TFAO Author Study and Index (R) (original) (raw)

Author Study and Index


(above: Theodore Wores (1859-1939),Monterey Coast: 17 Mile Drive, 1919, oil on canvas, 30 x 40 inches, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Gift of Drs. Ben and A. Jess Shenson. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons*)

Lauren Rabb

_"_American Painters in Brittany, 1864-1914," American Art Review October-November 95 (status),

"William Lamb Picknell, The Emersonian Philosophy of his Cape Ann Paintings," American Art Review February 97 (status)

William Lamb Picknell: An American Emersonian Artist; essay by Lauren Walden Rabb (1/30/09)

Sue Rainey

_"_John Douglas Woodward, Shaping the Landscape Image, 1865-1910,"American Art Review March-April 97 (status)

Chapter 5: After the Civil War, from the book Art in Florida: 1564-1945, by Maybelle Mann (1/11/02)

Drawn to Nature: John Douglas Woodward's Career in Art; essay by Sue Rainey (6/17/09)

Peter C. Rainone

"Texas Masters Robert & Julian Onderdonk" American Art Review, May-June 2008 (Volume XX, Number 3)

Rodger Rak

An Individual Reality, essay by Rodger Rak (8/15/03)

Jan Seidler Ramirez

"The 'Lovelorn Lady': A New Look at William Wetmore Story's Sappho"American Art Journal ( vol. 15, no. 3; 1983)

"William Wetmore Story's Venus Anadyomene and _Bacchus:_A Context for Reevaluation" American Art Journal ( vol. 14, no. 1; 1982)

Hudson River Museum: Domestic Bliss, Family Life in American Painting (1986) , Jan Seidler Ramirez, "The Victorian Household: Stronghold, Sanctuary, or Straightjacket. (6 pages) [status]

The Victorian Household: Stronghold, Sanctuary, or Straightjacket?; essay by Jan Seidler Ramirez (7/24/08)

Remak Ramsay

A Gift to the Island; essay by Remak Ramsay (7/21/10)

Nancy Rash

"George Caleb Bingham's Lighter Relieving a Steamboat Aground"American Art (Vol. 2, No. 2; Spring 1988)

"A Note on Winslow Homer's Veteran in a New Field and Union Victory" American Art (Vol. 9 No. 2; Summer 1995)

William Rasmussen

_"_Pocahontas, Her Life and Legend," _American Art Review_December 94 -January 95 (status),

"Patrick Henry, Sentinel for the People," _American Art Review_February-March 96 (status),

"First Fitzhughs of Virginia, Colonial Dynasty Painted by John Hesselius,"American Art Review March-April 97 (status)

Virginia Treasures from the National Portrait Gallery (12/26/00)

Old Virginia: The Pursuit of a Pastoral Ideal (3/7/03)

The Life of Pierre Daura, essay by William M. S. Rasmussen (9/29/06)

Pocahontas: Her Life and Legend, article by William Rasmussen (1/29/09)

First Fitzhughs of Virginia: A Colonial Dynasty Painted by John Hesselius, article by William Rasmussen (1/30/09)

Patrick Henry: Sentinel for the People, article by William Rasmussen (2/2/09)

James C. Kelly & William M. S. Rasmussen

"The Virginia Landscape" American Art Review July-August 2000 (Volume XII, Number 4) (status)

The Virginia Landscape, article by James C. Kelly & William M. S. Rasmussen (2/10/09)

Carter Ratcliff

Andy Warhol, By Carter Ratcliff, Published 1991, ISBN: 978-1-55859-257-5. (online book excerpt available from Abbeville Press) (right: catalogue front cover courtesy Abbeville Press)

John Singer Sargent, By Carter Ratcliff, Published 2001, ISBN: 978-0-7892-0748-7. (online book excerpt available from Abbeville Press)

Perry T. Rathbone

"Andrew Wyeth: An American Artist in Japan" American Art Review May-June 1974 (Volume I, Number 4)

