TFAO Author Study and Index (Y) (original) (raw)

Author Study and Index


(above: Albertus Del Orient Browere, The Lone Prospector, 1853, oil on canvas, Oakland Museum of California. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons*)

James L. Yarnall

"Adventures of a Young Antiquarian: John La Farge's _Wanderjahr_in Europe, 1856­1857" American Art Journal ( vol. 30, nos. 1 and 2; 1999)

"A Beautiful Child and a Portrait Commission Gone Awry: The Richard Morris Hunts and John La Farge" American Art Journal ( vol. 29, nos. 1 and 2; 1998)

"John La Farge and Henry Adams in Japan" American Art Journal( vol. 21, no. 1; 1989)

"John La Farge and Henry Adams in the South Seas" American Art Journal ( vol. 20, no. 1; 1988)

"John La Farge's Portrait of the Painter and the Use of Photography in His Work" American Art Journal ( vol. 18, no. 1; 1986)

"New Insights on John La Farge and Photography" American Art Journal ( vol.19, no. 2; 1987)

"Souvenirs of Splendor: John La Farge and the Patronage of Cornelius Vanderbilt II" American Art Journal ( vol. 26, nos. 1 and 2; 1994)

James L. Yarnall and Julie L. Sloan

"Art of an Opaline Mind: The Stained Glass of John La Farge"American Art Journal ( vol. 24, nos. 1 and 2; 1992)

Sam Yates

Bert Carpenter: Persistence of Realism; essay by Sam Yates (5/9/05)

Alice Rae Yelen

"Self-Taught Artists (1940 to the Present) from the American South"American Art Review February-March 95 (status)

A Spiritual Journey: The Art of Eddie Lee Kendrick (10/15/00)

Ann Yonemura

_"_James McNeill Whistler and Japan" _American Art Review_June-July 95 (status)

M. Yoshiki-Kovinick & J. Armstrong-Totten

"The Art Students Leaague of Los Angeles, 1906-1953" American Art Review, March-April 2008 (Volume XX, Number 2) (status)

A Seed of Modernism: The Art Students League of Los Angeles, 1906-53; texts by Marian Yoshiki-Kovinick and Julia Armstrong-Totten (2/29/08)

Mahonri Sharp Young

"Ferdinand Howald and His Artists" American Art Journal( vol. 1, no. 2; 1969)

"The Remarkable Joseph Pennell" American Art Journal( vol. 2, no. 1; 1970)

"The Tile Club Revisited" American Art Journal ( vol. 2, no. 2; 1970)

"The Two Worlds of Frank Duveneck" American Art Journal( vol. 1, no. 1; 1969)

Silvia Yount

"Consuming Drama: Everett Shinn and the Spectacular City" American Art (Vol. 6, No. 4; Fall 1992)

"To Be Modern, American Encounters with Cézanne & Company"American Art Review June-August 96 (status)

"Maxfield Parrish, 1870 - 1966" American Art Review March-April 2000 (Volume XII, Number 2) (status)

"The Delicious Character of Youth": Harold and Mildred Colton; essay by Sylvia Yount (5/28/02)

"Cecilia Beaux, American Figure Painter" _American Art Review_March-April 2007 (Volume XIX, Number 2) (status)

The Poignancy of Painting and Poetry in Bold, Cautious, True; essay by Sylvia Yount (7/14/12)

Sylvia Yount & Jonathan P. Binstock

" Robert Gwathmey / Andy Warhol" American Art Review July-August 2000 (Volume XII, Number 4) (status)

(above: William Wendt, Wandering Shadows, 1925, oil on canvas, 25 x 30 inches, Mills College Art Museum. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons*)

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