Mattia Cavagna | UCLouvain (University of Louvain) (original) (raw)

Videos by Mattia Cavagna

Le projet, qui se rattache au groupe de recherche international OEF (Ovide en français), témoigne... more Le projet, qui se rattache au groupe de recherche international OEF (Ovide en français), témoigne d’un changement de paradigme dans l’approche à l’Ovide moralisé. Alors qu’on a longuement raisonné selon une « perspective verticale », dans une logique qui opposait la fable ancienne, traduite du latin, à l’interprétation médiévale, rédigée en français, nous avons désormais adopté une « perspective horizontale », dans une logique qui, pour chacune des fables ovidiennes, s’efforce de rendre compte de la diversification et de la stratification des sources et des commentaires.


Presentation of the interdisciplinary project SPECULUM ARABICUM and the Proceedings of the Closin... more Presentation of the interdisciplinary project SPECULUM ARABICUM and the Proceedings of the Closing Conference : Intersecting perspectives on medieval encyclopaedism


Books by Mattia Cavagna

Research paper thumbnail of Jean de Vignay, Le Miroir Historial, Vol. I, Tome II, (livres V-VIII), publié par Mattia Cavagna, Paris, SATF, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of Augustus Through the Ages: Receptions, Readings and Appropriations of the Historical Figure of the First Roman Emperor

In 2014, numerous academic institutions and museums celebrated the bimillenium of the death of Au... more In 2014, numerous academic institutions and museums celebrated the bimillenium of the death of Augustus with colloquiums, exhibitions and publications. The life, the political deeds and the general historical context of the founder of the Roman Empire had not been honoured or discussed to such an extent since 1937-1938, when an exhibition, the Mostra Augustea della Romanità, celebrated the two-thousandth anniversary of the birth of the Emperor at the instigation of the Fascist regime. Yet the outcome of these scholarly reexaminations of Augustus and his era will not be complete if emphasis is not put on the long-term fame and fortune he enjoyed in the Western civilisation. This is why we as editors of the present volume organised an international conference taking place from 6 th-8 th November 2014 at the Royal Library of Belgium in Brussels in order to underline the enduring importance of Augustus throughout our recorded cultural history by adopting a multidisciplinary approach. Specialits of various fields-history, cultural history, literature, art history, etc.-brought together their skills and knowledges to retrace the multiple interpretations and appropriations of Augustus from his death to the present days. We are extremely grateful to the numerous colleagues from various countries who responded favourably to our call for papers and contributed towards shedding light on the most diverse aspects of Augustus' posthumous history. The book, as it was already the case for the conference, is divided into five sections that broadly follow the chronological sequence: Antiquity-Middle Ages-Early Modern and Modern period-the era of Totalitarianism-Contemporary history. Within these various sections, the objective was to establish a dialogue between disciplines ranging from history, philology and archaeology to history of architecture or popular culture studies. By so doing, we also tried to shed light on some aspects of Augustus' reception that are still less studied, for instance, the treatment of the first emperor's figure in the medieval literature or in the field of contemporary literature and popular culture. Given the thematic breadth of these numerous contributions, the publication of the proceedings took longer than expected, although the contributions generally refer to a bibliographic context that does not go much beyond 2016. The publication of the present volume required, in fact, a considerable amount of time, and the reasons behind this unfortunate delay are manifold, with none standing out above the others. It is well known that publications bringing together several authors, particularly when they belong to different domains,

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Research paper thumbnail of La leggenda di Fillide

Alpha Beta Verlag, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of 'Traire de latin et espondre'. Études sur la réception médiévale d’Ovide,

Paris, Garnier , 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Entre le cœur et le diaphragme. (D)écrire les émotions dans la littérature narrative et scientifique du Moyen Âge, éd. C. BAKER, M. CAVAGNA et G. CLESSE, Louvain-la Neuve, Publications de l’Institut d’études médiévales, 2018, p. 101-116 (Institut d’études médiévales. Textes, Études, Congrès, 30)

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Research paper thumbnail of Ovide moralisé. Livre I, édition critique par C. Baker, M. Besseyre, M. Cavagna, S. Cerrito, O. Collet, M. Gaggero, Y. Greub, J.-B. Guillaumin, M. Possamaï-Pérez, V. Rouchon Mouilleron, I. Salvo, Th. Städtler, R. Trachsler, 2 voll., Paris, Société des Anciens Textes, 2018.

Ovide moralisé. Livre I, édition critique par C. Baker, M. Besseyre, M. Cavagna, S. Cerrito, O. Collet, M. Gaggero, Y. Greub, J.-B. Guillaumin, M. Possamaï-Pérez, V. Rouchon Mouilleron, I. Salvo, Th. Städtler, R. Trachsler, 2 voll., Paris, Société des Anciens Textes, 2018.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ovide Moralisé, Livre I, éd. C. Baker, M. Besseyre, M. Cavagna, S. Cerrito, O. Collet, M. Gaggero, Y. Greub, J.-B. Guillaumin, M. Possamaï-Pérez, V. Rouchon Mouilleron, I. Salvo, Th. Städtler, R. Trachsler, Paris, SATF, 2018 (2 vol.)

