Jerusalem (original) (raw)


[Municipality of Jerusalem de
                                    facto flag from 1958 (Israel)]

Israeli city flag Adopted 13 Nov 1958

(de facto)

c.4000 BC Earliest settlements at present-day Jerusalem.
c.1010 BC - 586 BC Capital of Kingdom of Israel (from c.931 BC Judah only); era
of the First Jewish Temple.
c.612 BC - 539 BC Part of Babylonian Empire.
Aug 586 BC Kingdom of Judah and first Temple destroyed by the Babylonians.
539 BC - 332 BC Part of the Persian (Achaemenid) Empire.
332 BC - 301 BC Part of Macedonia (under Alexander "the Great" to 323 BC).
301 BC - 200 BC Part of the (Ptolemaic) Kingdom of Egypt.
200 BC - 110 BC Part of the Seleucid Empire.
167 BC - 160 BC Maccabees (Maqabim) revolt against Seleucid rule.
140 BC - 6 AD Capital of Kingdom of Judea (Roman client state from 63 BC).
40 BC - 37 BC Occupied by Parthian (Arsacid) Empire.
63 BC - 259 AD Part of the Roman Empire.
41 AD - 44 AD Capital of Kingdom of Judaea (briefly restored by Claudius for
Herod Agrippa), afterward reverting to a province.
Aug 66 - 16 Apr 73 First Jewish revolt (Romans retake Jerusalem and the Second
Temple is destroyed 30 Aug 70 [_Tisha B'Av_]).
66 - 68 Judean provisional government established in Jerusalem during the
Jewish revolt.
130 Jerusalem renamed Aelia Capitolina.
259 - 272 Part of the Palmyrene Empire.
272 - 17 Jan 395 Part of the Roman Empire.
17 Jan 395 - Apr 637 Part of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire.
May 614 - 628 Sasanian occupation (614-617 Jewish autonomy granted under
Nehemiah Ben Hushiel Ben Ephraim Ben Yosef [d. 617]).
Apr 637 Muslim conquest (Dome of the Rock inaugurated 691).
Apr 637 - Jul 1073 Part of the Muslim Arab (Rashidun 637-661, Umayyad 661-750,
Abbasid 750-909, then Fatimid 909-1071 and 1098-1099) Caliphates.
Jul 1073 - 8 Aug 1098 Part of the Seljuk (Seljukid) Empire.
8 Aug 1098 - 15 Jul 1099 Fatimid Caliphate rule briefly restored.
15 Jul 1099 - 31 Jul 1291 Part of the Latin Christian Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem (fall
of Jerusalem 2 Oct 1187 [retaken 17 Mar 1229] and 4 Aug 1244).
2 Oct 1187 - 11 Jul 1244 Part of the Ayyubid Sultanate.
11 Jul 1244 - 23 Aug 1244 Khwarezmians sack Jerusalem.
23 Aug 1244 - 24 Aug 1516 Part of the Mameluke (Mamluk) Sultanate of Egypt.
24 Aug 1516 - 10 Dec 1917 Part of theOttoman Empire.
1827 Ottoman administration creates m tasarrifiya of Jerusalem.
Dec 1831 - Jan 1841 Egyptian occupation of Jerusalem.
Jan 1841 Direct Ottoman rule restored (part of sanjak of Jerusalem within
the vilayet of Damascus).
1863 Municipality of Jerusalem
1872 Part of Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem (separated from Damascus).
10 Dec 1917 - 1 Jul 1920 British military occupation.
1 Jul 1920 - 14 May 1948 Part of British mandate of Palestine.
29 Nov 1947 United Nations partition plan calls for Jerusalem and its environs (Corpus Separatum) to be an international zone
administered by UN Trusteeship Council.
14 May 1948 Israeli forces occupy West Jerusalem (New City) and part of Mount
Scopus, while Arab/Jordanian forces occupy East Jerusalem and
the Old City.
28 May 1948 Jewish Quarter in the Old City surrenders to Arab forces.
7 Oct 1948 - 5 Jun 1967 Cease-fire agreement creates a UN demilitarized No-Man's Land between Arab east Jerusalem and Israeli west Jerusalem.
3 Apr 1949 Israeli - Jordanian armistice, Jerusalem is divided East to West
along the Nov 1948 cease-fire lines. with several No Man's Land
areas between them and two demilitarized zones.
13 Dec 1949 (West) Jerusalem proclaimed Israel's capital (enacted 23 Jan 1950).
24 Apr 1950 Jordan annexes East Jerusalem.
27 Jul 1953 King Hussein of Jordan declares (East) Jerusalem to be the
alternative capital of Jordan.
7 Jun 1967 Israel occupies East Jerusalem and the Old City.
28 Jun 1967 East Jerusalem is incorporated into the Israeli municipality of Jerusalem and the city limits are expanded.
30 Jul 1980 East Jerusalem is formally annexed by Israel.
31 Jul 1988 Jordan formally abandons its clais to East Jerusalem and West Bank.

