Perrine Pilette | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / French National Centre for Scientific Research (original) (raw)

Papers by Perrine Pilette

Research paper thumbnail of Le miracle du Muqattam à travers les siècles. Origines et réinventions d'une légende copte.

Annales Islamologiques, 2018

The miracle tale of the Moving Muqaṭṭam mountain has been circulating among the Coptic community... more The miracle tale of the Moving Muqaṭṭam mountain has been circulating among the Coptic community for a thousand years. Nowadays, members of the Coptic Church still refers to it as an example of victory of the Christian faith over Islam. This narrative, even if it bears some fixed structural features, went through numerous variations throughout times. On the basis of its first attestation in the Coptic-Arabic text of the History of the Patriachs of Alexandria, it was later further developped, mainly under an apologetic angle. Finally, it included the episode of the Caliph al-Muʿizz—founder of Cairo in the 10th century—converting to christianity. In the
20th century, this was subject to considerable debate in the press. From the 1970’s onwards, a young preacher revigorated the famous narrative by founding a huge place of worship at the Muqaṭṭam, commemorating the miracle. This paper, which is the result of a collective work by a historian and two philologists, intends to other a collaborative approach, where the history of texts is combined with the analysis of contemporary practices. this research shows that, even if numerous traditions have very old roots, they are always reinveted, depending on successive contexts in which they take place.

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[Research paper thumbnail of [2018] Papyrus coptes de la Pierpont Morgan Library II. Lettre de condoléances d'une nourrice.](

Journal of Coptic Studies, 2018

This article presents the first edition of a Coptic condolence letter from the Pierpont Morgan Li... more This article presents the first edition of a Coptic condolence letter from the Pierpont Morgan Library (P. Amh. II 188 descr.). The document is remarkable for two reasons. First, this type of letter is rare as only two other condolence letters are attested in Coptic so far. Secondly, the letter was written by a wet nurse, a profession that is barely attested in the Coptic papyrological material as well.

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Research paper thumbnail of Abū l-Makārim. Al-Shaykh al-Muʾtaman Abū l-Makārim Saʻd Allāh ibn Jirjis ibn Masʻūd

J. den Heijer, assisted by P. Pilette, « Abū l-Makārim. Al-Shaykh al-Muʾtaman Abū l-Makārim Saʻd ... more J. den Heijer, assisted by P. Pilette, « Abū l-Makārim. Al-Shaykh al-Muʾtaman Abū l-Makārim Saʻd Allāh ibn Jirjis ibn Masʻūd », in David Thomas & Alex Mallett (eds.), Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History, Volume 4 (1200-1350), Leiden, 2012, p. 983-988.

Volume abstract:
Christian-Muslim Relations, a Bibliographical History 4 (CMR 4), covering the period 1200-1350, is a continuing volume in a general history of relations between the two faiths from the seventh century to the present. It comprises a series of introductory essays and also the main body of detailed entries which treat all the works, surviving or lost, that have been recorded. These entries provide biographical details of the authors, descriptions and assessments of the works themselves, and complete accounts of manuscripts, editions, translations and studies. The result of collaboration between numerous leading scholars, CMR 4 along with the other volumes in this series is intended as a basic tool for research in Christian-Muslim relations.

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[Research paper thumbnail of [2016] Un nouveau sauf-conduit du monastère d’Apa Jeremias à Saqqara](

Edition of an Arabic safe-conduct for an inhabitant of a monastery in the Memphite nome, probably... more Edition of an Arabic safe-conduct for an inhabitant of a monastery
in the Memphite nome, probably the monastery of Apa Jeremias at
Saqqara, from AD 729.

