Israel (original) (raw)


Map of Israel Hear National Anthem "Hatikvah" (The Hope) Text of National Anthem in use from 14 May 1948, adopted 10 Nov 2004 Basic Laws (20 Feb 1958-1994)
Map of Gaza Strip Map of West Bank Balfour Declaration (2 Nov 1917) Declaration of Establishment of Israel (14 May 1948)
Capital: Jerusalem (Tel Aviv� 14 May 1948-23 Jan 1950) Currency: New Israeli Shekel (ILS); 1948-80 Israeli Pound (ILP); 1927-48 Palestine Pound (PSP); 1918-27 Egyptian Pound (EGP) National Holiday: 14 May (1948) Yom Ha'atzmaut (Independence Day) Population: 8,424,904 (2017)�
GDP: 317.1billion(2017)∣∗∗Exports∗∗:317.1 billion (2017) Exports: 317.1billion(2017)Exports:58.67 billion (2017) Imports: $68.61 billion (2017) Ethnic groups: Jewish 74.4% (of which Israel-born 76.9%, Europe/America/Oceania-born 15.9%, Africa-born 4.6%, Asia-born 2.6%), Arab 20.9%, other 4.7% (2018)
Total Active Armed Forces: 176,500 (2008) UNTSO force: 380 (2023) U.S. Forces: 112 (2023) Undeclared Nuclear Power (1966): est. 90 weapons (2021) Merchant marine: 42 ships (2018) Religions: Jewish 74.7%, Muslim 17.7%, Christian 2%, Druze 1.6%, other 4% (2016)
International Organizations/Treaties: AIIB, AU (observer)(suspend), BIS, BSEC (observer), CD, CE (observer), CERN, CICA, CTBT (signatory), CWC (signatory), EBRD, ESCR,ESA (cooperating state), FAO, FATF, IADB, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, ICC, ICCt (signatory), ICRM, ICSID, IDA, IEA (accession), IFAD, IFC, IFRCS, ILO, IMF, IMO, IMSO, Interpol, IOC, IOM, IPU, IRENA (signatory), ISA (observer), ISO, ITSO, ITU, ITUC, MIGA, NATO (Mediterranean dialogue), NTBT, OAS (observer), OECD, OPCW (signatory), OSCE (partner), OST, PA (observer), PAM, Paris Club, PCA, SELEC (observer), UN, UNCTAD, UNFCC, UNFCC-KP, UNFCC-PA, UNHCR, UNIDO, UNWTO, UPU, WCO, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WTO
Israel Index Chronology c.1503 BC - c.1200 BC Part of the Egyptian Empire. c.1200 BC - c.1050 BC Hebrew conquest of Canaan (Palestine). c.1010 BC Kingdom of Israel under Kings Saul c.1050 � c.1012, David c.1010 - c.971 and Solomon c.971 - c.930. c.931 Kingdom divided between the Kingdom of Israel in the North at Shechem (to 720 BC), and the Kingdom of Judah at Jerusalem in the South (to 586 BC). c.720 BC Northern Kingdom of Israel destroyed by Assyria. c.733 BC - c.612 BC Part of the (Neo-) Assyrian Empire. c.612 BC - 539 BC Part of the (Neo-) Babylonian Empire. Aug 586 BC Kingdom of Judah and the First Temple destroyed by the Babylonians. 539 BC - 332 BC Part of the Persian Empire. 332 BC - 301 BC Part of Macedonia (under Alexander "the Great" to 323 BC). 301 BC - 200 BC Part of the (Ptolemaic) Kingdom of Egypt. 200 BC - 110 BC Part of the Seleucid Empire. 167 BC - 160 BC Maccabees (Maqabim) revolt against Seleucid rule. 140 BC - 6 AD Kingdom of Judaea (from 63 BC, under Roman suzerainty); under Hasmonean dynasty to 37 AD, then under the Herodians - under King Herod "the Great" 37 BC - 4 BC, (Herod Archelaus 4 BC - 6 AD, in Judea, Herod Antipas in Galilee 4 BC - 39 AD, and Philip the Tetrarchin Iturea 4 BC - 34 AD). 40 BC - 37 BC Occupied by Parthian (Arsacid) Empire. 63 BC - 259 AD Part of the Roman Empire (from 4 BC Provincia Iudaea [Judaea]; from 136 Syria Palaestina). 