Recep Efe | Balikesir University (original) (raw)

Papers- Makaleler by Recep Efe

Research paper thumbnail of LANDSLIDE SUSCEPTIBILITY MAPPING-Altai Region

Geographia Technica, 2024

ABSTRACT: Landslides are one of the important natural threats that often cause loss of life and p... more ABSTRACT:
Landslides are one of the important natural threats that often cause loss of life and property in Kazakhstan. One of the regions affected by landslides of different types and sizes that occur for different reasons in the country is the Rudny Altay Region in the east of Kazakhstan. This study deals with the landslide susceptibility assessment using remote sensing methods in Rudny Altai region of East Kazakhstan. The landslide inventory map was created based on historical information, remote sensing images, and field surveys. Images of 4 selected sites (Tikhaya, Berezovka, Manat and Chernovaya) were examined to determine potential landslide susceptibility. In combined Analytical Hierarchy Process method and GIS (AHP-GIS) used in this study, values are assigned to the selected indicators (layers) from low to high landslide susceptibility potential (1-5). Thus, to assess the potential of landslide processes, the following indicators were selected: calculated values of surface slope according to the NASADEM digital elevation model, soil density, average monthly precipitation OpenLandMap, and median values of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). As a result, the data were obtained and maps of landslide susceptibility of the study areas were created. According to the research results, the highest coefficient of damage to the area by landslide processes is noted in Tikhaya, and the lowest - in Manat. On average, the coefficient of landslide damage in the Rudny Altai area is 0.03, which is a low indicator for this region. The results obtained with the study showed that about 25% of the study area had moderate to high landslide susceptibility. Accordingly, landslide susceptibility is high in the southwest and south of the study area, especially in mountainous areas where slopes are steep and in sloping areas in the south. It was revealed that the results obtained in this study are quite successful in determining the landslide susceptibility of the study area. The findings of the study can contribute in the effective management of the Rudny Altai Region.
Key-words: AHP, Landslides, Susceptibility mapping, GIS, East Kazakhstan

Research paper thumbnail of İda Madra Jeoparkı'nda Granitoyid İntrüzyonlarının Jeosit olarak Jeomorfolojik ve Kültürel Önemi -

There are various geological formations and units from the Precambrian to the Holocene in the Ida... more There are various geological formations and units from the Precambrian to the Holocene in the Ida Madra Geopark area. It is possible to trace an approximately 600 million year old part of the 4.55-billion-year-old age of the Earth from the rocks that outcrop in the Geopark area. Volcanic, sedimentary and metamorphic rock types of various ages have formed very different geomorphological landforms in different parts of the area. In any geopark area, the landforms and rock outcrops are of great importance as well as their age. While rock outcrops reflect the paleogeography of the earth, the landforms have visual and cultural values along with their scientific features. Geosites determined in places where rocks outcrop are of scientific and educational value. However, there are also landforms that embody all the characteristics scientifically, educationally, naturally and culturally. The most important of these is the Tor Topography on Granitoids. Tor topographic shapes are widely developed in the Ida Madra Geopark area. In some places, the relationship between stone quarries with historical and cultural value and granite topography emerges. In Madra and Kozak, a close relationship has emerged between nomadic culture, granite topography and forest vegetation.

Research paper thumbnail of Formation of Antalya Travertine Deposits and Karstic Ground Water Systems

Research paper thumbnail of Forest Fire Causes and Motivations in Southern and south-Eastern Europe through the Perception of Experts: Contribution to Enhance the Current Policies

MDPI Forests, 2022

Forest fires causes and motivations are poorly understood in southern and southeastern Europe. Th... more Forest fires causes and motivations are poorly understood in southern and southeastern Europe. This research aims to identify how experts perceive the different causes of forest fires as defined in the classification proposed by the European Commission in 2013. A panel of experts (N = 271) was gathered from the EU Southern Member States (France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain) and from Central (Switzerland) and southeastern Europe (Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of North Macedonia, and Turkey). Experts were asked to answer a questionnaire to score the importance of the 29 fire causes using a five point (1-5) Likert Scale. The Agricultural burnings received the highest score, followed by Deliberate fire for profit, and Vegetation management. Most of the events stem from negligence, whereas malicious fire setting is arguably overestimated although there are differences among the countries. This research demonstrates the importance of different techniques to enhance the knowledge of the causes of the complex anthropogenic phenomenon of forest fire occurrence.

