Murat Kalelioğlu | Artuklu University (original) (raw)

Publications by Murat Kalelioğlu

Research paper thumbnail of Search for Aesthetics and Meaning in Yusuf Has Hacib’s Kutadgu Bilig Episteme 31 pdf

Epistéme, 2024

In addition to historical consciousness, ‘culture’ is another area where important foundations ar... more In addition to historical consciousness, ‘culture’ is another area where important foundations are laid between the past, the present, and the future, which is transmitted across generations and plays an important role in the construction of social identity. In general terms, ‘culture’ is a special social space that each society constructs within itself and a system of values produced within this space. The field where this system of values is established is the social field. The most important characteristic of this field is that people belonging to a certain land, flag, identity, thought, and environment have learned to live and produce together. One of the most important contributions of such learning is the construction of cultural identity, that is, social memory. Today, when we think of the term ‘culture,’ we think of all the material and spiritual values of a nation, including both written and unwritten works. For instance, Kutadgu Bilig is one of the significant works that has made critical contributions to the development of Turkish literature and cultural heritage. It is highly critical regarding language, meaning, and aesthetics and is a worthy reference artwork in terms of learning about Turkish culture, lifestyle, and thought. Accordingly, this study attempts to interpret Yusuf Has Hacib’s work of art and the essential ideas in his masterpiece within the aesthetic value and meaning framework.

Research paper thumbnail of TAMGA-Türkiye Göstergebilim Araştırmaları Dergisi/Cilt 2 Sayı 1 Haziran 20024

TAMGA-Türkiye Göstergebilim Araştırmaları Dergisi/Cilt 2 Sayı 1 Haziran 20024, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Political discourse and semiotics

Chinese Semiotic Studies, 2024

In recent years, semiotics has put "life" at the center of the subject of study. There is the des... more In recent years, semiotics has put "life" at the center of the subject of study. There is the desire to be successful in the lifestyle and the desire to convey the right knowledge to the recipient or the correct use of practices in life. A semiotic theory developed by Jacques Fontanille recently showed that strategy can also be used in semiotic analysis. So, the way of life that Fontanille talks about is not just strategy. The process we call "lifestyle" has an order from small to large: There are basic signs, texts, objects, actants, practices, action phases, strategies, and finally lifestyle. In this study, we question the function of strategy, but generally of productive pursuit, in the analysis of political discourses. In our study, we reveal the approach of semiotics to political discourses that concern the whole world and discuss whether they are valid in every society. We emphasize political semiotics, which is used to understand the general structure of political discourses, and show the general functioning of political discourses with Greimas' Actantial Model. We conclude that politicians can influence target audiences by using various methods and discourse strategies.

Research paper thumbnail of Semiotics and political discourse in the post-truth era

Language and Semiotic Studies, 2024

The concept of post-truth has been on the world's agenda since 2016. Perhaps this concept, which ... more The concept of post-truth has been on the world's agenda since 2016. Perhaps this concept, which is frequently encountered in political life, provides the speaker with a freer speaking platform. Politicians, instead of presenting the reality to their constituents as it is, want to reshape this reality according to their own ideology and present it to the recipient. Politicians have certain objectives in creating such a virtual reality. These aims can be listed as keeping the voters, increasing the voting potential, and attracting undecided voters to their favor. The common result of all these aims is to gain political power or to remain in the existing power. Post-truth reality is constructed relatively more easily in social media environments. The construction of reality can be through beliefs or emotions. In such ways, the recipient is tried to be persuaded, and thus behavioral change is achieved. One of the most necessary subjects for this artificial reality atmosphere is the anti-subject. The idea that the anti-subject does not know the truth that we (you and I) know and believe and is trying to destroy it is the main theme of post-truth discourse. Politicians try to persuade the voters to believe in their own truth by expressing this idea to them. There are many examples of this around the world. In this study, firstly, the concept of post-truth is examined and its various definitions are discussed. The distinctions between the concepts of real and truth are analyzed and then it is explained how and for what purposes the concept of post-truth is used in politics. Following the comparison of post-truth and fake news, the concept is discussed within the framework of sender-receiver interaction in terms of communication. The concept is tried to be elucidated with the modalities such as /convincing/, /believing/, /being/, /appearing/. Besides, using the semiotic square, the study also

Research paper thumbnail of TAMGA Türkiye Göstergebilim Araştırmaları Dergisi 2024 Cilt2 Özel Sayı

TAMGA-Turkish Journal of Semiotic Studies, 2024

TAMGA-Turkish Journal of Semiotic Studies is an international academic journal that supports semi... more TAMGA-Turkish Journal of Semiotic Studies is an international academic journal that supports semiotic studies. Welcoming all semiotic traditions, the journal publishes authentic theoretical, methodological, and applied texts that bring novelty to the field in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches.

The journal focuses on research consisting of the styles of meaning production in social, cultural, and natural sign systems, relationships between signs, and types of signs in and out of a system. The journal publishes original articles and reviews in Turkish, English, and French.

TAMGA-Turkish Journal of Semiotic Studies is a peer-reviewed, periodic, international Open-Access journal making publications twice a year in Spring (June) and Fall (December). The target audience includes academicians, researchers, students, and professionals, as well as related professional, academic institutions, and organizations.

The journal also publishes Special Issues directed for specific fields.

Research paper thumbnail of TAMGA-Türkiye Göstergebilim Araştırmaları Dergisi - Jenerik C1 S2 Aralık

TAMGA-Türkiye Göstergebilim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2023

AMGA-Türkiye Göstergebilim Araştırmaları Dergisi göstergebilim çalışmalarını desteklemek amacıyla... more AMGA-Türkiye Göstergebilim Araştırmaları Dergisi göstergebilim çalışmalarını desteklemek amacıyla faaliyet gösteren uluslararası akademik bir yayındır. Göstergebilimin tüm geleneklerine açık olan dergi disiplinlerarası ve disiplinlerötesi yaklaşımlarla alana yenilik katan kuramsal, yöntemsel ve uygulamalı özgün inceleme yazılarını yayınlamaktadır.

Dergi sosyal, kültürel, toplumsal ve doğal gösterge dizgelerinde anlamın üretiliş biçimleri, göstergeler arası ilişkileri ve göstergelerin dizge içi ve dizge dışı gösterge türleriyle iletişimleri üzerine betimleyici ve eleştirel araştırmalara odaklanmaktadır. Dergi Türkçe, İngilizce ve Fransızca dillerinde nitelikli ve özgün bilimsel makale ve kitap incelemeleri yayınlamaktadır.

TAMGA-Türkiye Göstergebilim Araştırmaları Dergisi Bahar (Haziran) ve Güz (Aralık) dönemlerinde olmak üzere, yılda iki kere yayımlanan hakemli, bilimsel, süreli, uluslararası ve açık erişimli bir dergidir. Derginin hedef kitlesini akademisyenler, araştırmacılar, öğrenciler, profesyoneller ve ilgili mesleki, akademik kurum ve kuruluşlar oluşturmaktadır.

Dergi zaman zaman özel ilgi alanlarına ayrılmış Özel Sayılar da yayınlamaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Latmos: a semiotic view on the subject's role in the sustainability of natural and cultural values

Semiotica, 2023

Along with the developments in social, scientific, and technological fields, today's conditions a... more Along with the developments in social, scientific, and technological fields, today's conditions are constantly changing and becoming much more complex. Humans must keep pace with the rapidly changing world, meet requirements, and solve various problems encountered with minimal damage. One of the most crucial obligations is to preserve the delicate balance between nature and culture to make it sustainable for humanity. This study is carried out pursuant to semiotics with an interdisciplinary perspective dealing with the relation of culture with nature and the role of humans, as a subject, in this relation regarding both natural and cultural heritages of Latmos. The study examines the subject's acts and possible influences on nature, culture, and society in the region. It is seen that there is an uphill battle between two different subjects; the reason for this is a conflict of interest encountered on individual and social planes. On the one hand, one of the subjects is aware of the positive effects of preserving natural and cultural values on society and its future. On the other hand, another subject is unaware of all these or is aware of them but ignores natural and cultural values and destroys them for the sake of self-interest.

Research paper thumbnail of Semiotic Analysis of the Affective Domain of Discourse: Projection of Emotional Transformations (Söylemin Duygusal Boyutunun Göstergebilimsel Analizi: Duygusal Dönüşümlerin İzdüşümü)

Folklor/Edebiyat, 2021

Literature is one of the most important representations of the artistic field, which is construct... more Literature is one of the most important representations of the artistic field, which is constructed by an extraordinary sequence of verbal and nonverbal signs. Short story is one of the genres of this area in which encountering various kinds of signs is possible through the production process. There are umpteen signs in relation to the attitudes of narrative persons in such stories. In such short story narratives, which are a linguistic message, many indications about the behavior and attitudes of the narrator can be encountered. These indicators are behavioral-emotional indicators that reveal the mood of narrative figures such as joy, enthusiasm, sadness, crying, hugging, and hugging. Nonverbal signs, sometimes, do not make sense alone. However, they are meaningful when they are used in a particular context to support the verbal signs, which displays contribution of the nonverbal signs to the meaning established with the verbal signs. What is significant here is the harmony of using nonverbal signs in conjunction with the verbal ones. If that congruence exists, the produced message becomes stronger and increases its effect; otherwise, the power and impact of the message decrease. Hence, the message becomes meaningless. In this study, how the affective domain of discourse is produced in short stories, and the contribution of nonverbal signs in the construction of meaning and emotional field is investigated. The research is carried out pursuant to the possibilities offered by semiotics of discourse approach, which explores and clarifies the inner world of the subject of enunciation, who produces discourse, the changing mood, and the forms of expressions of the subject in different situations and events in narratives. Throughout the study, affective domain of discourse and the stages of it –affective
awakening stage, disposition stage, passional pivot stage, emotion stage, and moralization stage– are examined pursuant to semiotics of discourse approach, elaborated by Jacques Fontanille, who is one of the representatives of Paris School of Semiotics.

Research paper thumbnail of Göstergebilim Kuramının Genel Bir Değerlendirmesi, Türkiye'deki Yeri ve Önemi (A General Overview of the Theory of Semiotics and the Place of It in Turkey)

Söylem Filoloji Dergisi, 2021

Günümüzde, birçok alanda üretilen anlamlı yapıları çözümleme yetisine sahip olan göstergebilim ku... more Günümüzde, birçok alanda üretilen anlamlı yapıları çözümleme yetisine sahip olan göstergebilim kuramı, gücünü aldığı temellerden dolayı, dünyanın birçok yerinde üretilen bilimsel çalışmalarla gerek bilimin gerekse günlük yaşamın farklı alanlarına uygulanabilmektedir. Geçmişte sadece nesneleri, olgu ve olayları temsil eden göstergeleri üretmekle sınırlı olan gösterge çalışmaları bugün artık göstergebilim kuramı adı altında eğitim bilimlerinden sağlık bilimlerine, fen bilimleri ve matematikten filolojiye, güzel sanatlardan sosyal ve beşeri bilimlere bilimin değişik alanlarında bilimsel bilgiyi üreten ve üretilen bilgiyi yeniden anlamlandıran bir yöntem hâline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada
uluslararası ölçekte akademik çevrelerde kabul gören, kendi gelişimini kendisi destekleyen, diğer bilim dalları ve alt alanlarıyla olan ilişkisinden dolayı farklı dizgeler arasında disiplinlerarası çalışmaların önünü açan çağdaş göstergebilim kuramının genel bir değerlendirmesi yapılmış ve kuramın üretilen çalışmalar çerçevesinde Türkiye’deki yeri ve önemi tartışılmıştır.