Susan Rather

Art Bulletin **Benjamin West, John Galt, and the biography of 1816, (essay) June, 2004 by Susan Rather **[Link found expired as of 11/7/11 audit. Source may contain this content via a revised URL. We are saving this citation for your reference]

Art Bulletin **Carpenter, tailor, shoemaker, artist: Copley and portrait painting around 1770 - John Singleton Copley, (essay) June, 1997 by Susan Rather **[Link found expired as of 11/7/11 audit. Source may contain this content via a revised URL. We are saving this citation for your reference]

Walton Rawls

The Great Book of Currier and Ives' America, By Walton Rawls, Published 1991, ISBN: 978-1-55859-229-2. (online book excerpt available from Abbeville Press) (right: catalogue front cover courtesy Abbeville Press)

Wendy Wick Reaves

"The Art in Humor, the Humor in Art" American Art (Vol. 15, No. 2; Summer 2001)

"His Excellency Genl Washington: Charles Willson Peale's Long-Lost Mezzotint Discovered" American Art Journal ( vol. 24, nos. 1 and 2; 1992)

"Thomas Nast and the President" American Art Journal( vol. 19, no. 1; 1987)

Carrie Rebora (Barratt)

"Robert Fulton's Art Collection" ( vol. 22, no. 3; 1990)

"Sir Thomas Lawrence's Benjamin West for the American Academy of the Fine Arts" American Art Journal ( vol. 21, no. 3; 1989)

"Transforming Colonists into Goddesses and Sultans: John Singleton Copley, His Clients, and Their Studio Collaboration" American Art Journal ( vol. 27, nos. 1 and 2; 1995­1996)

"The Henry R. Luce Center for the Study of American Art," American Art Review February-March 95 (status),

"John Singleton Copley in America," _American Art Review_June-July 95 (status)

American Folk Art in The Metropolitan Museum of Art (3/25/99)

Thomas Sully in the Metropolitan (6/12/00)

Art and the Empire City: New York, 1825-1861 (10/11/00)

American Drawings and Watercolors in The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Highlights from the Collection, 1710-1890 (8/6/02)

American Sculptor of the Gilded Age, essay by Henry J. Duffy (3/21/03)

Roger T. Reed

_"_J. C. Leyendecker: A Retrospective," American Art Review November-December 97 (status)

J.C. Leyendecker: A Retrospective, article by Roger T. Reed (2/12/09)

Walt Reed

John Clymer, an Artist's Rendezvous with the Frontier West; essay by Walt Reed (7/12/05)

Deborah Reeder & Leslie Courtwight

"The Art of Zion National Park" _American Art Review,_July-August 2008 (Volume XX, Number 4)

Deborah Reeder

The Art of Zion, A Historical Overview; essay by Deborah Reeder (2/25/16)

William S. Reese

"19th Century American Color Plate Books" _American Art Review_January-February 2005 (Volume XVII, Number 1)

Marjorie Reich

"The Imagination of Elihu Vedder as Revealed in His Book Illustrations"American Art Journal ( vol. 6, no. 1; 1974)

Sheldon Reich

"Abraham Walkowitz: Pioneer of American Modernism" American Art Journal ( vol. 3, no. 1; 1971)

"Andrew Dasburg: The Late Years" American Art Journal( vol. 15, no. 4; 1983)

"John Marin: Paintings of New York, 1912" American Art Journal( vol. 1, no. 1; 1969)

"The Halpert Sale, A Personal View" _American Art Review_September-October 1973 (Volume I, Number 1)

Bernard F.Reilly, Jr.

