Libertad Chavez-Rodriguez | Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS) (original) (raw)

Books by Libertad Chavez-Rodriguez

Research paper thumbnail of A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation

Introduction, 2018

This edited volume brings together critical research on climate change adaptation discourses, pol... more This edited volume brings together critical research on climate change adaptation discourses, policies, and practices from a multidisciplinary perspective. Drawing on examples from countries including Colombia, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Russia, Tanzania, Indonesia, and the Pacific Islands, the chapters describe how adaptation measures are interpreted, transformed, and implemented at grassroots level and how these measures are changing or interfering with power relations, legal pluralism, and local (ecological) knowledge. As a whole, the book challenges established perspectives of climate change adaptation by taking into account issues of cultural diversity, environmental justice, and human rights, as well as feminist or intersectional approaches. This innovative approach allows for analyses of the new configurations of knowledge and power that are evolving in the name of climate change adaptation. This volume will be of great interest to students and scholars of climate change, environmental law and policy, and environmental sociology, and to policymakers and practitioners working in the field of climate change adaptation.

Research paper thumbnail of Edited volume: A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation Discourses, Policies and Practices

This edited volume brings together critical research on climate change adaptation discourses, pol... more This edited volume brings together critical research on climate change adaptation discourses, policies, and practices from a multi-disciplinary perspective. Drawing on examples from countries including Colombia, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Russia, Tanzania, Indonesia, and the Pacific Islands, the chapters describe how adaptation measures are interpreted, transformed, and implemented at grassroots level and how these measures are changing or interfering with power relations, legal pluralismm and local (ecological) knowledge. As a whole, the book challenges established perspectives of climate change adaptation by taking into account issues of cultural diversity, environmental justicem and human rights, as well as feminist or intersectional approaches. This innovative approach allows for analyses of the new configurations of knowledge and power that are evolving in the name of climate change adaptation.

This volume will be of great interest to students and scholars of climate change, environmental law and policy, and environmental sociology, and to policymakers and practitioners working in the field of climate change adaptation.

Research paper thumbnail of Edited book: A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation: Discourses, Policies and Practices

A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation: Discourses, Policies and Practices, 2018

This edited volume brings together critical research on climate change adaptation discourses, pol... more This edited volume brings together critical research on climate change adaptation discourses, policies, and practices from a multi-disciplinary perspective. Drawing on examples from countries including Colombia, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Russia, Tanzania, Indonesia, and the Pacific Islands, the chapters describe how adaptation measures are interpreted, transformed, and implemented at grassroots level and how these measures are changing or interfering with power relations, legal pluralismm and local (ecological) knowledge. As a whole, the book challenges established perspectives of climate change adaptation by taking into account issues of cultural diversity, environmental justicem and human rights, as well as feminist or intersectional approaches. This innovative approach allows for analyses of the new configurations of knowledge and power that are evolving in the name of climate change adaptation.

This volume will be of great interest to students and scholars of climate change, environmental law and policy, and environmental sociology, and to policymakers and practitioners working in the field of climate change adaptation.

Research paper thumbnail of Climate Change and Gender: the significance of intersectionality in the social vulnerability in regions under flood risk / Klimawandel und Gender. Zur Bedeutung von Intersektionalitätfür die soziale Vulnerabilität in überflutungsgefährdeten Gebieten

Research paper thumbnail of Probleme und Möglichkeiten einer nachhaltigen Wassernutzung nordmexikanischer Städte aus Sicht der Stadtplanung. Das Beispiel von Saltillo / Problemas y posibilidades del uso sostenible del agua en ciudades del norte de México desde el punto de vista de la planeación urbana: caso Saltillo (bilingüe)

Schlagworte: Wasserwirtschaft; Wassernutzung; Klima(arid); Nachhaltigkeit; Raumplanung; Ressource... more Schlagworte: Wasserwirtschaft; Wassernutzung; Klima(arid); Nachhaltigkeit; Raumplanung; Ressourcenmanagement; Wasserkreislauf; Stadtplanung
Die Arbeit befasst sich insbesondere mit der Schaffung und Sicherstellung eines nachhaltigen Umgangs mit Wasser in den ariden Gebieten im Norden Mexikos im Rahmen der Stadtplanung. Der Leitgedanke der Arbeit ist es, dass eine Stadt, als offenes heterotrophes System, ihre natürliche Tragfähigkeit ihres eigenen Territoriums bei der Nutzung der erneuerbaren Ressource Wasser nicht überschreiten darf, damit die
eigene Regenerationskapazität des Wassers erhalten bleibt. Die Aufrechterhaltung dieses natürlichen Wasserkreislaufs wird im
Verdichtungsraum von Saltillo durch eine nicht nachhaltige Nutzung des Wassers bedroht. Das Ergebnis der Arbeit besteht aus Überlegungen zur Sicherstellung der langfristigen Wasserbeschaffung der Stadt unter Berücksichtigung der ökologischen Tragfähigkeit. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass die Durchsetzung von raumplanerischen Instrumenten einen Beitrag zum Schutz des Wasserdargebots, zum Erhalt der
natürlichen Regenerationskapazität des Wasserkreislaufs und zur Verbesserung der Handlungsmöglichkeiten privater und öffentlicher Akteure in Richtung einer nachhaltigen Nutzung des Wassers in Saltillo und der umgebenden Region leisten kann.