(Today, the theory of semiotics, which has the ability to analyze meaningful structures created in many areas, can be applied to different scientific fields and to those of daily life. Limited to producing signs that represent objects, facts, and events in the past, sign studies have become a method that produces and reinterprets generated knowledge in educational sciences, health sciences, natural sciences, mathematics, philology, fine arts, and social sciences and humanities under the name of the theory of semiotics. In this study, a general condition of modern semiotics, which is accepted by international academia, supports its development, paves the way for interdisciplinary studies in different systems due to its relations with other science branches and subfields, and the place and importance of the theory in Turkey within the framework of works produced have been discussed.)

Research paper thumbnail of Act of signification from narratology to semiotics within the scope of interdisciplinary approach

Act of signification from narratology to semiotics within the scope of interdisciplinary approach, 2020

Narratives, which were previously addressed and tried to be explained with a single approach and ... more Narratives, which were previously addressed and tried to be explained with a single approach and an application model of a field, have become more comprehensive with the combination of different types of approaches and practices from different disciplines today. One of the remarkable advantages of such interdisciplinary studies is that the approaches of other disciplines support the research process, where the data of a particular discipline is unsatisfactory. This advantage, offered by interdisciplinary studies, is also valid in the examination of the systems of works of art. The importance of literature in the development of the aforementioned art system cannot be denied. There are distinctive literary genres comprising specific messages in their semantic universe and serve as a communication bridge between the author and reader. The common point of these works is that they are fictional narratives. The function of narratology and semiotics is to examine the formation processes of such narratives. Although the implementation processes, analysis tools, and procedures are various, the common ground of both disciplines is to study narrated structures. In fact, two different mono narrative studies can be realized by dealing with those disciplines within their own systems separately. However, the main focus of this study is to take the advantage of using the data of both disciplines to reach an applicable analysis model that prioritizes interdisciplinarity in the study of narrative analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of A Narratological Analysis of O. Henry's "The Ransom of Red Chief"

Journal of Narrative and Language Studies, 2020

Though it is possible to trace the origins of narrative theory back to Aristoteles and Plato, the... more Though it is possible to trace the origins of narrative theory back to Aristoteles and Plato, the current bases of it under the name of narratology as a discipline on its own right were laid in 1960s with the studies performed in the frame of French Structuralism. Today, narratology has been the focus of interest of many branches, and by virtue of the expansion in its size and importance, a great deal of contribution has been made to its content not only written discourses but also to the fields of film, history and even medicine. In the light of the developmental process of narratology, it is possible to suggest that systematized and consistent ways of depicting the constructive elements of a narrative have been prevalent. Accordingly, this study aims to pave the way for a better understanding of one of O. Henry’s famous stories, “The Ransom of Red Chief” by utilizing narratological tools of analysis. Considering the current situation of narratology as a method of analysis to involve a great number of theories and approaches towards a high number of aspects in a narrative, the need to limit the analysis in terms of both theories of narratology to be followed and the parameters to be focused in the story has emerged. Keeping this in mind, the analysis will be in the frontiers of main constructive elements of the story such as character, time, space, and point of view in the light of theoretical terminology coined mainly by classical (structuralist) narratologists such as Gerard Genette, Seymour Chatman, Mieke Bal, and Wolf Schmid.

Research paper thumbnail of Başarı Başarısızlık Bağlamında Öznenin Yaşam Mücadelesine Göstergebilimsel Bir Bakış

Düşünbil: Göstergebilim, 2020

Günümüz göstergebilim çalışmalarının boyutu, alanın dayandığı temellerden dolayı, çok disiplinli ... more Günümüz göstergebilim çalışmalarının boyutu, alanın dayandığı temellerden dolayı, çok disiplinli bir anlayış çerçevesinde o kadar genişlemiştir ki göstergebilimsel bir anlamlandırma ediminin ki bu edimin nesnesi gerçek hayatın kendisi ise, birkaç sayfaya sığdırılamayacağı mutlaktır. Ancak bu kısa makaledeki amaç, göstergebilim çalışmalarının zaman içinde oldukça yol kat ettiğini, göstergebilim kuramının sadece sanat yapıtlarına değil aynı zamanda başarı/başarısızlık bağlamında öznenin yaşam mücadelesinde olduğu gibi hayatın içinde yer alan olgu ve olayları açıklamada da uygulanabileceğini göstermektir. Sonuç olarak, kendi yaşam dizgesinde gerçekleştireceği edimlerin temel öznesi (eyleyeni) olan insan, hayatın farklı dönemlerinde verdiği varlık mücadelesini başarı/başarısızlık bağlamında ısrarla devam ettirirken duruma göre bazen değer nesnesini elde etme, bazen bu nesneden kurtulma ve bazen de sahip olduğu değer nesnesini korumaya yönelik savaşımını sürdürmekten vazgeçmedikçe göstergebilim de kişi, zaman ve mekân farkı gözetmeksizin bu işlemci öznenin izlerini sürmekten vaz geçmeyecektir.

Research paper thumbnail of From Semantics to Semiotics: Re-interpretation of “Shooting an Elephant” and loss of identity of the West in the narrative

The aim of this study is to analyze the semantic organization of the text “Shooting an Elephant.”... more The aim of this study is to analyze the semantic organization of the text “Shooting an Elephant.” The research is carried out with a multidisciplinary perspective using semantic and semiotic data. The theory of semantics is used to examine the words which predominately form the meaning universe of the text. The analysis is fulfilled within the scope of meaning relations as denotation/connotation and synonymy/antonymy in the lexical field. Then the transsentential signs which have a critical role in the construction of the semantic universe of the text are interpreted in the sense of semiotics. The production process of the descriptive, narrative, and thematic meaning layers is revealed throughout the study. Besides bringing the semantic universe of the narrative with its constructive components to light over the course of the study, the impressive dominance of particular signs and their contribution to the narrative are discussed to reveal the loss of identity of the West.

Research paper thumbnail of Creating Society in Orwell’s 1984: A semiotic analysis of the notion of social transformation

In this paper, the idea of constructing a new society in George Orwell’s 1984 is analyzed in the ... more In this paper, the idea of constructing a new society in George Orwell’s 1984 is analyzed in the context of the Paris School’s semiotics trajectory. Saussurean legacy, which heavily sheds light on the semiotic conception of the school proposed by Greimas, asserts the significance of dichotomies for signs to gain their meaning. Accordingly, the study is grounded on the desired and non-desired contrariety to make the analysis with the semiotic square meaningful. It is possible to encounter the traces of the proposed idea pertaining to the struggle of forming an ideal society at all levels of meaning, predominantly at the deep level as the proposed idea represents the elementary meaning of the narrative, throughout the text. Considering the approach, desired society gains its meaning in the face of the non-desired one relativistically. Regarding the opposition theory of Saussure, what is good for the Party is not supposed to be good for the Opponents. For this reason, the idea of creating society is on the battleground, as there is an uphill fight between the ruling Party and the Opponents. The formation of desired society is revealed thanks to the semiotic square by focusing on both positive and negative transition processes. The really interesting aspect that we encountered is the vicious unended cycle and the war that will never end between the stated groups within the framework of the ideology/axiology perspective.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Duha Koca Oglu Deli Dumrul Narrative within The Framework of Literary Semiotics

Analysis of Duha Koca Oglu Deli Dumrul Narrative within The Framework of Literary Semiotics, 2018

Oral narrative tradition dates back centuries, and it has a great variety of rich culture and col... more Oral narrative tradition dates back centuries, and it has a great variety of rich culture and colorful motives in literature. Within this cultural wealth, one of the most significant works of art is Dede Korkut narratives accepted as the oldest epic tales belonging to Turks which are the stories that can be shown as the earlier examples of oral literature in Turkish culture. The common point of the tales is to have fantastic expressions. The heroes are Turks, and they usually fight against different actants which can be real or abstract. Moreover, the tales put forward the form of life, moral and cultural values in Turks' life. Among the tales, one of the most outstanding tales of Dede Korkut is The Story of Delu Dumrul that is read and interpreted in the sense of semiotics. In this study, we handle the struggles and testings of Deli Dumrul as an actant within the context of Paris Semiotic School's actantial schema. It is a fact that folk tales have some special features such as good is always rewarded while bad is punished. By adhering to the literary semiotics perspective of the school, it is the point of departure of this research to reveal if the situation is valid for this epic tale. At the end of the research, the validity of the general fact belongs to the folk tales stated above is partly actualized in Deli Dumrul narrative. The state of the result in the narrative is solved by taking the support of the supernatural forces and religious values. In this case, the positive ending of the narrative depends on fulfilling the function of both belief and religion positively in the society.

Research paper thumbnail of The Theory of Signification: Semiotic Criticism and Literature

The Theory of Signification: Semiotic Criticism and Literature, 2017

Abstract: As a signification theory, semiotic criticism attracts considerable interest from resea... more Abstract: As a signification theory, semiotic criticism attracts considerable interest from researchers in different disciplines. Literature is one of the fields where the theory is used for signifying practices. Literary semiotics has emerged as a sub-discipline as a result of the efficient interaction between semiotics and literature. The process of meaning creation in texts can be elucidated through literary semiotics. Semiotics has idiosyncratic rules and concepts in its system to accomplish its goal that bars new researchers from benefiting the theory's data in penetrating and unfolding different meaning stratums. This paper will argue the critical steps and tools of a systematized semiotic analysis within the process of signification to overcome such obstacles. The relationship between language and literature, literary semiotics and analysis tools will be addressed through the discussion of the historical development of sign studies within the scope of semiotics as a signification theory.