G overnor of Jerusalem
1848 - 1863 Ahmad Agha Fadhelaldin Agha
al-Asali Duzdar
1863 - 1867 Abdul al-Rahman Effendi Taha
al-Dajani al-Dawudi (1st time)
1867 - 1868 Rafadulo (Dimitri) Astiriyadis
(1st time)
1868 - 1869 Abdul al-Rahman Effendi Taha
al-Dajani al-Dawudi (2nd time)
1869 Musa Faidallah al-Alami
1869 Abdul al-Salam ibn Abdul Su'ud
1870 - 1876 Yusuf Diya Pasha al-Khalidi (b. 1829 - d. 1906)
(1st time)
1876 Abdul al-Qadir al-Khalidi Abu Huda
1876 Umar al-Husseini
1876 Abdul al-Salam Pasha al-Husseini
1877 Shahada Faidallah al-Alami
1877 - 1878 Rafadulo (Dimitri) Astiriyadis
(2nd time)
Apr 1878 - Oct 1879 Yusuf Diya Pasha al-Khalidi (s.a.)
(2nd time)
1879 Salim Shakir al-Husseini
1879 - 1881 Musa Faidi al-Alami (d. 1881)
1882 - Oct 1897 Hussein Salim Pasha al-Husseini (b. 1846 - d. 1908)
1898 - 1899 Yasin Effendi al-Khalidi (b. 1830 - d. 19..)
1899 - 1907 Yusuf Diya'uddin al-Khalidi (b. 1829 - d. 1907)
1907 - 1909 Faidi al-Alami (b. 1865 - d. 1924)
1909 - 9 Dec 1917 Hussein Bey al-Husseini (b. 18.. - d. 1918)
9 Dec 1917 - 27 Dec 1917 Bill Borton (b. 1870 - d. 1938) Mil
(British military governor)
28 Dec 1917 - 1 Jul 1920 Sir Ronald Storrs (b. 1881 - d. 1955) Mil
(British military governor)
1917 - 1918 Aref al-Dajani (b. 1856 - d. 1930)
Mar 1918 - Apr 1920 Musa Kazim al-Husseini (b. 1853 - d. 1934)
1920 - 1934 Raghib al-Nashashibi (b. 1881 - d. 1951) HDW
1934 - Aug 1937 Hussein Fakhri al-Khalidi (b. 1895 - d. 1966) HI
Aug 1937 - 1 Oct 1938 Daniel Auster (1st time)(acting) (b. 1893 - d. 1962) TK
1 Oct 1938 - 24 Aug 1944 Mustafa al-Khalidi (b. 1878 - d. 1944) HDW
Aug 1944 - Jul 1945 Daniel Auster (2nd time)(acting) (s.a.) TK
Jul 1945 - 1946 George Henry Webster (b. 1887 - d. 1955) Non-party
(chairman of municipal commission)
1946 - Jun 1947 John Hilton Non-party
(chairman of municipal commission)
Jun 1947 - Apr 1948 Richard Massie Graves (b. 1880 - d. 1960) Non-party
(chairman of municipal commission)
Apr 1948 - 28 May 1948 Jerusalem Mu nicipal Council
(in Jewish quarter; in dissidence)
- of East Jerusalem -
15 May 1948 - Jul 1948 Ahmad Hilmi Abdul Baqi (b. 1878 - d. 1963) Mil
(military governor of Jerusalem)
Jul 1948 - Jun 1949 Abdullah Yousef al-Tall (b. 1918 - d. 1973) Mil
(Jordanian military governor)
Oct 1948 - 1950 Anwar al-Khatib (b. 1911 - d. 1993) Non-party
1950 - Sep 1951 Aref al-Aref (1st time) (b. 1891 - d. 1973) Non-party
Oct 1951 - Mar 1952 Hanna 'Atallah Non-party
Mar 1952 - 1955 Omar Elwary (Wa'ari) (b. 1903 - d. 1972) Non-party
1955 Aref al-Aref (2nd time) (s.a.) Non-party
1955 - Jan 1957 Municipal Committee
Jan 1957 - 29 Jun 1967 Ruhi al-Khatib (b. 1914 - d. 1994) Non-party
(did not recognize dismissal by Israel, died 5 Jul 1994)
7 Jun 1967 - 28 Jun 1967 Shlomo "Chich" Lahat (b. 1927 - d. 2014) Mil
(Israeli military governor)
1994 - 2 Jan 1999 Amin al-Majaj (acting to Jun 1995) (b. 1921 - d. 1999) PLO
(titular PLO mayor)
Jan 1996 - 16 Sep 2008 Jamil Othman Nasser (b. 1945 - d. 2008) PLO
(governor of Jerusalem district)
8 May 1996 - 31 May 2001 Faisal Abdul Qader al-Husseini (b. 1940 - d. 2001) Fatah/PLO
(holder of East Jerusalem portfolio, Palestinian Authority)
1999 - 28 Apr 2019 Zaki Ali Khader al-Ghul (b. 1926 - d. 2019) PLO
(titular PLO mayor)
31 May 2001 - 29 Mar 2006 Sari Nusseibeh (b. 1949) Fatah/PLO
(holder of East Jerusalem portfolio, Palestinian Authority)
29 Mar 2006 - 29 May 2006 Khaled Abu Arafa (b. 1961) Hamas
(minister for Jerusalem Affairs, Palestinian Authority)
29 May 2006 - 14 Jun 2007 Mahmoud Tota Hamas (minister for Jerusalem Affairs, Palestinian Authority) 2 Sep 2007 - 1 Jul 2009 Hatem Abdel Qader (b. 1953) Fatah/PLO (special adviser to prime minister on Jerusalem
Affairs, Palestinian Authority to 19 May 2009;
from 19 May 2009 minister for Jerusalem Affairs)
1 Jul 2009 - 16 May 2012 Salam Fayyad (b. 1952) TWP
(acting minister of Jerusalem Affairs, Palestinian Authority)
16 May 2012 - 31 Aug 2018 Adnan Ghaleb al-Husayni (b. 1947) PLO
(minister of Jerusalem Affairs, Palestinian Authority)
31 Aug 2018 - Adnan Adel Tawfiq Ghaith (b. 1978) PLO
(governor of Jerusalem, Palestinian Authority_;_ Israeli
prisoner 20-22 Oct, 25 Nov - 2 Dec 2018, 19 Jul-4 Aug 2020)
- West (from 28 Jun 1967, Greater) Jerusalem -
Dec 1947 - Jan 1949 Dov Joseph (Bernard Joseph) (b. 1899 - d. 1980) Mil
(head of Jerusalem Emergency Committee to 1 Aug 1948,
then military governor of Occupied Area of Jerusalem)
Jan 1949 - 1950 Daniel Auster (3rd time) (s.a.) TK
1950 - 1952 Shlomo Zalman Shragai (b. 1899 - d. 1995) HP
1952 - Apr 1955 Yitzhak Kariv (b. 1902 - d. 1999) MR
1955 - 1 Nov 1959 Gershon Agron (b. 1894 - d. 1959) Mapai
Nov 1959 - Nov 1965 Mordecai Ish-Shalom (b. 1902 - d. 1991) Mapai
Nov 1965 - Nov 1993 Theodor "Teddy" Kollek (b. 1911 - d. 2007) Rafi/Avoda
Nov 1993 - 17 Feb 2003 Ehud Olmert (b. 1945) Lik
17 Feb 2003 - 3 Dec 2008 Uri Lupolianski (b. 1951) DT
(acting to Jun 2003)
3 Dec 2008 - 4 Dec 2018 Nir Barkat (b. 1959) TY
4 Dec 2018 - Moshe Lion (b. 1961) YS;12-10-18 Lik