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[Research paper thumbnail of [2015] À propos de la datation du manuscrit Pierpont Morgan Inv. M 636. Édition d'un protocole arabe inédit](

This short article suggests revising the datation of the Coptic codex Pierpont Morgan inv. m 636,... more This short article suggests revising the datation of the Coptic codex Pierpont Morgan inv. m 636, on the basis of a close analysis of a fragmentary arabic protocol, kept on five of its leaves and paleographically dating from the beginning of the Abbasid era. Such a document being considered a " fiscal stamp " , it has to contain, among other the name of the caliph and the governor of egypt under whom the papyrus roll was manufactured. in this case, those names are lost but we still have the mention that the governor was the son of an " amîr al-mu'uminîn " , i.e. a caliph. Luckily enough, only one governor of abbasid egypt was the son of a caliph, ʿUbayd Allāh, whose father was the caliph al-mahdi and who served as governor of egypt under the Caliph Harûn al-rashîd in 795-797. These observations allow to suggest the end of the eight century as a new datation for the production of the papyrus roll, which is thus fifty years older than what was previously thought.

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[Research paper thumbnail of [2015] Papyrus coptes de la Pierpont Morgan Library I](

This article offers the edition of five Coptic documents from the Pierpont Morgan Library (New Yo... more This article offers the edition of five Coptic documents from the Pierpont Morgan Library (New York), newly identified as coming from the monastery of Bawit and dating back to the 7th-8th centuries a.d. Three papyri (numbers 1, 2 and 5 in the article) are being published for the first time. The first one (P. Pierpont Morgan Libr. inv. m 662b (26a)) belongs to the ⲡⲉⲛⲉⲓⲱⲧ ⲡⲉⲧⲥϩⲁⲓ-type, well-attested elsewhere, although in this case the formula applies to a receipt rather than an order of payment. The second papyrus (inv. m 662b (5b)) is a document concerning a delivery of wine, displaying specific lay out and format that suggest a provenance from Bawit. The third one (inv. m 662b (23b)) is a fragment from a larger register, still keeping forty-six names, probably members of the monastic community. Moreover, the reader will find a new edition of two other Coptic documents (numbers 3 and 4 in the article) the first being (inv. m 662b (6a) verso) a letter related to a land lease, and the second (inv. m 662b (6a)recto) a wine account, containing names attested in other Bawit documents.

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Research paper thumbnail of L'Histoire des Patriarches d'Alexandrie : Une nouvelle évaluation de la configuration du texte en recensions

Le Muséon 126/3-4 (2013), p. 419 - 450., Dec 2013

The Arabic text of the History of the Patriarchs of Alexandria (HP) is preserved in a highly comp... more The Arabic text of the History of the Patriarchs of Alexandria (HP) is preserved in a highly complex manuscript tradition. Translated from scattered Coptic sources and then continued directly in Arabic from the 11th century onwards, it has been generally described as a double corpus, transmitted in a primitive – or authorial – recension on the one hand, and in a widely spread Vulgate version on the other. This article intends to point out that this dichotomous articulation of the transmission could be the product of a mis-conceptualization due to wrong working bases, i.e. uncritical editions from the early 20th century. A critical review of these editions, informed by recent methodological insights, will show how this perception of HP as a 'double' corpus came to be taken for granted. Then, the concept of Vulgate itself will be questioned, by problematizing the current definitions of this term as well as by a systematic analysis of the textual data obtained from the manuscripts. A discussion on the results of such an analysis will lead to a new conceptualization of the transmission, which proposes to consider the text of the HP as a dynamic, or fluid, textual tradition.

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Research paper thumbnail of Transmission et diffusion de l’historiographie copto-arabe : nouvelles remarques sur les recensions primitive et vulgate de l’Histoire des Patriarches d’Alexandrie

Cultures in Contact. Transfer of Knowledge in the Mediterranean World. Selected Papers, MONFERRER SALA J.P. & TORALLAS TOVAR S. (eds), Cordoba-Beyrouth, 2013, pp. 103-140., 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Murqus Simaika (1864 – 1944) et l’historiographie copto-arabe: à propos du  manuscrit Musée Copte, Hist. 1

P. Buzi & A. Camplani, eds, Christianity in Egypt: literary production and intellectual trends in late antiquity. Studies in honor of Tito Orlandi (Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum 125), Rome, 2011, p. 227-250., 2011

J. den Heijer, & P. Pilette, « Murqus Simaika (1864 – 1944) et l’historiographie copto-arabe : à... more J. den Heijer, & P. Pilette, « Murqus Simaika (1864 – 1944) et l’historiographie copto-arabe : à propos du manuscrit Musée Copte, Hist. 1 »

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Research paper thumbnail of PILETTE P. – POLET S., La mort de l’empereur Julien dans les sources antiques : étude liminaire.