Papers by Libertad Chavez-Rodriguez

Research paper thumbnail of Cambio Climático y Género: reflexiones críticas para interpretar los nexos

Research paper thumbnail of Prevención de riesgos: posibilidades y alcances del enfoque de género (recuadro del capítulo "La equidad de género en la política climática. México y el Acuerdo de París", de Verónica Vázquez García).

Research paper thumbnail of La Importancia de la Interseccionalidad en la Vulnerabilidad Social ante Eventos Hidrometeorológicos Extremos en Yucatán, México

Research paper thumbnail of Governing Climate Change. The Power of Adaptation Discourse, Policies and Practices

A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation: Discourses, Policies and Practices Edited by: Silja Klepp and Libertad Chavez-Rodriguez, 2018

This book presents the outcome of a workshop on climate change adaptation discourses, policies an... more This book presents the outcome of a workshop on climate change adaptation discourses, policies and practices held in Oaxaca, Mexico, in 2016. Participants were mostly from and/or undertaking research in the Global South. Two main themes arose: that cultural, social and political diversity is largely absent from climate change adaptation and that the overwhelming social inequalities under which adaptation to climate change is taking place are not only ignored, but are often naturalised or even strengthened. The various chapters of this book explore a number of questions: Which social dynamics can evolve within the framework of climate change adaptation in various spaces? Which assumptions and rationalities are inherent in mainstream climate change adaptation discourses, policies and practices? Which patterns of use and misuse can we observe regarding climate change adaptation? Which social processes are initiated or hindered through climate change adaptation?

Research paper thumbnail of Online-Anhang

Research paper thumbnail of Household Risk Perception and Vulnerability to Floods in Urban Contexts in Monterrey, Mexico

Research paper thumbnail of Climate change and gender: The significance of gender in the social vulnerability to extreme weather events in regions under flood risk

The dissertation examines the significance of gender and gender relationships in connection with ... more The dissertation examines the significance of gender and gender relationships in connection with other socio-economic characteristics for the social vulnerability to climate change-related extreme weather events. What options for environmental political action for DRM can be derived from the answers to that question? Empirical research was conducted in two flood prone areas, in the Elbe riverside region of Low Saxony, Germany and in the northern coast of Yucatán, Mexico. The collection of empirical data included primarily expert interviews and focus groups with population affected by floods. The dissertation is situated in the gender and environment' research field and places a focus on climate change. It addresses a thematic with significant research needs and a clear lack of empirically grounded data. It works out gender-related blind spots in the concept of social vulnerability, contributing to the further development of a relevant concept to the consequences of climate change

Research paper thumbnail of The Domestic Cycle Approach as Methodological Strategy in Risk Research

Researching Risk and Uncertainty, 2018

This chapter introduces the domestic cycle approach as a methodological strategy to observe and a... more This chapter introduces the domestic cycle approach as a methodological strategy to observe and analyse differences in the social vulnerability to flood risk and related decisions to settlement and relocation. The concept follows earlier approaches, such as the life cycle of poverty (Rowntree 1906) and the domestic cycle (Gonzalez de la Rocha, The resources of poverty: women and survival in a Mexican city. Blackwell, Oxford, 1994), which have been used for analysing urban low-income households and their strategic responses to economic changes. The analytical power of the domestic cycle is illustrated by the example of ethnographic work in the city of Monterrey, Mexico. It illustrates how the domestic cycle is a valuable tool to reconstruct and understand household members’ subjective perception, meaning, and framing of risk in everyday life under the impression of recurrent flood experiences.

Research paper thumbnail of A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation

Research paper thumbnail of Environmental justice at the intersection: exclusion patterns in urban mobility narratives and decision making in Monterrey, Mexico

DIE ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin, 2020

Dieses Papier stellt die stadtische Umwelt von Monterrey, Mexiko, in den Mittelpunkt unserer Fors... more Dieses Papier stellt die stadtische Umwelt von Monterrey, Mexiko, in den Mittelpunkt unserer Forschung und untersucht die urbane Mobilitat im Wechselspiel mit Geschlecht und Umweltgerechtigkeit, indem es ein interdisziplinares Team von Wissenschaftlerinnen, Kunstlerinnen und Aktivistinnen zusammenbringt, um Recherchen zur Untersuchung von urbanen Mobilitatsnarrativen und Entscheidungsfindungen durchzufuhren. Die Auswirkungen der sozialen Ausgrenzung in den von uns diskutierten Entscheidungsprozessen aufarbeiten: -Wie die dominante Narrative der Inclusive Mobility und der Human City soziale Praktiken einer auto-zentrierten Stadt reproduziert, indem sie geschlechtsspezifische Mobilitatsmuster ignoriert und eine unkritische Haltung zu Mobilitatsplanen und -masnahmen einnimmt. -Wie die dominante Narrative Gentrifizierung Prozesse verstarkt. - Und wie die dominante Narrative die allgemeine Machtasymmetrie zwischen politischen Entscheidungstragern auf Staats- und Gemeindeebene verstarkt, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Klimawandel und Gender: Untersuchung der Bedeutung von Geschlecht für die soziale Vulnerabilität in überflutungsgefährdeten Gebieten

Research paper thumbnail of Klimawandel und Gender: Zur Bedeutung von Intersektionalität für die soziale Vulnerabilität in überflutungsgefährdeten Gebieten

Klimawandel und Gender: Zur Bedeutung von Intersektionalität für die soziale Vulnerabilität in überflutungsgefährdeten Gebieten

Research paper thumbnail of Environmental justice at the intersection: exclusion patterns in urban mobility narratives and decision making in Monterrey, Mexico