Book Reviews by Murat Kalelioğlu

[Research paper thumbnail of Bir Yazınsal Göstergebilim Okuması: Kuyucaklı Yusuf [A literary semiotic reading: Kuyucaklı Yusuf]](

Bir Yazınsal Göstergebilim Okuması: Kuyucaklı Yusuf [A literary semiotic reading: Kuyucaklı Yusuf], 2018

The bidirectional relation between signs and language is an undeniable fact that has significantl... more The bidirectional relation between signs and language is an undeniable fact that has significantly ensured the positive interaction between language and literature, which are composed of meaningful sequences of signs. The stated transactional feature is the basis of the formation of both linguistic and literary products. That means that if the significative sequence determined by signs and social consensus did not exist, we would be able to mention neither language nor literature in a consistent way. The close relationship between language and literature has made the world of literature one of the productive fields for the study of semiotics. First of all, Vladimir Propp’s analysis of various Russian folk tales, and then Algirdas Julien Greimas’ advancement of the works on narratives based upon Propp’s thesis, contributed to semiotics in many ways. The most significant difference between Propp’s and Greimas’ work is that Propp adopted a diachronic approach, whereas Greimas embarked on a synchronic approach. The foremost consequence of this is that while the semiotic analysis method developed by Propp can only be applied to tales, the method developed by Greimas can be applied to every kind of meaningful whole. Hence, Greimas’ approach (oriented toward basic structure and production of meaning) has started to be applied to other disciplines as well and enabled the application field of semiotics to...

Books by Murat Kalelioğlu

Research paper thumbnail of Yazınsal Göstergebilim: Bir Kuram Bir Uygulama–Anlam Üretim Süreçleri

Yazınsal Göstergebilim: Bir Kuram Bir Uygulama–Anlam Üretim Süreçleri., 2020

Bu kitap, edebiyat, anlatıbilim, dilbilim, göstergebilim, çeviribilim, anlatı ve metin incelemele... more Bu kitap, edebiyat, anlatıbilim, dilbilim, göstergebilim, çeviribilim, anlatı ve metin incelemeleri üzerine yurtiçi ve yurtdışında akademik ve mesleki çalışmaları olan ve bu konuda dersler veren Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Murat Kalelioğlu tarafından hazırlanmıştır.

Kuram ve uygulamanın birlikte sunulduğu bu kitabın amacı alandaki uygulamalı kaynak eksikliğini gidermeye katkıda bulunmaktır. Kitapta kuramsal bilginin yanı sıra yöntemin yazınsal bir yapıtın çözümlenmesinde nasıl uygulandığına dair örnekler verilmiştir. Kitabın hedef kitlesi göstergebilime ilgi duyan, bu alanda kendisini geliştirmek isteyen, göstergebilim kuramını ve çözümleme araçlarını kullanarak disiplinlerarası çalışmalar yapmak isteyen okurlardır.

Göstergebilim kuramının bugünkü halini almasında edebiyatın yeri önemlidir. Çünkü kuram, disiplinlerarası bir anlayışla önce edebi eserlere uygulanarak geliştirilmiş ve sonra da elde edilen veriler diğer disiplinlerle ilişkilendirilmiştir. Bu bağlamda evrensel bir nitelik taşıyan göstergebilimin yazınsal eserlerde nasıl uygulandığını bilen bir okuyucu, kuramı ilgi alanına giren başka disiplinlere de uygulama şansına sahip olmaktadır. Bu özelliği ile bu çalışmanın insanlık ve bilim arasındaki boşluğu dolduracak bir köprü vazifesi göreceği düşünülmektedir.

Konu Başlıkları
Göstergebilim Nedir?
Göstergebilimin Uygulama Alanları
Bir Kavram Olarak Gösterge
Gösterge'den Göstergebilim'e Anlamlama Yolculuğu
Charles Sanders Peirce ve Ferdinand de Saussure'ün Anlamlama Kuramları
Göstergebilimin Oluşmasına Katkı Sağlayan Dilbilimciler
Yazınsal Göstergebilim Tasarısı
Sabahattin Ali'nin Ayran Anlatısının Üç Boyutlu Yapısı ve Anlamlama Süreci
Söylemsel Sözdizim
Anlatısal Sözdizim
İzleksel Sözdizim

Research paper thumbnail of A Literary Semiotics Approach to the Semantic Universe of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four

A Literary Semiotics Approach to the Semantic Universe of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, 2018

The subject of semiotics is not to answer the questions such as what does the text says, who says... more The subject of semiotics is not to answer the questions such as what does the text says, who says the text, or what are the possible external— societal, individual, and historical—effects on the text. Instead, it is mainly interested in how signs are created, how they are articulated with each other to create the meaning in the text, and in what ways the meaning is created in different semantic layers within its system. The study necessitates focusing on the relations of the formative elements in the text which leads us to reach the narrative syntax that makes it possible to observe the underlying structures in different semantic strata of the text. Moreover, the approach helps us to analyze the meaning production process, as well as to observe the ways of the articulation process of meaningful items with each other to create the whole text. The main purpose of this study is to figure out the semantic organization of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four narrative within the scope of Greimas's semiotic trajectory.

Conference Papers by Murat Kalelioğlu

[Research paper thumbnail of Söylem Göstergebilimi: Yazınsal anlatılarda sözcelemeden sözceye anlamlama süreçleri [Semiotics of Discourse: Signification process from enunciation to utterance in literary narratives]](

RumeliDE, 2021

Temel inceleme alanı anlam ve anlamlama olan göstergebilim kuramı geçmişte kapalı ve durağan yapı... more Temel inceleme alanı anlam ve anlamlama olan göstergebilim kuramı geçmişte kapalı ve durağan yapıların çözümlenmesinde kullanılırken günümüzde iletişim temelli devingen yapıların incelenmesinde de kullanılmaktadır. Göstergebilim kuramı, söylemsel yapıların çözümlenmesinde başvurulan yaklaşım biçimlerini kendi çalışma ve inceleme alanı içinde görmektedir. Bu bağlamda kuram, anlatısal yapıların yanında gerçek bağlamdaki söylemi de inceleme konusu olarak değerlendirmeye başlamıştır. Bu da kuramın, varolan diğer incelemelerin yanında, söylem göstergebilimine doğru evrildiğini göstermektedir. Bu durum, anlatı göstergebiliminin haricinde bir söylem göstergebilimi alanının ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Bu dönüşümsel sürecin önemli gerekçelerinden biri de göstergebilim kuramının insanla insan ve insanla doğa arasında iletişim amacıyla üretilen her türden bildiriyi farklı aşamalarda anlamlama arzusudur. Buradaki aşamalardan kasıt söylemin oluşmasına katkıda bulunan sözceleme süreçleridir. Bu bakımdan sözceleme ve söylem kuramlarının göstergebilim kuramı ile ilişkisi bu çalışma için disiplinlerarası bir bakış açısını varsaymaktadır. Göstergebilimsel çerçevede söyleme dönüşmüş bir yapının durağanlığından, kapalılığından ya da sınırlılığından söz etmek ve bu yapıyı inceleme nesnesi olarak ele almak olasıdır. Ancak bu araştırma açısından, asıl konu böyle bir dönüşümün nasıl gerçekleştiği, söylemsel yapının hangi anlam katmanlarında nasıl bir süreçten geçtiği ve yapının hangi koşulların sonucunda anlamlı bir bütün haline geldiği önemlidir. Bu yüzden, bu araştırma makalesinde yazınsal bir yapıtta söylemi kuran ögelerin izleri, disiplinlerarası bir anlayışla, söylem göstergebilimi
çerçevesinde sürülecektir.

[Semiotics theory, whose main area of study is the meaning and signification of signs, has been used to analyse closed and stationary structures in the past, whereas it is also used in the analysis of
communication-based dynamic structures recently. The theory accepts various approaches applied in the analysis of discursive structures within its study field. In this respect, this signification theory regards
a wide range of discourses produced in real context as the study subject as well as the narrative structures. This shows the theory's revolutionary evolution towards the semiotics of discourse, which led to the emergence of the semiotics of discourse apart from the narrative semiotics. One of the most critical reasons for this transformational process is the desire of semiotics to interpret all kind of messages produced with the purpose of communication among human beings and between human and nature at different stages. What is meant by the stages here are the enunciation processes that contribute to the formation of discourse. The relationship between enunciation and discourse theories with the semiotics theory assumes an interdisciplinary perspective for this study. It is possible to mention the
stability, closeness, or limitedness of a structure, turned into discourse, and consider it as a study object. However, the main issue is how such a transformation occurs, in which semantic strata the discursive structure goes through, and under which circumstances this structure becomes a meaningful whole in terms of this research. For this reason, the traces of the elements that construct the discourse in a literary work will be traced within the framework of the semiotics of discourse in this research paper.]

Research paper thumbnail of Search for Aesthetics and Meaning in Yusuf Has Hacib’s Kutadgu Bilig Episteme 31 pdf

Epistéme, 2024

In addition to historical consciousness, ‘culture’ is another area where important foundations ar... more In addition to historical consciousness, ‘culture’ is another area where important foundations are laid between the past, the present, and the future, which is transmitted across generations and plays an important role in the construction of social identity. In general terms, ‘culture’ is a special social space that each society constructs within itself and a system of values produced within this space. The field where this system of values is established is the social field. The most important characteristic of this field is that people belonging to a certain land, flag, identity, thought, and environment have learned to live and produce together. One of the most important contributions of such learning is the construction of cultural identity, that is, social memory. Today, when we think of the term ‘culture,’ we think of all the material and spiritual values of a nation, including both written and unwritten works. For instance, Kutadgu Bilig is one of the significant works that has made critical contributions to the development of Turkish literature and cultural heritage. It is highly critical regarding language, meaning, and aesthetics and is a worthy reference artwork in terms of learning about Turkish culture, lifestyle, and thought. Accordingly, this study attempts to interpret Yusuf Has Hacib’s work of art and the essential ideas in his masterpiece within the aesthetic value and meaning framework.

Research paper thumbnail of TAMGA-Türkiye Göstergebilim Araştırmaları Dergisi/Cilt 2 Sayı 1 Haziran 20024

TAMGA-Türkiye Göstergebilim Araştırmaları Dergisi/Cilt 2 Sayı 1 Haziran 20024, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Political discourse and semiotics

Chinese Semiotic Studies, 2024

In recent years, semiotics has put "life" at the center of the subject of study. There is the des... more In recent years, semiotics has put "life" at the center of the subject of study. There is the desire to be successful in the lifestyle and the desire to convey the right knowledge to the recipient or the correct use of practices in life. A semiotic theory developed by Jacques Fontanille recently showed that strategy can also be used in semiotic analysis. So, the way of life that Fontanille talks about is not just strategy. The process we call "lifestyle" has an order from small to large: There are basic signs, texts, objects, actants, practices, action phases, strategies, and finally lifestyle. In this study, we question the function of strategy, but generally of productive pursuit, in the analysis of political discourses. In our study, we reveal the approach of semiotics to political discourses that concern the whole world and discuss whether they are valid in every society. We emphasize political semiotics, which is used to understand the general structure of political discourses, and show the general functioning of political discourses with Greimas' Actantial Model. We conclude that politicians can influence target audiences by using various methods and discourse strategies.