Volumen 4 (2010), pp. 76 - 100.

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Research paper thumbnail of "La recension primitive du texte arabe de l’Histoire des Patriarches d’Alexandrie : problématique et perspectives".

Acta Orientalia Belgica, 2010 (23), pp. 141 - 155.

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Conference Organization by Perrine Pilette

Research paper thumbnail of M.C.A. Macdonald : Identity, script, and the uses of writing in pre-Islamic Arabia. Oriental Lecture Series 2016

February 23 2016, Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) Pre-Islamic Arabi... more February 23 2016, Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)

Pre-Islamic Arabia was unique in the ancient world in having its own branch of the alphabet family. This was used exclusively in and around the Peninsula in antiquity, though its only modern survivor is the script used to write some of the languages of Ethiopia such as Gǝʿǝz and Amharic. Ancient Arabia was also highly unusual in that literacy was extremely widespread not only in settled areas but among the nomads, who used writing primarily as a pastime. As well as the indigenous scripts, there were of course imported alphabets, such as Aramaic, which developed local forms and came to be used in unexpected ways. I will discuss the different uses to which literacy was put in ancient Arabia, and its connection with the growth of communal identities.

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Research paper thumbnail of Oriental Lecture Series at the Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)

The Centre d'études orientales - Institut orientaliste de Louvain (CIOL) of the l'Université cath... more The Centre d'études orientales - Institut orientaliste de Louvain (CIOL) of the l'Université catholique de Louvain has the pleasure to announce the 2016 season of the Oriental Lecture Series (OLS). These lectures aim at sharing specialized knowledge on various Oriental cultures with a large audience of professionals in a variety of fields and with all those interested. The invited speakers are leading scholars from various countries and they will deliver their lectures in French or English. The OLS is sponsored by an endowment bequested by the late Mr. Pierre de Merre.

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Research paper thumbnail of Translating the Past, (Re-)shaping History ? : Translation Issues in Late Antique and Medieval Christian Historiographical Sources in the Middle East

Institute for the Study of the Ancient World New York University May 30 2015 REGISTRATION IS R... more Institute for the Study of the Ancient World
New York University
May 30 2015
See :

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Talks by Perrine Pilette

Research paper thumbnail of L'historiographie copto-arabe : langue(s), textes et manuscrits

Séminaire à l'École Pratique des Hautes Études (20h), dans le cadre d'une charge de conférence in... more Séminaire à l'École Pratique des Hautes Études (20h), dans le cadre d'une charge de conférence invitée attachée à la chaire de philologie de Jean-Charles Ducène. Du 6 février au 17 avril 2019.

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Research paper thumbnail of The lists of works of the 3rd, 4th and 5th centuries Patriarchs as presented in the Arabic text of the “History of the Patriarchs of Alexandria

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Research paper thumbnail of The International Coptic-Arabic Historiography Project (ICAHP)

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Research paper thumbnail of The International Coptic-Arabic Historiography Project (ICAHP) and its Relevance for the History of Egypt in the Seventh Century CE

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Research paper thumbnail of Vers une nouvelle édition critique de l’Histoire des Patriarches d’Alexandrie : la « Vie » d’Athanase d’Alexandrie

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Courses by Perrine Pilette

Research paper thumbnail of Oriental Beliefs, MOOC at GLOR, UCL

by Dylan Esler, Godefroid de Callatay, Marianne Michel, Kanako GOTO, Jan Tavernier, Mattia Cavagna, Grégory Clesse, Charles Doyen, Gaétan du Roy, Johanne Garny, Jean Lempire, PATARIDZE Tamara, and Perrine Pilette