DIE ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin, 2020

Placing the urban environment of Monterrey, Mexico at the center of our research, this paper exam... more Placing the urban environment of Monterrey, Mexico at the center of our research, this paper examines how urban mobility intersects with gender and environmental justice. As a transdisciplinary team of scholars, artists, and activists, we examine the urban mobility discourses and discuss how transportation and urban narratives such as sustainable mobility and human cities reinforce: a) a car centered dominant narrative that maintains environmental and mobility injustices, and b) the socio-spatial segregation, exclusion, and accelerated gentrification processes in Monterrey. And, we discuss how these narratives exclude queer and feminist perspectives and their bodies. Using official and media reports we look at how the political and economic elites use narratives to prop up an imaginary of urban equality as part of a walkable and/or cycling city. These narratives maintain a status quo that includes new housing and transportation construction as part of an ongoing unjust system that we refer to as intersectional, in regards to gender, racism, socioeconomic status, and age. We conclude environmental justice can only be achieved with mobility justice and that to achieve mobility justice we need to queer the city. To queer a city is when mobility patterns and connectivity of neighborhoods in the periphery are prioritized; when transparency mechanisms, gender perspectives and embodied experiences are the norm, and when aspiration includes achieving a less polluted, sustainable and equitable city.

Dieser Beitrag stellt die städtische Umwelt von Monterrey, Mexiko, in den Mittelpunkt und untersucht, wie sich städtische Mobilität mit Geschlechter-und Umweltgerechtigkeit überschneidet. Das transdisziplinäre Team von Wissenschaftler*innen, Künstler*innen und Aktivist*innen betrachtet Diskurse über städtische Mobilität und diskutiert, inwiefern Narrative über Verkehr und Stadt durch nachhaltige Mobilität und human cities verstärkt werden, und zwar in Bezug auf a) ein autozentriertes Narrativ, welches Umwelt-und Mobilitätsungerechtigkeit aufrechterhält und b) sozialräumliche Segregation, Ausgrenzung sowie beschleunigte Gentrifizierungsprozesse in Monterrey. Außerdem diskutiert der Beitrag, inwiefern diese Narrative queere und feministische Perspekti-ven sowie Körper ausschließen. Anhand offizieller Dokumente und medialer Berichte wird nachgezeichnet, wie politische und wirtschaftliche Eliten diese Narrative nutzen, um ein Bild städtischer Gleichheit als Teil einer begehbaren und/oder Fahrradstadt zu erzeugen. Diese Erzählungen halten einen Status quo aufrecht, der den Bau neuer Wohnungen und Verkehrsinfrastruktur als Teil eines ungerechten Systems einschließt, das in Bezug auf Geschlecht, Rassismus, sozioökonomischen Status und Alter intersektional diskriminierend wirkt. Abschließend wird herausgestellt, dass Umweltgerechtigkeit mit Mobilitätsgerechtigkeit einhergehen muss und dass, um Mobilitätsgerechtigkeit zu erreichen, die Stadt queer gemacht werden muss. Um eine Stadt queer auszulegen, müssen Mobilitätsmuster und Anbindung von Stadtvierteln in der Peripherie Vorrang haben. Außerdem sollen Transparenzmechanismen, gender-Perspektiven und verkörperte Erfahrungen verbindlich und eine weniger verschmutzte, nachhaltige und gerechte Stadt angestrebt werden.

Research paper thumbnail of The domestic cycle approach as methodological strategy in risk research

Researching Risk and Uncertainty Methodologies, Methods and Research Strategies. Series: Critical Studies in Risk and Uncertainty/ Oloffson, Anna & Zinn, Jens (Eds.) , 2019

The chapter introduces the domestic cycle approach as a methodological strategy to observe and an... more The chapter introduces the domestic cycle approach as a methodological strategy to observe and analyse differences in the social vulnerability to flood risk and related decisions to settlement and relocation. The concept follows earlier approaches, such as the life cycle of poverty (Rowntree 1901) and the domestic cycle (González de la Rocha 1994), which have been used for analysing urban low-income households and their strategic responses to economic changes. The analytical power of the domestic cycle is illustrated by the example of ethnographic work in the city of Monterrey, Mexico. It illustrates how the domestic cycle is a valuable tool to reconstruct and understand household members’ subjective perception, meaning, and framing of risk in everyday life under the impression of recurrent flood experiences.

Research paper thumbnail of Governing climate change: The power of adaptation discourses, policies and practices

A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation: Discourses, Policies and Practices/ Edited by Silja Klepp and Libertad Chavez-Rodriguez, 2018

This chapter is an introductory study to the book "A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptati... more This chapter is an introductory study to the book "A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation: Discourses, Policies and Practices" (2018), edited by Silja Klepp and Libertad Chavez-Rodrigue. The book presents the outcome of a workshop on climate change adaptation discourses, policies and practices held in Oaxaca, Mexico, in 2016. Participants were mostly from and/or undertaking research in the Global South. Two main themes arose: that cultural, social and political diversity is largely absent from climate change adaptation and that the overwhelming social inequalities under which adaptation to climate change is taking place are not only ignored, but are often naturalised or even strengthened. The various chapters of this book explore a number of questions: Which social dynamics can evolve within the framework of climate change adaptation in various spaces? Which assumptions and rationalities are inherent in mainstream climate change adaptation discourses, policies and practices? Which patterns of use and misuse can we observe regarding climate change adaptation? Which social processes are initiated or hindered through climate change adaptation?