Ovide Moralisé, Livre I, éd. C. Baker, M. Besseyre, M. Cavagna, S. Cerrito, O. Collet, M. Gaggero, Y. Greub, J.-B. Guillaumin, M. Possamaï-Pérez, V. Rouchon Mouilleron, I. Salvo, Th. Städtler, R. Trachsler, Paris, SATF, 2018 (2 vol.)

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Research paper thumbnail of L’Ombre de Joseph Bédier. Théorie et pratique éditoriales au XXe siècle, éd. C. Baker, M. Barbato, M. Cavagna et Y. Greub, Strasbourg, Éditions de Linguistique et de Philologie, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Jean de Vignay, Le Miroir Historial, Vol. I, Tome I, (livres I-IV), publié par Mattia Cavagna, Paris, SATF, 2017

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[Research paper thumbnail of La Vision de Tondale et ses version françaises (XIIIe-XVe siècles). Contribution à l’étude de la littérature visionnaire latine et française, Paris, Champion, 2017 [Nouvelle Bibliothèque du Moyen Âge, 118].](

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Research paper thumbnail of Le Miroir de Renart. Pour une redécouverte de Renart le Contrefait, Actes du colloque de Bruxelles (27-28 mai 2011), éd. C. Baker, M. Cavagna, A. Englebert, S. Menegaldo, Louvain-la-Neuve, Collection de l’Institut d’études médiévales, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Philology and Performing Arts: A Challenge, éd. M. Cavagna et C. Maeder, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2014

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[Research paper thumbnail of La Vision de Tondale. Les versions françaises de Jean de Vignay, David Aubert, Regnaud le Queux, Paris, Champion, 2008 [Classiques Français du Moyen Âge, 159]](

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Papers by Mattia Cavagna

Research paper thumbnail of La première traduction de la COMMEDIA en français. Une approche analytique et une hypothèse complotiste

NOUVELLEMENT TRADUIT. Dante in altre lingue romanze, éd. Claudio Gigante et Simone Ventura , 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Visão de Dryhthelm entre história, teologia e hermenêutica

Rónai – Revista de Estudos Clássicos e Tradutórios

O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir algumas das questões centrais acerca ... more O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir algumas das questões centrais acerca do chamado nascimento do Purgatório, em contexto medieval. Com base em diferentes tradições bíblicas (e.g. Ecl 9.10; Mc 9.47) e apócrifas (e.g. o “Apocalipse de Paulo”) relativas às representações do porvir, procura-se demonstrar que a concepção de uma paragem cujas penas seriam temporárias e individuais é rastreável na chamada Visão de Dryhthelm (Historia ecclesiastica gentis anglorum V.12), de autoria de Beda (c. 673 – 735). Além disso, acompanha o estudo introdutório uma tradução inédita da fonte primária citada, a partir da edição de Colgrave e Mynors (1969).

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Research paper thumbnail of Traduire, écrire et imprimer la science. Notes sur quelques manuscrits et imprimés encyclopédiques et scientifiques conservés à la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique (XIVe-XVIe siècles)

Speculum Arabicum. Intersecting Perspectives on Medieval Encyclopaedism, éd. G. de Callataÿ, M. Cavagna and B. Vand en Abeele, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of The Ovide moralisé between Verse and Prose, Text and Gloss, in Manuscript and Printed Form

Ovid in the Vernacular, éd. Gemma Pellissa Prades and Marta Balzi, Oxford , 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of A Visão de Dryhthelm entre história, teologia e hermenêutica

Rónai – Revista de Estudos Clássicos e Tradutórios , 2021

O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir algumas das questões centrais acerca ... more O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir algumas das questões centrais acerca do chamado nascimento do Purgatório, em contexto medieval. Com base em diferentes tradições bíblicas (e.g. Ecl 9.10; Mc 9.47) e apócrifas (e.g. o "Apocalipse de Paulo") relativas às representações do porvir, procura-se demonstrar que a concepção de uma paragem cujas penas seriam temporárias e individuais é rastreável na chamada Visão de Dryhthelm (Historia ecclesiastica gentis anglorum V.12), de autoria de Beda (c. 673-735). Além disso, acompanha o estudo introdutório uma tradução inédita da fonte primária citada, a partir da edição de Colgrave e Mynors (1969).

The present article aims to present and discuss some of the key ideas concerning the so-called birth of Purgatory in the Middle Ages. Based on two different traditions of representing the Other World – on the one hand, the biblical descriptions of Ecclesiastes 9.10 and Mark 9.47, for example; on the other, apocryphal accounts such as the Apocalypse of Paul –, we try to demonstrate that the conception of an otherworldly place of temporary and individual punishment can be traced to Bede’s Vision of Dryhthelm (Historia ecclesiastica gentis anglorum V.12). Furthermore, we provide a translation of the aforementioned text, based on the Latin edition by Colgrave & Mynors (1969).