Research paper thumbnail of Geomorphic and Ecologic Fundemantals of air quality in the vicinity of Kaz (Ida Mt) Mountain-Western Turkey

Research paper thumbnail of Geotourism Characteristics of Northern Part of Edremit Region- Edremit Yöresi Kuzeyinin Geoturizm Özellikleri

Academic Researches and Studies in Sciences, 2022

One of the newly emerging tourism concepts due to the expansion and diversification of tourism ac... more One of the newly emerging tourism concepts due to the expansion and diversification of tourism activities day by day is "geotourism". "Geo" means earth in ancient Greek. The names of the sciences of geography, geomorphology and geology are derived from this word. For this reason, "geotourism" means that a geographical place is presented to tourism activities with all the natural and human objects it carries. It can be seen that the term "geotourism" has a wide and complex scope as a concept and refers to the consideration and evaluation of a geographical place as a tourism object as a whole. At the beginning of the twentyfirst century, this term began to be used more with Geoparks and geotourism came to the fore as an activity within geoparks. The north of the Edremit region stands out as a field with extraordinary opportunities in terms of geotourism potential. The main element that gives geotourism potential here is the geographical features of the region.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Wastewater Irrigation on Phytosociological Characteristics of the Vegetation: A Case Study in Sistan Region, Eastern Iran

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye’de Antroposen Döneminde Doğal Çevre Bozulmasını Etkileyen Antropojenik Faktörler

Research paper thumbnail of İda Madra Jeopark Sahasındaki Mağaraların Jeosit Potansiyellerinin  Değerlendirilmesi       Evaluation of the Geosite Potential of the Caves in the Ida Madra Geopark

Academic Researches and Studies in Sciences, 2022

This study aims to reveal the geosite potentials of the caves in the Ida Madra Geopark area. The ... more This study aims to reveal the geosite potentials of the caves in the Ida Madra Geopark area. The investigation of caves that can be the scene of different tourism types such as geological, geomorphological, visual, sportive, health, culture, curiosity, adventure and faith is the subject of this study. The study is based on literature review, field work and in this context, the classification of caves in terms of geosite potential according to certain criteria. First of all, the caves in the literature were identified and the caves were studied. In this way, location features and information about the caves were compiled. The data obtained as a result of this are mapped by GIS-based software. The length, depth, extension, hydrological status, hydrological location and usage characteristics of the caves were tried to be determined. Two separate classifications have been made in order to determine the geosite potential of the caves. First of all, caves are divided into categories as "high, low and no potential" according to their geosite potential. In the second classification, the caves are grouped in four different ways as international, national, regional and regional according to their importance. Thus, the caves in Ida Madra Geopark were separated according to their geosite potential and those that could be opened to tourism were determined. A total of 40 caves have been identified in the Ida Madra Geopark. The number of caves that have been discovered and mapped so far, and the geological, geomorphological, hydrogeological, meteorological, biological, anthropologicalarchaeological formation and development of the cave interior and its immediate surroundings has been studied is 30. Apart from these caves, there are 10 other caves that have not been discovered and examined, but have been identified by authors. As a result of the compilation and evaluation of the information about the caves in Ida Madra Geopark, 5 caves were evaluated as high and 14 caves with low geosite potential. It was determined that 11 caves did not have geosite

Research paper thumbnail of Madra Dağı'nın Uygulamalı Jeomorfolojisi

Madra Dağı Çalıştayı Kitabı, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Balıkesir Doğa Turizmi Master Planı- EcoTourism (Nature Based Tourism) Master Plan for Balikesir Province- Turkey