Research paper thumbnail of A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation

Introduction, 2018

This edited volume brings together critical research on climate change adaptation discourses, pol... more This edited volume brings together critical research on climate change adaptation discourses, policies, and practices from a multidisciplinary perspective. Drawing on examples from countries including Colombia, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Russia, Tanzania, Indonesia, and the Pacific Islands, the chapters describe how adaptation measures are interpreted, transformed, and implemented at grassroots level and how these measures are changing or interfering with power relations, legal pluralism, and local (ecological) knowledge. As a whole, the book challenges established perspectives of climate change adaptation by taking into account issues of cultural diversity, environmental justice, and human rights, as well as feminist or intersectional approaches. This innovative approach allows for analyses of the new configurations of knowledge and power that are evolving in the name of climate change adaptation. This volume will be of great interest to students and scholars of climate change, environmental law and policy, and environmental sociology, and to policymakers and practitioners working in the field of climate change adaptation.

Research paper thumbnail of Edited volume: A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation Discourses, Policies and Practices

This edited volume brings together critical research on climate change adaptation discourses, pol... more This edited volume brings together critical research on climate change adaptation discourses, policies, and practices from a multi-disciplinary perspective. Drawing on examples from countries including Colombia, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Russia, Tanzania, Indonesia, and the Pacific Islands, the chapters describe how adaptation measures are interpreted, transformed, and implemented at grassroots level and how these measures are changing or interfering with power relations, legal pluralismm and local (ecological) knowledge. As a whole, the book challenges established perspectives of climate change adaptation by taking into account issues of cultural diversity, environmental justicem and human rights, as well as feminist or intersectional approaches. This innovative approach allows for analyses of the new configurations of knowledge and power that are evolving in the name of climate change adaptation.

This volume will be of great interest to students and scholars of climate change, environmental law and policy, and environmental sociology, and to policymakers and practitioners working in the field of climate change adaptation.

Research paper thumbnail of Edited book: A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation: Discourses, Policies and Practices

A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation: Discourses, Policies and Practices, 2018

This edited volume brings together critical research on climate change adaptation discourses, pol... more This edited volume brings together critical research on climate change adaptation discourses, policies, and practices from a multi-disciplinary perspective. Drawing on examples from countries including Colombia, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Russia, Tanzania, Indonesia, and the Pacific Islands, the chapters describe how adaptation measures are interpreted, transformed, and implemented at grassroots level and how these measures are changing or interfering with power relations, legal pluralismm and local (ecological) knowledge. As a whole, the book challenges established perspectives of climate change adaptation by taking into account issues of cultural diversity, environmental justicem and human rights, as well as feminist or intersectional approaches. This innovative approach allows for analyses of the new configurations of knowledge and power that are evolving in the name of climate change adaptation.

This volume will be of great interest to students and scholars of climate change, environmental law and policy, and environmental sociology, and to policymakers and practitioners working in the field of climate change adaptation.

Research paper thumbnail of Climate Change and Gender: the significance of intersectionality in the social vulnerability in regions under flood risk / Klimawandel und Gender. Zur Bedeutung von Intersektionalitätfür die soziale Vulnerabilität in überflutungsgefährdeten Gebieten

Research paper thumbnail of Probleme und Möglichkeiten einer nachhaltigen Wassernutzung nordmexikanischer Städte aus Sicht der Stadtplanung. Das Beispiel von Saltillo / Problemas y posibilidades del uso sostenible del agua en ciudades del norte de México desde el punto de vista de la planeación urbana: caso Saltillo (bilingüe)

Schlagworte: Wasserwirtschaft; Wassernutzung; Klima(arid); Nachhaltigkeit; Raumplanung; Ressource... more Schlagworte: Wasserwirtschaft; Wassernutzung; Klima(arid); Nachhaltigkeit; Raumplanung; Ressourcenmanagement; Wasserkreislauf; Stadtplanung
Die Arbeit befasst sich insbesondere mit der Schaffung und Sicherstellung eines nachhaltigen Umgangs mit Wasser in den ariden Gebieten im Norden Mexikos im Rahmen der Stadtplanung. Der Leitgedanke der Arbeit ist es, dass eine Stadt, als offenes heterotrophes System, ihre natürliche Tragfähigkeit ihres eigenen Territoriums bei der Nutzung der erneuerbaren Ressource Wasser nicht überschreiten darf, damit die
eigene Regenerationskapazität des Wassers erhalten bleibt. Die Aufrechterhaltung dieses natürlichen Wasserkreislaufs wird im
Verdichtungsraum von Saltillo durch eine nicht nachhaltige Nutzung des Wassers bedroht. Das Ergebnis der Arbeit besteht aus Überlegungen zur Sicherstellung der langfristigen Wasserbeschaffung der Stadt unter Berücksichtigung der ökologischen Tragfähigkeit. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass die Durchsetzung von raumplanerischen Instrumenten einen Beitrag zum Schutz des Wasserdargebots, zum Erhalt der
natürlichen Regenerationskapazität des Wasserkreislaufs und zur Verbesserung der Handlungsmöglichkeiten privater und öffentlicher Akteure in Richtung einer nachhaltigen Nutzung des Wassers in Saltillo und der umgebenden Region leisten kann.

Research paper thumbnail of Cambio Climático y Género: reflexiones críticas para interpretar los nexos

Research paper thumbnail of Prevención de riesgos: posibilidades y alcances del enfoque de género (recuadro del capítulo "La equidad de género en la política climática. México y el Acuerdo de París", de Verónica Vázquez García).