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Le projet, qui se rattache au groupe de recherche international OEF (Ovide en français), témoigne... more Le projet, qui se rattache au groupe de recherche international OEF (Ovide en français), témoigne d’un changement de paradigme dans l’approche à l’Ovide moralisé. Alors qu’on a longuement raisonné selon une « perspective verticale », dans une logique qui opposait la fable ancienne, traduite du latin, à l’interprétation médiévale, rédigée en français, nous avons désormais adopté une « perspective horizontale », dans une logique qui, pour chacune des fables ovidiennes, s’efforce de rendre compte de la diversification et de la stratification des sources et des commentaires.


Presentation of the interdisciplinary project SPECULUM ARABICUM and the Proceedings of the Closin... more Presentation of the interdisciplinary project SPECULUM ARABICUM and the Proceedings of the Closing Conference : Intersecting perspectives on medieval encyclopaedism


Research paper thumbnail of Jean de Vignay, Le Miroir Historial, Vol. I, Tome II, (livres V-VIII), publié par Mattia Cavagna, Paris, SATF, 2024

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Research paper thumbnail of Augustus Through the Ages: Receptions, Readings and Appropriations of the Historical Figure of the First Roman Emperor

In 2014, numerous academic institutions and museums celebrated the bimillenium of the death of Au... more In 2014, numerous academic institutions and museums celebrated the bimillenium of the death of Augustus with colloquiums, exhibitions and publications. The life, the political deeds and the general historical context of the founder of the Roman Empire had not been honoured or discussed to such an extent since 1937-1938, when an exhibition, the Mostra Augustea della Romanità, celebrated the two-thousandth anniversary of the birth of the Emperor at the instigation of the Fascist regime. Yet the outcome of these scholarly reexaminations of Augustus and his era will not be complete if emphasis is not put on the long-term fame and fortune he enjoyed in the Western civilisation. This is why we as editors of the present volume organised an international conference taking place from 6 th-8 th November 2014 at the Royal Library of Belgium in Brussels in order to underline the enduring importance of Augustus throughout our recorded cultural history by adopting a multidisciplinary approach. Specialits of various fields-history, cultural history, literature, art history, etc.-brought together their skills and knowledges to retrace the multiple interpretations and appropriations of Augustus from his death to the present days. We are extremely grateful to the numerous colleagues from various countries who responded favourably to our call for papers and contributed towards shedding light on the most diverse aspects of Augustus' posthumous history. The book, as it was already the case for the conference, is divided into five sections that broadly follow the chronological sequence: Antiquity-Middle Ages-Early Modern and Modern period-the era of Totalitarianism-Contemporary history. Within these various sections, the objective was to establish a dialogue between disciplines ranging from history, philology and archaeology to history of architecture or popular culture studies. By so doing, we also tried to shed light on some aspects of Augustus' reception that are still less studied, for instance, the treatment of the first emperor's figure in the medieval literature or in the field of contemporary literature and popular culture. Given the thematic breadth of these numerous contributions, the publication of the proceedings took longer than expected, although the contributions generally refer to a bibliographic context that does not go much beyond 2016. The publication of the present volume required, in fact, a considerable amount of time, and the reasons behind this unfortunate delay are manifold, with none standing out above the others. It is well known that publications bringing together several authors, particularly when they belong to different domains,

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Research paper thumbnail of La leggenda di Fillide

Alpha Beta Verlag, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of 'Traire de latin et espondre'. Études sur la réception médiévale d’Ovide,

Paris, Garnier , 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Entre le cœur et le diaphragme. (D)écrire les émotions dans la littérature narrative et scientifique du Moyen Âge, éd. C. BAKER, M. CAVAGNA et G. CLESSE, Louvain-la Neuve, Publications de l’Institut d’études médiévales, 2018, p. 101-116 (Institut d’études médiévales. Textes, Études, Congrès, 30)

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Research paper thumbnail of Ovide moralisé. Livre I, édition critique par C. Baker, M. Besseyre, M. Cavagna, S. Cerrito, O. Collet, M. Gaggero, Y. Greub, J.-B. Guillaumin, M. Possamaï-Pérez, V. Rouchon Mouilleron, I. Salvo, Th. Städtler, R. Trachsler, 2 voll., Paris, Société des Anciens Textes, 2018.

Ovide moralisé. Livre I, édition critique par C. Baker, M. Besseyre, M. Cavagna, S. Cerrito, O. Collet, M. Gaggero, Y. Greub, J.-B. Guillaumin, M. Possamaï-Pérez, V. Rouchon Mouilleron, I. Salvo, Th. Städtler, R. Trachsler, 2 voll., Paris, Société des Anciens Textes, 2018.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ovide Moralisé, Livre I, éd. C. Baker, M. Besseyre, M. Cavagna, S. Cerrito, O. Collet, M. Gaggero, Y. Greub, J.-B. Guillaumin, M. Possamaï-Pérez, V. Rouchon Mouilleron, I. Salvo, Th. Städtler, R. Trachsler, Paris, SATF, 2018 (2 vol.)