Research paper thumbnail of Impacts of Anthropogenic Factors on Land Degradation during the Anthropocene in Turkey

Journal of Environmental Biology

The aim of the present study was to determine the factors that effected the beginning of the Anth... more The aim of the present study was to determine the factors that effected the beginning of the Anthropogenic Era (human age) in Turkey and formation of biomes. Destruction of vegetation, soil erosion and land degradation are the most important factors in the formation of anthropogenic biomes in Turkey. For this reason, first of all, a literature review about land degradation, which has been going on for past 300 years in Turkey, and about its causes was made. Changes that have occurred over the last 70 years were studied with the help of aerial photos and satellite images. In addition, studies we have conducted in the last 35 years have contributed substantially to the determination of the extent of the destruction of vegetation and land degradation in Turkey. As a result of research based on literature reviews and fieldwork, the impact of humans on the natural habitat were identified, and the current situation was studied. The findings about the current situation that emerged due to ...

Research paper thumbnail of Quantifying Landscape Pattern Change and Human Impacts on Southern Lowlands of the Mt. Ida (NW Turkey)

Journal of Applied Sciences, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of GIS-based approach for flood analysis: case study of Keçidere flash flood event (Turkey)

Research paper thumbnail of Balıkesir İli'nin Mağara Turizmi Potansiyeli

Research paper thumbnail of Geomorphology and Seismicity of Bigadic Plaian- NW Turkey

Research paper thumbnail of Transhumance in Nortwestern Turkey: Karadere Highlands (Burhaniye) Case Study

Environment and Ecology in the Mediterranean Region , 2015

This study was carried out by focusing on transhumance activities and Karadere village summer hig... more This study was carried out by focusing on transhumance activities and Karadere village summer highlands located in Burhaniye district which is situated in the North Aegean Region. Fieldwork studies were conducted in 2010 and 2011, and the primary goals of this study were to determine the quality of transhumance activities in Karadere village, structure of herds, distance, direction, and periodicity of migration, characteristics of dwellings, sedentation status, characteristics of residence, the special role agriculture plays in the economic system, and the contribution of transhumance in Karadere to those who sustain this activity, to the region, and to the country.

Research paper thumbnail of Mediterranean Ecosystems of Turkey: Ecology of Taurus Mountains

Research paper thumbnail of Ecological properties of vegetation formations on karst terrains in the central Taurus Mountains (Southern Turkey

There is a strict relationship between the formation of karst topography, soils and vegetation on... more There is a strict relationship between the formation of karst topography, soils and vegetation on karst terrains. The Central part of Taurus Mountains of southern Turkey is rich in terms of topographical variety and karstic landforms. Karst topography has a strong influence on the development of soil types and vegetation formations. Karst formations such as karren, doline, uvala, karstic valley and poljes create unique habitats with different micro-climatic, soil and vegetation characteristics that differ from neighbouring sites.

Research paper thumbnail of Vegetation Zonation Patterns on the Goksu Delta (Southern Turkey)