Research paper thumbnail of La Importancia de la Interseccionalidad en la Vulnerabilidad Social ante Eventos Hidrometeorológicos Extremos en Yucatán, México

Research paper thumbnail of Governing Climate Change. The Power of Adaptation Discourse, Policies and Practices

A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation: Discourses, Policies and Practices Edited by: Silja Klepp and Libertad Chavez-Rodriguez, 2018

This book presents the outcome of a workshop on climate change adaptation discourses, policies an... more This book presents the outcome of a workshop on climate change adaptation discourses, policies and practices held in Oaxaca, Mexico, in 2016. Participants were mostly from and/or undertaking research in the Global South. Two main themes arose: that cultural, social and political diversity is largely absent from climate change adaptation and that the overwhelming social inequalities under which adaptation to climate change is taking place are not only ignored, but are often naturalised or even strengthened. The various chapters of this book explore a number of questions: Which social dynamics can evolve within the framework of climate change adaptation in various spaces? Which assumptions and rationalities are inherent in mainstream climate change adaptation discourses, policies and practices? Which patterns of use and misuse can we observe regarding climate change adaptation? Which social processes are initiated or hindered through climate change adaptation?

Research paper thumbnail of Online-Anhang

Research paper thumbnail of Household Risk Perception and Vulnerability to Floods in Urban Contexts in Monterrey, Mexico

Research paper thumbnail of Climate change and gender: The significance of gender in the social vulnerability to extreme weather events in regions under flood risk

The dissertation examines the significance of gender and gender relationships in connection with ... more The dissertation examines the significance of gender and gender relationships in connection with other socio-economic characteristics for the social vulnerability to climate change-related extreme weather events. What options for environmental political action for DRM can be derived from the answers to that question? Empirical research was conducted in two flood prone areas, in the Elbe riverside region of Low Saxony, Germany and in the northern coast of Yucatán, Mexico. The collection of empirical data included primarily expert interviews and focus groups with population affected by floods. The dissertation is situated in the gender and environment' research field and places a focus on climate change. It addresses a thematic with significant research needs and a clear lack of empirically grounded data. It works out gender-related blind spots in the concept of social vulnerability, contributing to the further development of a relevant concept to the consequences of climate change

Research paper thumbnail of The Domestic Cycle Approach as Methodological Strategy in Risk Research

Researching Risk and Uncertainty, 2018

This chapter introduces the domestic cycle approach as a methodological strategy to observe and a... more This chapter introduces the domestic cycle approach as a methodological strategy to observe and analyse differences in the social vulnerability to flood risk and related decisions to settlement and relocation. The concept follows earlier approaches, such as the life cycle of poverty (Rowntree 1906) and the domestic cycle (Gonzalez de la Rocha, The resources of poverty: women and survival in a Mexican city. Blackwell, Oxford, 1994), which have been used for analysing urban low-income households and their strategic responses to economic changes. The analytical power of the domestic cycle is illustrated by the example of ethnographic work in the city of Monterrey, Mexico. It illustrates how the domestic cycle is a valuable tool to reconstruct and understand household members’ subjective perception, meaning, and framing of risk in everyday life under the impression of recurrent flood experiences.

Research paper thumbnail of A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation

Research paper thumbnail of Environmental justice at the intersection: exclusion patterns in urban mobility narratives and decision making in Monterrey, Mexico

DIE ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin, 2020

Dieses Papier stellt die stadtische Umwelt von Monterrey, Mexiko, in den Mittelpunkt unserer Fors... more Dieses Papier stellt die stadtische Umwelt von Monterrey, Mexiko, in den Mittelpunkt unserer Forschung und untersucht die urbane Mobilitat im Wechselspiel mit Geschlecht und Umweltgerechtigkeit, indem es ein interdisziplinares Team von Wissenschaftlerinnen, Kunstlerinnen und Aktivistinnen zusammenbringt, um Recherchen zur Untersuchung von urbanen Mobilitatsnarrativen und Entscheidungsfindungen durchzufuhren. Die Auswirkungen der sozialen Ausgrenzung in den von uns diskutierten Entscheidungsprozessen aufarbeiten: -Wie die dominante Narrative der Inclusive Mobility und der Human City soziale Praktiken einer auto-zentrierten Stadt reproduziert, indem sie geschlechtsspezifische Mobilitatsmuster ignoriert und eine unkritische Haltung zu Mobilitatsplanen und -masnahmen einnimmt. -Wie die dominante Narrative Gentrifizierung Prozesse verstarkt. - Und wie die dominante Narrative die allgemeine Machtasymmetrie zwischen politischen Entscheidungstragern auf Staats- und Gemeindeebene verstarkt, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Klimawandel und Gender: Untersuchung der Bedeutung von Geschlecht für die soziale Vulnerabilität in überflutungsgefährdeten Gebieten

Research paper thumbnail of Klimawandel und Gender: Zur Bedeutung von Intersektionalität für die soziale Vulnerabilität in überflutungsgefährdeten Gebieten

Klimawandel und Gender: Zur Bedeutung von Intersektionalität für die soziale Vulnerabilität in überflutungsgefährdeten Gebieten

Research paper thumbnail of Environmental justice at the intersection: exclusion patterns in urban mobility narratives and decision making in Monterrey, Mexico