41 AD - 44 AD Kingdom of Judaea (briefly restored by Claudius for Herod Agrippa), afterward reverting to a province. Aug 66 - 16 Apr 73 "First" Jewish revolt (First Jewish�Roman War) in Judea. (Romans retake Galilee 67; Judaea and Idumaea retaken 68; Jerusalem, the Second Temple destroyed 30 Aug 70; Masada siege 72 - 16 Apr 73). 66 - 68 Judean provisional government established in Jerusalem during the first Jewish revolt. 115 - 117 Jewish revolt (Second Jewish�Roman War [Kitos War]) against the Roman rule throughout the Roman Empire, including in Iudaea (Judea). 130 Jerusalem is renamed Colonia Aelia Capitolina. Aug 132 - Aug 135 "Second" Jewish revolt (Third Jewish�Roman War) under Simon Bar Kokhba (Kosiba)(d. 135) in Judea. 259 - 272 Part of the Palmyrene Empire. 272 - 17 Jan 395 Part of the Roman Empire. May 351 - 352 Jews in Roman Palaestina revolt against Constantius Gallus under Isaac of Diocaesarea and Patricius. 17 Jan 395 - Apr 637 Part of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire (as Palaestina Prima and Palaestina Secunda). May 614 - 628 Occupied by the Sasanian (Sassanid) Empire. Apr 637 - Jul 1073 Part of the Muslim Arab (Rashidun 637-661, Umayyad 661-750, Abbasid 750-909, then Fatimid 909-1071 and 1098-1099) Caliphates. Jul 1073 - 8 Aug 1098 Part of the Seljuk (Seljukid) Empire. 8 Aug 1098 - 15 Jul 1099 Fatimid Caliphate rule briefly restored. 15 Jul 1099 - 31 Jul 1291 Latin Christian Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem (Regnum Hierosolymitanum)(fall of Jerusalem 2 Oct 1187 [retaken 17 Mar 1229] and 4 Aug 1244; Acre 18 May 1291; Jaffa 30 Jul 1291; Sidon 1 Jan 1188 [retaken 11 Aug 1197 - 1249 and May 1250] and 14 Jul 1291; Beirut 6 Aug 1187 [retaken 23 Oct 1197] and 31 Jul 1291). 4 Jul 1187 Battle of Hattin, Saladin defeats Crusader forces in the Galilee. 2 Oct 1187 - 11 Jul 1244 Part of the Ayyubid Sultanate. 11 Jul 1244 - 23 Aug 1244 Khwarezmians sack Jerusalem. 23 Aug 1244 - 24 Aug 1516 Part of Mameluke (Mamluk) Sultanate of Egypt. 24 Aug 1516 - 1918 Part of the Ottoman Empire; part of the Eyalet (province) of Damascus-Syria (Jerusalem occupied 28 Dec 1516). 1660 Part of the Eyalet of Sa`ida (see under Lebanon). 7 Mar 1799 - May 1799 French under Napol�on occupy coastal Palestine (Gaza 24 Feb - 1 Jun 1799, Ramla 28 Feb, Jaffa on 7 Mar, Qaqun 15 Mar, Haifa 17 Mar 1799, and Nazareth 31 Mar 1799). 1827 Ottoman administration creates m�tasarrifiya of Jerusalem. Nov 1831 Egyptians, under Muhammad Ali, invade Palestine as part of Syria (Gaza Nov 1831 - 18 Feb 1841, Jaffa 8 Nov 1831 - Jan 1841,Haifa 13 Nov 1831 - 1841, Jerusalem Dec 1831 - Jan 1841) 14 May 1833 - Jan 1841 Annexed by Egypt as part of Syria (nominally under Ottoman suzerainty). 8 May 1834 - Aug 1834 Pro-Ottoman revolt against Egyptian conscription and taxation in Palestine. 9 Sep 1840 - 3 Nov 1840 U.K. bombards and occupies Levantine ports (Haifa 18 Sep 1840, Tyre 25 Sep 1840, Sidon 25 Sep 1840, Beirut 10 Oct 1840, and Acre 3 Nov 1840), to compel the Egyptians to withdraw from Syria. Jan 1841 Direct Ottoman rule restored (sanjak of Jerusalem [_Sancak-ı Kud�s_] within the _vilayet_of Damascus). 1872 Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem (separated from Damascus). 2 Nov 1917 Balfour Declaration by U.K issued announcing the British government "views with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people" (published 9 Nov 1917). 9 Dec 1917 British occupy Jerusalem (Beersheba on 31 Oct 1917, Jaffa 16 Nov 1917, Jericho 21 Feb 1918, and Nazareth 21 Sep 1918). 