"The Early Work of John Moran, Landscape Photographer" American Art Journal ( vol. 11, no. 1 ; 1979)

Brandon Reintjes

Large Scale: Selections from the Permanent Collection; essay by Brandon Reintjes (4/2/04)

Kathryn Reisdorfer

"Arizona History through Art" American Art Review March-April 2000 (Volume XII, Number 2) (status)

Lisa Reitzes

Faces of a New Nation; essay by Lisa Reitzes (1/31/05)

Images of Settlement and Exploration; essay by Lisa Reitzes (2/1/05)

Sabine Rewald

"Still Life: The Object in Am. Art, 1915-1995 from the Met. Museum of Art" American Art Review September-October 97 (status)

Still Life: The Object in American Art, 1915-1995 (7/97)

Donald Martin Reynolds

The Humanizing Images of George R. Anthonisen; essay by Donald Martin Reynolds (12/11/01)

Masters of American Sculpture: The Figurative Tradition, By Donald Martin Reynolds, Published 1994, ISBN: 978-1-55859-276-6. (online book excerpt available from Abbeville Press) (right: catalogue front cover courtesy Abbeville Press)

Gary A. Reynolds

"A San Francisco Painter, Theodore Wores" _American Art Review_September-October 1976 (Volume III, Number 5)

Rebecca Reynolds

"The Manship Family" American Art Review March-April 2000 (Volume XII, Number 2)

"Hiram Powers: Genius in Marble" American Art Review May-Junel 2007 (Volume XIX, Number 3)

"85 Years of the North Shore Arts Association" American Art Review September-October 2007 (Volume XIX, Number 5)

Francis R. Ricci

Essay by Francis R. Ricci in the catalogue for the exhibition titled "Sterling Strauser: A Modernist Revisited" (11/21/01)

Susan C. Ricci and Theodore E. Stebbins, Jr.

" The Last Ruskinians" American Art Review March-April 2007 (Volume XIX, Number 2)

Dominic Ricciotti

"Edward Durell Stone and the International Style in America: Houses of the 1930s" American Art Journal ( vol. 20, no. 3; 1988)

"The 1939 Building of the Museum of Modern Art: The Goodwin-Stone Collaboration" American Art Journal ( vol. 17, no. 3; 1985)

"The Revolution in Urban Transport: Max Weber and Italian Futurism"American Art Journal ( vol. 16, no. 1; 1984)

Edgar P. Richardson

"Allen Smith: Collector and Benefactor" American Art Journal( vol. 1, no. 2; 1969)

"Benjamin Franklin's Chessmen" American Art Journal( vol. 11, no. 2; 1979)

"Four American Political Prints" American Art Journal( vol. 6, no. 2; 1974)

"A Life Drawing of Jefferson by John Trumbull" American Art Journal ( vol. 7, no. 2; 1975)

"The Opportunities and Needs for Research in American Art"American Art Journal ( vol. 1, no. 1; 1969)

"Peter Martensson Lindstrsom, Swedish Artist-Explorer, and the Delaware Indians" American Art Journal ( vol. 12, no. 1; 1980)

"A Rare Gold Medal of the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Architecture"American Art Journal ( vol. 14, no. 3; 1982)

"1776: How America Really Looked: Painting (1770­75)" American Art Journal ( vol. 7, no. 1; 1975)

"William Williams: A Dissenting Opinion" American Art Journal( vol. 4, no. 1 1972)

Michael Richman

"Daniel Chester French and Henry Bacon: Public Sculpture in Collaboration, 1897-1908" American Art Journal ( vol. 12, no. 3; 1980)

"The Early Public Sculpture of Daniel Chester French" American Art Journal ( vol. 4, no. 2; 1972)

Michael Richman and Kathryn T. Greenthal

"Daniel Chester French's Continents" American Art Journal ( vol. 8, no. 2; 1976)

William Rieder

Magazine Antiques Walter and Matilda Gay in Paris and the country, Dec, 2000 by William Rieder

Ivan B. Rigby and Francis Y. Duval

"Silent Art of Our Past" American Art Review November-December 1976 (Volume III, Number 6)

Charles A. Riley II

The Remembrance of Things Past: Norman Rockwell at Nassau County Museum of Art; essay by Charles A. Riley II (9/8/09)

