TFAO Author Study and Index (F) (original) (raw)

Author Study and Index


(above: Lee Blair (1911-1993), Mary by the Sea, 1934, Oil on canvas, 34"x 48." The Hilbert Museum of California Art at Chapman University. Gift of the Hilbert Collection)

Betsy Fahlman

"The Mythic Life and Art of Lon Megargee" _American Art Review_January-February 2002 (Volume XIV, Number 1)

"Creating an Iconography for a New State: The Arizona State Capitol Murals," from The Cowboy's Dream: The Mythic Life and Art of Lon Megargee; by Betsy Fahlman (6/7/02)

Guy Pène du Bois: The Twenties at Home and Abroad; essay be Betsy Fahlman (8/27/04)

_"_Gene Pãne du Bois, The Twenties at Home & Abroad"American Art Review October-November 95

**"**Realism and Its Response in Pennsylvania Painting" American Art Review July-August 2006 (Volume XVIII, Number 4)

Artists of the Commonwealth: Realism and its Response in Pennsylvania Painting, 1900-1950; essay by Betsy Fahlman (8/25/06)

Andrea Henderson Fahnestock

"Water-Rambles" on the Lagoon: William Stanley Haseltine in Venice, by Andrea Henderson Fahnestock (11/15/04)

Dean F. Failey

"The Furniture Tradition of Long Island's South Fork, 1640­1800"American Art Journal ( vol. 11, no. 1; 1979)

Eugene Fairbanks

The Life and Work of Avard Tennyson Fairbanks, Sculptor; biography by Eugene Fairbanks (6/2/06)

Jonathan Fairbanks

Magazine Antiques **William Wetmore Story's Marble Sappho, Jan, 1997 by Jonathan L. Fairbanks**[Link found expired as of 11/7/11 audit. Source may contain this content via a revised URL. We are saving this citation for your reference]

Jonathan Fairbanks & Gail Serfaty

"Americana from the U. S. Department of State" American Art Review March-April 2003 (Volume XV, Number 2)

Trevor Fairbrother

"Man Screaming by John Singer Sargent" American Art(Vol. 15, No. 1; Spring 2001)

Magazine Antiques **Benson in bloom: a new look at Summer, April, 2006 by Trevor Fairbrother**[Link found expired as of 11/7/11 audit. Source may contain this content via a revised URL. We are saving this citation for your reference]

Magazine Antiques **Possessions And Props: The Collection Of John Singer Sargent, Feb, 2001 by Trevor Fairbrother**[Link found expired as of 11/7/11 audit. Source may contain this content via a revised URL. We are saving this citation for your reference]

Peter Hastings Falk

Rudolf Scheffler (1884-1973) by Peter H. Falk (1989) (status)

The Cosmic Visions of Ed Nelson; essay by Peter Hastings Falk (3/8/08)

Peter Falotico

Hidden Treasures of William Starkweather; essay by Peter Falotico (10/23/13)

Chris Fauver

"The Kelly Collection of American Illustration" American Art Review January-February 2006 (Volume XVIII, Number 1)

Roberta Smith Favis

"Home Again: Worthington Wittredge's Domestic Interiors" American Art (Vol. 9 No. 1; Spring 1995)

"Painting 'the Red City': Oscar Bluemner's Jersey Silkmills "American Art (Vol. 17, No. 1; Spring 2003)

"The Art of Oscar Bluemner (1867-1938)" _American Art Review_January-February 2004 (Volume XVI, Number 1)

Kristin U. Fedders

Poetic Woodlands: The Art of John Elwood Bundy, essay by Kristin U. Fedders (9/17/02)

Jean E. Feinberg

Jim Dine, By Jean E. Feinberg, Published 1995, ISBN: 978-1-55859-692-4. (online book excerpt available from Abbeville Press) (right: catalogue front cover courtesy Abbeville Press)

Tracie Brooks Felker

"Charles Codman: Early Nineteenth-Century Artisan and Artist"American Art Journal ( vol. 22, no. 2; 1990)

"First Impressions: Thomas Cole's Drawings of His 1825 Trip Up the Hudson River" American Art Journal ( vol. 24, nos. 1 and 2; 1992)

_"_Thomas Hotchkiss, Dreams and Shadows" American Art Review Winter 94 (status)