Research paper thumbnail of LANDSLIDE SUSCEPTIBILITY MAPPING-Altai Region

Geographia Technica, 2024

ABSTRACT: Landslides are one of the important natural threats that often cause loss of life and p... more ABSTRACT:
Landslides are one of the important natural threats that often cause loss of life and property in Kazakhstan. One of the regions affected by landslides of different types and sizes that occur for different reasons in the country is the Rudny Altay Region in the east of Kazakhstan. This study deals with the landslide susceptibility assessment using remote sensing methods in Rudny Altai region of East Kazakhstan. The landslide inventory map was created based on historical information, remote sensing images, and field surveys. Images of 4 selected sites (Tikhaya, Berezovka, Manat and Chernovaya) were examined to determine potential landslide susceptibility. In combined Analytical Hierarchy Process method and GIS (AHP-GIS) used in this study, values are assigned to the selected indicators (layers) from low to high landslide susceptibility potential (1-5). Thus, to assess the potential of landslide processes, the following indicators were selected: calculated values of surface slope according to the NASADEM digital elevation model, soil density, average monthly precipitation OpenLandMap, and median values of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). As a result, the data were obtained and maps of landslide susceptibility of the study areas were created. According to the research results, the highest coefficient of damage to the area by landslide processes is noted in Tikhaya, and the lowest - in Manat. On average, the coefficient of landslide damage in the Rudny Altai area is 0.03, which is a low indicator for this region. The results obtained with the study showed that about 25% of the study area had moderate to high landslide susceptibility. Accordingly, landslide susceptibility is high in the southwest and south of the study area, especially in mountainous areas where slopes are steep and in sloping areas in the south. It was revealed that the results obtained in this study are quite successful in determining the landslide susceptibility of the study area. The findings of the study can contribute in the effective management of the Rudny Altai Region.
Key-words: AHP, Landslides, Susceptibility mapping, GIS, East Kazakhstan

Research paper thumbnail of İda Madra Jeoparkı'nda Granitoyid İntrüzyonlarının Jeosit olarak Jeomorfolojik ve Kültürel Önemi -

There are various geological formations and units from the Precambrian to the Holocene in the Ida... more There are various geological formations and units from the Precambrian to the Holocene in the Ida Madra Geopark area. It is possible to trace an approximately 600 million year old part of the 4.55-billion-year-old age of the Earth from the rocks that outcrop in the Geopark area. Volcanic, sedimentary and metamorphic rock types of various ages have formed very different geomorphological landforms in different parts of the area. In any geopark area, the landforms and rock outcrops are of great importance as well as their age. While rock outcrops reflect the paleogeography of the earth, the landforms have visual and cultural values along with their scientific features. Geosites determined in places where rocks outcrop are of scientific and educational value. However, there are also landforms that embody all the characteristics scientifically, educationally, naturally and culturally. The most important of these is the Tor Topography on Granitoids. Tor topographic shapes are widely developed in the Ida Madra Geopark area. In some places, the relationship between stone quarries with historical and cultural value and granite topography emerges. In Madra and Kozak, a close relationship has emerged between nomadic culture, granite topography and forest vegetation.

Research paper thumbnail of Formation of Antalya Travertine Deposits and Karstic Ground Water Systems

Research paper thumbnail of Forest Fire Causes and Motivations in Southern and south-Eastern Europe through the Perception of Experts: Contribution to Enhance the Current Policies

MDPI Forests, 2022

Forest fires causes and motivations are poorly understood in southern and southeastern Europe. Th... more Forest fires causes and motivations are poorly understood in southern and southeastern Europe. This research aims to identify how experts perceive the different causes of forest fires as defined in the classification proposed by the European Commission in 2013. A panel of experts (N = 271) was gathered from the EU Southern Member States (France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain) and from Central (Switzerland) and southeastern Europe (Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of North Macedonia, and Turkey). Experts were asked to answer a questionnaire to score the importance of the 29 fire causes using a five point (1-5) Likert Scale. The Agricultural burnings received the highest score, followed by Deliberate fire for profit, and Vegetation management. Most of the events stem from negligence, whereas malicious fire setting is arguably overestimated although there are differences among the countries. This research demonstrates the importance of different techniques to enhance the knowledge of the causes of the complex anthropogenic phenomenon of forest fire occurrence.

Research paper thumbnail of Geomorphic and Ecologic Fundemantals of air quality in the vicinity of Kaz (Ida Mt) Mountain-Western Turkey

Research paper thumbnail of Geotourism Characteristics of Northern Part of Edremit Region- Edremit Yöresi Kuzeyinin Geoturizm Özellikleri

Academic Researches and Studies in Sciences, 2022

One of the newly emerging tourism concepts due to the expansion and diversification of tourism ac... more One of the newly emerging tourism concepts due to the expansion and diversification of tourism activities day by day is "geotourism". "Geo" means earth in ancient Greek. The names of the sciences of geography, geomorphology and geology are derived from this word. For this reason, "geotourism" means that a geographical place is presented to tourism activities with all the natural and human objects it carries. It can be seen that the term "geotourism" has a wide and complex scope as a concept and refers to the consideration and evaluation of a geographical place as a tourism object as a whole. At the beginning of the twentyfirst century, this term began to be used more with Geoparks and geotourism came to the fore as an activity within geoparks. The north of the Edremit region stands out as a field with extraordinary opportunities in terms of geotourism potential. The main element that gives geotourism potential here is the geographical features of the region.