Ovide Moralisé, Livre I, éd. C. Baker, M. Besseyre, M. Cavagna, S. Cerrito, O. Collet, M. Gaggero, Y. Greub, J.-B. Guillaumin, M. Possamaï-Pérez, V. Rouchon Mouilleron, I. Salvo, Th. Städtler, R. Trachsler, Paris, SATF, 2018 (2 vol.)

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Research paper thumbnail of L’Ombre de Joseph Bédier. Théorie et pratique éditoriales au XXe siècle, éd. C. Baker, M. Barbato, M. Cavagna et Y. Greub, Strasbourg, Éditions de Linguistique et de Philologie, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Jean de Vignay, Le Miroir Historial, Vol. I, Tome I, (livres I-IV), publié par Mattia Cavagna, Paris, SATF, 2017

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[Research paper thumbnail of La Vision de Tondale et ses version françaises (XIIIe-XVe siècles). Contribution à l’étude de la littérature visionnaire latine et française, Paris, Champion, 2017 [Nouvelle Bibliothèque du Moyen Âge, 118].](

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Research paper thumbnail of Le Miroir de Renart. Pour une redécouverte de Renart le Contrefait, Actes du colloque de Bruxelles (27-28 mai 2011), éd. C. Baker, M. Cavagna, A. Englebert, S. Menegaldo, Louvain-la-Neuve, Collection de l’Institut d’études médiévales, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Philology and Performing Arts: A Challenge, éd. M. Cavagna et C. Maeder, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2014

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[Research paper thumbnail of La Vision de Tondale. Les versions françaises de Jean de Vignay, David Aubert, Regnaud le Queux, Paris, Champion, 2008 [Classiques Français du Moyen Âge, 159]](

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Research paper thumbnail of La première traduction de la COMMEDIA en français. Une approche analytique et une hypothèse complotiste

NOUVELLEMENT TRADUIT. Dante in altre lingue romanze, éd. Claudio Gigante et Simone Ventura , 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Visão de Dryhthelm entre história, teologia e hermenêutica

Rónai – Revista de Estudos Clássicos e Tradutórios

O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir algumas das questões centrais acerca ... more O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir algumas das questões centrais acerca do chamado nascimento do Purgatório, em contexto medieval. Com base em diferentes tradições bíblicas (e.g. Ecl 9.10; Mc 9.47) e apócrifas (e.g. o “Apocalipse de Paulo”) relativas às representações do porvir, procura-se demonstrar que a concepção de uma paragem cujas penas seriam temporárias e individuais é rastreável na chamada Visão de Dryhthelm (Historia ecclesiastica gentis anglorum V.12), de autoria de Beda (c. 673 – 735). Além disso, acompanha o estudo introdutório uma tradução inédita da fonte primária citada, a partir da edição de Colgrave e Mynors (1969).

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Research paper thumbnail of Traduire, écrire et imprimer la science. Notes sur quelques manuscrits et imprimés encyclopédiques et scientifiques conservés à la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique (XIVe-XVIe siècles)

Speculum Arabicum. Intersecting Perspectives on Medieval Encyclopaedism, éd. G. de Callataÿ, M. Cavagna and B. Vand en Abeele, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of The Ovide moralisé between Verse and Prose, Text and Gloss, in Manuscript and Printed Form

Ovid in the Vernacular, éd. Gemma Pellissa Prades and Marta Balzi, Oxford , 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of A Visão de Dryhthelm entre história, teologia e hermenêutica

Rónai – Revista de Estudos Clássicos e Tradutórios , 2021

O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir algumas das questões centrais acerca ... more O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir algumas das questões centrais acerca do chamado nascimento do Purgatório, em contexto medieval. Com base em diferentes tradições bíblicas (e.g. Ecl 9.10; Mc 9.47) e apócrifas (e.g. o "Apocalipse de Paulo") relativas às representações do porvir, procura-se demonstrar que a concepção de uma paragem cujas penas seriam temporárias e individuais é rastreável na chamada Visão de Dryhthelm (Historia ecclesiastica gentis anglorum V.12), de autoria de Beda (c. 673-735). Além disso, acompanha o estudo introdutório uma tradução inédita da fonte primária citada, a partir da edição de Colgrave e Mynors (1969).

The present article aims to present and discuss some of the key ideas concerning the so-called birth of Purgatory in the Middle Ages. Based on two different traditions of representing the Other World – on the one hand, the biblical descriptions of Ecclesiastes 9.10 and Mark 9.47, for example; on the other, apocryphal accounts such as the Apocalypse of Paul –, we try to demonstrate that the conception of an otherworldly place of temporary and individual punishment can be traced to Bede’s Vision of Dryhthelm (Historia ecclesiastica gentis anglorum V.12). Furthermore, we provide a translation of the aforementioned text, based on the Latin edition by Colgrave & Mynors (1969).