26 Sep 1918 British occupation of all of Palestine. 27 Oct 1918 - 30 Jun 1920 Occupied Enemy Territory Administrator - South 1 Jul 1920 Palestine (civil administration established). 24 Jul 1922 - 14 May 1948 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine (effective 29 Sep 1923). 29 Nov 1947 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine approves the creation of independent Arab and Jewish states. 30 Nov 1947 - 20 Jul 1949 Israeli war of independence. 12 Apr 1948 People's Council and People's Administration elected by the Zionist Actions Committee. 13 May 1948 A resolution in favor of declaring independence is passed by the People's Administration. 14 May 1948 State of Israel (Medinat Yisra'el [in officialArabic official to 26 Jul 2018: _Dawlat Isrā�īl_]) unilaterally proclaimed (international recognition is limited until 1949 armistice in Arab-Israeli war). 29 Oct 1956 - 7 Mar 1957 Israel occupies Sinai peninsula. 6/12 Jun 1967 Israel occupies Golan Heights (annexed 14 Dec 1981 previously Syrian); Sinai peninsula (to 25 Apr 1982) and Gaza Strip (to 12 Sep 2005)(both previously Egyptian); West Bank and East Jerusalem (annexed 30 Jul 1980, both previously Jordanian). 4 May 1994 Formation of the Palestinian Authority. 26 Jul 2018 Hebrew is designated as the sole state language in accordance with a basic law passed by the Knesset 19 Jul 2018 (effective upon publication in Reshumot Statutes 26 Jul 2018). 7 Oct 2023 - 16 Oct 2023 Hamas-led attack from the Gaza Strip occupies several areas outside Gaza (including Be'eri, Erez, Holit, Kerem Shalom, Kisufim, Mefalsim, Nahal Oz, Netiv HaAsara, Nirim, Sufra, Urim, Zikim, and part of Sderot).
Jerusalem Mayors
Palestinian Authority
French Domain in the Holy Land
Map of Jerusalem
Map of 1947 UN Partition Plan
Map of Israeli Settlements in West Bank
Ashkenazi and Sephardic Chief Rabbis
World Jewish Congress
World Zionist Organization
Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem

M�tesarrifs (Lieutenant-governors) of Jerusalem
1810 Kanj Ahmad Agha
1814 Abdul Karim Agha
1820 Hakimoglu Mustafa Agha
1821 S�layman Afand
1821 Ali Afand
1821 Muhammad Sa'd (acting)
1824/25 Ismail Bey
1825/1827 Uthman Agha
1826 - 1827 Abdul Ibrahim Agha
1827 Ismail Afand
1827 Safi Muhammad Agha
1829 Mustafa Afand
1829 - 183 Abdul Ibrahim Agha
1831 Sheykh Said al Mustafa
1831/32 Yahya Bey
1832 Muhammad Sa'ad Agha
1832 Qasim al-Ahmad
1833 Muhammad al-Qasim bin Qasim al-Ahmad
1833 Yusuf al Qasim bin Qasim al-Ahmad
1834/35 Jabr Abu Ghosh
1836/37 Mustafa Agha al Sa'ad
1838 Muhammad Ali Agha al Dizdr
1838 - 1839 Ahmad Agha al-Asal al Dizdr
1827 � 1831 Abdullah Pasha
(governor of Gaza and Jaffa 1818-1821)
1831 - 1840 Husaum `Abd al-Hadi -Governor-general
1841 - 1842? Mehmed Tayyar Pasha
1843? - Dec 1843 Reshid Pasha
20 Dec 1843 - 1844? Haider Pasha
1845? As'ad Pasha
Dec 1845 - Jan 1847 Mehmed Pasha Kibrizli
1847 - 1848? Mustafa Zarif
1847 - 1849 Bahri Pasha
1849 - 1851 Adham Pasha
1851 - 17 Dec 1853 Hafiz Ahmed Pasha
1853 - 1854 Rashid Pasha
14 Mar 1854 - 20 Oct 1854 Yakub Pasha Osmanoglu
15 Feb 1855 - 1857? Kiamil Pasha
1857 - 1864 Surayya Pasha
1864 Mehmed Hurshid Pasha
1864 - 1867 Izzet Pasha
1867 - 1869 Nazif Pasha (1st time)
1869 � 1871 Mehmet Kamil Pasha (1st time) (b. 1832 - d. 1913)
1871 � 1872 Ali Bey (1st time)
1872 � 1873 Nazif Pasha (2nd time)
1873 - 1875 Mehmet Kamil Pasha (2nd time) (s.a.)