MOOC "Oriental Beliefs: Between Reason and Traditions", to start on 4 October 2016 You’re passio... more MOOC "Oriental Beliefs: Between Reason and Traditions", to start on 4 October 2016

You’re passionate about Oriental cultures, past and present? You’re fascinated by myths, beliefs and mysteries? If so, join our enthusiastic team of more than 20 experts in an exciting 8-week journey, starting on 4 October 2016, thanks to our MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) «Oriental Beliefs: Between Reason and Traditions». It is informative, it is fun and it is completely free. Enroll on EdX platform:

About this course
This course takes a journey through the world of beliefs as they have developed in a great variety of cultures, ranging from Ancient Egypt, the Near East to Central Asia, India, China, and the Far East. We will discuss where these beliefs, theories and practices originated from, how they were passed on over the ages and why some are still so central to large communities of believers across the world today, whether it be amongst Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists or Shintoists.
We'll be dealing with everything from gods and spirits, to angels and demons, to afterlife and the netherworld, as well as the great cycles of the universe and the tremendous power of lunar and solar eclipses. The interpretation of dreams and all sorts of magic and miraculous deeds will also be covered during this course.
Students will have the opportunity to travel extensively in time and space. The comparative, critical and contextualized approach of this course will allow for a valuable and thought-provoking experience.
We are a course team of about twenty-five specialists working at, or in close interaction with, the Department of Greek, Latin and Oriental Studies (GLOR) at the University of Louvain. We are all historians or philologists, all passionate about our respective fields of expertise, and all fully determined to help you as much as we can as we progress through this course. Most of all, we're looking forward to "meeting" you and to having lively discussions with you on the forums.
If you're curious about the cultures of this world, past and present, this course is definitely for you. Put your wings on and get ready to ride on our “GLOR-ious” dragon and to enjoy the whole adventure with us!
Join us also on Facebook

Have you seen our Facebook page yet? That’s the place where you can get a sneak peak of all what you’ll be discovering through our MOOC «Oriental Beliefs: Between Reason and Traditions »! Take a step into this marvelous scientific trip around Japan, India, Egypt, China, Mesopotamia and many more… and you’ll encounter an impressive number of angels, demons and fabulous tales along the way!

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Research paper thumbnail of Le miracle du Muqattam à travers les siècles. Origines et réinventions d'une légende copte.

Annales Islamologiques, 2018

The miracle tale of the Moving Muqaṭṭam mountain has been circulating among the Coptic community... more The miracle tale of the Moving Muqaṭṭam mountain has been circulating among the Coptic community for a thousand years. Nowadays, members of the Coptic Church still refers to it as an example of victory of the Christian faith over Islam. This narrative, even if it bears some fixed structural features, went through numerous variations throughout times. On the basis of its first attestation in the Coptic-Arabic text of the History of the Patriachs of Alexandria, it was later further developped, mainly under an apologetic angle. Finally, it included the episode of the Caliph al-Muʿizz—founder of Cairo in the 10th century—converting to christianity. In the
20th century, this was subject to considerable debate in the press. From the 1970’s onwards, a young preacher revigorated the famous narrative by founding a huge place of worship at the Muqaṭṭam, commemorating the miracle. This paper, which is the result of a collective work by a historian and two philologists, intends to other a collaborative approach, where the history of texts is combined with the analysis of contemporary practices. this research shows that, even if numerous traditions have very old roots, they are always reinveted, depending on successive contexts in which they take place.

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[Research paper thumbnail of [2018] Papyrus coptes de la Pierpont Morgan Library II. Lettre de condoléances d'une nourrice.](

Journal of Coptic Studies, 2018

This article presents the first edition of a Coptic condolence letter from the Pierpont Morgan Li... more This article presents the first edition of a Coptic condolence letter from the Pierpont Morgan Library (P. Amh. II 188 descr.). The document is remarkable for two reasons. First, this type of letter is rare as only two other condolence letters are attested in Coptic so far. Secondly, the letter was written by a wet nurse, a profession that is barely attested in the Coptic papyrological material as well.