DIE ERDE – Journal of the Geographical Society of Berlin, 2020

Placing the urban environment of Monterrey, Mexico at the center of our research, this paper exam... more Placing the urban environment of Monterrey, Mexico at the center of our research, this paper examines how urban mobility intersects with gender and environmental justice. As a transdisciplinary team of scholars, artists, and activists, we examine the urban mobility discourses and discuss how transportation and urban narratives such as sustainable mobility and human cities reinforce: a) a car centered dominant narrative that maintains environmental and mobility injustices, and b) the socio-spatial segregation, exclusion, and accelerated gentrification processes in Monterrey. And, we discuss how these narratives exclude queer and feminist perspectives and their bodies. Using official and media reports we look at how the political and economic elites use narratives to prop up an imaginary of urban equality as part of a walkable and/or cycling city. These narratives maintain a status quo that includes new housing and transportation construction as part of an ongoing unjust system that we refer to as intersectional, in regards to gender, racism, socioeconomic status, and age. We conclude environmental justice can only be achieved with mobility justice and that to achieve mobility justice we need to queer the city. To queer a city is when mobility patterns and connectivity of neighborhoods in the periphery are prioritized; when transparency mechanisms, gender perspectives and embodied experiences are the norm, and when aspiration includes achieving a less polluted, sustainable and equitable city.

Dieser Beitrag stellt die städtische Umwelt von Monterrey, Mexiko, in den Mittelpunkt und untersucht, wie sich städtische Mobilität mit Geschlechter-und Umweltgerechtigkeit überschneidet. Das transdisziplinäre Team von Wissenschaftler*innen, Künstler*innen und Aktivist*innen betrachtet Diskurse über städtische Mobilität und diskutiert, inwiefern Narrative über Verkehr und Stadt durch nachhaltige Mobilität und human cities verstärkt werden, und zwar in Bezug auf a) ein autozentriertes Narrativ, welches Umwelt-und Mobilitätsungerechtigkeit aufrechterhält und b) sozialräumliche Segregation, Ausgrenzung sowie beschleunigte Gentrifizierungsprozesse in Monterrey. Außerdem diskutiert der Beitrag, inwiefern diese Narrative queere und feministische Perspekti-ven sowie Körper ausschließen. Anhand offizieller Dokumente und medialer Berichte wird nachgezeichnet, wie politische und wirtschaftliche Eliten diese Narrative nutzen, um ein Bild städtischer Gleichheit als Teil einer begehbaren und/oder Fahrradstadt zu erzeugen. Diese Erzählungen halten einen Status quo aufrecht, der den Bau neuer Wohnungen und Verkehrsinfrastruktur als Teil eines ungerechten Systems einschließt, das in Bezug auf Geschlecht, Rassismus, sozioökonomischen Status und Alter intersektional diskriminierend wirkt. Abschließend wird herausgestellt, dass Umweltgerechtigkeit mit Mobilitätsgerechtigkeit einhergehen muss und dass, um Mobilitätsgerechtigkeit zu erreichen, die Stadt queer gemacht werden muss. Um eine Stadt queer auszulegen, müssen Mobilitätsmuster und Anbindung von Stadtvierteln in der Peripherie Vorrang haben. Außerdem sollen Transparenzmechanismen, gender-Perspektiven und verkörperte Erfahrungen verbindlich und eine weniger verschmutzte, nachhaltige und gerechte Stadt angestrebt werden.

Research paper thumbnail of The domestic cycle approach as methodological strategy in risk research

Researching Risk and Uncertainty Methodologies, Methods and Research Strategies. Series: Critical Studies in Risk and Uncertainty/ Oloffson, Anna & Zinn, Jens (Eds.) , 2019

The chapter introduces the domestic cycle approach as a methodological strategy to observe and an... more The chapter introduces the domestic cycle approach as a methodological strategy to observe and analyse differences in the social vulnerability to flood risk and related decisions to settlement and relocation. The concept follows earlier approaches, such as the life cycle of poverty (Rowntree 1901) and the domestic cycle (González de la Rocha 1994), which have been used for analysing urban low-income households and their strategic responses to economic changes. The analytical power of the domestic cycle is illustrated by the example of ethnographic work in the city of Monterrey, Mexico. It illustrates how the domestic cycle is a valuable tool to reconstruct and understand household members’ subjective perception, meaning, and framing of risk in everyday life under the impression of recurrent flood experiences.

Research paper thumbnail of Governing climate change: The power of adaptation discourses, policies and practices

A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation: Discourses, Policies and Practices/ Edited by Silja Klepp and Libertad Chavez-Rodriguez, 2018

This chapter is an introductory study to the book "A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptati... more This chapter is an introductory study to the book "A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation: Discourses, Policies and Practices" (2018), edited by Silja Klepp and Libertad Chavez-Rodrigue. The book presents the outcome of a workshop on climate change adaptation discourses, policies and practices held in Oaxaca, Mexico, in 2016. Participants were mostly from and/or undertaking research in the Global South. Two main themes arose: that cultural, social and political diversity is largely absent from climate change adaptation and that the overwhelming social inequalities under which adaptation to climate change is taking place are not only ignored, but are often naturalised or even strengthened. The various chapters of this book explore a number of questions: Which social dynamics can evolve within the framework of climate change adaptation in various spaces? Which assumptions and rationalities are inherent in mainstream climate change adaptation discourses, policies and practices? Which patterns of use and misuse can we observe regarding climate change adaptation? Which social processes are initiated or hindered through climate change adaptation?