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Research paper thumbnail of La légende d’Ami et Amile entre historiographie et épopée

La Matière épique dans l’Europe romane au Moyen Âge. Persistances et trajectoires, éd. A. Constantinidis et C. Mascitelli , 2020

L’étude examine plusieurs actualisations de la légende d’Ami et Amile, en latin et en français. L... more L’étude examine plusieurs actualisations de la légende d’Ami et Amile, en latin et en français. Les éléments les plus instables, voire incohérents, de la légende et de son prétendu ancrage historique permettent de formuler une série d’observations concernant ses origines et son attraction progressive au sein du chronotope carolingien et de l’univers épique.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ovide compilé, entre florilège et encyclopédie. Une approche analytique

Etudes sur la réception médiévale d'Ovide, éd. C. Baker, M. Cavagna, E. Guadagnini, avec la coll. de P. Otzenberger, Paris, Garnier , 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of « Scacchi amari: gioco e violenza nel Roman de Renart »,  Fillide 20 (2020)

The present article analyses an episode contained in branch XVII of the Roman de Renart in which ... more The present article analyses an episode contained in branch XVII of the Roman de Renart in which the fox and the wolf, whose antagonism is central to the whole narrative cycle, oppose each other in a game of chess. The wolf unexpectedly prevails over the fox, then celebrates his victory by nailing his opponent's testicles to the chessboard. In this episode, the reversal of expectations and narrative conventions is particularly striking and highlights important evolutions in the Reynardian tradition.

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Research paper thumbnail of "Un miroir de l’évolution du français: la transmission du Miroir historial du XIVe au XVIe siècles", in Rythmes d’évolution du français médiéval. Volume II, éd. Y. Boudes, Z. Geylikman, P. Lambert, A. Sanchez, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2019, p. 29-76

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Research paper thumbnail of « L’amicizia secondo Jean de Vignay, ovvero l’arte di tradurre – malino – Cicerone nel 1330 », in Fay ce que vouldras. Mélanges en l'honneur d'Alessandro Vitale-Brovarone, éd. M. Del Savio, P. A. Martina, G. Pastore, M. Rivoira, Paris, Garnier, 2018, p. 95-118

« L’amicizia secondo Jean de Vignay, ovvero l’arte di tradurre – malino – Cicerone nel 1330 », in Fay ce que vouldras. Mélanges en l'honneur d'Alessandro Vitale-Brovarone, éd. M. Del Savio, P. A. Martina, G. Pastore, M. Rivoira, Paris, Garnier, 2018, p. 95-118

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Research paper thumbnail of M. Cavagna et Th. Radomme, « La cavalcata scatologica e la f(r)eccia d'amore: Audigier, Ovidio e il Lai d'Aristote », Fillide  14 (2017),

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Research paper thumbnail of M. Cavagna et N. Hanot, « Entre compilation, traduction et élaboration littéraire : Regnaud le Queux et les sources du Baratre infernal (1480) », Nature et définition de la source, éd. M. Maulu, Neuville-sur-Saône, Chemins-de-traverse, 2016, p. 67-88

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Research paper thumbnail of La cosmologie du Livre des propriétés des choses en occitan, entre vers et prose, entre texte et image: une lecture de l’Elucidari de las proprietatz de totas res naturals et du Breviari d’Amor de Matfre Ermengaud, in Mélanges Zufferey, éd. S. Maffei Boillat et A. Corbellari, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of "Les Enfances Louis, le Charlemagne furieux ou la Chanson de la reine Sebile: notes sur la biographie poétique de Charlemagne à partir d'un fragment épique conservé à Bruxelles", Vox Romanica 74 (2015), pp. 99-123

The chanson de geste known as Chanson de la reine Sebile or Chanson de Macaire seems to have been... more The chanson de geste known as Chanson de la reine Sebile or Chanson de Macaire seems to have been widely known during the Middle Ages, as far as it can be judged from its indirect tradition and its translations. Nevertheless, except for some fragments dispersed in Switzerland, England and Belgium, the French version has been lost. The fragment kept in Brussels, at the Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, presents a very interesting episode, which gives, to some extent, the key to understanding of the whole geste. Starting with a very close analysis of the Belgian fragment, this article suggests a new reading of this little known geste and some new hypotheses about its origin, its inspiration and the way it reflects the 12th-century political context, in the reign of Philip II of France.