Magazine Antiques The art colonies of New England, April, 1999 by Thomas Andrew Denenberg, Tracie Felker [Link found expired as of 11/7/11 audit. Source may contain this content via a revised URL. We are saving this citation for your reference]

Donald L. Fennimore

"American Neoclassical Furniture and Its European Antecedents"American Art Journal ( vol.13, no. 4; 1981)

"1776: How America Really Looked: Metalwork" American Art Journal ( vol. 7, no. 1; 1975)

"Religion in America: Metal Objects in Service of the Ritual"American Art Journal ( vol. 10, no. 2; 1978)

Linda S. Ferber

"William Trost Richards at the Brooklyn Museum" American Art Review September-October 1973 (Volume I, Number 1)

_"_Albert Bierstadt, Art & Enterprise" American Art Review February-March 95

_"_The American Watercolor Movement" _American Art Review_May-June 98

Masters of Color and Light: Homer, Sargent, and the American Watercolor Movement (11/26/97)

William Trost Richards: Rediscovered (10/16/98)

Maxfield Parrish, 1870-1966 (3/21/00)

Remembering the Family Farm: 150 Years of American Prints (3/23/01)

Bicoastal Artists of the 1870s; essay by Ann Harlow (7/21/01)

Pastoral Interlude: William T. Richards in Chester County, essay segment by Linda S. Ferber and wall panel text of the exhibition (9/18/01)

In Search of a National Landscape: William Trost Richards and the Artists' Adirondacks 1855 - 1870; article by Linda S. Ferber and Caroline M. Welsh (7/1/02)

Corn Shocks and Pumpkins, 1864, by William Trost Richards (1833-1905), essay by Richard H. W. Brauer (10/10/02)

For Bierstadt's Eyes Alone, essay by Mary Terence McKay (11/2/02)

Magazine Antiques John Brown's grave and other Civil War themes in William T. Richards's Adirondack landscapes, July, 2002 by Linda S. Ferber[Link found expired as of 11/7/11 audit. Source may contain this content via a revised URL. We are saving this citation for your reference]

"Asher B. Durand and the American Landscape" American Art Review March-April 2007 (Volume XIX, Number 2)

Metropolitan Museum of Art's MetPublications, an online resource that offers in-depth access to the Museum's print and online publications, covering art, art history, archaeology, conservation, and collecting.includes the following title available for.pdf download:Tokens of a Friendship: Miniature Watercolors by William T. Richards; Ferber, Linda S. (1982);

Linda S. Ferber & Lee A. Vedder

**"**The Hudson River School at the New-York Historical Society"American Art Review September-October 2005 (Volume XVII, Number 5)

Linda S. Ferber & Caroline Welsh

"William Trost Richards & the Artists' Adirondacks" American Art Review July-August 2002 (Volume XIV, Number 4)

In Search of a National Landscape: William Trost Richards and the Artists' Adirondacks 1855 - 1870; article by Linda S. Ferber and Caroline M. Welsh (7/1/02)

Charles B. Ferguson

"Aaron Draper Shattuck, White Mountain School Painter" American Art Review May-June 1976 (Volume III, Number 3)

The Harmony of Nature: The Art of Frank Vincent DuMond, by Jeffrey W. Andersen, Charles B. Ferguson - Biography & Autobiography - 1990 - 32 pages (status)

Elizabeth Ferrer

Salomón Huerta: Paintings -- including essay by Elizabeth Ferrer (5/17/01)

Scott R. Ferris

"The Artistic Heritage of Rockwell Kent" _American Art Review_September-October 2002 (Volume XIV, Number 5)

Generations: The Artistic Heritage of Rockwell Kent, essay by Scott R. Ferris (11/18/02)

In Review: The Prints of Rockwell Kent: A Catalogue Raisonné, book review by Scott R. Ferris (8/18/05)

In Review: What's in A Title, book review by Scott R. Ferris (12/1/05)

Caroline M. Welsh & Scott R. Ferris

"Rockwell Kent's Adirondack Legacy" _American Art Review_July-August 2000 (Volume XII, Number 4) (status)

Helen Ferrulli

_"_Calder's Art: A Circus of Creativity, The Impressionist Tradition" American Art Review November 96

Traci A. Fieldsted

"Wayne Thiebaud: 70 Years of Painting" _American Art Review,_March-April 2008 (Volume XX, Number 2)