Research paper thumbnail of Semiotics and political discourse in the post-truth era

Language and Semiotic Studies, 2024

The concept of post-truth has been on the world's agenda since 2016. Perhaps this concept, which ... more The concept of post-truth has been on the world's agenda since 2016. Perhaps this concept, which is frequently encountered in political life, provides the speaker with a freer speaking platform. Politicians, instead of presenting the reality to their constituents as it is, want to reshape this reality according to their own ideology and present it to the recipient. Politicians have certain objectives in creating such a virtual reality. These aims can be listed as keeping the voters, increasing the voting potential, and attracting undecided voters to their favor. The common result of all these aims is to gain political power or to remain in the existing power. Post-truth reality is constructed relatively more easily in social media environments. The construction of reality can be through beliefs or emotions. In such ways, the recipient is tried to be persuaded, and thus behavioral change is achieved. One of the most necessary subjects for this artificial reality atmosphere is the anti-subject. The idea that the anti-subject does not know the truth that we (you and I) know and believe and is trying to destroy it is the main theme of post-truth discourse. Politicians try to persuade the voters to believe in their own truth by expressing this idea to them. There are many examples of this around the world. In this study, firstly, the concept of post-truth is examined and its various definitions are discussed. The distinctions between the concepts of real and truth are analyzed and then it is explained how and for what purposes the concept of post-truth is used in politics. Following the comparison of post-truth and fake news, the concept is discussed within the framework of sender-receiver interaction in terms of communication. The concept is tried to be elucidated with the modalities such as /convincing/, /believing/, /being/, /appearing/. Besides, using the semiotic square, the study also

Research paper thumbnail of TAMGA Türkiye Göstergebilim Araştırmaları Dergisi 2024 Cilt2 Özel Sayı

TAMGA-Turkish Journal of Semiotic Studies, 2024

TAMGA-Turkish Journal of Semiotic Studies is an international academic journal that supports semi... more TAMGA-Turkish Journal of Semiotic Studies is an international academic journal that supports semiotic studies. Welcoming all semiotic traditions, the journal publishes authentic theoretical, methodological, and applied texts that bring novelty to the field in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches.

The journal focuses on research consisting of the styles of meaning production in social, cultural, and natural sign systems, relationships between signs, and types of signs in and out of a system. The journal publishes original articles and reviews in Turkish, English, and French.

TAMGA-Turkish Journal of Semiotic Studies is a peer-reviewed, periodic, international Open-Access journal making publications twice a year in Spring (June) and Fall (December). The target audience includes academicians, researchers, students, and professionals, as well as related professional, academic institutions, and organizations.

The journal also publishes Special Issues directed for specific fields.

Research paper thumbnail of TAMGA-Türkiye Göstergebilim Araştırmaları Dergisi - Jenerik C1 S2 Aralık

TAMGA-Türkiye Göstergebilim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2023

AMGA-Türkiye Göstergebilim Araştırmaları Dergisi göstergebilim çalışmalarını desteklemek amacıyla... more AMGA-Türkiye Göstergebilim Araştırmaları Dergisi göstergebilim çalışmalarını desteklemek amacıyla faaliyet gösteren uluslararası akademik bir yayındır. Göstergebilimin tüm geleneklerine açık olan dergi disiplinlerarası ve disiplinlerötesi yaklaşımlarla alana yenilik katan kuramsal, yöntemsel ve uygulamalı özgün inceleme yazılarını yayınlamaktadır.

Dergi sosyal, kültürel, toplumsal ve doğal gösterge dizgelerinde anlamın üretiliş biçimleri, göstergeler arası ilişkileri ve göstergelerin dizge içi ve dizge dışı gösterge türleriyle iletişimleri üzerine betimleyici ve eleştirel araştırmalara odaklanmaktadır. Dergi Türkçe, İngilizce ve Fransızca dillerinde nitelikli ve özgün bilimsel makale ve kitap incelemeleri yayınlamaktadır.

TAMGA-Türkiye Göstergebilim Araştırmaları Dergisi Bahar (Haziran) ve Güz (Aralık) dönemlerinde olmak üzere, yılda iki kere yayımlanan hakemli, bilimsel, süreli, uluslararası ve açık erişimli bir dergidir. Derginin hedef kitlesini akademisyenler, araştırmacılar, öğrenciler, profesyoneller ve ilgili mesleki, akademik kurum ve kuruluşlar oluşturmaktadır.

Dergi zaman zaman özel ilgi alanlarına ayrılmış Özel Sayılar da yayınlamaktadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Latmos: a semiotic view on the subject's role in the sustainability of natural and cultural values

Semiotica, 2023

Along with the developments in social, scientific, and technological fields, today's conditions a... more Along with the developments in social, scientific, and technological fields, today's conditions are constantly changing and becoming much more complex. Humans must keep pace with the rapidly changing world, meet requirements, and solve various problems encountered with minimal damage. One of the most crucial obligations is to preserve the delicate balance between nature and culture to make it sustainable for humanity. This study is carried out pursuant to semiotics with an interdisciplinary perspective dealing with the relation of culture with nature and the role of humans, as a subject, in this relation regarding both natural and cultural heritages of Latmos. The study examines the subject's acts and possible influences on nature, culture, and society in the region. It is seen that there is an uphill battle between two different subjects; the reason for this is a conflict of interest encountered on individual and social planes. On the one hand, one of the subjects is aware of the positive effects of preserving natural and cultural values on society and its future. On the other hand, another subject is unaware of all these or is aware of them but ignores natural and cultural values and destroys them for the sake of self-interest.

Research paper thumbnail of Semiotic Analysis of the Affective Domain of Discourse: Projection of Emotional Transformations (Söylemin Duygusal Boyutunun Göstergebilimsel Analizi: Duygusal Dönüşümlerin İzdüşümü)

Folklor/Edebiyat, 2021

Literature is one of the most important representations of the artistic field, which is construct... more Literature is one of the most important representations of the artistic field, which is constructed by an extraordinary sequence of verbal and nonverbal signs. Short story is one of the genres of this area in which encountering various kinds of signs is possible through the production process. There are umpteen signs in relation to the attitudes of narrative persons in such stories. In such short story narratives, which are a linguistic message, many indications about the behavior and attitudes of the narrator can be encountered. These indicators are behavioral-emotional indicators that reveal the mood of narrative figures such as joy, enthusiasm, sadness, crying, hugging, and hugging. Nonverbal signs, sometimes, do not make sense alone. However, they are meaningful when they are used in a particular context to support the verbal signs, which displays contribution of the nonverbal signs to the meaning established with the verbal signs. What is significant here is the harmony of using nonverbal signs in conjunction with the verbal ones. If that congruence exists, the produced message becomes stronger and increases its effect; otherwise, the power and impact of the message decrease. Hence, the message becomes meaningless. In this study, how the affective domain of discourse is produced in short stories, and the contribution of nonverbal signs in the construction of meaning and emotional field is investigated. The research is carried out pursuant to the possibilities offered by semiotics of discourse approach, which explores and clarifies the inner world of the subject of enunciation, who produces discourse, the changing mood, and the forms of expressions of the subject in different situations and events in narratives. Throughout the study, affective domain of discourse and the stages of it –affective
awakening stage, disposition stage, passional pivot stage, emotion stage, and moralization stage– are examined pursuant to semiotics of discourse approach, elaborated by Jacques Fontanille, who is one of the representatives of Paris School of Semiotics.

Research paper thumbnail of Göstergebilim Kuramının Genel Bir Değerlendirmesi, Türkiye'deki Yeri ve Önemi (A General Overview of the Theory of Semiotics and the Place of It in Turkey)

Söylem Filoloji Dergisi, 2021

Günümüzde, birçok alanda üretilen anlamlı yapıları çözümleme yetisine sahip olan göstergebilim ku... more Günümüzde, birçok alanda üretilen anlamlı yapıları çözümleme yetisine sahip olan göstergebilim kuramı, gücünü aldığı temellerden dolayı, dünyanın birçok yerinde üretilen bilimsel çalışmalarla gerek bilimin gerekse günlük yaşamın farklı alanlarına uygulanabilmektedir. Geçmişte sadece nesneleri, olgu ve olayları temsil eden göstergeleri üretmekle sınırlı olan gösterge çalışmaları bugün artık göstergebilim kuramı adı altında eğitim bilimlerinden sağlık bilimlerine, fen bilimleri ve matematikten filolojiye, güzel sanatlardan sosyal ve beşeri bilimlere bilimin değişik alanlarında bilimsel bilgiyi üreten ve üretilen bilgiyi yeniden anlamlandıran bir yöntem hâline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada
uluslararası ölçekte akademik çevrelerde kabul gören, kendi gelişimini kendisi destekleyen, diğer bilim dalları ve alt alanlarıyla olan ilişkisinden dolayı farklı dizgeler arasında disiplinlerarası çalışmaların önünü açan çağdaş göstergebilim kuramının genel bir değerlendirmesi yapılmış ve kuramın üretilen çalışmalar çerçevesinde Türkiye’deki yeri ve önemi tartışılmıştır.

(Today, the theory of semiotics, which has the ability to analyze meaningful structures created in many areas, can be applied to different scientific fields and to those of daily life. Limited to producing signs that represent objects, facts, and events in the past, sign studies have become a method that produces and reinterprets generated knowledge in educational sciences, health sciences, natural sciences, mathematics, philology, fine arts, and social sciences and humanities under the name of the theory of semiotics. In this study, a general condition of modern semiotics, which is accepted by international academia, supports its development, paves the way for interdisciplinary studies in different systems due to its relations with other science branches and subfields, and the place and importance of the theory in Turkey within the framework of works produced have been discussed.)

Research paper thumbnail of Act of signification from narratology to semiotics within the scope of interdisciplinary approach

Act of signification from narratology to semiotics within the scope of interdisciplinary approach, 2020

Narratives, which were previously addressed and tried to be explained with a single approach and ... more Narratives, which were previously addressed and tried to be explained with a single approach and an application model of a field, have become more comprehensive with the combination of different types of approaches and practices from different disciplines today. One of the remarkable advantages of such interdisciplinary studies is that the approaches of other disciplines support the research process, where the data of a particular discipline is unsatisfactory. This advantage, offered by interdisciplinary studies, is also valid in the examination of the systems of works of art. The importance of literature in the development of the aforementioned art system cannot be denied. There are distinctive literary genres comprising specific messages in their semantic universe and serve as a communication bridge between the author and reader. The common point of these works is that they are fictional narratives. The function of narratology and semiotics is to examine the formation processes of such narratives. Although the implementation processes, analysis tools, and procedures are various, the common ground of both disciplines is to study narrated structures. In fact, two different mono narrative studies can be realized by dealing with those disciplines within their own systems separately. However, the main focus of this study is to take the advantage of using the data of both disciplines to reach an applicable analysis model that prioritizes interdisciplinarity in the study of narrative analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of A Narratological Analysis of O. Henry's "The Ransom of Red Chief"

Journal of Narrative and Language Studies, 2020

Though it is possible to trace the origins of narrative theory back to Aristoteles and Plato, the... more Though it is possible to trace the origins of narrative theory back to Aristoteles and Plato, the current bases of it under the name of narratology as a discipline on its own right were laid in 1960s with the studies performed in the frame of French Structuralism. Today, narratology has been the focus of interest of many branches, and by virtue of the expansion in its size and importance, a great deal of contribution has been made to its content not only written discourses but also to the fields of film, history and even medicine. In the light of the developmental process of narratology, it is possible to suggest that systematized and consistent ways of depicting the constructive elements of a narrative have been prevalent. Accordingly, this study aims to pave the way for a better understanding of one of O. Henry’s famous stories, “The Ransom of Red Chief” by utilizing narratological tools of analysis. Considering the current situation of narratology as a method of analysis to involve a great number of theories and approaches towards a high number of aspects in a narrative, the need to limit the analysis in terms of both theories of narratology to be followed and the parameters to be focused in the story has emerged. Keeping this in mind, the analysis will be in the frontiers of main constructive elements of the story such as character, time, space, and point of view in the light of theoretical terminology coined mainly by classical (structuralist) narratologists such as Gerard Genette, Seymour Chatman, Mieke Bal, and Wolf Schmid.