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Research paper thumbnail of « Aux origines de l’autobiographie poétique entre Italie et France : une lecture parallèle de la Vita Nova de Dante et du Voir Dit de Guillaume de Machaut », in: Etudes réunies en hommage à Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet, éd. S. Albert et alii, Paris, Champion, 2015, vol. II, p. 841-868

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Research paper thumbnail of "Histoire des sciences et sciences dans l'histoire. Notes sur le lexique scientifique dans les quatre premiers livres du Miroir historial", Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes, 27 (2014), p. 199-233

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Research paper thumbnail of "Jean de Vignay : actualités et perspectives. Introduction", Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes, 27 (2014), p.141-149

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Research paper thumbnail of « Variantes d’auteur in absentia ? La version révisée du Miroir historial, encyclopédie du XIVe siècle », Medioevo Romanzo, 38/1 (2014) p. 69-105

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Research paper thumbnail of « Virgile dans la corbeille et dans la tradition du savant amoureux humilié », Le Miroir de Renart. Etudes sur Renart le Contrefait, éd. C. Baker, M. Cavagna, A. Englebert, S. Menegaldo, Louvain-la-Neuve, Collection de l’Institut d’études médiévales, 2014, p. 117-138

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Research paper thumbnail of Mattia Cavagna, Costantino Maeder, "About Moving Texts: an Introduction to Philology and Performing Arts", in M. Cavagna - C. Maeder (eds), Philology and Performing Arts : A Challenge, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, 2014, p. 7-13

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Research paper thumbnail of Numéro 14 - Juin 2019 Institut des Civilisations, Arts et Lettres - Place Blaise Pascal 1 -1348 Louvain-la-Neuve INCAL Newsletter

Newsletter INCAL, 2019

La vie de l’Institut ; Bilan 2018-2019 ; Cycle de conférences CEMR ; Rétrospective Habiter le mon... more La vie de l’Institut ;
Bilan 2018-2019 ;
Cycle de conférences CEMR ;
Rétrospective Habiter le monde ;
Rétrospective Théâtre latin ;
Focus CERTA ;
Focus GRMF

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Research paper thumbnail of APPEL D'OFFRE – bourse doctorale

La section belge du groupe de recherche international « OEF » (Ovide en français) met au concours... more La section belge du groupe de recherche international « OEF » (Ovide en français) met au concours une bourse d'étude doctorale dans le cadre du projet de recherche « Genèse et réception de l'Ovide moralisé », financé par le FNRS. Promoteurs : Mattia Cavagna (Université catholique de Louvain) et Craig Baker (Université libre de Bruxelles)

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Research paper thumbnail of Pourquoi seul l’homme rit ? La topographie des émotions dans le Commentaire et les Questions sur le De animalibus d’Albert le Grand

Invitation au colloque Entre le cœur et le diaphragme. (D)écrire les émotions dans la littérature... more Invitation au colloque Entre le cœur et le diaphragme. (D)écrire les émotions dans la littérature narrative et scientifique du Moyen Âge, Université catholique de Louvain, 8-9 décembre 2016, org. M. Cavagna - Gr. Clesse

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Research paper thumbnail of APPEL D'OFFRE : deux contrats autour de l'Ovide moralisé

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Research paper thumbnail of APPEL D'OFFRE : deux bourses (doc et postdoc) sur l'Ovide moralisé

La section belge du groupe de recherche international « OEF » (Ovide en français) met au concours... more La section belge du groupe de recherche international « OEF » (Ovide en français) met au concours deux bourses d'étude dans le cadre du projet de recherche « Genèse et réception de l'Ovide moralisé », financé par le FNRS. Promoteurs : Mattia Cavagna (Université catholique de Louvain) et Craig Baker (Université Libre de Bruxelles).

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Research paper thumbnail of Augustus through the Ages. Receptions, readings and appropriations of the historical figure of the first Roman emperor

Conference organised by Marco Cavalieri & alii The scope of this conference was to assess more p... more Conference organised by Marco Cavalieri & alii
The scope of this conference was to assess more precisely the place of Augustus in the Western historical and cultural memory, from the Antiquity and the Middle Ages onwards. To this end, it could be interesting to highlight not only the presence, but also the absence of Augustus – or of some facets of this figure. Here are therefore some of the questions to which our conference brought answers: to what extent and for which reasons was the remembrance of Augustus relatively “discrete” in some cultural contexts? which features of his historical figure were highlighted or passed over in silence? and why?
24 scholars from 10 countries, specialists of fields of study as various as history, cultural history, literature, art history, semiotics, etc., brought together their skills and knowledge to give some answers to those questions – and to many others. During three days, the talks and discussions contributed to cast a new light on the multiple aspects of the posthumous portrait of the first emperor which was in permanent evolution and “re-creation” during two millennia.
Belgium, France, Italy, from the Netherlands and from the United Kingdom, from Germany, Austria, and Poland, from Finland, even from the Canada, talks about the most various aspects of Augustus’ posthumous history.

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Research paper thumbnail of CEMR - Calendrier des activités 2023-24

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Research paper thumbnail of Entre jeu, chevalerie et boucherie : variations autour du jeu d'échecs dans le Roman de Renart

Jeux et violence dans l'Occident médiéval (XII e-XV e siècles) , 2021

Journées d'étude organisées par Maxime Kamin et Pauline Otzenberger 2 décembre (13h30)-3 décembre... more Journées d'étude organisées par Maxime Kamin et Pauline Otzenberger 2 décembre (13h30)-3 décembre (9h30) UCLouvain, Salle du Conseil FIAL

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Research paper thumbnail of La première traduction de la ‘Commedia’  en français : perspectives féminines