David Fienen

Esther Williams, Art and Music, text by David Fienen and Donald Myers

Daniel Finamore

"Re-envisioning Maritime Art at the Peabody Essex Museum" American Art Review September-October 2003 (Volume XV, Number 5)

The Yachting Photography of Willard B. Jackson, with essay by Daniel Finamore (8/11/06)

Ruth Fine

"The Art of Jacob Kainen" American Art (Vol. 15, No. 3; Fall 2001)

The Journey of Death As Seen Through the Eyes of the Rancher' s Wife: New Paintings by Annabel Livermore (3/28/07)

Jonathan Fineberg

"Robert Rauschenberg's Reservoir" American Art(Vol. 12, No. 1; Spring 1998)

Lois Marie Fink

"American Artists in France" American Art Journal ( vol. 5, no. 2; 1973)

"The Innovation of Tradition in Late Nineteenth-Century American Art" American Art Journal ( vol. 10, no. 2; 1978)

"19th Century Evolutionary Art" American Art Review January 1978 (Volume IV, Number 4)

"American Art at the 1889 Paris Exhibition: The Paintings They Love to Hate" American Art (Vol. 5, No. 4; Fall 1991)

Howard Finster

Howard Finster, Stranger from Another World: Man of Visions Now on This Earth, By Howard Finster as told to Tom Patterson / Photography by Roger Manley, Victor Faccinto and others, Published 1989, ISBN: 978-0-89659-902-4.(online book excerpt available from Abbeville Press) (right: catalogue front cover courtesy Abbeville Press)

Evan R. Firestone

"The Death of Moby Dick: Vincent Desiderio's Progress of Self-Love"American Art (Vol. 10, No. 2; Summer 1996)

Diane P. Fischer

_"_The Spirit of George Inness, An "American School"American Art Review June-July 95

American Tonalism: Selections from The Metropolitan Museum of Art and The Montclair Art Museum (9/11/99)

Paris 1900: The "American School" at the Universal Exposition (9/11/99)

**"**Paris 1900: The American School" _American Art Review_November-December 1999 (Volume XI, Number 6)

Montclair Art Museum Gallery Will Be Dedicated to Works by George Inness ; with essay by Diane P. Fischer (5/4/01)

Primal Visions: Albert Bierstadt "Discovers" America, 1859-1893 (7/5/01)

**"**Albert Bierstadt 'Discovers' America" American Art Review May-June 2002 (Volume XIV, Number 3)

The Spirit of Inness: Creating an "American School" at the Paris Exposition of 1900; article by Diane Pietrucha Fischer (9/15/04)

Laura Fiser

William Merritt Chase: Family Portraits; article by Laura Fiser (8/9/11)

Helen Ashton Fisher

"Bo Bartlett: Still Point" with introductory essay by Helen Ashton Fisher (7/6/07)

Roland E. Fleischer

"Emblems and Colonial American Painting" American Art Journal( vol. 20, no. 3; 1988)

"Gustavus Hesselius and Penn Family Portraits: A Conflict between Visual and Documentary Evidence" American Art Journal ( vol. 19, no. 3; 1987)

"Gustavus Hesselius's Letter of 1714 and Its Contribution to Current Scholarship" American Art Journal ( vol. 21, no. 3; 1989)

Elizabeth A. Fleming

Framing a Vision: Landscapes by Linda Fantuzzo and Manning Williams; with essays by Elizabeth A. Fleming and Angela D. Mack (10/25/04)

Geoffrey K. Fleming

"Charles Henry Miller, N.A. (1842 - 1922) - An Artist of Long Island"; article by Geoffrey K. Fleming (2/11/12)

Determined to Paint: The Art of George W. Hallock, essay by Geoffrey K. Fleming (1/19/13)

Malcolm M. Fleming

"The Saving of Henry Hobson Richardson's Union Station, New London, Connecticut" American Art Review July-August 1975 (Volume II, Number 4)

James Thomas Flexner

"George Washington as an Art Collector" American Art Journal( vol. 4, no. 1; 1972)

"The Great Columbian Federal City" American Art Journal( vol. 2, no. 1; 1970)

"Homage to William Dunlap" American Art Journal ( vol. 1, no. 1; 1969)

"Tuckerman's Book of the Artists" American Art Journal( vol. 1, no. 2 ; 1969)