Research paper thumbnail of Başarı Başarısızlık Bağlamında Öznenin Yaşam Mücadelesine Göstergebilimsel Bir Bakış

Düşünbil: Göstergebilim, 2020

Günümüz göstergebilim çalışmalarının boyutu, alanın dayandığı temellerden dolayı, çok disiplinli ... more Günümüz göstergebilim çalışmalarının boyutu, alanın dayandığı temellerden dolayı, çok disiplinli bir anlayış çerçevesinde o kadar genişlemiştir ki göstergebilimsel bir anlamlandırma ediminin ki bu edimin nesnesi gerçek hayatın kendisi ise, birkaç sayfaya sığdırılamayacağı mutlaktır. Ancak bu kısa makaledeki amaç, göstergebilim çalışmalarının zaman içinde oldukça yol kat ettiğini, göstergebilim kuramının sadece sanat yapıtlarına değil aynı zamanda başarı/başarısızlık bağlamında öznenin yaşam mücadelesinde olduğu gibi hayatın içinde yer alan olgu ve olayları açıklamada da uygulanabileceğini göstermektir. Sonuç olarak, kendi yaşam dizgesinde gerçekleştireceği edimlerin temel öznesi (eyleyeni) olan insan, hayatın farklı dönemlerinde verdiği varlık mücadelesini başarı/başarısızlık bağlamında ısrarla devam ettirirken duruma göre bazen değer nesnesini elde etme, bazen bu nesneden kurtulma ve bazen de sahip olduğu değer nesnesini korumaya yönelik savaşımını sürdürmekten vazgeçmedikçe göstergebilim de kişi, zaman ve mekân farkı gözetmeksizin bu işlemci öznenin izlerini sürmekten vaz geçmeyecektir.

Research paper thumbnail of From Semantics to Semiotics: Re-interpretation of “Shooting an Elephant” and loss of identity of the West in the narrative

The aim of this study is to analyze the semantic organization of the text “Shooting an Elephant.”... more The aim of this study is to analyze the semantic organization of the text “Shooting an Elephant.” The research is carried out with a multidisciplinary perspective using semantic and semiotic data. The theory of semantics is used to examine the words which predominately form the meaning universe of the text. The analysis is fulfilled within the scope of meaning relations as denotation/connotation and synonymy/antonymy in the lexical field. Then the transsentential signs which have a critical role in the construction of the semantic universe of the text are interpreted in the sense of semiotics. The production process of the descriptive, narrative, and thematic meaning layers is revealed throughout the study. Besides bringing the semantic universe of the narrative with its constructive components to light over the course of the study, the impressive dominance of particular signs and their contribution to the narrative are discussed to reveal the loss of identity of the West.

Research paper thumbnail of Creating Society in Orwell’s 1984: A semiotic analysis of the notion of social transformation

In this paper, the idea of constructing a new society in George Orwell’s 1984 is analyzed in the ... more In this paper, the idea of constructing a new society in George Orwell’s 1984 is analyzed in the context of the Paris School’s semiotics trajectory. Saussurean legacy, which heavily sheds light on the semiotic conception of the school proposed by Greimas, asserts the significance of dichotomies for signs to gain their meaning. Accordingly, the study is grounded on the desired and non-desired contrariety to make the analysis with the semiotic square meaningful. It is possible to encounter the traces of the proposed idea pertaining to the struggle of forming an ideal society at all levels of meaning, predominantly at the deep level as the proposed idea represents the elementary meaning of the narrative, throughout the text. Considering the approach, desired society gains its meaning in the face of the non-desired one relativistically. Regarding the opposition theory of Saussure, what is good for the Party is not supposed to be good for the Opponents. For this reason, the idea of creating society is on the battleground, as there is an uphill fight between the ruling Party and the Opponents. The formation of desired society is revealed thanks to the semiotic square by focusing on both positive and negative transition processes. The really interesting aspect that we encountered is the vicious unended cycle and the war that will never end between the stated groups within the framework of the ideology/axiology perspective.

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Duha Koca Oglu Deli Dumrul Narrative within The Framework of Literary Semiotics

Analysis of Duha Koca Oglu Deli Dumrul Narrative within The Framework of Literary Semiotics, 2018

Oral narrative tradition dates back centuries, and it has a great variety of rich culture and col... more Oral narrative tradition dates back centuries, and it has a great variety of rich culture and colorful motives in literature. Within this cultural wealth, one of the most significant works of art is Dede Korkut narratives accepted as the oldest epic tales belonging to Turks which are the stories that can be shown as the earlier examples of oral literature in Turkish culture. The common point of the tales is to have fantastic expressions. The heroes are Turks, and they usually fight against different actants which can be real or abstract. Moreover, the tales put forward the form of life, moral and cultural values in Turks' life. Among the tales, one of the most outstanding tales of Dede Korkut is The Story of Delu Dumrul that is read and interpreted in the sense of semiotics. In this study, we handle the struggles and testings of Deli Dumrul as an actant within the context of Paris Semiotic School's actantial schema. It is a fact that folk tales have some special features such as good is always rewarded while bad is punished. By adhering to the literary semiotics perspective of the school, it is the point of departure of this research to reveal if the situation is valid for this epic tale. At the end of the research, the validity of the general fact belongs to the folk tales stated above is partly actualized in Deli Dumrul narrative. The state of the result in the narrative is solved by taking the support of the supernatural forces and religious values. In this case, the positive ending of the narrative depends on fulfilling the function of both belief and religion positively in the society.

Research paper thumbnail of The Theory of Signification: Semiotic Criticism and Literature

The Theory of Signification: Semiotic Criticism and Literature, 2017

Abstract: As a signification theory, semiotic criticism attracts considerable interest from resea... more Abstract: As a signification theory, semiotic criticism attracts considerable interest from researchers in different disciplines. Literature is one of the fields where the theory is used for signifying practices. Literary semiotics has emerged as a sub-discipline as a result of the efficient interaction between semiotics and literature. The process of meaning creation in texts can be elucidated through literary semiotics. Semiotics has idiosyncratic rules and concepts in its system to accomplish its goal that bars new researchers from benefiting the theory's data in penetrating and unfolding different meaning stratums. This paper will argue the critical steps and tools of a systematized semiotic analysis within the process of signification to overcome such obstacles. The relationship between language and literature, literary semiotics and analysis tools will be addressed through the discussion of the historical development of sign studies within the scope of semiotics as a signification theory.

[Research paper thumbnail of Bir Yazınsal Göstergebilim Okuması: Kuyucaklı Yusuf [A literary semiotic reading: Kuyucaklı Yusuf]](

Bir Yazınsal Göstergebilim Okuması: Kuyucaklı Yusuf [A literary semiotic reading: Kuyucaklı Yusuf], 2018

The bidirectional relation between signs and language is an undeniable fact that has significantl... more The bidirectional relation between signs and language is an undeniable fact that has significantly ensured the positive interaction between language and literature, which are composed of meaningful sequences of signs. The stated transactional feature is the basis of the formation of both linguistic and literary products. That means that if the significative sequence determined by signs and social consensus did not exist, we would be able to mention neither language nor literature in a consistent way. The close relationship between language and literature has made the world of literature one of the productive fields for the study of semiotics. First of all, Vladimir Propp’s analysis of various Russian folk tales, and then Algirdas Julien Greimas’ advancement of the works on narratives based upon Propp’s thesis, contributed to semiotics in many ways. The most significant difference between Propp’s and Greimas’ work is that Propp adopted a diachronic approach, whereas Greimas embarked on a synchronic approach. The foremost consequence of this is that while the semiotic analysis method developed by Propp can only be applied to tales, the method developed by Greimas can be applied to every kind of meaningful whole. Hence, Greimas’ approach (oriented toward basic structure and production of meaning) has started to be applied to other disciplines as well and enabled the application field of semiotics to...

Research paper thumbnail of Yazınsal Göstergebilim: Bir Kuram Bir Uygulama–Anlam Üretim Süreçleri

Yazınsal Göstergebilim: Bir Kuram Bir Uygulama–Anlam Üretim Süreçleri., 2020

Bu kitap, edebiyat, anlatıbilim, dilbilim, göstergebilim, çeviribilim, anlatı ve metin incelemele... more Bu kitap, edebiyat, anlatıbilim, dilbilim, göstergebilim, çeviribilim, anlatı ve metin incelemeleri üzerine yurtiçi ve yurtdışında akademik ve mesleki çalışmaları olan ve bu konuda dersler veren Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Murat Kalelioğlu tarafından hazırlanmıştır.

Kuram ve uygulamanın birlikte sunulduğu bu kitabın amacı alandaki uygulamalı kaynak eksikliğini gidermeye katkıda bulunmaktır. Kitapta kuramsal bilginin yanı sıra yöntemin yazınsal bir yapıtın çözümlenmesinde nasıl uygulandığına dair örnekler verilmiştir. Kitabın hedef kitlesi göstergebilime ilgi duyan, bu alanda kendisini geliştirmek isteyen, göstergebilim kuramını ve çözümleme araçlarını kullanarak disiplinlerarası çalışmalar yapmak isteyen okurlardır.

Göstergebilim kuramının bugünkü halini almasında edebiyatın yeri önemlidir. Çünkü kuram, disiplinlerarası bir anlayışla önce edebi eserlere uygulanarak geliştirilmiş ve sonra da elde edilen veriler diğer disiplinlerle ilişkilendirilmiştir. Bu bağlamda evrensel bir nitelik taşıyan göstergebilimin yazınsal eserlerde nasıl uygulandığını bilen bir okuyucu, kuramı ilgi alanına giren başka disiplinlere de uygulama şansına sahip olmaktadır. Bu özelliği ile bu çalışmanın insanlık ve bilim arasındaki boşluğu dolduracak bir köprü vazifesi göreceği düşünülmektedir.