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of Wastewater Irrigation on Phytosociological Characteristics of the Vegetation: A Case Study in Sistan Region, Eastern Iran

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye’de Antroposen Döneminde Doğal Çevre Bozulmasını Etkileyen Antropojenik Faktörler

Research paper thumbnail of İda Madra Jeopark Sahasındaki Mağaraların Jeosit Potansiyellerinin  Değerlendirilmesi       Evaluation of the Geosite Potential of the Caves in the Ida Madra Geopark

Academic Researches and Studies in Sciences, 2022

This study aims to reveal the geosite potentials of the caves in the Ida Madra Geopark area. The ... more This study aims to reveal the geosite potentials of the caves in the Ida Madra Geopark area. The investigation of caves that can be the scene of different tourism types such as geological, geomorphological, visual, sportive, health, culture, curiosity, adventure and faith is the subject of this study. The study is based on literature review, field work and in this context, the classification of caves in terms of geosite potential according to certain criteria. First of all, the caves in the literature were identified and the caves were studied. In this way, location features and information about the caves were compiled. The data obtained as a result of this are mapped by GIS-based software. The length, depth, extension, hydrological status, hydrological location and usage characteristics of the caves were tried to be determined. Two separate classifications have been made in order to determine the geosite potential of the caves. First of all, caves are divided into categories as "high, low and no potential" according to their geosite potential. In the second classification, the caves are grouped in four different ways as international, national, regional and regional according to their importance. Thus, the caves in Ida Madra Geopark were separated according to their geosite potential and those that could be opened to tourism were determined. A total of 40 caves have been identified in the Ida Madra Geopark. The number of caves that have been discovered and mapped so far, and the geological, geomorphological, hydrogeological, meteorological, biological, anthropologicalarchaeological formation and development of the cave interior and its immediate surroundings has been studied is 30. Apart from these caves, there are 10 other caves that have not been discovered and examined, but have been identified by authors. As a result of the compilation and evaluation of the information about the caves in Ida Madra Geopark, 5 caves were evaluated as high and 14 caves with low geosite potential. It was determined that 11 caves did not have geosite

Research paper thumbnail of Madra Dağı'nın Uygulamalı Jeomorfolojisi

Madra Dağı Çalıştayı Kitabı, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Balıkesir Doğa Turizmi Master Planı- EcoTourism (Nature Based Tourism) Master Plan for Balikesir Province- Turkey

Research paper thumbnail of Impacts of Anthropogenic Factors on Land Degradation during the Anthropocene in Turkey

Journal of Environmental Biology

The aim of the present study was to determine the factors that effected the beginning of the Anth... more The aim of the present study was to determine the factors that effected the beginning of the Anthropogenic Era (human age) in Turkey and formation of biomes. Destruction of vegetation, soil erosion and land degradation are the most important factors in the formation of anthropogenic biomes in Turkey. For this reason, first of all, a literature review about land degradation, which has been going on for past 300 years in Turkey, and about its causes was made. Changes that have occurred over the last 70 years were studied with the help of aerial photos and satellite images. In addition, studies we have conducted in the last 35 years have contributed substantially to the determination of the extent of the destruction of vegetation and land degradation in Turkey. As a result of research based on literature reviews and fieldwork, the impact of humans on the natural habitat were identified, and the current situation was studied. The findings about the current situation that emerged due to ...

