Aliaksandr Filipau | Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts (original) (raw)

Drafts by Aliaksandr Filipau

Research paper thumbnail of Main Administrative Institutions in the work ‘Risāla(t) fī Şahāba(t)…’ by Ibn al-Muqaffa‘

The paper considers views on the institutions of 'wali', 'imam' and 'Commander of the Faithful' i... more The paper considers views on the institutions of 'wali', 'imam' and 'Commander of the Faithful' in the middle of the 8th century AD.

Research paper thumbnail of Основные управленческие институты в произведении Ибн аль-Мукаффа «Risāla(t) fī al-Şahāba(t

В работе рассматриваются воззрения Ибн аль-Мукаффы на функции халифа

Research paper thumbnail of Political Significance of the Mamluk rulers’ Movements in the Second Half of the 13th Century

Political Significance of the Mamluk rulers’ Movements in the Second Half of the 13th Century, 2022

The paper deals with the political and military aspects of the Mamluk rulesr' movements in the se... more The paper deals with the political and military aspects of the Mamluk rulesr' movements in the second half of the 13th century

Research paper thumbnail of Политическое значение перемещений мамлюкских правителей во второй половине XIII века

Перемещения мамлюкских правителей связан преимущественно с аспектами внешней политики, а не с вну... more Перемещения мамлюкских правителей связан преимущественно с аспектами внешней политики, а не с внутриполитической борьбой, хотя именно последней уделяется значительное внимание в нарративе хроники. Доминирующий маршрут перемещения – Каир-Дамаск-Каир – с возможными отклонениями по маршруту.
Несмотря на значимость аш-Шама и специфические представления о государстве, Каир оставался основным военно-политическим центром подконтрольных мамлюкам территорий. Остальные «королевства», входившие в состав мамлюкского государства, имели меньшее, подчиненное значение по отношению к Каиру.
Несмотря на очевидно развитую сеть коммуникаций, соединявших Каир с Дамаском, последний служи обязательным пунктом остановки войска для последующих военных операций в аш-Шаме и за его пределами. Этот факт подтверждает предположения о логистических препятствиях в противостоянии мамлюков и государства Ильханидов.
Государства крестоносцев воспринимались мамлюками как жизненная угроза именно в силу своего географического положения как потенциальные транзитные крепости в случае крупного монгольского подхода

Research paper thumbnail of Ibn al-Athir. Year 562 AH (1166-1167AD)

Ibn al-Athir. Year 562 AH (1166-1167 AD), 2021

Russian translation of Ibn al-Athir's 'Al-Kamil fi al-Tarikh', year 562 AH (1166-1167AD)

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of Demographic Threat for the Stability of the Political System in Egypt

Research paper thumbnail of The Dynamics of the Amirs Corpus in Early Bahri Egypt in 1279-1300 AD (Part 2)

During the period 1252-1300 AD there was a significant growth in the number of the amirs corpus i... more During the period 1252-1300 AD there was a significant growth in the number of the amirs corpus in the Mamluk state in Egypt. This trend had become apparent before al-Mansur Qalawun’s ascent to power and only strengthened during the reign of the first Qalawunids. Correspondently, there was further growth in the imbalances identified in the first part: the pace of territorial expansion could not cover the pace of the growth in amirs number, the conflicts between ‘old’ and ‘new’ amirs, as well as between various amirs groups escalated,
In 1252-1300 AD the significant evolution of the institution of ‘amir’ itself was occurring. While on the initial stage of the Mamluk state development the amirs enjoyed a special status, which limited the maliks’ capacities to punish them, this status is gradually disappearing during the reign of the first Qalawunids, amirs are becoming to a larger extent the objects of the sultans’ will. On the other hand, the amirs’ influence on the political and social processes is growing up, a strong dependence of a ruler on the support from various Mamluk groups is developing. The rulers faced a problem and complexity to establish a more or less loyal to them core of amirs, who would be connected to them with strong personal relations, including the mutual past. The process of evolution of the institution ‘amir’ was related closely to the evolution of the institution of ‘malik’.
The mathematically identified politically significant corpus of ‘important amirs’ could not become such a core, since it included the amirs of various origin. Such situation only confirms the presence of deep and insuperable foundations, creating internal conflicts in the Mamluk state.