Israeli Party abbreviations: Avoda = Mifleget HaAvoda HaYisraelit (Israeli Labor Party, center-left, social-democratic, labor Zionist est.23 Jan 1968); DT= Degel HaTorah (Banner of the Torah, Jewish religious conservative, split from Agudat Yisrael, est.1988); Lik = HaLikud (The Consolidation, conservative, nationalist, as a coalition 1973-1988 led by Herut; a party from 1988);TY = Yerushalayim Tatzli'ah (Jerusalem Will Succeed, moderate, est.2003); Mil = Military;
- Former Jewish parties: H = Herut (Freedom Movement, secular conservative, right-wing nationalist, revisionist Zionist, 15 Jun 1948-1988, merged into Lik); Mapai = Mifleget Poalei Eretz Yisrael (Workers' Party of the Land of Israel, socialist, left-wing, 1930-23 Jan 1968, merged into Avoda);MR = Mizrachi (Merkaz Ruhani [Religious Centre] Party, religious Zionist, 1902-1956, merged with HP into Mafdal); Rafi = Reshimat Poalei Yisrael (Israeli Workers List, social democratic, center-left, 14 Jul 1965 - 23 Jan 1968, merged into Avoda); TK = HaTzionim HaKlaliym (General Zionists, center-right Zionist, liberal, 1922-8 May 1961, merged into Liberal Party); HP = Hapoel HaMizrachi (Mizrachi Workers, religious Zionist, 1922-1956, merged with MR into Mafdal); YS= Yerushalayim Shelanu (Our Jerusalem, 2004-10 Dec 2018, merged into Lik)