Research paper thumbnail of Quantifying Landscape Pattern Change and Human Impacts on Southern Lowlands of the Mt. Ida (NW Turkey)

Journal of Applied Sciences, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of GIS-based approach for flood analysis: case study of Keçidere flash flood event (Turkey)

Research paper thumbnail of Balıkesir İli'nin Mağara Turizmi Potansiyeli

Research paper thumbnail of Geomorphology and Seismicity of Bigadic Plaian- NW Turkey

Research paper thumbnail of Transhumance in Nortwestern Turkey: Karadere Highlands (Burhaniye) Case Study

Environment and Ecology in the Mediterranean Region , 2015

This study was carried out by focusing on transhumance activities and Karadere village summer hig... more This study was carried out by focusing on transhumance activities and Karadere village summer highlands located in Burhaniye district which is situated in the North Aegean Region. Fieldwork studies were conducted in 2010 and 2011, and the primary goals of this study were to determine the quality of transhumance activities in Karadere village, structure of herds, distance, direction, and periodicity of migration, characteristics of dwellings, sedentation status, characteristics of residence, the special role agriculture plays in the economic system, and the contribution of transhumance in Karadere to those who sustain this activity, to the region, and to the country.

Research paper thumbnail of Mediterranean Ecosystems of Turkey: Ecology of Taurus Mountains

Research paper thumbnail of Ecological properties of vegetation formations on karst terrains in the central Taurus Mountains (Southern Turkey

There is a strict relationship between the formation of karst topography, soils and vegetation on... more There is a strict relationship between the formation of karst topography, soils and vegetation on karst terrains. The Central part of Taurus Mountains of southern Turkey is rich in terms of topographical variety and karstic landforms. Karst topography has a strong influence on the development of soil types and vegetation formations. Karst formations such as karren, doline, uvala, karstic valley and poljes create unique habitats with different micro-climatic, soil and vegetation characteristics that differ from neighbouring sites.

Research paper thumbnail of Vegetation Zonation Patterns on the Goksu Delta (Southern Turkey)

Research paper thumbnail of Gölcük ve Düzce Depremleri 1999

Research paper thumbnail of Tourism, Environment and Ecology in the Mediterranean Region, CSP-UK.

Research paper thumbnail of Biodiversity, Conservation and Sustainability in Asia Vol.1

Springer, 2021

Real concerns exist over the impacts of biodiversity loss. This loss is increasing following pop... more Real concerns exist over the impacts of biodiversity loss. This loss is increasing following population pollution, which is producing strong impacts. There is a strong
determination to succeed in halting biodiversity loss and achieving sustainable
development. We have enough knowledge base from science and great experience,
both good and bad, to build our future. The rate of biodiversity loss needs to be
addressed by implementing more transformative solutions. The benefts provided
by our global biodiversity is the fundamental way for achieving the sustainable
development goals. The efforts to understand the importance of biodiversity as well
as ecosystem services are increasing; however, we need more effective action
towards the main drivers of biodiversity loss. The biodiversity vision adopted in
2010 discusses living in harmony with nature, where, by 2050, biodiversity is valued, conserved, restored and wisely used, maintaining ecosystem services, sustaining a healthy planet and delivering benefts essential for living beings. We keep on
talking about living in harmony with nature but we certainly are not doing so currently. The loss is affecting hu

Research paper thumbnail of Ermenek Çayı Havzası: Doğal Ortam Özellikleri- Natural Environment Properties of Ermenek River Basin (Taurus Mountains, Southern Turkey)

Research paper thumbnail of Dünya ve Ülkeler Rehberi

Research paper thumbnail of Tourism, Environment and Sustainability

Research paper thumbnail of Tourism Studies and Social Sciences

Tourism Studies and Social Sciences, 2021

The book " Tourism Studies and Social Sciences" covers the thematic studies and includes a wide r... more The book " Tourism Studies and Social Sciences" covers the thematic studies and includes a wide range of information, results of own studies of the authors in the social sciences. It is presented in 6 sections and 40 chapters, which can be divided into the following main areas