Research paper thumbnail of Relations between maliks and qadis in the Mamluk Egypt in 1261-1299

The paper continues the research on the relations between maliks and qadis in the Mamluk Egypt in... more The paper continues the research on the relations between maliks and qadis in the Mamluk Egypt in 1252-1261

Research paper thumbnail of Dymanics in Amirs Coprus in the Mamluk Egypt in 1279-1300

The chronological frames of the present paper encompass the period from 678 AH (1270 AD) to 699 A... more The chronological frames of the present paper encompass the period from 678 AH (1270 AD) to 699 AH (1300 AD). The paper itself continues the previously published work, which deals with the dynamics of the amirs corpus in 1252-1279 AD.

Research paper thumbnail of The Issue of Appellation of the Mamluk State in the Early Bahri Period within the Views on the Administrative and Political Governing

The issue of self-appellation of the Medieval Arab states in the Middle East belongs to the numbe... more The issue of self-appellation of the Medieval Arab states in the Middle East belongs to the number of insufficiently studied subjects. This problem is closely connected with such fundamental issues in the Middle East medieval studies as the views on the state, self-identification, the share of ethnic and political components in the social structure, as well as comprehensive view on the political reality.

Papers by Aliaksandr Filipau

Research paper thumbnail of Развитие арабистики в Республике Беларусь в 2015 – начале 2024 гг. (Development of Arabic studies in the Republic of Belarus in 2015 – early 2024)

Eurasian Arabic Studies, v. 7 No. 2, June 2024, 2024

The article examines the development of research in the field of Arabic studies in the Republic o... more The article examines the development of research in the field of Arabic
studies in the Republic of Belarus in 2015 – early 2024. The work is based on the study of public discourse on the place of Arabic studies in the system of science and education in the country, on the analysis of government policy documents that determine the development of science, as well as on the place of Arabic studies in dissertations and articles prepared during the specified period in the country's leading scientific journals. All dissertations submitted during the specified period were
analyzed in the context of the total mass of dissertation research. Articles on Arabic studies in leading scientific journals of Belarus in 2021 – beginning of 2024 were reviewed in the context of the total number of scientific articles published. In addition, the personnel potential of those educational institutions that train specialists in the field of Arabic studies is considered. A complete discrepancy has been revealed between the
pretentious discourse and the importance and relevance of Arabic studies and the virtually complete absence of Arabic studies as a scientific direction. There are no prospects for the development of this area in Belarus; the necessary institutional, financial and personnel support is almost absent. Existing work is of a spontaneous initiative nature and has virtually no institutional support.

Research paper thumbnail of Актуальные тенденции в охране нематериального культурного наследия в мире

Нематэрыяльная культурная спадчына Тураўшчыны, 2023

Global trends in preserving intangible cultural heritage (in Russian)


Лістападаўскія сустрэчы – XV Матэрыялы міжнароднай навуковай выкладчыцка-студэнцкай канферэнцыі ў гонар акадэмікаў М. М. Нікольскага і У. М. Перцава Мінск, 15 лістапада 2023 г., 2024

Theoretical Issues of Power Change Process in the Medieval Islamic World on the Example of the Es... more Theoretical Issues of Power Change Process in the Medieval Islamic World on the Example of the Establishment of the Ayyubids Rule in Egypt

Research paper thumbnail of Regional Policy The curriculum of institutions of higher education in academic discipline for the specialty: 1-23 80 07 Political Science

Research paper thumbnail of Political Ideologies The curriculum of institutions of higher education in academic discipline for the specialty: 1-23 01 06 Political Science



The article considers the peculiaritues of Oman's state policy of respreseting the country's hist... more The article considers the peculiaritues of Oman's state policy of respreseting the country's historical and cultural heritage

Research paper thumbnail of Russian Empire's Rule and Bolsheviks Ascent to Power in the Public Discourse of Uzbekistan

Период российского правления и приход к власти большевиков в публичном дискурсе Узбекистана, 2022

The paper consider the narrative in school books and public museums on the period of Russian Empi... more The paper consider the narrative in school books and public museums on the period of Russian Empire and October Revolution of 1917 in Uzbekistan.