Helene M. Kastinger Riley

Magazine Antiques Christian Friedrich Mayr, Nov, 1998 by Helene M. Kastinger Riley

Debora Rindge & William R. Thompson

"A Tom Lea Retrospective, 1907 - 2001" _American Art Review_November-December 2004 (Volume XVI, Number 6)

Barnes Riznik

In the Beginning: The Decorated Furniture of Ralph and Martha Cahoon; with essay by Barnes Riznik (8/11/04)

Christine Roane

"The Art of Joseph Whiting Stock" American Art Review January-February 2000 (Volume XII, Number 1)

Elisabeth L. Roark

"John Frankenstein's Portrait of Godfrey Frankenstein and the Aesthetics of Friedrich Schiller" American Art (Vol. 15, No. 1; Spring 2001)

Carolyn C. Robbins

"A Century of Arizona Women Artists" _American Art Review_January-February 2001 (Volume XIII, Number 1) (status)

A Century of Arizona Women Artists; article by Carolyn C. Robbins (2/28/09)

Brady M. Roberts

_"_Grant Wood, An American Master Revealed," American Art Review February-March 96 (status)

Grant Wood: An American Master Revealed; article by Brady Roberts & James M. Dennis (4/22/09)

Jean G. Lightman, Paul Ingbretson & Ellen E. Roberts

"A Women's Perspective at the Guild of Boston Artists" American Art Review September-October 2001 (Volume XIII, Number 5)

Bruce Robertson

"20th Century American Art: The Ebsworth Collection" American Art Review September-October 2000 (Volume XII, Number 5)

"Sargent and Italy" American Art Review January-February 2003 (Volume XV, Number 1)

Joyce Henri Robinson & Leo G. Mazow

"Jean & Alvin Snowiss Collection of American Art" American Art Review March-April 2003 (Volume XV, Number 2)

Sue Ann Robinson

California Landscapes; article by Sue Ann Robinson (6/14/05)

Surviving Hard Times: WPA Artists; essay by Sue Ann Robinson (11/10/09)

William H. Robinson

"Watercolor Painters of Northeast Ohio" _American Art Review_March-April 1999 (Volume XI, Number 2)

"August F. Biehle, Jr. (1885-1979)" _American Art Review_September-October 1999 (Volume XI, Number 5)

"Alice Schille Watercolors" American Art Review March-April 2001 (Volume XIII, Number 2)

"The Triumph of Ohio Watercolor Painters" _American Art Review_May-June 2003 (Volume XV, Number 3)

Albert S. Roe

"Robert Sanderson's Silver Caudle Cup in the Winterthur Collection: The Turkey Motif in Seventeenth Century Design" American Art Journal( vol. 9, no. 1; 1977)

David Rohn

Frank Stout: Art and Life; with essay by David Rohn (6/7/00)

Ernest Rohdenburg

"The Misreported Quidor Court Case" American Art Journal( vol. 2, no. 1; 1970)

James Romaine

Art as an Acceptable Offering; essay by James Romaine (12/30/14)

Barbara Rose

"Jasper Johns: The Tantric Details" American Art(Vol. 7, No. 4; Fall 1993)

Joseph Stella: Flora; essay by Barbara Rose, with Preface by Timothy A. Eaton (7/10/07)

Roy C. Rose

Keeping the Faith: Painting in Santa Catalina 1935-1985; essay by Roy C. Rose (3/29/05)

Chuck and Jan Rosenack

Contemporary American Folk Art: A Collector's Guide, By Chuck and Jan Rosenack, Published 1996, ISBN: 978-1-55859-897-3.(online book excerpt from Abbeville Press) (right: catalogue front cover courtesy Abbeville Press)

Heidi Rosenau

The National Academy's 1997 Annual Gala; article by Heidi Rosenau (1997)

Joan Rosenbaum

"George Segal and the Jewish Experience" American Art(Vol. 15, No. 1; Spring 2001)