Research paper thumbnail of Biyocoğrafya - Güncellenmiş 3. baskı

Biyocoğrafya -Genel Prensipler-Bitki Coğrafyası-Hayvan Coğrafyası

Bitki ve hayvanların yeryüzünde dağılışı ve bu dağılışa etki eden coğrafi faktörlerle birlikte el... more Bitki ve hayvanların yeryüzünde dağılışı ve bu dağılışa etki eden coğrafi faktörlerle birlikte ele alan bu kitap Türkiye’de bu konuda yayınlanmış ilk örnektir. Vejetasyon coğrafyası, bitki coğrafyası adı altında yapılan çalışmalarda sadece bitkiler ve bitkilerin yetişme ortamı şartları ele alınmış, hayvanların yeryüzüne dağılışı ve bu dağılış nedenleri çalışmalarda yer almamıştır. Bu nedenle, yapılan bu çalışmanın bu konudaki eksikliği belirli bir oranda gidereceğini ümit etmekteyim.

Research paper thumbnail of Contemporary Studies in Sciences

Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Science and Education at the Beginning of 21st Century in Turkey.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Global Issues and Trends in Tourism-.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Social Science Researches in the Globalizing World-.pdf

This book, “Social Sciences Researches in the Globalizing World” has eight sections (public admin... more This book, “Social Sciences Researches in the Globalizing World” has eight sections (public administration, geography, tourism, economy, marketing, psychology, sociology) and 71 Chapters written by different authors who are experts in their field.

Research paper thumbnail of Biyocoğrafya: Bitkiler ve Hayvanlar Coğrafyası- Biogeography: Geography of Animals and Plants

Research paper thumbnail of Educational Sciences Research in the Globalizing World.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Science, Ecology and Engineering Research in the Globalizing World

This book, “Ecological and Engineering Researches in the Globalizing World” has 43 Chapters inclu... more This book, “Ecological and Engineering Researches in the Globalizing World” has 43 Chapters including ecological approaches in making urban land use decisions, landscape design to develop public awareness, sustainability principles and landscape planning.Contributions in each chapter are prepared by experts in the respective fields and mirror the advancement in the approach. This book contains important future tasks of the particular fields and supplies extensive bibliographies at the end of each chapter, as well as tables and figures that illustrate the research findings. All these make this book highly useful and a must read for students, researchers and professionals in landscape architecture, ecology, environmental sciences and architecture.

Research paper thumbnail of Current Trends in Science and Landscape Management

Research paper thumbnail of Developments in Social Sciences

Research paper thumbnail of Current Trends in Educational Sciences

Research paper thumbnail of Golcuk and Duzce  Earthquakes -ENG Book

Research paper thumbnail of Osmanlı'da Savaş ve Serhad

Bilgi çağı ansiklopedisi, Jul 3, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Analytical Hierarchy Process and Geographical Information System in Rudny Altai Region, East Kazakhstan

Geographia Technica, Mar 20, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Climate change and Sea level rise: Potential impact on the coast of the Edremit Plain, NW Turkey

Research paper thumbnail of Climate change and Sea level rise: Potential impact on the coast of the Edremit Plain, NW Turkey

Research paper thumbnail of The ecological conditions of the natural vegetation in Yuntdağ and its environs

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Oct 28, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Monitoring and Assessment of Hydrological and Ecological Changes in Lake Manyas

Research paper thumbnail of The effect of temperature conditions on olive (Olea europaea L. subsp. europaea) growing and phonological, pomological characteristics in Turkey

Ekoloji, 2009

... Data on temperature were obtained from meteorological stations in 6 important olive productio... more ... Data on temperature were obtained from meteorological stations in 6 important olive production areas in Turkey (Gemlik, Edremit, Milas, Antalya, Antakya and Nizip). ... Low temperatures resulted in the excessive shedding of leaves, cracking of skin, and death of thick branches. ...