1875 - 1876 Ali Bey (2nd time)
1876 - 1877 Faik Bey
1877 � 1889 Mehmet Rauf Pasha (b. 1838 - d. 1923)
1889 - 1890 Reshad Pasha
1890 � 1897 Ibrahim Hakki Pasha (b. 1863 - d. 1918)
1897 - 1901 Tevfik Bey (b. 1867 - d. 1938)
1901 � 1902 Mehmet Cavid Bey (b. 1875 - d. 1926)
1902 � 1904 Osman Kazim Bey
1904 - 1906 Ahmet Reshid Bey (b. 1870 - d. 1955)
Dec 1906 - Jul 1908 Ali Ekrem Bey (b. 1867 - d. 1937)
1908 - 1909 Suphi Bey
1909 - 1910 Nazim Bey
1910 - 1911 Azmi Bey (b. 1868 - d. 1922)
1911 - 1912 �evdet Bey
1912 Muhdi Bey (Mehdi Frash�ri) (b. 1872 - d. 1963)
1912 - 1913 Tahir Hayrettin Bey
1913 - 1915 Ahmet Macit Bey
1915 - 9 Dec 1917 Midhat Bey
British Military Administrator
9 Dec 1917 - 30 Oct 1918 Sir Edmund Henry Hynman Allenby (b. 1861 - d. 1936)
(commander-in-chief of Egyptian Expeditionary Force)
Chief Political Officer, Egyptian Expeditionary Force
9 Dec 1917 - 16 Apr 1918 Gilbert Falkingham Clayton (b. 1875 - d. 1929)
**ChiefAdministrators of the Occupied Enemy Territory Administration - South 16 Apr 1918 - 31 Jul 1919 Sir Arthur Wigram Money (b. 1866 - d. 1951)