Konu Başlıkları
Göstergebilim Nedir?
Göstergebilimin Uygulama Alanları
Bir Kavram Olarak Gösterge
Gösterge'den Göstergebilim'e Anlamlama Yolculuğu
Charles Sanders Peirce ve Ferdinand de Saussure'ün Anlamlama Kuramları
Göstergebilimin Oluşmasına Katkı Sağlayan Dilbilimciler
Yazınsal Göstergebilim Tasarısı
Sabahattin Ali'nin Ayran Anlatısının Üç Boyutlu Yapısı ve Anlamlama Süreci
Söylemsel Sözdizim
Anlatısal Sözdizim
İzleksel Sözdizim

Research paper thumbnail of A Literary Semiotics Approach to the Semantic Universe of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four

A Literary Semiotics Approach to the Semantic Universe of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, 2018

The subject of semiotics is not to answer the questions such as what does the text says, who says... more The subject of semiotics is not to answer the questions such as what does the text says, who says the text, or what are the possible external— societal, individual, and historical—effects on the text. Instead, it is mainly interested in how signs are created, how they are articulated with each other to create the meaning in the text, and in what ways the meaning is created in different semantic layers within its system. The study necessitates focusing on the relations of the formative elements in the text which leads us to reach the narrative syntax that makes it possible to observe the underlying structures in different semantic strata of the text. Moreover, the approach helps us to analyze the meaning production process, as well as to observe the ways of the articulation process of meaningful items with each other to create the whole text. The main purpose of this study is to figure out the semantic organization of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four narrative within the scope of Greimas's semiotic trajectory.

[Research paper thumbnail of Söylem Göstergebilimi: Yazınsal anlatılarda sözcelemeden sözceye anlamlama süreçleri [Semiotics of Discourse: Signification process from enunciation to utterance in literary narratives]](

RumeliDE, 2021

Temel inceleme alanı anlam ve anlamlama olan göstergebilim kuramı geçmişte kapalı ve durağan yapı... more Temel inceleme alanı anlam ve anlamlama olan göstergebilim kuramı geçmişte kapalı ve durağan yapıların çözümlenmesinde kullanılırken günümüzde iletişim temelli devingen yapıların incelenmesinde de kullanılmaktadır. Göstergebilim kuramı, söylemsel yapıların çözümlenmesinde başvurulan yaklaşım biçimlerini kendi çalışma ve inceleme alanı içinde görmektedir. Bu bağlamda kuram, anlatısal yapıların yanında gerçek bağlamdaki söylemi de inceleme konusu olarak değerlendirmeye başlamıştır. Bu da kuramın, varolan diğer incelemelerin yanında, söylem göstergebilimine doğru evrildiğini göstermektedir. Bu durum, anlatı göstergebiliminin haricinde bir söylem göstergebilimi alanının ortaya çıkmasını sağlamıştır. Bu dönüşümsel sürecin önemli gerekçelerinden biri de göstergebilim kuramının insanla insan ve insanla doğa arasında iletişim amacıyla üretilen her türden bildiriyi farklı aşamalarda anlamlama arzusudur. Buradaki aşamalardan kasıt söylemin oluşmasına katkıda bulunan sözceleme süreçleridir. Bu bakımdan sözceleme ve söylem kuramlarının göstergebilim kuramı ile ilişkisi bu çalışma için disiplinlerarası bir bakış açısını varsaymaktadır. Göstergebilimsel çerçevede söyleme dönüşmüş bir yapının durağanlığından, kapalılığından ya da sınırlılığından söz etmek ve bu yapıyı inceleme nesnesi olarak ele almak olasıdır. Ancak bu araştırma açısından, asıl konu böyle bir dönüşümün nasıl gerçekleştiği, söylemsel yapının hangi anlam katmanlarında nasıl bir süreçten geçtiği ve yapının hangi koşulların sonucunda anlamlı bir bütün haline geldiği önemlidir. Bu yüzden, bu araştırma makalesinde yazınsal bir yapıtta söylemi kuran ögelerin izleri, disiplinlerarası bir anlayışla, söylem göstergebilimi
çerçevesinde sürülecektir.

[Semiotics theory, whose main area of study is the meaning and signification of signs, has been used to analyse closed and stationary structures in the past, whereas it is also used in the analysis of
communication-based dynamic structures recently. The theory accepts various approaches applied in the analysis of discursive structures within its study field. In this respect, this signification theory regards
a wide range of discourses produced in real context as the study subject as well as the narrative structures. This shows the theory's revolutionary evolution towards the semiotics of discourse, which led to the emergence of the semiotics of discourse apart from the narrative semiotics. One of the most critical reasons for this transformational process is the desire of semiotics to interpret all kind of messages produced with the purpose of communication among human beings and between human and nature at different stages. What is meant by the stages here are the enunciation processes that contribute to the formation of discourse. The relationship between enunciation and discourse theories with the semiotics theory assumes an interdisciplinary perspective for this study. It is possible to mention the
stability, closeness, or limitedness of a structure, turned into discourse, and consider it as a study object. However, the main issue is how such a transformation occurs, in which semantic strata the discursive structure goes through, and under which circumstances this structure becomes a meaningful whole in terms of this research. For this reason, the traces of the elements that construct the discourse in a literary work will be traced within the framework of the semiotics of discourse in this research paper.]

Research paper thumbnail of A Narratolgical Analysis of O. Henry’s “The Ransom of Red Chief”

Though it is possible to trace the origins of narrative theory back to Aristoteles and Plato, the... more Though it is possible to trace the origins of narrative theory back to Aristoteles and Plato, the current bases of narratology as a discipline on its own right were laid in 1960s with the studies performed in the frame of French Structuralism. Today, narratology has been the focus of interest of many branches in social sciences, and by virtue of the expansion in its size and importance a great deal of contribution has been made to its content comprising not only written discourses but also to the fields of film, art, history and even medicine. In the light of the developmental process of narratology, it is possible to suggest that
systematized and consistent ways of depicting the constructive elements of a narrative have been prevalent. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to pave a way for a better understanding one of O. Henry’s popular stories, “The Ransom of Red Chief” by utilizing
narratological tools of analysis. Considering the current situation of narratology as a method of analysis to involve a great number of theories and approaches towards a great number of aspects in a narrative, the need to limit the analysis in terms of both theories of narratology to be followed and the parameters to be focused in the story has been emerged. Keeping this in mind, the analysis will be in the frontiers of main constructive elements of the story such as character, time, space, and point of view in the light of theoretical terminology coined mainly by classical (structuralist) narratologists such as Gerard Genette, Seymour Chatman, Algirdas Julien Greimas.

Research paper thumbnail of Les Trois Cas du Désaccord social dans Trois Légendes anatoliennes de Yaşar Kemal (Yachar Kémal)

(Dés)accords. À la recherche de la différence propice., 2021

L’Anatolie est l’un des berceaux de nombreux contes de fées et des légendes auxquels un roman, un... more L’Anatolie est l’un des berceaux de nombreux contes de fées et des légendes auxquels un roman, un jeu de théâtre ou un film de cinéma prêtent parfois leur sujet. Bien que leur racine reste invariable, on rencontre, d’un point de vue diachronique, des niveaux qui varient. Yaşar
Kemal est considéré au sens générique comme romancier. Il écrit aussi des nouvelles et réinterprète certaines légendes à sa manière. Ainsi, le corpus de notre communication serait Üç Anadolu Efsanesi (Trois légendes anatoliennes), L’Apparition de Köroğlu, Karacaoğlan et Le Daim (Alageyik).
Trois types de désaccords y dominent : dans la première légende, il s’agit d’un conflit mené entre le héros et le gouvernement. On essaie de résoudre ce conflit pendant le récit. Quant à la deuxième légende, le conflit du héros serait contre le système : c’est l’histoire d’amour d’un
jeune homme pauvre avec la fille du Bey. Il s’agit d’un héros qui essaie de supprimer la distance entre le Bey et lui-même, contrairement à la première légende. À chaque fois, on vit un conflit avec le Bey et le système présent. Ce qui est significatif à décrire sémiotiquement
dans ce texte, c’est que les deux récits ont des plans de conflits aux dimensions différentes.
Les héros de ce roman de Kemal sont les types qui s’opposent (désaccords) au système présent (accord). Cela donne lieu à un conflit considérable. La structure du sujet de ce récit est
maintenue encore dans la vie actuelle en Anatolie. En d’autres termes, l’accord et le désaccord persistent encore dans des régions différentes de culture anatolienne. La troisième présente la rupture de l’équivalence venant de la poursuite de l’ambiance du sujet. Une fille devient le sujet du conflit étant donné l’objet de valeur qui change de main entre les
gouverneurs et les gouvernés. L’indécision du héros entre sa bien-aimée et son hobby préféré serait résolue par la glorification de la performance du sujet opérateur.
On soutient que les (dés)accords thématisent la constitution d’un signe et d’un texte. Il existe un accord bien ou mal au sein de chaque culture. L’anti-sujet s’opposant au système et désirant qu’on le réinterprète se trouve au côté du “désaccord”. Ainsi ceux qui préfèrent que
le contrat social présent soit réinterprété gagnent à la fin des trois légendes de Yaşar Kemal. Ainsi, avons-nous l’intention de traiter le corpus Üç Anadolu Efsanesi de Yaşar Kemal par une approche sémiotique du point de vue du système (accord) et de l’opposition au système (désaccord).

Research paper thumbnail of Affective Domain of Discourse and the Contribution of Nonverbal Communication to the Development of the Domain in Narratives

Literature is one of the most important representatives of the artistic field, which is construct... more Literature is one of the most important representatives of the artistic field, which is constructed by an extraordinary array of linguistic and nonlinguistic signs. The short story is one of the genres of that area in which encountering various kinds of signs is possible in the production process of the stories. There are quite a few signs in relation to the attitudes of the narrative persons in such stories. Those are behavioral and emotional signs revealing the mood of narrative persons such as joy, enthusiasm, sadness, cry, cuddling, and embracing. The nonlinguistic signs, sometimes, do not make sense alone. However, they make sense when they are used in a particular context to support the linguistic signs, which displays that the nonlinguistic signs contribute to the meaning established with the linguistic signs. What is significant here is the harmony of using nonlinguistic signs in conjunction with the linguistic ones. If that congruence exists, the produced message becomes stronger and increases its effect; otherwise, the strength and effect of the message decreases and, therefore, the message becomes incomprehensible. In this study, how the affective domain of discourse is produced in short stories, and the contribution of nonlinguistic communication tools in the formation of the emotional field is investigated. The research is carried out within the framework of the possibilities offered by the semiotics of discourse approach, which tries to explore and clarify the inner world of the subject producing discourse, the changing mood, and the forms of expressions of the subject in different situations and events.