Research paper thumbnail of The issue of appellation of the Mamluk state in the early bahrite period within the views on the administrative and political governing

Research paper thumbnail of Ismael, T. Y.,& Jacqueline S. Ismael. Iraq in the Twenty-First Century: Regime Change and the Making of a Failed State. New York: Routledge, 2015

Journal of International and Global Studies, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Naomí Ramírez Díaz. The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria: The Democratic Option of Islamism. New York: Routledge, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Main Administrative Institutions in the work ‘Risāla(t) fī Şahāba(t)…’ by Ibn al-Muqaffa‘

The paper considers views on the institutions of 'wali', 'imam' and 'Commander of the Faithful' i... more The paper considers views on the institutions of 'wali', 'imam' and 'Commander of the Faithful' in the middle of the 8th century AD.

Research paper thumbnail of Основные управленческие институты в произведении Ибн аль-Мукаффа «Risāla(t) fī al-Şahāba(t

В работе рассматриваются воззрения Ибн аль-Мукаффы на функции халифа

Research paper thumbnail of Political Significance of the Mamluk rulers’ Movements in the Second Half of the 13th Century

Political Significance of the Mamluk rulers’ Movements in the Second Half of the 13th Century, 2022

The paper deals with the political and military aspects of the Mamluk rulesr' movements in the se... more The paper deals with the political and military aspects of the Mamluk rulesr' movements in the second half of the 13th century

Research paper thumbnail of Политическое значение перемещений мамлюкских правителей во второй половине XIII века

Перемещения мамлюкских правителей связан преимущественно с аспектами внешней политики, а не с вну... more Перемещения мамлюкских правителей связан преимущественно с аспектами внешней политики, а не с внутриполитической борьбой, хотя именно последней уделяется значительное внимание в нарративе хроники. Доминирующий маршрут перемещения – Каир-Дамаск-Каир – с возможными отклонениями по маршруту.
Несмотря на значимость аш-Шама и специфические представления о государстве, Каир оставался основным военно-политическим центром подконтрольных мамлюкам территорий. Остальные «королевства», входившие в состав мамлюкского государства, имели меньшее, подчиненное значение по отношению к Каиру.
Несмотря на очевидно развитую сеть коммуникаций, соединявших Каир с Дамаском, последний служи обязательным пунктом остановки войска для последующих военных операций в аш-Шаме и за его пределами. Этот факт подтверждает предположения о логистических препятствиях в противостоянии мамлюков и государства Ильханидов.
Государства крестоносцев воспринимались мамлюками как жизненная угроза именно в силу своего географического положения как потенциальные транзитные крепости в случае крупного монгольского подхода

Research paper thumbnail of Ibn al-Athir. Year 562 AH (1166-1167AD)

Ibn al-Athir. Year 562 AH (1166-1167 AD), 2021

Russian translation of Ibn al-Athir's 'Al-Kamil fi al-Tarikh', year 562 AH (1166-1167AD)

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of Demographic Threat for the Stability of the Political System in Egypt

Research paper thumbnail of The Dynamics of the Amirs Corpus in Early Bahri Egypt in 1279-1300 AD (Part 2)

During the period 1252-1300 AD there was a significant growth in the number of the amirs corpus i... more During the period 1252-1300 AD there was a significant growth in the number of the amirs corpus in the Mamluk state in Egypt. This trend had become apparent before al-Mansur Qalawun’s ascent to power and only strengthened during the reign of the first Qalawunids. Correspondently, there was further growth in the imbalances identified in the first part: the pace of territorial expansion could not cover the pace of the growth in amirs number, the conflicts between ‘old’ and ‘new’ amirs, as well as between various amirs groups escalated,
In 1252-1300 AD the significant evolution of the institution of ‘amir’ itself was occurring. While on the initial stage of the Mamluk state development the amirs enjoyed a special status, which limited the maliks’ capacities to punish them, this status is gradually disappearing during the reign of the first Qalawunids, amirs are becoming to a larger extent the objects of the sultans’ will. On the other hand, the amirs’ influence on the political and social processes is growing up, a strong dependence of a ruler on the support from various Mamluk groups is developing. The rulers faced a problem and complexity to establish a more or less loyal to them core of amirs, who would be connected to them with strong personal relations, including the mutual past. The process of evolution of the institution ‘amir’ was related closely to the evolution of the institution of ‘malik’.
The mathematically identified politically significant corpus of ‘important amirs’ could not become such a core, since it included the amirs of various origin. Such situation only confirms the presence of deep and insuperable foundations, creating internal conflicts in the Mamluk state.