Julia Rosenbaum

"Displaying Civic Culture: The Controversy over Frederick MacMonnies'Bacchante"
American Art (Vol. 14, No. 3; Fall 2000)

Daniel Rosenfeld

"Are We Having Fun Yet?" American Art (Vol. 10, No. 1; Spring 1996)

Deborah Rosenthal

Jessie Kalmbach Chase, essay segment by Deborah Rosenthal (10/26/01)

Novelene Ross

_"_Selections from the Wichita Art Museum" American Art Review March-April 98 (status)

Toward an American Identity: Selections from the Wichita Art Museum

Birger Sandzén Memorial Gallery (8/31/00)

Abraham Walkowitz, Forgotten Pioneer of American Modernism: Selections from the Collection of Eugene DeGruson and the Collection of the Wichita Art Museum; article by Novelene Ross (5/24/05)

Zachary Ross

"Linked by Nervousness: Albert Pinkham Ryder and Dr. Albert T. Sanden"American Art (Vol. 17, No. 2; Summer 2003)

Laura Roulet

Art Journal **Ana Mendieta and Carl Andre: duet of leaf and stone, Fall, 2004 by Laura Roulet**[Link found expired as of 11/7/11 audit. Source may contain this content via a revised URL. We are saving this citation for your reference]

Jessica Skwire Routhier

Diamonds, Rifle Rangers and Rock Slides: Codman's "Native" Landscapes, essay by Jessica Skwire Routhier (2/6/03)

Paul F. Rovetti

"The Tillou Collection of Nineteenth Century American Folk Painting"American Art Review July-October 1974 (Volume I, Number 5)

Michelle Rowe-Shields

Fantastical Topographies: Sculpture by Ulrike Palmbach and Genevieve Quick; article by Michelle Rowe-Shields (12/18/02)

Jessica Skwire Routhier

Diamonds, Rifle Rangers and Rock Slides: Codman's "Native" Landscapes, essay by Jessica Skwire Routhier (2/6/03)

Cynthia Roznoy

"Modernists in (New) Mexico," American Art Review November 96 (status)

Kate Rubin

Magazine Antiques **Edward Hopper and the American imagination, August, 1995 by Kate Rubin**[Link found expired as of 11/7/11 audit. Source may contain this content via a revised URL. We are saving this citation for your reference]

Charlotte Streifer Rubinstein

"The Early Career of Frances Flora Bond Palmer (1812­1876)"American Art Journal ( vol. 17, no. 4; 1985)

Jeffrey Ruda

Whistler, Lithography, and the Art of Antagonism; essay by Jeffrey Ruda (1/29/07)

Jennifer Olson Rudenko & Lori Verderame

"Women Artists: Past & Present" _American Art Review_November-December 2002 (Volume XIV, Number 6)

Whitney Rugg

"Jan Matulka: The Global Modernist" _American Art Review_September-October 2005 (Volume XVII, Number 5)

Laurence J. Ruggiero

"The Favrile Pottery of Louis Comfort Tiffany" American Art Review January-February 2004 (Volume XVI, Number 1)

Gloria Russell

Isabel Bishop, 1902-1988, At the Noon Hour, c. 1936; essay by Gloria Russell (12/28/01)

Maureen Ahern & Pam Russell

"The Life & TImes of the Dublin Art Colony" American Art Review, March-April 2008 (Volume XX, Number 2)

Brandon K. Ruud

"Karl Bodmer's North American Prints" _American Art Review_July-August 2003 (Volume XV, Number 4)

Mark Ruwedel

"The Land as Historical Archive" American Art (Vol. 10, No. 1; Spring 1996)

Donald T. Ryan, Jr

Albert Henry Krehbiel (1873-1945): American Impressionist, Muralist and Art Educator; article by Donald T. Ryan, Jr (5/25/02)

(above: Theodore Wores (1859-1939),The Chinese Fishmonger, 1881, oil on canvas, 41.2 x 52.5 inches, Smithsonian American Art Museum. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons*)

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