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Research paper thumbnail of Abū l-Makārim. Al-Shaykh al-Muʾtaman Abū l-Makārim Saʻd Allāh ibn Jirjis ibn Masʻūd

J. den Heijer, assisted by P. Pilette, « Abū l-Makārim. Al-Shaykh al-Muʾtaman Abū l-Makārim Saʻd ... more J. den Heijer, assisted by P. Pilette, « Abū l-Makārim. Al-Shaykh al-Muʾtaman Abū l-Makārim Saʻd Allāh ibn Jirjis ibn Masʻūd », in David Thomas & Alex Mallett (eds.), Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History, Volume 4 (1200-1350), Leiden, 2012, p. 983-988.

Volume abstract:
Christian-Muslim Relations, a Bibliographical History 4 (CMR 4), covering the period 1200-1350, is a continuing volume in a general history of relations between the two faiths from the seventh century to the present. It comprises a series of introductory essays and also the main body of detailed entries which treat all the works, surviving or lost, that have been recorded. These entries provide biographical details of the authors, descriptions and assessments of the works themselves, and complete accounts of manuscripts, editions, translations and studies. The result of collaboration between numerous leading scholars, CMR 4 along with the other volumes in this series is intended as a basic tool for research in Christian-Muslim relations.

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[Research paper thumbnail of [2016] Un nouveau sauf-conduit du monastère d’Apa Jeremias à Saqqara](

Edition of an Arabic safe-conduct for an inhabitant of a monastery in the Memphite nome, probably... more Edition of an Arabic safe-conduct for an inhabitant of a monastery
in the Memphite nome, probably the monastery of Apa Jeremias at
Saqqara, from AD 729.

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[Research paper thumbnail of [2015] À propos de la datation du manuscrit Pierpont Morgan Inv. M 636. Édition d'un protocole arabe inédit](

This short article suggests revising the datation of the Coptic codex Pierpont Morgan inv. m 636,... more This short article suggests revising the datation of the Coptic codex Pierpont Morgan inv. m 636, on the basis of a close analysis of a fragmentary arabic protocol, kept on five of its leaves and paleographically dating from the beginning of the Abbasid era. Such a document being considered a " fiscal stamp " , it has to contain, among other the name of the caliph and the governor of egypt under whom the papyrus roll was manufactured. in this case, those names are lost but we still have the mention that the governor was the son of an " amîr al-mu'uminîn " , i.e. a caliph. Luckily enough, only one governor of abbasid egypt was the son of a caliph, ʿUbayd Allāh, whose father was the caliph al-mahdi and who served as governor of egypt under the Caliph Harûn al-rashîd in 795-797. These observations allow to suggest the end of the eight century as a new datation for the production of the papyrus roll, which is thus fifty years older than what was previously thought.

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[Research paper thumbnail of [2015] Papyrus coptes de la Pierpont Morgan Library I](

This article offers the edition of five Coptic documents from the Pierpont Morgan Library (New Yo... more This article offers the edition of five Coptic documents from the Pierpont Morgan Library (New York), newly identified as coming from the monastery of Bawit and dating back to the 7th-8th centuries a.d. Three papyri (numbers 1, 2 and 5 in the article) are being published for the first time. The first one (P. Pierpont Morgan Libr. inv. m 662b (26a)) belongs to the ⲡⲉⲛⲉⲓⲱⲧ ⲡⲉⲧⲥϩⲁⲓ-type, well-attested elsewhere, although in this case the formula applies to a receipt rather than an order of payment. The second papyrus (inv. m 662b (5b)) is a document concerning a delivery of wine, displaying specific lay out and format that suggest a provenance from Bawit. The third one (inv. m 662b (23b)) is a fragment from a larger register, still keeping forty-six names, probably members of the monastic community. Moreover, the reader will find a new edition of two other Coptic documents (numbers 3 and 4 in the article) the first being (inv. m 662b (6a) verso) a letter related to a land lease, and the second (inv. m 662b (6a)recto) a wine account, containing names attested in other Bawit documents.