Research paper thumbnail of La Importancia de la Interseccionalidad en la Vulnerabilidad Social ante Eventos Hidrometeorológicos Extremos en Yucatán, México

A partir de un estudio de caso sobre inundaciones a causa de huracanes en la costa Norte de Yucat... more A partir de un estudio de caso sobre inundaciones a causa de huracanes en la costa Norte de Yucatán, México, este trabajo tiene por objetivo examinar la relevancia del género y de las relaciones de género en conexión transversal con otras dimensiones de diferenciación social en la configuración de la vulnerabilidad social ante fenómenos meteorológicos extremos, incluyendo aspectos de percepción subjetiva del riesgo de desastre, exposición a eventos meteorológicos extremos, y capacidades de manejo de emergencias y superación de desastres.

Research paper thumbnail of Cambio climático y Género: reflexiones críticas para interpretar los nexos

Research paper thumbnail of Canarios en la mina de asfalto – vulnerabilidades y privilegios de género en la movilidad alternativa de Monterrey

Género, energía y sustentabilidad. Aproximaciones desde la academia /Ana De Luca Zuria, Verónica Vázquez García, Purabi Bose, Margarita Velázquez Gutiérrez, coordinadoras., 2018

Como en muchas ciudades del Norte y del Sur Global, las calles de Monterrey reflejan el modelo no... more Como en muchas ciudades del Norte y del Sur Global, las calles de Monterrey reflejan el modelo normativo de transporte y movilidad centrado en el automóvil (carro-centrista). Cuando una bicicleta entra en el espacio del automóvil se convierte en la “otredad”, esta otredad es representada y experimentada de maneras particulares por las distintas personas ciclistas en contextos específicos. En este artículo exploramos el ciclismo urbano desde las experiencias de las mujeres (cisgénero, transgénero y personas identificadas como mujeres) en el contexto regiomontano desde una perspectiva de género y sustentabilidad. Siguiendo metodologías centradas en la experiencia práctica como la del Proyecto ‘Cita en Bici’ y narrativas auto-etnográficas, ilustramos cómo se auto-representan personas ciclistas identificadas como mujeres y cómo es su experiencia del espacio urbano que transitan, delineando tanto sus vulnerabilidades como sus privilegios en un afán de reconocer la ambivalencia presente en las prácticas cotidianas de movilidad. Usamos la metáfora de “canarios en la mina de asfalto” en alusión a la vieja práctica en la minería de llevar un pajarito enjaulado al interior de las minas de carbón, para identificar altos niveles de metano o dióxido de carbono. Estas personas, individuos identificados como mujeres en el espacio público, transitando en bicicleta en la ciudad, representan los canarios, funcionando como un indicador de la percepción del riesgo y de la peligrosidad de las calles de Monterrey y su área metropolitana: la mina de asfalto.

Research paper thumbnail of Sociología del Riesgo. Marcos y aplicaciones

E n la sociedad contemporánea, el riesgo organiza desde proyectos de vida hasta proyectos de naci... more E n la sociedad contemporánea, el riesgo organiza desde proyectos de vida hasta proyectos de nación. Identificar y calcular riesgos se ha convertido en un ejercicio común, en tal grado habitual que resulta más que normal, natural. Los riesgos también son cuestionados o contrapuestos unos con otros en espirales de conflicto individual y colectivo, que revelan que los riesgos son una realidad construida políticamente. La sociología describe procesos en los cuales los riesgos estructuran, orien-tan o limitan la acción social; trata de explicar los mecanismos de aceptación o rechazo del riesgo e identifica también su transformación en recurso para la formación o defensa de identidades individuales y colectivas. Este libro recoge diez ensayos que dan cuenta de la riqueza y diversidad de la mirada sociológica sobre el riesgo. En sus páginas se encuentra un panorama detallado de diversas corrientes teóricas contemporáneas (institucional, edgework, interseccionalidad, perspectiva biográfica, desastres y vulnerabilidad) que avanzan críticamente sobre las teorizaciones sustantivas clásicas que dominan la investi-gación académica sobre el tema en el mundo hispano parlante. Adicionalmente, el libro incluye trabajos sobre distintos riesgos (salud, migración, desastres) que buscan incentivar la crítica metodológica y nutrir la imaginación para producir nuevas y mejores preguntas, hipótesis y estrategias de investigación.


Los riesgos hidrometeorológicos se encuentran concentrados espacialmente, presentando marcadas di... more Los riesgos hidrometeorológicos se encuentran concentrados espacialmente, presentando marcadas diferencias en sus impactos de un lugar a otro y de un grupo social a otro, esto es particularmente notorio en contextos urbanos caracterizados por la segregación socio-espacial. Grupos de población urbana en situación de pobreza se vuelven cada vez más pobres y más vulnerables socialmente cuando están geográficamente segregados y expuestos a la amenaza de inundaciones y anegamiento recurrentes.

Este trabajo explora diferentes enfoques para estudiar los impactos de eventos hidrometeorológicos extremos en contextos urbanos segregados socio-espacialmente, discutiendo la conveniencia y la complementariedad de conceptos multidisciplinarios relacionados con la vulnerabilidad social ante amenazas en términos de teoría y metodología. Se consideran desde conceptos provenientes de enfoques espaciales como el enfoque geográfico de la vulnerabilidad (hazard-of-place framework) y las diversas conceptualizaciones de la vulnerabilidad social ante amenazas, incluyendo su cuestionada conexión con el concepto de resiliencia, hasta enfoques que surgen a partir del estudio de las diferencias y desigualdades sociales, tales como el concepto de interseccionalidad de categorías de diferencia y diferenciación social, y la noción de acumulación de desventajas en la configuración de la vulnerabilidad social.