Research paper thumbnail of The impact of climate on distribution of natural vegetation in upper Gediz River basin

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Oct 28, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of The physical factors affecting soil formation and properties of the soils in the western part of the southern Marmara sub-region

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Oct 27, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Gönen Ve Çevresi̇nde Coğrafi̇ Şartlarin Gönen Çayi Reji̇mi̇ne Etki̇si̇

Research paper thumbnail of Kizilirmağin Akim Ve Reji̇m Özelli̇kleri̇

Research paper thumbnail of Ecological conditions and vegetation of subalpine zone of Kaz Mountain

Springer eBooks, 2015

Kaz Mountain (Mount Ida) is located in the south of the Biga Peninsula in the northwest of Turkey... more Kaz Mountain (Mount Ida) is located in the south of the Biga Peninsula in the northwest of Turkey. The mountain lies along the southwest-northeast direction and its summit has an elevation of 1774 m. Ecological conditions of the subalpine zone around the summit of this high mountainous area and vegetation features were investigated. The vegetation in the fieldwork area consists of three groups: (a) degraded coniferous plants, (b) woody shrubs and polster plants, and (c) herbaceous species. Climate, elevation, and the bedrock are the main elements, which have an impact on the plant diversity. There are differences between the features of the north and south slopes. Black pines around the summit are interesting in that they are shorter and deformed. It is accompanied by the woody juniper species. Herbaceous and geophytic species are common in the subalpine zone. The latter includes several endemics and endangered species. The potential impact of climate change on the floristic diversity of this mountain could be significant. The subalpine zone will disappear due to the global warming. The cold and humid climate species like Fagus orientalis (oriental beech), Abies nordmanniana ssp. equi-trojani (Kazdagi fir), and Pinus nigra (black pine) found on this mountain will have to migrate or will get extinct. The lower limit of the forest zone will move higher, and its area will get narrower. The vegetation on the northern slopes will lose its hygrophilous characteristics, and the flora will be deprived of its richness.

Research paper thumbnail of Küçükçekmece gölü kuzeybatısının jeomorfolojik özellikleri

Research paper thumbnail of International Symposium on Geography Environment and Culture in the Mediterranean Region ECOREGIONS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA AND THE LAKES REGION OF TURKEY

The Mediterranean climate prevailing on the coastal belt of the Mediterranean Sea undergoes to ch... more The Mediterranean climate prevailing on the coastal belt of the Mediterranean Sea undergoes to change toward the inner part of the Anatolia in accordance with the increase of altitude, mountain range barriers, the tectonic structure of the region, and tectonic-karstic depressions. Continentality also plays a critical role in the micro-climates that prevail across the various eco-regions. This study is focused the division of ecosystems, depending on climate and topographic effects. Two main eco-regions are established: 1) The Mediterranean zonobiome, and 2) the Mediterranean transitional biome, extending between the Mediterranean zonobiome and 3) Inner Anatolian Continental zonobiome that can be called the zonoecotone. The Mediterranean zonobiome, which covers the southern slopes of the Taurus Mountains that abruptly rise on the coastal belt of Mediterranean Sea, is divided into orobiomes, pedobiomes, hydrobiome, etc. In this zonobiome, the main bio-graphical occurrences are the red...

Research paper thumbnail of Utjecaj Repičinog Ulja U Obroku Na Kvalitativna Svojstva Mišićnog Tkiva Svinja

Research paper thumbnail of Bri̇tanya'Da İkli̇m Deği̇şi̇mi̇ Ye Toprak Erozyonu

Öneri Dergisi, Mar 25, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Küçükçekmece Kuzeybatisi, Kli̇matoloji̇k Ye Hi̇droloji̇k Özelli̇kleri̇ni̇n Yerleşi̇me Uygunluğu

Öneri Dergisi, Mar 25, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of The Formation of Antalya Travertine Deposit and Karstic Ground Water Systems

Natural Environment and Culture in the Mediterranean Region

Research paper thumbnail of Environmental Sustainability and Landscape Management

Research paper thumbnail of Çevre Sorunlarinin Çözümünde Coğrafyanin Rolü