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Research paper thumbnail of L'Histoire des Patriarches d'Alexandrie : Une nouvelle évaluation de la configuration du texte en recensions

Le Muséon 126/3-4 (2013), p. 419 - 450., Dec 2013

The Arabic text of the History of the Patriarchs of Alexandria (HP) is preserved in a highly comp... more The Arabic text of the History of the Patriarchs of Alexandria (HP) is preserved in a highly complex manuscript tradition. Translated from scattered Coptic sources and then continued directly in Arabic from the 11th century onwards, it has been generally described as a double corpus, transmitted in a primitive – or authorial – recension on the one hand, and in a widely spread Vulgate version on the other. This article intends to point out that this dichotomous articulation of the transmission could be the product of a mis-conceptualization due to wrong working bases, i.e. uncritical editions from the early 20th century. A critical review of these editions, informed by recent methodological insights, will show how this perception of HP as a 'double' corpus came to be taken for granted. Then, the concept of Vulgate itself will be questioned, by problematizing the current definitions of this term as well as by a systematic analysis of the textual data obtained from the manuscripts. A discussion on the results of such an analysis will lead to a new conceptualization of the transmission, which proposes to consider the text of the HP as a dynamic, or fluid, textual tradition.

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Research paper thumbnail of Transmission et diffusion de l’historiographie copto-arabe : nouvelles remarques sur les recensions primitive et vulgate de l’Histoire des Patriarches d’Alexandrie

Cultures in Contact. Transfer of Knowledge in the Mediterranean World. Selected Papers, MONFERRER SALA J.P. & TORALLAS TOVAR S. (eds), Cordoba-Beyrouth, 2013, pp. 103-140., 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Murqus Simaika (1864 – 1944) et l’historiographie copto-arabe: à propos du  manuscrit Musée Copte, Hist. 1

P. Buzi & A. Camplani, eds, Christianity in Egypt: literary production and intellectual trends in late antiquity. Studies in honor of Tito Orlandi (Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum 125), Rome, 2011, p. 227-250., 2011

J. den Heijer, & P. Pilette, « Murqus Simaika (1864 – 1944) et l’historiographie copto-arabe : à... more J. den Heijer, & P. Pilette, « Murqus Simaika (1864 – 1944) et l’historiographie copto-arabe : à propos du manuscrit Musée Copte, Hist. 1 »

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Research paper thumbnail of PILETTE P. – POLET S., La mort de l’empereur Julien dans les sources antiques : étude liminaire.

Volumen 4 (2010), pp. 76 - 100.

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Research paper thumbnail of "La recension primitive du texte arabe de l’Histoire des Patriarches d’Alexandrie : problématique et perspectives".

Acta Orientalia Belgica, 2010 (23), pp. 141 - 155.

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Research paper thumbnail of M.C.A. Macdonald : Identity, script, and the uses of writing in pre-Islamic Arabia. Oriental Lecture Series 2016

February 23 2016, Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) Pre-Islamic Arabi... more February 23 2016, Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)

Pre-Islamic Arabia was unique in the ancient world in having its own branch of the alphabet family. This was used exclusively in and around the Peninsula in antiquity, though its only modern survivor is the script used to write some of the languages of Ethiopia such as Gǝʿǝz and Amharic. Ancient Arabia was also highly unusual in that literacy was extremely widespread not only in settled areas but among the nomads, who used writing primarily as a pastime. As well as the indigenous scripts, there were of course imported alphabets, such as Aramaic, which developed local forms and came to be used in unexpected ways. I will discuss the different uses to which literacy was put in ancient Arabia, and its connection with the growth of communal identities.