Richard Flood

Art Bulletin Keith Haring Journals. - book reviews, Nov, 1996 by Richard Flood

Florence Griswold Museum

The Connecticut Shore: A Selection of Paintings from the Kathleen & Arthur J ..., by Florence Griswold Museum - 1992. Exhibition held at the Florence Griswold Museum, Old Lyme, Conn., Aug. 15-Nov.1, 1992.(status)

Elisabeth Flynn

"The Michener Museum Comes Home to New Hope" American Art Review January-February 2004 (Volume XVI, Number 1)

Tammi Flynn

"The Florence Griswold House Restoration" _American Art Review_September-October 2006 (Volume XVIII, Number 5)

Brigitte M. Foley

_"_Henry Mosler, Figure Drawings for Narrative Paintings"American Art Review June-August 96

Kathy Kelsey Foley

"Still Life & Trompe l'Oeil Painting" _American Art Review_March-April 2003 (Volume XV, Number 2)

Thomas C. Folk

"Mel Stark: Preserving a Landscape Tradition" American Art Review January-February 2002 (Volume XIV, Number 1)

"Charles F. Ramsey: New Hope Modernist" _American Art Review_March-April 2003 (Volume XV, Number 2)

George J. Stengel 1866 - 1937: New Hope Impressions; essay by Thomas C. Folk (4/29/08)

"New Hope Impressions: George J. Stengel" _American Art Review,_January-February 2008 (Volume XX, Number 1)

The Ceramic Sculpture of Waylande Gregory; article by Thomas Folk (3/22/13)

The Commercial vs. Fine Art in the Ceramic Sculpture of Waylande Gregory; article by Thomas Folk (12/18/13)

Jean A. Follett

"The Hotel Pelham: A New Building Type for America" American Art Journal ( vol. 15, no. 4; 1983)

Kay Rebber Foote

Painting Along the Seine, by Kay Rebber Foote (10/9/97)

Christopher Forbes

The Forbes Magazine Collection

Jennifer Bailey Forbes

In the Face of Change; essay by Jennifer Bailey Forbes (2/8/08)

Debra Force

Oscar Bluemner: Visions of the Modern Landscape; essay by Debra Force (5/12/04)

Deborah Forman

Hans Hofmann in Provincetown; essay by Deborah Forman (8/17/11)

Restoring the Art Colony to Its Former Glory; essay by Deborah Forman (8/17/11)

Laurel Spenser Forsythe

Helen Farnsworth Mears, essay segment by Laurel Spenser Forsythe (10/26/01)

Ilene Susan Fort

_"_The Figure in American Sculpture, A Question of Modernity"American Art Review April-May 95 (status),

_"_American Paintings in Southern California Collectionsz"American Art Review April-May 96 (status),

_"_The Art Deco Sculpture of Jacques Schnier" American Art Review September-October 98 (status)

Made in California: Art, Image, and Identity, 1900-2000 (4/17/00)

Martin Johnson Heade at LACMA (4/17/00)

John Singer Sargent and Italy (1/3/03)

The New Symbolism; essay by Ilene Susan Fort (2/26/09)

Brandon Brame Fortune

"'Not above Reproach': The Career of Lucy Lee-Robbins" American Art (Vol. 12, No. 1; Spring 1998)

Laura Foster

Frederic Remington: Treasures from the Frederic Remington Art Museum; article by Laura Foster (7/11/07)

Kathleen A. Foster

"The Still-Life Paintings of John La Farge" American Art Journal ( vol. 11, no. 3; 1979)

_"_Winslow Homer, Celebrating his Art: Personal View"American Art Review April-May 96

American Watercolors at the Pennsylvania Academy (6/23/00)

Thomas Eakins: American Realist (10/24/01)

Process on Paper: Drawings by Thomas Eakins from the Charles Bregler Collection of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (2/12/01)

"Intricacies and Interdependencies": Cecilia Beaux and the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; essay by Jeanette M. Toohey (5/24/02)

"Thomas Chambers (1808-1869)" American Art Review, September-October 2008 (Volume XX, Number 5)

Rebecca Foster & Caroline M. Welsh

"Harold Weston's Adirondack Art" _American Art Review_May-June 2005 (Volume XVII, Number 3) (status)

