 resolution.")

Left: Cow and calf in Appenines, central italy. Image available as a free wallpaperPurchase this image on a royalty-free CD archive compilation

[ [20061008-164055-FerrataGoats.jpg] Strange crowd on a Via Ferrata at Roche Robert. Those goats look friendly and harmless enough, but the problem is that sometimes they drop rocks on you while walking carelessly above the cliffs. Well, it can always get worse, I've had friends who had a cow crash-land a few meters away from a hundred meters up ! ](../Climbing/BrianconClimb.html "Rock climbing near Briançon (southern Alps).")

Right: Strange crowd on a Via Ferrata at Roche Robert. Those goats look friendly and harmless enough, but the problem is that sometimes they drop rocks on you while walking carelessly above the cliffs. Well, it can always get worse, I've had friends who had a cow crash-land a few meters away from a hundred meters up !

[ [20070908-210640_Fox.jpg] Gentle fox hanging around our campfire in Val d'Orco. ](../Photo/Fox.html "Pictures of a friendly fox hanging around the campsite.")

Left: Gentle fox hanging around our campfire in Val d'Orco. Image available as a free wallpaperPurchase this image on a royalty-free CD archive compilation

[ [Corsica_WildPiglets.jpg] Wild pigs and piglets in the Corsican forest. ](../Climbing/Corsica.html "Sunny rock climbing in Corsica, long routes at Bavella.")

Right: Wild pigs and piglets in the Corsican forest.

[ [20070624_145143_ButterflyTree.jpg] Hawk-moth hovering above its lunch. ](../Photo/Macro.html "Some amateurish macro photos")

Left: Hawk-moth hovering above its lunch. Image available as a free wallpaperPurchase this image on a royalty-free CD archive compilation

[ [20070715-182358_Marmotte.jpg] Sleepy marmot getting out of its hole. ](../Climbing/Vanoise.html "Some images of climbing in the Vanoise, Alps.")

Right: Sleepy marmot getting out of its hole.

[ [20070624_173523_DrunkWasp.jpg] Wasp drunk on sap. ](../Photo/Macro.html "Some amateurish macro photos")

Left: Wasp drunk on sap. Image available as a free wallpaperPurchase this image on a royalty-free CD archive compilation

[ [20070728-130416_CroixDesTetes.jpg] Strange insect (a tiny rock lobster ?) crawling on the rock. ](../Climbing/Maurienne.html "Some images of climbing in the Maurienne valley, Alps.")

Right: Strange insect (a tiny rock lobster ?) crawling on the rock.

[ [20070610-082000_SnailPorn.jpg] Kissing snails. ](../Photo/Nature.html "Wallpapers of nature and wildlife up to 1920x1200 resolution.")

Left: Kissing snails. Image available as a free wallpaper

[ [20070714_193051_Spider.jpg] Spider in Vanoise. ](../Climbing/Vanoise.html "Some images of climbing in the Vanoise, Alps.")

Right: Spider in Vanoise.

A toad trying to warm up in the morning sun on an alpine trail in the Bargy range, northern Alps.

Left: A toad trying to warm up in the morning sun on an alpine trail in the Bargy range, northern Alps. Image available as a free wallpaper


[ [PrayingMantis.jpg] Praying Mantis in Australia. ](../Climbing/Australia.html "Pictures of climbing in Australia: Arapile, Mt Buffalo, Grampians, Blue Mountains, Point Perpendicular...")

Left: Praying Mantis in Australia. Image available as a free wallpaperPurchase this image on a royalty-free CD archive compilation

[ [Echidnea.jpg] A spiny echidna, a cousin of the platypus. Those strange animals form the monotreme class and they lay eggs while still being considered mammals. ](../Climbing/Australia.html#Epilogue "Pictures of climbing in Australia: Arapile, Mt Buffalo, Grampians, Blue Mountains, Point Perpendicular...")

Right: A spiny echidna, a cousin of the platypus. Those strange animals form the monotreme class and they lay eggs while still being considered mammals. Purchase this image on a royalty-free CD archive compilation

[ [Vulture.jpg] A vulture in the tibetan sky. ](../Climbing/Tibet.html "Some pictures of tourism in Nepal before our ascent of Cho-Oyu")

Left: A vulture in the tibetan sky. Image available as a free wallpaperPurchase this image on a royalty-free CD archive compilation

[ [Condor.jpg] A mighty condor above Ecuador. ](../Climbing/Ecuador.html "Pictures and stories of climbing in Ecuador: Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, Iliniza... July 1994.")