« Nouvellement traduit ». Les oeuvres de Dante en traduction au fil de l'histoire. Journées d'étu... more « Nouvellement traduit ». Les oeuvres de Dante en traduction au fil de l'histoire. Journées d'études internationales. Université libre de Bruxelles, 18-19 Novembre 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Centre d'études sur le Moyen Âge et la Renaissance - calendrier des activités 2021-22

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Research paper thumbnail of Leggenda di Fillide - presentazione dei Quaderni di Fillide, con Giovanni Accardo e Matteo Facchin

Bolzano, Biblioteca Civica, 6 ottobre, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisi linguistiche di un testo in movimento: il Miroir historial (1330 ) attraverso le fasi di traduzione, copia e revisione

Università di Bolzano, 5/10/2021

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Research paper thumbnail of OVIDIUS LOVANIENSIS

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Research paper thumbnail of Centre d'études sur le Moyen Âge et la Renaissance - calendrier des activités 2019-20

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Research paper thumbnail of Actualité des études sur le Moyen Âge et la Renaissance en Belgique - cycle de conférences CEMR 2019-20

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Research paper thumbnail of Journée d'études "Représentations de l’espace et de l’altérité : perspectives historiques et interdisciplinaires", UCLouvain, 7 décembre 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Séminaire doctoral interuniversitaire : Les imprimés vernaculaires, ULB 14 décembre 2018 – La compilation et la question des genres littéraires, UCL, 3 mai 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of La Chine de Marco Polo: le miroir de la civilisation, colloque "Représentations croisées Europe/Chine", Université Fujen, Taipei, 24-25 octobre 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of PROGRAMME CEMR 2018-2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Il ‘Miroir historial’ tra compilazione, traduzione, revisione, critica testuale e storia della lingua, Seminario Filologico, Univesità di Torino (27.02.2018)

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Research paper thumbnail of Traduire, gloser et moraliser Ovide entre Moyen Âge et première modernité, UCL-ULB, 14-15 décembre 2017

by Mattia Cavagna, Alessandro Lagioia, Lisa Ciccone, Laura Endress, Craig Baker, Thibaut Radomme, Richard Trachsler, Marco Maggiore, Gemma Pellissa Prades, Irene Reginato, and Francesco Montorsi

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Research paper thumbnail of Programme CEMR 2017-18

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Research paper thumbnail of "Animal Ethics now and then" a workshop organized jointly by the Hoover Chair and the ARC Speculum Arabicum

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Research paper thumbnail of Bilan et perspectives des études sur les encyclopédies médiévales : Orient-Occident, le ciel, l’homme, le verbe, l’animal, 22-24 mai 2017, Louvain-la-Neuve et Cambron-Casteau

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Research paper thumbnail of Entre le coeur et le diaphragme (D)écrire les émotions dans la littérature narrative et scientifique du Moyen Âge, 8-9 décembre 2016, Louvain-la-Neuve

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Research paper thumbnail of Programme CEMR 2016-2017.pdf

Calendrier des activités 2016-2017 du CEMR (Centre d'étude sur le Moyen-Age et la Renaissance) de... more Calendrier des activités 2016-2017 du CEMR (Centre d'étude sur le Moyen-Age et la Renaissance) de l'UCL

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Research paper thumbnail of MOOC "Oriental Beliefs: Between Reason and Traditions", starting on 3 May, 2018

by Godefroid de Callatay, Dylan Esler, Jan Tavernier, Mattia Cavagna, Charles Doyen, Jean Lempire, PATARIDZE Tamara, Obhi Chatterjee, Moureau Sébastien, Giot Patricia, and Hubert Naets

Explore the spiritual and magical beliefs of cultures, from ancient Egypt to modern Japan, as we ... more Explore the spiritual and magical beliefs of cultures, from ancient Egypt to modern Japan, as we discuss gods, the universe, cosmos, dreams and so much more!

Join our enthusiastic team of more than 20 teachers from Université Catholique de Louvain in an exciting journey, starting on May 3, 2018, thanks to our self-paced MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) «Oriental Beliefs: Between Reason and Traditions».

It is informative, funny and completely free. And there are absolutely no pre-requisites, except your own enthusiasm and sense of curiosity!

Enroll on edX:

Have you seen our social media yet?

That’s the place where you can get a sneak preview of all what you’ll be discovering through our MOOC «Oriental Beliefs: Between Reason and Traditions »!