Research paper thumbnail of Relations between maliks and qadis in the Mamluk Egypt in 1261-1299

The paper continues the research on the relations between maliks and qadis in the Mamluk Egypt in... more The paper continues the research on the relations between maliks and qadis in the Mamluk Egypt in 1252-1261

Research paper thumbnail of Dymanics in Amirs Coprus in the Mamluk Egypt in 1279-1300

The chronological frames of the present paper encompass the period from 678 AH (1270 AD) to 699 A... more The chronological frames of the present paper encompass the period from 678 AH (1270 AD) to 699 AH (1300 AD). The paper itself continues the previously published work, which deals with the dynamics of the amirs corpus in 1252-1279 AD.

Research paper thumbnail of The Issue of Appellation of the Mamluk State in the Early Bahri Period within the Views on the Administrative and Political Governing

The issue of self-appellation of the Medieval Arab states in the Middle East belongs to the numbe... more The issue of self-appellation of the Medieval Arab states in the Middle East belongs to the number of insufficiently studied subjects. This problem is closely connected with such fundamental issues in the Middle East medieval studies as the views on the state, self-identification, the share of ethnic and political components in the social structure, as well as comprehensive view on the political reality.

Research paper thumbnail of Развитие арабистики в Республике Беларусь в 2015 – начале 2024 гг. (Development of Arabic studies in the Republic of Belarus in 2015 – early 2024)

Eurasian Arabic Studies, v. 7 No. 2, June 2024, 2024

The article examines the development of research in the field of Arabic studies in the Republic o... more The article examines the development of research in the field of Arabic
studies in the Republic of Belarus in 2015 – early 2024. The work is based on the study of public discourse on the place of Arabic studies in the system of science and education in the country, on the analysis of government policy documents that determine the development of science, as well as on the place of Arabic studies in dissertations and articles prepared during the specified period in the country's leading scientific journals. All dissertations submitted during the specified period were
analyzed in the context of the total mass of dissertation research. Articles on Arabic studies in leading scientific journals of Belarus in 2021 – beginning of 2024 were reviewed in the context of the total number of scientific articles published. In addition, the personnel potential of those educational institutions that train specialists in the field of Arabic studies is considered. A complete discrepancy has been revealed between the
pretentious discourse and the importance and relevance of Arabic studies and the virtually complete absence of Arabic studies as a scientific direction. There are no prospects for the development of this area in Belarus; the necessary institutional, financial and personnel support is almost absent. Existing work is of a spontaneous initiative nature and has virtually no institutional support.

Research paper thumbnail of Актуальные тенденции в охране нематериального культурного наследия в мире

Нематэрыяльная культурная спадчына Тураўшчыны, 2023

Global trends in preserving intangible cultural heritage (in Russian)


Лістападаўскія сустрэчы – XV Матэрыялы міжнароднай навуковай выкладчыцка-студэнцкай канферэнцыі ў гонар акадэмікаў М. М. Нікольскага і У. М. Перцава Мінск, 15 лістапада 2023 г., 2024

Theoretical Issues of Power Change Process in the Medieval Islamic World on the Example of the Es... more Theoretical Issues of Power Change Process in the Medieval Islamic World on the Example of the Establishment of the Ayyubids Rule in Egypt

Research paper thumbnail of Regional Policy The curriculum of institutions of higher education in academic discipline for the specialty: 1-23 80 07 Political Science

Research paper thumbnail of Political Ideologies The curriculum of institutions of higher education in academic discipline for the specialty: 1-23 01 06 Political Science



The article considers the peculiaritues of Oman's state policy of respreseting the country's hist... more The article considers the peculiaritues of Oman's state policy of respreseting the country's historical and cultural heritage

Research paper thumbnail of Russian Empire's Rule and Bolsheviks Ascent to Power in the Public Discourse of Uzbekistan

Период российского правления и приход к власти большевиков в публичном дискурсе Узбекистана, 2022

The paper consider the narrative in school books and public museums on the period of Russian Empi... more The paper consider the narrative in school books and public museums on the period of Russian Empire and October Revolution of 1917 in Uzbekistan.