Palestinian **Party abbreviations: Fatah = Harakat al-Tahrar al-Filistini (Liberation Movement of Palestine, Palestinian nationalist, social-democratic, secular, est.1965); Hamas = Harakat al-Muqawamah al-Islamiyyah (Islamic Resistance Movement, islamic fundamentalist, est.1987); PLO = Munazzamat at-Tahrir al-Filastiniyyah (Palestinian Liberation Organization, umbrella group for Palestinian liberation movements, includes Fatah, est.1964);TWP = al-Tariq al-Thalith (The Third Way, centrist, est.2005);
- Former Arab parties: HDW = Hazb al-defa al Watany (National Defense Party, Arab Palestinian pro-independence, Dec 1934-1949?); HI = Hizb-al-Islah (Reform Party, pro-Arab self-government, anti-Zionist, 23 Jun 1935-1 Oct 1937)

No Man's Land

[Flag of United Nations]

Headquarters: Government House (Jerusalem) UNTSO Force: 380 (2023)

29 May 1948 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) created
by the UN Security Council Resolution 50.
7 Oct 1948 Neutral Zone around Government House in Jerusalem is
transferred to UNTSO protection.
5 - 6 Jun 1967 Jordanian forces occupy Government House.
5 Jun 1967 Israel occupies the Jerusalem Neutral Zone.