Research paper thumbnail of Narrative Semiotics and the City: The Place of the Concept of ‘City’ in Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities

The significant element is the subject of enunciation −author− considering literature and practic... more The significant element is the subject of enunciation −author− considering literature and practice of writing. The author struggles to combine images via language and generates a semantic universe throughout the process in the system of literature. This universe is generated with systematic sequences of signs. The artwork which has qualified as being a specific message turns into a sign just as Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities (1972) to be analyzed by the end of that generative process. The theme of the narrative is the image of happy cities, which have been lost in distorted and unhappy ones. In this way, the subject of enunciation establishes a link between symbolic cities and real cities, and he makes a tangible reference to the realities of urban life. Calvino builds the semantic universe of the narrative on the dichotomy of happy and unhappy cities. These cities, where cultural exchange is realized, are described as a clearing place of desires and memories and are the protagonist of the narrative rather than the decor. Through the study, a semiotic analysis of how meaning generation process is structured will be carried out by adhering to the theme of the narrative. Also, the place of the ‘city’ concept in Calvino’s narrative will be questioned.

Research paper thumbnail of Theory and Practice: Literary Semiotics and Text Analysis

Current Studies in Foreign Language Education, 2023

Today, all kinds of instructive or artistic texts that contain a specific message, regardless of ... more Today, all kinds of instructive or artistic texts that contain a specific message, regardless of the field, have emerged through the meaningful sequence of signs. For instance, an anatomy text for the medical sciences, a physics text for the engineering sciences, or a biology text for the natural sciences can be given as examples for the instructive text type. The other type of text appears in the artistic field, which has a robust aesthetic side and requires interpretation. On the other hand, the sub-texts that contribute to forming the central texts in the artistic field are generally narrative and representational texts. Along with the instructive texts produced by verbal and/or nonverbal signs, artistic texts have also become an essential part of the teaching/learning process. Many of the texts are frequently used as supplementary material in language classrooms. Thus, artistic texts make thematic or linguistic achievement and signification processes active and promote the teaching/learning continuum.
It is possible to shape the adjuvant process with different theoretical backgrounds, methods, and techniques. One of these theories is semiotics:
New ways of thinking, understanding, and interpretation methods have been developed throughout human history. Humans produce meaningful structures and use various methods to comprehend them efficiently. Semiotics has gained importance as one of the study fields that analyzes conditions of sign production and their meanings. It is one of the critical scientific fields of the twenty-first century that attempts to explain the facts and phenomena of different systems belonging to nature and culture. In recent years, semiotics has interacted with different fields of science and daily life thanks to the studies done by semioticians. Thus, the study field has been associated with different disciplines, leading to increased interdisciplinary studies. Therefore, semiotics is a field of science that can signify many systems from social sciences to engineering sciences, from fine arts to natural sciences, from human sciences to everyday life (Kalelioğlu, 2023, pp. 109-110).
Semiotics closely relates to all fields of science and paves the way for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies. However, perhaps since there is the investigation of an abstract concept of “meaning” at the core of semiotics, there are not many researchers and practitioners in our country who conduct studies in semiotics and transfer the results of the studies to the in-classroom teaching/learning period. For this reason, one of the key objectives of this study is to propose an applicable methodology on how semiotic theory, techniques, and analysis instruments can be used in research and classroom practice. Since the object of this study is a literary artwork, we placed a short story genre, which is more of a narrative text type, at the center of the investigation. “The Lottery”, written by Shirley Jackson, has been selected for this study. Throughout the study, how meaning is constructed in various semantic layers within the formation process and how each layer is articulated to form the semantic universe of the text by the author of the narrative will be addressed.

Research paper thumbnail of Applied Semiotics: Interpretation of Space in Literary Narratives

Essentials of Foreign Language Teacher Education, 2022

It is possible to mention different approaches in narrative analysis. One of them is semiotics th... more It is possible to mention different approaches in narrative analysis. One of them is semiotics theory, which is associated with almost all disciplines as twenty-first-century science. One of the most critical reasons is that the signs and meanings they carry are at the center of the theory’s research object. In general, signs are vital in emerging various scientific fields and transforming these areas into meaningful structures. It is out of the question to talk about the system without signs and the meaning without a system. Every science exists thanks to the logical sequences of signs that support its system’s formation. This system is capable of examining facts and events based on concrete knowledge with its metalanguage and systematic approach. (...)

Research paper thumbnail of Semio-Think: Theory of Semiotics and Signifying Practices in Language and Literature Classrooms

Essentials of Applied Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching: 21st Century Skills and Classroom Applications , 2021

Dating back to ancient times (Baer, 1983), semiotics takes its modern foundations from two philos... more Dating back to ancient times (Baer, 1983), semiotics takes its modern foundations from two philosophers, Charles Sander Peirce and Ferdinand de Saussure, expressing ideas on semiotics unawarely of each other in different continents (Yücel, 2015). As Danesi puts (2017), semiotics is a “metalanguage” (p. 61) that is enchantingly possible to be applied to a broad range of subject areas. This characteristic renders semiotics a multi and interdisciplinary branch, ranging from the domains of language and culture to philosophy and science. Whatever the subject area is, the primary tendency of semiotic ramifications like “Peircians”, “Lotmanians” and “Greimassians” is to put forward possible theories on “signs”, “culture” and “signification” by the evaluation of relations between signs whether verbal or non-verbal (Landowski, 2015, p. 84). Language and literature, both the cultural heritage of a community, are unsurprisingly under the research area of semiotics since they reflect the combination of signs within these cultures. Besides, they are nested entities because the unique material of literature is language. This fundamentally brings the use of literature in language classrooms (Carrio-Pastor, 2019; Hewings et al., 2016; Lazar, 2009), except for the sole systematic settings of literary education curricula (Blocksidge, 2000; Chambers & Gregory, 2006; Widdowson, 2013). Accordingly, it is possible to suggest that the primary purpose of this study is to propose one of the aforesaid semiotic approaches, so-called “Greimassian semiotics” (Yücel, 2001, p. 9), as a method of analysis to language and literature classes. Doing this is believed to provide informational and practical insight to both the teachers and the students, who are already concerned with teaching and learning a language and its literature. The reason for choosing the semiotic approach of Algirdas Julien Greimas, the founder of Paris School of Semiotics, among many others, is that it is one of “the first and most developed semiotic theory” (Yücel, 2012, p. 93), which seeks for signification process in literary-narrative artworks. With its goals, research areas and own analysis method, Greimas semiotics has been called “literary-narrative semiotics” (Yücel, 2012, p. 93) since it flourished. Besides, it is also believed in the study that the presentation of information on the application of this method will help students overcome the challenge of seeing problematic areas in literary works that have an idiosyncratic semantic universe created by the logical systematization of signs. Additionally, the conscious act of unfolding the universe of texts will help practitioners to systematize the reading process to increase critical thinking skills and to make the recondite points more explicit and comprehensible. As a signification theory, Literary semiotics requires apprehension of different semantic structures of the texts to cope with difficulties in explaining the complicated interaction between signs, which facilitates understanding the meaning formation in literary texts. However, it has specific rules, terminology, and analysis instruments that are sometimes hard to conceive. Therefore, in the analysis part of the study, the clarifications on the successive steps and tools of a systematized literary semiotic analysis will be made along with the instructional questions to be followed by teachers and students. For the semiotic analysis, “The Last Leaf” (1995), which is one of the famous short stories of William Sydney Porter, a well-known American writer with the pseudonym “O. Henry”, has been selected. The analysis will be performed under three headings, each indicating a specific meaning layer of text. These are respectively discursive, narrative and deep levels.

Research paper thumbnail of Narrative Semiotics and The City: The Place of The Concept of The 'City' in Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities

The City: Literary Encounters, 2021

The significant element is the subject of enunciation −author− considering literature and practic... more The significant element is the subject of enunciation −author− considering literature and practice of writing. The author struggles to combine images via language and generates a semantic universe throughout the process in the system of literature. This universe is generated with systematic sequences of signs. The artwork, which has been qualified as being a specific message, turns into a sign just as Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities (1972) is analyzed by the end of that generative process. The theme of the narrative is the image of happy cities, which have been lost in distorted and unhappy ones. In this way, the subject of enunciation establishes a link between symbolic cities and real cities, and he makes a tangible reference to the realities of urban life. The author of enunciation builds the semantic universe of the narrative on the dichotomy of happy and unhappy cities. These cities, where cultural exchange is realized, are described as a clearing place of desires and memories and are the protagonist of the narrative rather than the decor. Through the study, a semiotic analysis of how the meaning generation process is structured will be carried out by adhering to the theme of the narrative. Also, the place of the 'city' concept in Calvino's narrative will be questioned.

Research paper thumbnail of Multidisciplinary Approach to the Texts: Semiotic Analysis of the Process of Meaning Construction in O. Henry's The Gift of the Magi

Multidisciplinary Approach to the Texts: Semiotic Analysis of the Process of Meaning Construction in O. Henry's The Gift of the Magi, 2018

In this study, we determined to analyze the production process of the semantic universe of O. Hen... more In this study, we determined to analyze the production process of the semantic universe of O. Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi” in this study. We carried out the research by taking advantage of the data from narratology and semiotics. Primarily, we evaluated the text within the scope of narratology. First, we tried to account for the narrative considering the theory of enunciation and then to put forward the basic structure of the text according to Larivaille’s five-staged narrative profile. After that, we dealt with the text within the literary semiotics. At this point, we scrutinized the constituent elements of the narrative in different semantic stratums as part of Paris School’s semiotics trajectory. In this regard, we had the opportunity to observe the formative elements of the text at the surface and deep levels of meaning and to explain how these elements are articulated with each other to create the fiction of the narrative as a meaningful whole. We practiced upon Greimas’s four-staged narrative programme, actantial schema, and semiotic square in the analysis of the formative elements taking place at various meaning levels of the text. As a result, we tried to find answers to the questions of how O. Henry created the semantic universe of the text and of what the role of culture is in the creation of meaning in this universe.

Research paper thumbnail of Söylemin Tutkusal Boyutu: Duygusal Evrenin Kurgulanma Sürecinde Beden Dilinin Rolü

Edebiyatta Jest ve Mimik, 2020

Dile ait olan ve olmayan göstergeler her ne kadar birbirinden farklı olsalar da anlamın üretilmes... more Dile ait olan ve olmayan göstergeler her ne kadar birbirinden farklı olsalar da anlamın üretilmesi sırasında her ikisi de birbirinin destekleyicisi durumundadır. Anlatılardaki duygulanım süreçlerini aktarmak zor bir edimdir. Çünkü duygu ve duygulanım, soyut bir kavram ve etkinliktir. Bu yüzden bir sevgi, bir nefret, bir hiçlik ya da bir şaşkınlık durumunu beden diline yer vermeden aktarmak zor olabilir. Bu durumda dile ait göstergelerle üretilen bir mesajı daha anlamlı hale getirmek için beden dili, jest ve mimikler ve benzer dil dışı göstergelerin kullanımı duygunun dışa vurumunu daha somut hale getirir ve anlatıdaki aktarımı kolaylaşır. Dilsel göstergelerin destekleyicisi durumunda olan ve canlılara ait davranış ve tutumları aktarmaya yarayan dil dışı göstergeler de dil yetisi olarak değerlendirilebilir. Bu yüzden edebiyat eserlerinde beden dili, jest ve mimikler aracılığı ile yapılan duygusal aktarımlar hem soyut olanı somutlaştırır hem de yazar, metin ve okuyucusu arasındaki mantıksal/duygusal aktarımı kolaylaştırır. Bu yönüyle, dil içi ve dil dışı göstergeler sınıfında değerlendirilen göstergelerin edebi eserlerdeki rolüne bakıldığında, anlamın üretim ve tüketim süreçlerinde bu iki gösterge türünün de birbirinin tamamlayıcısı olduğunu söylemek yerinde olacaktır...