Right: A mighty condor above Ecuador. Purchase this image on a royalty-free CD archive compilation

[ [Grizzly.jpg] Young grizzly bear seen in Alaska. ](../Climbing/Alaska.html "Pictures and stories of climbing in Alaska: Denali/McKinley (solo 6194m), Mt Hunter, Prindle... 1995")

Left: Young grizzly bear seen in Alaska.

[ [20051221_0225_Opposum.jpg] A hungry possum looking at our meal preparation inside a hut in the Darren mountains, NZ. ](../Climbing/NZ3.html "Pictures of climbing in New Zealand, 3rd part: Mt Aspiring, North ridge of Sefton and more...")

Right: A hungry possum looking at our meal preparation inside a hut in the Darren mountains, NZ.

[ [BigMouth.jpg] Tawney Frogmouth and its weird expressive face. ](../Climbing/Tasmania.html "Pictures and stories of animals (kangaroos, possums, birds) and hiking in Tasmania (Federation Peak...)")

Left: Tawney Frogmouth and its weird expressive face. Image available as a free wallpaper

[ [Wombat.jpg] A gentle wombat from Tasmania. ](../Climbing/Tasmania.html "Pictures and stories of animals (kangaroos, possums, birds) and hiking in Tasmania (Federation Peak...)")

Right: A gentle wombat from Tasmania. Purchase this image on a royalty-free CD archive compilation

[ [RodeoGetOff.jpg] Cowboy about to receive a headache during a Wyoming rodeo. ](../Climbing/Wyoming.html "Some rock-climbing in Wyoming: Vedauwoo, Devil's tower, Grand Teton, Yellowstone, rodeo...")

Left: Cowboy about to receive a headache during a Wyoming rodeo. Image available as a free wallpaperPurchase this image on a royalty-free CD archive compilation

[ [Kea.jpg] A kea, a green carnivorous parrot local to New Zealand. ](../Climbing/NZ2.html "Pictures of climbing in New Zealand, 2nd part: west ridge of Mt Cook, Mt Tasman and more...")

Right: A kea, a green carnivorous parrot local to New Zealand. Purchase this image on a royalty-free CD archive compilation

[ [HalfDomeSquirel.jpg] Grey squirrel on the summit of Half Dome, Yosemite. ](../Climbing/Yosemite.html "Pictures and stories of climbing in Yosemite: granite, big walls, Half Dome, the Nose of El Cap, the DNB... I wish I was there now !")

Left: Grey squirrel on the summit of Half Dome, Yosemite. Image available as a free wallpaperPurchase this image on a royalty-free CD archive compilation

[ [Yak.jpg] Yaks used to carry loads up Himalayan mountains. ](../Climbing/ChoOyu.html "Pictures and story of climbing Cho-Oyu, 8201m, 2000")

Right: Yaks used to carry loads up Himalayan mountains. Purchase this image on a royalty-free CD archive compilation

[ [Coyote.jpg] A coyote wandering through camp. ](../Climbing/Yosemite.html "Pictures and stories of climbing in Yosemite: granite, big walls, Half Dome, the Nose of El Cap, the DNB... I wish I was there now !")

Left: A coyote wandering through camp. Purchase this image on a royalty-free CD archive compilation

[ [BlueShark.jpg] A blue shark seen from the relative safety of a shark cage in NZ. ](../Climbing/NZ2.html "Pictures of climbing in New Zealand, 2nd part: west ridge of Mt Cook, Mt Tasman and more...")

Right: A blue shark seen from the relative safety of a shark cage in NZ.

[ [20080929_135147_Crocodile.jpg] Crocodile waiting immobile in the water, Madagascar. ](../Photo/MadaAnimals.html "Pictures of some animals from Madagascar: limestone lemur, chameleon, gecko...")

Right: Crocodile waiting immobile in the water, Madagascar. Image available as a free wallpaper

[ [20081014_055217_TsaranoroLemur_.jpg] Catta lemur below the imposing walls of the Tsaranoro, Madagascar. ](../Climbing/Tsaranoro.html "Climbing in Tsaranoro, Madagascar: long granite routes.")

Left: Catta lemur below the imposing walls of the Tsaranoro, Madagascar.

[ [20081023_100540_Cameleon.jpg] Horned chameleon on a branch, Madagascar. ](../Photo/MadaAnimals.html "Pictures of some animals from Madagascar: limestone lemur, chameleon, gecko...")

Right: Horned chameleon on a branch, Madagascar. Image available as a free wallpaper

[ [20081001_110137_Gecko.jpg] A tiny and bright green gecko, Madagascar. ](../Climbing/Madagascar.html "Climbing in northern Madagascar: Nosy Hara, Antsiranana, Diego Suarez, Montagne des Français, Perroquet.")

Left: A tiny and bright green gecko, Madagascar.