Heads of Mission and Chiefs of Staff, United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO)
11 Jun 1948 - Jul 1948 Count Thord C. Bonde (Sweden) (b. 1900 - d. 1969)
Jul 1948 - Sep 1948 Aage Lundstr�m (Sweden) (b. 1890 - d. 1975)
Sep 1948 - Jun 1953 William E. Riley (U.S.) (b. 1897 - d. 1970)
Jun 1953 - Aug 1954 Vagn Bennike (Denmark) (b. 1888 - d. 1970)
Aug 1954 - Nov 1956 Eedeson Louis Millard Burns (b. 1897 - d. 1985)
Nov 1956 - Mar 1958 Byron V. Leary (U.S.)(acting) (b. 1916 - d. 2016)
Mar 1958 - Jul 1960 Carl C. von Horn (Sweden)(1st time) (b. 1903 - d. 1989)
Jul 1960 - 31 Dec 1960 Robert W. Richert (U.S.) (acting) (b. 1912 - d. 1995)
1 Jan 1961 - 31 May 1963 Karl C. von Horn (Sweden)(2nd time) (s.a.)
1 Jun 1963 - 31 Jul 1970 Odd Bull (Norway) (b. 1907 - d. 1991)
1 Aug 1970 - 31 Oct 1973 Ensio P.H. Siilasvuo (Finland) (b. 1922 - d. 2001)
1 Nov 1973 - 31 Mar 1974 Richard Watson Bunworth (Ireland) (b. 1918 - d. 1992)
1 Jun 1974 - Aug 1975 Bengt Liljestrand (Sweden) (b. 1919 - d. 2000)
Aug 1975 - Dec 1975 Keith Desmond Howard (Australia) (b. 1920 - d. 2010)
Jan 1976 - Apr 1978 Emmanuel Alexander Erskine (Ghana) (b. 1935 - d. 2021)
(1st time)
Apr 1978 - Jun 1979 William Callaghan (Ireland) (b. 1921 - d. 2015)
(1st time)(acting)
Jun 1979 - 31 Jan 1980 Erik Olof Forsgren (Sweden) (acting)(b. 1930 - d. 2006)
1 Feb 1980 - Feb 1981 Erkki Rainer Kaira (Finland) (b. 1926 - d. 1991)
Feb 1981 - May 1986 Emmanuel Alexander Erskine (Ghana) (s.a.)
(2nd time)
May 1986 - Jun 1987 William Callaghan (Ireland) (s.a.)
(2nd time)
Jun 1987 - Oct 1990 Martin Olav Vadset (Norway) (b. 1930 - d. 2018)
Oct 1990 - Oct 1992 Hans Christensen (Finland) (b. 1942)
Oct 1992 - Dec 1993 Krishna Narayan Singh Thapa (Nepal) (b. 1939)
Dec 1993 - Apr 1994 John Arthur Fisher (New Zealand) (b. 1943 - d. 2018)
Apr 1994 - Jun 1995 A.L. "Luc" Bujold (Canada)(acting)
12 Jun 1995 - 26 Jun 1995 Harold McKinney (U.S.)(acting)
26 Jun 1995 - Sep 1995 Jaakko Taneli Oksanen (Finland) (b. 1948)
1 Oct 1995 - 31 Mar 1998 Rufus Modupe Kupolati (Nigeria) (b. 1946 - d. 2005)
1 Apr 1998 - 31 Mar 2000 Timothy Roger Ford (Australia) (b. 1945)
1 Apr 2000 - Mar 2002 Franco Ganguzza (Italy) (b. 1943)
Apr 2002 - 30 Sep 2004 Carl Anthony Dodd (Ireland) (b. 1942? - d. 2018)
2 Oct 2004 - 30 Nov 2006 Clive Lilley (New Zealand) (b. 1953)
1 Dec 2006 - 15 Jan 2009 Ian Campbell Gordon (Australia) (b. 1952)
20 Jan 2009 - Feb 2011 Robert Mood (Norway) (b. 1958)
25 Mar 2011 - 30 Jun 2013 Juha Kilpi� (Finland) (b. 1953)
1 Jul 2013 - 31 Jul 2015 Michael Finn (Ireland) (b. 1953)
1 Aug 2015 - 19 Oct 2017 Arthur David Gawn (New Zealand) (b. 1958)
19 Oct 2017 - 21 Oct 2019 Kristin Lund (f) (Norway) (b. 1958)
22 Oct 2019 - Nov 2019 Michael Scott (Australia)(acting) (b. 1974?)
Nov 2019 - 24 Dec 2021 Alan Doyle (Ireland) (acting)
(officer-in-charge head of mission)
24 Dec 2021 - Patrick Gauchat (Switzerland) (b. 1968)

French National Domain in the Holy Land (French Territories in Jerusalem)