Research paper thumbnail of The issue of appellation of the Mamluk state in the early bahrite period within the views on the administrative and political governing

Research paper thumbnail of Ismael, T. Y.,& Jacqueline S. Ismael. Iraq in the Twenty-First Century: Regime Change and the Making of a Failed State. New York: Routledge, 2015

Journal of International and Global Studies, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Naomí Ramírez Díaz. The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria: The Democratic Option of Islamism. New York: Routledge, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Механизм консолидации политической элиты: опыт Сирии

Палiтычная сфера, 2009

В обществах, для которых характерна значительная разнородность, а значит, и высокая ступень дифф... more В обществах, для которых характерна значительная разнородность, а значит, и высокая ступень дифференцированности элиты, ее единство может усиливаться как за счет идеологии, так и за счет постепенного
формирования новых механизмов взаимодействия между элитными группами. Эти два вектора компенсируют и дополняют друг друга, что хорошо иллюстрируется современной историей Сирии. Предыдущие же механизмы консолидации были
разрушены или значительно ослаблены в результате колониального господства

Research paper thumbnail of Динамика эмирского состава в раннебахритском Египте (650-699 гг.х. / 1252-1299 гг.)

Беларусь и культурное наследие древности и средневековья, 2021

The Dynamics of the Amirs' Corpus in the Early Bahri Egypt (650-699 AH /1252-1299 AD)

Research paper thumbnail of Libya: the Lessons of Strenght and Weakness

Strategy of Russia, 2017

Reduced English translation of the Russian original paper. The fall of the Gaddafi’s government ... more Reduced English translation of the Russian original paper.

The fall of the Gaddafi’s government resulted in actual disintegration of the state due to the actualization of all its vulnerabilities:
preserving tribal structure;
regional disbalances (mainly in location of oil fields);
necessity to have an external enemy as a base for creating an image of combating united Libya;
necessity to have an authoritative and charismatic leader who can become a mediator / arbiter admitted by the majority of elites;
necessity to design a new system of distribution power and resources between differentr ethnic and tribal groups within the frames of generation change.
Falling oil prices, as well as long-lasting internal conflict contribute more to Libya’s disintegration. Penetration of radical ideas and movements make the internal political situation much more complicated. Libya was united mainly due to the external forces. The issue of refugees (which was more or less administrated by the Gaddafi’s regime) and general growth of terrorism danger can push the external actors to make real efforts towards the stabilization in the country. However, the analysis of these vulnerabilities shows that it will take long years with the uncertain results. Without external interference the process will last no less than one generation.

Research paper thumbnail of Ливия: уроки силы и слабости / Libya: the lessons of strength and weakness

Стратегия России, 2017

Положительный имидж страны поддерживало относительно динамичное экономическое развитие. Немалую р... more Положительный имидж страны поддерживало относительно динамичное экономическое развитие. Немалую роль играла способность
противостоять неоднократным внешним и внутренним попыткам
смены власти. Однако события «арабской весны», начавшиеся в Ливии в январе-феврале 2011 года, за считанные месяцы погрузили
страну в анархию.

Research paper thumbnail of Ibn al-Athir. Year 563 AH (1167-1168 AD)

Ibn al-Athir. Year 563 AH (1167-1168 AD)

Russian translation of Ibn al-Athir's 'Al-Kamil fi al-Tarikh', year 563 AH (1167-1168 AD)

Research paper thumbnail of The Foreign Policy of the Mamluk State in the Early Bahri Period: Statistical Approach

The Foreign Policy of the Mamluk State in the Early Bahri Period (650-699 AH / 1252-1299 AD): statistical approach, 2020

The foreign policy of the Mamluk State in the early Bahri period belongs to the number of in deta... more The foreign policy of the Mamluk State in the early Bahri period belongs to the number of in details discussed issues in the Mamluk historiography. In general, we may suggest that it is one of the best studied aspects of the Mamluk State political development.
The present paper is based mainly on the statistical analysis of the events, related to the foreign policy and covered by the chronicle ‘Zubda(t) al-Fikra(t) fīTa’rīkh al-Hijra(t)’.
The discussed period witnessed an absence of any established system of regional international relations, the foreign policy of the Mamluk state in many aspects had a reactive nature as a response to the danger from the Tatars (mainly, from the Ilkhanate).
The Crusader states in the Middle East and the Ilkhanate were perceived by the Mamluks as parts of the one danger, regardless the real relations which de-facto existed between these polities.
The concept of the narrative of the foreign policy applied by the author of the ‘Zubda(t) al-Fikra(t)…’ remains within the general frames of the Mamluk elite’s perception on the nature of the historic process. The emphasis made on the foreign policy activities of al-Zahir Baibars serves as a kind of the beginning of a new cycle, which will reach its peak during the reign of al-Nasir Muhammad.