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Research paper thumbnail of Oriental Lecture Series at the Université catholique de Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)

The Centre d'études orientales - Institut orientaliste de Louvain (CIOL) of the l'Université cath... more The Centre d'études orientales - Institut orientaliste de Louvain (CIOL) of the l'Université catholique de Louvain has the pleasure to announce the 2016 season of the Oriental Lecture Series (OLS). These lectures aim at sharing specialized knowledge on various Oriental cultures with a large audience of professionals in a variety of fields and with all those interested. The invited speakers are leading scholars from various countries and they will deliver their lectures in French or English. The OLS is sponsored by an endowment bequested by the late Mr. Pierre de Merre.

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Research paper thumbnail of Translating the Past, (Re-)shaping History ? : Translation Issues in Late Antique and Medieval Christian Historiographical Sources in the Middle East

Institute for the Study of the Ancient World New York University May 30 2015 REGISTRATION IS R... more Institute for the Study of the Ancient World
New York University
May 30 2015
See :

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Research paper thumbnail of Oriental Beliefs, MOOC at GLOR, UCL

by Dylan Esler, Godefroid de Callatay, Marianne Michel, Kanako GOTO, Jan Tavernier, Mattia Cavagna, Grégory Clesse, Charles Doyen, Gaétan du Roy, Johanne Garny, Jean Lempire, PATARIDZE Tamara, and Perrine Pilette

MOOC "Oriental Beliefs: Between Reason and Traditions", to start on 4 October 2016 You’re passio... more MOOC "Oriental Beliefs: Between Reason and Traditions", to start on 4 October 2016

You’re passionate about Oriental cultures, past and present? You’re fascinated by myths, beliefs and mysteries? If so, join our enthusiastic team of more than 20 experts in an exciting 8-week journey, starting on 4 October 2016, thanks to our MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) «Oriental Beliefs: Between Reason and Traditions». It is informative, it is fun and it is completely free. Enroll on EdX platform:

About this course
This course takes a journey through the world of beliefs as they have developed in a great variety of cultures, ranging from Ancient Egypt, the Near East to Central Asia, India, China, and the Far East. We will discuss where these beliefs, theories and practices originated from, how they were passed on over the ages and why some are still so central to large communities of believers across the world today, whether it be amongst Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists or Shintoists.
We'll be dealing with everything from gods and spirits, to angels and demons, to afterlife and the netherworld, as well as the great cycles of the universe and the tremendous power of lunar and solar eclipses. The interpretation of dreams and all sorts of magic and miraculous deeds will also be covered during this course.
Students will have the opportunity to travel extensively in time and space. The comparative, critical and contextualized approach of this course will allow for a valuable and thought-provoking experience.
We are a course team of about twenty-five specialists working at, or in close interaction with, the Department of Greek, Latin and Oriental Studies (GLOR) at the University of Louvain. We are all historians or philologists, all passionate about our respective fields of expertise, and all fully determined to help you as much as we can as we progress through this course. Most of all, we're looking forward to "meeting" you and to having lively discussions with you on the forums.
If you're curious about the cultures of this world, past and present, this course is definitely for you. Put your wings on and get ready to ride on our “GLOR-ious” dragon and to enjoy the whole adventure with us!
Join us also on Facebook

Have you seen our Facebook page yet? That’s the place where you can get a sneak peak of all what you’ll be discovering through our MOOC «Oriental Beliefs: Between Reason and Traditions »! Take a step into this marvelous scientific trip around Japan, India, Egypt, China, Mesopotamia and many more… and you’ll encounter an impressive number of angels, demons and fabulous tales along the way!

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Research paper thumbnail of Exploring the Arabian Peninsula in search of Ancient Civilizations

The talk will introduce the audience to Ancient Arabia, which could probably be considered the « ... more The talk will introduce the audience to Ancient Arabia, which could probably be considered the « missing link » between famous civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia. Indeed, evidence gathered by a UCLouvain expedition in the 50’s suggests that major commercial roads have crossed the Peninsula and connected these regions, as thousands of ancient rock inscriptions were discovered. Anno 2017, a new UCLouvain team is ready to embark to the Arabian desert in order to find new evidence, in the footsteps of the scientific pioneers.

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