18 Feb 1536 King Francis I of France signs the Treaty of Capitulations with
Ottoman Sultan S�leyman the Magnificent. The treaty, followed by
others, gives the France the protection of Christian holy places
of the Ottoman Empire (protection was expanded in 1740 both
individually and collectively to cover all the members of the
clergy adhering to the Latin (Catholic) rite settled in the
1 Nov 1856 Church of Saint Anne ( glise Sainte-Anne), located in the Old City
of Jerusalem, close to the Lion's Gate near the presumed site
of the Pool of Bethesda, is given to France by Ottoman Sultan
Abd�lmecid I following the Crimean War_(Domaine National Fran�ais_
en Terre Sainte), National Domain of France in Holy Land.
25 Feb 1873 Site of Abbey of Abou Gosh (Abbaye Sainte-Marie de la R�surrection d'Abu Gosh), today located in Israeli territory, is given to
France by the Ottoman Sultan Abd�laziz I.The Monastery is founded
in 1900.
1875 Monastery of Eleona (Monast�re de l'El�ona)(also called Church of
Pater Noster [_�glise du Pater Noster_]), located on Mount of
Olives in (East) Jerusalem and purchased in Nov 1856 by H�lo�se-
Aur�lie, princesse de La Tour d'Auvergne (convent opened 15 Oct
1874 above cave of teaching of Pater Noster), is donated to
13 Jul 1878 Article 62 of the Treaty of Berlin (between U.K., Austria-Hungary,
France, Germany, Italy, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire) states
"The rights possessed by France are expressly reserved, and it is
well understood that no alterations can be made in the status quo
in the Holy Places" (ratified 28 Aug 1878).
20 Jan 1886 Tombs of the Kings (Tombeau des Rois), actually the tomb of Queen
Helena (Heleni HaMalka) of Adiabene (which was bought by the
P�reire family 23 Apr 1874), located by Saladin Street in (East)
Jerusalem near the Damascus Gate, is donated to France.
8 Nov 1901 By Mytilene Agreement, the Ottoman Sultan acknowledges the legal
existence of all schools and institutions that depended on France
in the Holy Land.
1 Oct 1914 Ottoman Empire abolishes all capitulations, commercial and
institutional treaties granting Allied (French) citizens
individual and religious freedom (announced 8 Sep 1914).
21 Oct 1914 - Oct 1918 French Consulate in Jerusalem closes during to World War I. French
interests left under the protection of the Consul of Spain,
Antonio Pl�cido de la Cierva y Lewit, conde de Ballobar (b. 1885 -
d. 1971).
25 Apr 1920 At San Remo Conference France recognizes British mandate over
Palestine understanding that "nothing shall be done which may
prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish
communities", effectively ending the French religious protectorate
over the "Latin" Christian communities in the Holy Land (confirmed
by the Treaty of Lausanne 24 Jul 1923, effective 6 Aug 1924).
10 Jul 1940 - 28 May 1941 Consul-general loyal to "Vichy" France.
23 Jul 1941 - 1945 Consul-general loyal to the "Free" France.
6 Sep 1948 - 31 Jan 1949 Chauvel-Fischer letters - Israel recognizes France's status quo and
ownership over various "national estates" in Jerusalem and Abu
Gosh (France de facto recognizes the State of Israel on 12 Jan
1949 and recognizes it de jure 21 May 1949).
Dec 1997 Laboulaye-Middein accord with the Palestinian Authority allows
France to continue protecting Catholic French or French origin
Catholic institutions that depend on it in the Palestinian