4 Aug 1919 - Dec 1919 Sir Harry Davis Watson (b. 1866 - d. 1945)
1 Jan 1920 - 30 Jun 1920 Sir Louis Jean Bols (b. 1867 - d. 1930)
High Commissioners
1 Jul 1920 - 30 Jun 1925 Sir Herbert Louis Samuel (b. 1879 - d. 1963)
30 Jun 1925 - 25 Aug 1925 Gilbert Falkingham Clayton (acting)(s.a.)
25 Aug 1925 - 31 Jul 1928 Herbert Charles Onslow Plumer, (b. 1857 - d. 1932)
Baron Plumer
31 Jul 1928 - 6 Dec 1928 Sir Harry Charles Luke (acting) (b. 1884 - d. 1969)
6 Dec 1928 - 1 Nov 1931 Sir John Robert Chancellor (b. 1870 - d. 1952)
1 Nov 1931 - 20 Nov 1931 Mark Aitchison Young (acting) (b. 1886 - d. 1974)
20 Nov 1931 - 1 Mar 1938 Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope (b. 1874 - d. 1947)
4 Sep 1937 - 24 Nov 1937 William Denis Battershill (b. 1896 - d. 1959)
(acting for Wauchope)
3 Mar 1938 - 30 Aug 1944 Sir Harold Alfred MacMichael (b. 1882 - d. 1969)
1 Nov 1944 - 5 Nov 1945 John Standish Surtees Prendergast (b. 1886 - d. 1946)
Vereker, Viscount Gort
21 Nov 1945 - 14 May 1948 Sir Alan Gordon Cunningham (b. 1887 - d. 1983)
Chairmen of the Provisional Council of State
15 May 1948 - 15 Jul 1948 David Ben-Gurion (acting) (b. 1886 - d. 1973) Mapai
(head of the provisional government)
15 Jul 1948 - 14 Feb 1949 Yosef Shprintsak (Shprinzak) (b. 1885 - d. 1959) Mapai
President of the Provisional Council of State
16 May 1948 - 17 Feb 1949 Chaim Azriel Weizmann (b. 1874 - d. 1952) Non-party
(= Hayyim Vaytsman)
(returned to Israel on 30 Sep 1948)
17 Feb 1949 - 9 Nov 1952 Chaim Azriel Weizmann (s.a.) Non-party
(= Hayyim Azri'el Vaytsman)
9 Nov 1952 - 10 Dec 1952 Yosef Shprintsak (Shprinzak) (s.a.) Mapai
10 Dec 1952 - 23 Apr 1963 Yitzhak Ben-Zvi (=YitshakBen-Tsvi)(b. 1884 - d. 1963) Mapai
23 Apr 1963 - 22 May 1963 Kadish Luz (= Kadish Luzinski) (b. 1895 - d. 1972) Mapai
22 May 1963 - 24 May 1973 Shne'or Zalman Shazar (b. 1889 - d. 1974) Mapai/Avoda
(= Shneur Zalman Rubasho)
24 May 1973 - 29 May 1978 Efrayim Katsir (b. 1916 - d. 2009) Avoda
(= Ephraim Katchalskiy)
29 May 1978 - 5 May 1983 Yitzhak Rachamim Navon (b. 1921 - d. 2015) Avoda
(= Yitshak Rahamim Navon)
5 May 1983 - 13 May 1993 Chaim Herzog (= Hayyim Hertsog) (b. 1918 - d. 1997) Avoda
13 May 1993 - 12 Jul 2000 Ezer Weizman (= Ezer Vaytsman) (b. 1924 - d. 2005) Avoda
12 Jul 2000 - 1 Aug 2000 Avraham "Avrum" Burg (acting) (b. 1955) Avoda
1 Aug 2000 - 1 Jul 2007 Moshe Katsav (= Musa Qassab) (b. 1945) Lik
(suspended from 27 Jan 2007)
25 Jan 2007 - 15 Jul 2007 Dalia Itzik (= Dalya Itsik)(f) (b. 1952) Kad
(acting for Katsav to 1 Jul 2007, then interim)
15 Jul 2007 - 27 Jul 2014 Shim'on Peres (= Szymon Perski) (b. 1923 - d. 2016) Kad
28 Jul 2014 - 10 Jul 2021 Reuven "Ruvi" Rivlin (b. 1939) Lik
10 Jul 2021 - Isaac Herzog (= Yitshak Hertsog) (b. 1960) Avoda

Prime ministers
15 May 1948 - 7 Dec 1953 David Ben-Gurion (1st time) (s.a.) Mapai
(head of the provisional government to 10 Mar 1949)
7 Dec 1953 - 2 Nov 1955 Moshe Sharett (b. 1894 - d. 1965) Mapai
(acting to 26 Jan 1954)
2 Nov 1955 - 21 Jun 1963 David Ben-Gurion (2nd time) (s.a.) Mapai
21 Jun 1963 - 26 Feb 1969 Levi Eshkol (= Levi Shkolnik) (b. 1895 - d. 1969) Mapai/Avoda
26 Feb 1969 - 17 Mar 1969 Yigal Allon (acting) (b. 1918 - d. 1980) Avoda
(= Yigal Peikowitz)
17 Mar 1969 - 3 Jun 1974 Golda Meir (f) (= Golda Mabovitch) (b. 1898 - d. 1978) Avoda
3 Jun 1974 - 22 Apr 1977 Yitzhak Rabin (1st time) (b. 1922 - d. 1995) Avoda
22 Apr 1977 - 21 Jun 1977 Shim'on Peres (1st time)(acting) (s.a.) Avoda
21 Jun 1977 - 10 Oct 1983 Menachem Begin (b. 1913 - d. 1992) Herut/Lik
10 Oct 1983 - 14 Sep 1984 Yitzhak Shamir (1st time) (b. 1915 - d. 2012) Herut/Lik
14 Sep 1984 - 20 Oct 1986 Shim'on Peres (2nd time) (s.a.) Avoda
20 Oct 1986 - 13 Jul 1992 Yitzhak Shamir (2nd time) (s.a.) Lik