Research paper thumbnail of Power Change Mechanism in the Early Bahri Period (1250-1261)

The Countries and Peoples of the Near and Middle East. XXX, Yerevan, 2016. - P. 142-170., 2016

In The Countries and Peoples of the Near and Middle East. XXX, Yerevan, 2016. - P. 142-170.

Research paper thumbnail of Social Entrepreneurship as a possible alternative to the social contract in Belarus

Social Entrepreneurship as a possible alternative to the social contract in Belarus, 2018

In the Belarusian conditions any more or less clear legal definition of the SE will raise harsh c... more In the Belarusian conditions any more or less clear legal definition of the SE will raise harsh critics by many stakeholders. Ideal definition seems to be impossible. This issue should be settled by the political will.
Taking into consideration the specifics of public administration, economic regulation, accounting etc. the inclusive understanding of SE seems to be the most perspective for farther developing and expanding. Moreover, the Belarusian authorities seem to be completely intolerant to give NGO a right to implement any commercial activity aimed to support their mission.
There is a strong gap between the perceptions of socially important in the society and in the public administration agencies. It seems to be almost impossible to overcome this gap in short- and midterm perspective.
The stakeholders evaluate quiet positively the existing legislature in the area of supporting marginalized / low competitive labour force. Further support should have non-monetary nature with a particular emphasis on formation of social-sympathetic society, formation of value and importance of the ‘social’ elements in commercial organizations’ activities.
There is a strong gap between the existing areas of SE’s activities and stakeholders’ views on the areas which can be the most perspective ones. Thus, IT-sphere is mentioned quiet often, while industry inherited from the Soviet past dominates in reality.
As a result, even those benefits, which are provided by the Belarusian legislation, are used to a limited extent.

Research paper thumbnail of Концепция арабского национализма в идеологии Мишеля Афляка

The Concept of Arab Nationalism in the Ideology of Michel 'Aflaq, 2008

1. Разрабатывая свою концепцию арабского национализма, М. Афлак стремился, прежде всего, интегрир... more 1. Разрабатывая свою концепцию арабского национализма, М. Афлак стремился, прежде всего, интегрировать различные этно-религиозные группы Сирии в одно целое и в условиях достижения страной независимости помочь христианам сохранить то привилегированное положение, которым они пользовались во время французского мандата. Конечной целью идеологии провозглашалось объединение всего арабского мира.
2. Этнические меньшинства были интегрированы через апелляцию к кровнородственным и клиентским связям, которые были сформированы в эпоху халифата Омейядов (661-750) и пересмотрены при Аббасидах (751-1258). Именно поэтому некоторые арабские националисты прямо заявляли, что Аббасидский халифат утратил свои арабские корни [23, с.52]. Переосмыслив понятие «umma(t)» и фактически приравняв его к понятию «qawm», М. Афлак смог включить в состав арабской нации даже несемитские народы – курдов, берберов, армян.
3. Религиозные меньшинства были интегрированы с помощью фактического отождествления ислама как религии с урубой как совокупностью особых качеств, присущих только арабам, независимо от их вероисповедания.
4. Концепция арабского национализма в идеологии М. Афлака характеризуется предельной обобщенностью и описывается через такие понятия как единство, свобода и арабский социализм. Ни одно из них автором определено не было . Такой подход позволял основателю Баас лавировать между интересами различных групп, не вступая в противоречие ни с одной из них.

Research paper thumbnail of Турецко-египетские противоречия на Ближнем Востоке: какова должна быть политика Беларуси?