French Consuls in Jerusalem

29 Dec 1842 - 1844 Gabriel Marie Jean Benoit, comte (b. 1792 - d. 1866)
de Lantivy de Kerveno
1 Dec 1844 - 11 Dec 1845 Edmond de Barr�re (1st time) (b. 1819 - d. 1908)
11 Dec 1845 - 1848?Joseph Marie H�louis-Jorelle (b. 1796 - d. 1867)
14 Apr 1848 - Jul 1855 Paul �mile Botta (b. 1802 - d. 1870)
(consul general from 13 May 1855)
Aug 1851 - May 1852 Alphonse Henri S�raphin Lequeux (b. 1824 - d. ....)
26 May 1852 - 1855 Jacques Alfred Chatry de La Fosse (b. 1807 - d. 1893)
(not installed)
15 Jun 1855 - 1871 Edmond de Barr�re (2nd time) (s.a.)
May 1857 - May 1858 Paul Joseph G�rardy-Saintine (b. 1798 - d. 1865)
1 Oct 1868 - 17 Feb 1872 Joseph Adam Sienkiewicz (manager) (b. 1836 - d. 1898)
1 Apr 1870 - 16 Jun 1874 GustaveLaffon (manager) (b. 1835 - d. 1906)
3 Jul 1871 - 1873 Louis Ernest Crampon (b. 1829 - d. 19..)
(not installed)
29 Nov 1874 - 1881 Salvator Patrimonio (b. 1836 - d. 1915)
1 Apr 1881 - 15 May 1883 Aim� Adrien Langlais (b. 1840 - d. 1883)
29 May 1883 - 1884 Charles Ferdinand Destr�es (b. 1834 - d. 1904)
31 Dec 1884 - 1885 Lucien Illumin� Monge (b. 1835 - d. 1898)
18 Jun 1885 - 1893 Charles Fortun� Louis Alexandre (b. 1844 - d. 1898)
Consuls-general in Jerusalem (title Consuls G�n�raux de France � J�rusalem)
1893 - 1898 Charles Fortun� Louis Alexandre (s.a.)
27 Jan 1898 - 1901 Pierre Jean Baptiste Ernest Auz�py (b. 1856 - d. 1910)
10 Aug 1901 - 1902 Pierre Honor� Marius Daumas (b. 1843 - d. 19..)
28 Aug 1902 - 1904 Auguste Boppe (acting) (b. 1862 - d. 1921)
28 Dec 1904 - 1908 Alexandre Georges Outrey (b. 1847 - d. 1931)
1908 - 21 Oct 1914 Georges F�lix Gueyraud (b. 1857 - d. 1936)
21 Oct 1914 - Oct 1918 Vacant
Oct 1918 - 1919 Pierre Marie Andr� Durieux (b. 1884 - d. 1947)
(consul, delegate of Fran�ois Georges-Picot High
Commissioner of France in Syria-Palestine to
the British High Command)
1 Jun 1919 - 1924 Louis Joseph Henri Rais (b. 1868 - d. 1948)
20 Jan 1924 - 1925 Fran�ois Gustave Gaston Maugras (b. 1884 - d. 1965)
31 Dec 1925 - 1928 L�on Alphonse Doire (b. 1868 - d. 19..)
2 Oct 1928 - 1937 Jacques d'Aumale (b. 1886 - d. 1978)
(acting to 1934)
1 Dec 1937 - 28 May 1941 Am�d�e Outrey (acting) (b. 1892 - d. 1962)
(de facto from 5 Jul 1940)
28 May 1941 - 23 Jul 1941 Vacant
23 Jul 1941 - 5 Aug 1942 Henri Zimmermann(acting)
(vice consul and provisional delegate of Free France
in Palestine and in Transjordan)
5 Aug 1942 - 11 Apr 1946 Marie F�lix Elie Guy du Chaylard, (b. 1879 - d. 1955)
comte du Chalard (consul-general and delegate of Free France in
Palestine and Transjordan)
11 Apr 1946 - 23 Jun 1952 Ren� Neuville (b. 1899 - d. 1952)
3 Jul 1952 - 1954 Bertrand Edmond Rochereau de La (b. 1903 - d. 1987)
22 Feb 1955 - 1957 Marcel Marie Augustin Laforge (b. 1895 - d. 1980)
24 Dec 1957 - 1959 Andr� Brozen-Favereau (b. 1907 - d. 1989)
20 Jan 1960 - 1963 Christian Marcotte de Sainte-Marie (b. 1902 - d. 1985)
16 Apr 1963 - 1966 Lucien Pierre Lemoine
26 May 1966 - 1970 Christian Fouache d'Halloy (b. 1905 - d. 2003)
22 Jun 1970 - 1975 Paul Antoine Ren� Henry (b. 1917 - d. 1993)
13 Dec 1975 - 1978 Pierre Henri Daniel Bitard (b. 1924 - d. 2002)
1978 - 1982 Bernard Jean Marie Lopinot (b. 1923 - d. 1998)
1 Sep 1982 - 1986 Jean Fran�ois Gu�guinou (b. 1941 - d. 2021)
1986 - 1988 Jean�Claude Cousseran (b. 1944)
1988 - 1991 Gilles Alain Marie d'Humi�res (b. 1943)
15 Oct 1991 - 1995 Jean Wladimirovitch de Gliniasty (b. 1948)
3 Jan 1996 - 1999 Stanislas Fran�ois Jean Lefebvre (b. 1946)
de Laboulaye
12 Oct 1999 - 2002 Denis Pietton (b. 1956 - d. 2015)
30 Aug 2002 - 2005 R�gis Koetschet (b. 1949)
31 May 2005 - 2009 Alain R�my (b. 1952)
29 Apr 2009 - 2013 Fr�d�ric Desagneaux (b. 1957)
4 Jul 2013 - 2016 Herv� Magro (b. 1960)
20 Sep 2016 - 2019 Pierre Cochard (b. 1962)
24 Sep 2019 - Aug 2023 Ren� Troccaz (b. 1959)
25 Aug 2023 - Nicolas Kassianides (b. 1978)

� Ben Cahoon