13 Jul 1992 - 4 Nov 1995 Yitzhak Rabin (2nd time) (s.a.) Avoda
4 Nov 1995 - 18 Jun 1996 Shim'on Peres (3rd time) (s.a.) Avoda
(acting to 22 Nov 1995)
18 Jun 1996 - 6 Jul 1999 Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu (b. 1949) Lik
(1st time)
6 Jul 1999 - 7 Mar 2001 Ehud Barak (b. 1942) Avoda
7 Mar 2001 - 14 Apr 2006 Ariel Sharon (b. 1928 - d. 2014) Lik;
(incapacitated from 4 Jan 2006) 21 Nov 2005 Kad
4 Jan 2006 - 31 Mar 2009 Ehud Olmert (b. 1945) Kad
(acting for Sharon to 14 Apr 2006)
31 Mar 2009 - 13 Jun 2021 Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu (s.a.) Lik
(2nd time)
13 Jun 2021 - 30 Jun 2022 Naftali Bennett (b. 1972) HYH
1 Jul 2022 - 29 Dec 2022 Yair Lapid (b. 1963) YA
29 Dec 2022 - Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu (s.a.) Lik
(3rd time)

�Israel proclaimed Jerusalem as its capital 13 Dec 1949 (enacted 23 Jan 1950) but the U.S.,
like nearly all other countries, maintains its embassy in Tel Aviv. Note: the U.S. recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on 6 Dec 2017 without taking a position on the specific boundaries of Israeli sovereignty.

�approximately 391,000 Israeli settlers live in the West Bank (2016); approximately 22,000 Israeli settlers live in the Golan Heights (2014); approximately 201,200 Israeli settlers live in East Jerusalem (2014).

Territorial Disputes: West Bank and Gaza Strip are Israeli-occupied with current status subject to the Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement - permanent status to be determined through further negotiation; Gaza Strip borders with both Egypt and Israel are sealed with barriers, fences, and walls; Israel completed an underground anti-tunnel barrier in 2021; in 2002, Israel began construction of a "seam line" separation barrier along parts of the Green Line and within the West Bank; as of mid-2020, plans were to continue barrier construction; Israel withdrew its settlers and military from the Gaza Strip and from four settlements in the West Bank in Aug 2005; Israel along with U.S. and several other states protest the Arab League and 145 nations' recognition of Palestine's declaration of independence of 15 Nov 1988; Golan Heights is Israeli-controlled (Lebanon claims the Shab'a Farms area of Golan Heights); since 1948, peacekeepers from the UN Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) headquartered in Jerusalem monitor ceasefires, supervise armistice agreements, prevent isolated incidents from escalating, and assist other UN personnel in the region.

Party abbreviations: Avoda = Mifleget HaAvoda HaYisraelit (Israeli Labor Party, center-left, social-democratic, labor Zionist est.23 Jan 1968); HYH = HaYamin HeHadash (The New Right, national conservative, economic liberalism, religious and secular, split from Jewish Home [HaBayit HaYehudi], est.29 Dec 2018); Kad = Kadima (Forward, centrist, liberal, Zionist, splint from Lik, est.24 Nov 2005); Lik = HaLikud (The Consolidation, conservative, nationalist, as a coalition 1973-1988 led by Herut; a party from 1988); YA = Yesh Atid (There Is a Future, liberal, secular, anti-clericalism, centrist, est.29 Apr 2012);
- Former parties: Herut = Herut (Freedom Movement, secular conservative, right-wing nationalist, revisionist Zionist, 15 Jun 1948-1988, merged into Lik); Mapai = Mifleget Poalei Eretz Yisrael (Workers' Party of the Land of Israel, socialist, left-wing, labor Zionist, 1930-23 Jan 1968, merged into Avoda);Mara = HaMa'arakh (The Alignment, alliance of major left-wing parties- 1965-68 Mapai + Labour Unity; 1969-91 Avoda + United Workers Party); Rafi = Reshimat Poalei Yisrael (Israeli Workers List, social democratic, center-left, 14 Jul 1965 - 23 Jan 1968, merged into Avoda)

� Ben Cahoon