Research paper thumbnail of The Act of Signification from Narratology to Semiotics within the Scope of Interdisciplinary Approach

2nd International Congress on Academic Studies in Philology (BICOASP): Book of Abstracts, 2020

Monodisciplinary studies have largely been replaced by interdisciplinary studies. The important i... more Monodisciplinary studies have largely been replaced by interdisciplinary studies. The important issue causing that situation is the intimate relationship of disciplines with each other. Those disciplines support each other to develop new approaches. Interdisciplinary studies with different field knowledge go further and enable researches to deepen further. The same situation is seen in the study of artworks, each of which has the quality of being narrative. Narratives analyzed with a single approach previously become more comprehensive with the use of various approaches from different disciplines today. One of the remarkable advantages of interdisciplinary studies is that the approaches of other disciplines support the research process where the data of a particular discipline is unsatisfactory. It is the same for works produced in the artistic field. Contribution of literature to the development of the aforementioned art system cannot be denied. There are distinctive literary genres comprising specific messages in their semantic universe and serve as a communication bridge between the author and reader. The common point of those works is that they are fictional narratives, and the function of narratology and semiotics is to examine the formation process of them. Although the implementation processes, analysis tools, and procedures are various, the common ground of both disciplines is to examine narrated structures. In fact, two different mono narrative studies can be realized by dealing with those disciplines within their own systems separately. However, it cannot be flagged up an interdisciplinary study in that case as the main focus of this study is to take the advantage of using the data of both disciplines to reach a comprehensible analysis model that prioritizes interdisciplinarity in the study of narrative analysis. We benefit from the potentiality of the data of narratology and semiotics within interdisciplinary perspective to analyze the selected narrative throughout the signification process.



Research paper thumbnail of Narrative Semiotics and the City: The Place of the Concept of ‘City’ in Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities

Şehir: Edebî Karşılaşmalar, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Act of signification from narratology to semiotics within the scope of interdisciplinary approach

Onceleri bir alana ait yaklasim ve uygulama ornekcesiyle ele alinan ve aciklanmaya calisilan anla... more Onceleri bir alana ait yaklasim ve uygulama ornekcesiyle ele alinan ve aciklanmaya calisilan anlatilar gunumuzde farkli disiplinlerin degisik turden yaklasim ve uygulama ornekcelerinin birlikte kullanilmasiyla daha kapsamli hale gelmistir. Disiplinlerarasi calismalarin en onemli avantajlarindan biri belirli bir disipline ait cozumleme yontem ve yaklasimlarin yeterli olmadigi yerde diger disiplinlere ait yontem ve yaklasimlarin arastirma surecine destek vermesidir. Disiplinlerarasi calismalarin sundugu bu avantaj sanat yapitlarina ait dizgelerin incelenmesinde de gecerlidir. Soz konusu sanat oldugunda ise edebiyat eserlerinin sanat dizgesi icindeki onemi inkâr edilemez. Anlam evreninde belirli mesajlar barindiran ve ureticisi ile tuketicisi arasinda bir iletisim koprusu olma islevi goren degisik turden edebiyat eserleri vardir. Bu eserlerin en onemli ortak yani kurgusal anlati olmalaridir. Bu tur kurgusal anlatilarin olusum sureclerini inceleyen kuramlar arasinda anlatibilim kurami v...

Research paper thumbnail of Söylem Göstergebilimi: Yazınsal anlatılarda sözcelemeden sözceye anlamlama süreçleri

RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi

Research paper thumbnail of Göstergebilim Kuramının Genel Bir Değerlendirmesi, Türkiye’deki Yeri ve Önemi

Research paper thumbnail of Göstergebilimsel Bir Yorum: Yazınsal Anlatılarda Söylemin Duygusal Boyutu ve Söz

Research paper thumbnail of Anlamlama Kurami: Göstergebi̇li̇msel Eleşti̇ri̇ Ve Edebi̇yat

International Journal of Language Academy

Research paper thumbnail of Duha Koca Oğlu Deli Dumrul Anlatısının Yazınsal Göstergebilim Kuramı Çerçevesind

Journal of Turkish Studies

Research paper thumbnail of From Semantics to Semiotics

Chinese Semiotic Studies

The aim of this study is to analyze the semantic organization of the text “Shooting an Elephant.”... more The aim of this study is to analyze the semantic organization of the text “Shooting an Elephant.” The research is carried out with a multidisciplinary perspective using semantic and semiotic data. The theory of semantics is used to examine the words which predominately form the meaning universe of the text. The analysis is fulfilled within the scope of meaning relations as denotation/connotation and synonymy/antonymy in the lexical field. Then the transsentential signs which have a critical role in the construction of the semantic universe of the text are interpreted in the sense of semiotics. The production process of the descriptive, narrative, and thematic meaning layers is revealed throughout the study. Besides bringing the semantic universe of the narrative with its constructive components to light over the course of the study, the impressive dominance of particular signs and their contribution to the narrative are discussed to reveal the loss of identity of the West.

Research paper thumbnail of Creating Society in Orwell’s 1984

Chinese Semiotic Studies

In this paper, the idea of constructing a new society in George Orwell’s 1984 is analyzed in the ... more In this paper, the idea of constructing a new society in George Orwell’s 1984 is analyzed in the context of the Paris School’s semiotics trajectory. Saussurean legacy, which heavily sheds light on the semiotic conception of the school proposed by Greimas, asserts the significance of dichotomies for signs to gain their meaning. Accordingly, the study is grounded on the desired and non-desired contrariety to make the analysis with the semiotic square meaningful. It is possible to encounter the traces of the proposed idea pertaining to the struggle of forming an ideal society at all levels of meaning, predominantly at the deep level as the proposed idea represents the elementary meaning of the narrative, throughout the text. Considering the approach, desired society gains its meaning in the face of the non-desired one relativistically. Regarding the opposition theory of Saussure, what is good for the Party is not supposed to be good for the Opponents. For this reason, the idea of creat...

Research paper thumbnail of Bir Yazınsal Göstergebilim Okuması: Kuyucaklı Yusuf

Chinese Semiotic Studies

Fransız romancı Stendhal “roman yol boyunca gezdirilen bir aynadır” der. Sabahattin Ali de 1903-1... more Fransız romancı Stendhal “roman yol boyunca gezdirilen bir aynadır” der. Sabahattin Ali de 1903-1914 yılları arasında Edremit sokaklarına, evlere, çarşılara, bahçelere, köşklere, devlet dairelerine bir ayna tutar. Aynadan bize kadar yansıyanlar ilginç şeylerdir. Biz de bu aynadaki yansıyan ve gözümüze ilişenleri okuyup anlamlandırmaya çalıştık. Tamam, Yusuf’a “oku, bir meslek sahibi ol. İleride Muazzez’le evlendiğinde ona bakman için para kazanman gerekir” diyemedik. Ya da Şahinde hanıma “Emma Bovary başaramadı, sen mi başaracaksın! Boş ver Bovarizm’i, hem şark tipi Bovarizm’i de pek beceremiyorsun. Onun yerine kızına ve damadına annelik et ve huzurlu bir biçimde yaşayın” da diyemedik. Ama Yusuf’un, Şahinde hanımın ya da Şakir’in görülenden öteye görülmeyen amaçlarını da ortaya koyduk. Şakir ile Yusuf arasındaki karşıtlığın yanına, Yusuf ile Hacı Etem ya da Şakir ile Ali ilişkisindeki çelişikliği de gösterdik ve açıkladık. Yazınsal göstergebilim ışığında Kuyucaklı Yusuf’a şöyle bir dokunmak istedik. Yusuf’un köylere gitmesine, at üstünde günlerce evinden uzakta kalmasına engel olamadık, ama onu bir anlatı kişisi, bir eyleyen olarak yaptıklarını ve yapmak istediklerini bir bütünlük içinde ele aldık. Onun anlatı izlencesindeki göndereninin kim olduğunu ve amacını öğrendik. Vardığımız sonuçlar okuyucuyu da doyuma ulaştıracak türden oldu. Türk yazın dünyasına yararlı olması dileğiyle…

Research paper thumbnail of A narratological analysis of O. Henry's "The Ransom of Red Chief

Narratological Analysis of The Ransom of O. Henry's "The Ransom of Red Chief", 2020

The studies within the frame of classical narratology have remarkably contributed to the field of... more The studies within the frame of classical narratology have remarkably contributed to the field of narrative analysis. The significance of the present study is to raise awareness of constructive elements of a narrative using classical narrative analysis. This study aims at investigating character, time and space in O. Henry's "The Ransom of Red Chief", using the narratological terminologies in the analysis. Considering the current situation of narratology as a method of analysis that involves many approaches towards a high number of aspects in a narrative, the study focuses on the essential constructive elements of the story and point of view. The employs the theoretical terminologies offered by classical narratologists. Findings in the study fall into two ca tegories: Narration and narratorial position of the narrator, and formative elements of the story. These categories present three essential formative components, (a) Characters and characterization, (b) space, and (c) time. The data gathered from the findings indicated that O. Henry's achievement might lean on the prevalence of a reliable narrator using discourse time more for the narration of incidents between the characters than that of others in specific types of space with humoristic style as well as situational and verbal irony. This study allows for critical implications both on the readers who wish to understand O. Henry better and on the researchers calling for an increase in the number of narrative studies.

Research paper thumbnail of The 2024 Online Event Program of the Türkiye Semiotics Circle -TR-EN-FR

Research paper thumbnail of Online Turkish Korean Culture and Aesthetics Symposium 22-23 December 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Balıkesir International Semiotics Summer Meetings 23-28 July

Research paper thumbnail of Turkic World Semiotics Glossary Preparatory Meeting 26 27 Nov 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Semiotics Circle of Türkiye 2023 Program Schedule

Türkiye Göstergebilim Çevremizin 2023 Etkinlik Takvimi, konuk ve konuları duyuru afişindeki gibid... more Türkiye Göstergebilim Çevremizin 2023 Etkinlik Takvimi, konuk ve konuları duyuru afişindeki gibidir. Etkinliklerimize tüm göstergebilim dostlarımız davetlidir.
Türkiye Göstergebilim Çevresi

[The 2023 Event Calendar, guests, and topics of the Semiotics Circle of Türkiye are as in the poster. All members and semiotics friends are invited to our programs.]

Best wishes
Semiotics Circle of Türkiye