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Research paper thumbnail of Oriental Beliefs, MOOC at GLOR, UCL

by Dylan Esler, Godefroid de Callatay, Marianne Michel, Kanako GOTO, Jan Tavernier, Mattia Cavagna, Grégory Clesse, Charles Doyen, Gaétan du Roy, Johanne Garny, Jean Lempire, PATARIDZE Tamara, and Perrine Pilette

MOOC "Oriental Beliefs: Between Reason and Traditions", to start on 4 October 2016 You’re passio... more MOOC "Oriental Beliefs: Between Reason and Traditions", to start on 4 October 2016

You’re passionate about Oriental cultures, past and present? You’re fascinated by myths, beliefs and mysteries? If so, join our enthusiastic team of more than 20 experts in an exciting 8-week journey, starting on 4 October 2016, thanks to our MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) «Oriental Beliefs: Between Reason and Traditions». It is informative, it is fun and it is completely free. Enroll on EdX platform:

About this course
This course takes a journey through the world of beliefs as they have developed in a great variety of cultures, ranging from Ancient Egypt, the Near East to Central Asia, India, China, and the Far East. We will discuss where these beliefs, theories and practices originated from, how they were passed on over the ages and why some are still so central to large communities of believers across the world today, whether it be amongst Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists or Shintoists.
We'll be dealing with everything from gods and spirits, to angels and demons, to afterlife and the netherworld, as well as the great cycles of the universe and the tremendous power of lunar and solar eclipses. The interpretation of dreams and all sorts of magic and miraculous deeds will also be covered during this course.
Students will have the opportunity to travel extensively in time and space. The comparative, critical and contextualized approach of this course will allow for a valuable and thought-provoking experience.
We are a course team of about twenty-five specialists working at, or in close interaction with, the Department of Greek, Latin and Oriental Studies (GLOR) at the University of Louvain. We are all historians or philologists, all passionate about our respective fields of expertise, and all fully determined to help you as much as we can as we progress through this course. Most of all, we're looking forward to "meeting" you and to having lively discussions with you on the forums.
If you're curious about the cultures of this world, past and present, this course is definitely for you. Put your wings on and get ready to ride on our “GLOR-ious” dragon and to enjoy the whole adventure with us!
Join us also on Facebook

Have you seen our Facebook page yet? That’s the place where you can get a sneak peak of all what you’ll be discovering through our MOOC «Oriental Beliefs: Between Reason and Traditions »! Take a step into this marvelous scientific trip around Japan, India, Egypt, China, Mesopotamia and many more… and you’ll encounter an impressive number of angels, demons and fabulous tales along the way!

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Research paper thumbnail of Entre le coeur et le diaphragme. (D)écrire les émotions dans la littérature narrative et scientifique du Moyen Âge - Louvain-la-Neuve, 8-9 /12/2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Call for papers / appel à communications: colloque international "Corps hybrides aux frontières de l'humain au Moyen Âge" (Louvain-la-Neuve, 19-20 Avril 2018)

Deadline: December 31, 2017 Accepted languages are English and French

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Research paper thumbnail of Les imprimés vernaculaires (ULB, 14.12.18) & La compilation et la question des genres littéraires (UCL, 3.5.2019). Séminaire interuniversitaire (UCL, ULB, ULG, ICLS branche belge)

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Research paper thumbnail of CfP "Philologie et critique littéraire dans l’approche du texte médiéval" (CUSO, U. de Fribourg, 18 mars 2021)

Journée de formation doctorale : Conférences de Jean-Yves Tilliette (UNIGE - AIBL), Fanny Maillet... more Journée de formation doctorale : Conférences de Jean-Yves Tilliette (UNIGE - AIBL), Fanny Maillet (UZH) et Mattia Cavagna (UCLouvain), suivies d'un Atelier doctoral.

Date limite de réponse : 14 février 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of David Aubert, Guerin le Loherain

Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes. …, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Denis Hüe et Silvère Menegaldo (dir.), Les Chemins de la Queste. Études sur La Queste del Saint Graal

Cahiers de recherches médiévales. Journal of …, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Anders Bengtsson (éd.), La Vie de sainte Geneviève. Cinq versions en prose des XIVe et XVe siècles

Cahiers de recherches médiévales. Journal of …, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Sophie Longuet, Couleurs, foudre et lumière chez Dante

Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes. …, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Donald Maddox, Fictions of Identity in Medieval France

Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes. …, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Chantal Connochie-Bourgne (dir.), La Chevelure dans la littérature et l'art du Moyen Âge

Cahiers de recherches médiévales. Journal of …, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Myriam White-Le Goff, Changer le monde. Réécritures d'une légende. Le Purgatoire de saint Patrick

Cahiers de recherches médiévales. Journal of …, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Caroline Cazanave (dir.), L'Épique médiéval et le mélange des genres

Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes. …, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Pierre Nobel (éd.), La Bible d'Acre. Genèse et Exode

Cahiers de recherches médiévales. Journal of …, 2008

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Research paper thumbnail of Claire Kappler, Roger Grozelier (dir.), L’Inspiration. Le Souffle créateur dans les arts, littératures et mystiques du Moyen Âge européen et proche-oriental

Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes

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Research paper thumbnail of Francis Gingras, Érotisme et merveilles dans le récit français des XIIe et XIIIe siècles

Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes

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Research paper thumbnail of Chrétien de Troyes (?), Guillaume d’Angleterre, Publication, traduction, présentation et notes par Christine Ferlampin-Acher

Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes

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Research paper thumbnail of Marc-André Wagner, Le Cheval dans les croyances germaniques. Paganisme, christianisme et traditions

Cahiers de recherches médiévales. Journal of …, 2008

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