Turkish-Egyptian Contradictions in the Middle East: What Should Be the Policy of Belarus, 2020

Представляется, что при отсутствии каких-то резких шагов со стороны официального Минска на двусто... more Представляется, что при отсутствии каких-то резких шагов со стороны официального Минска на двусторонние отношения эта напряженность между Каиром и Анкарой повлиять не может. Беларусь не является ключевым партнером ни для Турции, ни для Египта. Оба государства достаточно активно сотрудничают с Россией, уровень взаимодействия с которой на порядок превышает уровень их отношений с официальным Минском. И Египет, и Турция претендуют на лидерство и доминирование на Ближнем Востоке, где самостоятельные позиции (без России) Беларуси достаточно слабые, уклон в сотрудничество официального Минска с той или другой стороной не изменит баланса сил.

С точки зрения энергетической политики Беларусь представляла бы интерес в случае полной долговременной остановки транзита российских энергоресурсов через свою территорию, но во всем мире понимают, что это фантастический сценарий. Ни Турция, ни Египет не зависят в значительной степени от военно-технического сотрудничества с Беларусью, соответственно, вряд ли воспринимают Беларусь как важного соперника/соратника в этой области. Опыт показывает, что самый серьезный кризис в беларуско-турецких отношениях возник не из-за внешнеполитической активности официального Минска, а из-за необдуманной и, возможно, имеющей коррупционную составляющую поддержки Ф. Гюлена и его структур. В результате на момент попытки переворота 2016 г. Беларусь оказалась оплотом «гюленовщины» в Европе, что вызвало крайне болезненную реакцию в Анкаре.

Research paper thumbnail of Naomí Ramírez Díaz. The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria: The Democratic Option of Islamism. New York: Routledge, 2018

Review of the book: Naomí Ramírez Díaz. The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria: The Democratic Option of Islamism. New York: Routledge, 2018. , 2018

Review of the Book

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of Demographic Threat for the Stability of the Political System in Egypt

The demographic pressure has a significant, however, not a catastrophic impact on the economy and... more The demographic pressure has a significant, however, not a catastrophic impact on the economy and correspondently on the sustainability of the Egyptian political system. The current government activities allow the control over the situation.
The economic system of Egypt is expected to become the most vulnerable for the demographic pressure in 2029-2034. Even this high pressure could not result in dramatic or catastrophic consequences for the economic and political stability.
Taking into consideration the absence of active economic growth and uncertain perspectives for any significant growth in future, any social contract between the government and population does not seem probable. The main emphasis should be made on the quality of governance and government legitimacy. The al-Sisi’s government has problems with both. The situation could be described as slow degradation. Within the frames of the strengthening the authoritarian regime the Egyptian government would look for additional sources for its legitimacy. The former presidents Nasser and Mubarak found such sources in struggle against foreign enemies.

Research paper thumbnail of Is Belarus on the Edge of Political and Constitutional Reform

Is Belarus on the Edge of Political and Constitutional Reform, 2021

All discussions about political or constititional reform in Belarus have exclusively imitative ch... more All discussions about political or constititional reform in Belarus have exclusively imitative character.

Research paper thumbnail of Early Ideology of the Baath Party

Early Ideology of the Baath Party, 2022

The book considers the early ideology of the Baath party in Syria. The book is in Russian

Research paper thumbnail of Belarusian Tourism under the Global Pandemic Threat: Situation Analysis and Ways to Recover

Белорусский туризм в условиях глобальной эпидемиологической угрозы: анализ ситуации и пути восстановления отрасли, 2021

В издательстве УП «ИВЦ Минфина» вышла коллективная монография специалистов Агентства стратегическ... more В издательстве УП «ИВЦ Минфина» вышла коллективная монография специалистов Агентства стратегического и экономического развития и Республиканского союза туристической индустрии «Белорусский туризм в условиях глобальной эпидемиологической угрозы: анализ ситуации и пути восстановления отрасли».
В монографии представлены результаты исследования состояния и развития туристической отрасли Беларуси в докоронавирусный период и в период пандемии.
Предложены пути выхода туристического бизнеса из кризиса и переориентации с въездного и выездного на внутренний туризм.

Research paper thumbnail of Formation of the Mamluk State in Egypt in the second half of the XIIIth century

Formation of the Mamluk State in Egypt in the second half of the XIIIth century, 2021

Formation of the Mamluk State in Egypt in the second half of the XIIIth century