Esta revisión tiene lugar en un marco de referencia social-constructivista de la noción del desastre. Esto implica que se parte de la idea básica de que no todos los eventos hidrometeorológicos extremos han de traducirse necesariamente en desastres, sino que éstos pueden ser evitados o reducidos en sus impactos, y que su ocurrencia es el resultado de la combinación de un evento natural extremo con un complejo conjunto de elecciones humanas, incluyendo tanto las decisiones y acciones humanas en el nivel individual y comunitario colectivo, así como las elecciones y limitantes sociales y políticas.

Research paper thumbnail of A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation Discourses, Policies and Practices

by Libertad Chavez-Rodriguez, Silja Klepp, Celia Ruiz-de-Oña Plaza, Astrid Ulloa, Daniel Morchain (Oxfam-ASSAR), Ignacio Rubio Carriquiriborde, Susan Crate, Roy Smith, Salvador Aquino Centeno, Leigh-Anne Buliruarua, and Ruth Senikula

This edited volume brings together critical research on climate change adaptation discourses, pol... more This edited volume brings together critical research on climate change adaptation discourses, policies, and practices from a multi-disciplinary perspective. Drawing on examples from countries including Colombia, Mexico, Canada, Germany, Russia, Tanzania, Indonesia, and the Pacific Islands, the chapters describe how adaptation measures are interpreted, transformed, and implemented at grassroots level and how these measures are changing or interfering with power relations, legal pluralismm and local (ecological) knowledge. As a whole, the book challenges established perspectives of climate change adaptation by taking into account issues of cultural diversity, environmental justicem and human rights, as well as feminist or intersectional approaches. This innovative approach allows for analyses of the new configurations of knowledge and power that are evolving in the name of climate change adaptation.
This volume will be of great interest to students and scholars of climate change, environmental law and policy, and environmental sociology, and to policymakers and practitioners working in the field of climate change adaptation.

Research paper thumbnail of BOLETINA 5: Espacialidades Feministas

by Diana Ojeda, Fernando Ramírez Arcos, Tania Pérez-Bustos, Elisa Arond, Válerin Saurith López, Cynthia Carofilis, Natalia Barragán León, Catalina Quiroga, Paula Soto Villagrán, Marta Cabrera, Fallon Hernández Palacio, and Libertad Chavez-Rodriguez

Research paper thumbnail of Reseña de libro: Silja Klepp y Libertad Chávez-Rodríguez (eds.) (2018) A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation. Discourses, Policies and Practices. Routledge: Londres y Nueva York, 301 pp., por Verónica Vázquez García

Revista Sociedad y Ambiente, ECOSUR, 2018

Reseña de libro: Silja Klepp y Libertad Chávez-Rodríguez (eds.) (2018) A Critical Approach to Cli... more Reseña de libro: Silja Klepp y Libertad Chávez-Rodríguez (eds.) (2018) A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation. Discourses, Policies and Practices. Routledge: Londres y Nueva York, 301 pp., por Verónica Vázquez García
¿Eres de las personas que piensan que el IPCC (Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático, por sus siglas en inglés) tiene la última palabra sobre los principales conceptos que atañen al cambio climático (por ejemplo, mitigación, adaptación), pero sientes que es difícil ponerlos en práctica y no entiendes muy bien por qué? ¿Estás convencido/a de que los efectos del cambio climático se manifiestan día con día en diversas partes del mundo, y que las soluciones al problema no llegan a las comunidades que más las necesitan, a pesar de la retórica de gobiernos nacionales y agencias internacionales que sostienen lo contrario? Si respondiste de manera afirmativa a al menos una de estas dos preguntas, es altamente recomendable que añadas el volumen que aquí reseño a tu lista de lecturas. El libro está compuesto por quince capítulos distribuidos en seis secciones que van desde la discusión y reconceptualización de términos básicos que ya dábamos por conocidos (adaptación, vulnerabilidad, riesgo, resiliencia), pasando por la relación entre adaptación y mitigación desde una mirada crítica, para cerrar con una renovada agenda de investigación sobre la adaptación al cambio climático. Las más de las veces, esta discusión se ilustra a través de estudios de caso, por lo que el libro aporta no sólo contenido teórico sino también empírico proveniente de los cinco continentes del mundo: África (Tanzania), América (Canadá, México, Guatemala, Colombia), Europa (Alemania, Rusia), Asia (Rusia, Indonesia) y Oceanía (Islas del Pacífico, Indonesia). Más que resumir cada uno de los quince capítulos, tarea tan difícil como inútil por lo limitado del espacio, he decidido resaltar cuatro principales aportes que de alguna u otra forma aparecen en todos ellos. Esto no quiere decir que el libro haga sólo cuatro contribuciones; mi mirada está sin duda condicionada por el momento actual en el que me encuentro en mi largo e inacabable proceso de formación en el tema del cambio climático.

Research paper thumbnail of Adaptación al cambio climático y reducción de riesgos de desastres: ¿conceptos disímiles?

Desacatos. Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 2020

Reseña del libro "A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation. Discourses, Policies and Prac... more Reseña del libro "A Critical Approach to Climate Change Adaptation. Discourses, Policies and Practices (Klepp, S. & L. Chavez-Rodriguez (eds). 2018/2020), por Virginia García Acosta.