Stephen C. Foster

Art Journal New York Dada, Summer, 1995 by Stephen C. Foster [Link found expired as of 11/7/11 audit. Source may contain this content via a revised URL. We are saving this citation for your reference]

Betty Alice Fowler

An Art in Living (catalogue essay for The Art of Lucy May Stanton), by Betty Alice Fowler (5/31/02)

Miriam Rogers Fowler

"Giuseppe Moretti: Master Sculptor" _American Art Review_November-December 2002 (Volume XIV, Number 6)

Penny Fowler

Frank Lloyd Wright: The Seat of Genius, Chairs: 1895-1955; essays by Penny Fowler and Mary Anna Eaton with Introduction by Timothy A. Eaton (7/9/07

Mary Francey

American Printmakers and the Federal Art Project; essay by Mary Francey (10/18/08)

American Women at Work: Women Printmakers and the Federal Art Project; essay by Mary Francey (7/9/09)

Albert Tissandier: Drawings of Nature and Industry in the United States: 1885; essay by Mary Francey (12/7/09)

Friend of the Family, Two Paintings by George Caleb Bingham; essay by Mary Francey (10/12/11)

Jacqueline Francis

Introduction, "Writing African American Art History" American Art (Vol. 17, No. 1; Spring 2003)

Richard Francis

Jasper Johns, By Richard Francis, Published 1991, ISBN: 978-1-55859-252-0. (online book excerpt available from Abbeville Press) (right: catalogue front cover courtesy Abbeville Press)

Robin Jaffee Frank

"American Portrait and Mourning Miniatures" American Art Review May-June 2001 (Volume XIII, Number 3)

Alfred Frankenstein

"William Sidney Mount and the Act of Painting" American Art Journal ( vol. 1, no. 1; 1969

"American Paintings by John Singleton Copley Exhibition Review"American Art Review November-December 1975 (Volume II, Number 6)

Aimee Gwynne Franklyn

The West Through My Eyes: Highlights From the Private Collection of Bill Schenck; article by Aimee Gwynne Franklyn (7/13/05)

Katherine French

Coming and Going: Time and Motion in the Paintings of Caren Canier; essay by Katherine French (10/11/02)

An Act of Memory; essay by Katherine French (11/30/04)

August Freundlich

Richard Florsheim: An Art Legacy, with essay by August Freundlich (5/18/06)

Donald R. Friary

"Historic Deerfield" American Art Review May-June 2004 (Volume XVI, Number 3)

Vivien Green Fryd

"Rereading the Indian in Benjamin West's Death of General Wolfe"American Art (Vol. 9 No. 1; Spring 1995)

"Edward Hopper's Girlie Show: Who Is the Silent Partner?" American Art (Vol. 14, No. 2; Summer 2000)

"Hiram Powers's America: 'Triumphant as Liberty and in Unity'"American Art Journal ( vol. 18, no. 2; 1986)

"Two Sculptures for the Capitol: Horatio Greenough's Rescue and Luigi Persico's Discovery of America " American Art Journal( vol. 19, no. 2; 1987)

Gordon Fuglie

Representing LA, Pictorial Currents in Contemporary Southern California Art -- with essays "Identity and Self" and "Spirit" by Gordon Fuglie (11/5/00)

Peter Zokosky: The Nature of Being, essay by Gordon Fuglie (8/14/01)

Speculative Terrain - Recent Views of the Southern California Landscape from San Diego to Santa Barbara; essay by Gordon L. Fuglie (8/25/04)

Leslie Furth

"'The Modern Medea' and Race Matters: Thomas Satterwhite Noble's_Margaret Garner_" American Art (Vol. 12, No. 2; Summer 1998)

Magazine Antiques **John Singer Sargent and Robert Louis Stevenson, Nov, 2004 by Leslie Furth**[Link found expired as of 11/7/11 audit. Source may contain this content via a revised URL. We are saving this citation for your reference]

Helen K. Fusscas

A World Observed: The Art of Everett Longley Warner, 1877-1963, by Helen K. Fusscas, Everett Longley Warner, Florence Griswold Museum, Westmoreland Museum of Art, Bucknell University Center Gallery - Art, Modern - 1992 - 48 pages (status)

Susan Futterman

Behold the Day: The Color Block Prints of Frances Gearhart; essay by Susan Futterman (11/18/09)

(above: Jean Mannheim (1863-1945),Sunny Portrait, before 1945, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons*)

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